Is dobby still alive?
He doesnt harm anyone leave him alone
i love comics where the author self insert is easily winning an argument against a retarded straw man
He raped me
>Son of Dob
*teleports out*
Nintendo has no games
he harms a lot of communities with his retarded shit
The Wii killed video games.
He hurts himself every single day. His existence is suffering.
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This nigga Dobson bought a Wii U lmao
reminder that he hates Link, Samus and Peach's hair being blonde because he is reminded of a kid who would constantly bully him in school
>Link in the last panel
Yeah... I'm thinking Tom's based
I just don't even understand what he's trying to get at with the original comic. He acknowledges himself that these depictions come fro licences American cartoons and admonishes Japan for not "localizing" them. Did he seriously expect every Nintendo game out of Japan to be re-localized with new dialogue and graphics so that the characters would match the models that fucking DiC animation came up with? That's the only thing I can fathom.
>calm thine tits
>The CDI games were horrible abominations from hell
Hotel Mario wasn't that bad, it was pretty fun honestly and the cutscenes were "so bad it's good" funny. The zelda games were hot garbage, though.
>Dobson and Moviebob are both self-proclaimed feminists who hate the male gaze and sexuality and support strong independent womyn
>both of them support metroid: other M, which reduces Samus to a crying child in lingerie that needs a man to rescue her
Please, someone explain this to me. Why?
I don't know shit about Moviebob, but Dobson is an idiot who supports Feminism for brownie points when he obviously doesn't really understand any of the actual theory behind it. And I say this as someone who Yea Forums would probably label an SJW
I forget, where did moviebob say that
They're contrarians.
I have absolutely no problem with SJWs, I have every problem with virtue signalling self proclaimed SJWs that make it their entire identity.
Well yeah no one really needs to do anything to him.
with a 12 meg pipe
They're both stupid and resentful
>hotel Mario wasn't that bad
>entire scope of gameplay is going up and down elevators closing doors
This right here. Imagine being an honest to God feminist this day and age when you have feminazis calling for Male castration days and people like Dobson in your playing field. Must be hell.
>feminazis calling for Male castration days
Literally doesn't exist except for false flag right wingers pretending to be feminists and with no grasp of subtlety
The only people who unironically identify as feminists these days are utterly insane.
And? It was still a fun game in the same vain as the Mario Bros arcade game. Saying it's even close to being as bad as the Zelda games is ridiculous
I agree with this comic. The PS3 might have been 5x stronger than the Wii, but it took until 2009 for it to get any games.
>implying the american made mario cartoon is an accurate representation of mario and peach
>implying cartoon mario wasn't italian
>implying peach never got kidnapped in the cartoon
also, what the FUCK is his problem with link's hair
Someone post dobsons latest work, I wanna be unimpressed
>opening doors and ascended/descending elevators is fun
Shit nigga do you go wild at real hotels?
>implying the console the blonde doofus is playing could not be fun
>implying the Wii is always fun
>implying wigglan gimmick is fun
It's more fun that it looks like, try actually playing the game, user.
>implying the whole wii's library was shit
>implying the wii was nothing but waggle controls
>using the mascot of the incident that ruined this site as a whole
I jaja'd