ITT: make indie game characters

use this template for inspiration

Attached: indie.png (1742x594, 211K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nigel Farage.

/k/ waifu coming up

Attached: Paige.png (450x363, 4K)

she's a ghost detective

Attached: indie shit2.png (588x1110, 81K)

Attached: indie protag.png (558x568, 8K)

based and wholesomepilled

i don't remember slugcat looking that sexy

Attached: 1557736074664.gif (450x350, 23K)

I call him Sam

Attached: indie.png (480x480, 3K)

Attached: omori.png (400x400, 67K)

pretty good
fat and slimy

Attached: 1555621425078.jpg (1200x899, 591K)

Don't mind me, I just like this thread and want to bump it. Please continue where you were!

Attached: AnAwkwardMaid.png (2146x2036, 511K)

how can she do any detecting without a magnifying glass?

Attached: file.png (432x427, 6K)

Attached: Untitled.png (330x482, 5K)

Attached: box.png (489x460, 3K)

this poor soul can transform into a myriad of frightening forms

he's actually a really nice guy though

Attached: horror lad.png (750x409, 17K)


Attached: PlatformBoy.png (512x512, 43K)

Reminds me of Super Mega

Attached: 123.gif (750x528, 13K)

please be male

o.c do not steal

Attached: oc.png (671x492, 8K)

OP asked for Slug Cat and Baba but this is clearly Undertale.

Attached: wu.png (957x802, 11K)

also he transforms into a demon.
but he dont like it

Attached: oc2.png (671x492, 8K)

But characters are simply gameplay tools. No reason to design one.

OP/guy who drew that here

You can do whatever the fuck you want in this thread as long as it's black and white, I don't mind.

damn that's deep 10/10 perfect story made me cry

You crack me up little buddy.

god im such a lame horndog i saw the thighs and got horny

Hir name is Wan Lightfire the nonbinary gay homo dog

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 7K)

forgot to add queer and pansexual

Why would that matter?

Attached: file.png (442x512, 7K)

It's about representation.

Attached: super_indie.png (979x600, 7K)

thicc dudes are cute

hollow knight: original recognizable character
baba: cute minimalist character
the others: cringe furfag lookalikes

Should have been a WebM

Dats a good qwestion

Wasn't expecting edits, these are pretty good.


Please dont go there.

god DAMNIT please dont do this to me
i WILL NOT let my horny level control me

Attached: 1553310147618.jpg (967x636, 134K)

no context

Attached: Zitt.png (1423x762, 73K)

hi scattle

>not posting the updated version

Attached: 1557079819223.png (1024x1000, 316K)

is it a prince or princess?

Okay, I'll stop for you.

Toby doesn't work user, he's not a protagonist. Replace him with pic related

Attached: header.jpg (460x215, 31K)

Tem iz main karacter? wow!!!


how simple can one go?

Attached: simplest.png (1002x657, 9K)

no keep going

Attached: sticc.png (422x422, 2K)

Sure, I'll try.

Attached: a thing and its snek friend.png (767x737, 101K)

I really like this one, why is it so underrated?

Looks like a Pokemon evo family

It's not monochrome :^)

Attached: kiko.png (462x499, 14K)

Attached: indie rats.png (900x422, 20K)


Attached: 1546841201420.jpg (567x567, 53K)

too much detail and musculature, our animation budget can't afford it.

haha wowie what if you had them both at once

Here you go boss. Just don't show it to our backers until the final trailer.

Attached: simple'd.png (600x600, 3K)


hot white tier

Shit, this reminded me of something. No joke, I had an idea for a game once and this was like the exact character design I had in my head. This had to have been like at least 5-6 years ago.

You were supposed to be like a little ghost dude exploring ancient ruins or some shit.
I still haven't actually made a single game.

Attached: indie hit.png (289x332, 4K)

Lucario is that you?

how do I draw

Attached: file.png (147x270, 13K)

this was actually quite fun

Attached: evil crocodog.png (675x337, 34K)

Bretty gud

because everything I make is

Attached: 1558191818733.png (3404x2048, 1.01M)

Attached: indie protag.png (349x492, 4K)

please spend 500$ in my kickstarter for me to draw with 2 more colors

Attached: abovetale 2.png (558x594, 6K)

posting one from a game dev thread from a few years ago

Attached: 1427141921703.png (1088x1044, 144K)

here's my character, Dool aid man.

Attached: file.png (441x380, 25K)

what is it with indie games and depressed black & white animals ?

Attached: b&w dog thing indie.png (558x594, 4K)

>characters cherrypicked from 10 years of games
>not all of these are even MC's

How ya been Eishi?

A disproportionate amount of them are basically brand new and literally only Toby isn't an MC.

now we're talkin

>blocks your path

Attached: rick.png (672x344, 185K)

Attached: 1547279505413.png (1533x1876, 62K)


holy gfffuck iim retarded

Attached: 1558176749915.png (960x1506, 158K)

why did he stab himself in the neck with that bat?

Bumpan with OC, it came out more like a generic mob but I like it enough.

Attached: boney.png (558x736, 12K)

bump so I can post in 10 min before thread gets archived

>10 min
ill bump for you so this actually happens

Please Lord forgive me

Attached: gay.png (359x359, 2K)

oh hey this threads back again

Attached: indiegogo.png (406x491, 6K)

Attached: Dnh7g-wUcAAnfzN.jpg (567x376, 26K)

>13 minutes ago

Attached: 1535549481851.jpg (349x305, 22K)

I give up, I can't draw, how the fuck do drawfags do this
I had an idea and I drew the head but then I just realised that I can't draw bodies
sorry to disappoint anons

Attached: indienigger.png (800x600, 7K)

>tfw someone said they liked your design in one of these previous threads and was going to draw it but never did

first of all, stop relying on the shape tools, second, stop relying on shape tools

if it works it works

it clearly isn't for you

Attached: 1556959458822.png (800x600, 17K)

bro use your tablet

Attached: 00_1.jpg (1280x1819, 33K)

Give proper link plz Im mobile and horny.

dumb phoneposter

this triggers the undertard.

No shit now gimme a term or a link I gotta CUM.

Replies are not upvotes. Yea Forums doesn't have a ratings system. Go back.

its ok user

Attached: indiebasketballamerican.png (377x379, 11K)

I love Wuppo

why are they blushing



You draw this user?


this thread is mine now



Attached: indie character.png (701x504, 31K)

looks like we're dead jim

Attached: torch badger.png (490x600, 12K)

too many colors user. remember that your kickstarter has only recieved 50k- i mean, that you work alone on this game !

Fuck, I wish i knew how to draw

it's called an image board for a reason, user

we're infested with redditors what do you expect

Get that basic bitch out of here

Attached: Genie_Portrait.png (300x243, 61K)

Meanie im a mobilefag

I cant post images

>no boxboy,pong,and boxgirl

dumb phoneposter


stop posting cp then

Bees are cool

Attached: bee friend.png (954x579, 16K)

Make shit "character" "designs" only furries and manchildren could enjoy: the thread

That is almost the entire point, ya dunce.

tell your cousins to stop posting cp then
also stop being an insecure faggot and putting everything in spoilers

you really don't understand anything do you

how do you know?

10/10 would b-b-b-b-bumble

Just because your art got 0 replies doesn't mean you have to get pissy.

Mushroom mushroom

you magnificent bastard

Overdesigned and in layers of gun polish bimbo.

Attached: ezgif-4-dc5972836ed4.gif (600x602, 241K)

Attached: mallet.png (184x191, 3K)

Attached: IMG_0549.jpg (600x480, 90K)


Finally a chad wuppo poster

Gotta have some red in there.

Attached: i don't know if that's her eye or her mouth.png (208x221, 2K)

Attached: lildude.jpg (258x229, 11K)

why both user?

Attached: 4chan_mouthNeye_heroine_chan.png (207x220, 3K)


Attached: 1537925202637.gif (550x484, 188K)