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it doesn't matter if he lost, he even said as much. What matters is determination and never quiting, that's what matters in the yakuza game. In the end he was the last one standing, hell kiryu even admired him at the end

>First subquest in K2
How do I learn all this shit?

>tfw Kuze inspired me to go to the gym
It's never too late to get back in the game

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It's not hard but in Kiwami 2 it's not very rewarding either, even if you enjoy richii mahjong.
AFAIK the only substory with a required win is in a scenario where you pretty much can't win without a cheat item. (you start several thousand points down and near the end of the game)

>tfw the Japanese mafia are better sports in getting their ass kicked than most of our burger athletes

I just finished the Yakuza Sunset sidequest

what was wrong with Yakuza 3?

Mahjong is a very fun game to play, however that particular scenario requires you to be competent at the game to beat even with a bit of luck. The base rule is get 4 threes and one pair, however your hand must also have one yaku, as such it is not advised to steal other people's tiles unless it a dragon tile or your seat's/round's wind. There's also the dora and ura-dora which you have to keep in mind.
As such, since that quest is hard, there is a peerless tile the floor just below the ones where the quests takes place (it's in an office). This tile will give you an extremely rare hand at the beggining and you can insta win the quest.

If you are intrigued by the game, try reading the rules a bit and play a few rounds. I also can't recommend enough Fukumoto's (FKMT) works, the dude is obviously obsessed with Mahjong and has a few great works, even unrelated with the game. His most famous one is Akagi, which had a good anime adaptation (although it abruptly ends, you can pick the manga right after that).

Hope this is all a bit clearer now.

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Thanks (and yes I'm trying to learn regardless of the quest but damn it's hard)

Time to go to the Mahjong Soul threads, bud.

I'm playing the "PC route" and the combat gets less fun with each game

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Butthurt yakuza fans will now call you a 0 baby and try to justify dumbing down the combat in K2 with excuses like "muh engine".

I thought it was partially the writer change between Yakuza 2 and onward and partially a reference to the Battles Without Honor & Humanity since "Fukatsu" sounds suspiciously similar to Fukasaku known for his gritty action.

>Mahjong Soul
Is it good I just googled and it's a browser game?

There is a cheat item for mahjong. Lets you instantly win that substory.

I found 0's combat shallow, Kiwami's a little bit better and K2 way better right now.

Man Kiryu really let himself go.

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It's an anime-styled browser game. It's pretty much normal Riichi Mahjong but with bits of visual cues so beginners won't feel lost. I think it's good.

Probably the best english richii mahjong client that's popular today imo, some minor gacha BS aside.
East-only games leads to more quick (& often retarded) plays, East & South is the more common form of the game.

Kuryo Gasuma

>Butthurt yakuza fans

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Sounds perfect for me, I'll play it, ty

They're all shallow but style switching at least let you mix up what moves you used. I'm genuinely curious though, in what way is Kiwami 2 any better than 0 and 1? In what way is Kiwami good? Once you get the tiger drop that becomes the solution to everything in Kiwami.

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why did they axe kaori in the sequels? I kinda liked her

I dunno about him but Kiwami 2 feels more fleshed out in content compared to Kiwami 1.
Still feel Zero is the better game out of the three though.

A tip: Open Yaku list on another tab while you play so it's easier to learn and form hands.

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>That first fight when he takes his shirt off and he’s actually ripped

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Oh content in general sure but I was talking about combat itself. I have seen people say they like the combat more than Kiwami and 0 and I just cannot understand that when it's so much more repetitive. Like I said none of them have much depth or challenge to the combat but 0 and Kiwami at least let you change your move-set so that you were using different attacks making it less repetitive. Sure it's cool the first few times you throw a guy through a window but it eventually gets old and there isn't much else to K2's combat that isn't in 0 or K1.

What are the rewards for clan creator in k2? And when do I learn extreme heat? I just met yuki

>yakuza threads when game came out on pc
I'm glad the trolling died out and yakuza threads became comfy again

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Easy hands to go for:
Dragons/Round Wind/Seat Wind.
All Simples (Tanyao).
Half outside/Full outside (Chanta).
All triplets (Toitoi)
Half-flush. (Honitsu)
Full-flush (Chinitsu).

Once you have the rules down you should read this: dainachiba.github.io/RiichiBooks/

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When is Yakuza 3 to 5 coming out in the west bros? Can't wait to grind their platinums again (and actually own a hard copy of 5)

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Style switching in 0 barely worked in my opinion. You had to stop completely in order to switch, and as everyone know the Beast styles were OP anyway and you could just mash to win everything
Kiwami let's you switch style instantly after/during some actions, just this is a big improvement. You can still spam attacks and be done with fighting though.
In K2 just the fact that enemies who block you actually end your quick attack strings change everything and makes the combat feel much less boring to me. Also the heat actions just flow better with the combat, and the retarded ragdoll makes Kiryu feel stronger in general. And not having the beast style means no turning my brain off as Kiryu automatically grab a huge bike and slaughter everyone in one swing. I only just started though

Force AA in your drivers

You get an ultimate mode where kiryu autograbs stuff off the ground. It's actually annoying as fuck if i walk near a knife or other small shit. Charge attacks also have some hyper armor so you can somewhat unga your way to victory/

I missed the cabaret club so much bros. They better bring it back for the next game.

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>What are the rewards for clan creator in k2?
Amusing story scenes (including Masahiro Chono going "goddam!") and a trivial amount of money compared to what you put into upgrading your defense points. The final missions net you like 5 mil which is less than a single 3-minute Cabaret minigame gets you by the time you're finished with that.
Also one of your abilities should be a repair one, even with the paid DLC the last story mission is near impossible without using the repair character (I had Florist of Sai, dunno if the regular non-DLC repair characters are as good, his rocket launcher attacks also helped out a bit).

I'll be sure to never get that skill

Yakuza threads are shit now, everyone keeps pointing out flaws or saying what they personally dislike about the games. It has killed all discussion.

Do you have an RSS feed or something for this? Genuinely curious. Also, why?

It's from the story and needs a full heat bar(meaning it costs more if you upgrade the bar more). The one iffy thing about just not using it is that some heat moves are locked to the mode. In yakuza 6, this is much worse because there are fewer heat moves outside of extreme heat. This also makes me realize reception toward's 6's combat might be worse when it gets ported to PC since its 100% a step down to K2.

I miss the old days

this thread seems pretty fine to me user, are you >462649045 ?

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Currently playing Kiwami 1. Have not played any Yakuza game ever because they looked corny as fuck. Turns out the game is amazing. Who knew

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Why would anyone need an RSS feed to find Yakuza threads? It's pretty easy to sit on Yea Forums all day every single day and read every post in every Yakuza thread, isn't it?

When the Orange bastard is going to release a Karaoke Spin-off?
I have been waiting on it since Y3

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I suppose, but you would have to be the most utterly pathetic person on earth and have literally no life of any kind. Certainly no friends, and definitely autism.

I have to admit, this kind of applies to me, but I feel it's important that someone be here to warn others not to reply to posts critical of Yakuza. If I wasn't here they might end up agreeing with some of the points raised.

That actually sounds interesting now

for me, it's Erina

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Yo that photoshoot minigame in K2.
How did SNOY allow this?

>actual pornstars

Blame Yakuza 6 user

That just mean people actually care.


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>Style switching in 0 barely worked in my opinion. You had to stop completely in order to switch, and as everyone know the Beast styles were OP anyway and you could just mash to win everything
>Kiwami let's you switch style instantly after/during some actions, just this is a big improvement. You can still spam attacks and be done with fighting though.
I agree. They were improving it and then just abandoned it. Though I heard they reintroduced it in Judge Eyes, I'm hoping it's got the improvements from Kiwami.
>And not having the beast style means no turning my brain off as Kiryu automatically grab a huge bike and slaughter everyone in one swing. I only just started though
See that's where we differ in opinion, the combat feels just as brain dead to me. It's still a game where you can win by just mashing.

How dare people have opinions. Everyone should just mindlessly praise your favorite game.


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irasshaimase okyakusama

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Anons, isn't heartbreak mermaid basically this song or am I imagining things?


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It's Disco Queen, also would bang that yellow pussy.

You can win it without a cheat item you just need to win the first two hands. The problem is that you need something like a Mangan at the very least at some point.

Coliseum is quite a slog. If I'd known about the perfect match multiplier in endless rout, it would have gone a lot faster

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Can Kiryu say the n word?

Akiyama can but only in a non-canon entry of the series.

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what multiplier

Of course. youtu.be/RzPMkMlA2r0?t=29

theres a multiplier tied to how many perfect matches you get (matches where you don't take damage)

Real estate is dog shit.

Go to the 2nd floor and search for the item which let's you insta win

Can everyone stop saying what they dislike about the games, please? These threads are bad enough without you shitposters.

t. poorfag

thread theme


I have a very successful cabaret.
Real estate is just boring.


you will definitely enjoy 0 or kiwami 2 more user. kiwami 1 is a butchered version of 0 in terms of combat

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>the silent hill composer is better at the dragon style than komaki

If the April Fool's video doesn't end up in Shin I will be very surprised.

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god, can't wait for 7

I konw it's an april fools

I'm not sure about the new guy

>More Virtua Cop
Thank you Sega

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>Randomly looking for Karaoke songs from Yakuza games since I can't wait for more ports
>find today is a diamond from 6
>oh a happy song?
>find out the lyrics
This isn't as happy as I thought, is it?

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Just play Mahjong Nii-san you'll have fun in hell

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protip: you can still change the rules into doing a full han chan instead of just the east round (and can add in red 5s for extra potential doras).
best bet to do it without cheats is to go for big hands early since worst case scenario you'll just have to restart and staying ahead with quick hands

Alright I'll ask

What's jobbing

>Decide to go for 100% completion in Kiwami 2
>Shit that should actually matter for completion (Bouncer Missions, etc.) don't count
>Shit like Mahjong and Shogi is mandatory and you have to complete everything
God I just want to strangle the shithead who keeps putting fucking Mahjong in these games, it SUCKS

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>Shit that should actually matter for completion (Bouncer Missions, etc.) don't count
You need to do the Bouncer Missions because otherwise you can't get all abilities and several equips like the War God Talisman.

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Wrestling term, refers to when a wrestler that is well known and well-established as a good fighter loses a match against someone new and unproven to show how good the new guy is, therefore "doing their job" by losing on purpose

It's been corrupted to the point that any character losing ever is now a jobber but that's what the original meaning is

Thanks for the spoonfeed user.

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Then I really look forward to both because I'm loving 1. Which should come next, 0 or 2?

Since you're playing K1 as a first you should have started with 0 because K1 iterates and references 0 multiple times. K2 also does it with the Majima Saga but that's an optional thing and Four Shine which is also optional so it's really up to you how you want to go about this since you can just follow along and then play 0 after 5 if you feel like it, or you can play 0 now and then can get some closure for some things in K2. K1's substories related to 0 (Like PCF and Munan Chohept) are not canon to the later games.

Really, this is truly up to you how you want to tackle it, you can play 0 but you'll sort of get reverse characterization (Meaning you already know what happens to Nishiki and they're going to build him up again, this is how someone who was following the series originally would experience it anyway), or you can play K2 but it might spoil a few things here and there when it comes to 0.

Isn't it digital version only?

You can import a physical of 5 for PS3 from Japan, that's what he means. He's the dude with 300 hours in it I think.

frankly it doesn't bother me, half way through these games you're already insanely overpowered, using rush style is meant to gimp yourself and nothing more
at least the ragdolls in k2 are hilarious

>y0 in 2017
>kiwami 2 in 2018
>fist of the north star in 2018
it needs to fuck off for a bit out west, this shit is fucking stupid after the first time

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"should" isn't really the term, but it's more about what you'd want. if you want more of kiwami 1, then 0 is perfect. honestly I'd say just go 1 > 0 > 2 at this point. it'd be too jarring to go straight to kiwami 2 because of the engine change.

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Anyone know of a good comprehensive guide for mahjong?

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>le wrestling term

I'm totally down for playing a goofball voiced by based nishiki

holding L2 stops him from grabbing shit.
it also stops you from using heat actions so it's good if you're trying to normally attack someone as opposed to just using a heat action.

any games you don't like replaying in this series?
for me it's probably 3, 0, and kiwami.

hit up these boys for some literature >>/jp/21279013
but ultimately best way to learn is to play a shitload of mahjong

How are you expecting me to not believe Kiryu never killed anyone after all of those heat moves

Fuck that. I lost it when he came back on a motorcycle in the sewers.

Have sex

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>that build-up
fucking chills

how does this silly series have so many kino moments?

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He was a great character to keep pushing Kiryu. I wished the focused more on Kiryu than Memejima in 0, because we found out enough about his past in 4 and 5.

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My only beef so far is that his backstory is carbon copy of Kiryu's.

Many thanks user

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>Boss enemy acts like he's a hotshot badass
>You brutally kick the shit out of him with no effort, nearly killing him
>He keeps coming back, acting like he's a real tough guy each time

Holy fuck I hate when games do this. If I've wiped the floor with your ass 5 times, don't keep talking shit about how you're going to kill me before our next fight starts. You're not intimidating.

>People keep discussing aspects of the game, this has killed discussion

Ok fag

cause when you let go of being sensible, that's when the crazy shit starts happening

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Whys hey bring back the chair guys in K2 but not the heat action that countered them?
They've had that heat action since 3, yet they forget about it now.

Will Y6 be ported to PC?

>implying you didn't eat shit a handful of times to Kuze 1, 2 and 5

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Probably after 3-5 get ported.

I agree with this actually. Kiryu's backstory was fucking weak as hell. I hated that he could just beat up rooms of people right off the bat with no explanation to how he or even Majoma aqquired this skill.

fuck i actually love the cabaret girls this time around, Kiara, Shoko and Kana are so fuckable, on the same note, why was Kiryu never allowed to have kids, the police girl compleatly dissapears after this game, why do they make Kiryu suffer so much?


What? I really didn't. Are you being serious? Or did you not play on the normal difficulty? Kuze was never hard at all when I played on the standard difficulty.

not the same guy but Kuze 1 was raping me in normal so i moved to hard so i could at least say
>its on hard so it makes sense
and i beat him on my second try, Kuze 2, the one with the crowbar was weird he wasnt hard but he kept kicking me down with the weird grab he had, he was just spaming as i was standing up

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He was never a challenge. Nothing in this game is because the chemist is open to you very early on. Menu-healing is easily the series' biggest flaw. There needs to be an energy drink button at the very least. Pausehealing ruins the flow of combat it makes what is already a piss easy series even dumber.