Is Ghost Trick the game of the decade?

Is Ghost Trick the game of the decade?

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Missile is the best videogame character ever created fuck you

It is but reddit-tier plebs will still say Dark Souls.

Unironically yes.
Ghost Trick is this shit.

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Yes but don't tell anyone

Yeah, and the equal best DS game alongside TWEWY

>when you replay the game and notice all of the foreshadowing you missed
God this game is fucking great.

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The best part is when you can start using Missile's powers, swapping similar shaped objects is interesting, especially when pared with Sissel, who can turn objects to make them the same 2 dimensional profile.

Fucking yes, this game was pure kino from start to finish. It's sad that it fell into obscurity instead of being widely hailed as a masterpiece like it deserves.

Because it's a handheld game made by a Japanese dev. It literally had no shot of getting the recognition it deserved.

I think it is.

Sue me but I think I like Sekiro more than Dark Souls.

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It really was one of the best. The rube goldberg puzzle design is really fun. The story has just enough mystery and endearing characters to keep you hooked all the way till the end as well.

give example I know one being that sissel doesn't really understand the use for a lot of human mechanisms

Ace Attorney and Danganronpa made it just fine and I'd argue those games are less accessible than Ghost Trick. The issue was with Capcom's marketing.

Maybe not game of the decade but it's Shu Takumi's magnum opus for sure.

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there's a part where he mentions he enjoys high spaces and chasing mice, if i recall

i truly loved the story and characters. one of the few media that dose time travel right.

Sissel gets a weird level of enjoyment out of attacking mice a few times over the course of the game.

Ace Attorney barely gets the recognition it deserves either. The series want digitally-only in the West, it's niche as fuck.

Sissel can't read and a very easy to miss one: it's possible to hot missile with a cabinet door in the first level he's in, and Sissel will say that he couldn't help himself and that he enjoyed doing that.

*blocks your path*

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It was popular when the original DS was popular. Now both the DS and 3DS have fallen out of flavor so naturally the games are overlooked.

>literally everyone in near-agreement
Reminder retards will still say Yea Forums doesn't have secretly good tastes.

also it didn't actually sell that well in the west due to rampant DS piracy, flashcards were extremely easy to come by

Im really surprised it has no mobile rerelease.

I miss Sissel, bros.
Also, this game has the most based dog and the most based cat at the same fucking time. What the fuck.

It does?

Oh, had no idea, nice.

It does. I played through it on an iPad.

I don't think I've ever come across a person who played Ghost Trick and didn't enjoy it. It's a game that everyone universally loves.

>was gonna buy it years ago
>Not on android

As far as I can remember it was fun, there were few flaws here and there in gameplay, I didn't like how linear it was and generally easy. Story-wise if I well remember there were few characters that had shit tier development and generally in a middle of the game You were hyped about them way more than anything else.

If it would have non-linear approach to gameplay, giving you a few ways to actually finish the sequences, maybe even routes that can lead to different endings and different sequences to see would make this game easily game of the decade though.

we never got to know the assasin's full plan, who they were etc etc that was its only flaw in my eyes

There's room for them to expand on this plot point in a sequel, but unfortunately it will never happen.

This. It was intentionally left a bit open but it just did not get the sales. Maybe one day.

The animations are charming. Presentation is good across the board. The puzzles are almost entirely fluff though (prison escape sequence aside). They exist purely as an excuse for the elaborate Rube Goldberg-esque animations. If it were an outright visual novel not much would have been lost.

10/10 game. I love a lot of games, but it's the only one I can seriously say that it deserve a 10 even if it's not my favorite game.

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My nigga.

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Musical score is fucking spot on, the plot is batshit crazy and interesting enough to provide motivation to keep playing on its own, the puzzles are fun and usually not immediately obvious so you get those 'aha' moments frequently, and they did a good job with the localisation/writing. The art is also charming and the animation is absurdly good even if it is rotoscoped from 3d models.

What would a hypothetical sequel be like?

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I haven't played ghost trick, but my hipster gotd is rain world.

that reminds me

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me fucking Lynne and Kamila in the butt

I miss the days of the DS and edits like these.

The narrative is absolutely superb, but it's still a game that you'll get the most enjoyment out of on your first playthrough.

This is a title that has been reappearing over the years, what's so good about it?

Isn't it the best game of the previous decade ? Time passes guys.

Have a copypasta I made.
>legitimately heartfelt story with likable characters that grow and develop, to the point that even the side characters have their own development
>heavily vocalized OST that enhances the setting of the world and covers a large variety of genres
>soundtrack shuffles as you either exit out of the pause menu, go to another area sometimes, or go into a random battle
>you can change your own pause menu to anyone of your favorite tracks
>you can change the difficulty at anytime and if you suck at the game, it allows you to put your partner in auto until you git gud
>if you die in a battle, you can retry again on your current difficulty or lower it to easy
>you can lower your own health for increased item drops for an awesome risk-vs-reward factor
>you can choose when to fight at anytime with almost no random encounters outside of story related battles and later ambushes
>after you beat the game, you can access any chapter in the main story at anytime you want and unlock bonus content that fleshes the world even more. You can also change your partner whenever and can take on a whole slew of extra bosses hidden within the chapters, even the ones that kicked your ass before
>battle system that takes full advantage of the DS’ hardware in incredibly creative and fun ways
>you can mix and match your gameplay style in anyway you want, whether it’d be close corner combat, long ranged attacks, or a mixture of both.
Legitimately one of my favorite games of all time.

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takumi is pretty based


TWEWY, Ghost Trick, 999, and Elite Beat Agents are some of the best games on the DS.


Can I just play Elite Beat Agents on PC?


Have another MS Paint edit.

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Wouldn't know. Yea Forums spoiled it for me in a random, unrelated thread so I never bought it.

It’s a rhythm game that used the touch screen so I’m not sure how that would work. Only experience was with the DS.

Game of the Century in my books

You should play it on an emulator now. I got spoiled by Yea Forums, played it and was still pleasantly surprised.



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>Is Ghost Trick the game of the decade?

It's not that good. WAY too much expository text, 99% of your time playing is spent clicking through dialogue. The remaining 1% consist of simplistic puzzles that don't really take full advantage of the game's central mechanic.

As for the story itself, I guess you might enjoy it if you're into anime. I don't, and I thought the plot twist was mindboggingly stupid.

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Fucking based, Crashmo was absolutely fantastic.

I tried playing that for the first time earlier today and couldn't get into it.

Top 5 for me.

no you fuck he's yomiel

It's an honorary visual novel and to that point it can't be a good game. It is a fantastic visual novel though!

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What could Sissel do in the past to prevent the death of the Western World?

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user, you NEED expository text if you're trying to hide the fact that the character you play as is just a fucking cat and what fucking cat can read?

Redpill me on Crashmo. Pushmo was fine and the sequels looked like the exact same thing.

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>you can mix and match your gameplay style in anyway you want, whether it’d be close corner combat, long ranged attacks, or a mixture of both.
So like basically every RPG or almost every action game ever made? You're seriously using this as a selling point of the game?

Heck, it's not even accurate, since TWEWY combat takes place in small arenas, unlike other games, where you can have have long ranged attacks that target the enemy from very far away

>legitimately heartfelt story with likable characters that grow and develop, to the point that even the side characters have their own development
It's a cookie cutter shonen-tier story about a misanthropic edgy teen learning about the power of friendship. The writing is cliched, trite and predictable.

Most of the things you listed aren't even selling points, they're just neutral things like being able to toggle difficulty.

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I fucking hate TWEWY combat so much and the majority of your points relate to it

If I loved Danganronpa and Ace Attorney, will this game be enjoyable?

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>you neeed lots of clunky exposition to cover up your shitty plot twist
Yeah, that's what I said. Thanks for further proving my point.

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It's made by the same guy who did Ace Attorney so if you liked the storytelling in those games you'll love Ghost Trick, maybe even more.


It's Shu Takumi's best game, of course you fucking idiot go play it.

It's a story based game man. What the fuck do you expect? I'm not really understanding your anime connection either because this isn't written like a basic anime story.

It's very hard to get into, but once it clicks it's absolutely incredible. The sad part is it's just never going to click for a lot of people. It's intentionally obscure and difficult in ways most just won't enjoy to build its tension and sense of accomplishment. I see it called unfair and tedious a lot and I won't say they're wrong, but I think too many quit before they have a grasp of the mechanics or a sense of purpose beyond flopping around the starting zone and getting eaten over and over.

Ghost Trick is certainly the game I'd pick if given a "what game do you wish you could play for the first time again."

Ghost Trick is the greatest game created by the Ace Attorney creator so yes.

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Is there porn of her and missile? Or do I have to do everything around this fucking internet?
He was a cunt lying to you ab ok u the 2-day limit.

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I'll probably go back to it, I see enough praise for it to believe that it's warranted, but right now I just don't really get it, it seems like all you do is go get food and then hibernate. I imagine the more interesting parts of it open up as you explore more though,so maybe I should just be focusing on that.

Honestly? Maybe. There's been a lot of really good shit this decade but Ghost Trick might be better than the rest.

kamilia looks like she'd have a perfect butthole

Both of you come across as huge faggots, but I’ll take this apart bit by bit
>So like basically every RPG or almost every action game ever made? You're seriously using this as a selling point of the game?
Not many RPGs give you the option to just slam an enemy into another enemy using nothing but Telekinesis while blowing into the goddamn DS mic to slam them into the ground using tornadoes and what not.
>Heck, it's not even accurate, since TWEWY combat takes place in small arenas, unlike other games, where you can have have long ranged attacks that target the enemy from very far away
Ah yes, because Shockwave and Lightning Rook are totally the same thing. And Taboo Sho won’t teleport the instant you touch him with the stylus unless you used ranged atta- oh, wait.
>It's a cookie cutter shonen-tier story about a misanthropic edgy teen learning about the power of friendship. The writing is cliched, trite and predictable.
So, you were able to predict Beat joining the Reapers or the fact that nobody was actually able to be brought back thanks to the Composer being gone? Or the fact that Kitaniji was actually playing his own Game with the Composer?
Wow, you must be a fucking genius, user.
Did you even play TWEWY?
Also, name one game that allows you to level up your attacks just by not playing the game.

This game and the rest of the Ace Attorney series (all same developer) are all VN games with puzzle elements as a side element.

Fuck off, WRPGfag.

This isn’t entirely related to the thread, but I see some people talking about the game here so, what would be the best way to play TWEWY? I heard the switch port was garbage so I’m debating upon just emulating it or finding a physical copy somewhere? Which would be the best way to play it?

Just get the DS version. The gameplay won’t truly shine until you’ve played it on its original format and it backs up the themes of the game incredibly well.

Play it on a DS. Either get a physical copy or just get a flashcart.

Flashcarts are like $15, there's literally no excuse.

Pushmo is pretty good, Crashmo is fucking godlike, it's like going from Metroid to Super Metroid

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Don't emulate it whatever you do. I haven't played the Switch port myself so I don't know how it is, but it doesn't seem like the kind of game that would translate well to emulation.

Would you guys want a Ghost Trick sequel with the same gameplay format or something to expand upon it? If so, how?

Ok, I just bought a cart for around $12. It’s finally time to see if this game is worth all the praise (and I hope it is)

It's good, but don't get your hopes too high. Just take it for what it is.

Just take note that the combat can take some getting used to at first but the game also allows you to circumvent this by putting your partner on auto until you git gud as well as other features to help out as well. Have fun, Neku!

>tfw no Ghost Trick/Ace Attorney crossover

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look at this phone/switch player who can't enjoy nds's combat

How come Switch doesn't have tailor-made third party games like DS and PSP? Too expensive?

I'd take more of the same. I imagine they'd add a new gimmick ghost power like Missile.

Aside from Ghost Trick my favorite game stories of the 2010s are:
>999/VLR (But not ZTD)
>Danganronpa 2 (not the other ones but DR1 is unfortunately required to appreciate DR2)

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What’s wrong with ZTD? Haven’t played that one.

No special gimmicks that only work on Switch, why bother making an exclusive when you can make more dosh from a multi-plat?

I haven't played any games on that series, but based on the threads I saw being posted when the game came out it has something to do with a man with red glasses having "complex motives."

ZTD was supposed to be the conclusion to the Zero Escape trilogy, and it kinda is, but it leaves stuff unsolved and some plot points are rather dumb
it's still enjoyable, mind you, but the first 2 games' stories were way better, at least ZTD is a goldmine for memes


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My friend gave me his copy of TWEWY but I'm afraid it will wreck my 3DS touchscreen the way EBA did to my DS. Is this a potential issue and should I find one of my old DSs to play on, or can I use my 3DS and not worry?

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It's a fucking disaster. It ignores most of the buildup from the last ending of VLR. Uchikoshi wrote that off with "Oh, uh, the last scene of VLR wasn't canon" which was bullshit.

The "cinematic" view compared to the other games is really lacking. The extremely experimental storytelling technique does not work well. Junpei is an edgelord and such bad English voice acting that I actually switched to Japanese specifically for his team's sequences. Akane is ruined. "Left" does not come up again and is not relevant. Brother is ruined. Clover, Alice, and Kyle do not appear. Santa does not appear. Uchikoshi sets up another cliffhanger but this one isn't compelling whatsoever.

It's still a fine game. But it's not on the same level as the last two. It's NOT as bad as Danganronpa 3.

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TWEWY can get pretty hectic on the touchscreen action so it might be best to get one of your old DSs.

>plot twist im actually a cat lolz
Fuck off with this garbage game and dated mechanics.

999 came out in America in 2010 so I count it.

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I was going to say that TWEWY isn't that intense that you'd wreck the touchscreen, but you destroyed yours playing EBA, so... I guess you probably unconsciously put a lot of weight on your stylus, and that's probably hard to get rid of

I guess it's still worth destroying the touch screen anyways, it IS TWEWY after all

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Get a screen protector maybe?

TWEWY is arguably not as much of a screen killer as EBA but it does control almost entirely with the touch screen.

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ZTD derail time?
ZTD derail time.

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Panthera Cantus practically almost ruined my touch screen but it was oh so worth it to take him down.

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dark souls is blatantly bettter

>The power to mindfuck
>You were born a SHITTER
That video is a treasure

Wait to prove his point.

odd girl

I agree

me too

Bloodborne is better than Dark Souls anyway.

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`>Both of you come across as huge faggots, but I’ll take this apart bit by bit

>anyone that disagrees with me and rightfully points out the flaws of a game is a faggot
Really now?

>Not many RPGs give you the option to just slam an enemy into another enemy using nothing but Telekinesis while blowing into the goddamn DS mic to slam them into the ground using tornadoes and what not.

Are you 5 years old? Because that's what you sound like.

You seriously think no RPG has abilities that knock enemies around? First you praise the game for something as basic as having long-range attacks as if that's somehow unique, even though TWEWY long-range attacks are incredibly short range compared to other games? And now this silly argument?

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>rightfully points out the flaws of a game
>nitpicking about incredibly exaggerated flaws is rightfully pointing out flaws
Yeah, again, point out any other games that do that kind of shit, liking launching foes into the air with ice spikes while setting up chains to keep them there. All the while you whale on enemies on the top screen with Gay Jesus summoning beams of holy light
>even though TWEWY long-range attacks are incredibly short range compared to other games?
Wow, it’s almost as if TWEWY is a DS game and this complaint comes across as incredibly nitpicky. Especially when certain enemies will be rendered immune to short and/or long ranged attacks, requiring you to mix it up.

It's definitely great. I don't know about game of the decade, but definitely great. It's also one of the best DS games, which is saying a lot because the DS is an elder god-tier system.

>tfw ZTD is never discussed any more
I'm still seething.

No it's mobile-tier shit that Yea Forums only like because it is Japanese. If a Western indie dev made the same game, people here would be calling it numale and onions

Or maybe because it’s a good game.

Just check the archive circa 2016.

>If a Western indie dev made the same game, people here would be calling it numale and onions
this is true but irrelevant to the quality of the game

A western indie dev wouldn't be able of making a game as good.

over the course of like 6 months I S ranked all of EBA.

Have you tried not playing like a spaz?

>it's been 3 years

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At least Uchioshi has something new this year, hope Ai turns out well.


my guess is that if he does a self-contained 1 game, it'll work out well

999 is great if you pretend the other 2 games don't exist, it's mostly self-contained with a few teasers for a possible sequel

VLR is great as a set-up tool, it's good and all, but it set so much shit up and hype that fell short that I can't really recommend it, and I don't need to comment on ZTD

Reminder that he did it because that's what doggies do.

Yea Forums shills western indie shit on a daily basis, who are you trying to fool?
and there's 0% chance of a western indie dev ever making a game like ghost trick. they're incapable of making anything other than metroid/castlevania ripoffs, mother ripoffs, sonic ripoffs, or banjo ripoffs.

Reminder that he did it because YOU MURDERED HIM. ALL OF YOU

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Yea Forums's taste is hipsterish and contrarian. Of course it collectively busts a nut over cult gems like Ghost Trick.

The autistic way I play works so it's hard to want to change it, switching consoles is easier. I didn't have any real trouble with EBA, it just scratched my DSphat's screen up because I liked it too much

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What the fuck

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Reminder that IRL Missile is dead
but it's ok, he can't wait to meet you someday, a day long into the future

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Never forget.

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He was the goodest boy of them all.

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>Takumi thinks Missile waited for him to get back to Japan to say goodbye.
Because that's what doggies do!
Has there ever been a good boy as good as Missile?

Not even close.

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>this thread
you guys are alright

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i come on Yea Forums like once a year since I stopped playing video games a while ago and it's nice to see that 999 and Ghost Trick and Hotel Dusk are still cult favorites around here


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>Game so ripe with sequel/spin-offs potential
>Never happens
Ghost Trick is one weird game where I am both incredibly sad it is how it is and incredibly glad too. It doesn't overstay its welcome and leaves you wanting more, but also feels just right too, it's insanely satisfying.

Personally, I would definitely like a game set in the same universe with same rules but different cast of characters, I think a game where you actually play as people who solve Ghost related crimes with the (very arbitrary) set of rules in Ghost Trick.

The board unironically has good tastes generally

What the fuck.

The whole Missile time travel thing was pretty unnecessary desu

Its impossible to not like Ghost Trick

Its as close to perfection as a video game can be. Yes it has some flaws in the later convoluted puzzles but its otherwise perfect.

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Why is the Switch port garbage? Is the additional story even passable?

DS was the console of the decade.
Can't think of another system with ad many solid ezcluaives as DS.

Decade started in 2011, retard. There was no 0 AD

Wonky motion controls and Neku dies again to get sent back into the Reaper’s Game.

Why dont more games do this 2d mocap magic?

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Is the iOS port good? How does it compare to the original on DS?


No. it's garbage liked by subhumans

Because it was not mocapped. They manually rotoscoped every frame of every animation.

Good enough. It's not like the DS gimmicks were really used, and the iOS version is HD.

I haven't played the DS edition but the iOS port worked completely fine for me. You may have to restart your device after a few hours if you use it for other things though because the memory pull can start to make the game kind of glitch out after a while. Otherwise it's perfect.

One of the few games I had played more than twice and plan to keep doing so, us criminal how unknown it is.

No u.

Why can't God into programming?

Post god tier tracks.

Fucking obligatory. This scene was tension turned 200% and it was fucking glorious.

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At this point you should just dump the entire OST.

There's also him saying he'd prefer a black coat over a white one like Cabanela's.

Also a bit more subtle where he always calls everyone by their full titles like "Detective Jowd" and "Inspector Cabanela" because he doesn't understand they're just titles and not part of their names.

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>when Yomiel sees you doing a Ghost Trick, stops everything and looks at the screen
Not gonna lie, that was eerie as shit the first time I had it happen

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>5 second long record scratch
Absolutely based
This is a close runner up
Reminder that there are no more hardware constrained handhelds that force devs to make amazing games like this anymore.

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>This is a close runner up

forgot link
that's some shit tier taste you have there, faggot

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Anyone who thinks TWEWY is on the same level as unironic masterpieces, like Ghost Trick, is the one with shit taste.

>we’ll never get another game like TWEWY or Ghost Trick
Fuck this gay Earth.

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>actually hating on TWEWY

>second spoiler
Damn good catch user, never thought about it that way
The one i really noticed on playthrough #2 was when the submarine flips over and Sissel remarks that it "just reared up on its hind legs," which sounds weird and almost out of the blue except in hindsight

Everyone else also turns to face the screen when talking directly to Sissel, it's just not as noticeable as Yomiel doing it because of how impactful of a scene the latter is

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You know, I've been thinking about this for a while but could Ghost Trick be considered the "entry level niche" game?

A bit of a contradiction but I feel that it was one of those games that never really made it big despite where it came from (AA dev, Capcom, DS exclusive) and it's just now getting all the recognition for being good by people who actually play games in their spare time and telling other about it who may not play games that much and probably state that it's an "underrated gem" while describing it. I imagine a lot of the people in this thread only played Ghost Trick because everyone on Yea Forums talked about it a lot, over finding out about it themselves.

Perhaps I'm just acting angry over nothing, because I knew about it years ago and only in the past few years are people FINALLY beginning to notice how great the game truly is, it also feels like people think it's a game that's super underrated but in reality it's actually quite well known as a "niche" game. Although, I'm probably making assumptions about nothing and more or less just annoyed at how long it took for people to really play this game.

Not trying to rag on the game or anything. I fucking love it. I found out about it when Capcom showed it off back in 2010 and was hyped for it for the whole year. I initially thought it was going to be an ace attorney case based game where you would try and stop murders of people in a different case (since phantom detective didn't really make me think of anything but a detective solving crimes) and work out who the killer was and stuff, but I wasn't sad when it turned out I was wrong.

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I've started the game this morning and while being already in the fifth phone line (1h into?) it haven't clicked with me yet.

Please explain from where derives the appeal of it. And does the gameplay become more interesting than what I've already seen?

Keep playing it before you get spoiled you fool.

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gameplay isnt the main focus, but yes it does get more interesting. the main appeals are the writing and presentation. get out before you get spoiled.