
Are Lasombra getting in? Are Malkavians?

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Malkavians, yes. Lasombra, no.

>you will never play as the Oberloch bloodline
Why bros


They have already confirmed classic Camarilla clans only. No Sabbat or independent or rare bloodlines. It's just gonna be Ventrue, Gangrel, Tremere, Nosferatu, Toreador, Brujah, and Malkavian. And we don't even know if Malkavian is a playable option (which I hope it isn't).

he's in

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>they have already confirmed

Gangrel haven't been Camarilla as a clan for a long time man. I also doubt they would choose a tower or an abandoned building as placeholder images for Gangrel either.

No to each

Is this fan fic?

>ywn play as a Giovanni wop yelling "AYE WATSAMATTA WITH YOU!" while waving hand gestures at an ugly Nossy while fucking your sister.


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Lasombra are discount Ventrue, don't bother

its in the v5 book - so yea its pretty much fanfic tier.

Felt ill by just reading that.

Ayy Tone, get a loada this neonate. Madone what a lick

>Comparing bishops and crusaders to happpy merchants


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Just when I thought I was out
They embrace me back in

ayy woah wiseguy you tryna get pinched by da masquerade or somethin? fuggedaboutit!

I was reading the Thaumaturgy page on the white wolf wiki and it's much more than blood magic, it also has dream magic and other cool shit, any chance we will get other paths in the game?

Not really. There's a reason WoD magic shit doesn't get vidya attention.

Leave the gun. Take the blood packs.

All will be day one DLC don't worry

Malkavians seems like a given consider how popular they were in Bloodlines 1


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why will we be playing as a thinblood in this one? arent thinbloods the faggy homos living under the santa monica pier?

v5 and bloodlines 2 were developed alongside each other :^)

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cause that's how the story starts

don't really see why you're posting this trash art when the animated teasers and models on the website and the screenshots show otherwise

I would be genuinely surprised if malks weren't in. We've practically become a fishmalk society.

Why would Lasombra be in? They're the leaders of the Sabbat. Unless you're playing a Sabbat storyline, there's no way they'd include them as playable. The starting premise of the game, as it is, would tell you that.

You are really hoping for Rudi to be in game for the shit posting aren't you?

A bunch of Lasombra defected to the Camarilla in the current timeline.

How come? Some of them is very basic but others very cool,



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What prevented them from setting the game in another time period? Like in the 80s, for example.

Where are you getting these outfit pics?

Miamifag is in full force shilling his shit tonight it seems


Lasombra are a Camarilla clan in V5 and Sabbat are effectively written out of the game.

>Lasombra are a Camarilla clan
if that's what you want to call it


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this nigga has me fuming right now reading the v5 gangrel intro desu.

Let me play Devil's advocate for a moment.
>The starting premise of the game, as it is, would tell you that.
What we know is, there's a mass Embrace committed as an act of vampiric terror. That screams "Sabbat", to me. It's conceivable that we get sired by a 13th gen Lasombra and the mechanism by which we gain full clandom is some Mitsoda OC donut steel about increasing blood potency.
The real reason Lasomba will never be playable, even post-release, is that they wouldn't be able to make Obtenebration intredasting without designing the entire game around it. Just fucking look at Tremere.


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>fights for human rights
humans should be put in factories and harvested for their blood

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>humans should be put in factories and harvested for their bloo
try to do that and see what happens


Modern game companies are shitters and arent willing to rewrite an entires game dialogue for just 1 clan so we wont be getting Malk. Or we will be getting Malk but it will have the same dialogue as everyone else with a few special options throughout the game. If they fuck up Malk im going to go Nos. Nos are second best boys.

Based Succubusclubposters

Threadly reminder that all low clans need to recognize the clan of Kings as their master.

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Get me the stake.


Why is Andrei so memorable?

Smells like someone's got a full diaper.

i bet he wrote this himself, what an absolute buzzkill

Threadly reminder that all clans, even the Clan of Kings, is dead in the water without their moles.

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He's a shitposter and also related to the most infuriating level in the game

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Maybe they wanted vamps to have smart phones.

Because he is a based Sabbat Wallachian BVLL that mogs normalfag vampires with his Chad Necronomicon face

Almost all the major characters you meet are really memorable

Gary is my favorite.

Shoo, shoo go back to hiding in your sewers.

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With thinbloods being prominently featured in the game and following the most recent version of the setting, it makes the most sense just to go with modern times.

Just how butthurt will /v be when it turns out the game is making fun of Trump?

It's a sequel.

I am, this is a computer dipshit.

Early to late 00s also would've worked. Flip phones and shit.

Ventrue wuz knights n shiet, lasombra were just priests.

I mean the last one made fun of the Bush Administration a good amount.
A game with a lot of anarchy vs control themes is a good place to make fun of current politics.

Should've set it in 2077 and make a Cyberpunk crossover

so brujah changed from gangbanger brutes into sissy boy fags?

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Modern times suck...

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this is awful.

Do dhampirs (half vampires) exist in the world of darkness setting?
or would that just be thinbloods?

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IIRc, thinbloods capable of giving birth produce "revenants", but I am a lorelet so don't ask me what that means.

>get into the second city as tremere and feel utterly bored playing them
>reroll malk and suddenly the game vastly improves in every way
>voices in my head keep talking about cranberry sauce and dried human in an oven
why the fuck is this clan so much better than the others

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>posting Bloodrayne in 2019
Patrician taste

unofficial patch
or UP+?

Yes, they can exist.
They're roughly between ghouls and thinbloods as far as their capabilities go if I remember right


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Tremere's are for women and faggots.

>even including totally vanilla as an option
Unofficial patch, if it's your first playthrough.

Vanilla UP if it's your first time.

>People actually think Malk won't be in
I bet you're the same retards who thought Smash Ultimate wasn't going to have a new Pokemon rep.

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unofficial patch basic is vanilla but with most of the bugs fixed
the plus patch adds a shit load of stuff, like cut quests, cut dialogue, extra area's on the map or buildings you can enter.

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malks will be in the game, it just won't be a lol random fish malk like in bloodlines.
got to be sensistive about mental illness these days

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i'd love for a hd remake for pc or ps4 of bloodrayne 1 and 2

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>p-please paradox, please, masters, please give me my reddit dialogue, please

>got to be sensistive about mental illness these days
brujah are already in

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>fishmalk is too hard to understand :(
>pls make the dialogue more easy

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hahaha nigger stop watching rick and morty

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First time playing.
Picked Tremere. I'm rushing thaumaturgy. Is that a bad idea? Lacroix has sent me to the boat and I'm like 4 points away from getting the ability to blow people up.
I feel like it should take longer for a character to max this shit up or, again, maybe i'm fucking myself over in the long run.

Dhampirs are babies conceived by thinbloods and they still can use disciplines but their bloodpool is magic instead of holding vampiric blood

At first I hated him but now I realize that being a rudite is the patrician choice.
Shine on you Rudi diamond.

isnt, at least youre be free to put the points wherever you want

well its from the source material the game is based on lmao

v5 corebook :^)

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can you post the tremere art?

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jesus fucking christ

Chitown RPG when

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when you sell your soul

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Not for nothing, but vamps must take a really long time to get dressed.

That entire Gangrel section is a fucking travesty. "We don't bow to no Prince! Now prove your worth to Not Prince™ Rudi." What the fuck faggots.

Damn the v5 designs are atrocious. I think I have seen nothing that screams ""failed fashion designer" more.

Do you guys like the new main theme?

>tfw Toreador with Malk bf

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why do the female one's actualy have a nature or native american vibe. yet the male one's are the typical faggot outfit

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That's Kevin Jackson's new design right?

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Unironically, low key sexism. They think the mystical is still feminine.

bottom right is almost passable, rest is horrific.

yeah that's all i can really think about
that tremere chick on the end with the fucking pentagram chains tied to her weird thong/belt/suspenders/whatever the fuck it is.

Looks like what fat Seattle hipsters imagine themselves to be.

It's like they just took the average fat Seattle hipster, made them skinny, and called them a character. Trash design.

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Ready for next week?

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Yes. Yes I am.

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So, Dominate is their main discipline, what's the second? Fortitude? Wouldn't that make Ventrue more exclusive than the others?

As someone who's mentally ill and also has a schizophrenic brother and bipolar relatives I think we should get malks in all their glory

Also anyone who thinks malls were JUST fishnalks didn't play the whole game. You're either a funrandom word salad poet or a psychotic American psycho serial killer. Malls have the best play style, also their abilities are the best for an all around even build for both guns melee and stealth.

did your mental illness turn you into a faggot phoneposter ?

Back in your cage, you dumb Sabbat cannon-fodder.

Best clan

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>ywn have vampire roleplaying sex with your tiny nerdy Polish pixie girl

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I got Vidya playing in a toaster and I can't afford to have any internet tabs open on that. And my other laptop is skyping your mom, so sadly I had to phonepost with one hand.

>Schyeah.....nice night out, huh?

How does Yea Forums respond?

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Depends on the final Clan. If it's Malk's and they don't house-rule Dementation back in as their signature discipline, then yes. If it's Nossies then the only overlap will be between Toreador and Brujah. Same for Gangrel. If Lasombra get in that's a whole different can of worms.

Thinbloods are 14th generation kindred who have thinner vitae. They can survive in the sun and eat normal food but also have the thirst and have to deal with the Beast. They are seen as a sign of Gehenna and the final nights, so most kindred shun them or just flat out kill them on sight. They are considered lower than caitif.

They can't survive in the sun, just take half damage under it. They don't also have to deal with the beast the same way as they don't frenzy at all, unless another kindred uses some supernatural means on the thinblood to trigger a frenzy.

These lads should do the soundtrack for the new game.

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>Lasombra in the Camarilla
>No Sabbat
Fuck that I'll stick with 3.5 or V20 thanks. And before you ask what I mean by 3.5 is the heavily modified version of third edition the troupe I played in for ten years came up with over that time. We reworked the entire damage system, added fully fleshed out player created clans, new disciplines and combo disciplines, story and setting progression, also my entire rework of Clan Giovanni. Hell I out in so much material I could have organized it into a new clanbook, including my Las Vegas by Night chronicle where the Giovanni control Las Vegas. We reorganized the Tremere clan as well, eradicated the Sabbat Tremere and killed Goratrix.

Just ... back off

Based Sabbat Cainite.

Why wouldn't you make fun of him? He's a fucking idiot.

Toreador ummm yeaaa

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They do but they are short lived and like have all the weaknesses and very few of the benefits. It's the worst thing you could end up as in WoD.

Tremere are terrifying. You must have never played the pen and paper tabletop. Fucking vidya babies.

this is the gayest thing I've read all day

Tremere are the best clan. You have never played the tabletop.

Get your smash bullshit out of this thread. No one cares about your shit fan fic button masher.

Thaumaturgy is the greatest benefit the Tremere has.

Not buying until the Playable Werewolf DLC

In real VtM Ventrue get Dominate, Fortitude, and Presence in clan.

venture > toredore

It always pisses me off when new players to the tabletop try to play a Malkavian. Their only exposure to it is Bloodlines 1 and they think that's how all of them are. Their derangement is not necessarily word salad bullshit. I always explained playing the derangement as a filter that the character has. Everything they experience passes through that filter before they process it and everything they say or do also passes through that filter. It's doesn't have to be word salad style schizo it can be something as simple as the character having persecution complex, or OCD, or even eating GI Joe's as a compulsive behavior. That's a Malkavian and it's impossible to put into a video game and don't right. That's why I hope the Malkavian clan isn't a playable option.

Ventrue - Dominate/Fortitude
Nosferatu - Obfuscate/Animalism

Did they put dominate back in as their in clan in V5 or something? Fuck me

I hope we get a clan that's more rare

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In the old edition I played they could survive in the sun for a while but not forever. Especially if they have a dot in Fortitude.

How does their insight work in tabletop user? How do you provide them info?
There's no dementation discipline in V5, malks get dominate with dementation power.

You obviously don't know shit about the Tremere.

You shouldn't be so prejudice to new players. Let them play out their desired character and let them develop a better imagination, because down the line they can get more creative and move on from the generic stereotype characters.

and this must be the second gayest thing I've read all day

As a player character they generally don't get any sort of prophecy power. Kind of doesn't work in a chronicle. You only see that in an NPC Malkavian. And not all of them have that it's rare. Mainly the way it works is that the derangement is carried in the blood. When embraced the new Malkavian manifests their derangement shortly after coming back to life. Usually within a few nights. Sometimes it takes longer and they fight it but it always takes hold. Their derangement effects everything they see hear smell taste and touch. Everything they say or do is likewise effected. It's hard to role play a Malky correctly. The way I always did it was to play my derangement 100% of the time. I would play it until it became comical. Then keep going until it got annoying. Then keep going until it passed annoyance and got into worrying territory. Then double down until it became frightening. Then keep going and going and going. I never broke character as a Malkavian as long as I was at the table. Even out of game messages from other players I answered in character. Thats how you play a Malkavian.

When I ran a game I would bar new players from Tremere and Malkavian if it was a Camarilla chronicle. I wanted to make sure they could role play well enough to do it correctly. Malkavian I have mentioned why already. With Tremere there is so much background you have to know to play one. The clan structure, history, place in the Camarilla, etc. Playing one isn't easy and I never let someone do it just to get access to Thaumaturgy.

As if I give a fuck. You can go eat a bullet.

No one cares about your shitty tabletop game. That only reason people like it is the videogame.

You do realize if there was no tabletop WoD you wouldn't have had that game right? And the game is super watered down and nowhere near as fulfilling as the tabeltop.

>How does their insight work in tabletop user? How do you provide them info?
Like Grout. They can hear voices giving them weird insight. You give them both bullshit and correct information without spelling it out. If the rest of the group is not supposed to see it, you text it to the person in question or whisper it to them (kinda hard to do without acting suspicious, but it is possible).

You do this in Werewolf: The Apocalypse as well. Theurges hear and dream all kinds of spirit bullshit. If you know how spirits work in Werewolf, you know never to trust those backstabbing entitled pieces of shit. Though they are an incredible asset if you play them at their own subterfuge game, or bind them as they deserve.

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I believe there are a few tabletop players mixed in here. I think you could use a few months at the table trying it out.

When will one of you faggots host a campaign already

Why do you posts these

>tfw Rodriguez isn't enough of a minority
la creatura is real

Seriously? You would want to play?

a u t i s m

Yeah, I've been asking for several days now.

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I’ll scream...

Buy a watch

I call it improving the game. What have you ever accomplished?

I'm sure there are plenty of anons that would be keen in playing in a Vampire campaign. Finding someone to actually run one is the real issue. Plus you're really taking a shot in the dark with Yea Forumsirgins.

Is it possible to somehow not learn his name while playing? I played Malkavian (if that matters) for my first playthrough and it just referred to him as "The Tzimisce" instead of Andrei. I never even knew that he had a name until I read a VTMB thread.

>tfw no protean

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Lmao what a blown up sense of self importance
Your headcanon is accomplishing sweet fuck all bro, it's nice but it's part of a hobby - nothing more, nothing less
Obviously I'm not going to list what I've done with my life but you need to take a chill pill lol

Would need more than one player.

g**grel are fucking disgusting

Yet you called me autistic just because me and the troupe I played with did our own thing? Fuck off.

Also we shower what we did to Justin Achili and he was impressed. So you can take that for what it's worth. I still have Achili as a friend on Facebook to this day and chat with him every so often.

I want to protect him

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I'd be down for it, too.

Where can I find the frenzy sound effect in the first game? Browsing through every single sound file but feels like searching a needle in a haystack.

>he didn't side with prince lacroix

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he'd be princess lacroix if I sided with him I'll tell you that much

Why wasn't LaCroix able to dominate you into giving him the key at the end? Isn't he supposed to be much more powerful than the player? Am I just a brainlet and missed some major plot point?

damn son get it

You picked up Iron Will for some reason, that makes you harder to dominate. There was something special watching over and helping you along the way

>Iron Will

Taking Baleen Whale-sama's advice and rolling a Fletch inspired character focused on Presence instead of Dominate is the trve patrician's choice for trve Ventrues, also FUCK BRUJAH AND FUCK CARTHAGE
tfw tried to set up an alt history campaign set during the Punic Wars where the players were essentially fangs-for-hire who might be able to influence the outcome but nobody was interested

Say LaCroix somehow survived the end, what would he even do afterwards? other than torpor

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Why is he smoking

Does he actually smoke? I've never seen his model do this animation

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What the fuck is Iron Will and when does the player randomly acquire this skill with no mention of it

Iron Will allows you to resist domination even if the vampire is a higher generation. It's not explained how you get it, but it's implied to be Caine's favor

its a merit thats says "When you are determined and your mind is set, nothing can thwart you from your goals" that makes you harder to mind control.
>when does the player randomly acquire this skill with no mention of it
same thing can be asked about the powerboost. answer is nobody has any idea but it could be cain or just video game logic

Crawl back to the Camarilla higher-ups and tell them that he lost L.A. I guess.

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Awful idea. That they made him Prince of LA in the first place despite clearly being retarded is a fairly conclusive argument that he was seen as an obnoxious embarrassment who the Cam (or just Ventrue) wanted to get rid of.

What are the main additional content mods for the original Bloodlines, an dhow compatible are they? Ex. could I install Patch+ and Clan Quests?


You personally kick the asses of..... three?..... very formidable opponents, just in required main quest shit.
t. not that user, maybe that's normal in WoD but I doubt it from the character sheets I've seen

he outright says it

All mods include the unofficial patch, you don't need to install it separately. Clan Quest I think asks you during the installation for plus patch contents

Night eating you?

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It's the other way around

why does a 10/10 supermodel vampire with a porn star body give this loser the time of night

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He's a writer.

hot people surround themselves with people that are inferior or interesting in other ways

this is true, it's why i frequent these threads

shut up toreafag

I think you're overestimating it.
He came to the club for years, of course you'd become friendly with someone you saw so often, especially when the standards of the average strip club goer is so low.

chill nos, you're special in your own way.

The Hollywood Anarchs were such a clusterfuck
>VV doesn't tell Isaac that there's hunters right on top of them
>Isaac doesn't get Hatter's script canned in an instant despite having multitudes of connections in the film industry
>Nobody notices there's a fucking Tzimisce fleshcrafting shit until they hear about it third hand through some kine intermediary who didn't even seem to know about Vampires
>Aren't even the ones who hired Romero to contain a zombie horde on their doorstep
>Tell you to take out a thinblood for tangentially violating the Masquerade while letting Ash straight up fail to publically kill himself on a regular basis

T*readors not even once

month-old fledglings typically aren't soloing nagloper and tzimisce elders

Romero is Isaac's ghoul though, but yeah LA tories are retarded

Well I think that there is definitely something going on behind the scenes of the player's embrace that isn't fully explained. Your nameless sire is only ever described as a former upstanding member of the community, with no hint of their power. I have never played the pen and paper, but it seems abnormal that the player is able to gain such great power in the matter of only a few nights.

I like Isaac personally but yeah they needed someone more competent on top calling the shots, fucking art whores

is it any surprise when an immortal 13 year-old is likely pulling everyone's strings

>Generation: 5th

Does it actually say somewhere in the game that you gain Iron Will, or is that conjecture based on the pen and paper? Or is the player implied to be a higher generation than LaCroix?

>game is called bloodlines
>you can't play any bloodlines

>those fucking disciplines
>three humanity
this is like if the home alone kid was a sociopath with god like power

I believe it's implied or was mentioned somewhere officially

You get Dominated by Lacroix earlier in the game if you refuse to be his puppet.

No and no

Former because nobody cares, latter because "muh mental illness"

So it's just Father giving you Iron Will except it's not explained anywhere? Weird.

Is this kid Abrams's sire?

How does he have non-Toreador disciplines?

Clans have three innate disciplines, but they can also learn others through outside training. They also need to have vitae of that clan iirc, like brujah or nosferatu for potence.

I knew it

If you can manage to find a teacher or ancient texts (whatever the storyteller will allow) you can learn additional disciplines.

how the feck do you install the unofficial patch extras
what in the goddamn


>click the exe

Vampires embraced as children being low gen makes sense. Vamp kids are pretty much auto-dusted unless they get under the protection of some elder with power or influence.


One, they just hung out a lot because he was a frequent patron.
And also, her clan is all about "Romance" and "Inner Beauty" and being able to see something beyond the skin. She might have seen something inside she liked.

Not to mention I'm sure the attitude towards embracing children hundreds of years ago would be a lot more different than today.
Think about it, people were getting married/starting families as teenagers back in the day.

Yeah, but are they all fully installed from the option in the patch exe, or do I then need to move folders and files around after?

In the game system for the Tabletop it is taken as a merit you had as a human. It is therefore an inherient trait.


If you're saying you had Iron Will through the entire game, then, again, Lacroix can Dominate you earlier.
Spicy, thanks.

It's lower generation makes you more powerful. The lower your generation the closer you are to Caine

>Lacroix can Dominate you earlier
hey. anybody can be taken by surprise at first.

What are unofficial patch extras? I have the game on GOG for some reason and I think that it comes with the patch already installed, do I have to do something to get "extras"?

You know what I mean, lower generation, higher power, same thing

Iron will doesn't make you immune just makes their roll a higher difficulty. Early in the game you are weaker but by the end you are generally maxed out in humanity (which I think doubles as will power in the vidya) so you are much harder to Dominate. Also LaCroix was going crazy by then so he wasn't at his best.

>tfw no more haughty valley girls to feed on

What stereotype do NorthEastern girls have?

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That one thing the game needed was the ability to diablerize other vampires and lower your generation.

There's a 4GB exe patch, some ENB shaders, probably some other shit.
What about a low manatee fledgling, though?


Basic. They're all basic. Seattle isn't in the northeast.

Velvet might not have been above manipulating you to do her dirty work for her, but I give her props for not wanting to just have the guy axed and be done with it.

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How did she manipulate you?

Dominate is based mainly on the will power of the target. In the canon game it is also based on generation, for example you can't use Dominate on a kindred with a lower generation than you. My troupe threw that out and it just became a difficulty modifier only. Each gen lower was a +1 difficulty, and if they were low enough then you couldn't possibly succeed. So it would be like a manip + subterfuge roll nase difficulty of the targets current will power modified by gen. So if a character has a current will power of 6 and was 2 generations lower you had to roll at difficulty 8

yeah I meant northwest, brainfart.

Attached: Seattle-WA-1024x678.jpg (1024x678, 122K)

Do I have to do something special to run that? How do I know if I just played the whole game vanilla or with the patch on? I didn't even know that I owned the game, I accidentally opened GOG while trying to click the Steam icon on my taskbar a few days ago and just saw it there already installed, and I had heard about the sequel coming soon, so I played through all of it over the past few days.

She never outright lies or stabs you in the back or anything, but I think she puts on a show of innocence and plays up her interest in you in favor of trying to get you to offer up your hit-man services and play it off like it was your idea.

Attached: dabpj53-7248fd3d-d549-4809-9f83-49b459189d72.png (1000x1300, 1.04M)

every fucking thread

>I didn't even know that I owned the game, I accidentally opened GOG while trying to click the Steam icon on my taskbar a few days ago and just saw it there already installed, and I had heard about the sequel coming soon, so I played through all of it over the past few days.
what the fuck
I'd assume you played with an outdated version of the vanilla unofficial patch, but I don't know.

Damn the artist made VV extra chunky here. She has that subtle ass sag that is not portrayed in the game, this is some excellent work.

I would agree if not for the fact even after you're done working for her, she sends you several emails just gushing over you and writing you poetry.

Attached: 1436029767744.jpg (484x445, 39K)

is your mother?

Why are people so upset at high generation vampires being into social justice shit? Being overly fascinated in your mortal garbage as a way to cope is like, post-embrace roleplaying 101.


Whoops. I played 26 hours in the past three days and finished my first playthrough as Malkavian, it was really fun. Do I install the patch for future playthroughs?

Is there a way to offset the CQM -2 persuasion modifier for Malkavians? I want to do a malk playthrough but the minus -2 rubs me the wrong way

Nah fuck you shadowman


Technically the clans ARE bloodlines.

the what

Malkavian have a penalty to all social rolls due to their derangement.

well fuck me i did not know that

No. They are more prolific than bloodlines. For instance Gangrel are a clan, Ahrimanes are a bloodline.

Not saying that you can't become bros afterwards. Just that she may not be as wholly innocent as she puts on when she mentions a stranger's name in a forlorn way just as you're trying to leave in hopes that you turn around and ask her about it.

Attached: confess_by_sei_ey_d5x6p2o.jpg (734x950, 636K)

Yeah it makes it harder to interact with those who don't share the derangement.

this artist massively fucked up
look at those tits

No kindred are innocent. They are all monsters.

Clans are basically just organized bloodlines, you dumbass.

How did the artist fuck this up so badly

Attached: Venus_Dare.png (350x350, 193K)

all just looks like nigger tribal shit to me

No. Clans all trace back to a third generation progenitor, bloodlines grow out of clans due to either flawed embraces, mystical intervention, mutation etc. They are not considered part of their parents clan more of an offshoot. They don't have a third gen progenitor and don't share any representation at a conclave. In fact some bloodlines are straight up considered Anathema. So no, a clan is not a bloodline.

Clan Beach Bum was alright.

Attached: rosa.jpg (640x480, 58K)

Sorry mate, they all probably wound up killing when they lost control of their beast. All kindred are damned.

Also they are thinblood scum. They should have all been wiped out.

Because it's a stupid bloodline.

>bitchy BPD retard dumb enough to sire another thinblood for no fucking reason jesus christ WHY
>d-d-d-dude that n-n-n-n-needs to t-t-take a ch-ch-chillp-pill
>halfway decent guy

I'm still hoping for a woman mmo

How common are thin bloods?

Thin bloods don't frenzy in normal circumstances, they're too close to human. only through things like animalism forcing their beast to come out do they frenzy

But they can still lose control while feeding. The beast is still within them and Frenzy is only one way it can take them over.

True. Still far less likely than a full fledged vampire losing control. Out of all of the Santa Monica thin bloods though, I can definitely see Lily losing her shit again

So Yea Forums, whats keeping you up tonight?

Attached: deb of night.jpg (1024x1024, 105K)

There's only the one fucking Malk in Santa Monica so who the fuck sired the seer bitch?

Deb is a nosferatu

She wasn't from Santa Monica originally, she was running from the Sabbat.

ah alright that makes more sense

Kine are indeed inferior to we kindred, but our position of power which grants up tremendous rights also imparts certain obligations. We must treat the kine nobly, as free ranged livestock, if you will.
The vitae tastes better that way, too.

Attached: nice tizmisce.png (250x265, 13K)

She's seems pretty straight-laced as far as Malks go.

>Ah, la Italia bella.

Attached: d5j75a4-5c5b70a8-679b-4df1-9f21-3a1864d9be05.jpg (566x850, 133K)

I forgot about this.
Its so comfy.

Lorefags have made the point that thinbloods actually don't suffer from their clan curse, so she may have just been a genuine seer, even in life.

You sound like a fun person to be around

do vampires actually find necks sexy?

Attached: supergirl neck1548637497263.webm (880x1068, 2.71M)

No, they're attracted to the blood itself

Real beauty is found within.

Attached: d6de1f4990347b21fed7c4ad4838f6c3.jpg (564x797, 51K)

I dunno about vamps, but after seeing this webm, I certainly do

Sexy in the same way an alcoholic finds a full handle of vodka sexy
it's not about the neck it's about the fluid within

Rare. They didn't exist AT ALL until IIRC the 20th century. And they're flukes: The result of diluted blood. So they're not created on purpose and they younger generations (the only ones capable of producing them at all) are generally discouraged from turning anyone into vampires in the first place.

The generations don't make any sense as presented. If thinbloods didn't exist until recent times then there should be 20th, 100th, and 500th generation vampires everywhere. By the same logic, if anything higher than 14th generation is a thinblood, then thinbloods should have started popping up thousands of years before recorded history even started.

Hey buddy, go your own way.

The appearance of thin bloods is seen as a sign of the end times basically.
But I also agree that the number of generations doesn't make sense in VTM. For the supposed time kindred existed 13th is much too low.

Attached: Vtmgehenna.jpg (660x880, 333K)

Which is the best endgame scenario and why is it wormwood?

It would make sense if 13th gen vampires couldn't sire until recently. As long as only 12th gen blood is potent enough to create a new vamp, it puts a hard limit on the generations. I have no idea if this is actually the case in the lore though.

Before the Modern Nights/Final Nights, Siring was essentially a ritual privilege. Childer embraced without the permission of the power structure (Proto Camarilla/Sabbat) would have Blood Hunts called on them. A blind eye was usually turned on the resulting Diablerie, if the Kindred who committed it was in a hierarchy that didn't permit it.
This has the effect that the average Generation of Kindred stayed low, until modern sensibilities and communication made the regulation of the Embrace exceedingly difficult for the Camarilla, and the strategic value of a Mass Embrace much more enticing to Sabbat.
Both resulting in a higher number of Caitiff (and shovelheads/Panders) who go on to Embrace without comprehension of the consequences.

How accurate is it to the lore if I played a gun crazed Toreador that is basically /k/ incarnate?

Attached: xi4z6q7nmqr21.gif (498x374, 1.19M)

Probably pretty accurate. A Toreador can be entranced by the "Beauty" of just about anything. A Kindred doesn't really have much business using firearms, though as Guns only deal Bashing Damage rather than Lethal or Aggravated Damage.

Would explain why kindred bother with ghouls when they could just make slightly weaker kindred servants instead.

It's either 13th or 14th, either way thin bloods should have been running around thousands of years ago. But yeah in the lore there is a hard cap.

Because judgement arises for all vampires and their wicked ways. I like Nightshade too desu.


play it like Max Payne, be a walking film noir, constantly monologuing about the spent brass floating in rain puddles like leaves in autumn.

>They said the word

Attached: OvJ80rL.png (1920x1080, 315K)

Ghouling used to be heavily regulated within the Camarilla as, being a powerful advantage, it was seen as a high privilege. Not nearly the privilege of Siring, but still a substantial tool of Kindred politics.

Were second gen vampires nice vampires or mean vampires?

There are no "Nice Vampires" all Kindred are governed by an inherent force of hunger and rage, borne from Caine himself.

>you see neonate....this truly has become....VAMPIRE THE MASQUERADE (TM) BLOODLINES 2 (R)!

I had to pause the game and clap when I saw that.


Also ghouls can go out in the daytime


Poor Cain

I'm not crying, you're crying

What is a "Pander"?


Fuck Caine. Everytime he tries to do something nice he follows it up with murder.

I always wondered. Is there a family of vampires? Like after you have kids you become a vampire and then when your kids have kids you embrace them for one big family of vampires?

The Giovanni?

Damn, ever heard of adoption?

Attached: nostalgia_for_the_dawn_by_rhads_d4kkzlx-fullview.jpg (600x893, 88K)


"Antitribu" Caitiff
Caitiff are Kindred who don't know their Clan.
Panders are specifically Caitiff associated with the Sabbat. A large portion of Malkavian Antitribu identify themselves as Panders, even if they know their Sire was Malkavian.

Basically giovanni, yeah. Most of the family are human to keep up the lineage, but every so often the popular ones get sired.

They are all genetically related? I thought they were just Italian mafioso style vampires.

>even if they know their Sire was Malkavian.
Does their derangement manifest as retardation?

What happens?

Not necessarily, but openly identifying oneself as a Malkavian among Sabbat is a good way to find yourself facing the Final Death.

How much stronger does diablery make you? Does it average like if a 7th gen diablerized a 3rd gen he'd become a 5th gen?
Or do you just become whatever gen of your victim?

Why? Belief in the Madness Network literally being Malkav?

>>Nobody notices there's a fucking Tzimisce fleshcrafting shit until they hear about it third hand through some kine intermediary who didn't even seem to know about Vampires
to be fair no-one in Downtown realized there was a Sabbat hideout, not even the Tremere who are right across the fucking road from it

From what I've seen, it's up to the Storyteller's discretion, but the guideline is that it only adds a generation, while also fucking up your aura for years.

I'm pretty sure that would absolutely rape the Masquerade causing humans to exterminate vampires

It's best not to poke the sleeping beast that is humanity.
Piss enough of them off, and vampires will be facing the First Inquisition on a scale 100x worse.

Diablerie of a more powerful Kindred, or a number of weaker ones, results in a generation change of one. (Barring special circumstances such as the Diablrie of an Antediluvian)

>(Barring special circumstances such as the Diablrie of an Antediluvian)
Why would that be different?

There's a reason Vampires hide from humans, you idiot.

Yes, they're all one giant family line. If I recall they act like Ventrue, grooming the mortal members of the family and picking the brightest and most competent to ghoulify or embrace.

tender app ending

You die from hundreds of fire crossbows being shoved up your vampire ass.

A friendly visit from the Technocracy.

christ who sired the retard

Malkavians are one of the Founding Clans of the Camarilla, and have next to no Antitribu presence.

Humans discover supernatural truly exists and all have no problem gaining true faith after having all doubts wiped away.

kinda like what happens when you discover there's not just a few cockroaches in your apartment but literally 100s of them

Because they’re insanely strong. Eating a regular vampire is like drinking a 5hr energy.
Eating a higher generation, like having a redbull.
An antediluvian would be the equivalent of chugging a case of monsters

what's the most brainlet clan?
hardmode: no brujah

>Warrior-Scholars being brainlets

See Second Inquisition that happened thanks to Shreknet from sewer retards.
The moment when (not all) humanity became aware of vampires again.

Ah, so that's why Tremere failed his willpower roll.

emphasis on were

>"Hurr durr, we're so bad ass, we're gonna diablerize an antideluvian"
>Actually meet one
>"What the fuck nobody told us they were dangerous, where did 90% of our clan go? Save us Camarilla!"

By that logic, there are no "nice humans" as all humans are governed by the sin inherited from Adam.


Yes. That's the World of Darkness.

Okay, you got me there.

Ok. But in the grand scheme is it better to have the second gen gone or a tragic loss for the world?

>White Wolf goes full retard
>/tg/ invokes rule 0 to write their own lore

Attached: 1497918095876.png (638x822, 93K)

>Is it a tragic loss for the world that there are a few less plot device strength monsters waiting to awaken from topor to devour the world

Attached: 1551899596828.jpg (600x665, 149K)

The Second Generation being Diablrised by the Antediluvians is probably good for the Kindred, but a terrible nightmare for the rest of the world.
The Antediluvians were cursed by Caine with the world destroying hunger and future shock inducing Torpor duration. If the Second Generation survived, there would be no clans. Kindred would not be disunited and Caine would not become so jaded. The Kindred would be an unstoppable force, except by divine intervention.

which was spookier andrei's mansion or ghost hotel?

Ghost hotel, of course.
Between LOOOORE and the reactions of NPCs to the video tape, gotta say, Andrei's funhouse was actually pretty tame.

Eh? 2nd gen was wiped out when the First City fell.
The Antediluvians--third gen--are okay, to the extent that they provide a coherent explanation for weird shit going down. Why is a given clan known for being individualistic or otherwise difficult to manage all going along with a sudden paradigm shift? Obviously, their Ante is pulling strings. The devour the world shtick has always struck me as fear mongering. After all, if they're so powerful, then it's logical that they would transcend the limitations of their lessers. If they have any inclination to cause carnage, it would be for the sheer joy of bloodshed rather than a physical need to consume. This could provide an intriguing explanation for WW1/WW2, as a set of conflicts meant to satisfy some Ante's desire to see the earth caked with blood while also providing bounds for that bloodlust. You can't have a good war without people to fight it.

Eh... it's far enough in the past that it could go either way. Sure, the 2nd gen vampires are the ones who, for shits and giggles, decided to offload their Beast onto a mortal and then embrace said mortal just to see what would happen--thus spawning clan Tzimisce. But it's important to remember that these 2nd gen vamps were themselves people, with personal struggles to deal with, and that these struggles wouldn't magically go away on account of their newfound access to magical power. You can gain the ability to cause tremendous damage, and still remain psychically wounded.

>Nearly everyone in VTMB have great characterization in dialogue
>The main quests in Hollywood all build up to encountering him.
>Trolls talk shows in his past time
>Shows that behind all the retarded shovelheads the Sabbat are run by some very powerful and very scary Kindred.
>You meet him right before that fucking sewer level
The motherfucker killed your ghoul-girlfriend
>Steve Blum
I think that covers everything.

lorelet here
if caine and the Antediluvian are roaming around (sometimes) what stopping them from siring a bunch of new 2nd and 4th gen vampires?

What references to real people were there in VTMB?
Ash Rivers+The Asp Hole/River Phoenix+The Viper Room is the most obvious one

Caine doesn't because he's sworn off siring after his last few went horrible
The Antediluvian's are no longer around and are in Torpor.

Ghost hotel was legit spooky.
Anrei's mansion was unnerving primarily to the degree that the player optimized their character for combat.

>not downloading the mod to let you keep your ghoul-friend

Caine basically just threw his hands in the air and said "fuck it" after the third generation revolt, he's done making childer
Some of the antediluvians are dead, some are sleeping, but usually throughout history at any given point not many are active

Not all Antes are in torpor.
The Eldest is still around, as is the Nosferatu Ante.

Caine's entire existence is just one big tour of self pity and indignant rage at God. The Antediluvians are in super long duration Torpor, and would suffer from tremendous future shock, were they to awaken.

>not roleplaying a ghoul ot cain

Are all third generation vampires Antediluvians?

>Getting attached to ghouls

Caine is volcel

that's easy mode
>not calling her a dumb bitch and driving her away to protect her life

>Ventrue wuz knights n shiet
Yeah, the future antitribu Ventrue

Antediluvians mean before the flood
there's third generations that came out of diablerie, so I guess technically no

Which is stronger? OG Antes or New Kids on the 3rd Gen Block Diabolos?


Before I answer that I'm gonna need clarification on what I just said because I'm not entirely sure if we just call all 3rd gen antediluvian out of convenience

your generation doesn't determine power out of the box, it's your skill ceiling so someone over 9000 years older is probably stronger than relatively (sub-1000 years) ago diableried

President Bush Jr.

Would you let someone break your TV just because it's an inanimate object?
That bitch is my property, and I intend to keep her.

Yeah but most those 9000 year olds have been napping. It's why the Kue-jin had a couple of Buddhas that were holding off the Ravos.

>It's why the Kue-jin had a couple of Buddhas that were holding off the Ravos.
Fucking what now

Ravnos are gypsies.
AKA Vampire niggers.

Wasn't the original sin wiped clean by Christ's sacrifice?

An Antediluvian woke up. The Asian vampires sent a two or three of their top guys after it. They were pretty much just fighting each other and shit until Hunters had enough and dropped a spirit nuke to kill the Jin and then an Orbital Mirror to hyper sunlight the Antediluvian.
The spirit bomb caused some bad side effects.

Ghost house by a mile, I'm always in third person and rushing through that part.

In Andrei's house it's just gore and combat, I wouldn't say it's adrenaline but I'm more prepared to fight monsters and continue through the house. Also gore doesn't upset me, especially 2004 graphics of gore that's just red mounds.

an empty dark mansion where you're alone but not really, with a scary grudge lady appearing and showing you drawings and notes foreshadowing this horrifying husband that's still in the house and might come after you? THAT is scary.
It's just an endless buildup. Imagine we had to kill the husband ghost, that would have been pants shitting.

Attached: 1542634759492.png (646x595, 323K)

Maybe. Some say the Resurrection was a Malkavian Prank.

wtf I want to be a hunter now

>The spirit bomb caused some bad side effects.
It is what broke open the cell for all the Fallen Angels and started Demon the Fallen.

Honestly, I like the new Hunters more than old Hunter.

The current lore completely ignores this. It might not even be canon anymore

We need to explore Africa with their crazy twisted vampires and Eastern Europe where the sabbat reside in their demonic land.

We've seen plenty of vampires who are still humans. I want to see how monstrous vampires can get, like the flesh cathedral and shit.

Attached: 1553657619027.jpg (1024x963, 112K)

EE in old canon was pure cringe

>flesh chair makers
>voodoo 'n shiet

Attached: 14931567756620.jpg (736x807, 142K)

Eh... kinda/sorta/maybe/not really.
Original sin is a wonky doctrine. The most correct Christian take is that, Adam's sinning against God was a transgression of infinite nature which demands a sacrifice which is also of infinite nature. Jesus, as the Son of God, is the only fitting object for that sacrifice, which thereby annuls the transgression.
But this leaves open some weirdness regarding the degree to which we of the Nth generation can really be held accountable for Adam's sin, and whether or not it is necessary for us to "accept Jesus Christ as Lord and savior" whatever that is supposed to mean to be absolved of that accountability. After all, the sacrifice has long since been performed, regardless of any individual's "belief" in said sacrifice.
Things get especially weird if you take the harrowing and the redemption of the righteous pagans to their logical conclusion: that belief in Christ or YHWH isn't actually necessary. The sages redeemed during Christ's 3 days in Hell certainly didn't believe in either, yet are acknowledged to be righteous. Therefore, any individual who earnestly follows in their example would also be considered righteous, and would just as much be entitled to the redemption carried out by Christ during the Harrowing. If we consider that Christ is an entity acting from outside the perspective of 3-dimensional time, then the righteous pagans of present and future have already been redeemed.
Long story short: theology is complicated and very quickly recurses in on itself. Don't worry about it, and just try to live beautifully and to better yourself.

We might get some of that in BLOODLINES 2
We got a very small taste of it in the first game. (Sheriff, Andrei's stuff. Even Gimble, retroactively.)

Any relation to widowmaker?

Attached: Lacroix moonlight.jpg (930x810, 147K)

yeah I want to fuck both of them

I thought original sin also referred to that you had to be born via the result of sex a sinful act.

I've never seen original sin used to describe such.
I've only seen it used to refer to the original sin of Adam against God by his willful consumption of the fruit. Sex is itself not sinful, as God calls upon people to "be fruitful and multiply" which is itself accomplished through the sex act.

I'm doing this with one of my players in Deadlands Reloaded, it's pretty fun and can give them doubt on multiple npc. I sometimes make it work a bit similarly to the heart in Dishonred.
But yeah, whispering just won't work if you do it do much, fortunatly it's an online game so I can just send private message without breaking the flow of the game

Im not gay or bi so I guess I can never really see it but what the fuck is attractive about Lacroix? Look at his fucking cheeks.

Attached: sebestian.jpg (336x336, 40K)

I really neck and clavicles desu

You have become exceedingly efficient in going through the exact same topics in the exact same way in every thread. Congratulations /vtmbg/

It's not about how he looks, it's about making the prince of Los Angeles my little bitch

Don't the kangz rarely go out of Africa?

can anyone beat caine?

Attached: 1392567282931.jpg (522x692, 71K)


user, Tumblr bitches unironically find Dale t. huge nose, attractive. Sebastian is vampire Alain Delon compared to THAT!

Any player can if the ST allows it.

Dale is cute tho

Fuck off Tumblr.

Fuck. NO!

܂make me

>dumb afro
>giga nose
>looks like he smells really bad
No and no.

I mean he probably just smells like blood

Make sure to pirate it.

Attached: already confirmed trash.jpg (616x770, 89K)

Fags are constanty spamming Ventrue daddy shit...
Fags are constnatly wetting themselves over Dracula's dick...
Fags want to Dracula Beckett themselves...
Toreadorfags want to fuck poster guy because "malk bf" bs...
Sebastian's and Nine's fags...
There even those that want to fuck Andrei...
Yet Dalefags are meant to be the worst?

Attached: 15542014927814.png (1920x1080, 1.2M)

>Toreadorfags want to fuck poster guy because "malk bf" bs...
CORRECTION: Only if he's Malkavian because Toreador with Malk bf. :^)

wait what

>Not being into Ventrue daddy...
>Not wetting yourself over most based character...
>Not wanting to fug most cool character...
>Not wanting to be Toreador with malk bf...
>Not wanting to make Sebastian and Nines into your bitch and force them to fuck each other...
>Not being gay for Andrei...
>Not even mentioning based Gary...
Absolute shit taste. As expected from giga-nose lover.

Attached: (You).gif (280x207, 453K)

Nobody cares about your shitty made up rules.

Did I make a mistake using the modded in sewer shortcut on my first run?


Is this the power of tumblr?

Attached: ahhh.gif (284x210, 488K)

Some will say yes some will say no. I never had a problem with the sewers and think just skipping parts of the game is a shitty way to "fix" it.

Like a clockwork.

what about the niggers obsessed with the fucking nosferatu from the trailer

There a lot of fags I didn't mention.
My point was that everyone on these threads fags something/someone, yet anons only bitch about it when Dalefags do the same shit.

are* not "a"

I got it, I just thought those obnoxious "protect his smile" faggots deserved an honorable mention

Maybe the real thread was the fags we met along the way

Not true. Lot of anons find said other fags (like Ventrue daddy fags), just as annoying. Trailer Nosferatu and "Malk bf" are just memes over unironic fagging, and your taste is shit if you aren't into either Beckett or Dracula desu.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

I would love to at least have a kiasyd character that you can interact with or something. Kinda like how Pisha was done

>sexualizing mental illness

Attached: 144204812433.jpg (600x516, 65K)

I've recently been reading up on some clans not in the game and wondered why there's a islamic version of nearly fucking everything in the lore.
After seeing this, I understand, it's fucked.

Crazies have been oversexualized and labeled as "freaks in bed" since the time of dawn, user.

nice U+0702 : SYRIAC SUBLINEAR FULL STOP you have there

Jeanette wants to say HI. The entire marketing for one basically was:
>Look. We have blonde tiddy bimbo crazy vampire slut that you can fuck.

Straight outta a fucking JRPG

Don't insult the Japs like that

܂stop violating the masquerade user

Attached: herd u talking shit.png (649x436, 244K)

But there is no crazy bimbo shown that we can fuck in 2.
>some Toreador bitch that fucks smug piano guy
>Ventrue fag that is probably too gay to be straight
>big nosed thin blood that is totally not Jack the 2nd
>lady in green dress that loves sound of her voice too much
>some nosferatu with teared up eyes
>only crazy looking mofo is guy on the poster with butcher knife, but he looks as the type to chop someone's dick
Guess we're gonna be perma virgins in this game.

>tfw game didn't even come out and smug piano guy already cucked me

Did you forget him? He's gonna roast you so good, apparently, that you'll bleed from your every hole after he's done with you. You filthy th*n blood.

Attached: 20190401203304.jpg (1200x550, 247K)

The vtmb world is just like the gta world but more serious right?
Everything is ocer the top corrupt and violent.

>>only crazy looking mofo is guy on the poster with butcher knife
Did you forget him as well?

Attached: nu-male.jpg (3840x2160, 967K)

yea pretty much

>"leaker" claims this guy is Ventrue
>he has Tremere/Lasombra tier eyes

I loved Deb. Hope she comes back in the sequel and remains the sexy sarcastic greek chorus to our adventures. But given the nature of current WoD and the BL2 devs she's a ripe target to be corrupted into a mouthpiece for their personal views.

toreador, the selfdeluded faggots

>only crazy looking mofo is guy on the poster with butcher knife
I find it funny that there are zero leaks and information about the man that is used on all main covers as the face of this sequel. There is info or leak about everyone we saw so far. From Dale to Lilian (lady in the green), but zero shit about guy on all covers, despite his character being used for every single shit that is vtmb2 related. He doesn't even appear in the trailer! Jeanette at least appeared in the trailer for vtmb1 in the end, but nada when it comes to this guy.
Controlled leaks! These are controlled leaks.
Something doesn't smell right. If we already saw Lilian in the trailer (even got leaks about her), who appears to be a major character, then why the fuck didn't we see jack shit regarding this guy?

This guy better be something big. Otherwise... what was the fucking point of hiding him this much?

Attached: 1553053523738.jpg (448x560, 47K)

Perhaps he's some character that fans are meant to already know.

Probably one of the thinbloods you're supposed to track down.

I don't understand. Is this a joke or collective dementia?
Anons have been SPAMMING this pic (along with some other related ones as well) for MONTHS. Yea Forums isn't THAT big. Hell, VTM audience isn't that big. NO fucking way you haven't seen this picture before.
Yet you all seemed surprised by it like it's the first you're seeing this shit character. Who, by the way, is not going to appear in the game.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you mindlessly circlejerking for the sake of it? That's not normal.

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I can't remember a single WW character that would fit him.
The first game in particular didn't have anyone like him.

Any time a game sequel gets announced, it attracts a lot of new players and shitposters. People in these threads were complaining about there being no tits in the sequel when that would be obviously not true to anyone who watched the trailer. So people just go into threads to complain about shit they don't even play or bother to be informed about.

Most people get burned out on the outrage addiction when they realize it doesn't actually make them happy though.


Only existing character that can fit the bill is Takuma Sononda, but poster guy clearly isn't him because guy on the poster is clearly white.

Does low humanity works the same on nu-thin bloods as it does on full vampires? Because guy on the poster had very sickly skin and glowing eyes.

Main tremere model has deathly pale (grey) skin like him and I doubt it's caused by low humanity.

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>being so personally invested in the pre-release public image of a product that you physically seethe whenever anonymous strangers express disgust at an embarassing aspect of its source material

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He's a Jewmere confirmed. Malkfags and Toreadorfags BTFO.

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>ill write a whole fucking book lmao

What's wrong with you shitposter?

Why is that silly bitch upside down

Brainlets. It's Anson aka Toreador aka prince of Seattle.

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>long hair
>rose on the suit
It has to be him!