What are some video games with hidden scoring systems?
What are some video games with hidden scoring systems?
This is actually a good thing because now schools will give preference to impoverish white kids instead of indiscriminately giving special treatment to blacks of any income
Who cares? Only real men take the ACT.
isn't it racist to assume that people have had "hardships" just because of their race?
are they going to literally do background research on every kids life? this sounds ridiculous.
>when you try to be so nonracist that you establish racist segregation again
What did the left mean by this
>libtards ever giving preference to whites regardless of their upbringing
Oh sweet summer child....
It might be self reported which would be hilarious.
They will need to find some way of keeping Tommy and Chang from claiming to be 1/8 cherokee & getting 200 free points though.
>kid with 10 tutors and a rich family gets a moderately okay score in the current system and still gets into a top school
>random poor kid who used outdated texybooks gets the same score in the current system and ends up having to go to community college
I get the logic they're trying to use here, but it's still kind of dumb since colleges don't care about SAT scores outside of hitting the passing score.
so you're saying blacks experience hardships?
>when you hate racism so much you become the most racist person imaginable
can't wait for segregation to make a come back
>enroll underprivileged people
>their expenses get paid for by government grants
almost as good as enrolling students from another country to fill your diversity quotas since they have to pay you more
Hey retard it’s the exact opposite
Poor blacks that score moderately get full rides to Ivy League while Asians and Whites that score elites grades get rejected due to “privilege”
>Every single student application going to be having addendums claiming they were raped and beaten as a child until age 12 before working a brief stint on a cotton plantation for a year
>Also my ass got prolapsed by a big nig dick but you cant ask me to prove that it's traumatic
Hell its even harder for asians
Huwhiteys also have it easy, asians are expected to be perfectionists or else they wont get into the colleges they want
Fucking source?
So poor dumb people are going to be doctors and engineers now? How low will the bar be lowered for these people.
Probably part of the SAT will be a questionnaire that asks for race, sex, family income, scale of 1-10 for societal oppression, etc
It's funny because if you look into it they're actually judging your hardships based on both race and income. So if you're rich and black, it balances out, but if you're dirt poor and white, you're on the same level as the rich black kid.
SAT scoring should be on the answers you get right, not this.
why do liberals hate asians so much
why would already wealthy people go to college anyways?
And by hardships they mean basing it off of skin color.
How does one not recognize the man of Shad?
to meet other wealthy people
college is just a status thing
Everyone hates Asians. Even other Asians.
Idgi. Is this about giving students who worked really hard a better score so hard workers are also rewarded compared to lazy smarts
Because they arent ooga booga bix nood muh fugga minorities
>Hell its even harder for asians
which asians? asian-americans or foreign born asians who get charged out of state tuition?
they aren't white and that's a good thing but they make whites look like amateurs when it comes to racism.
It disrupts their narrative of whites being the worst.
our parents make us go to church and sunday school, learn instruments or sports we have no interest in, get good grades at school and study instead of drinking or partying, and all our relatives would look at us weird if we were boys and we brought home boyfriends
there's nothing liberals could relate to about asians unless they're the california rich kid hipster types
>lazy smarts
if you're lazy, you're not smart
>if you're dirt poor and white, you're on the same level as the rich black kid.
Yeah but isn't that true?
>here's nothing liberals could relate to about asians
why are most asian american liberal then?
>Yeah but isn't that true?
This is 100% overcompensation for that whole rich kids scandal.
No dumb people will get a government grant and then drop out after a couple semesters when they fail to pass college algebra and get put on probation for low grades.
probably because the makers of SAT took bribes
>not knowing whites are kept out of ivy league schools in America because they make the graduates from there and majority student body look lazy by comparison
Don't give me that shit chalkie, you don't give a fuck about asians or our mistreatment don't speak for us
My grandparents came here from Malaysia off that in America you can be great from nothing if you have skill bullshit and I was pushed to keep up that smart Asian stereotype from my folks since you fucks made that shit up
Asians cheat on the SAT
Which is to late anyway since nobody is going to go to college anymore anyway except the rich. Normal people are already realizing it isnt worth it anymore.
Until colleges lower standards too because its racist to grade you and have expectations
US concept of equality is kinda twisted.
Hey, I cheat on the SAT too.
t. spic
Yeah, we cheat by buying prep books and studying over the weekends rather than going out to drink.