What's the absolute worst genre in gaming? It has to be racing or VN

What's the absolute worst genre in gaming? It has to be racing or VN

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Console FPS followed by MOBA.


bro are you fuckin serious. I'd take it over boring ass city sim shit or some SRPG


cute chink

Simulation is fucking boring

VNs aren't games.

JRPGs are unironically bargain-bin shit tier, especially these days. Virtually every stand out JRPG title is mediocre shit with god awful pacing and retarded as fuck plot development, not to mention NONE of them have good gameplay outside of maybe the SMT series.



MOBA or as some call it ASSFAGGOTS

Bet you've only played 2

Sports games and JRPGs


bet you're a shit eating weeb

Musou and sports.

What's wrong with racing games? Aside from Yea Forums being unable to talk about them due to no story or waifus?

Shit thread and shit taste

Slot machine would be more appropriate term. Gacha is just a system on the side of an actual game that's used to gate currency, items, cosmetics etc.
Low power level
True until there's actual gameplay tacked on, even if it was just simple puzzles
Stop playing low effort RPG maker trash made by one person and pick up actual games. There's tons of great JRPG's in the PS1 and SNES libraries, start with those. if you want something recent, DQ is as good as it gets.
Applies to the trash that's cranked out every single year by EA but there's some genuinely good sports games made by off brand studios.
Nothing wrong with Musou if done right. It's satisfying mowing down big enemy groups with skillful maneuvers, but if they pose no threat and are just fodder, that's bad game design.
Low IQ's can't grasp the idea of racing. They probably don't even own a license nor have ever driven a car. VR is the next step in the genre and it's going to be sweet.


Autism at its finest. Don't @ me

Fps and sports

>racing games with a M+KB or gamepad
>racing games with a wheel and pedals, maybe a VR headset
Fucking amazing
I feel bad for plebs

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Bet you're a mad as fuck autist.

>Stop playing low effort RPG maker trash made by one person and pick up actual games.
What part of:
>Virtually every stand out JRPG title is mediocre shit
Did you not understand?

>racing games are bad

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I've got an urge to play Burnout 3 again now

platformers. they're just puzzles with unnecessary fluff.

This, Dirt Rally in VR is one of the best games I've played in a long time. Codecucks just need to hurry up and put support in 2.0 damnit.

I'd take a racing or flight sim over boring jrpg shit anyday.

>VN bad
>when there's Ace Attorney and Danganronpa

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Already have VR, recommend some wheels, bonus it they also has snoy consoles compatibility

>has a terrible opinion
>"s-shut up, autists"

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FPS and sports. "Coincidentally" they're also the two biggest dudebro genres consumed by people who otherwise don't play any video games. Really makes you think.

Fighting, Musou/Action, Racing and VN's are
best genres
JRPG, RPG, Platform, MOBA, FPS, TPS, Battle Royale and RTS are
shittiest genres
Don't dare @ me fags

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Logitech g29 has ps3/ps4 and PC compatibility. Got that to replace the garbage wheel I got at a thrift store and I've loved it, only thing I dislike about it is the FFB is kinda weak.

I'm disappointed in you, Yea Forums

>doesn't like diddy kong racing
>doesn't like visual novels
the worst genre in gaming is whatever garbage you like, fag

The only good sport games are 6-7th gen fifas with soul

Fightning and ARPG are absolutely stagnant right now and I haven't even the slightest clue how anyone is going to find a way to evolve them.

>diddy kong racing
you done eating your cereal fag?

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It's VNs.

It's like if every fucking book you read randomly spent 45 pages reminding you of that the last 45 pages you just read.
Fucking weebs, I don't understand the otaku worship. They're treated like retards.
I'm pretty fucking stupid, no joke I am, but even that shit is offensive to me.

Thanks user, I see there's standalone shifter too.

fighting games aren't about "evolution", people still play 3S, Marvel 3 and VF5. Newer ones are just for mixing around mechanics from other games and adding new exciting characters, all tekken did was add new "rage" stuff while keeping the same core gameplay from 5 and I'm absolutely satisfied

>how anyone is going to find a way to evolve them.
Gems in SFxT were not an inherently bad idea, it was just executed horrifically and maybe not fitting for that game.

Driving Force GT
Best wheel ever and it fits your criteria exactly

RTS by a country mile. Turn-based ones are alright.

>racing games
Those 2 when JRPG's exist?

>walking sim games (Detroit, life is strange, until dawn etc)
>horror games (see walking sim games but with jumpscares added)
Pretty much every other game has some redeeming quality but gacha is just paying money for jpegs and walking sim/horror games are just plain awful and made for people who would be better of watching a movie.

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VNs aren't considered video games. You know that the JRPG is the worst genre when Persona 5 is flaunted as its crowning jewel. Racing would be a dead genre without the Forza franchise which is impeccable. The most autistic genre has to be fighting games since it attracts the dirty, mentally challenged minorities.

people count walking simulators as VNs, but TWD and LiS weren't that bad

Whatever genre those Sony movie games are

MMO RPGs garbage and outdated genre.

Yea Forums hates racing games because you need to git gud to actually play them. Hel lthe recent forza horizon patch that stopped ramming basaically invalidatred 90% of Yea Forums's ability to actually play the game.

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I just don't like cars.

Give me the details about this "stops ramming"

Platformers. Fuck platformers.

Nice, pretty cheap compared to but I only find used ones around here. What is the differences about the two?

DFGT is really really old
You really want to find a used g25/g27, as the G29 is just one of those but it doesn't come with a shifter (its RRP is higher too) and it has even more manufacturing defects

Where do adventure games like Grim Fandango fit in?

Can a musou be ever considered "good"?

Movie games, not really a proper genre but it should be. There are several people in the industry who clearly want to be in Hollywood but aren't able to get in so they loosely disguise their movies as games instead.

I like the Sengoku Basara games I've played but I dunno if it can be considered "good", the enemy AI is pretty dumb

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Ahh, a graphics whore, I get it now. Buy a PS4 and play interactive movies.

they temporarily disable collisions for high speed ramming and the one that plows forward into a corner gets a big speed penalty

>manufacturing defects
Hmm that's important, also the G27 don't look all that autistic. Can I really use them on PS2 to PS4?

Horror games

Your favorite genre


This isn't discord, tranny faggot.

Cinematic games - if you can call that a genre.

They're combat arenas separated by cut scenes. The combat mechanics are always poor, and there's no variety in gameplay. It really is just a series of combat arenas that lead into cutscenes. All of them.

They constantly take control away from the player and the writing is always trash fiction by writers who could never hold their own in writing a novel, or even a film.

VNs aren't games, so they don't count. The only correct answer is MOBAs, BRs, and mobile shit.


There's one genre that you're all overlooking because it's so irredeemably shit it's not even on our radar: Mobile Games

Fuck off with your boogeymen

Maybe everyone is overlooking it because it's not a fucking genre.

Fighting games

yes it is

>People can't appreciate VNs
I will never understand you lot.

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I've seen moments where the gameplay and abilities of some of the player characters feels like some thought went into it, but then the enemies, bosses and level design are dogshit anyway so it's a waste of time even bothering with. So basically there's potential, but it almost feels antithetical to the genre at this point since you're just giving mob waves.

This thread started off so well before going up shit. All of these are contenders. I would also add virtual card games, mobile games of any variety, open world survival, and pretty much anything with an overtly anime artstyle. Racing/sports are fine. Not really my cup of tea but I can see the appeal.

I read a lot of books and the reason I don't like VNs is because the writing is absolute dogshit and they have literally nothing else going for them.

Don't get me wrong the writing in most games is terrible it's just that they have other strengths to carry them


Not a genre

Indie isn't a genre, it's a label that means a game hasn't been contaminated by the grubby hands of corporate publishers

gacha tied with sports

Kek. Got instant replies.

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I would have to say MMOs, all things considered

>good gameplay outside of maybe the SMT series.
way to out yourself retard, SMT only has better gameplay than final fantasy and persona, except for noctune which has good dungeon design. Another butthurt wRPGtard buttblasted no one cares about his cRPG trash


>NONE of them have good gameplay outside of maybe the SMT series.
t. wRPGfag who doesn't hasn't actually played jRPGs and parrots shit he hears on Yea Forums. SMT is mid tier in terms of gameplay overall


I have never, EVER played a good one. They are all terrible on every front except story which is sometimes good, and even then they're presented in a word vomit/book format so why bother with them instead of reading a novel

other contenders include MMOs post 2005 and sports. VN/gacha are not video games so they don't count

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This. Stupid fantasy settings don't help

Stuff like Sengoku Basara and Senran Kagura. Because those are more like beat 'em ups than Koei's run circles around the big empty battlefield protecting shitty AI simulators.


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Military "simulations", aka tube-level designed, iron sight-infested cinematic shitshow shooters.
>but MW2 was good
No it wasn't. Fuck off.

Fuck you, VN as a genre can't be the worst because some of the literal best games come from that format, even if there's some trash too.

Like, I am convinced that there is not a single work in the English language that has the combined quantity and quality of the plot twists contained within Ever17, and I wouldn't even call Ever17 the best VN. If any M. Night Shyamalan movies can be considered "great" just because they have 1 good twist at the end, Ever17 should be considered among the best stories in all of fiction, because it has M Night level twists over and over, all of which not only have proper foreshadowing but make sense within the context of the story and actually contribute highly to the overall plot.

If you want to peg a worst genre it's probably one of the mobile game genres, like those fucking timer-based games where you need to wait hours between each action.

There are high quality short VN like Saya no Uta that do not waste any time at all.

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If you don’t think the worst genre is Sports, you are an absolute fucking retard.

visual novels
dungeon crawlers

MMO's more specifically theme park MMO's

They're literally books with visual and sounds to further enhance the experience. You lose the "imagination" aspect but gain a shitload of QoL options on top of making a more uniform experience for all players.

"writing is absolute dogshit" applies to books too, let me guess, you only read books that are highly acclaimed but when looking at VN you cherrypick the shit ones and ignore the good ones?

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Says the retard

No I've played a couple of ones that are widely regarded to be good and they all suck.

Yeah sure there's plenty of shit books but there's plenty of good ones too, whereas all VNs are shit.

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Holy fucking based

Toss between modern FPS and JRPG.

Fighting Games, you know is true.

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>all VNs are shit
Then all works in all mediums are shit.

What's wrong with fighting games beyond Yea Forums's total inability to be decent at any of them?

No they aren't

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MOBA, Battle Royale, Walking Sims

They are. They logically have to be.

Based and salt-generating-pilled.

That doesn't logically follow at all

Third-person shooter. It's the go-to genre for devs who can't be bothered to design an actual game.

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VNs vary in quality. If you say that they are all shit, then logically your statement must apply to everything else too.

the kind i dont like

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That would be like me saying "all shit smells terrible" and then you saying "well some shit smells worse than other so therefore everything else must smell terrible too"

Care to explain why you think BRs are shit?

VNs vary in quality. This is fact. If you nevertheless claim they are all shit, then what is there to stop your logic from being applied to everything else? Nothing.

They vary in quality sure but the range of that variance is quite small, with its upper bound still being shit.

Whereas the upper bound for how good books can be is quite high. This shouldn't be such a difficult concept for you to grasp.

Name even three of each.

>with its upper bound still being shit.
Then the upper bound of everything is shit.

Whatever you call Telltale's version of VNs. At least Japanese VNs don't try to be profound or anything, they know you're just there for the porn and don't throw in token "video gamey" segments. I'm glad that company went under.

>replying to a bait thread

Muv Love triollogy, VA-11 Hall-A, Katawa Shoju

Ulysess, Blindsight, Twilight

There's lots of VNs that don't have any porn, and even the porn ones are not focused just on porn. Fate was originally porn.

>Battle royale is only mentionned 2 times

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No it isn't

that's not a genre, it's a fad game mode

>even the porn ones are not focused just on porn
Leaving out the ones with abysmal porn, how many times did you prefer the characters and general setting over the porn?

It logically has to be.

Gacha followed by Assfaggots

Porn in VNs is mostly tacked on and then later removed in the all ages versions.

No it doesn't

I already explained this to you, and there's nothing you can do to argue against it. It's simple logic, and logic doesn't care about your feelings or delusions.

Your logic is incorrect

Ok, please amuse me by trying to explain why it's incorrect.

Val-11 Hall-A literally isn't a VN, it has gameplay constantly.

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Survival horror

I had forgotten about the gameplay because it was so shit.