Is the horror genre dead? Every new "horror" game is just dark run backwards and shoot with nothing scary

Is the horror genre dead? Every new "horror" game is just dark run backwards and shoot with nothing scary.

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>that log
I didn't know they rebranded SCP into comedy gold

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SCP is still horror, just a different, more modern horror

Horrible writing, yes.

That's fucking terrifying.

that shit is pretty fucking gay OP

>500 Decibels
Dude's screaming out Big Bangs

Yes, and SCP cringe is what killed it

>2.5 times louder than a fucking rocket

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Decibels dont work like that, growth is exponential

How much louder than a rocket then

Well sure I guess but 500 is 2.5x larger than 200 so it's easy to read. I'm not going to sit and do the exponential math for a fucking garbage SCP. There's no recorded sound in history that has hit 500 decibels.

It's a logarythmic scale, 10dB means a 10 times increase. In other words, it's actually about 10^30 times louder. One and thirty zeros.

That's written so poorly. Is that a joke?

DarkWood and rain world tho


Louder than the big bang

Was a coldpost. The author just submitted it without any evaluation or criticism. Never made a comment to say whether he was serious.

I thought every new horror game was a hiding/walking simulator.
Faggots need to get it straight.

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When I fucked your mum? Lmao

Well, for reference if the story was realistic, when SCP-3127 screams at "500 decibels," he would instantaneously explode into a fine mush of flesh, and he would also instantly crush Dr. Chang between the sound waves, likely to such a degree it destroys her atoms. He would also break the entirety of the 5m wall and kill all of the special helpers, along with the cleaning crew, the entire facility, and the rest of the planet. Furthermore, he would likely destroy the entire galaxy--if not the whole universe.

SCP is fucking terrible but secret lab is fun as fuck.

That's pretty scary

>thinking that's scary

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Which SCPs genuinely unnerve you? The one with the basketball game VHS tape that has the people inside it become aware that they exist inside the tape and change their actions every time it's replayed was pretty spooky.

>electrical infeterence

>I didn't even have time to eat fries.

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>Which SCPs genuinely unnerve you?
My penus weenus of course

>SCP is modern horror
Correct, its shit like modern horror

This is unironically my favorite SCP.

The one with the room that makes furniture from your flesh

>Mutilated and rotten bodies everywhere
>uh, guesss it's time to eat so.e burgers
fucking ogro de las americas i swear

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>police are still trying go locate him, but they never found proof
Proof of what? Hes literally missing part of the story...

I think people these become desensibilized to horrible things, it's stupid to think horror games will come back at it's prime

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LGBSCP sure is dead as fuck

real life is more scary than a horror game.
there need to be a game about your social life being a health bar, people will try to ruin it and you have to defend yourself. Bar goes to 0, you commit suicide.

Seeing SCP have a Homestuck troll SCP and whatever this is is kind of insulting.
I remember submitting my idea for a SCP years ago, and while it probably wasn't that great it certainly wasn't a planet with a Homestuck OC. So to see those get in while I was laughed out for my idea fucking bites.

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I always found the phone that is constantly ringing, with the woman begging for help on the other end to be really scary. Especially with the idea that when they try to trace the call, or send anyone to the location, they become lost, and then you can "hear" them in the background of the phone call being tortured. Feels like it's some kind of Hell dimension where their souls are trapped. I also liked the other SCP, which was like a magic, robotic phone operator, and if you asked him to contact the phone with the torture dimension he just says, "You know that line is ALWAYS busy."

I was also scared of SCP-3000 or something, where the entire article is a super-long exchange of falsified information constantly being crossed out, all revolving around a single foundation employee. Turned out that he had made direct contact with a reality-altering SCP, and it had trapped him in a pocket dimension where it was tormenting him for centuries.

Found it. It's SCP-3999, one of the few good Apollyon ones I've read:

play remothered

Not really. You would just be playing video games at home and the next instant you would cease to exist. There wouldn't be a you to get scared.

Horror games fell to the same stale trend as horror movies, both need some writing to be even a little scary...

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They accepted an attack satellite that identifies as a trans woman. I wouldn't feel too bad about not sharing a site with that.

I have heard that the last ones aren't as good as the old, as someone who is starting, which is the good range of logs?

first series is good

What are SCPs?


Super Crusty Pussies

Silly Creature Pokemon

They are "stories" found here

A fictional organization containing various "threats" and so on. Many of them are good, but they've gotten pretty bad as you can imagine when people compete in making the most dangerous one.

>it's chamber
jesus christ the quality is in the shitter now huh

Smelly Cunny Protectors

>the other versions of this
Item #:** SCP-3127

**Object Class:** Keter

**Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-3127 is contained in a 5m wall patrolled by special helpers.

**Description:** SCP-3127 appears to be an autistic man in his mid 40s. He doesn't like it when people talk to him. When people talk to him he will start making autistic screeching noises. Then in about 5 minutes he will start climbing on you. When SCP-3127 makes physical contact with you it makes you become autistic.

> **Interviewed:** SCP-3127
> **Interviewer:** Dr. Chang (Autism specialist)
> ****
> **Dr. Chang:** Hello SCP-3127
>**Dr. Chang:**Ok I'm done guards can I be let out.
>**Special helper**here you go.
> **Dr. Chang:** EEEEEAEAEA
> **Closing Statement:** SCP-3127-2 has breached the facility.

>despite this Black Bolt is the only character in media with sound powers that does cool shit

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Any updates on the SCP isekai light novel? I'm interested in reading it.

First series is good, second series is best. It gets worse from there but you occasionally find a gem or two.

SCP's have become Cold Steel the Edgehog tier
This one is really good. It's about a space probe sent to locate Earth-like life in the universe, and which travelled far out into the reaches of space. It was manned by an incorporated human consciousness instead of an AI, who has autonomous control over the probe. However, this consciousness eventually goes crazy and attempts to return the probe to Earth, which would likely result in planetary annihilation.

Experiments revealed, however, that if another human consciousness was uploaded into the probe, it would disrupt control by "sharing" it between the two of them. The rest of the article is about numerous descriptions and exchanges between people whose minds were sent into the probe, and how the original consciousness was able to "overcome" their influence and regain control. The writing is excellent and it's frightening because nobody wants to survive their body in this way, especially since IIRC, the original mind will imprison and torment their "soul" and not merely erase them. It has an amazing ending, where they upload the consciousness of a newborn child, who has no form of communication into the probe, making it impossible for the original mind to "locate" the baby's consciousness. It never quite reveals whether she will find it or not, but that the mind had been indefinitely stalled, and merely believes that the new person is "hiding."

user please give me idea on how to save horror games

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Lost in Vivo is pretty decent for a unity game made by like one guy(?) Because it has really good sound design.
I'd call it first person silent hill where you try to find your lost dog.

>/x/ is a good board early in Yea Forums's life.
>/x/ creates loads of creepypasta
>kids love scary stories so they love creepypasta
>Kids start "contributing" to it via wikis
>/x/ considers creepypasta ruined by popularity and decides to move on
>/x/ comes up with an idea about a secret international organization that captures and studies paranormal things (like the ending of the first Indiana Jones film)
>They create a sort of wiki that is meant to simulate said organizations database that the viewer has accidentally been granted access to, where they can read artificles about various entities and objects housed in their facilities
>2009 hits, /x/ is raided by Yea Forums for like a month killing the board forever
>/x/ is dead, the SCP admins get bored and hand it off to friends
>friends hand it over to friends, over and over until mentally ill trannies get it
>Mentally ill tranny admin has no standards, SCP reaches peak popularity and newer generations of children are able to "contribute"
That's basically it.


That... That's a very long headline.

It not game, just art made by ergot

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>/x/ is raided by Yea Forums for like a month
Wasn't it Yea Forums? I remember when /x/ was 10 or 15 pages of girugamesh only.

>2009 hits, /x/ is raided by Yea Forums
that was Yea Forums not Yea Forums

The one with the tree painting that transports you to your childhood home.

He wouldn't destroy the galaxy or universe because there's not enough medium to transmit his shockwave through. He might destroy Earth, maybe the solar system if he got really lucky with projectile trajectories, but that's it.

and alpacas


If you're genuinely "unnerved" by this shit, then you're either 13 years old or have the brain of a 13 year old

t. SCP-230.

>he had a backup gas in his trunk all that time
truly a horror kino... could he be part of that?

>>Mentally ill tranny admin has no standards, SCP reaches peak popularity and newer generations of children are able to "contribute"
So, where the original SCPs censored or not?

Where can I find good highway horror stories?

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I will check those, thanks

>Implying there is a difference
I shig

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Was this written by a literal child. "Stockholm syndrome" holy fuck, what a retard.

Yes. Although you can always go into the sites own archives to view earlier pages that weren't censored.

A few authors jumped ship on SCP and deleted their articles.
At least one guy ported his stuff over to RPC.
And the silly "sexy doornob" joke scp got rewritten so it rambles about consent instead of telling a joke.
Generally a bunch of newer articles have mind numbing waffle about trannies or diversity in the scp foundation so it's safe to skip anything like that of you're actually reading these shits.

Hold on, you can just give your car a rest instead of buying gas??

I forget which SCP this was but i think it was a video camera or something that if you recorded something and watched it repeatedly, the video you recorded would get darker every time you watched it, i.e. a recording of a man would become the same but the man would look slightly terrified, then another watch he would be conducting erratic and unnerving behavior, a third would yield him gone from the video entirely and a fourth watch would show mirrors with a vague figure moving just barely visible in the corner of them and so on

Also, every SCP that involves the hooded, black robed figures that seem to orchestrate a lot of the events going on

There are too many SCP's
At least 1500 need to be seperated as objects from the living anomalies or beings. Instead of just smashing them all into series, half being pictures of food jars or toenail trimmers

It's pretty meta.

The milk SCP scares me stiff every time

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I was hoping there would be more OC like this.

I like the SCP that's a SCP facility from another timeline where the foundation contained so many anomalies they eventually started decomissioning them and it got really dire.
I'm also glad it talks about the crazy cyborgs they send in when any normal human would immediately die to a lot of these bullshit objects.
I get the chills thinking about how terrifying that godforsaken place is.

Was reading SCP-1459's extended testing after being lead to it from SCP-2030. Found an amusing log:
Player: Dr. King
Statement: "Zero gravity."
Result: SCP-1459-1 was crushed under a tremendous pile of appleseeds.
Why did I expect anything different to happen? -Dr. King