Find dying bandit covered in 3rd degree burns screaming in pain about how it was a trap

>find dying bandit covered in 3rd degree burns screaming in pain about how it was a trap
>mercy kill him with an ak round to the head
>bad karma
Literally what, I'm loving the game but how is this a bad thing to do at all? He has no chance of living and dies earlier, it just takes longer and is more painful

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You should've let him live an extra couple of minutes, so he can relive his fond memories of jacking off to Japanese cartoon porn before he joins Neptune in the afterlife.

Ah I know the section you're talking about in the Caspian, i found a guy walking around talking about how he was blind next then he pulled a shotgun and dropped me

stop caring what the game thinks

killing is always wrong sweety

about to start playing this, should i use a guide for the good ending?

No, it's really easy to obtain, literally just don't kill people who aren't bad guys

to get the good ending:
-don't kill the fanatics in the first open world level and help them out when needed, also don't kill the bandit that ambushes you
-don't kill the slaves in the second open world level and help them out when needed
-don't kill any pioneers or pirates in the 3rd huge level

thats it, other bandits and slavers can be killed without consequence except when they surrender

People shouldn't be prematurely ejaculating with this game and wait for the steam release so that there'd actually be more people to talk with than the 10 others who've installed epic launcher

i pirated it lol

the bad endings in metro are honest to god usually better and make more sense

the best option is to do nothing

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based, but there still isn't many people who've played it here on Yea Forums, it'll be livelier in 10 months

>install game
>play for two hours
>1hr 45minutes of cutscenes
>stop playing
Haven't played since. Should I pick it back up again? I wa also sick of hearing the girl scream the main characters name.

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she gets put in the cuck shed a few hours in, also play in russian

Did they update the game and now karma choices are visible?

should i buy this game? its like 35 on the epic store but i never played the other ones.

Go get it for free, if you know what I mean. Epic Game Store already paid for the game anyways, so it's not like the devs will lose money like in the past.

>chuck shed
Glorious. So I should give the game another chance?


its honestly really fun, but dont give money to epic
get it in some 'different' way

just pirate it lol, tencent pays for it anyway

Anya gets put in the train kitchen pretty early on so give it another go.
The prologue genuinely fucking drags forever but the game is great once you get out of Metro.

You should do your duty and pirate, the devs don't lose a dime since our kind benefactors at Epic and Tencent already paid for the game for us :)

Don’t forget to thank sweeney todd

Metro games are pieces of shit anyway. They have all these cool guns going on but the game goes KILLING IS BAD PLS DON'T KILL ANYONE YOU KILLED SOMEONE NOW YOU GET BAD END and to further drive the point, the weapons only look good but the gunplay itself is fucking atrocious.

>not just playing however the fuck you want and watching the good ending on Youtube
It's literally like 2-3 minute cutscene in all the game and it's the only difference between "good" and "bad" playthrough, who cares.

the bad ends are better anyway lol