*Decreases your income*
*Decreases your income*
Other urls found in this thread:
*scouts ahead and reveals you*
*uses banish, superior expanded mag, and superior repeater*
*eliminates you in one turn*
nothing personnel, kiddos
*one shots full health soldier from across the entire map*
>mfw some shell shocked, crater-faced xeno brags about his skills as my adversary, while he's sitting on my claymore next to a gas pump
Why did they make templars so shit?
>very high risk
>mediocre damage, especially late game
>needs to kill enemies to use abilities
>even once you have momentum most abilities are either shitty or mediocre at best
>even when it can be used without high risk its still not really better than any of the other classes
The best thing about them is that they're kinda fun to mess around with on lower difficulties. If I get a templar at the beginning of an ironman legendary campaign I literally just restart immediately.
Bladestorm/reaper Templars are amazing.
>start a new game
>first map is suboptimal
>restart game
>repeat dozens of times
>get great start
>second mission is worst case scenario mission and kills someone on your team
This is why I have a mod that lets me skip Gatecrasher
If you aren't even willing to lose a fucking rookie, you don't really get to complain about all the reloading.
>mfw completing the final legacy mission
>the pod had Bradford's fucking sweater
Those cheeky cunts.
No, hardcore reboot of the Blue man Group.
>got attached to my A team
>savescummed till the end of the game to keep them alive
>those guys went through hell and back together
>decided to man up and not savescum in the last mission
>they start dying one by one as the mission goes on like its a horror movie
>mfw only one guy survived and came back home
>i did no reload
it was pure kino
*kills the alien*
>the team behind Long War won't fucking update for War of the Chosen
>VIP extraction mission with my A team
>squad sergeant dies weakening chosen's armor for the rest of the squad to kill
>medic dies protecting VIP
>specialist dies from the lost, causing his grenadier bondmate to go beserk
>mission ends with lone rifleman flying away watching the grenadier firing like a madman into the horde of lost
it was beautiful tragedy
Imagine if the bond system from Wotc gets expanded for the third game to have more lasting effect than just a random negative trait
>post-game missions where you clean up lingering alien presence
>survivor soldier is shell-shocked like a WW2 vet being fused with a Nam vet
>literally called the (((Chosen)))
>take my money
Does Jake (((Solomon))) know he created a ZOG overthrowing simulator?
The worst part isn't the loss of income. It's making Bradford say the same fucking line for the thousandth time.
we will never find out the final fates of her or Big Sky
it's not fair
this, just slash every motherfucker to pieces
Could always be resolved in XCOM 3, which will probably be announced sometime next year I'd imagine.
The only thing youre right about is the risk of pulling pods. Otherwise they scale up prettty well late game, and the damage IS there. The true shit ones are the skirmishers, good early on, shit scaling to late game. I dont even bother with them much.
What if there's a chance for your dropship being ambushed and blown out of the sky in the next game? You could have assembled a top-tier team and been ready to throw down wherever the mission was set, and they're intercepted and annihilated.
it'd be better if you had a fighting chance, like maybe a few teammates die in the crash, a few wounded and you have to survive until extraction
what gaem
we will in 3.
That's certainly one thought, though I could see both working. All a dice roll, and maybe depending on the skills you have unlocked.
>the entire team survives
>but only two are still able-bodied while the rest are bleeding out
>you might be lucky to stabilize them
>you have to decide if you can manage even carrying one to extraction
xcom story is terrible
Probably as a crazed old hag
Unless she managed to get knocked up and popped out a kid during the 20 year gap between the first 2 games
And water's wet. Your point?
Imagine if she laid eggs haha
>crazed old hag
she commander age.
I have
upgrades for the skyranger's engine for evasion but higher risk of crash wipeouts, or heavy armor for survivability but can't evade as well
>propping a wounded soldier against a tree and leaving him to buy you time
>the men will never forget
the viper king was for sure filling her daily before she escaped
But the commander doesn't have a specified age given they're the player stand-in, though they do more or less at least imply you're an adult given the size of your body in Gatecrasher and the implications of whatever qualified you as the leader type for the original game.
Skirmishers can clear out entire pods on their own if they get enough free turn buffs, but that rarely happens. They would be the best class if battlelord actually worked as intended and wasn't a bugged piece of shit.
I hope 3 features some actual base building and management. 2 somehow managed to water it down from EU.
I think fireborn mission pack has that. It's rare and for a good reason since you also start a mission after loading then load again thinking you crashed then suddenly ayyliens start getting teleported in.
I could see it probably being relegated to higher difficulties, or at least making survivability less likely the higher your setting is, meaning that Ironman Commander would probably mean you might luck out and have one dude survive
>soldiers can now have legit injuries like broken limbs, meaning they might not be able to even to fight the aliens directly
Who else "several hundred hours in the game but have only completed like three full campaigns cause the game gets boring around 60% in when you're just mopping everything up" gang here?
Yea, it was a shame that they took out the synchronization you had to consider for EUW, though wasn't a complete deal breaker for me, but would be nice to have it back again. I can guess they figured since you had fewer spaces to build with that would have made it nearly impossible to get the required facilities for the campaign. Hopefully it will return for the third game.
who "autistic brain doesn't allow them to get past mid game because weird mental checklist of events doesn't play out like they want and have restarted over 100 times" here
The game becomes a cake walk with plasma weapons and a decent squad, mods help fix that.
I thought they peaked fairly early and most of the late-game skills are underwhelming. My issue wasn't that they sucked - it was that psionic sword nuts play one way only. Go in, slay, enter parry stance, have your other guys mop up the rest of the pod. Basically just worse ranger, but rangers are friggin rad.
I got an idea:
>Carrier crashes
>XCOM Squad are scattered across a very large map either as solos or duos
>Some are wounded, one or two are bleeding out, depending on their level. Some can be carried to the end
>extraction point is in the middle of the map.
>Several small pods of enemies all over the places scanning areas
>have to make the hard call on who to prioritise and whether to stealth, run or fight your way through
>If you have a strong alliance with a particular faction, they can show up first to help you get to extraction
i wish pods were not a thing, the fact that you have to hard cheese snipers and pod dynamics ruins this whole game for me.
That's what mods are for.
EU wasn't much better either way, there was always an optimal route with construction. At least 2 had some different options to go with depending on what you needed, though you end up building everything anyway.
I have A Better Advent, and that's pretty nice. I'm wary of adding other difficulty mods, I've seen them interact in strange ways that seem like total bullshit.
You have to get shot at to get free actions dont you? Thats a dumbfuck strategy, and its eeven dumber to rely on it.
That could work. And of course if they were to allow an ability like Reaper to be standard in all soldiers (so long as they're out of sight of a pod's vision), that would make stealthing a strong option instead of something that boils down to luck.
There's a very situational synergy with that perk and lightning reflexes, so you can guarantee getting shot at and not hit, but yeah, not worth the investment.
I never used skirmishers until the Better Skirmishing (I think) mod. The main thing is the GTS perk for skirmishers being one free move a turn. Kinda busted, but it makes the skirmisher actually fun to use and somewhat useful.
That's a different skill, battlelord gives you a turn every time an ayyy moves in your vision. Problem is, line of sight was jank in this game and most abilities that used it were unreliable.
True, but it was pretty cool how building a certain room next to another could alleviate or improve certain factors. That feature not being included in 2 or Wotc was pretty saddening since it meant there's not as much strategy to room building beyond just having the sense to know which ones to prioritize over others.
I wish enemy mods worked well with each other but people who make advent soldiers or berserkers set their spawn weights too fucking high its boring and bland after a while.
Well it could risk the game becoming a bit too easy if aliens were always alone as they'd likely be shredded by even a small team. Still, I could see them maybe adding a "detection" skill or something to individual enemies and so you could have a single enemy break off from its group if they sense your soldiers somehow.
To make it fairer the level has some vertical sections and chunks of full cover to pass through and the enemy alien pods prioritise ground-based troop spawns (like an immediate reaction team, so at worse you could get like a chryssalid or a berserker. Or like one Chosen mocking your sloppiness backed up by a Codex or something. Scary but something you can still get around) So you can like have a guy draw a pod to him and have a wounded sniper sneak past climbing up and down buildings or ducking into areas of high cover.
Hopefully we'll see something at E3, last Firaxis game we got was civ 6 in 2016, seems like the time is ripe.
Been awhile since I played but these motherfuckers were ripping entire pods by themselves in almost all my playthroughs. Skirmishers are pretty underwhelming though but they can be beastly too once you get their skills up.
What would Xcoms 3 gimmick be?
Alien planet? Underwater shit? Breeding/Genetically developing new alien species to recruit?
That'd be cool. Main thing is just making it so that enemies are not magically drawn to every guy and it's just a rush to see who can get their ass out of the fire without being minced. That should only be the case if everyone is discovered as the mission unfolds and the enemy finds you or you stumble into a pod's sight.
Could also see this leading to you having to build multiple Skyrangers or else risk being able to take on missions that aren't on the continent you're presently based in.
Wasn't the ending cinematic of 2 showing some glowy underwater shit?
It did, I think that had to do with hiding aliens but who knows
Humanity has specialist stealth operatives, alien tech and genetics.
So I imagine XCOM 3 will be a rise back to a proper organisation, but it will be more like Black Ops. Take the aliens by surprise once in a while instead of just reacting to them.
After Advent was defeated, planetary unification was achieved under the rule of the glorious COMMANDER.
Now you must liberate the worlds previously subjugated by the Elders.
I could have sworn Jake has said he hated TFTD.
Obviously it'll be whatever the heck was glowing under the sea, but who knows if we'll be going full Terror from the Depth a la original XCOM 2 or something that takes cues from it but is vastly different. Could be something that combines the original second and third games.
Or just change the game logic so Enemies aren't just magnetized to you after a while. That's already a mod.
I want to play the new xpac soon, any helpful tips? I only beat the base game and made the mistake of only making a psionic boy at the end like a dummy.
XCOM Guerrilla?
For what reason?
Which one's that? As for the hypothetical scenario, it does make sense that enemies should stay on you once they see you, but I could see them making it that if you're behind cover at a certain distance, you could give them the slip and thus lose their agro.
Am I the only one who likes the story of NuXcom? Unraveling the mystery bit by bit always keeps me entertained. Still a bunch of unexplained shit left.
You could make it so the aliens have an objective to get to the carrier too.
They are raiding YOU for Intel and tech as much as you are them.
If they don't get to the Carrier in time it self destructs, so eventually they have to move forward of they can't kill you right away.
No, the default game logic is that enemies will eventually start gravitating to you after a few turns in concealment. If you just dick around, they'll eventually start following you around and reveal you for no reason instead of continuing to patrol.
Yep i love it.
I also feel like the guerilla theme fits even better than the original, i mean why would a planet with its governments still intact have to rely on a group of 6 dudes to save the day.
This then makes it a hard decision. Do you sacrifice one or two of your team to make them go back to the carrier and fend the aliens off until lit explodes, risking capture or death, or do you LET the aliens get their hands on it to prioritise everyone getting away alive if possible.
Well I know they stall their patrols for some stupid reason in the unmodded game, but I said that it makes sense that they stay on you after they spot you, they wouldn't just give up for no reason unless you give them the slip. Which could a reason to make flashbangs and smoke grenades a more viable option than what they usually serve.
The game ends with the Elders telling you "it will follow you like it followed us" then you see purple glowy shit glowing in the ruins of their underwater palace, and in WoTC you get 3 extra cutscenes for each faction, Reapers are just them joining the war, Skirmishers show that more and more Advent are defecting and joining Betos, and the Templars has Geist overlooking the sea and telling his grunts to get ready, and says "Now, the True War begins" and a purple pillar emerges from the sea.
So, Chaos Demons.
If I remember the reddit post quote Jake said it felt like a reskin off the original just a underwater palette.
They really aren't shit, but they pretty much need lightning reflexes.
Does Skyranger even carry intel? I suppose if this happened right after a VIP extraction (enemy or ally) that'd be one reason for the dropship to be carting something important. Of course this could a variation so it's not just "what if the aluminums shot you down while embarking on a mission?", like you have other ships doing transport for intel (staffed of course with soldiers who may have been doing non-playable missions).
Well I guess he's not entirely wrong there, but it seems like a somewhat weak reason when the game did have a number of improvements over the original. And, not like the third game would have to be strictly underwater all of the time, just for some sections if the enemy are largely water-based like in TFTD.
>he doesn't like zealous psychic melee invincible shock troop monks
LoS wasn't the only issue with Battlelord. It only works on two moves in vanilla and only if the enemy takes a shot. Meaning that's it's basically just an interrupt that's done twice. From the description, it sounded like it was supposed to make your skirmisher into an alien ruler for a turn. They either nerfed it to the ground on release or it's bugged.
Communication archives, black box, or a secured cloud intranet line that could be hacked into.
That would be my guess. Briefing happens on the Skylink too.
I remember now. Battlelord gives your skirmisher an action everytime an ayy takes an action so you get turned into a mini ayy ruler of sorts. Problem is that it only has one charge per mision, its a late colonel ability, and its only worth an activation if youre facing multiple ayys, but if you do activate then that means youre going to get shot at a lot. Shit ability imo.
Ok yea, that would make sense, and the failure (letting the aliens hack the carrier) could then mean an unavoidable base assault. And on the subject of bases, I'd imagine there would be multiples of them across the world, which could mean the one the ship was deploying from could be attacked. This could also mean having to prioritize troop locations as you might have a great soldier you'd want for a particular mission, but they might be far off at another base, and either would have to be transported in (which could be a factor for reinforcement situations), or relocated to the base you're currently focusing on. Maybe later on you can research teleporters for snappier reallocations of your soldiers.
haha OOPS did you forget to bring a soldier with armour shred? guess your playthrough is over, commander!
fuck alien rulers
fuck the lost
everything else is goat
I god damn hate those robots.
They have an uncanny ability to one shot your men, regardless of health, cover or distance and very rarely miss
Im pretty sure they have the highest accuracy of any advent
Cant even remember a time when the lost killed one of my men. Theyre only really a problem if theres ayys on the same mission, and the fuckers keep exploding shit, leading to a snowballing losts coming in.
That happened to me during a couple of missions.
Yea, even early game the Lost aren't much of a threat unless you somehow blow a move/action and somehow attracted a large horde.
>tfw /xcg/ will never come back
Alien rulers aren't that bad, but the lost just make the alien AI unpredictable and waste your time.
Once the third game is announced and we know what it'll be about, there will probably be some generals to discuss the info.
Theres this resistance order, forgot name, but it makes it so that if you land a shot on a lost, theyre killed automatically regardless of how much damage you mightve rolled. That just completed the losts' humiliation, as they suck balls as it is.
There doesn't need to be a general founded on speculation. That leads to bad generals. There is no need to reactivate xcg
Today I lost a ironman play because Assassin doesn't spawn in his fucking sarcophagus
Fuck Xcom 2
they're just boring. having to fire a dozen more shots for every horde that spawns isn't very fun or engaging.
having to pray for repeater procs isn't very fun either. getting into actual combat with a ruler guarantees injury or death, and having someone hold onto the shitty bolt launcher "just in case" has never worked out for me.
reporting for duty
it pains me to ignore this impulse, but i'm finally forcing myself to finish the main campaign so i can start WOTC.
I had an ironman playthrough ruined because my game crashed and when I booted it up my save file had gone to shit. Xcom 2 is so damn buggy, that I just said never again. Stick to honestman.