Here's your orasu hand bro

Here's your orasu hand bro.


Attached: last round.png (913x110, 62K)

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What would you do here? Try for sanshoku or ryanpeikou?

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gg from last game
akadora were a mistake

Anyone got previews of the 2 riichi music tracks on mahjong soul?

Ryanpeikou is rare as fuck, might as well go for it if you can.

Definitely sanshoku. And you can get it with ipeikou, too.

can anyone redpill me on how to play mahjong?
tried it a couple of times in yakuza 0 and my brain can't really understand it?
or some way to get the completion thing

Fuckhow do I learn to play mahjong?

Nagashi mangan time

What's there to think about? If you draw 9m, you switch tiles for san shoku. If you draw any tile that gives you tenpai, you take that. But since you can't even riichi, you're probably fucked anyway. The most you can hope for is san shoku, ippeikou, junchan, pinfu for a haneman. But even that might not help you.

Attached: GhostGirlWantsHug.gif (480x420, 316K)

Its like poker, but more complicated.

I'd discard 6m and see where it leads. If you draw 9m then go for sanshoku. Otherwise, ryanpeiko or iipeiko.

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Scroll down to "How to play mahjong"

Attached: how to mahjong.png (639x698, 190K)

thank god, I was 8 points away from hitting adept 2 and barely stole 2nd.

Attached: tsumo stole rankup.png (1680x937, 1.46M)

Anyone know the probability of getting green/blue/spheres in the different room chests?

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You should already start transitioning to Souths by now user.

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maybe, but I like being a south virgin.

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Just keep ponning until you win bro.

>Get fucked in the ass early on
>Have to play out 6 more rounds instead of 2 starting at 10k

>Win early on
>Have to play out 6 more rounds, giving others a chance to fuck you

South is for cucks and neets with 2 hours to devote to one game

"I have no endurance, so all sports matches should last five minutes."

Attached: Do-it.gif (400x300, 779K)

It's like 40-60 minutes on average

Seven pairs is a good yaku

Attached: Chiitoitsu.png (1366x768, 817K)

go for all honors and then mash emotes right before you win

>Get fucked in the ass early on
>Actually have a chance to come back
East is just "who gets a mangan first:" the game

I can't play

Attached: s.png (1275x707, 1.01M)

The flex wait is interesting and you can suji trap people too

A true retard cat.

Why don't you guys just move to /vg/?

/vg/ is where threads go to die

General are for subhuman retard.

Thats were games go to die user we dont want that yet

Majsoul Friends Room 50213(4-Player South):

Need 1 more

Attached: 1557341436779.png (1690x1847, 3.13M)

I wanted to pon a few times early to scare the shit out of them, but they didn't let me, so I somehow ended up there. Starting hand looked like garbage aside from 6 or 7 honors with one of them as pair, so I went with that after a few honor draws.

Honest answer, it's because it's a niche multiplayer game. It's why S4 league also doesn't do generals as well. There's a need to attract new players constantly and getting shelved to /vg/ means your community becomes static.

More like
>Bet your rank and stats on a game of pure chance, because 4 hands is not enough to mitigate the early damage by 4th place avoidance


>Have a somewhat meaningful match between 4 players, where luck still is a huge factor, but unlike Tonpuusens, each player has 2 chances at dealer, which makes a huge difference

Not to mention literally nobody plays Tonpuusens in Gold and above

It's the correct strategy while you're in Bronze and early Silver. Playing south rounds against nyaggers is pointless, because the whole point of South revolves around meta rank strategy, and nobody has that in mind in such low rooms. You can pretty much Tonpuusen your way to Gold, but in Gold there's very few players in Tonpuusens, and the 4th place penalty becomes a lot larger than the 1st place bonus, so you can no longer #yolo enjoy 25/25/25/25 stats - you have to absolutely minimize the amount of 4th places specifically (not really putting such an emphasis on just striving for 1sts). The earlier you start going Souths, the easier it will be when you're in Gold. I personally played about ~100 Tonpuusens on this account (that was some time late Adept 3) and then switched to hanchans only.

Attached: Untitled122.png (569x475, 506K)

Oh shit, it's the kid that went on to become a mahjong saint.

pretty easy, just build a hand with sets of threes and make it a habit to press the "show commands" button. I don't know what it is on PC but on Sony it's the square button
riichi ippatsu will depend on RNG but once you get basically *how* to use riichi you'll get that completion thing ez