So COD is finally dead

So COD is finally dead

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>finally getting more Cold War CoD
>It's going to be a rushed piece of shit
Fuck Activision

>kotaku reports
Call me when it's a reputable outlet

slegehammer is dogshit anyways
treyarch made the only good call of duty games
CoD is saved if anything. dipshit zoomers

People seriously care about Call of Duty in 2019? It's been blown the fuck out for being a dudebro game for years

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>new Black Ops
When will they give this shit a rest?

Schrier is a proven insider.

They cant. It’s the only cod that can sell anymore

I really hate the blackops series. Why do they keep continueing it. Modern warfare all the way

Retarded Yea Forumsermin

>kotaku reports that 1/3 cod devs is in shit probably because their entries sold the least
i hate it here

We can have both
IW does Modern Warfare
Treyarch does Black ops

>So COD is finally dead
It's been dead since CoD 4

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Doesnt treyarch work on both. Idk I dont follow who does what


modern warfare 3 was the best cod

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It feels weird knowing that CoD is finally dead. I never liked CoD outside of 4's single-player campaign (which I also never finished) but for a long time there was a new one every goddamn year.

>but for a long time there was a new one every goddamn year.

Just because it's your first doesn't mean it's the best
It's the weakest of the MW trilogy, and MW is shit compared to WaW and CoD 1 & 2

What? I mean that's exactly what it was like but still. Just feels surreal that after like, 12 years, it's finally over. That was a little under half of my damn life.

>but for a long time there was a new one every goddamn year.
whats the weather like in the 22nd century, future-man?

Treyarch has been good only when they had to reuse and rush shit up.
World at War? Pacifc Front wasn't very good, Eastern Front with reused CoD2 assets all over the place was amazing.
Black Ops? Actually good, but still had to reuse some weapons out of their era from MW2.
Black Ops 2? 80s campaign reusing assets from BO1 was the best.
All above had 2 years development cycle?
BO3 and BO4? 3 years development cycle, both shit and the BO4 was first mainline CoD game without single player campaign.

black ops 4 is the worst FPS of all time and i hate my friends for playing it every day

MW3 is unironically what started the disinterest in the series for being the most blatant rehash at the time. Black Ops was unironically the last proper entry before they became complacent with making semi-futuristic CoDs.

nothing is over you stupid faggot and the games still release yearly like clockwork

That's great news, remember when Assassin's Creed did it? They put out an actual half-decent game for once in a while.

cod hasn't been good since black ops 2, which was the most refined cod ever made.
cod hasn't been fun since mw2/black ops days either

advanced warfare is the best cod after MW2

why the fuck do they keep inviting him to anything he just leaks everything every single time

but that's wrong
repostin from the last CoD thread

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You've misread, they're just rushing out a different COD instead

MW wasn't shit compared to the WW2 CoDs though you fucking poser. They were equal. It still felt like a good war movie like the CoDs before were copying.

The futuristic cods can fuck off. It's uninspired crap. Oh wow a jumppack? How original.

Kek good to know i'm skipping this installment of it then. Only bought black ops series because i knew it would be the only quality sequel.

>MW3 and BLOPS3 in B tier

It's ironic that COD games were better when they were developed in 2 years than in 3.

Maybe people come to him instead? There's a reason Kotaku is blacklisted by Bethesda.

Ironically Black Ops games became shitter after they got additional year for development.

i would demolish every single person here in any cod from modern warfare 2 to black ops 2. used to play that shit like 12 hours a day and actually got gud. got to 500th in the world in black ops 2 at one point.

Kek calm down with all that fucking hyperbole and get a grip you over dramatic child.

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>Black ops 4
>same tier as mw2 and blops2
Oh no no no

I wonder how they'll handle the zombies
I kinda miss the whole nazi experiment mishap

If thats true then show me your noscope videos scrub

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Ww2 was surprisingly good

It was shit. Infinity Ward never recovered after Zampella and West left.

Switch AW with IW and it's a decent list.

i joined this clan my friends made back when call of duty elite or whatever it was called was around. used to have to wake up at like 2am because the clan challenges were all in american time and i live in europe. was good times though, the team we had would absolutely demolish everyone in our path. we had the 2nd and 3rd best players globally for domination.

we had a youtube channel but it's pretty shit desu.

IW had a pretty decent campaign, compared to AW which had dogshit for it's multiplayer and campaign.

nah.. infinite warfare wasn't that bad

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>Call of Duty mid tier
>Modern Warfare 2 low tier


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No one cares CoD is called casual shit for a reason. Play a real nigga shooter like quake or some shit.

Pretty sure none of these people played CoD1 or 2 since most original players probably dropped CoD completely once MW2 came out. They saw the writing on the walls.

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>People rightfully shitting on MW2


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Didn't like the campaign. It was melodramatic shit. For some reason Infinity Ward are desperate to bring back the feeling players got when Gantz, Ghost, and Roach got killed. Spaceland was the only decent thing about the game.

Fair enough, but I thought level design and mission structure was a huge step up from AW.

>no cod 1 & 2

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You can't rank them if you weren't born when they came out

I hated Blops2, and I never played anything after it, but the rest seems right.

Dont bring up ghost man

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Does saying that make you feel special? Like you have a unique opinion? Because AW sucked dick, just like your mother

blops 2 was garbage in every way except the multiplayer which was by far the best of them all (competitive-wise). it was very balanced. the others were better overall games but the multiplayer in games like mw2 was broken because of noobtubes and shit. black ops multiplayer netcode was completely fucked with hit detection all over the place because treyarch designed their own netcode from the ground up.

multiplayer was the biggest things about this games so i kinda judged it on that slightly more than campaign.

Are you having a bad day, user?

>I hated Blops2
Fucking this, i used to pirate the yearly CoD for the sake of spending 4 hours mindlessly killing dumb bots, but blops 2 made me drop the series to the point i can't even enjoy them ironically.
Usually with AAA games i play a minigame, let's put down the controller/keyboard each time there is a set piece or a cutscene, or player input is not required at all. In all 4 hours required to complete blops2 i had my arms crossed for 2 and a half, and the only remotely good bit was the one in which you had to defend a room from the chinese

most people on this board only play zombies and campaign lol anyone saying the game is "dead" is probably a zombiesfag so who cares

>Proven insider.
>"Kotaku has 15 million unique visitors each day"-Scheier.
Wow, what a reliable source.

>I spend hours downloading a game so I can play it for a few minutes ironically
This is some numale autistic tier shit

It's been coming for awhile now. Sales have slowly been declining for years and they have been getting so aggressive with microtransactions even normalfags got sick of them.

They literally just said they're making Treyarch do the COD next year instead. Probably having sledgehammer make aother title. Sledgehammer deserves it anyway for what they did to ww2

Fuck off Jason

They literally leaked FO4 script years before it got even announced.

>infinite warfare sequel never ever because campaigns are dumb and nobody else liked it

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wow, you're so fucking dumb, it honestly hurts

Why are these games so fucking expensive all the time? I got an itch to replay the older ones recently even if they're hacked to shit but even on a good day these fucks are asking like 10 bucks minimum for each one.

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I actually liked Infinite Warfare. Bought it on sale and never touched the multi though.

I have no idea why they never make old COD games affordable, it's fucking retarded.

I'd happily buy BO1/2 on PC to play old Zombies maps, but it's ridiculously expensive still

Got your feelings hurt?

Black Ops 5 confirmed. How embarrassing

Zombies is their only good quality mode now, makes sense

Black Ops IIIII

MW3 was the beginning of the end. Black Ops was the last true Call of Duty. Infinite Warfare was when the serious died and now all Activision is doing is parading around the corpse.

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What about this year

>tfw Infinity Ward could’ve redeemed themselves with a proper follow up to Ghost

>instead they shat the bed with Infinite

A lot of people buy them hoping this year's will give the same enjoyment as 4/WaW/MW2/Black ops managed to.

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I feel the same way about WWII. That game is the reason I will never buy another CoD game.
>could have created a next-gen World at War that told previously overlooked stories of WWII and moved the series in a new innovative direction
>produced a cheap unfinished lootbox simulator instead

>new cod game comes out
>last year's game sharply drops in price
>people who might have bought the new game full price buy last year's instead
If you don't lower the price than the consumer has no intensive to buy it over the newest one. Or so the suits believe.

its been dead since 2009 millenials

Every fucking year my buddy brings up that we should get this years cod before buying us both a copy full price and every fucking year we stop playing after a few weeks.

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They need to bring back forced gamechat. The new ones have literally no one talking

BO2 and MW2 should be S. MW should be A. BO should be B. The rest are trash.

nobody talks because it's liable to get your account nuked for toxicity and discord exists.

Best COD,fact

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Black ops 2 and every cod game before that had a kino as fuck campaign.

why do you guys put advanced warfare so low? it certainly isn't the best but being able to boost really quickly all over the place felt really fast and fun, something I miss in future games and blackops' jetpack isn't enough to supplement my craving

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What did they do to Bethesda?

it will sell billions of copies no matter how shit it is

You are correct. Exomovement was a breath of damn fine fresh air. Can't believe they left it behind for floaty shit.

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Yeah but their last two games have been shit except the fact that BO3 has mod support on PC.

And Yea Forums literally guessed it by accident while shitposting, what's your point

What about playing better shooters in general?

I haven't played a single CoD game, what did I miss?

Cod4 was neo Soviet-grunge kino

bo1 and mw2 were the best in the series and the rest of them are just rehashes of bo1 and mw2

>CoD 4: This terrorist guy took control of (MIDDLE EASTERN COUNTRY) so America invades but he sets off a nuke given to him by Russians so now you have to hunt down the Russians and kill them
>WaW: You spend half the game island hopping and killing Japs, and the other half killing Germans on your way to Berlin
>MW2: You're the super secret special forces that are hunting down this Russian guy but he commits a terrorist attack and blames it on you so Russia invades America and you have to hold off the invasion
>Black Ops: You're part of the CIA and try to kill Fidel Castro but you get kidnapped by Russians and brainwashed to be a Soviet sleeper agent so you gotta stop WWIII from happening
>MW3: The Russian guy from MW2 is still alive and you have to hunt him down and kill him while also trying to win WWIII

bro, me and my brother fire that up once a week


lol no cod4 and mw2 were bettter

MW2 was the birth of the CoD cycle. People shat on it nonstop during its prime, and the kids who grew up playing it look back on it fondly because of nostalgia.

Schrier is a faggot

Everyone misses that. They threw it out for a horribly written child's fanfic tier mess in BO3 with alternate timelines and dimensions, made tentacle alien gods the big bad that were behind it all along, and threw in dragons because why the fuck not.

BO4 manages to be worse than that even, only saving grace being one map where the Samantha, Nazi, Maxis, and 115 stuff is focused on again, but it's a remake of Five and Bo4 ruins the zombies gameplay- not to mention the ending of that map throwing everything out the window and the old crew getting thrown into the shit with the alien gods, fighting beside literally themselves from another universe.

100% agree

>tfw forced to play MP in bo4 to unlock weapons for zombies

zombies is shit in this game too, i don't know why i even bother but i play this game like it's a job and hate nearly every second of it. dropped good games from my backlog that I started and haven't played any other game in months

free me

kill yourself, retard


I never played bo4 does it have single player? I dont give a shit about mp i played all the cod for the campaign.

But as an user said in a twitter screencap thread
imagine living your life looking like a diet stephen colbert

There are modded clients that allow you to play pirated copies of bo1 and bo2 online with all dlc, similar to iw4x. Bo2 even has dedicated servers. look up rekt t4m and bo2 plutonium. The servers are seperate from steam though, but you could always play zombies with friends pretty easily or join their discords. bo1 even has mod support now, though there's only like 2 mods and 1 good custom map.

>tfw cod babys that started with MW2 are old enough to post here and feel nostalgic for that dogshit game
i want to go back

not entirely true, hearing people say "what the fuck" or grumbling or getting upset when you kill them in bo4 is more satisfying than any gameplay that game offers.

mw2 revolutionized fps you retarded little weakling

Too much shit taste in this thread.

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the MW series is what ruined COD you filthy casual baby

If by revolutionized you mean almost completely fucked up the AAA industry, then yes you are correct

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because you think you know what route the cod series should've taken better than the people who made it, right. take a dirt nap and stfu you little pansy

>almost completely fucked up the AAA industry
in what way

sure selling out the series for brain dead retards
yeah i am sure it worked out so well
just look at them now

>Has a story
>Set in cold war again
Kino back on the menu boys, time for some Reznov

the damage is already done

>Just look at them now
Massively successful still to this day?

If you need me to explain the affect it had on the industry on the time, then you were likely too young to notice.

>Massive budget inflations
>Masses of AAA developers trying to appeal to the "Call of Duty" audience, which resulted in either copycat titles or established franchises losing their identity in a desperate bid to boost sales
>The general dumbing down of AAA games as a whole, with level design in shooters becoming incredibly linear hallways with little to no deviation or exploration, objective markers all over the place, almost every game having iron sights, and boss fights being defeated through QTE's or blatantly obvious solutions

CoD players were stereotyped as brainless fucking idiots that had to have their hand held every step of the way and had to have information spoon fed to them like a child. The damage that Call of Duty did to the industry was irreprable, and I still don't think its fully managed to recover to this day.

The story would be by raven/sledgehammer

>complaining about an AAA title "selling out"
call of duty has always been a mass marketed franchise series and it's made by activision. it wouldn't even be surprising if they were low-key subsidized and marketed by the army to recruit impressionable young adults

>AW, the only fucking game that actually changed the gameplay considerably while adding depth to the game, at the bottom.

You got fucking wrecked every match, didn't you, you casual faggot.

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Remaster BO1 already, you fucks

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try again in english