Attached: IMG_20190518_145335.jpg (1055x800, 566K)

Other urls found in this thread:!pr5FVKCK!u7lZLlYxa72s8PUcDTicdg 58/

Yeah that's how days work



Attached: jesus christ the few surviving EXE anime videos on youtube did not age well.png (565x598, 494K)

Came here just to post this
Thank you.

>File name

That reminds me the AMV I wanted to find just for the song has been scrubbed long ago and every time I look for it I'm bombarded by 5 million Linkin Park and other Emo band AMVs that survived the purging. Also reminds me that Stream still doesn't have a finished FanSub.

Attached: 1516896458345.jpg (437x431, 28K)

Another day to sleep in, right Megaman?

Attached: tumblr_nuht38GfFo1r2g7mto1_540.png (525x356, 261K)

>reminds me that Stream still doesn't have a finished FanSub.
Unless you speak spanish like i do where all that's left is 60% of Beast +

Attached: Mayl Smugurai.jpg (971x677, 475K)




I'm doing a playthrough of all of these games and doing a LP at the same time.

It's pretty fun. On BN2 now.

Attached: (133).png (480x320, 130K)

You better livestream BN4.

best op

I'm trying to figure out what to do about all of the dual-version games.

For 3 I was planning on doing Blue, but I need to fight MistMan to show him off. Then there's the tournament scenarios in 4, the recruitment parts of 5, and the Link Navis in 6.

Attached: Mega Man Battle Network 2 (USA)-68.png (480x320, 201K)


Attached: Viddy.jpg (274x479, 47K)

Just pick the one you think is coolest based on color alone
Except BN3, pick blue for that


Attached: RockMan.(Character).full.255400.jpg (637x1024, 47K)

Attached: 7-J4JaD.png (480x320, 10K)

Recently I had the urge to play these games. They were a big thing for me in my childhood. I remember watching the anime on TV too and a stupid contest for red sun/blue moon on WBKids 11. Sometimes when I walk around my hometown, a suburb much like ACDC, I am reminded of the hometown theme of the series, which I still fondly remember, unchanged mostly throughout the series
Wish I could go back to those times bros

post em lads

I'm thinking Blue, Red Sun, Double Team DS (Colonel), and Gregar.

And then going back and doing the alternate versions, maybe.

Attached: zttKrBT.png (480x320, 155K)

I really like these shota threads

imagine if this shit released today this one isolated fucking example would just be blown super out of proportion

Attached: 2832655241130887473.jpg (320x320, 23K)

I love how ridiculous Battle Network is.

Attached: Mega Man Battle Network 2 (USA)-189.png (480x320, 150K)

If you do postgame in 3 you fight Mistman anyways for the V5s I think.

That's true! I'll just hold off on him until then.

Also this one since it was for an official album.

Attached: 23469691.jpg (1000x1161, 155K)

So what do you guys think of Star Force?

Attached: 911754-35.jpg (667x1000, 129K)

SF3 is better than every good BN

SF2 is worse than every bad BN

reminder we're getting a network transmission 2 at E3 and it will stay to the core gameplay and world explorability of battle network.
appearently it's suppose to be a remake of 2 but in tastefull low poly 3d sort of way, similiar to megaman legends with a few more polygons here and there to make the art style work

not really fond of the limited space, 1 was ok, 3 was great, didnt play 2

I think it has better overall writing than Battle Network, though not quite as much of the batshit insanity that charmed me on Battle Network.

It's pretty good, though.

I Love Mayl!

Attached: 1555973164846.jpg (3000x1793, 560K)

Lan's wife.

something similiar to this

Attached: tumblr_orbfqjXiGn1qibse3o1_500.gif (500x500, 394K)

Ha ha what, nah man it's not like that we're enjoying some Mega Man Battle Network

Attached: 1376413617661.png (800x600, 198K)

Can someone link me that Mayl pic that one user made and since the thread where it was posted was pruned? i want this theme to come back in the inevitable battle network game being announced at E3

Attached: 1474056797936.gif (500x500, 781K)

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>BN at E3

are you guys memeing

For being the first one is shockingly fun and comfy. It has some of the usual "first game quircks" but is overall a fun time
Some people don't like it for some reason. I personally prefer it over 1
God tier. The only one of the RPG Megamen where i bothered with post game

But no matter the quality of each, Starforce features the best story of any Megaman series and one of the best in games overall. Geo and the others really have an outstanding character development


Attached: 83-P25_070.png (512x384, 51K)

we arent.

Attached: Mgmn.png (735x602, 443K)

Please someone clear something up for me.
It's been a while since I've watched the show and I've only ever actually seen a few episodes from each season but I could SWEAR one of the ending themes was a jackson 5 song (ABC).
Please someone confirm or deny.


I want to believe.

Attached: rare chip.png (255x525, 49K)

Attached: hyper yohane.png (600x599, 443K)

Playing them all back to back ruined it for me. Slogging through was so painful by the end that I can't play any game with random encounters anymore.

That's fucking cheeky. I never noticed that before.

Attached: im so fucked up.png (640x480, 207K)

I'm playing BN2 right after OSS and I'm enjoying it more than the previous one.

Encounter rate isn't bothering me too much yet since I'm abusing Sneak Run.

I can imagine that playing them back to back would be pretty awful, given how little distinction there is mechanically between each game. Even as a kid, I remember thinking that BN2 and BN3 felt like expansions to BN1, rather than sequels that expanded on the core gameplay.

I decided to talk to a bunch of NPCs throughout the game this time around and it's paying off big time.

>when Lan gets robbed by the guy that steals his chips, you can talk to a girl nearby
>she also was robbed by him in this exact same place
>the next day, another guy is there
>he also was robbed by him in this exact same place

Attached: (143).png (480x320, 185K)

The fuck are you on about? Was it this one?

Attached: thumbnail from random youtube AMV.jpg (480x360, 12K)

> yfw Battle network warriors game based off of BN 5-6

>Protoman,Colonel,Searchman,Meddy,Numberman,Roll,Glide,Gutsman,Shademan,Bass,Flashman,Colorman,Zero.EXE,Larkman, and Tomahawkman as playables.

> fightable bosses such as Nebula gray, Gregar, Nebula gray, etc

> Japanease crossover only DLC featuring kamen rider ex-aid

would you buy?

Attached: 1551296138695.jpg (1600x1850, 452K)

Still pissed this was limited to the anime only.

Attached: 71499447-352-k816175.jpg (352x550, 18K)

So Yea Forums, did you ever do pic related?

Attached: megaman lan swimwear.jpg (2557x2009, 1.1M)

The design? Because this happened in 5.

I think I did this once.

Yep, the design.

aaww come on mod, how is this NSFW? They're just hugging

This is amazing
shotas make me so happy

i always wonder if the mods join on on video game discussion or are just there to lurk

Legs around the waist is pretty lewd.

Attached: (380).png (480x320, 62K)

Im surprised the undernet was so tame.

I don't think Lan ever went past Undernet 7, so he never saw the really weird shit.

Are the battle network games fully turn based or do they have action sequences as well? Does it play similarly to pokemon?

Best part of SF2 was when Solo saved Geo in Mu just to settle his fight autism in the secret ending. It's more true to his character than the vanilla ending. The main rival becoming the final boss is my favorite trope in vidya. Other than that, SF2 was okay, but SF3 blew it out of the water.
Had SF2 had the same level of quality as SF3, would the series still be around?

does anyone have that image about him jacking it before school?

>tfw I'm trying to look at porn on my PET, but my Navi keeps closing it and telling me to do my homework

Attached: 1524367581839.jpg (570x609, 28K)

Look up some gameplay videos on youtube. You start off in a screen where you choose your "chips" and then go into battle in a 3x3 grid you can move around on, using b to shoot with your buster and a to use a chip. Once the top gauge is full you can press R or L to open the chip screen to pause combat and load more chips. It's semi-turn based I guess. It's a very unique battle system (and extremely addicting).

Attached: battle network pulp.jpg (990x1308, 141K)

Fap to your Navi then

>Deepest part of the Undernet looks like heaven.

Attached: 2-Pic002.png (480x320, 15K)

Anyone have that pic explaining Houdini of the beach?

> its also the best designed area in the whole game

Serenade isn't a degenerate, so it's cool.

When I got to this part, I didn't think to talk to NPCs at first, so I tried to go all the way back to ACDC's internet and kept getting frustrated at roadblocks.

Over here: It's also the last time a secret area in the series introduces new bosses.

You can get to ACDC Area 3, but there's a Security Cube in the way. I think there's also Mettaur 2s in Netopia Area you can get Guard chips from.

will do, thx user

> internet in Bn3 stays dulled out the entire time even in postgame
> secret area and undernet stay untouched
i wish there was a rom that patched that shit out

Hey, at least it's not

Shooting Star is the best song

so good it got into smash but i wish they used a loop edited version of 2's


pleeeassse post more cute boyboys

Yeah, I hated that, too.

And this. Though I'm assuming you meant to link the danger song.

> track gets remastered by the same composer
> its even better

network transmission was underrated and has banger fucking tunes

>why did I like this again?
>*NES theme plays*
>oh right

Attached: gangsta.jpg (320x240, 26K)

>The new Mega Man game has a nonbinary character
>And it's a PROBLEM!
something something xe's a villain instead of a hero or whatever

Good thing i didn't go to bed, might have missed this thread. Here

Attached: 1555872355968.png (1200x2400, 114K)

I wish I understood this meme.

I want Roll.EXE to sit on my face

>Megaman Battle Network Reconnected, a full 3D remake of 1-3(plus Network Transmission), and Reconnected 2 (4-6 plus Phantom/Legend) are released
>Cuss words and "offensive" quotes get removed
Would you?

Attached: Lisa's_Nightmareopaw.jpg (512x384, 27K)

Really, you don't. It's not funny or anything. It's a worse version the piccolo meme.

Attached: thanks doc x3.jpg (384x311, 15K)

add online pvp and you got a deal


>chip traders replaced with gacha

Do we get to keep the rap battle?

Attached: Mega Man Battle Network 2 (USA)-67.png (480x320, 195K)

>Gatcha machines replaced with gatcha machines

Attached: Higsby.jpg (154x498, 14K)

yes, but god and the chicken he provides are gone

real money gacha

I can begrudgingly accept this.

>full 3d remake
only if the gameplay is exactly 1:1
my god and the chicken he provides will live on in my heart if i get online net battles

perspective is Starforce but grids are like BN
Online net Battles feature gacha like recharge time

how to get to undernet zero?
i got the batkey so i can django this bitch

I'm not sure. Did you check GameFAQs, user?

Attached: Trap-ENG_002.jpg (900x1291, 362K)

Yousuke Yasui is a god-tier composer. Listen to the Eschatos OST if you haven't already.

Someone spoonfeed me basic chip syngergies.

Geddon 1 + Snake with Float Shoes is pretty simple.

The plot of this sounds like something that'd happen in Netopia.

why was this deleted?

Attached: Trap-ENG_003.jpg (900x1288, 293K)

you see mods this is the kind of person you should be banning. The person who thinks shota abuse is funny or interesting. Posting wholesome shota is not a bad thing but this sicko needs to be stopped.

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Attached: Trap-ENG_004.jpg (900x1291, 257K)

You're refusing a beautiful girl like me?

Attached: 1545199208146.png (717x1200, 721K)

This girl walks up to you and tells you to punch a boulder with your bare hands.

What do?

Oh no, I remember this doujin. Made me cum buckets.

I think of it as a puzzle and light her hair on fire and pick up the key that falls out of her hair to unlock a door in the bolder.

is the BN anime worth rewatching?

anyone who finds shota suffering appealing receives my most intense hatred

Wonderful legs

I haven't seen much of it, but Axess looked good.

Reminder that Ms. Millions paid Lan 10,000 zenny for beating her in a Netbattle so hard that she came.

Attached: dnquY6N.png (480x320, 112K)

I made this.

Attached: Lan and Mayl.png (640x360, 165K)

Goddamn, I want Mayl to step on me.

Why Mayl?

>*several months*
>E3 is like two months after this tweet
>It and the X game are both confirmed to be mobile games
stop setting yourselves up like this


Protodude is reputable, but you can keep up with your tribalist website wars thing if you want

>CAPCOM, the owner of the franchise
>Cell phones, being used similarly to how PETs were used in the EXE games
>A background straight up taken from one of the EXE games
>Potato chips, obviously a jab at the voice actor for Lan Hikari in the english dub of NT Warrior, who also voiced Light Yagami in Death Note's english dub
It's confirmed

Said who?

It's gonna be a mobile game
don't get your expectations too high

Attached: 1557614843586.jpg (649x1200, 63K)

lad pretty sure the potato chips are suppose to be reffering to the battle chips

So where do they go after Starforce?
They already had AI's everywhere again via Wizards but they even threw in hardlight and stuff like that.

What tech should they use next?

My personal favorite Megaman series. Has best girls and best boys. Still have hope for SF4

Attached: I_still_have_hope.png (952x234, 12K)

Star Force was good.
I prefered Battle Networks camera angle but it worked as a decent successor.
It's been a while so I don't remember too much but I enjoyed the Dynamic between Geo and Omega Xis.

Help me I've gone blind

Attached: c4kHc97.png (450x386, 271K)

id like to see an interquel from the transition period from net society to wave society
how did navis take being forced into obsolescence? what kinda crazy shit happened when navis started going out of style or becoming more and more simplistic?
if itd be anything like megaman zero i wanna see it


Attached: Trap-ENG_005.jpg (900x1291, 373K)

Attached: cool if true.png (480x320, 5K)


I'd be morbidly depressed

>tries to 9/11 a plane
>"F-forgive me, bro."
>"It was just a prank."

What an asshole.

Attached: Mega Man Battle Network 2 (USA)-206.png (480x320, 122K)

Everyone said 2 sucks but I quite like it

Attached: Trap-ENG_006.jpg (900x1291, 371K)

Could this game franchise be any more dead

Empty and Apollo have cool designs and Goat is cool.

The rest I could do without.

Attached: heh.png (362x722, 306K)

Your face is dead.

Battle Routine, Set!

megaman legends

Sometimes it's just better to die peacefully than go on as a decayed zombie.

They should just give the green light to porn

Post the rest, pussy.

I am glad everyone agrees that Meggers is the best boy of the entire franchise

Attached: Warock.jpg (678x519, 60K)

>the fucking rap on the plane
God I loved MMBN2

Every time.

Attached: Mega Man Battle Network 2 (USA)-121.png (480x320, 179K)


Hell no. They check the computers usage here to make sure the clients kids arnt looking at smutt. Maybe when im homr after my shift

what happens?

I reverse image searched the image.

Lan gets threatened at knife point and raped by some guy while MegaMan fights off viruses. The guy gets ready to kill Lan afterwards, but MegaMan comes back in a bulldozer and knocks the guy out. The Officials then show up and arrest him.

Attached: reminder.png (720x480, 74K)

Lan gets stiffed of his zenny hard

Attached: 1556261451959.png (284x358, 200K)

>having to beat a final boss with tier 1 chips

Attached: bees.jpg (600x600, 64K)

Based and shouri-pilled

Why did she have to appear in one game only?

I don't hate the guy but why did Match appear in every game except 5?

Attached: Madd.jpg (265x613, 25K)

Duo isn't too bad the first time around.

It's later on when he becomes horrible.

>he doesn't like challenge

So who disagrees then?

Attached: C9Zh_5wVYAA_hwH.jpg (1200x880, 132K)

She got an expanded role in the anime.

It's weird that ColorMan is in Network Transmission, but Madd isn't.

Wow. Atleast mention the forced alcohol enema

Attached: images(20).jpg (225x225, 11K)

Why did they get rid of Squares after BN3? They were some of my favorite areas.

Attached: Mega Man Battle Network 2 (USA)-224.png (480x320, 153K)

Comfy bn thread?

Attached: IMG-4145.png (640x480, 243K)

How were the Wii-U versions? Just kinda wanna play on the gamepad.

Attached: 1557522662276.png (500x250, 149K)

they let you get the trade/battle exclusive chips, but why the hell would you wanna play it on that bulky shit

I prefer playing these games on a handheld and I haven't gotten my Vita hacked yet.

you can emulate gba on cfw psp

I'd put my money on the X mobile game being announced instead.

Attached: chrome_2019-05-19_11-20-41.png (584x473, 44K)

Why is no one asking how he supposedly knows any of this shit

I like challenge when I know I'm not limited by stupid shit, you can make a boss challenging without limiting what chips I have access to other then post game chips

They were patched to give you trade and event exclusive chips so that you could properly 100 percent the game, as well as minorly editing some of the colors on maps. I think 5 also gave access to Bass Cross MegaMan, but I'm not positive on that.


Just because you're a moron doesn't mean everyone else is.

"He's reputable because he runs a fansite" doesn't explain how he would have insider info, dumbass.

yeah I guess so, its the only one I haven't replayed in awhile so its probably not that bad, which is better red sun or blue moon

>mfw imagining her just taking out a huge ass binder and handing over 30 chips to Lan

Attached: 1552541334338.png (881x686, 540K)

Lots of netops weren't in Network Transmission, while Zero.exe was only in that game with no mainline entries.

Attached: 1556799063409s.jpg (113x125, 3K)

He's become an insider, because he's reputable for running one of the longest running megaman fansites on the internet, retard.

So he got an anonymous tip from someone claiming to work for Capcom. Gotcha.

Attached: 1541954839351.png (500x375, 277K)

>all those neat Navi designs
>only StarMan ever shows up again
>and only in a game that's Japanese exclusive

It's not fair.

He has provide inside info before. He is kind of a marketing guy at this point.

I wish I was a drawfag. I'd be down for making a picture of that.

Random Netopian girl x Lan is the patrician ship.

Attached: p4mhPwd.png (480x320, 145K)

Dr.Light is lan's grandfather

Plus given how much he's been hyping this up he'd have to be an idiot to pretty much stake his entire reputation as an insider/leaker on not one, but two major projects without actual proof or confidence. If it's fake, that's his credibility completely down the drain. And by the way he's been posting about it, he's probably seen actual screenshots of it.

Attached: 1785747436.jpg (404x389, 43K)

I want to pound Princess Pride

what would a modern battle network game even be like

Terrible. Only good on bois

Playing these kind of games depress me so fucking much. Ill never have friends that will help me get out of the rut. I'll never be able to become happy.

How did they manage the techno-wizardry required to make the music so good on the GBA's limited sound hardware and quality?

Attached: 15th Anniversary Sound Box.png (368x506, 207K)

Okay so imagine your chip folder

With real prices next to them

this but with more of an attempt made & more polished

Okay, so why don't you go ask him?

BN2 or BN5?

She looks cuter in 5, I think.

Oh hey, that's my model

@heatphoenix on twitter for more

Attached: file.png (735x761, 106K)

Why hype it up so much if it's just a mobile game

Why would Capcom announce a new Mega Man game EXCLUSIVELY for mobile at fucking E3 and nothing else, it seems like a PR disaster waiting to happen

sadly, most likely exactly the same as that shitty "modern" Harry Potter game - a mobileshit gatcha with forced microtransactions everywhere

How do Navis fight on their own when their operator is doing random shit? Buster and charge shot only?

Attached: 1553568066870.jpg (1024x762, 144K)

im a retard and forgot a link


You never heard of the guy that hyped up a P5 Switch port then had a mental breakdown when people gave him shit for it?
It’s possible that people just want attention.

MMBN3 is the best BN game. I fucking love Folderback.

I don't know why that line is so funny, but it gets me every time.

Attached: unknown.png (486x647, 384K)

Honestly? The quality of the Sound Box isn't that great. You can get better quality downloading GSFs and converting them yourself.

I already bought the soundbox, when it came out, along with pic related

Attached: 15th Anniversary Special Arrangements.jpg (500x496, 114K)

I kinda wonder how NaviRecycle was even meant to stack up to it

Each night, I am kept awake by my conscience. It tells me I am a scrub since I cheesed my way through the last half of BN2 with Gater.

Attached: 48-BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.png (480x320, 8K)

Flashman Abuse and Double Bass

Of all the Battle Network designs and redesigns, this one has to be the laziest one I've ever seen. Worst part is that he actually has a different look in his sprites.

Attached: Totally Not Light.png (414x650, 250K)

Was it ever stated in any interview or something whether FolderBak was or wasn't intended to get itself back too?

Luna is best MM girl.

>that N1GP remix
Holy shit sauce?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-11-10-36-34.png (1280x800, 770K)

I agree, BN5 outfit is cuter

As a side note, the Sound Box is missing one song, which is the Count's theme from Battle Network 6. It was on the EXE6/EXE5DS soundtrack, but omitted from the Sound Box for whatever reason.

Battle Network didn't die, it was given the incredibly rare honor of being a game series that had an actual ending. There was even a brief epilogue scene at the end of 6.

Now this is dead, and I'm still disappointed.

They should've made it recall every single Navi chip you've used up until that point in the fight, then maybe it'd be worth a Giga chip slot

As I recall, Navi Recycle reuses the last Navi Chip while also ignoring the need for Holes AND also retaining any attack buffs that were on the previous Navi chips.

Wew u mad lad for the game, mix is exclusive to the game for now

>write reee in allcaps
>lol mad
I see we have a MENSA member among us.

Lol salt

Attached: 24.png (238x448, 14K)


>Princess Pride is mentioned to be a leader in Gospel
>her motivation is mentioned to be anger at other countries for advancing past Creamland
>the scenario before hers coincidentally involves Gospel trying to bring down a number of major countries

So that was her plan, right?

so overall which was better, the mmbn 1-3 overworld megaman sprite or the chibi sprite they started using at 4

Dunno. I pretend i played these games at best

>kickass low-poly models
>placeholder-tier animations
I'm sure they'll be replaced as development goes on but it makes me wish I could volunteer to do some animations for it, I'd love to help out with something like this. But I guess people showing up out of the blue with no credibility tends to be the death of fan-projects.

Attached: 68076268_p7.png (625x900, 117K)

The grid feels cramped/smaller for some reason, despite being the same 6x2 as the originals

>the old lady starts to like his beats as the scenario goes on

Attached: 4hrL3ob.png (480x320, 191K)

Attached: bait.png (480x320, 14K)

Megaman is larger and the panels are tilted at a flatter angle. His feet spill out onto the edges of the panel, and due to the angle his head is above the panels rather than just reaching the top of them. I assume this is done to keep the perspective of the models the same as the sprites but it results in the battlefield itself looking a lot worse. Personally I would compromise on accurate stances and make the battlefield larger and tilted at a different angle.

Attached: 220px-Mmbn1_gameplay[1].png (220x147, 44K)

Is that the netopian equivalent of nigga?

Attached: 1555483899828.png (354x192, 6K)

Nobody ever said anything Mega Man related was being announced at E3. They'll probably get their own more low key announcements.

Nah, it's just her saying mutha funny like he was.

See here:

What's the best method to play these days, try to find/buy a DS flashcart or emulate on a PSP?

It's a slow-burn. You learn as you develop, you know? Newer animations are much better, but replacing old stuff takes time away from actually finishing the game.

For example, that's the second Mega Man model the project's had. Previous one was much shittier.

I prefer the 4-6 visual style. The sprites just look better, brighter, and cleaner.

I don't think there's much difference. I've been emulating them on my PC with a controller and it still feels largely the same, but buy a GBA (modded with a backlight) and hunt down the actual cartridges yourself if you want to go all in for accuracy

I'm sure, hence why I said placeholder. As an animator animations are my pet peeve in any smaller project since I feel that solid animations are the easiest way to impress people. But actually getting the rest of the content done by far takes priority. No point in burning time on polished animations when that manpower can be better spent elsewhere for the time being, which is why I said I wish I could contribute on that front.

Attached: 1545770460941.jpg (565x987, 59K)

The only difference between emulated on PC, Wii U, PSP, or flashcart is price (if you lack the device) and form factor. If you have a PSP it's pretty much the best option.

If you emulate MMBN3's Wii U patch on PC, how do you get the other version's chips?

go to the network menu and youre gifted all the white/multiplayer exclusives and
bass gs

The same way you get them on Wii U.
Go to the communication menu.

Thanks fellas
I'll get to it when I finish the main game

how do you feel about the antidmg chip getting nerfed from three shuriken to just one

BN4 Blue Moon was my first exposure to MegaMan as a whole, and as a kid, I somehow never noticed how broken the game was

Honestly I'm ok with that
Now what I'll miss is that MMBN3 was the only game where Varsword had the elemental sonic boom attack

Attached: 1553018544621.gif (500x375, 44K)


Feelsbadman, but it makes sense, 300dmg for one (common) chip is just ridiculous

I loved Anti-Damage in 3. That chip was so ridiculous.

Good night, sweet thread.

You still have the 100x10 antidamage PA in BN6 so it's still gay asf.

i still have an old original BN2 casette thingie for the GBA. Is it possible to play it on 3ds or DS?

If a new BN game got made, do you think the net would be changed to reflect the modern internet?

Attached: megaman exe.jpg (480x480, 27K)

Why did she show up in so many games?

Attached: Mega Man Battle Network 2 (USA)-228.png (480x320, 130K)

I've always wondered what a BN reboot would looks like

Because she deserves it

Attached: 6fab65f113a392d04d13b22d906b1e35.jpg (827x1169, 561K)


Attached: Mega_Man_Battle_Network_3_Blue_Version_Virtual_Console_05_15_2019_03_27_43_233.png (240x160, 4K)

you'd need the sadpanda extension to access the undernet


despite being outdated and out gunned he's still the strongest Megaman

>Could only use the Bass chips and Dark Aura if you used Hole first and waited for it to open.
This fucking sucked.

I think that the internet itself's integration into the world and how you navigate it would be largely unchanged and that the series would feel the need to not change too much from the originals, but the scope and subjects of the internet would probably change. I think it's too bound to the original series to get a radical makeover short of trying to completely reinvent the series with fresh ideas. And at that point I would want an X equivalent. Starforce doesn't count since that changes the focus to radio waves and aliens.

I forgot that she was in 3.

Attached: 40-Pic31.png (480x320, 10K)

Wasn't there a MEGA full of the anime and stuff?

I wish there was a Battle Network game that had so many of my favorite features.

>Squares from BN2
>Metroline from BN3
>C-Slider; Normal Navi and Heel Navi bosses from BN4

>Normal Navi and Heel Navi bosses from BN4
I was kinda surprised these didn't come back.


Shanghai is probably the closest you'd get to that. It's got basically the best features of the series rolled into one game, including some of the scenarios. But with a Touhou paintjob.
Too bad it got cancelled.

>Too bad it got cancelled.


Yeah, here you go.!pr5FVKCK!u7lZLlYxa72s8PUcDTicdg

Attached: [wpp]rockman_exe_axess_-_42_[6BBD0BF3].mkv_snapshot_12.06_[2019.05.11_22.51.48].jpg (640x480, 61K)

Slowly getting the collection together. BN1 and Zero arrived last week. Just need Blue moon, Colonel and both BN6. Might look out for the rest of Zero too.

Attached: 5668689657.jpg (1632x918, 531K)

Killer, thanks dude

Well, a completely unorganized coalition of /jp/ anons are set on finishing it. There's still some hope, however small it may be.

>perspective is Starforce
not being able to see behind you would really hurt that

Attached: Mega_Man_Battle_Network_3_Blue_Version_Virtual_Console_05_14_2019_08_24_10_293.png (240x160, 5K)

MMBN has cute NPCs.

Attached: Honeyview_2019-05-19_13-57-12.png (774x983, 1.26M)

It still fucking baffles me there's no completed set of subs for the anime. What's worse is it's a fucking kid's show, and the Japanese is really basic. If I were just a little bit better I could fucking translate 80% of it without issue. How is it with all the fans this series has, even today, no weeb picked up the mantle and finished the subs?

Attached: 1497230152557.png (573x569, 436K)

Still doesn't beat Legends

Attached: MuseumCuratorConcept_MML.png (787x1965, 3.13M)

Fansubbers don't even translate the OP/EDs anymore, are you surprised?

Listen man, at least EXE's anime has something like a hundred and fifty episodes translated, maybe a little lower since I haven't checked the state of post-Axess subs. And those are complete seasons. It's not like your kids anime adaptation was only subbed halfway, then dropped, then had most of those episodes vanish from most of the internet because the sub group died and nobody seeded the torrents.

Attached: Deltora-Quest-Episode-22-English-Dubbed[1].jpg (640x480, 38K)

I like 1 and 3 a lot, 3 was ranked the best Nintendo DS game on gamefaqs for a time.

Yeah, normally with autism if there's a will there's a way
Honestly I'd rather series be half-completed so I never pick it up, than like 94% complete. I remember almost getting an ulcer when I was a kid because there was a Meiru and Lan date episode and I couldn't find any good subs for it at all. Just seems like lots of obscure stuff gets translated, but not the full anime despite most of the work already being done.

>Fansubbers don't even translate the OP/EDs anymore
They usually do though in my experience. The majority of anime subs are just done by professional translators working for streaming services who care more about getting that shit out the door on time these days. While they're sometimes worse, you also don't have to deal with fansub drama and the retarded decisions that emerge from the egos involved. Most of the EXE anime is hardsubbed because they don't want people "stealing" their work, so if anybody wants to apply those subs to higher quality raws you have to manually time and copy those subs.

And a lot of EXE's subs have the typical awful subbing decisions and errors that come with fansub groups of the time that nobody can fix because it's too tedious to scrub them. Somebody did do the first twenty episodes of EXE before stopping though.

Attached: [ah-wpp]rockman.exe_-_30v2.avi_snapshot_06.15_[2018.05.29_15.33.22].jpg (640x480, 43K)

Zero has big robot tits and you master bate to her.

Attached: [ah-wpp]rockman.exe_-_33.avi_snapshot_08.27_[2018.05.29_17.49.16].jpg (640x480, 46K)

I wish female Navis showed up more often.

Early Rockman anime subs have it all. Ugly font choices, a unique color for every character, a refusal to translate some words, spelling errors, awkward translations, the works.

Attached: [wpp]rockman.exe_-_38.avi_snapshot_06.18_[2018.05.30_20.02.24].jpg (640x480, 47K)

>It's going to be a mobile game where you actually go around "jacking in"to shit like Pokemon Centers in Pokemon Go.
>You can actually have "real"net battles against other people

Not sure how I feel about this

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Was this subbed by the person who did the keikaku scene in Death Note?

When are they going to dub Stream?

Attached: [wpp]rockman.exe_-_41.avi_snapshot_03.32_[2018.05.30_20.42.21].jpg (640x480, 46K)

>Running around The Net flexing on all these viruses
>Run down a hallway leading to a dead-end
>Megaman pauses for a second before screen goes white
>You know it can't be a virus fight since Megaman does not pause for a second before the fight
>Boss fight

Attached: 1471383696223.jpg (499x670, 149K)

Probably not, it's just when you're a 13 year old weeb Japanese words sound cool. So, the super weebs who make subtitles thought they were REALLY cool and did stupid shit like that.

I unironically like unique font colors for each character, and I will fight people on this. As long as the color actually makes sense.

>Most of the EXE anime is hardsubbed because they don't want people "stealing" their work, so if anybody wants to apply those subs to higher quality raws you have to manually time and copy those subs.
Man I hate that shit. I've wanted Azumanga Daioh in higher quality for years now but the best subs are hard and no one (including myself) wants to go to the trouble of transcribing. That said, they're not perfect either.

Attached: Azumanga Daioh - 25.avi_snapshot_00.04_[2019.05.19_00.40.12].jpg (512x384, 39K)

You can count the number of named female navis on one hand. There's Roll, Meddy, Ring, Iris, and... I think that's it. Maybe there's one I've forgotten about, ignoring nameless NPCs.

Attached: 140.jpg (2440x3360, 1.73M)

God I always LOVED this about BN games. Every game should let you refight bosses, and it's even better if you offer multiple difficulties for them.

Attached: 1498040805116.png (303x249, 39K)

Fucking hell, i sometimes got hesitant to walk to a dead end back then.

Attached: 1542242846709.jpg (761x720, 93K)

they were hardsubbed because that was just the standard at the time anyway. not hardsubbing meant having to have a second file for the subs because .mkv hadn't caught on yet

>be me
>10 years old
>struggle with QuickMan forever in BN2
>finally manage to beat him
>feel good being able to continue the game
>go to Kotobuki Area to continue the plot
>walk into a dead end for some reason
>QuickMan V2

Attached: 1556936449971.png (415x485, 225K)

>Be me
>Battle Network 3 White
>Flashman random spawn (forgot the name, the one that can give you the level 4/5 chip)
>Opening chips give Lifesword and Mine
>Mine first then Lifesword him
>He steps on the mine immedietely
>00:00:98 Completion

Attached: 10370432_10154597471160002_1857962406799134032_n.jpg (500x569, 37K)

There's not really anything inherently wrong with it, but it's pretty emblematic of sub groups putting way more effort into stuff like that and flashy karaoke/text effects than they do on their actual translations and QCing.


Post the boss that gave you the most trouble.
Lost count of how many times I died to Kingman

Attached: KingEXE.jpg (696x610, 48K)


you fucks made me take out the micro

Attached: micro megaman.png (890x516, 526K)

I remember getting my ass beat by the back-to-back Elecman/Protoman fight in MMBN1 but I can't remember any other bosses that stumped me.

I'm playing MMB3 for the first time and I'm ashamed to say how many tries Bubbleman took me
First time fights aren't usually that bad for me

What do you like to fantasize about?
>BN1/2/3 remake compilation with HD spritework with more frames of animation. Capcom would have to come up with some sort of program that could interpret 3D models as a stylized spritework since making 60 unique frames of Mega Man swinging a sword (or however long the sword animation takes) isn't practical. I just think it would be really cool if the games had a gorgeous visual overhaul.

Bass in BN4 and beyond.

>Not learning moon

It’s your own fault

>playing star force 3
>get to an area
>wait why is the music so spooky
>take a step accidentally

Attached: 1535677890495.png (400x440, 260K)

Say hello to BlackPhantom Omega!


Attached: PLANTMAN.png (67x58, 11K)

Shanghai.exe being finished.

Can't go wrong with automatic equal damage and healing.

Attached: 3-NumberMan004[1].png (480x320, 10K)

I can't tell if this or the BN version is scarier. In BN it's completely abrupt but SF has the buildup to it and gives you a chance to get the hell out of dodge.

in sf the second warning pops up it doesnt let you jack out
the only way to avoid it is either leave the area before the encounter or go on a conveyor/dash panel

The abruptness is cool and surprising, but I'd prefer the warnings. It's just as cool but doesn't lock you in a bullshit fight that you possibly didn't want to enter.

The classic and x collections sold well enough, mega man 11 sold well and won some awards but it looks like the next thing will be a mobile game

what do we have to do to to get more games? i wonder if capcom has already planned something like a battle network collection, or another z collection that this time includes a Z challenge, hell they could even do a 3rd classic or x collection with the games they didn't include

will we see anything mega man at E3?

Attached: vile.webm (640x360, 456K)

I mean the grim music is an indicator that a ghost boss is fucking about.

< V ^ B B

I'm almost positive X9 is underway, they mentioned that a mega man game was already in development. All we have to do is wait.

convince me to grab my balls and complete battle network 4 red sun

Attached: fuck you burnman.png (480x320, 20K)

The Meiru date, and Red Sun has her tournament portion. So that's a good reason.

>Final area with the robot tanks
>Saved my game too close to the start of the Bubbleman fight so I got locked in with my heat guts style

That wasn't fun

Attached: BubbleEXE.jpg (632x611, 48K)

you could turn off the style you know

Not mid-fight, my point was I saved the game and whenever I boot it up the Bubbleman fight would start

>Wins BN6 for you

Attached: overpowered chips.png (484x231, 36K)

That's quite literally impossible.

What's that? Sorry I live under a rock.

you browse Yea Forums?

Omega-xis is a cutie that deserves lots of love and pampering. This kind of pampering

Attached: 1537205043653.jpg (200x265, 31K)

Yeah I'm making a lie about a decade old video game experience at 1AM on an anonymous image board. There was a bug when I saved too close to the boss and loading in started the fight man, but yeah it didn't happen to you so it's impossible.


Attached: machgun.png (224x192, 9K)

Getting overly defensive just makes you loose worse.

Battle Network mobile is the perfect game to nickel and dime folks. Just imagine the gacha they can do to fuck people over, chip gacha, navi gacha, alt form navi gacha.


You don't get a game over on Omega bosses, at least.

MMBN3 suffered horribly from alphabet soup bullshit. There wasn't enough good chips in each lettering to make a decent folder so you were better off cheesing the fuck out of the game with overpowered shit like that.

Why are you such a faggot? Fuck off.

Not him, but Game Boy Micro

Have you played 3?
It has some of the most busted chip combos in the entire game. The P code is absolutely insane along with K, L, F, B, and G. Even the codes I don't mention, still had at least something serviceable.

The plus side is That it was a great way to assert dominance over other students
Nothing says "get fucked" More than literally pressing a 5 times And winning instantly

Oh, thought it was an emulation device.

you can still pause, save and restart the game

Hit him you fucking faggot. Do it. I dare you.

Attached: latest.png (80x136, 1K)

>Enemy activates JnkSoul

Attached: 1522911136254.jpg (276x280, 18K)

>Play BN2 again last year
>MagnetMan spawns every single time I pass through Undernet 2.


Attached: 1504745718585.jpg (1080x920, 194K)

Why was it cancelled again?


You literally said just said "Nah uh", the fuck you on about? This isn't even an argument. Not only are you randomly picking a fight over a topic you can't discuss, because you don't know everything about the game code and even then it'd be real hard to say a certain bug is quite literally impossible, but then you come in with an inspired samefag post calling me a faggot because you're that petty.

I don't give a fuck if you believe me dude, it's just amazing how easy it is to tell what an insecure know-it-all prick you are. I hope you enjoy the rest of your miserable lonely life.

fun times with an areagrab and these lads

Attached: plasma.png (195x73, 6K)

>getting overly defensive over a typo
loose harder, bro

This is the most reddit post I've seen in a while. Fuck off.

nice, remember to install fire detectors and at least one sprinkler
>mfw buying my favorite chips for $5-$10 in bulks on ZenMarket after some Anonymous recommended it to me about a week ago
As soon as the last auction is done tomorrow and everything gets to the warehouse I'm packing that shit, sending it here and displaying it like it's a Nobel prize.

Attached: 1546240810129.jpg (1024x710, 88K)

I want to habeeb

should I try to get Capcom to let me put the battle network soundtracks on vinyl?

Perfect for aura enemies.

Attached: 43567547865.png (213x186, 5K)

my dream was for a battle network character to get into mvc, but it never happened

appearently the one leak about how they were going to make a true MvC4 was going to include Bass.Exe

the airhockey chips are fucking great

We got Hub in Smash, at least.

when i was a dumb kid, i loved bn4 and preferred it to bn3

First time I was in Secret 1 I did a double-take. I dont know what I was expecting but I expected it to be more evilish but the serenity mixed with the more dangerous virii/bosses created a whole new kind of feel. Like the difference from being mad to going into a calm anger. Except replace anger with danger. Thats what made it even scarier because as peaceful as it looked it was equally dangerous.


Attached: Secret_Area_-_The_Numbers_Security_system.png (239x156, 38K)

blackbomb3 + grass stage

How did you all go about 100%'ing the Battle Network games? You do it blind or with a guide?

It’s been confirmed to be mobile games

I would have never figured out how to 100% some of these games without a guide.

Like how putting in 10 protoman chips into a chip trader gives you a chip you don't already have in MMBN3.

Attached: my megabusters.jpg (376x385, 38K)

> yfw its not a mobile game
> they make fully sentient Net navis



Not that I needed it ever when I got good.

Attached: D0E3438D-74A7-4FAC-9DAB-FD78B9FF40BF.png (64x56, 1K)

They planned ahead on that end. In 2 and 3 you can just go full Rogue Noise if you don't have friends, but you're fucked with SF1

>Like how putting in 10 protoman chips into a chip trader gives you a chip you don't already have in MMBN3.
That's a thing?

boy i cant wait to live out my dreams in the mobile gacha and make my OC navi, just like my notebook sketches as a little kid

Some of the stuff you have to do is a little esoteric. My personal biggest example would be giving the bug frag trader exactly 300 frags in BN3 to fight Bass. I think it's hinted very vaguely when you're playing, but it's still a little out-there. Something like a kid would say to you at school.
Even unlocking omega navis to fight and the code you have to put into the start screen is pretty esoteric in BN3.
Or finding all the friendly viruses in BN3 isn't bad if you already know where they reside, but if you have no clue where they are, trying to step on every tile in the game, including previous dungeons can be discouraging.

To be honest, do what you can on your own, and just vaguely skim read through a guide for end game content.

What are you talking about?

It's how I got all 200 standard chips yeah. I was getting frustrated trying to find them all and found that trick out online.

>10 protomans gives you a chip you dont have
i refuse to believe you and i 100% bn3 every year

Loved it. 1 was fun and quirky. 2 was okay. Online was fuckign shit with all the Auto Tribe King shitters. 3 was godlike. Bought it twice and managed to keep a 70% w/l ratio with Cygnus noise as my main noise. I miss the series a lot

Just consider this. The game would probably like operate battle in MMBN5/6 or chip challenge.

Post them
>Red Sun
>Team Protoman
>Red Joker

>i refuse to believe you
Fucking do it bro. It works for standard chips absolutely until you complete the standard library. Then it goes back to being random.

I don't believe you.

Attached: 1510108141441.jpg (446x345, 41K)

What guides did you use?

The special chip trader eventually always fills out the trash you don’t have aside from Bowlman or mistman


>Red Sun
>Team Protoman
>Red Joker

Better Red than dead.


If this is true does this mean user raped protoman regularly?

i think you missed the point

Really? I didn't need to fuck protoman for hours and hours in front of Chaud, diminishing his confidence until it was barely a speck?

Anyone have some cool remixes?

It means user raped Protoman regularly for no reason because any ten chips would have worked.

Yep. Dump anything in there. Although if you’re quick Protoman isn’t bad to farm for chips.

The SF games are out there too. Anyone remember the cards where you had to put them on the touch screen and then trace the constellations or whatever? That was fucking irritating, and as far as I know the cards never were released stateside, or if they did they were aggravatingly limited in number

this mobile game will have the classic music right?

You can still tap the constellations into the thing on SF2. That's how I started off with Tribe King in every single fight which made the game WAY easier and quicker to blow through so I could get to SF3 faster.

Blue Moon
Team Colonel

Gamefaqs is usually good enough. There always a few guides, just find the one with the least cancerous format.

would you like a new battlenetwork game like the previous games or one based on the NT anime where you could tranform like in later Starforce titles

That would be neat.

I don't understand

What was the recommendation?

>Red Sun
>Team Colonel
>Never played
>Never played
>Never played
My brother got the opposite versions.

>Blue Moon
>Black Ace

>blue moon
>team protoman
>black ace

>Potato chips, obviously a jab at the voice actor for Lan Hikari in the english dub of NT Warrior, who also voiced Light Yagami in Death Note's english dub
the fuck, I never knew that. Neat.

Guy also voices Elwin in Langrisser Mobile. I was surprised.

>their special attack is literally just them going "delet this"

I hated this with Beastman in BN3, as a kid he was too fast for me.

>never got definitive versions of every game that had all the content available from both versions of each game in 1

Attached: 1330054794807.jpg (299x288, 58K)

>do that one main line quest in BN3 with press
>walk to a dead end
>do another main line quest
>run around the net heater

fucking babby

And how exactly would that work for 5 and 6?

At the start of the game you choose which version is the canon for story but you can still get all the other souls and chips and whatnot.

some medleys of the series

>that mandatory BeastMan V3 fight in the story
>and then a Heel Navi jumps you with Omega viruses afterwards

>forcefeeds Omega-xis with terabytes of porn

This song, this fucking song always makes me cry.
I miss Battle Network so much.

Attached: 1353542594912.jpg (577x558, 329K)

be somewhere by buzy is the best rockman exe OP
shouri no uta is the end best

Attached: 1547480237154.jpg (1000x1000, 806K)

was this a specific NPC later or is this just a standard netopian girl?

Generic NPC in the Business section during MagnetMan's scenario. The NPC dialogue changes as the scenario goes on, such as when you can first walk around, after you visit the cockpit, after Lan finds out about the spider, etc.

Red Sun
Black Ace

This. Fucking deletes the tourney netnavis if they're right in the center and you have x2 damage from counter hits.

Attached: Dharma.png (484x591, 282K)

>I'm in the smartphones with facebook and Twitter instead of the PET net navi timeline

>it's weight gain porn for those extra giga-bytes per image

>That really early quest in one of the games that actually requires you to get an Anubis or some other chip that's only in postgame.


The PET NetNavi timeline is dumb though.
How much do you actually care about Siri or Google Assistant? Would you really want to carry around a whole binder full of SD cards so you could travel the net without viruses popping out at you every ten seconds? Everything in BN has a jack in port so all the dumb shit like Smart Ovens and Smart Toilets is a security hole waiting to be patched, except in that universe you'd have people changing the colors of all the traffic signals so they could steal programs for a war machine out of the local elementary school or whatever dumb shit. Fuck that.

I want to be in that StarForce/Matter Wave timeline

But in starforce you'd need an alien bro to do anything useful no?
It's been a while

The navi timeline would be terrible. Do you really want your electronic devices to just randomly shut down because the sentient program inside of it fell asleep? Do you want your emails to get stolen because it has to physically delivered on foot by a little man inside the internet who can have it physically stolen from him by other little people?

But the net navi timeline
gives me a friend for life who unconditionally loves me and understands me

You'd need an alien bro to wrestle with noise viruses but most normal people can bust them with just battle cards, no EM being necessary

adopt a dog

>can't jack into random stuff and find money
leaving the house and exploring the world is POINTLESS

dogs don't live as long as me though

adopt two dogs
that should get you 25 years assuming no accidents and by then the earth will be too hot to sustain life human life anyway, so fuck it

new bn game at e3 it's a mobile gacha screencap this


Jumping from Star Force to the first 2 BN games I found myself using swords like Elec and Aqua a lot more, probably because it's one of the strongest options the game gives you early on. Especially Aqua Sword in BN, 150 Damage and you can get it in the second chapter, no wonder they nerfed it.
How much use do you guys get out of swords?

Attached: download.jpg (615x1024, 67K)

To be honest I don't really get why they have jack in ports in such important devices either. If it wouldn't be for the viruses that all of these systems just so happen to be littered with despite being extremely important they"d be almost defenseless.

Princess Pride a cute

Swords early game suck because you can't reliably AreaGrab anywhere yet. They only become viable midgame when you can starl buying Area Grabs and MetaGels.

Swords aren't as great in BN1, but they're good just for the fact that the damage is so high and everything else at that point just plan sucks.
In BN2 varsword and its various combos are the best thing in the world. Swords are a little gimped early game, but BN2 and on-ward the games seem to push you toward your first real folder being a lifesword one, and you get at least 1 area grab so early on in the series, hard to say no to 400 damage in a 3x2 square.

That's the obvious downside, they don't do much against stationary enemies but against the ones that move closer to you are easy targets. I didn't use many Area grabs despite using at least 5 elemental swords. Other long range chips are enough to make it up.

Also I hate how Area grab is only temporary in BN2, does that last through the rest of the series?

Area grab is only temporary if you leave the spaces you steal. If your grid looks like


When you step off of that 4th row you stole after time is up you'll lose it. If you stay on it even after time is up you keep it indefinitely.
You could even have a grid that looks like


As long as you stay all the way at the end you keep the spots you stole.


Attached: 1-Pic000.png (480x320, 10K)

fucking NICE. I've never been able to get * no matter how hard I tried.

Just run piercing chips like Flashman or Plantman. You don't have to wait for those guys to open up and it's pretty easy to get good times to get a * code.

Ah, that makes sense. So as long as I stand on them before they start blinking I can keep them? Sounds pretty fair.

I did but it never fucking worked. No idea why. Even made a full Flashman folder and had the Ice Arena program with AquaCust and went after the fuckers, and they STILL shat out nothing but M.

He has proof.

Attached: 1556658850282.png (480x371, 328K)

The only other thing I could think of is using sensor and either getting lucky spawns or just fast execution.

A lot of the chips in BN are designed with PvP in mind so that's why a lot of them have only temporary properties.

I was pretty sure that time-freezing chips like navis or viruses prevented certain chip code acquisitions with Cust styles.

As in, you need to use non-time freezing piercing chips to get this result.

I beat BN3 a bunch of times, and Bubble man is still the worst imo, esp his upgraded forms.

The forbidden art of Houdini.
It survived centuries.

You're right, I just took a look at this: 58/
You can use timefreezing chips, but they can't be Navi related.
The rest of that page is just some cringey faggot's play-through, but he drops a lot of good information on how the ranking system works.

Conceptually this is the best post-game area by far.

>1 - Just deep internet, looks the same as everywhere else
>2 - WWW secret network, boss as fuck
>3 - Undernet admin server, pristine and omninous, yet strangely threatening all throughout
>4 - The Murklands, interesting take on darkness where the shadows lurk
>5 - Murklands again I think, not all that interesting
>6 - A graveyard, cool for the Hakushaku plot, regrettably cut from international releases, also cool for capping off every Navi appearance from the games series, including spin-offs like Battle Chip Challenge and Network Transmission (but not the weird mobile games as I recall)

Maybe it's a 3d action game or something with multiple mega man characters and side characters that way it's also gacha?

It's surreal how this was such a huge media franchise for Capcom, with multiple games, many successful, an anime, manga, and toyline even present in America, and then it all just came to a stop.

It hardly gets celebrated either, the most there's been to my knowledge are art books and the 15th anniversary album.
It would've been absolutely perfect for a series collection on the 3DS, but that ship has sailed.

Attached: rockman15.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

Based on the "why isn't this on console" I'm expecting it to either be in 3D or have decent production values, but I can't see them doing any side scrolling or platforming. Going full RPG seems like the most sensible route.

It doesn't get much recognition because Classic fans and X fans tend to have a massive irrational hateboner for it.

please don't

I do not remember anything about this show besides Chad Protoman and Forte acting like an edgelord and fusing, and the Virus Beast episodes. Should I watched this subbed now, or does it suffer from a terrible translation?

What kind of 3D game format would even work for the BN games?

Attached: 1323595549415.jpg (250x333, 35K)

This is going to be an X game, but BN doesn't really need to change anything about its formula if it transitions into 3D.

Would you keep the isometric camera for the non-battle parts, or go full 3rd person, free camera? Or even MMBN: VR?

What if I want to BE a cute shota getting lovingly abused by a sadistic onee-san?

That's acceptable.

Attached: 1541751742960.png (1000x485, 324K)

>playing BN2
>run into ribitta again
>hey maybe she'll give me toadman v2 or some shit if I beat her
>get absolutely annihilated because my chips are dogshit
>autism kicks in, absolutely refuse to move on until I beat her
>spend an entire hour getting annihilated by toadman because I suck ass
>finally beat the piece of shit because I get lucky and get all my high damage chips at once
>reward is 300 zenny

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Too often.

I think it's for the best. I agree with , I like that the franchise went out with dignity. Remember what DMC/RE fans had to sit through before Capcom finally began its redemption this year. Or Dead Rising, getting whored around to random studios and the brand became worthless in just a few games. Moving to other companies, there's Silent Hill, which I don't need to say much about. Dead Space got the megapush, comics/novels/movies etc, and then died a dishonorable death with DS3.

The worst anyone ever has to say about MMBN is "4 was lame". Feels good, man.

I know that wasn't quite your point though, and yeah, I agree with you in that it's surreal that the plug was pulled so suddenly, given all the other examples of publishers not knowing when to stop.

...All that being said, I wouldn't say no to a Switch game. Even just "MMBN HD", with Disgaea quality sprites.

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>lovingly abused
you just want degenerate sex

reminder that you can, and should, play DS games online again, including sf2 and sf3

The Axess opening was the best.
The anime was absolutely horrible and a disservice to 1, 2, 3 and 6. You know I'm right.

>discussion starts because someone posted porn
>entire discussion is about that porn, and opinions on certain fetishes(shota abuse)
>say I like shota abuse in this specific context
>"You just like it cause of weird fetish sex!"
Yeah no fucking shit, genius. That was the whole point of the discussion. I never tried to pretend otherwise.

That's one stacked 12 year old.

>say I hate shota abuse
>you ask if I would still hate it under different (impossible) conditions
>I say yes
Stay away from my shotas

>X with the scarf

It was worth it for all the "Netto-kun"s

And 5. Don't lump 5 in with 4.

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Nah. 5's bad, user. 5's real fucking bad. It may not ask you to replay it three times, but it's real shit.

>Bad scenario/area design.
>Absolutely terrible SRPG wannabe missions.
>Chips scattered out by making you flip a switch to change enemy difficulties across the world maps in post-game.
>Some chips have a near impossible spawn rate as mystery data.
>Boss fights are lame as hell, and Nebula Gray is the biggest pushover ever.
>Story exists to just barely salvage BN4.
>Music isn't even very good.
It's a stain. There's a few good things in there, but damn it isn't a good game.

where the FUCK is this from?

we still posting mayl pics?

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I think we were having fun having a thread that wasn't garbage.

>wake up
>thread's still here
Honestly MMBN4 being the followup to MMBN3 is definitely what fucked up the franchise in the long run, which is pretty fucking awful since they really did not need to push out games as quickly

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switch game with mobile integration. Your smart phone works like your PC did in the game, meaning you can customize your place, and it works like a companion app.
No megaman, its an online game where you customize your Navi, in the veins of an rpg.
Gameplay is the same with the removal of the time freeze chips. Grids are now 4x4 instead of 3x3.

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