What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: Rimworld5.jpg (1920x1086, 1008K)

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Whacha mean?

yeah what do you mean OP the game is fantastic

Did anything?

>not playing merciless Cassandra

Good game as vanilla and modded, so i don't get OP.

Only thing I wish it had was being able to keep your world to play as a new colony, like Dorf Fort does.

Ugly as fuck. I'll play it when somebody makes an actual decent visual overhaul mod.

games like this make me realize im casual as fuck

Played it a bit a year or so back, really fun, till you get attacked

I don't mind having to defend from raiders every now and again, but the game would keep assaulting me on a weekly basis, just fuck off.

>just keep piling shit on

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unironically too much random bullshit there's no way to plan for unless you look it up or are autistic about tower defense-lite

Just play with Phoebe

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$30 pricepoint for what is essentially a random number generator bolted on to a colony builder

The RNGs are supposed to be adaptive but track the weirdest possible metrics

Tries to be like Dwarf Fortress but lacks z-levels, significant terraforming, or any cohesiveness to its tech progression

Let modders make the game playable instead of patching it in

Absolutely braindead AI for all classes of NPCs/PCs

Amount of content in the game feels like a proof-of-concept/minimum viable product approach

For a game that supposedly takes place in a universe where people regularly travel the stars, there's no automation

Tech progression is handled as a time sink, no effort required (and even primitives can discover electricity if they stare at a table for long enough).

Environmental hazards can't be mitigated at all but temperature sure can!

You can magically grow crops out of nothing, and water is just a terrain feature and not something most biological life requires to survive

I have no idea, I fucking love it.

just carpet bombing all invaders

>there's no way to plan
just build defenses and don't be a brainlet

>heavy modded ice sheet naked brutality playthrough
f u n

Nothing. Just wish it wasn't so cpu-dependent.

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>build defenses to fight raiders that come from the side of the map
>oh btw just gonna drop some robots into the middle of your colony now lmao


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Just get mods when you know what you are doing. It gets way to easy once you learn how to make a fridge and proper defenses.
The game is amazing though.
Just make one building on day one and then a farm day 2. then go from there.
mods fix this. Not even joking you can change anything you want in it.
After a while people do this to have a challenge.

For what it is it's pretty solid


You know it's a thing now so prepare for it, bitch

Rate my base

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So have defences in the middle of your colony too.

This, for being a DF clone, its fun and does its job right also the fact is easy to mod helps to iron the flaws

maybe stop fucking teleporting you assholes
let me build an AA gun if they're just gonna fall from the fucking sky

Hard on the eyes, begging for an infestation and in the least-interesting biome. Hope that is your first playthrough.

It's only good with mods

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you can disable then walling from the sky in the scenario editor. Just select crashlanded and then edit what you want to it.

Can RimjobWorld safely be removed ?
My main colonist had a nympho trait and keeps fucking our animals in the corpse room. Can't do anything useful.

infestations are fun user
I haven't played in a while so I am just testing some mods again.

Do they have multiple stories for buildings yet?

>Can RimjobWorld safely be removed ?
Maybe? The mod page should have a warning about that

less intuitive than Dwarf Fort

Few things are more satisfying than an infestation spawning in an enclosed cave with flamable objects and incendiary IEDs.

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It sounds like licking assholes

>Zzzt...Nothin personnel kid.

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It was commercially a wild success. It could have been better if it had z-levels, was more optimized, and more interesting late game. Mods fix some of this, not all.

tl;dr nothing really

a mod for bones that i don't even remember the name and call of cthulhu for cults and occult shit

thanks user

>tfw waiting for combat extended patches

It is the cultests mod and the bones mod
Just search up lovecraft in steam workshop and it will show up.

Zombieland is neat for how the constant threat of shambling undead changes your defences a lot. You have to keep a walled parameter and be ready to fight any breaches that happen.

It's annoying how restriction zones work in the game. Colonists with walk out of them to make the shortest route somewhere or walk miles to repair a wall because I blocked the nearby door to it, getting bitten by zombies.

AI and map size is a CPU bottleneck. Game is too obsessed with decisions and takes away player agency for the sake of storytelling (eg: infections). Lore is cool as fuck and ready to be expanded but it was abandoned.

no z levels

there are a couple of mods that go along with it that are practically a must, i think they are mentioned in the mod page, the cosmic horrors mod and the books/writing mod, also the extra traits mod is a must aswell considering some spells let you add traits to your pawns by sacrificing humans

Not needed.

>when you run out of resources you have to leave the map

I thought this was a colony builder not a swarm of locusts simulator

>run out of resources
how? you can sustain yourself by growing food eternally, and if you run out of iron to mine just fucking buy it from space merchants

>and if you run out of iron to mine
Not to mention you literally never should with deep drilling.

Multiple colonies.

I like to mine out those areas and leave them supported by single wooden columns with IEDs next to them. They just all instantly die in a cave in if you do it right.

Is there any kind of mod that fixes the retarded surgery system that causes skilled doctors to STAB PEOPLE IN THE LUNGS when attempting to put on an eyepatch?

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between merchants and deep drilling you should never run out of resources

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I think i literally never ran out of mineral resources, at least the common ones

what mod is that? i think ive seen it before

dense forest
it's shit

aight ill steer clear then

it can't handle 300'ish mods at one time.

>look at this
>thought it was Tiberium

It says here that you haven't bought my book. Care to explain?

Attached: blocks your path.jpg (1200x929, 199K)

lol no, thats TIberian rim

I thought it was tiberian but i couldn't remember the name
is tiberium shit?

it is

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your game is shit breh, it's more like a waiting simulator.

Buy the book.

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post ywf you eat without a table

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post yfw you eat with a table

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>300'ish mods
What the fuck, i have half of that and I feel like its too much

No sex mods

Yes I'm a pervert and neet.

>No sex mods

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post yfw you eat a table

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>No sex mods

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>no sex mods
should we tell him?

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>No sex mods

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Either you just meming here or I'm retarded.
Knowing me it is the second one

Can you spoonfeed me?

it costs fucking $50

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i havn't played it but i know about some of the things that can happen, hopefully someone else can tell a story or two

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>no sex mods

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there are sex mods

It costed 0$ for me

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You appear to have crash landed in a Red Zone.

The fuck are those winged spooders from?

I see. Well it is my fault then. Only thing I found on LL was some old 2015 mod. Thanks user.

based retard

Lazy devs that leaves all the work to modders.

No Z-levels. It's pretty good otherwise, and I say that as a DF diehard.

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>No sex mods

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>demon named squirt

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thats a cultist with a shub-niggurath mask



Drop pod raid /10

Do mortar shots explode on damage? If so, fag will learn his lesson real quick

they do, and the more there are in a stack, the bigger the explosion.
dude is about to start a gas leak explosion in the base

>toxic fallout
>dropships right in the middle of your fucking base
These are the only true shitty unfun RNGs, but you can just edit them out when starting a new game.

Your colonists are gonna be pissed they don't each have a space of their own.

This really, I wish my old shit stayed and made rich histories.

There is a mod that lets you explore colonies made by other people as ruins and it uploads your colonies as well, but its random so its unlikely that you get to explore your own colony as a ruin

Have someone do cleaning you idiot. I got a mod that added cleaning and hauling bots to make sure that never got in the way


This mod's a bit cheaty I find. It tends to ruin massive end-game colonies so if you can somehow avoid/kill the massive raider wave it spawns your colony is set forever.

Toxic fallout is honestly the worst, It's not even so much that it's hard to deal with, it's just such an annoyance to need to cover your ENTIRE base with a roof if you've settled outdoors

It got updated,
>can't leave before 2nd wave shows up
>now scales to difficulty
I found a massive ruin that had some tables, maybe some things to break down.

I feel if TF hit a sector of the map rather than covering it'd be a bit more interesting than just 'Forbid everywhere unroofed'

Fair enough. I haven't played Rimworld in a few months. I guess that makes it a bit fairer - I'd still prefer if it erred on the side of smaller ruins.

honestly it's missing the whole "story thing" it feels more like, "shit happens then you build a space craft" it needs large arc events, like alien invaders setting up outpost, zombie apoc, and actual reason to build treaties, maybe massive wars and taking over colonies and demanding tribute.


by far the best thing to come out was "no major issue, no major break" meaning you need a -15 mood hit before someone runs off to murder the antigram warhead.

mods called real ruins or something like that, google it you double nigga

Game is pretty fun. Even more-so with mods. I can wear confederate uniforms and force people to pick my cotton while turning off their ability to consent, what other game lets me do this?

Doesn't RJW make the game quite harder as well, for extra hilarity? Those rape debufs if it happens to your colonists are quite intense. And the added need is more stuff that can create tantrum spirals in the base.

Dwarf Fortress

i like the variety of choice to take a colony. sometimes make different colonies each with a different theme.

nothing, i like it i'm just fucking garbage at it
i can't get the hang of giving my colonists well defined jobs, there's always shit that needs doing or stuff that needs building. like 6 out of 10 games people die due to the first heatwave encountered as well since i can't build things to lower the internal temperature quick enough

mate Rimjobworld was literally one of the first, good, big must-have mods.
did you seriously play the game for all these years living under a rock?

where my ss13 mod niggas at?

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It can be mitigated pretty well. You can turn prisoners into sex slaves which gives a mood buff to the rapist and satisfies the need of course. And there was a guy in another thread that said he made every male colonist trannies and got all of his colonists addicted to dog dick to buff their mood up to ridiculous levels.

if you have say 4 people, just make one a cook, one a farmer/hunter, one on construction and one on the other shit.
of all the colony/base/management sim games rimworld's on the easier end of the spectrum.

The ability to customize your own item loadout, which let me break the game

Vanilla's pretty good but some of the random events aren't that fun. Like blight and battery zaps. Also clothing and armor degrading all the time even when not getting shot at is some BS.

lack of replayability despite being a sandbox game

great game, I really like making base progression screenshots

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this is literally every day working in a restauraunt, rimworld colonists are fucking pussies.

You can disable raids you know

mid to late game is still shit.
>muh drills
>muh trading

dev literally said he won't put in a z axis(digging downward) into the game because it would be too much like dwarf fortress.

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>makes a game inspired by Dwarf Fortress
>won't put Z-levels in because it's too much like Dwarf Fortress
god how retarded can you be? If he added Z-levels this game would be fucking golden

>make a fantasy-esque modpack with Lord of the Rims and some other things
>feel it's missing something, scrap it after a day or two
>make a Combat Extended modpack
>want to try and go back and expand upon the fantasy modpack but CE is too much fun
Life is suffering.

What would Z levels add though? Dwarf Fortress' (Fortress mode anyway) premise is 100-200+ Dwarves striking the Earth. Rimworld is around 20 colonists surviving after crash landing (default.) So Z levels give more space and more resources... something you're not really pushed for. The best argument for zlevels might be if it was limited to 2-3 zlevels each way. Basement/sub-basement and being able to shoot over walls.

Why are you fags so obsessed with Z-levels?

The game lags when you reach 20+ colonists and the retard made the game only run on one core so performance will always be shit. Z-levels would make it more of a slideshow than it already is.

It sounded like a place you'd go to get your asshole tonguepunched

I wish it needed only that, everything this game does feels raw and unfinished, you can't even mod it too much as it starts taking ten+ full minutes to load and lags in late game because of the awful optimization.
You can have some fun with a roleplay or challenge run but more than that idk, even that gets boring as the only endgame is booring.

>tfw only want z-levels to make cool ass guard towers

More endgame than Dwarf Fortress.

I didnt know it existed. Got a link? How developed is it?

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>Let modders make the game playable instead of patching it in
Hah, actually Tynan lets modders make the patches that he then patches into the base game manually.

>have around 200 active mods
>startup time is 20 minutes
>the game just crashed

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I wish spaceships and cross planet was possible.

>startup time is 20 minutes
This is my biggest issue with the game. I get that mods will make a game slower but holy shit it's at least 5 minutes of doing absolutely nothing but waiting for the game to start.

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Rimworld is fun. Too bad this thread won’t last long since mods are fags

Btw, is dorf fortress with graphics out on steam yet?

>Tattered Appearal
Is anything below fucking excellent silk clothes at 90% tattered to these little faggots?

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Any apparel at or below 50% is considered tattered, regardless of materials or quality.