or is he just going to keep playing factorio on his mansion all day ?
Will he ever make another masterpiece ?
he should stop making threads about himself
Probably not. He made a ton of money of Minecraft, and a good chunk of people aren’t fans of his opinions these days.
If he blows all his money, he might crawl out of his mansion and try to make another hit I suppose.
Nope! what's his motivation now? be even richer? he is done.
Would you even bother doing anything if you were set for life? I would probably just fuck hookers everyday and play vidya
What did he give up his happiness for?
I think he has ideas but he hates the work. Remember when he wanted to make a space sim and got as far as coding the light.
making games is fun
i would be pretty happy if i had infinite money
I know if I had 2 billion dollars I wouldn't do a fucking thing ever again. Maybe a hobby, but he seems to not enjoy development anymore.
If I had 2 billion dollars I would just bully the general public about how poor and useless they are on social media all day
Well it's not like he made Minecraft because he wanted money, otherwise he would've been making mobile games, not autism simulators for niche audiences (yes I know how big it is now).
He still posts about programming and programming related stuff on Twitter so I assume he hasn't lost his passion for... whatever it is he is passionate about. I doubt he's going to ever make a big release with a Studio though.
why would notch do anything? he smokes weed all day. I could see him becoming a paypig for some MMO because he doesn't go outside anymore.
Hell no are you retarded? Him making Minecraft was no different then him winning the lottery, he got lucky with a good idea and it became the best selling game of all time. Hey good for him he struck it big but when Minecraft started to take off we saw the true Notch, he's lazy as fuck, has 0 passion for developing games, is depressed and miserable because all he did when he was developing minecraft was take vacations, now he has an eternal vacation and is just going to wallow in misery.
>making games is fun
So why hasn't he done one since he sold his company?
>makes an infiniminer clone using leaked source code
>never makes another game
He should use some of his billions to convince Barth to make another game for him.
>i would be pretty happy if i had infinite money
Notch is living proof money doesnt buy happiness. That's why most billionaires keep growing their wealth, there's simply nothing else to do.
Can he even make games? It wouldn't surprise me if there was some non-compete clause when he sold his company to Microsoft.
unless you lose all of your friends just like notch did, you have ALOT of stuff to do
those don't last forever
Would somebody send me $1,000 to start creating my masterpiece?
yeah, faggots tryin to steal your cash
>Rich in a way even surgeons wish they could be.
>Still dresses like shit.
>Still has a slob body.
>Tried to mingle with celebs but he's a literally who to everyone that almost no one wants to be around.
>Has no motivation for anything other than twitter shitposting.
>Is almost 40 and has no kids, couldn't make a marriage last a year.
>So obnoxious, Microsoft wont even let him join minecraft events.
I wonder if he even bathes. I'd say I envied the guy because he's so wealthy but his soul must be a fucking void at this point.
but he has been working on stuff.
they just arent complete enough for him to release to the public.
Wasn't he working on something at first? some space game shit with a weird game? think that was after he sold minecraft.
he HAD kids, i think his wife took them away tho
Yep. Went nowhere.
Mojang also made a 2d platforming fighter. Went nowhere.
They also made an aggressively monetized TCG. Went nowhere.
>Got gold dug HARD.
Is that why he acts like one of those MGTOW incels now?
And how do you know this?
by following his twitter
>another masterpiece
what was the other one?
hes posted some stuff on twitter here and there.
just gotta wade through the mess of his shitposting tweets though.
Did he divorce before or after selling Minecraft to Microsoft? How much did he lose in the divorce?
He's done. Just empty husk with lots of money.
Didn’t the folks at Mojang unperson him after he made some right wing remark? I could swear I remember someone saying that all references to him have been purged.
The one that made him a billionaire.
>Watching Notch's twitter.
What's it like listening to a grown man whine all day?
OK Yea Forums!
You have 2 billion dollars, a comfy house and will never want for anything material. What would YOU do with your life?
Probably do what Notch does, just be less of a faggot.
no different than watching a bunch of kids whine all day on Yea Forums
his factorio tweets are neat.
Right-wingers have no place in the video game industry. All they do is make edgelord games.
Didn't he try to make an FPS and just ended up scrapping the project?
Study humanities, became a /fit/ master and develop games.
Gun company.
Soft drink company.
Make some stupid inventions.
Make an animated sci-fi show.
possibilities are endless
Edgelords are almost exclusively lefties tho.
>people complain about leftist in the video game industry
>people complain about rightist in the video game industry
what the fuck do people want? centralist? they dont exist.
Just drink booze, watch YouTube, play vidya, and work on my game all day. So pretty much what I do now since I'm between jobs. Also bars everyday and I'd likely pick my ketamine habit back up if we're being honest.
Ancient gif, how old are you, user?
Why don't rich game developers hang together ?
33 and here since 2006, but I re-saved it recently so it's still going around.
Lefties in video games are extremely annoying, but when right-wingers try to make games it comes across as extremely forced. Western developers can never be subtle about politics in games, no matter what their ideology. Once again, Japan wins on that front.
afraid someone will steal their next big idea
Name one right wing videogame.
Probably try to do some low risk investments since I'm dumb, and then just focus on improving my art and getting healthy, traveling a lot too.
29 and also 2006. One of my favs, I remember uploading it to a gif/music site and combining his tranformation with the crescendo of the Top Gun theme
minecraft was a fluke, he is uncreative, lazy and a nigger.
anyone have a photo of notch recently? Is he still fat?
Are game developers generally even rich? Maybe Owners/CEOs of publishing companies.Even Todd howard is only 15 mil net worth. That's almost nothing vs notch. If you make $20,000/year, you are closer to Todd Howard is in net worth than he is to Notch.
Drink myself to death like I'm doing now, only fancier
Use my vast wealth to subliminally shape society to fit my desires. I would not rest until people were unironically walking around dressed like Randy Savage and blasting More Than A Feeling everywhere they go
no, hes literally Yea Forums but with money.
>only 15 mil net worth
That's pretty rich, user. Not Notch rich, which I know was your point, but that's a lot of money. But yeah, the average dev doesn't make a lot unless, like Notch, they do a solo thing that takes off. But working for a corporation, it doesn't pay very well. You're just another cog in the machine, same as anywhere else.
He literally just caught lightning in a bottle and will probably never make another game. I think he wants to keep it that way too
We should invite notch to this thread on twitter
Winner for creativity.
... I could get down with this.
so user can call him a nigger
>make some investments and prepare for my future
>start a youtube channel or something similar- its a low effort easy money and a source of publicity should things go south
>travel often
>you will never be Notch's wife and get to literally do nothing all day with him other than shitpost on twatter
it isn't fair Yea Forumsros
that's the plan
>Put everything on different low risk funds to make a big wage only with the interests.
> Pay a personal trainer to get decently fit.
> Get good clothes.
> Start living in different cities two or three months at a time, starting with Manila.
are you retarded
Spend it all on memetic warfare and aim for the society to become like in Starship troopers.
Go on Twitter and dab on trannies.
I'd later buy a massive share in twitter, so I can shit on mudsharks without getting banned.
I'd just youtube, smoke, game and make shit. I'd also still be shitposting here, as the need to discuss all the games I can afford but won't play will be high. Also, i'd go to more movies, eat out once a day, consume more media like tv shows and music and I'd probably travel, but I don't know where.
Also? Whores.
Make an animated pilot, pitch it to Adult Swim or something, see if I can get it on TV. Don’t even care if it’s successful or not, just wanna be able get my shit out there without having to worry about finances.
His wife divorced him immediately after the one year mark (i.e. the first point in time she could get a hold of his money by swedish law).
He doesn't have any kids you clown, he never did.
Too bad he's a fat fuck spewing alt-right dogwhistles and racist pseudoscience on twitter all day to stay relevant to reactionary-types obsessed with being outraged.
He looks like Flusha from CS:GO.
He's too lazy. He already tried to start another project (oxtency?) and gave up before we even had something playable.
why do so many people have this horrible sedentary boomer mentality
Buy a big house, buy a top of the line gaymen pc. Play Warhammer. Become a drawfag.
He's an exception because he is way too lazy. I'd buy my friends, fun and pussy.
>I'd buy my friends, fun and pussy.
Personally? I don't have high goals aside from make shit for fun. Hanging out with friends and having a night out sounds fun, and sitting on my ass while listening to new music is cool, too. I'd probably eat right and get some exercise in, but broadening my horizons with media while I have all the time for it? Might as well if i'm going to be creating media.
I guess what i'm trying to say is that I wouldn't live a sedentary lifestyle, but i'd live a simple lifestyle. I never took to flashy clothes or jewelry. Expensive shit like yachts or fast cars don't interest me. I've just been a low-maintenance guy, and I don't see that changing when money isn't an issue, but i'd enjoy some finer things like nice wines and vacations every year if I could.
He's got the money to make videogames better for us all but the lack of drive and ambition.
He's a guy that got lucky he built a community around a game he made in his spare time and he knows it. He knows none of his next ideas will succeed and he's paralysed by it.
He could literally make a small studio to make games for him, have it fail financially and still cost him barely anything.
Didn't he also made a shitty horse game where you push a ball in a empty overworld?
he also made a quick game about how depressed he was
Has he tried making Minecraft, but the cubes are balls?
avoid isolation
try to get fit
throw small parties every once in a while so normies don't ostracize me
invest in space travel so I can crash my rotting corpse into the moon once I'm dead
Make videogames for fun. Live comfortably but not like super expensively. You don't need a lobster thermador dinner everyday. I'm not fucking Batman. Get a small house near my family that costs very little to maintain, and then some more to rent out to people for a little income, or to sell if things ever went south. Or to give to my niece or nephew if they ever start a family.
I'd start up a charity/trust fun to help people get into making games, and another small company to just make games out of whatever I liked but didn't want to personally be involved in.
The rest of my time, I'd spend in a little home theatre, reading literature, playing games, and inviting my family over to stay for a while. But not so much that they get spoilt.I don't want my niece and nephews to grow up being spoilt rich kids. In fact I'd never want them to mention me at all to others except as a regular uncle if they can.
Then I'd just experiment with tech. Like I do anyway. Try to learn new things where I can. I'd like to get an Outrun 2 arcade machine and that fist of the north star one where you punch the light up pads. Always loved that one.
Buy twitter and nuke it and buy out anyone who tries to make an alternative
Either that or just fuck 16 year old swedish traps in the ass every day
Buy a small bus, furnish it, live the rest of my life travelling along the countryside
Killing Twitter would be the best thing in the world.
>making games is fun
says a faggot who has never developed any complex software in his life
t. programmer
His suicide scene.
but Notch doesn't have to do any of that shit, he can just hire fifty goons like you and slave them around
>>Is almost 40 and has no kids, couldn't make a marriage last a year.
that whore only married him for dosh and divorced as soon as she could