Is the thicc latina body type what most game devs should strive to achieve with their 3d models?
No, they should go for skinny, slender and fit whitesians
Go back to looking at more sph porn you dumb Jurifag.
They have hairy man arms in real life. And when they hit the wall, they hit it hard.
Spics are subhuman mutts
Mexican manlet detected. Trying to deflect guys from stealing your womens again.
>not liking latinas
My Latina gf doesn’t shave her legs
Belongs in a trash can.
Is she funny user
I have never had a gf so I wouldn't knoe
>those fucking knees
Tattoos nails and an ugly watch. Ya no thanks send her back
That thing has a dick.
Russians >>> Blacks >>> Latinas
I like latinas but thats a literal orc goblin hybrid you degenerate
Absolute SWINE
>European niggers
>ugly knees 0/10 would not fuck
you could cut open a safe with them
Damn that's fucking ugly
Is this supposed to be attractive? She looks and acts disgsusting.
>Hideous face
>Zero trigger discipline
latinas age like milk
>white thots actually post on Yea Forums
That desperate huh
Nah even the japanese have to enhance their character designs with latina traits such as big breasts and thick hips because its lacking in their typical flat assed woman. Latinas are naturally gifted goddesses and actually look like what most artists want to create
New tifa is gonna look like this and im not gonna complain.
>latinas age like milk
lol have sex kid
Why the fuck is she locking her knees like that
>Locking the knees
They're dumb as shit too i see.
>They think all latinas look like their instagram thots
Poor naive bastards.
the weights are fake.
Except Selma Hayek?
shitskins aren't latinos
mediterraneans are
Salma Hayek, Jennifer Lopez, Sofia Vegara, Jessica Alba are all 50 years old and look beautiful
Depends how much Euro admixture they have
everyone always focuses on the girl bending over but not realizing that the girl just out of frame is vastly superior.
>not from latin america
Dumping millions on hollywood surgeons does not mean natural beauty.
Nice feet
Was waiting for the snap
absolutely disgusting
Why would someone workout in an outfit like that?
>Some of the people in this thread
>Hating literally any type of woman, at all
You’re a brainlet, a söyboi, a faggotron, a retard, a shitstabber, and every other buzzword under the sun—but most importantly, you are a philistine. Attractive women know no race, they exist across all cultures and countries in every shade there is.
>B-but shitskins-
>but wh*toids-
>But nignog-
>but chinks and snackbars and cholas and-
If you can’t appreciate the shape of a woman across all cultures, you’re a faggot, you’re uncultured, and you ain’t my nigga. There are no exceptions.
why is Yea Forums always shitting on latinas and latin american games studios?
There need to be more qt black girls in gaming
I'd fuck her through a mattress but that trigger discipline.
Break that fucking hand.
>if you aren't willing to commit racial suicide you ain't my nigger