1 year until wizardhood

>1 year until wizardhood
>thread made on Yea Forums dies before anybody reply
>nobody remember about me

What's good games to play on lonely birthday? I feel so useless.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>lvl 29 wizard apprentice
Fucking yikes, OP. hurry up and respec.

Tomodachi Life

Go read Notes from the Underground.

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I want to see her getting snuffed.

Two years for me and i'll join you.

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Five months left here.

7 years left, i wanna befriend a grandpa like op

I hope I kill myself before I reach wizardhood

London? It's not like one fuck will change your life, but we don't need another hairy potter waging war on dark lord.

Have exact feel bro

I lost my virginity at 28 and I'm 30 now. Wasn't worth it.

Have s_x, OP

>giving up on arcane powers when you're so close
you fool

stop being a faggot op,
you don't have to pay 600 a month in child support
Remember, judges ALWAYS favor the mom
even if she is a druggie whore

Persona is for people like you and me it's a mixture between jrpg and schoollife simulator

16 months left here.

One of my ultimate goals in life is to ascend to wraithhood at level 50. I won't be shelling out ANYTHING on child support

>3 years left
>I could probably fuck some super desperate whale on Tinder right now
>It still won't change the fact that nothing in life brings me joy
I'll die someday anyway, why not end it now

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>Yea Forums user
>lvl 29 apprentice
do you really think he doesn't know what persona is?

>tfw you missed out on teenage love and its impossible to go back

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Depression is a bitch, seek help user

I don't have much hope. I work on improving myself on the slim chance a girl ends up liking me, but I don't really know any and I imagine chicks my age aren't looking for boyfriends at this point.

Great way to feel even worse when your avatar marry and you don't.

What's that?

Near nobody gives ideas so it's better than nothing

Good. Teenagers of both sexes are fucking annoying, I realized this very quickly.

Girls your age are looking for bfs, but they are likely to have as much luggage as you - children and other unresolved emotional issues from previous relationships, aging and dying parents, shitton of fetishes, lost hopes and broken dream.

I love Jill! I want to hug her and tell her everything is going to be adequate!

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Why paying child support when you can make happy family with your wife? I still dream.

3 years left for me. Its ok I have cunny and its all I need.

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>tfw you missed out on teenage love and twenties love
There's no going back from here to normalcy.

Fetishes are good.

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Even though life is merely a journey to the grave, it is not one to be undertaken without hope. We all have something user. The smell of flowers on a cool crisp day. The feeling of a cool breeze as you walk around outside. To define one's life as simply reproduction is primitive. We are all suffering but life is about finding those things you enjoy. And if you feel lonely then add me and we can play monster hunter later today.

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I was actually thinking about Neptunia.

I do t like Persona, I think it killed SMT.

I'm level 34 wiz. Years ago, anons told me to spec for necromancy if I want to sex stuff and still have powers but I can't find any sexy corpse around and killing people for that seems way out of my alignment. Supposedly, I can respec for Paladin but I think I'd rather go with Muscle Wizard instead.

This is the dream.

If you feel useless you probably are. Go do volunteer work in your community in your free time and be useful.

Yeah, and I'm just as big a mess so I don't think I'll be very appealing to them. Still live with folks, shit near-minimum wage job, poor networks. It feels very futile.

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There's nothing wrong with
>doing it for free
if you feel like it, but come on user, work doesn't need voluntary in order to be useful. Everybody needs money

why is Jill so cute bros

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>turning 30 on Monday
>tfw missing out on wizard powers because I fell to the temptations of a succubus once back when I was 19

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They are not, fetishes are weird. My 29 yo sister has a fetish for fat guys and guys gaining weight. Her last bf went from skinny to 400 lbs lardsack and had moobs bigger than hers. Then they broke up and he can't lose the weight. Doubt anyanon would want to deal with that shit. Or literal shit, there are even worse sick fetishes.

i want money without working

That's right my SMTfag friend always complains about it. I'm thinking on playing strange journet, SMTIV or Devil Survivor. Which one should I play?

The point is to do something new outside of your usual routine. Volunteering is a positive thing, and helped me get through a rough period, personally. Being able to see the direct result of my work really lifted my spirits.

A 150 year old book that perfectly predicted the current generation of socially awkward outcasts without losing a single drop of intensity over all that time. About 50 pages long, nice language, very strong story and extremely relatable to wizards.
You can read it for free on there, the first part is 30 pages of philosophical rant that isn't really connected to the story, so you can skip to part II where the story starts.

to be voluntary*
fucked up while formatting
who doesn't

I'll say the same thing I say to all you pathetic retards: Go to Thailand.

It'll flip your entire perception of the world upside down. You'll get to experience what it's like as a roastie, 10/10 women throwing themselves at you, in some cases straight up grabbing you in the street.

>B-But they're whores

Some are, but there's plenty of normal girls who'd love to try some white cock and/or have a white boyfriend. Go to a nightclub and you'll have them approach you. And hell, fuck the whores too. It's not like prostitution in the West and they're a lot of fun.

>B-But ladyboys

Literally the easiest thing to avoid. You'll only run into them if you want to fuck one. The real girls hate them and drive them away, since they're often thieves, which drives customers away from bars and clubs and ruins everything.

Thailand will cure your mental. Take some boys with you and give your ego a massage for a few weeks.

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Honestly I don't know, she is the only "anime girl" that I compulsively save images of

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Isn't she a dyke femcel

Play Soul Hackers

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List your positive attributes, maybe you have no history of substance abuse, don't drink, don't smoke, have at least some job, good relationship with your parents, maybe volunteer at homeless shelter?

guys, I am lv30 already,but goddamn my 24 y/o cousin confessed to me last week and told her i needed some days to think about it. She somehow find me attractive even when I am chubby (not obese, but it can be fixed by going back on diet/gym. Should I give up on my new adquired powers and try to be happy with her? I mean, she's a cutie and I don't think any girl would confess tome anytime soon
I know its taboo and the shitstorm I will start in my family, but so far she was honest with me

How about not hiding from your problems behind video games and instead developing a healthy social life that will actually make you happy, you little shit?

Sweet home Alabama

Are you sure it's not just a very mean joke?
she can turn her phone camera on you and get the last laugh.

>tfw I was a Chad teenager
>adulthood made me fatter uglier and sadder
>haven't gone on a date in years
Its almost worse to know what's on the other side.

just play smash bros with your frie-

oh, sorry

>What's that?
A book about you. About all of us.

that's the problem, social life doesn't make me happy

This and /thread

why not? cousin marriage is fine in most cultures, and it makes for great fetish roleplay

>cousin marriage illegal in Alabama
>legal in New York
Funny how urban libs invented the stereotype when the very opposite is the reality

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It's time to go full serial killer.

not worth it to be honest, it would ruin what little of a life you have. there's gorillions of people in the world, just go on a diet and to the gym like you said you could and you'll find someone. It just takes time, and more importantly, effort on your part.

This, just be confident bro

>tfw don't have white cock
Now what?

Do it but don't expect to much

28 here, I have half an excuse besides being a lazy piece of shit, namely having a bizarre and autistic fetish that's impossible in real life and that I would have extreme difficulty sharing with anyone that I couldn't trust implicitly, so that throws relationships out the window and I'm not that interested in casual sex.
Anyway this thread isn't videogames

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I wanna see her getting stuffed

Not Alabama but curiously the name of the place I live starts with A
I feel she's actually honest with me

How the hell is that even possible after spending your entire teens and most of your twenties rotting?

Quit HRT and stop venting about your life on Yea Forums of all places.

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Is my wife not enough for you, Tyrone?

Do it.
It's not like life is really worth caring about at that point.

I don't like smokers but she is cute.

Only applies if you aren't a manlet though.

jesus you southerners are animals


Not a wiz but havent seen a wet hole in 7+ years
it sucks

Imagine letting fucking trannies live rent free in your head, out of all the people on this planet

I've never done hard drugs and I don't smoke so there's that. I like to think I can write pretty well, I wrote a book, but it's not published or anything. My parents don't hate me, no, but they're drug addicts. I used to be really fat but I lost a lot of weight, still need to lose another 25ish pounds to get rid of my flab though.

I have a car, but no license.

I don't want to hurt anyone either


It's not even a sister, quit being a stick in the mud.

What do you work as?

but this is not a tranny thread

But I have a penis and intend to keep it
Get trannies out of your fucking head man

It's just a crappy retail job.

>but they are likely to have as much luggage as you
not sure if I would say that a string of failed relationships and fatherless children are the same as not having any experience.

just bee yourself bro but only if it conforms with the view of the majority in the society you live in, and are not a manlet, or unfunny, or weird looking, or don't like sports, or don't like movies

better than being in debt cause of college loan
I've been working as a web developer for 6 years and I will probably need two more years to finally pay my debt

>Wasn't worth it.
Dunno, I would say if that was your conclusion, it was still worth it. At least now you know it's not what you expected and there's not much reason to constantly worry about it.

There're countries where college is free or 700$ a year though

>other unresolved emotional issues
I don't think you can call them girls anymore, user.

It depends. If it's just no experience, then it's no biggie, they're big girls and can lead and all you need to do is practice. If it's caused by communication issues, fear of intimacy, social phobia and such, then it's whole different tier and may be even bigger boulder on the way to happy relationship than fatherless children. Unless you are already working on the issue via therapy.

I could've been a wizard, user.

shithole countries, you mean

there is. catching up is actually not that hard once you are in a relationship, and when your current life is decent you don't waste much thought on the past and what you might have missed.

the only problem is finding someone who is willing to give you a chance. friend of mine looks pretty decent, works as a doctor, is fit and so on. but he's also a wizard and women have legit ditched him for that despite all the other shit on the plus side.

While you mention it, I do feel some sort of unexplained satisfaction when doing photos. Im still green and did a lot of improvement over last year when I started but I mostly lose all good mood when I begin to finish photos on PC with proper software. While photographing, I feel joy but when I modify them, I only see flaws and mistakes I did. It is kinda sad.

Happy Birthday user! Hope you have a great day today!

you don't actually get magic powers

EU countries, some are bad some are good

If you are a sub5 male your place is rotting at home and subsidizing normies lives with your taxes or being six feet under. Society doesn't want you, just live with it.

>be clapistani
>debt for life because you decided to go to college
>this isn't standard for the rest of the world
>have the audacity to call them shitholes

Can't really go wrong so long as you avoid most western games, OP. Wish I could more helpful, but by the time I became a wizard, I was long past the point of caring.

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fair enough. I supposed it's impossible to turn into a wizard without taking some mental damage from it, but a lot of it is easily reversible, like feeling undesirable and so on. that goes up in smoke once someone proves it wrong for once.

perfectionism is the biggest antagonist to happiness. no matter what you do, it always ruins the joy afterwards because it's almost impossible to not make some tiny mistake.

Like if 29yo with social skills of 14yo can suddenly become normal family man.

One more thing, OP:
Happy Birthday!

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How does one fight off perfectionism?


Not with that attitude.

you are overestimating most people. your average person still fucking sucks at socializing, they just don't worry about it as much as you do. their conversation openers are stuff like "how was your day?" and then it does off if you don't make sure to give them a hook to ask further questions.

I did the same (overestimating them) because I spent so much time consuming fiction in all forms where the characters always know exactly what to say and so on, since the author probably spent some hours thinking about it. completely warped my perception of how people interact and when I went out and just started with the most low level shit it worked pretty well regardless.

Post discord? Stuttertyping animesissies get me all hot and bothered.

I suppose after being an outsider and a loner for a decade, you begin to reevaluate your position in society, or lack thereof. I've been thinking about this since I was 13. I'm 25 now, and I've not changed one iota. Sometimes I wonder if this worthless fucking website ruined me.
I like to understand the world more now. I like to think to myself, sometimes, that whereas others feel obligated to stay because of the balls and chains they've accrued over the years by weighing themselves down with friends, relationships, and responsabilities, one day, when my family is gone, the only balls and chain you've no choice to put on, then I will be truly free.
But that's a fucked up, wrong, sour-grapes way of thinking about it.
And yet it still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Yes, when I'm finally alone I'll be free to do what I want. I'll be free to go where I please. I'll be free to get piss fucking drunk at a bar and be kicked out at 3 AM. All of these things I've never had the courage to do.
In the end, I realize what's wrong with me: though I may be 25, I haven't grown up. Making friends is the path towards personal emancipation and construction, it's what makes you realize that there's a world beyond your parents, and it helps you understand your place in it.
But I missed that part. So at 25, I still ask my parents for permission for everything. Every time I go somewhere I always text them back telling them I'm there, and when I leave I text them telling them I'm going home.
The "freedom" I want is just what adults do normally. And I'll enjoy it only in decades, far past my prime. And it'll just result in me killing myself after a week or two because once my family's gone, I have no reason to go on.
Thank you for reading my blog.

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Having sex won't fix life issues. It's just a hunger that goes away and comes back the next day.

I wish I knew, man. I actually have a pretty decent track record when it comes to achievements but I just can't get any joy out of them.
>got my PhD last year
>external prof who was sitting in on the disputation asked me why I wasn't smiling after I passed
>coworker just went "lol he never smiles, that's just how his face looks like"
>truths was I didn't feel any pride about it because I felt I could have done better

dude you're fucked


>recommending volunteering to someone that hates people

>waiting for your parents to die before becoming independent
what is stopping you from moving out and get some breathing room? how about talking with them and saying you feel choked? 25 years old is nothing bro you're not even near wizardhood and even then it's not too late.

that's definitely not okay

It's less about the sex and more about the relationship you probably got that sex from, assuming you didn't just fuck some drunk slut once.
Having sex once doesn't change much, having a relationship does.

I wish I had a slutty boyfriend to love.

gays not welcome

I'd be unable to function as an adult. I only learned how to tie my shoes about six months ago.

Are you retarded? I mean clinically, not as an insult.


27 year old virgin here. Should I just purchase a hooker? I'm so horny and lonely.

Its [the current year]
How is it bait? I like cute boys and I like sluts.

>valhalla shit
The shotgun to the face game.

hookers are fun to fuck but it won't fix loneliness.

but what if the gay spread from you to me, can't risk that please leave

>Yea Forums - normie central
Janny, would you mind?

No, not that I know of. I've never had problems academically, so if I'm retarded it's behaviorally.
I must have some sort of mental illness, because there's definitely something wrong with my brain.

Its ok user, you can't catch the gay. You have nothing to fear except for the retards who dance rainbows in the street and dont understand the concept of shame.

it literally wont change anything but feel free user

let me tell you this: you will never feel ready about anything
getting stuck in your comfort zone is so easy and so destructive that i'm surprised it isn't taught as a common knowledge. guess some pick up on it from parents forcing their kids to do shit, i dont know.
you may never feel ready, but take baby steps. if you have no cash then get an easy wageslave zero requirement part-time job and start saving up. the hardest part of moving out is supporting yourself financially. everything else is piss easy.
trust me, i know the suffocating dread that comes with life just moving on while you're stuck. reading your blogpost it genuinely looks like you're waiting for your parents to die as a catalyst to become independent because you are unable to pull yourself out of your hole. like a nested bird that doesn't dare take their first flight, you pray for the day the tree falls over so you can finally be "free". nobody really knows how to function as adults, we just go along with the flow and correct our mistakes.
you'll be alright user

>>It still won't change the fact that nothing in life brings me joy
>don't know how to fix it by yourself
>people who've known you for a while don't even realize that something is wrong because you're always like that so they just assume that's how you normally are
>don't want to burden them with that shit, especially when they never asked

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>all these virgins
are you retarded?

>Lost my virginity at 14
>haven't fucked since

how is that called?

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Lisa the painful
It's about a world entirely populated by incels and homos

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its called being raped

Talking about your life on Yea Forums is something a failed normie faggot would do. Just get the fuck out already you unashamed faggot.

you are retarded ok

but i groped her once and she gave in so i dont know if to call it a rape.

Also, try anu VN for Coping. or Rune Factory.

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Lisa the painful is what happens when feminism takes over, reproduction rates on an all time low and humanity close to extinction

also, have sex

That's fine bro, I still mess it up sometimes. I'm doing student internships in kindergarden right now and I can't help a 5yo tie her fucking shoes. You'll be fine.

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This its about being accepted by someone rarther than the sex itself

relationship > drunk slut > being a virgin forever > paying for sex

how old was she?
if she was overage and you underage its rape

Why nobody makes video game recommendation?

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>asking this kind of question here

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>when feminism takes over
But there's like only one woman?

Rabi-Ribi is a colorful anime metroidvania that should cheer you up.
I wanted to reply in the previous thread but it died too soon

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>not wanting sweet ass wizard powers
Roasties are shit user, having had a lifetime of dealing with their shit: it's not fucking worth it. Their all batshit and have the mental and emotional capacity of a child.

>just go on a diet and to the gym like you said you could and you'll find someone.
I always dislike these kind of statements because they imply that if you do [unrelated thing], the relationship will suddenly magically happen by itself.
It won't, he still has to actively pursue one.

we were both underage desu, wasn't a good fuck either but i came in her anyways

Play S.T.A.L.K.E.R if you still lonely, user.

>this artist
holy shit

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Based sexpat bro, that's what I want to do in a couple years.
t. 24kv

Can you scream LAKAD MATATAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG when you knock up a thai grill?

inorite? move over naturalton, I've found a new standard for perfection.

Yume Nikki.

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any game where you can be helpful to others, whether it is being sunbro in Souls or healing in an MMO, anything where you might feel any kind of appreciation from others

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>women have legit ditched him for that
He probably didn't give them any money and they left.
I doubt that the gold diggers would leave because he was acting retarded if they think they couldn't get a few bucks from him

So who's the artist

1990 bros rise up

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I'm here but i'd rather sit down, thanks.

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have you tried going to the gym? beyond the aesthetic benefits, it will balance your hormones, directly making you feel better

I lost it when I was a teenager.
It wasn't worth it either.

The thing is that women get offended if you say that you don't want a girlfriend even if they have 0 interest on you, it's very funny