What's Yea Forums's problem with Game Theory? What's his worst theory?

What's Yea Forums's problem with Game Theory? What's his worst theory?

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He makes content for children who the fuck cares

And your mom made a living out of sucking baby batter

Friendly reminder that this retard gave a copy of Undertale to the Pope.

Sans is Ness
Also he became a soulless money hog
The earlier you go in Game Theory videos the better they are

>White people


and toby fox, undertales creator, literally hates his guts.

did he play it?

I don't know, I don't watch game theory, and I never have.

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the current pope? He'd probably like it, hes a total faggot and heretic

>tfw Matt did a film theory on JoJo

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I liked him back in the day, the success went to his head it seems though.

He literally can't take criticism, much less banter. Remember there was some Undertale video where he spent five minutes talking about how he was scared to make this because his last theory got laughed at and he got shit-talked. Plys the whole giving Undertale to the Pope thing.

I have seen exactly one game theory video. It was a Mega Man one: I think the title or button was "Wily is Innocent". But that was the central argument. But it had nothing original I could see and only repeated justifications but none of the central arguments from a common "Light is the villain" troll declaration that've circulated for years. Even though some of the arguments are necessary to have Wily's guilt absolved by framing Light as the villain/criminal he reacts to.

I formed the opinion he has no QA, and is willing to, if not wholly, just regurgitate half-remembered shit he found on the internet.

His For Honor video was incredibly retarded
also giving pope undertale lmao

>tfw your face is known to no one, thus preventing MatPat from using it in one of his godawful thumbnails.

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Is Toby Fox /ourguy/?

Kizuna man?

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What a faggot

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>this whole reply thread
Is he genuinely retarded? Just back off and apologize holy shit.

every video that he shills for some asinine DONATE TO A CAUSE charity or organization, like the fucking Bill and Melinda Gates, shit.

butt hay is disgusting

oofers zoom zoom cringed

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>Matt Pat talks about shitty shit
>one of them is JoJo
Surpise motherfucking suprise

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Sounds more like badge of honor than anything

i hate his voice

I only remember his Creeper theory being good.
Everything else, I couldn't give a shit about.

the boku no pico hero academia about All Might whilst the show and the manga literally explains the shit he tries to THEORIZE about.

but he always uses the excuse that the AUTHORS, etc are lying to you, not that his theories are wrong to begin with

I'm sure game theory is fine if you just need Content to listen to while doing something else. I really don't like the "tone" of it though. It really feels like you're being marketed to. Like it's extremely insincere and just tweaked perfectly for search engine optimization. I prefer youtubers with atleast some honest personality.

Imagine if a smelly retard spouted the biggest, most asinine bullshit about some luxury goods that don't matter after you stopped playing them and have absolutely no intrinsic value and got paid millions of dollars for it. That's my problem with it.

You just posted the same picture again you fucking troglodyte

His videos when he talks about the actual science of a game are actually good. Its the "Lore" theories I have a problem with.

How did he do it anyway? I don't think there was a physical copy of Undertale at the time, did he just give him an usb stick or what

Am I missing something?
It seems like both parties are being retarded here.
And this seems as much a condemnation of Toby.
He doesn't have to link your shitty game, people know how to search for a game, and boohoo he got your name wrong.
And mattpatt needs to just die with his shit videos for children.

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This. His DB video was okay. Not too many people understand how ki works in that show. There’s a reason it revolutionized the manga industry.

His worst theory is how PewDiePie somehow "played" the algorithm to get where he is today.

I can't stand it. It's so obviously designed for children looking for something to watch during recess. Why anyone cares about or even discusses them is beyond me.

Yeah what a faggot he should do honest worthwhile work like you, packing chips and soda for boomers at walmart

That's literally what every youtuber tries to do.

When he started doing lore videos is when it went to shit. Back at the beginning when it was all science, math and stuff like that, I found it really interesting. Now everything is ‘the hidden lore of X’. And it’s just cringeworthy. Any channels that give the same feels as early Game Theory

And it doesn't work.

It's overblown outrage for sure, I just find humor in the irony of giving a game to the pope only for the creator of that game to utterly despise you.

I have no problem with that guy because I don't know that guy. What did he do?

Unironically, its still Game Theory. I feel like he hate's doing the lore videos, but only do them for the views. Whenever he does a science episode, he seems way more happier.

Matpat is shit but this is the one area he's actually an expert in. Look up SEO, search engine optimization. It's the only reason he's succesful.

Yes, it does.

>Gives the Pope a game he likes because lesson about pacifism
>Makes a video patting himself on the back about it
God, what a loser.

What's the story on this?

Is it really that hard for you guys to believe someone either got lucky or worked really hard to get where they are rather than "played the unfair system"? You guys are worse than niggers.

This. Just this stupid dumbass picture is enough to make me hate him. Photoshop faces are bad enough but he constantly does this thinking pose because woooah deep thinker.

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I'm sure it does to some extent. Don't you remember the reply girls? It's a constant game between content creators and youtube, where the content creators are experimenting and figuring out how youtube discriminate between types of videos, and youtube constantly updating, trying to promote the videos to the correct target audiences, making them the most money.

how likely is it that mat pat does nothing more than VA for his videos ?

If we're being honest here?
He rambles to pad out his fifteen minutes
His jokes aren't funny enough to warrant that padding
His padding could be better used for useful trivia and explanations of the science he's using IF he uses it
His theories all feel kind of samey because of his padding and his stagnant humor
I like the guy but it's clear he's not doing this for fun any more. He just wants to pad and do theories on whatever is trending to make his livelyhood so as a result the product suffers
Biggest changes I'd make if I were consulting him?
>Take some improv comedy classes or hire some better help with his comedy
>Pad less with said comedy
>Cover theories about trending games that legitimately excites and interests him even if they're something stupid or irrelevant to the game's story at large
>Cover a few more indie games he likes or games that might get normally glossed over to promote said games and hopefully interest viewers in playing these games
>Quit hardcore shilling his stuff every video and stick with videos dedicated to new merch even if that's not as profitable because it's fucking annoying
>Nix the clickbaity shit

What the fuck are you talking about nigger? Why are you putting words in my mouth? Where did I call it "unfair"?

Good fuck Jojofags and their entry level garbage

those fucking faces and shit that get spasticly thrown around in his videos is what I really hate.

He only explained how PDP managed to unintentionally get boosted by how YouTube’s system works. He’s the one that abuses it.

PewDiePie himself responded to Matt's awful theory on his success and how him moving between countries somehow contributed to his "success." PDP refuted that by saying a lot of it is based on making videos in the right time, the right content (gaming content), and just being lucky.

>for kids to watch during recess
Is that really a thing kids do today?

I'm more inclined to believe Matt since he actually knows how the youtube system works.


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And the man that's been playing it from the start doesnt?

>A polite disagreement means toby "literally hates his guts"
I know you people barely interact with the outside world, but jesus christ

Still better than MatPat

To some extent, sure. I don't think that can be denied. Pat's video makes it sound as though that was the entire reason though.
If a system can be played, then that means it isn't meritorious, such a system is by definition unfair. If you agree with the assessment of the first post then you're saying it's unfair.
I don't disagree. I think the luck involved was with making the right content for the right audience rather than the system boosting him though.

>quality of videos plummeted once he started focusing on FNAF and turned into a greedy fuck
>drove a colleague to suicide and then talked about it in a monetized video

He doesn't have to have a "worst" theory, the concepts he uses are often invalid or just plain dumb. No, a videogame having a joke reference to another video game is not "proof the games are in the same universe". No, you can't use real world conversions and logic for a videogame that clearly does not take place in the real world. No, you can't cherry pick canon and ignore major parts of a game in order to make a "theory" sound reasonable when it's really horseshit.

All of his recent "theories" share the same flaws, they are all pretty much lowest common denominator videos that use shitty clickbait thumbnails like "Frowning Mario with hyperrealistic eyes" or "creepy smile on a villain" in order to get you to watch someone cherrypick the absolute shit out of something just to say "it turns out Ness is Sans hurr durr".

I wouldn't mind so much if it wasn't taking up a valid series concept or if he had no potential, but some of the older videos were actually decent and went into real theory territory, making sense within the game and potentially expanding on it. The concept of going into "theories on videogames" using science and math and logic would be neat, but instead he uses it almost solely for videos that are always flavor of the month shit, there are fucking DOZENS of these on FNAF, none of which are any good. He wants kids into fortnite to see he makes a video about fortnite and click it, he doesn't want to make smart videos, just ones people will click the most.

Rosalina is Mario’s descendant. It’s pretty obvious she’s Peach’s collateral ancestor who hasn’t aged much due to the time dilation effect (she is zooming around in space at speeds approaching or exceeding the speed of light), but evidently he’s too stupid to realize this.

This. Its the audio-equivalent of a punchable face.

No, it wasn't even an actual physical copy of the game, it was a fucking Steam Code. The logic behind it makes sense even though it's autistic: he was obtusely telling the Pope that not all videogames are bad, and that some can teach values and morals in a fun way that kids and adults can enjoy without violence being mandatory. It falls apart because he picked a flavor of the month meme game to do this, instead of something like Animal Crossing or Journey, and it gets much worse when the "gift" was literally a steam code, not a physical copy of a videogame that the Pope could look at, comprehend, and go "oh, this DOES look wholesome". Instead it probably ended up in a storage closet filled with other garbage "gifts" the Pope has no time for, and it must have been awkward as fuck seeing the guy hand the Pope a fucking Steam Code.

he gave him a steam code

He's like the worst normie shill thereof

pretty much this. when his videos stated becoming 15 minutes plus long it went down hill. you can really tell where the filler is in each video. he also TRIED to be funny rather than let comedy flow naturally

Yeah, this.
If he were entirely faceless it'd be fine. If he were doing the live segments with himself, it's fine.
The moving jpgs of himself is grating.

0%? He clearly puts plenty of time in, his content is often clickbait shit now but it's HIS content. He talks about shit in his constant livestreams, he's actually making the videos mostly by himself even if other people help edit the footage.

>What's his worst theory?
That OP is straight

Wrong, he frequently obtains info from sources on reddit. See his fnaf series.

With out a doubt his Persona 4 one was the worst one. Honestly go watch it and you'll see just have retarded this guy is.

>What's his worst theory?
Let me begin by saying that I didn't actually watch the video for myself but I read some anons talk about it on here a little while back so go ahead and correct me if I'm wrong on some things.

The worst theory of his would be this one about Kirby's Adventure where he theorizes that Kirby is evil and his master plan was to intentionally release Nightmare on Dreamland. Again I didn't watch the video nor am I in the mood to but if this were the case, why would Kirby go through the trouble of killing the final boss instead of teaming up with him? Not only that but the intro states that the Star Rod being broken prevented everyone, Kirby included, from having dreams so that was reason enough for Kirby to embark on this journey.

game theory is for literal children or autistic grown men

same as death battle

fuck off matt. You let your assistant to suicide and you stopped caring about your videos just money.


More like


So this garbage is allowed but some lolcow's marital issues are somehow sacrosanct on this board?

What was the fucking point of having a sticky and enforcing something if you're not gonna make it a rule?

It's pretty clear he's just in it for the money. I watched the disney deaths videos and it was clear he was grasping at straws for bigger numbers for a finale.
I mean, it shouldn't really come as a surprise considering his entire online persona is just virtue signaling.

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matpat claimed he got robbed or some shit

Once he started to try and make theories that were objectively correct he started to suck. His earlier videos were so batshit out there that they were entertaining. Once he started trying to make theories that were actually true they started to suck. He just drones on and on and on. And he's never right. His film theories most specifically are never correct.

my bad i even found his steam profile

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Fuck off with your blatantly off-topic garbage

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>drove a colleague to suicide
Lore on this

only other youtube personality with a face as punch-able and hate-able as pewdiepie's.

and yes, I'm including the cancelled makeup boy.

Lore on this

fuck off with your bumping a topic and keeping it alive longer when you don't want it.

Are you seriously autistic enough to need to enter topics that aren't for you just to tell people the topic isn't for you? You're like one of those autistic vegans who walks into a steakhouse yelling "MEAT IS MURDER REEEE", except unlike you they at least have an excuse that they care about what they complain about.

There's no limit on the number of topics Yea Forums can have active at once, if you don't want to be in this thread don't enter it autist.

Some greasy faggot on his staff was allegedly a massive dick at some event, Mat believed it and demanded an apology, grease claimed it never happened, later killed himself.

I'm inclined to believe he was being an ass, but it's not 100%

He had sex. Did you?

Eat shit you garbage of a human

i absolutely fucking detest twitter
won't load shit and here's the message it gives me. what the fuck?

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>What's his worst theory?

For Honor.
He sat there trying to teach people about not one, not two, but THREE groups of warriors and he somehow managed to be inaccurate about all of them. He displayed right then and there that his knowledge of world history comes from Hollywood and Hollywood alone, and that he shouldn't ever discuss history again.

What's the truth then was that staff a dick on that event?

well his wife did

As far as I know it's an unconfirmed accusation.

I just think he was given how these people are.

Lets see
>Makes shitty clickbait videos
>Chases after current trends
>Copies his "theories" from fucking reddit
>Is extremely defensive of his own shitty behavior(Whole Toby Fox shitty drama, his older video with half-naked women in thumbnail, abusing Youtube algorithm like mad, being a FNAF/Undertale xhannel)
>Annoying voice
>Pumping out shitty videos weekly without proper research
>Sans is Ness

He disavowed hell and blackmailed the previous pope by threatening to release poof of him possessing kiddie porn, I'd say he's pretty based.

I don't like either of these guys, but that Toby faggot is getting free publicity for his game and people who are interested in buying the game are going to search for it regardless. If he needs that much help maybe he should make better games instead of relying on e-celebs to sell his game for him.

Hus content is stupid but that's not really the problem. The problem is him, he's a fucking tool

It's amazing that he's churned out dozens of FNAF videos and the only things he's ever gotten right were common sense things people already knew, like the serial killer being the animatronic that shows up in the third game.
He's dead serious about those videos, too, and when Scott Cawthon says he got some things wrong he chimps out and says he knows the lore better than he does.

your internet sucks cock

I only watch him as a last resort when I have food ready and nothing to watch, shit is awful but at least it passes the time. He doesn't write any of his theories as far as I know. He steals them from people on his reddit or gets it written for him by other youtubers (some guy made a video about it I think.)
He's an ego maniac, him insterting himself in the videos when no one wants to see his fucking stupid face is the biggest indicator imo, thankfully he seems to have understood no one wants to see him. I fucking hate his guts, but I like video games.