Whats the difference

Between vanilla and the revision mod. Am i going to miss anything by playing revision?

Attached: DeusEx.jpg (800x1015, 214K)

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just play vanilla

One is a game with basic as fuck plot the other is a game with basic as fuck plot made a bit more playable.

just plat thy the original game with the deus exe patch from kentie.net

I ended up going GMDX instead, don't regret it. Revision changes too much.

Revision is fucking garbage. Play vanilla. Maybe try it out after you've beaten the game if you're curious.


Remember to get the DX10 patch from there as well. It fixes some graphical bugs if you're playing on Windows 7+.

don't revision. gmdx is really good though.

Revision changes too much, it adds so much clutter it kinda ruins the level design. Also it runs like shit.
Play vanilla with kentie's launcher for extra settings. If you really want better graphics, get New Vision.

*blocks your path*

Attached: isaac.jpg (412x683, 166K)

Thanks for the suggestions i'll play vanilla then.

Why the fuck would you play a mod on your first playthrough?

Resolution support. I play on a shitty 16x10 monitor and vanilla doesn't have that as an option so everything is distorted as fuck. And it came with the game when i got it on GOG.

fucking yikes.

I heard that they fucked with enemy count and weapon/ammo availability to make it more "Realistic" so I deleted all of the overhauls

From what i've seen in the options menu you can disable everything like that and play it vanilla with the new graphics.

Just emulate the PS2 version.

Too bad GMDX changes even more than Revision.

Answer yourself.

Attached: van_vs_revmod.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

Overdesigned garbage

get a better monitor

Vanilla is great and Revision is shit.

Vanilla it is then. That is fucking horrible.

Play vanilla first then GMDX if you want to play a second time.

Just go with GMDX it's a purely-vanilla mod

Ignore false-flagging shitposters who try to convince you otherwise

Just get a custem renderer from here cwdohnal.com/utglr/ and when you launch the game press Y or was it U?, remove "say", and type "setres 1920x1080" or whatever your resolution is

revision is basically the HL2 cinematic mod of Deus ex and has differences in level design
GMDX is a huge gameplay balancing mod and while a great mod, is nothing like vanilla

I'm not sure why you wouldn't play a game released in 2000 in windowed mode on a significantly lower resolution.

just answer the fucking question

Revision SHITS on the artstyle
Play New Vision if you want better graphics, HDTP if you want character models

All 99% of people need for this game is Deus Exe with D3D 10 renderer. This shit comes with New Vision IIRC if you want high resolution textures too but that's the most you should do for a first playthrough. Playing with overhauls straight away is silly.

Attached: 1.png (163x209, 2K)

just ask better questions

Revision by itself only adds new music which is shit, changes the maps which are also shit, does some engine fixes and includes some mods made by other people like Shifter, New Vision, HDTP.
>Am i going to miss anything by playing revision
You're gonna play a fanfic version of Deus Ex, so I'd say yes
Sup cyberp

Is this a joke?

Play vanilla (which is amazing and if you're not a casual you'll be replaying DX anyway) then you play GMDX which has been done by competent people and actually expands shit properly.

GMDX adds a bunch of random objects
Revision is fakefactory-tier

Just play with New Vision and use the included DX10 launcher, all you need

Give Me Deus Ex is a better experience if you really need a mod, revision changes too much or fucking nothing. Plus the much better ai is a godsend

revision is okay, but the developers of it have ruined some parts (intro, UNATCO HQ)

but these are all visual things...

Hong Kong for example looks great and DX1 looks way better now (it was actually ugly when released), so...the story/gameplay is untouched and you can go for revision if you want to.

If you want the pure DX1 injection, take no substitutes and go for vanilla.

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Guys the question was answered in the first 4 replies. This is a general Deus Ex thread now