Welp, jannies already begun to delete threads about kids having sex in Life is Strange 2
they're doing it for invitation to ratburn's marriage
Welp, jannies already begun to delete threads about kids having sex in Life is Strange 2
they're doing it for invitation to ratburn's marriage
reminder that left wingers are generally pedophiles
Whats with Americans and their hangups about sex? Sixteen is legal in your country, yes? So whats the fucking problem? Why do nipples make you all wig out?
The point is that this isn't being censored or criticized by the very same people that are censoring and criticizing other games with less sexual content.
This and child beauty pageants are both cancer.
Also right wingers are pedophiles.
this, the only non-paedos are centrists like me.
>being centrist
Only the Jewish and degenerate ones who could barely be considered right-wing by any old definition
what did the og thread say?
he's looking rough. did he get aids?
it was about politics only just like this one
so good riddance
>lalala it's politics because I don't like it
>Isn't the trans flag in Hat In Time beautiful??? I'll be making threads about that everyday!!!
>isnt that jpeg on the wall super easy to trigger electionfags with??? i'll be making threads about that every day!!!
>discussion about what the age of consent should be isn't politics
>you don't like X so you're DEFINITELY a (bogeyman)
Literal 4th grader argument
Fuck off, Boogie
Some days recently the jannies have just been acting anal as fuck. Like this Resident Evil thread got deleted for no reason.
And then other days they are chill and only selectively delete actual NSFW pics from lewd and controversial threads that they allow to exist
who knew that slaanesh would one day become more powerful than khorne himself?