>game expects you to learn the in-game language
Game expects you to learn the in-game language
Other urls found in this thread:
What game did this besides La Mulana?
>he doesn't just speak a 0 pronoun language
Why the need for five different neutral ones?
am I retarded
the phe one doesn't make sense in the given example right?
pillars of eternity
What are you, from fuckin' Brooklyn?
Environmental Station Alpha, Fez, Aquaria (sort of)... English letter substitutions seem to be the only real type, though.
Any out there that are more complex than that?
How did they get away with putting this in the trailer?
I don't know if it really counts, but a few police and military simulators require you to learn hand signs. Certainly not a full language, though.
Japanese has pronouns though
You can't expect people here to actually know what pronouns are, user.
>everything is gendered in my language
Guess i'm fucked.
>choosing our own pronouns can be really empowering
oh so it's about giving the invidivual some power?
instead of using him/his for me, please use "the high wizard / the high wizard's" when referring to me thank you very much
Guten Tag, Heinrich.
>Ey you nigger
I got called problematic in university for wearing a pin that said "My Pronouns Are Your Majesty" when everyone started wearing those things.
Learning numbers isn't quite that difficult for a cypher to be fair
Italienisch hat auch Geschlechtspronomen und Artikeln.
what fucking university did you go to? liberal arts?
Wrong one
This is not how language works, and furthermore language has dictated that "they" works as a singular neutral pronoun.
t. linguist
Japanese pronouns are not the same as they have additional meaning and aren't even required since you don't need to specify a subject
Zurück in die Grundschule mit dir.
Thankfully with the large waves of muslims invading the country, I'll never have to worry about this. Also because all our words are gendered.
trannies need to be shot
I was here just for this
You are saying that like as if English pronouns do not have additional meaning, if they didn't no one would be making up their own. Also people do use them you fat weeaboo fuck.
It also lets you actually choose your pronouns, though most aren't used. The idea is extra stupid in English, a language where any pronoun you can use to talk about yourself is always gender neutral, meaning you literally can't gender yourself.
Commander Keen
Ich bin kein Deutscher, aber Ich studiere Deutsch.
Hoffentlich könnte ich bis nächstes Jahr richtig Deutsch lernen.
>I rarely mind a polite question
There is no need for a gender neutral pronoun because everything that needs a pronoun is male or female(he or she). Even if the gender of the person in question is unknown you can still assume the gender depending on the situation and even if you can't make a reasonable assumption you can just use HE because the default is always male and that's a good thing.
the fuck is this bitch doing with power tools?
Wann hast du damit angefangen? Dein Deutsch ist nicht schlecht.
I hate you yankee fucks for stealing our backwoods language
>native language has no gendered pronouns
>it has no grammatical gender at all
>liberal students organized a conference against "gendered language" anyway
this is probably the reason why i'm a Nazi today
The old bionicle browser game
>f you can't make a reasonable assumption you can just use
They, because they is the accepted singular pronoun when you don't know the person's gender and has been for significantly longer than you've been alive
>This is not how language works
There is nothing that dictates spoken, casual language, otherwise you would have to completely invalidate most accents.
Formal language is kept up by etiquette.
Written Official language is a different subject.
So if someone starts writing zir and hir on contracts or documents you can just put that shit straight into the garbage.
Then again, I am not a linguist and just a layman, so feel free to put my post in the garbage as well.
>she took her power tools
Fake and gay
This, I've noticed a lot of fags especially
What did thon mean by this??
I was under the impression that libs started using it because blacks used them because most of them lived in The South
1 Jahr in eine Vorbereitungsklasse für die Sprache und 1 und halb in die Fakultät.Danke user.Ich studiere Übersetzen in Deutsch stattdessen nur Deutcsh und deutsche Literatur.
Maybe if you're a faggot or 14th century royalty. Or both.
Yeah, what's wrong with just using "it"? "They" implies plural, and "He"/"She" implies gender.
The virgin y'all vs. the chad yous guys
Could be it too, libs have a tendency to use a lot of black slang.
It's so fucking cringe to hear irl or see on twitter.
i can't explain it there's just something hilarious about this
poo pee pee poo
So you can jail people you don't like if they use the wrong pronoun
Mach weiter so! Freut mich immer Leute zu sehen die Deutsch lernen.
I'm not speaking of like purely formal language maintained artificially, like Quebecois or whatever, but just of natural human speaking.
All I'm saying is that language rarely shifts purely by prescribing new function words in this manner.
Language is a natural thing which evolves, and simply telling it to incorporate like "zir" from a vocal minority is unnatural and wrong.
It's nutty that people are even arguing to incorporate this stuff, when "they" has been used in this context for a while (which prescriptivists try to correct in colloquial speech, perhaps leading to this nonsense in the first place).
Because this has nothing to do with addressing people and everything to do with controlling the development of language so you perceive things differently.
Warhammer Vermintide
The dwarf shouts a million dwarfish words at you and expects you to understand them.
What the fuck is a wazzok? What does okdawazdreng mean? How about telling me a chaos warrior is coming at us instead of yelling Kazaki'dum at me and expecting me to know instantly what that means in your made up midget language?
Actually hell, reading my own post just shows that prescriptivists are to blame for this, failing to understand that "they" can mean more than one thing kinda like with "sie" in German.
phe's pet is per goldfish
People started using "Y'all" because English lacks a convenient plural form of (You). "You all" is close but has too many letters to be useful.
Dont forget ayy
Nice attempt, but when were discussing the idiocy of the left there is no derailing
clownworld newspeak
Danke wieder für die Unterstützung user
bardin usually clarifies what he means in the next sentence when he uses dwarfish
also you can use context clues to figure out basic translations for words
zharr - fire, refers to sienna as "zharrin", but to rat flamers as "zharrdum"
dum - chaos, refers to most chaos enemies with some form of 'dum'
raki - rat, obviously
kazaki - warrior
most of the other dwarfisims he says are mostly talking about dwarven keeps or other warhammer lore things
If I ever encounter someone who insists on this pronoun bullshit IRL I will laugh in their face, turn 360 degrees and walk away.
Nice hoofs
Why the fuck don't you know dwarvish you elgi?
Ey wiseguy, you tryna culturally appropriate our fine Italiyano American culture in to ya queer pronoun shit?
Because I'm 6'2
hooves, shitlord
You'd still be facing them, retard
B-but user! How...there's no way...there's no way that could make sense! If you turned three hundred and sixty degrees, you would turn a full circle AND WALK BACK INTO THEM!!!!
>thon/thon! THIS AIN'T STAR WARS
Get's me everytime
He's gay.
I like that they describe pronouns as a shortcut in that image. And then proceed to make it not that.
>Language is a natural thing which evolves
I completely agree, you were right in your original post. Its just that I have met a few people who believe a language is completely codified and thought you meant
>You can't just come up with stuff out of thin air!
Which is really how most languages work, except obviously in real life its a slow and gradual process before phrases and words become widely used and accepted, not, for a lack of better words, an act of social engineering. Language is a democratic tool
Thats why Esperanto was and always will stay a meme.
legion / collective
ayy / lmao
pee / poo
Thane / Thegn
m8 / m80
tic / tac
x / o
1 / 0
alpha / omega
on / off
You're saying the same thing as me then, man.
People naturally "voted" for "they" over "zir", and all I'm saying is that prescriptivists can't understand this for some reason.
All this pronoun garbage is retarded solely based on the fact that it slows speech down to a crawl. Having to correct someone's natural speaking pattern and have them adapt to your special words is silly.
I'm not going to adapt because the adaptation is unnecessary except for .01% of the population.
I understood that, I misinterpreted you originally.
Reminds me of my cousins family. They used a secret language so they could scold their kids in public. They basically put the sound gadgu and something else in between every syllable. It sounded fucking weird and unintelligible but they understood it apparently. I think they might have been nuts.
sseth. ssthresh thepa kri'kla.
>idiots push for a gender neutral pronoun
>the royal academy rejects it and tells them to fuck off
My pronouns are "I am a talentless stupid person who feels incredibly depressed that I am not special since the age of the internet has shown me I am just another grain of sand in a massive beach" / "I refuse to grow up and force other people to follow along with a game I made up in order to feel special"
Please use them appropriately, thanks.
Just because the individual, or a small fringe group, invents a word doesnt solidify it in the language of the society. If say, they stayed dedicated to breaking further away from language norms and in 1000 years these tumblrinas' language is completely different, that's one thing, but them trying to hamfist it into modern day language isnt gonna work, and is ridiculous. Changes to language are always more natural.
Ultima games had their own runic alphabet
That's neutral. It's more "kare" and "kanojo", which are third person singular pronouns.
Unironically, Megaten games.
>Just because the individual, or a small fringe group, invents a word doesn't solidify it in the language of the society
Yes, I agree. I referred to what tumblr is trying to do as "Social Engineering"
There's like 12 personal pronouns in Japanese
>thon did all of thon's dishes
Every time I see that sentence I imagine a large fucking ogre from Warcraft or some other fantasy standing in front of me and yelling something like "THON DID THON'S DISHES! THON DEMANDS A SNACK! HOO-MUN! GIVE THON A SNACK, OR THON WILL SMASH YOUR HEAD!"
you'd be facing them again, retard.
Reading the examples together is like someone someone stroking out in the middle of a conversation.
You is the plural form. Thou is singular.
forgot pic
More importantly, why do people care what pronouns are used on them? How often do you use someone's pronoun when addressing them specifically? That doesn't even make sense. It only matters when you're talking about them in a third person sense, usually to someone else when they aren't even around.
You was also polite and thou was informal but people get that backwards when they do historical movies
>why do people care what pronouns are used on them?
They're power hungry freaks that get sexual satisfaction from getting people to bend to their whims, especially for trivial things
I went off to Cali on a project, which is always a good time being from Texas with a thick accent, and one of the trans employees there reported me to HR because I misgendered "her". As I was the HR person's supervisor, she was unable to investigate me so a corporate person had to do it.
>but why an investigation
When you misgender a trans person it is an affront to their very being, as evidenced by this video: youtube.com
Yea Forums related: youtube.com
Just throw out some shitty lyric you heard over a decade ago and it'll calm down any zoomer tranny.
At last I understand.
Imagine the furious reactions you'd get wearing one that said "my preferred pronoun is The Führer" and demanded people greeted you with "Heil!" lmao
> ey looked at them skeptically
Anyone else find it baffling that corporate structure can even exist there? A low-level employee basically has power of a high level manager because of a pronoun.
>cucking that hard
>not quitting as soon as the company wanted you to move to cuckifornia
I never bothered to read the examples but all that shit is fucking weird (ignoring the idea of meme gender pronouns.) The " 's " is just incorrect english and/or self-contradictory. It should be either "Thon/thon's" (if thon wants to have an apostrophe in thon's pronoun) in the first column or "of thon dishes" in the example. If thon wants other people to respect thon pronouns thon should start by respecting them thonself.
And don't even get me started on "Phe's pet is per goldfish"
I didn't move there, I went there on a project. I travel around a lot and occupy a weird position at corporate.
Pic related. They're moving to my home country, sadly.
Man, I sure do love all this VIDEO GAMES around here!
e-celeb thread is probably on page two, start checking the catalog.
is this emptyhero?
what language
Orange County is Republican. So what exactly is being proved by this picture?
>a county dictates state politics
If you don't know about what's going on in California with business-flight you need to probably read more.
I hate them more every single day
Sure are a lot of Americans really asspained that California is more important than their nothing state. Speaking as a non-American with no skin in the game, please keep being mad that California is richer and more important than your home. It's funny.
my /int/ power reader isn't functioning, is that a based or cringe country
I'm californian and I hate this place
George Soros is from there (cringe)
The Hungarian goverment seems to passing anti soros laws and is against uncontrolled immigration (based)
Why would you wanna live in California and not some nobody state nobody even remembers exist?
>That's neutral
It's more of a woman thing
Only Americans/Canadians care about specific states.
The rest of the world just see America as one big country and couldn't care less if the faggotry came from California or Colorado
Arguably you could do this with FFX.
Star Trek
How the fuck is either "folks" or "y'all" unique to the south?
People throughout the United states have been saying since forever.
Hello from Finland, we just call everybody and everything "it".