>Celeste is overrated dogshi-
Celeste is overrated dogshi-
Other urls found in this thread:
You forgot to end your sentence user.
The gameplay is good, the attempt at story is laughable and the dev is a massive cucklord.
i stopped enjoying celeste long before the game ended
So basically an easier Dustforce with no scoring system ?
yeah you're right. It's dogshit
This enrages the Yea Forumsincel
It is overrated dogshit.
Your webm does not prove that it isn't overrated and it still looks like dogshit.
>le deep pixelshit about abortion
>he fell for the shitposting meme that it's about abortion
looks boring as fuck
i know right? what's the point of playing a game if not for the graphics?
can you elaborate? i like his past games so it would be a shame to know he's a loser. is it because he's a liberal and celeste's composer is a tranny?
really not sure if the abortion posters are from people who have not played the game but genuinely believe that it's about abortion or just people trying to troll and get yous. if its the former, it's an interesting case in how personal bias can keep one separated from what's true.
people who dislike this game are just bad
I'd rather just play Dustforce desu. Those graphics are atrocious.
>thinks just because it has an epic pixel perfect hardcore dodging segment that means it's good
you probably thought the Sans fight was good too
ahhh, muscle-memory: the video game. can't get better gameplay than that.
go dilate tranny
it's amazing how they managed to hide the transflag in plain sight and nobody noticed or complained about it
sorry hon, i'm gay, not trans. why the transphobia though?
go hang yourself from a tree homo
dogshit. The word is dogshit. It is in fact overrated.
I literally already played this game, it was called super meat boy and despite coming out years earlier it had actual graphics and better gameplay.
Must be sad that the only way a tranny can compete is by copying a superior game made by straight ment
>Being this obsessed
>go hang yourself from a tree
Dustforce looked and played better. Who chose this game to be more popular?
He was one of the "sekiro needs easy mode" faggots
No, he wasn't.
why does her hair color keeps changing
Canonically it isn’t. But it’s just part of the HUD showing how many air dashes you have left
Sorry what was that?
>a literal meatboy/i wanna be the guy ripoff
Did you even read the article? Nowhere does he say that Sekiro needs an easy mode.
But my feelings.
So if you just play it for the gameplay, but ignore the story and the e-celeb drama, it's good?
Sounds like everyone who isn't retarded should like the game.
Are you unironically autistic?
>If Sekiro had a Celeste-style Assist mode:
-Combat Speed (50-100%, sets game speed while enemies are aggro'd)
-Resurrections (+1, or infinite)
-Invisible While Sneaking
-Infinite Posture
-Invincible (while drinking gourd, or always)
Every single time one of you retards makes a thread like this you set yourself up for the obvious response
>make mediocre, overplayed game with literally no graphics
>make friends with literally who "journalists" so they'll shill your game because they follow the same political ideology as you
>trannies from reset era spend their days shilling their bad game on Yea Forums
Fuck off
Thanks for proving me right.
indie shit is low effort
Redpill me on this game, why the anger?
This is probably the worst .webm you could post to try and make the game seem good. Muscle memory platformers are the worst kinds of platformers.
Trans composer.
Western indie devs.
Two things that tick off Yea Forums
Basically. And to ignore the e-celeb drama, don't listen to Yea Forums
2D platformer that sends /pol/edditors into a frothing mess.
Holy shit this guy has autism
precision platformers are for gay retards
The music sucks
At no point did he say Sekiro needed an easy mode.
Not a black guy either, sorry
The type of retards that think this game is some absolute 10/10 game are the same ones that started the trend of hailing pixelshit as GOAT simply because it wasn't COD.
how to make a modern indie platformer
>low effort pixelshit
>add screenshake for literally anything
bonus points:
>some pretentious plot
maybe you'll get a nominee as game of the year too!
the developers of these "indie" social justice games spend all their time on twitter and going to GDC circle jerks banging dudes in wigs instead of learning how to make good looking art
I literally can't think of a single "retro" pixel game made by one of these faux communists that has better graphics than a SNES/PS1 game.
I thought the game was made by a tranny
>literally no graphics
But it's not a text game
>outlined how easy mode could be implemented and work
Again, do you have autism?
I can't wait to play this game it looks so good
He said how it could work, not that it needed one. Try reading the article.
>muh underrated nintendie shit gem
Generic precision platform is considered the best indie game during a video game awards, there is nothing unique or different about Celeste when you compare to other precision platforms, like Meat Boy, They Bleed Pixels or Dustforce.
Celeste looks fun, but I can't support this developer because they put anita sarkeesian as DLC in Towerfall.
I'd say im pretty progressive, I vote labour, I agree in higher taxes and higher public spending, I am pro immigration, pro remain in EU, I liked captain marvel and I like diversity and inclusion. I have no problems with games being pro-trans or pro-gay, infact I think that's a good thing. My issue is with Anita Sarkeesian. I don't see how you can think it is progressive to be in favour of someone who think who puts forwards bad arguments about there being sexist tropes in games. Just become some games are about men saving women, this doesn't mean that its a sexist trope, it just means that some games are about men saving women.
These white knite devs can take their game, which looks good, and shove it there are 100s of good platforming experiences out there, donkey kong, rayman, hollow knight, to name a few, you don't need to support this shitty dev when there are alternatives.
This is an example of how a 2D platformer with strong SJW themes can be done well.
Is this a copypasta?
>these mental gymnastics
Did he outright say it didn't need easy mode? No. He outlined how it could work thus providing evidence that he thinks easy mode should be implemented. He literally compared it to his fucking assist mode.
>he thinks easy mode should be implemented.
[citation needed]
>strong SJW themes
>supporting lgbt propaganda
I dont think this is a Nintendo game but ok. I haven't played it yet it just looks good. But also I'm not a Yea Forumsirgin so I dont have this detached yet utterly engrossed cynical relationship with vidya.
>he thinks it shouldn't
[Citation needed]
Evidence through context dumbfuck. For a third time do you legitimately have autism?
you're not going to like this answer, but the unique thing that celeste has compared to the games you listed is its story. the story of the game ties with the gameplay in a really cohesive manner that uplifts the whole experience. for those who can't appreciate the story, they'll miss this fact about the game.
>Hornet is cliche strong woman
>All enemies are male
>The Mantis Lords are female
>It's all a white male's fault that Hollownest went to shit
I could keep going, but you get the point.
nobody says that though
if you have a bad opinion of this game it says something about you, not the game.
9.5/10 game
No, I just really hate anita sakreesian. It bother's me because I feel that she single handedly made gamers hate feminism/LGBT/Libraral/Progressive stuff and drew them into the hands of weirdos like sargon and milo
How do you expect me to prove a negative? The link you posted didn't have him saying that Sekiro needed an easy mode. Cope and have sex.
>Platformer done well
Okay user, you had your laugh. It's time to stop pretending to be retarded.
>All enemies are male
Sure, let's go with that
It was inevitable either way.
>2d platformer
>Game is supposed to help with my depression
>Can't beat the first boss
>Be even more depressed
Finally time to buy that gun.
that doesn't look fun at all
try assist mode
This gomae honestly looks like something that would be to the same level as Super Meat Boy, but Yea Forums will never give it credit because "its sjw" apparently.
They are.
thanks no thanks, I have enough pixel indie shovelware to go through anyways
FUCK libcucks, trannies, and SJWs
They're not. The majority of the bosses might be, but most of for example, the hive consists of females
this game has amazing platforming
who cares if the story talks about anxiety or whatever you guys are a bunch of pussies
best indie plat I've played since Super Meat Boy and IWBTG
>screenshake on
I think in the end many people were right about the negative impact of gamergate, it did lead to a slippery slope. After gamergate I feel like gaming became a lot more right-wing and a lot less progressive.
The sad think is it didn't have to be like that if the left/msm was able to separate the harassment narrative of gamergate from the legitimate grievances gamers had with the prominence of cartoonishly stupid SJWs like anita sarkeesian, patrik klepeck, anthony burch and carloyn pettit, I think gamers would have stuck by the left and the MSM.
There is a silver lining though, I do feel that the SJWs are turning on the left, you see it in the UK with Corbyn constantly putting-up with virtue signalling celebrities and remainers and in the US with Hillary supporters using identity politics to argue against sanders. Hopefully once the left can purge itself of the SJW trash we can get back to normality
What's this?
Isn't that the default for 99% of games?
underage b&
The problem was never the game being bad.
It's a good and solid game but at the end of the day it's at best a step up from Super Meat Boy, a game that is almost 10 years old at this point.
Why the fuck after 10 years are we saying that a game that's better in some ways than SMB should even be considered a game of the year?
you know damn well posting BoF4 is cheating when it comes to pixels, this game has more soul than just about anything, even other pixel games
Is this supposed to look good? Because it looks like a dude saw Super Meat Boy and said, "hey I wanna make that, but also let everyone know I really like sucking dicks"
>slippery floaty boy
I Will Beat The Gays
Are you implying that the majority of games aren't SJW propaganda?
>An example of a shitty overrated game having an army of retarded shills FOR FREE
Fixed that for you
Damn that looks good. Do I need to play the previous BoF games or is it self-contained?
>Hollow Knight is legitimately one of the worst games ever mad-
The regular mantis warriors you fight on the way to the Mantis lords, also seem to be female
I wouldn't exactly use that part as an example of good design
Didn't the devs say they made it being inspired by Anita Sarkesian or something like that? I know this game is tied to Anita somehow.
Meat Boy is a copy of Jumping, a game by the creator of Celeste.
That's what "good design" is to you?
To be fair most Western game composers are gay
Ultimate redpill: Celeste has better gameplay than overrated weebshit this board loves, like Persona and Nier.
Self contained, but you should play them all
user please, you’re embarrassing yourself
>They Bleed Pixels
This is the first time I've heard anyone besides me talk about this game.
Underappreciated game.
the dev made another game and put an anita skin in as DLC
That is more of personal experience rather than a technical one, I see more as an artsy bullshit trying to simplify an actual problem.
The plot is not even that good, actual depression and anxiety is not that simple, is not just hiking a mountain and accepting the problems.
Seems stupid and dogshit like to me. Forces you to do everything exactly the perfect way or you fail with no room for creativity. Also trannies are just mentally ill people ruining media because they didn't have the balls to bang the opposite gender beforehand. Fuck anything by them
god why is this game sooooo fucking ugly
>slippery floaty boy
I'm glad there are other people loathing that trash as well.
Easily one of the most overrated videogames.
The King was in kahoots with others though to complete his plan, including a female. And he was fighting against the true villain of the game, may the gods forgive me for uttering this word, a m*th.
>Gruz Mother
Nice logic shithead
it's fine but nothing special
This webm just highlights the developers inability to design a level that is both difficult and interesting
Actually this
Pixel art games need to die
HK is an average metroid clone, the only reason why people defend is because of the art, if HK looked like celeste no one would give a single shit.
Hollow Knight is arguably the best game ever made.
If anything, it misses the point. You climb the mountain, you do the thing they tell you to do, and you still feel depressed.
It's an okay game. Doesn't do anything different. I don't get why some people liked it so much, it's just a plataformer, we had tons of those with some kind of twist. It's the same thing with Octopath Traveler. They say it's the best JRPG in ages, a return to the basics, but SMT and Dragon Quest never left, you always had tons of options for JRPGs. It's like these people never play games and just skim through the surface of the hobby.
Everyone said that Octopath was shit, though.
Assist mode isn't easy mode. It's a cheat menu. It's weird that people are uncomfortable with calling it what it is. It's basically just a bunch of debug options made available to the player. Anybody who has hangups with it being called cheating probably needs to consider why that bothers them.
The Pale King was a retard
>dude spikes lmao XD
the absolute state of indieshit platformers
>level design: corridor of spikes
yeah no
Everyone here you mean, and even then you had people defending the game; through to be fair you have people defending everything here.
Go to any website outside Yea Forums and you'll see praise after praise for Octopath. It's crazy how people will eat that garbage, as long as you make it look retro just right. It's the fucking hipsters of gaming.
git gud
If you told the IWBTG guy that spike filled corridors would unironically be considered good level design he'd probably laugh at you
I would've liked it exponentially more if the entire game wasn't designed around "puzzle" platform rooms.
I can see how people might like it, but I'd prefer if it was more of a standard platformer and the focus was on exploring and finding secrets rather than solving room puzzles in a very specific way.
99% of them are extremely inflexible in how you have to solve them which to me gets old fast.
go dilate
what is this trash?
What do you qualify as good game design? A big part of Hollow Knight is platforming and manipulation of movement and the webm serves to challenge the player's movement.
>Go to any website outside Yea Forums and you'll see praise after praise for Octopath.
reddit hates it, too.
>What do you qualify as good game design?
Dark Souls
Played both (all hearts/berries in Celeste, all regular stages up to the gold stages in Dustforce) Celese feels more approachable without losing out on tech.
Dustforce can be really daunting since you require advanced techniques pretty early without teaching you how to do them. It also has a lot less gameplay variety with mostly being based around increasingly challenging courses, while Celeste does some nice spins on the main gameplay mechanics.
You need a specific kind of taste to enjoy Dustforce, but if you do have that kind of taste, it is a great game.
I wouldn't call one or the other better just to be contrarian.
You do know that platformer is a genre?
>thinking "SJW themes" means "game has male enemies and a strong female character"
god i hate this board so fucking much
Why would anyone play this over a 2D Mario game?
because not everyone is 12?
If you've played the 2D mario games
For difficulty reasons.
Mario hasn't been remotely challenging in ages.
When was Mario ever remotely challenging?
Fuck off, ResetEra.
Lost levels
That game has nothing going for it outside of its overbudgeted spritework
Too bad the game is garbage. If you are this good at making pixel art, but bad at making games, just make a fucking animation.
>2D platformer pixel indie trash is garbag-
yes and?
Celeste is overrated but it's definitely worth 10 bucks on sale, 15 if you bother doing all the optional content.
>level before the finale has interesting graphics and backgrounds in a comfy underground lost empire jungle setting
>final level is just spikes in the sky
Why did they fuck up the finale so bad, it didn't have to be this way
are you really the kind of person who interprets "Light and Dark" as white skinned vs dark skinned?
Light vs Dark is a trope as old as humans themselves and "Light" being bad is hardly something new either.
And if you want to interpret it this way, what is Grimms troupe? A bunch of native americans?
Are you really so fragile about your own skin color that you see some white insect as an attack on your race?
You ruined your own mind by spending too much time online to an extend where you start to see "political propaganda" in literally everything
nsmbu challenge mode is easily on par with celeste's c sides
Shovel Knight has a lot more going for it then your average pixel platformer though
>/pol/cuck tourists are so mad about a black character being in a game that they literally refuse to play it
please hang yourselves
Please just fucking kill yourself.
Most users on Yea Forums think twitchy muscle memory games are the only "difficult" ones, and attribute difficulty to quality. It's a shitty thought process.
Go back to ResetEra.
Celeste is really good.
The story is a bit embarrassing though.
But Madeleine is cute and her personified depression is hot
I don't like precision platformers. I can play them, but they all feel the same to me. Emphasis on frustration, usually want you to do things a certain way instead of leaving it freeform. I just don't get that sense of satisfaction from completing a hard level, because there's always another hard level on the very next screen.
Most recently it was 1001 Spikes. Dying over and over again to do the exact thing the devs intended, maybe there's a "secret" route or something, but otherwise very linear.
Sonic-style is the superior style, things like Dustforce. More open level design, emphasis on time trials, finding your route, doing it well. You can still make them balls-to-the-wall hard, but you're not placing all of that difficulty on memorization and single hard jumps that take 20 years to do properly. A good platformer should be about the amalgamation of all your mistakes and bad decisions slowing you down and losing you points, not about moment-to-moment do-or-die platforming.
>100% of the people that have been to resetera are /pol/ posters
that's the C side you mong
it's not about race you dumb nigger
Samefagging three times to save face. Yikes.
Try actually playing SMW romhacks
you should probably re-read his post very slowly
>no giant spider falling out of the sky to murder you at the end while screeching like a demon
eazmode game for babbys
I didn't know this game existed until I was watching GDQ and as soon is it came on all the donor comments were
>This game really helped me fight depression
>I'm so glad the devs of this game understand what fighting depression is like
>My depression really hit me hard, I'm glad this game was made to comfort me.
It looks alright, but the rabid mentally ill fanbase that surrounds it is off putting. I'd rather not get involved with those kinds of people. Later on down the line, someone on Yea Forums told me that was their marketing ploy.
>It's all a white male's fault that Hollownest went to shit
If I wanna play a rhythm game, I'm gonna play a fucking rhythm game.
Not this soulless pixeltrash.
Fuck off you can't even meme correctly
>>This game really helped me fight depression
>>I'm so glad the devs of this game understand what fighting depression is like
>>My depression really hit me hard, I'm glad this game was made to comfort me.
>le post-ironic, retro, homage 9bit graphix
So fucking tired of shitty pixel art.
This an actual stage?
I saw a gameplay video out of curiosity and there is mention that it deals with mental health topics. One scene involves the Canadian redhead woman saying that she handles her problems by drinking lots of alcohol and getting angry at people online.
Sounds like she posts on /R9K/.
Just "Jolly Roger Yarr Yarr" it.
Not really.
All there's on that image is the lowest level of level design possible : A very precise and demanding condition to win/advance and if you fail it's an instant lose.
It's very easy to make levels like that with such low amount of parameters.
Meanwhile, some others games need to design levels with environnements, enemies, varying available players skills and still make good design out of that.
Yes, once you beat all of the regular stages and "B sides", you unlock shorter but a lot more challenging "C sides" for each stage. This is the second to last of them
Celeste is a perfect example of an Oscarbait game.
>ridiculously difficult so you get gamer cred for liking it
>"powerful" theme that they identify with nonetheless
>pixel aesthetic, it's so counterculture!
>female protagonist for bonus points
In the end, what makes it so perfect is that a person with depression (or more likely a person who thinks depression is an important issue but doesn't actually have it themselves) can play it, feel like a "real gamer" for a little while, drop it, and then spend the next three years endlessly talking about how great it is and how much it "helped their depression", because they think it's an important game and it's their duty to spread the word. Those donor comments aren't real. They're from people who played through the first few levels and never touched it again, maybe watched a video on youtube for the story. It's not about the game, but about the aesthetic of the culture surrounding it.
It sure as hell didn't deserve a game of the year nomination.
>It's not about the game, but about the aesthetic of the culture surrounding it.
perfect summary
any fighting game on the CPS3 or SNK arcades are just as good.
he's not cheating, Indiefags are just terrible.
Name a better game from 2018.
I came to post about this. I'm looking for some good platformers that I can play on a toaster. Nothing too bullshit but a challenge is fine. Celeste looks good. Anyone have some more recommendations?
Smash Ultimate
I should replay that one sometime. Because I hate myself.
>Game LITERALLY has a God Mode option on the options menu.
Defend your scum game, faggots.
Deltarune, and I don't even like that autistic Undertale trash.
Then why don't I dislike it?
Though it really wasn't anything special, and a few parts were plain fucking annoying. It's alright. Didn't care about the story.
whoa... indiepixel tranny game #489930...
truly.... revolutionary!
oh the humanity
Super Meat Boy inspired platformers are garbage. ;)
have sex
why do indie devs think "do this series of button inputs with pixel perfect timing or die and start over" is what makes platformers fun
Just because you only count getting fucked up your doo-doo walls, as "sex", doesn't mean the rest of us do.
It's easy to make because the gameplan is linear and the gamestate is binary. You follow the path and you either do it right or you die. This allows for rapid development of levels. It's easy to make. And "hardcore" gamers will deflect any and all criticism of the game with "git gud".
But you're right, IWBTG is absolutely the wrong fucking platformer to be taking cues from.
That does not look fun
>"git gud".
No, I only invoke this with games that aren't that hard and don't require an easy mode, like Sekiro.
i pirated this game and will never buy it because the creator is a cuck. I played the entire game even the bonus in mountain bullshit so i can give an honest review. It sucked, but it was free so its okay.
fucking based
The A side is the same way though
REMINDER garbage like celeste can win shitty video awards but J.J. and the mysterious Island does it 10 times better and got no recogniation
Based JJ and the Mysterious Island poster.
Forza Horizon 4