What games start out amazing but get worse the more you play?

what games start out amazing but get worse the more you play?

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fighting games & mobas

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But snk is pretty good right now. Second season had it's weak points but the third brought back the goodness.

Persona 5

I'm just glad shit is in chronological order again
the vague flashbacks in s2 were fucking unbearable

You should mean what kind of games start out decent, turns to shit and then turns kino by the end


everything starts going bad once you get to Raiden

and then worse at Arsenal Gear

anime as a hobby gets worse as you hopefully grow smarter and realize they're all the same fucking story and tropes

and it's for children

>turns to shit
gonna need to be more specific friendo

I've heard Final Fantasy XV falls into this trap

Project Warlock

Not that one, you fucking pleb

>I've heard Final Fantasy XV falls into this trap

XV starts out okay but gets worse as you progress. Then after Levithan (a crappy gimmick boss fight) the game suddenly goes from open world to literally on rails (as in you take a train to go from plot beat to plot beat) while story stuff happens off screen that you have to buy DLC to see what happened.

overall, it was a very very mediocre game

*blocks your budget*

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All of the Reiss family stuff was interesting and pretty crucial to the plot, but it was executed so poorly that watching it was a slog.

Explain to me how attack on Titan, death note, zankyou no terror or Kizvaiver is for children

because it's weebshit for children

Watching anime for the story outside of extremely specific cases is doing it wrong, but that applies to most mediums, just with less of an extreme. The main reason to watch anime is to find a show with good animation/good fights, and the occasional comedy that isn't shit and/or too culturally dense for a foreigner.

Honestly some of the least offensive cg I've ever seen, it even worked pretty well during some of the more fast paced moments.

SnK has been getting progressively better and better with each chapter, you fucking no taste monkey nigger.
>anime only
You shouldn't have watched past season 1, you fotm shitter.

come on bro, that shit is for teenagers

it was even more of a slog in the manga and they deliberately tried to slim it down
Yea Forums still calls it a shit adaptation

There is literally no more a pleb opinion on anime than SnK being "boring" in season 2

SnK gets better as it goes on you tasteless faggot.

>The main reason to watch anime is to find a show with good animation

lmao irl

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Season 1 started out good but got shit
Season 2 started out shit but got good
Season 3's been solid throughout


I just want to watch decently animated shows with an interesting artstyle. Sadly the only ones who do that kind of stuff not intended for children are Japs.

>Yea Forums still calls it a shit adaptation

Yea Forums seems to hate anything that isn't a Harem or SoL or CGDCT

>having taste this fucking introductory

Not bad shows, but holy shit you're power level is a fucking embarrassment for an anime website.

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Basically everything until Reiner has his breakdown on the wall is boring as fuck, it's a valid opinion

Animation isn't inherently for children. I can't say any of those shows are good since the ones of them I've seen some of didn't interest me, but they definitely aim for an older audience. Meanwhile the west outside of passionate European studios and FOX animated sitcoms makes pretty much 95% children's animation because there's a stigma about it being for kids.

The manga is literally the best it's ever been right now.
Fucking anime only peasants. Don't you guys have Chaika memes to spam in your discord?

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Ok, Nonon poster. Whatever your Trigger ass says.

>basing taste on obscurity levels, not quality
there isn't a lower iq position than this

it looks better in stills than it does in motion
the difference in framerate alone compared to everything else is jarring enough not to mention how uncanny (not in a good way) it looks

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ironic considering the pic you used

I’m 19 nigger

I'm not saying it's bad to like popular things, I'm saying it's bad to only like popular things.


>The manga is literally the best it's ever been right now.

except for the whole stupid plot twist that the entire "world" is just a penal colony for titan experiments

SnK is the GoT of anime

>Le weebshit

manga is an inherently less engaging medium than an anime
the only exceptions are for stuff like ito's stories where the appeal is the ultra detailed art, anime is far better for anything else

You mean the twist that happened like 40 chapters ago?

i havent been watching the anime. Does the basement arc get revealed yet?


Pretty much every other board except /jp/ has better taste than Yea Forums

>You mean the twist that happened like 40 chapters ago?

It just killed any interest the series had. Felt like a big ass cop-out just to extend the manga.

let's see your MAL, buddy...

by that I mean s3 part 1 specifically, it seems surprisingly well received otherwise
I didn't think there was anything blatantly bad about it when I first watched it outside of the "coup" mostly being the same panning still of people with guns in the throne room

Last time I read Sasha died is she truly dead?

And how the hell is Jean still alive

They're fighting the beast, armored, and colossal titans now

We are literally in that arc now just a few more ep

Maybe for you, idiot. That twist made everything far more interesting than omg le epic zombie mango.

Should be at the end of this season.

Holy retardation. The twist was what the whole series had been building up to from the very start.

Wasn't it hinted at way before? Not the colony specifically, but that there was some sort of other civilization out beyond the wall

s3 and s1 are better by that alone

Dude, you got the plot twist completly wrong, may I ask your IQ sir?

This better be the season finale

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everytime I ask this question I get ignored
As anime season 1 only fag, what happend in SnK?
what was in basement, what happend to ann after turning into icecube, why she decided that she hates humans now

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acceptable opinion
I would say once the female titan shows up s1 becomes good again though

>The twist was what the whole series had been building up to from the very start.

"built up"? that's like saying that Star Ocean 3's shitty twist was built up.

In reality it's just an out of left field asspull


Read it up in the wiki, asshole.

She dead

>penal colony
>titan experiments
Fucking speedreaders.

Diary by Eren's dad revealing the outside world isn't destroyed by the titans. The rest is far too much to explain in detail here but is a low iq speedreader who didn't pay attention.

Fucking idiot.
What was there supposed to be in the basement then, if it wasn't for the "asspull"? Where did Reiner, Bert and Annie come from and why did they attack the humans inside the walls? Where did the titans come from?
Jesus christ just shut up.


Every instance of Japanese media is

>amazing concept
>terrible retarded execution

> low iq speedreader

is this how the SnK fanb/a/se responds to any critics? Pathetic.

We're on Yea Forums, user

Stoo watching seasonal shit, you fucking moron

Nigger, you're wrong on the shit you said in your spoiler.
What the fuck is wrong with you? You don't even read the manga, do you?
Yeah, we just call idiots trannies or incels here.

Well this thread has gone to shit. Post your top 5 anime and be judged by Yea Forums.

umm anyone here read the frikkin MANGA?! You anime only bros will be in for a present in season 4. also season 3 is going to have some wild moments!!!

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Do people actually consider the first third of season 2 bad? I loved how much of a breather it was and how it was paced deliberately and really let characters interact with each other. To be fair I marathoned seasons 1 and 2 together so maybe it holds up less well watching it week to week after a multi-year gap between seasons

Most of them.

Dark Souls

I don't get invested by the reading the manga and just end up comparing all the differences to the anime so it brings my enjoyment down
also I'm already spoiled on a shitton so there's no point

>having a MAL

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>Tfw Godzilla had a crossover with Eva before this shit
Based Goji.

even the colossal titan would be peanuts compared to godzilla
there's no point even attempting something so one sided

>English dub changes Eren's titan form's voice from a deep roar to a high-pitched screech
The dub isn't actually intolerable, except for this. What were they thinking?

Godzilla got into a freakin SRW

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Gun X Sword
Danshikokousei no nichijou
Kamen Rider Kabuto
Kamen Rider Gaim
Super Robot War Z
Yes, I know, I'm a patrician.

>next episode

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>The dub isn't actually intolerable

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>the only exception
You say this as if it wasn't possible that an anime adaptation just isn't good enough.

Based retard who can't count to potato.

Madoka Magica
Madoka Magica
Madoka Magica
Madoka Magica
Madoka Magica

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>The manga is literally the best it's ever been right now.
Potato died and the manga ended then and there. Why the fuck are you still reading this canceled, discontinued trash?

there is at absolute most 200 anime worth watching. if someone can watch more than this, especially season harem trash they are legit mongoloids


>not including movies
>not including genre-fare that you may be into
>realizing that many of these have hundreds of episodes

Still a shitload of anime

Watched Death note when i was 12, don't pretend it's high IQ mature content, it's still a cartoon for kids that sit in the back of the class and draw guns on their notebook

Mob Psycho 100
The Tatami Galaxy

obviously I'm talking about well made anime, of course something blatantly shit is shittier but you would be a fool to genuinely think AOT's anime is that bad

user, when you finally mature, you'll realize that every medium has its good and its bad and its worthwhile. And you'll stop giving a damn about whether or other people think you're a child for enjoying it.

Death Note is for teens desu.
It's not really my cup of tea, but it really is a prime example of a teen anime.

>Legend of the Galactic Heroes
>Space Dandy
>Madoka Magica
>Mob Psycho 100
>JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency

Is that image of a blank expression supposed to convey something?

Anyway, perhaps everything else about the dub seemed better in comparison to this.

Compare 4 minutes at 27 seconds in this video (original Japanese)
to 3 minutes 11 seconds in this video (English dub)

It's laughable. It makes every other English dub look like a masterpiece.

>zankyou no terror
The OST for this title is phenomenal. Shame the show wasn't very good.


Welcome to NHK

no im including all of those

>part 2 anime instead of 4 and 5 which are literal perfection

>what is Sturgeon's Law

> It's super popular and people die so they're comparable

Come on user.

Based, except for MB100

Based, except for TTGL

so you can't back up your shit taste, got it
keep being an 'elitist'
>inb4 "I'm not even him"

Game of Thrones

Part 4 and Part 5 are fantastic adaptations, but they're 2 of my least 3 favourite parts of the manga.

>an anime website
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

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Hating on Mob Psycho is literal pure contrarianism

You COULD make that comparison to the first couple of episodes of Season 1, but it's not reaally anime GoT after that. It also isn't fucking ultra popular anymore, you fucking contrarian nigger.

Gurren Lagann
White Album 2

Extremely based list tbqfhwy

The whole site is full of nerds you really telling me nerds don't all love jap shit?

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Is mikasa genuinely in love with eren or is it some kind of autistic 'last member of my family' deal turned up to the extreme?
Also creepy how I just finished rewatching season 2 about 5mins ago and open Yea Forums to instantly see an AoT thread.

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>calling it SnK as if you are japanese

google yandere

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It gets explained later

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why do you not enjoy mob psycho?


This show is the one reason why I prefer an all male cast. You can do anything and everything to guys, torture them in the most miserable of ways, and it's not that big of deal. With women, if she's pretty, you gotta worry about her getting raped cause no one is going to waste a piece of ass. And I don't want to see that in my Christian hours.

Otherwise Kaiji is on a whole nother level from the other psychological games you see in other stories, the strategies he comes up with are insane in the most depressing and worst positions to be in.

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is the first part of s3 actually not a good adaptation or is Yea Forums full of shit?
it seemed fine when I watched it

Why do people type it out as >Ereh ?
She clearly says the n every time.

>to this baby mashing buttons is exciting but then loses interest when people of actual skill whoop his ass
Fitting image, you seem to have the iq of a plank


They don't understand the 'n' sound can be really subtle in Japanese sometimes.

Maybe he's a manga reader and didn't enjoy the ending like me.
Basically after season 2 arc end, the manga went downhill fast.

There are not one, not 2, but ELEVEN (11) fucking anime boards and you have the gall to call this a non anime site?

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Fucking ironic weebs/retards.

>Colossal Titan is now 3DCG
I expected better, WIT.

Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
Dagashi Kashi
Koi wa Ameagari no You ni
Tsuki ga Kirei

Can you just tell me? I really don't care about spoilers or anything. It's offputting not knowing wtf is going on inside mikasa's head. I already know about Armin colossal titan, Marley, time skip, eren eating the warhammer titan, levi being blown up etc even though I haven't watched or read the events of season 3 yet. I like to just know things beforehand.

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Still more original than American films/shows. Also most people that watch anime are interested in animation.

>Dagashi Kashi
Not Based

The Ackerman family was pretty much bred to subconsciously guard the royal Eldian family/the Coordinate, which is why Kenny doesn't gut the king. Levi also mentions that he feels compelled to listen to whatever Eren says.

Attack On Titan is a shit title that makes no sense in actual English though.

Nu Mario and Luigi games. They start off solid but then introduce so many mechanics that I could care less about and halts your gameplay. God Superstar Saga was the pinnacle of the series and Bowser Inside story was great but Partners in time is absolute ass

Porco Rosso
Gundam War In The Pocket
Ping Pong

Dude manime lmao
The show isn't bad it's just that the threads are shipping wars

>Dagashi Kashi
Why? Is it really one of your favorite because of that fotm girl?


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Burger taste.

What's wrong with Dagashi Kashi?

Not based

Good list, could be better but you've got some taste.

Ackerman are basically titan-human hybrids made to be bodyguards for the royal/founding titan, which is why they are all strong as fuck. When Eren commanded her to kill the traffickers it made him her master for life

Attack on Titan
Hunter X Hunter
Berserk '97
Neon Genesis Evangelion

Watching paint dry is more engaging than Dagashi Kashi.

I'm not disagreeing, but what does that even mean?

Whats wrong with Gundam?

>it's just that the threads are shipping wars

that is every thread on Yea Forums

Someone likes to suffer.

What's right with Dagashi Kashi?

Thanks, it's sort of tough balancing current favorites, all time favorites, and stuff that represents your over all taste in a list of 5.

>not wanting to learn useless junk food trivia
How do you even live?

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>Whats wrong with Gundam?
>steals a plate
>is the reason for the entire war

Some Gundam series are good and some are absolute shit.
If 0079 is the one in your list you're ok in my book.



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why did I read this
what's wrong with me

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Being an anime fag.

Thanks a lot anons. Now every Mikasa scene won't be an annoyance.

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The Attack on Titan games are really fun.

I'm hoping we get a third entry.

>How do you even live?
By having these in my mouth right now.

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Yes boko no pico is for little Timmy


I don't even watch any anime, but you can say that about any movie and game and book you dumb shit.

The original Doom. The initial episode is great but things get gradually shittier from there.


I agree with this

a third entry is impossible though

It is. How else will you groom little Timmy into becoming little Tammy?

The fucking CGI Colossal Titan looks so bad, holy fuck...

It makes the scene where Eren tells her he hates her because she isn't F R E E weirdly satisfying. I've never really hated her, but seeing her sit the fuck down while Eren beats the fuck out of Armin nice to see after seeing her pull of so many physical feats the whole series.

0079 was my first anime ever and I love it, but war in the pocket is my fav.

Did you get casual filtered or are you too autistic to have emotions?

>anime about war being bad
>reason for war starting is stupid and leads to unnecessary conflict

sounds about right


Yeah, I figured.

I'm honestly quite happy with Attack on Titan 2 because it's got a shitload of content and some upgrade paths so there's a lot to do, and it's honestly fairly tough in later extra missions.

0080's first half was pretty good, but I feel it just went off the rails on the second half.
Anyways, I like it because I fucking love the Dendrobium's and the Alpha Azieru's designs.

The Messenger

Starts like Ninja Gaiden, and then, the 2nd half it turns into a mediocre metroidvania

Usually shippers are a very small group and discussion eases through without any problems. The real issue is when a show like AoT (and Madoka) ends, so does discussion. What can you do about your favorite show/show you like? Retread the same old discussion? Sometimes, but it only takes a little bit of time for the missing discussion and theory crafting to subside. What now? Infighting. All the people who weren't interested in it to your extent are now gone. You have freedom to push your head canon and obsession to its limits. It's the natural way of things. AoT just went off the deep end because it's so big and attracted plenty of autists to run its grave.

that's kind of lame
I guess it's nice there's an explanation of them being mary sues but that sounds like it takes away from their character and what I thought were actual feelings instead of literal inhuman compulsions

>and it's honestly fairly tough in later extra missions.

and guess what missions you have to farm 15+ times jut to get the best gear?

Final mission, on the nightmare mode, just for ONE drop that is exclusive to the colossal titan (which is a mess to fight)

My problem with the AoT games is how fucking easy they are. The titans are such massive pushovers, and it doesn't feel like I'm trying to survive a titan assault. It feels like I'm playing a DW game.

It's only the case for Mikasa, Kenny and Levi were just at most attracted to their "host". Hell, Levi tell Erwin to die for him

Wait why does eren beat up armin?
I've run out of spongebob fish recolours to post. This is my last question cos some anons can't resist and are being spoiled so much lol.

Seriously though.

I've done all the missions except for the later ones because I just wasn't doing enough damage. It sucks that we're on turbo autism grinding for the last upgrades but I guess at least the vast majority of the game doesn't fall into that.

Because he tells Mikasa to fuck off because she isn't F R E E and Armin punches Eren. Eren then proceeds to BTFO him.

The blonde cutie.

tell me how LOTGH is for children

Because Armin gets influenced by Berthold so much that he visited Annie every day

What the fuck Armin literally did nothing wrong though.

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the grinding to make viable late game weapons suck since you basically need to make a +99 weapon and the best way to do that was to make like 500 of those damn duster things, fuse them to make 5 +99 dusters and then fuse those into a good weapon to make THAT +99 with the limiter removed

Gimme your top 200 please

Because teenagers are still children.

my point still stands
I like mikasa as a yandere older sister more than a literal robot, it feels like that's just shitting on her character
maybe it plays out better than I think it does

>protagonist commits genocide
>out of their own free will
What games do this

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Oh yeah I heard about the whole you gain memories of the previous holders of a titan shift ability and Armin falls in love with annie cos bert did
Cool. Alright I'm all done with these questions now. You guys have been really helpful. Gonna start season 3 now.

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This is why I want a goddamn new game because it's like they felt the need to lock away content behind dozens of hours of difficult grinding.

The main system is fine but Jesus fucking Christ balance your shit better.

Also the Titan missions.

This is why Yea Forums is so shit

I love this mentality of "if someone younger than me can enjoy it then it loses value as something for someone more mature", as if there wasn't anything else to the work other than some aspects of it appealing to a demographic younger than them.

Thanks...I was about to buy that.

>protagonist gives his people's enemies a grim reminder
What games do this

Yeah being civilized, god forbid we have a thread where we aren't Coping and Seething until the 404.

This is an A+ Pleb Opinion. There's no greater example of "I didn't actually care about what I was reading" than "Basement Reveal was out of left field". There's a ton of logistical questions that need answering (Where did Reiner and friends come from, what are the Titans, whats the deal with the Beast titan, who built the walls, why are the walls built with Titans, what was the deal with Ymir, what happened to the rest of the world, Why are the Reiss's so important, why are the Ackerman's so OP, and other questions I've forgotten.) Its clear as day that it was a twist planned from the beginning and built up to.

>abbreviating 進撃の巨人 as Snk

Fucking weebs actually learn Japanese or use the official English translation please

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spoonfeeding means welcoming retards that can't think for themselves
fuck off

Hidamari Sketch
Kekkai Sensen

>the only decent thread with actual normal conversation on the entire board is about anime instead of games
Honestly the anime threads are the best part of Yea Forums nowadays. Wojak console war shitposting and waifufag threads certainly aren't worth much.

Made in Abyss
Fate / Zero
Humanity has declined
Welcome to the NHK
Shinsekai Yori

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Probably the most unbased list in the whole thread.

Discussing spoilers isn't spoonfeeding, dumbass. If the user was begging for places to watch or read the AoT, it'd be spoonfeeding. He just likes to know spoilers beforehand.

thanks reddit

Life Is Strange. The first half is unironically a 10/10 but the last chapter is a 0/10

They seem to already know about the series and are discussing spoilers. Fuck off with the "Spoonfeeding" crap as if you found everything on this board on your own.

is it possible to enjoy aot even if you're spoiled on everything already

>He just likes to know spoilers beforehand.
And that's retarded. Being an animeonlyfag is retarded. Asking for what happens next instead of READING THE MANGA
is retarded. You telling him is spoonfeeding. He could have googled the shingeki no kyojin wiki or whatever which surely has summaries for the manga's arcs anyway.

pic unrelated

>Likes space dandy, kaiji, and Legends Galactic Heroes
My fucking n
>Doesn't like Mob or Lagann
I'm conflicted.

reading a picture book and acting superior for it is what's retarded

Sure! It's got a lot of fun animation and pretty colors.

>waling on your hands is retarded
fuck off

pic very related, shit goes from an interesting humans vs titans to anime humans can become titans to pants on head retarded humans make the titans and you were just isolated on an island and the whole world hates you

Honestly the plot sounds fucking nonsensical without the manga's delivery

>hey guys I started playing this game
>but instead of beating it, can you tell me what happens next?
>actually I'll just watch someone else play it :)
this is what you're pushing for

The only reason I asked was cos I saw an AoT thread in the catalog. After watching season 3 I'll carry on with the manga. Wtf are you even getting upset about?
I asked some questions, other anons seemed to be happy to talk about late story stuff and literally NOTHING about the conversation was bad.
You've been shitposting for too long, when a simple question and conversation in your eyes is
>waaaaa spoonfeeding fuck Yea Forums I hate animefags this board is shit why is nobody shitposting

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there's only one truth

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Who are you quoting? I mean, my point is pretty clear.
If you're watching the anime, why do you want to know what happens next? If you want to know, why not read the manga? Why ask here and not look on google?
And yes, spoonfeeding IS bad and retarded because as I said it welcomes people who don't think for themselves and ask for help for things they can do themselves, aka RETARDS.
The fact that you imply that not spoonfeeding = shitposting gives me the confirmation that you're actually retarded.

He literally hasn't done anything "wrong".
Yes, innocents died during the grim reminder, but that happened more as collateral damage, unlike when the fucking warriors opened the walls so the titans could fucking massacre everyone. Eren had a target, the Warhammer, and he got it and got the fuck out of there.
Now, if he can somehow literally kill every single human outside of Paradis with the rumbling then he'd be doing wrong, but so far he hasn't done anything uncalled for. Maybe punching Armin, but that's just a couple of boys roughousing.

Get a fucking life, jesus christ.
Thank god the other anons weren't as autistic as you and were just happy to talk about the series. You people crying over everything are the worst.

>Fights Eren for the first time at wall Rose and jobs
>Fights Eren again in the ruined streets of Marley and jobs a second time
>hmm, should I train harder to fight Eren and stop solely relying on my Titan's armor as an advantage?
>Jobs to Eren a Third time even with the help of the jaw titan
Why is Reiner so dumb?

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Eren get baited into becoming Global Public Enemy

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Persona 5.

Welcome to reddit. we are always happy to help out fellow redditors with trivial things like this :)

He knew what he was doing.

I'm surprised people actually liked the first half of season 3 considering how bad its pacing was in the manga.

Season 2's problem is that it was too short, but there's not a lot you could do about that. They even moved up the Ymir flashback to add more content.


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Ideologically, Eren's actions are a greater moral wrong. Eren knew he was killing innocents, RBA thought they were exterminating devils.

So? They were exterminating innocent people that literally didn't know about anything outside the walls.

how do I achieve this bodytype?

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they tried to slim down uprising in the anime and rearrange things to be less of a drag
apparently isayama himself had a say in the edits they made

War has no morals. Why should he play by some silly rules when his enemies don't

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didn't eren already kill a bunch of innocents when he fought annie the second time?

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Parts 1 and 2
Ace Attorney
Cyborg 009 (2003-ish version)

But user, they're exterminating Titans

Yes but that was more collateral damage

That was literally unintentional.
If anything, that was Annie's fault.

Don't mind me just posting best girl

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Linked Horizon has really REALLY grown on me.

Ackermans were made to serve King Fritz, so they are "slaves" to those who they view as their king. It's apparently what awakened Mikasa's powers and being apart causes headaches. Probably bullshit though because Levi showed no such relationship with Erwin.

Please tell me how they're exterminating titans when they're butfucking the rest of the world too. The only reason they attacked paradise in the 1st place is because they wanted more power and resources. Eren may do questionable shit but Marley is objectively the bad guy

Lupin III
Sakamichi no Apollon
MGS: 8th MS Team
Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei

Alien 9 is my favorite anime desu

Exactly, author knows that bringing in women would open up a worm whole from which there's no coming back

>Please tell me how they're exterminating Titans
By killing them

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This is a funny meme considering that anime is significantly more varied than American television, yet where are the people whining that American television is all the same?

>and it's for children
Most anime is not made for children.

Seasonal doesn't mean anything. A show that airs today will be just as seasonal ten years from now.

>I-I watch it for the ANIMATION
Jesus christ, zoomers have to come up with bullshit excuses, just admit you have shit taste and fuck off

they are exterminating titans so that they alone have a monopoly on titans, particularly the named titans. There's a difference

This is a perfect example of a series that started off decently and realized they can just drag it on and milk it

He meant fotm, user. I'm sorry he's retarded.

>mfw Eren goes full madlad and belly flops into a crowd in the Marley arc

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most games nowadays

how do I forget spoilers

Wipe your brain's RAM by disconnecting it and reconnecting.

headbutt the nearest wall repeatedly

Just read the manga instead of waiting five years for the anime reveal.

>anime only plebs talking shit
jesus christ
post basement Shingeki is the best Shingeki

>jap shit = anime gay shit
Jesus why do numale weebs always have double digit IQs?

I don't want to read the manga

headbutt the nearest walls until you want to read the manga

SnK constantly moves forward toward an endgame. Sometimes the pace is a bit slow (I'm dreading the first few episodes after the Basement), but this is not a stretched out Shounen. There's genuine story points that need to be crossed to make it to the next one, and there's not a lot of narrative wasted. There really isn't much shown that doesn't matter.

>reading snk

they're taking too goddamn long to get to the basement.

What games have the protagonist turn from a bitch who can't do anything for themselves to the most based character in the series?

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Based, those are delicious

10 abs?

Shuichi from DRv3 to a lesser extent

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They gotta take time to set up Beast Titan's character for you to care about him later, considering how important a role he plays.

While we're not gonna make it to the basement in the next episode, I feel pretty certain that anime-onlies are gonna be over the moon about Perfect Game.

SnK's manga is better than the anime
Mainly because the anime is pretty fucking bad

Fighting games require zero skill, autist.

>consuming an inferior product known as anime adaptation

Glad to see some based taste ITT

Devilman: Crybaby
Attack On Titan
Welcome To The NHK

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Explain Monster, LOGH, and Hunter X Hunter then.

THIS holy shit
so much cope in the responses
you cannot reason with these people

After the basement is pretty much the finale of the season

Overrated and boring
Kino of the highest order
>Hunter X Hunter
Good, but holy shit is it overrated

What other modern japanese things are there to obsess over then?

>calling someone retarded = cope

Spoiler for the manga:
Why did Eren become such a piece of shit? And why didn't Zeke simply eat Eren during the few times he came on the Paradise Island to sterilize everyone? Did I miss something?

This, why the fuck can't we have a more mature, action packed animated westerned series?

The anime will always be inferior until they stop censoring.

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Yeah, he should watch more shows about children, like you, right user?

>Why did Eren become such a piece of shit?
that's yet to be revealed, basically everything he did from before the timeskip to the time he attacked Marley is a blank slate

Yes, the answer is that he is not a piece of shit and that he's finally playing the game that everyone else has been playing since he was a kid

>why didn't Zeke simply eat Eren during the few times he came on the Paradise Island to sterilize everyone?
because when someone with royal blood has the founding titan the war renouncation pact activates

>Why did Eren become such a piece of shit?
Learning about what his father went through, how the world detests his people, empathizing somewhat with his sworn enemies
>And why didn't Zeke simply eat Eren during the few times he came on the Paradise Island to sterilize everyone?
He sincerely wanted to save Eren and is currently convinced they share the same goal. Maybe he thought if he became a royal coordinate he would be affected by the vow of peace

>Why did Eren become such a piece of shit?
you mean based?
>And why didn't Zeke simply eat Eren during the few times he came on the Paradise Island to sterilize everyone?
either cause he still sees Eren as his little bro or him and Eren are playing 4Dchess and are using each other as a means to and end that we still don't know about. We know for certain that Eren is just pretending to be ''in'' with the plan to sterilize everyone

I watch anime for the JCs.

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What, did he get memories from the future?

>first three episodes
Oh so it‘s like Imperial Guard fighting against untold horrors and we‘ll see how waves of disposable characters push back the evil monsters wave by wave and death by dea- nope the protagonist just fucking revived, nevermind. Oh and he‘s a titan and he‘s sitting in the neck. Huh, guess all Titans were people once. Weird how they got this elaborate wall system set up when it was shown they can‘t really take land from the titans. Maybe the government is in on it and it was all just some stupid population control setup? Oh god it‘s just gonna be a shitty conspiracy plot, isn’t it. 2 seasons later: huh, that conspiracy shit got mostly resolved and we‘re back to people dying their way to a better future now. Actually less bad than I expected.

I‘ll keep watching for now.
Can‘t they run away over the walls right now? Whatever.


Okami was great all the way through, final battle and ending was god tier.

>Oh so it‘s like Imperial Guard fighting against untold horrors

Call me a newfag but what's JC?

>Eren is probably playing Zeke to achieve rumbling and being an asshole to his friends so they don't get hurt. It's why Armin was crying when hearing about Zeke's plan because he realized Eren hasn't actually changed.
>Zeke has royal blood so eating Eren would cause him to be a slave to King Fritz's pacifism. Keeping the coordinate sesperate in a non-royal titan is the only way to use the powers without becoming a slave.


I disliked the last boss rush because fuck fighting that dragon AGAIN but yeah I enjoyed the final boss a lot more than I expected.

Boys: Kaiji
Men: Shin Kurosawa

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Hey, kid. The point is that playing fighting games at the highest level is incredibly stressful and taxing.

That was what I meant by my post. Now fuck off, you're too dumb to even understand.

That would be genuinely bad pacing, and would suggest a drawn-out SERUMBOWL since we're already on Perfect Game. I'd certainly accept arguments of stretching and milking if that happens. Fans are 100% going to have a negative view of Marley Arc if it starts off season 4, but are going to be far more interested in it and its impact on the future if they get to see it for two episodes before hiatus.

I know it feels "correct" to end the season on the biggest twist in the story, and with the gang seeing the Ocean, but the pacing desperately needs to reach Grisha's Childhood or else Season 4 is just going to slog.

>mfw i'm still getting replies

of course weebs have nothing to do on a saturday, lol

>stop having fun

fuck all of you losers desu

Fucking animepleb SnK only becomes better

They still haven't fully explained PATHS, it's pretty much the nanomachines of SnK.

Kurosawa is amazing but Kaiji, Akagi and last 3 volumes of Ten are all better


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Ur still itt hanging out I don't see how could u b any different.

I rabu Piku.

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>voice acting
>paced and put together perfectly instead of relying on your brain to stitch together panels
>obviously animated

Nah, I've checked the rest you posted and by far Kurosawa has been superior

Also what did you think of that Chinese film based on Kaiji?

>>paced and put together perfectly instead of relying on your brain to stitch together panels
>paced and put together perfectly
you are so naive

I sure loved the last Berserk shitfest too

I bet this dude liked the Tokyo Ghoul anime too lmao

Shifting it to Fort Slava would be pretty weird for the last episodes, maybe they could use Reiner's 'Nam flashback and suicide attempt

Let's just take SNK as an example of why you are a fucking brainlet.
>why did Kenny abandon his life goal for a few minutes to go have a scuffle with the man that would have filled him full of led the last time they met if he hadn't worn protective plating in that exact spot
>why did Kenny and his clothes suddenly regenerate and act like they hadn't been nearly bisected by an ultra-sharp 3DMG blade
>why was there a sudden tunnel in the reiss cave that served no purpose at all
>why, in that tunnel, formed by titan magic and magic iceburst stone, was there a random structural weakness made before 3DMG was a thing that conveniently led to the other side of the tunnel
>why was the only thing blocking that hole from 3DMG users some wood that crumbled at the slightest shaking
>why did Kenny's speech sway Historia when he never provided any reason to why Rod was bad, just stuck his knife down his throat and said "he's evil, can't you see he's using you!"
>why did Araki cut the scene where Historia remembers the clear and terrifying implications of holding the FT as a major factor in her choosing not to inherit it and instead chose to emphasize Ymir saying "LIVE FOR YOURSELF" when until then inheriting the FT was something SHE wanted to do
Reminder that this is all in one episode. One of the "better" episodes according to animefaggots. None of these questions ever crossed the mind of either animeonl*es or WIT dickriding niggers. It's okay that the plot and characters suck ass compared to the manga, as long as there are pretty colors and sounds!
>b-but at least the art is better drawn than Isayama's
From Season 3 onwards the anime has looked like shit absolute MSpaint dragging a jpeg across the screen TRASH.
If this doesn't illustrate the massive gap between anime fans and manga readers I don't know what will. Anime fans, of any anime in general over the manga, are of an entirely different and subhuman race and should be lined up and shot by the hundred.

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Bioshock Infinite though I wouldn't call the beginning amazing it started pretty good and then totally shit the bed.

you watch anime for animation and fights? Are you really a fucking child?

First part of third season was 10/10 you fag

imagine being this much of a nitpicking hyperbolic autist

In no particular order
Fma both versions
Paranoia agent
Ghost in the shell
I can't think of a 5th one I actually enjoyed

>that zoomer le memay

The political uprising arc was kind of weak considering I had big expectations for the king from the beginning, but everything after is great, particularly once Eren is reintroduced in the story during Marley. I love how there's no big ultimate bad guy pulling all the strings and that the horrors of monsters have been replaced by the horrors of humanity and war. You can kill a mindless monster without feeling bad. But every person killed was once somebody's child, somebody's lover, brother, sister, mother, father, niece, nephew, cousin, aunt, uncle, friend, etc. I love how the Colossal Titan wasn't the big end-all enemy who knew everything and controlled everyone. It was just some tall sweaty teenage boy who's completely overshadowed by everyone else and is doing what he does because he's the pawn of a government. He hates that he had to kill people after the propaganda wore off on him. The reveal wasn't some grandiose spectacle, it was two mentally exhausted teenage boys pushed to their limits just admitting to the protagonist who they were off to the side.

Humans have proven far more interesting and compelling than mindless Titans.

>he thinks that's an exaggeration

Holy fucking based, anime-onlyfags literally will never have an argument to this

Yuri on Ice
Death Note
One Punch Man

I only started though. Also saw a few episodes of SAO which is the worst thing I've ever seen. I also read Steins:Gate (7/10), watched a bit of Monster but it was too slow and meandering. Hunter X Hunter was good but that chimera arc was completely pointless and about 50 episodes too long.

Any recommendations for comfy and well written shows? No edgy and dark shit you faggots like, Nier fans don't respond.

>comparing a still from a manga to a still from an anime instead of the full sequence
retard detected

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Know your meme fag

>Zeke get introduced as keikaku master
>he's now a goofy brocon anti-natalist

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more like what games start out amazing but turn into a thinly veiled holocaust allegory the more you play

Ah yes, that stunning animation where that very same potato-QUALITY frame is held while the cumshot-looking steam shoots out from a nonsensical direction as the haphazardly placed shitty CGI background zooms out.

This is why I ignore the vast majority of seasonally airing anime and wait until it's finished before watching so I know what is just FotM garbage and what's actually good.

>hey this is pretty cool, tiny fragile humans fighting big scary cannibal humans

god dammit why can't there ever be good anime in this style
a lot of it starts with pretty cool ideas but inevitably turns into MUH CHOSEN ONE WITH SPECIAL POWERS shit
why can't the MC just be an above average dude who's still basically human fighting monsters/superhumans

Resident Evil 4

eren is quite literally a complete accident and not special at all
watch more than the first 10 episodes you faggot

We are discussing anime. Also RE4 has no flaws.

that's not the point you fucker, he's still not a baseline human and is treated as being a special super weapon against the titan menace
>watch more than the first 10 episodes
why would i do that when it turns to shit in the first 4

>hurr these chuckle fucks make my life miserable so I and the rest of my people should have never been born

zeke is a pussy faggot and I hope he dies a painful death once eren betrays him

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>Humans standing a chance against massive cannibal giants
Why would you believe such a plot?

Eren was what allowed him to display his humanity. He was his only family left in the world. Until the point he learned he existed, he just kept doing his job. He was basically Eren Kruger. Having a brother who he saw as having gone through a similar situation as him gave him an outlet he desperately needed. He was still pulling off keikakus against Levi and both militaries, but Eren is pretty much the singular existence in his life that matters to him, especially since he's near the end of it.

It's gonna hurt when Eren betrays him.

Usually someone is a protagonist because there's something that makes them exceptional.

suspension of disbelief. the entire concept is retarded from the get-go from a realistic standpoint, because that's not the goddamn point of it. 10 story tall humans couldn't exist anyway, the show handwaves the "how the fuck do they survive" in the first few episodes with basically "it's magic i dunno" iirc, and that's all fine.
my beef is with the fact that it could've been a show about humans facing insurmountable odds using retarded yet extremely cool cable-flying machines and swords to fight giant cannibal people, and it is instead about some emo fag who can turn into a giant cannibal person fighting giant cannibal people with the cable-flying niggas largely being disposable cannon fodder.
>then watch a different show nigger
that is exactly what i did.

not in order
>cowboy bebop
>gurren lagann
>90s berserk

humans overcoming physically superior predators is sort of what they do

yeah, and it's gay. stories about your average nigga who manages to perform heroic deeds, overcoming his baseline mediocrity through sheer force of will and hard work, are much more neat than "he wins because he is genetically superior/granted a gift by a god/has superpowers because he WANTS THEM SO MUCH" etc. that's the main problem with most media, it's not meant to be inspirational, it's meant to be an escapist fantasy that distracts you from the utter shit that your actual life consists of.

Literally the opposite.

There are some good mangas.

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snk was garbage since the very start

You do realize we are the most massively dominant species that universe has ever seen, right?

attack on titan 2

Gurren Lagann
Samurai Champloo

I just wanted to thank you for this reply. Thanks to you I can check some unironically recommended animus.

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Eldians are literally cursed to be in some sort of paths hivemind that involves transformation into cannibal giants. Zeke is fairly justified in wanting to end all that, sterilization is retarded but to him it's the only option

And there's "people" that still think that Eren didn't lie to Mikasa and Armin.

>120m burning man with tiny head and no skin looks off
I think it looks fine

>says the guy who sat around waiting for (You)s for over two hours

no he is not right in deciding that none of them should exist and that his way of thinking is the only right way. He should just fuck off by himself

in no particular order
Mob Psycho 100
Darker than Black (season 1 only, I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this even if it is excessively edgy)

Didn't quite make it for various reasons
>Bleach (Fell apart after they defeated Aizen HARD, manga too, really enjoy the 'world' ideas the author had)
>One Punch Man
>Death note
Really need to watch
>Cowboy Bebop

Is there ANY Eldian that would agree with Zeke's plan?

the first couple of episodes though were absolute kino though. Show really dragged on later, especially once L died but the live broadcast to Kanto as the first "match" between Light and L was amazing.

that character has more than 34 teeth

This thread started off quite nicely

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His adopted dad
Cuck king Fritz and anyone that inherits the vow

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