The next game you play will have his voice as the MC's. How does it change?

The next game you play will have his voice as the MC's. How does it change?

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why do people like that faggot? he literally reads a 3 paragraph reddit post or news article and drags it out into a 10 minute video

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I didn't watch this video because I don't care about his personal shit, I just watch the news. I'm happy for him but wow is it going to suck instantly recognizing his voice and the memes that will follow. It's going to be like reddit on here

literally who

why is voice acting in games so shit now?




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>Yea Forums will trash a guy who understands his life is stagnating and wanting to move forward in life to build a career

Yikes! You people seem pretty cringe bro

Who is he going to play? Your AI tutorial helper?
>the yellow mapmarker highlights your quest objective, yooongyoutt

>trashing him
Literally who? Yea Forums loves ching chong yong


Yong is unironically one of the best gaming journalists right now solely for the fact that he doesn't stuff his shit with unnecessary agenda driven garbage. He just reads the news (ironically his main criticism here). It's that simple and yet many games journalists and journalism outlets can't fucking do it. As long as they can't Yong will keep making money


yeah, yong and spawn wave are my go to for game news

I'm confused by your post. You think reading the news (the work of a journalist, who by your reckoning isn't doing his due diligence) IS journalism? Then whence does the real journalist derive the news he reads? What you're describing--and oddly applauding--is more along the lines of P-L-A-G-I-A-R-I-S-- I'll let you finish. :)

You sound a little upset you couldn't do it.

Good on him for wanting to follow his dreams, but why does every whos "following their dreams" move to LA? I get shit is "happening" there, but the rent is too damn high, the people are assholes, homeless are everywhere, the cops are assholes who give chickenshit tickets, and if he makes a career in it, he's gonna need a lot of money to get even a 10th of his life in his current spot. I'd get moving to somewhere in Cali, but L.A.? Fuck L.A.

it's still easier than reading those articles myself, no to mention he goes to reddit so I don't have too
And some dorks pay him to do it, so I can get it for free

>condemn a rapist as a virgin
>yeah, rape is wrong!
>condemn someone who reads someone else's work for max monetization in a >10 minute video
>lol ur just mad

>agenda driven

He has a KOJIMA IS GOD and FUCK KONAMI agenda. Enough to lie about MG Survive before it came out, got called out for lying. Then made another video saying "WELL WHO CAN BLAME ME, IT'S KONAMI"

what are you even talking about sperg.

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I can see this guy doing audibooks for dry substantive texts. I can't imagine him projecting himself as a character that isn't "Slightly naturalized foreigner".

i tried to like him but i can't focus on what he's talking about when he speaks,is it just me?

>it's a zoomer can't comprehend plagiarism episode
i hate reruns. learn how the world works, little zoom

He wants to be a voice actor and let me tell you THAT'S the place to be, yeah LA sucks but that's how it is

Honestly better than the standard furry voice.

I guess. It sucks, but what can you do?

>plagarism is comparable to rape
>implying it's plagarism when he credits the source of what he's reading

I would unironically play a game with Yongout McCloud. It’s incredible how Fox finally has his original VA again but it makes him sound like a fucking fruitcake. I’d take Adventures Fox over what we have now.

He also gets information from sources and has even broken a few stories. You think because CNN gets news from AP its plagiarism? That's what a source is. As long as he says xyz wrote this it's legal and I don't care, because I can listen to this shit easily in the car and it won't also have some dumb opinion attached.

only on this board would i be able to read something so retarded

I can forgive him for one mistake. Obviously if you trust only one guy for your news its your fault

Literary who? I'm a newfag to this board.

this is one voice i feel isn't going to make it

what an absolutely rock stupid post, jesus christ someone sterilize this guy

reddit tier comparison

>both are crimes
>implying you can submit and publish anything by LITERALLY READING THE ENTIRE SOURCE in your 10 minute video that you MONETIZE
where did you attend college and did you pass your freshman english course?

young mccloud and that furry fucks wolf would be dick beating

everyone that has moved to LA has become a huge douchebag

>every line of dialogue he spouts will be extended to over 10 minutes so he can monetize it

you know unique posters is visible in the top right corner, little zoom? i hope this embarrassing experience for you has taught you to samefag more effectively

Stop being jealous and start your career online. If you tried doing something instead of crying like a bitch, you might achieve some sort of happiness and not be focused on other people.

I finished a minor in journalism which I guarantee is more training in journalism than you have, you are absolutely talking out your ass. ANYONE can monetize a story that anybody broke, every fucking newspaper does it, as long as you credit them. Just because Washington Post found out about Watergate doesn't mean only they can write about it you uneducated fuck


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>making shit up

>minor in journalism
you didn't, and you're rejecting what i'm telling you and what this "journalist" is doing. he isn't covering the same story, in his own words, with original commentary and citing the news source he got it from. he ACTUALLY pulls the original article up on screen, reads it word for word all the way through, and ends the video with "this is good/bad and i hope to see more/less of it. put comments below, like comment and subscribe"

i'm sure a minor in journalism actually took the 10 minutes you've wasted replying to watch one of his videos to realize what he's doing his actionable. shitholes like kotaku and gameinformer don't do anything because his autistic hapa viewerbase isn't enough to worry about (because they're mostly retards who can't read, like you evidently) and that's why this cuck's trying to be the next david hayter because he's not making enough patreon bux

>Risk of Rain 2
>Merc will be shouting YOOOOOONG OUUUUUUT every kill
This is kinda racist

Well they will hire him so he can shill.
This won't end well.

>Moving to LA
Well, RIP. Can't wait for him to be slowly brainwashed and spout leftist garbage because he loses his ""jobs"" otherwise. LA is an absolute hellhole

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who the fuck is this
why should anybody care
you act like people should just know who your favourite faggot ecelebs are

Shut the fuck up boomer.

Don't you fucking sass me you little shit.

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You're in denial because you can't prove it. I finished a major in finance and a minor in journalism. What he is doing is perfectly legal and if he wasn't then there would be a case for the people he's "stealing" from to sue --- guess what, he talks to the same people kotaku and GI speak to, he speaks to a lot of other journalists themselves (recall the schreier drama) he gets MORE viewers and than shittaku on a lot of these pieces and they're fucking pissed (all youtubers are up, sterling, quartering, while readership is down) but they can't do shit because there is no legal ground, his medium is still journalism it's just in a more accessible form (video). He doesn't read the article word for word, that constitutes a quote, and again, everyone does that. If you transcribed one of his videos there would be like 20% reading the article and 80% him speaking. You could argue he's more like a chronicler but he counts.

This, even just visiting changes you

sounds like he could have worked for pillars of Eternity

>shitholes like kotaku and gameinformer don't do anything because his autistic hapa viewerbase isn't enough to worry about
Is that why they don't? Because they could really use the money right now probably...

Why is it always voice acting with these type of losers?
>I don't need to study for it, and it should be easy money!

If he actually rents a place in LA he needs to neck himself

Move to fucking San Diego. Jesus Christ it's so much better and at most it's just a 2 hour drive to LA.