Sup Yea Forums, I’m done with finals!

Sup Yea Forums, I’m done with finals!

Have any good RPGs or action RPGs come out recently?

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its so weird seeing millenials trying to pretend they aren't millenials

t. millennial

Millenials are literally what ALL Yea Forums users are (supposed) to be, you dumb fucking Gen Z nigger.

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It's so weird seeing people using the term "millenial" as if its a scientific term when it is in fact a marketing term

nobody wants to be a millenial

>wojak edits
go back to plebbit

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>Yea Forums full of millennials
>Yea Forums full of losers who attach themselves to authoritarian ideologies because they need daddy state to think for them

enjoy your vacation kiddie.

bye user..

Dude you asked for this one, see ya in a month

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You will be missed

any 28 year old boomers in the chatroom?

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Try asking rebbit

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goddamn BOOMER4LIFE fuckers

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what was it

damn, what I miss?

I'm not allowing any faggot born after 1994 to be part of the boomer club.
You have to actually remember the 90s to be a boomer.

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how tf did paypay go from being the symbol of neonazis to a funny normie meme?
all the cool streamers in justintv use it

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I've never seen a kid drink coconut water. Hell the only person I've seen associated with it is Edward Furlong after he tried to steal a bunch.

dude Y2J for life

Only pro wrestler I actually give a FUCK about

t. born 1996


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Yeah, kids drink Arizona Iced Tea

feels good my brother

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I'm 97born. Pretty sure I'm not a boomer by any means.

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Eh Seafags drink fresh coconut water by the gallons. It's tasty as fuck.

I was born in 1999 but i consider myself a zoomer.

Whatever you say little zoomer nigger.

If you are currently under the age of 30 then you are a a zoomer.


Poor people drink Arizona.

th@ don't look like no ride-on mower to me, fren

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this wojak was made by a zoomer that wishes he were a boomer

No one over the age of 30 comes to Yea Forums

What will kids born after 2020 be called?

*clinks can*

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>Born 1946-1964
>Born 1980-2000

It's pretty cringe.

it was a forced meme unfortunately


So everyone here is a zoomer.

Generation Beta? The generation that's currently being born is apparently being referred to as Gen Alpha, so...

27 here, feels good to be in prime age.