Play Shin Megami Tensei now.
Play Shin Megami Tensei now
Other urls found in this thread:
I am, though.
No, play Soul Hackers
Is SMT1 okay
Does Devil Survivor count?
This user is correct. Nemissa is a queen.
Soul Hackers is also one of the comfiest rpgs ever. The music and overall vibe is just top tier.
Persona > SMT
I want to die for Alice.
I already have.
What games are still untranslated? Is there a good comprehensive guide to getting into all the Megaten games that weren't localized?
Both are good in their own ways but personally, I prefer SMT more.
Play it again
Ok. Where can I get a copy?
It's hard to play when I'm too busy masturbating to Asherah's fine ass
>enjoy a lot of SMT games
>try out SMT1
>get lost very early
Am I retarded? Should I use a guide?
It's a turn based rpg. You can do both
Yeah, SMT 1 (and especially 2) can be very obtuse in telling you where to go. I'd just use a guide to save the time.
Can’t say I blame you.
Improve your spatial memory
Nah, just check the map. Only use a guide if you get stuck on it for hours
I just finished the super famicom games and moved on to Nocturne. I really miss the first person dungeons.
Not using a guide for SMT 1 and 2 is a bad call.
>try to fight
>try to talk
>thing wants some item I don't have
>thing see though my lies
Im still in the tutorial area of IV and I'm sick of seeing this death cutscene already
I did already.
If you get a Demon with Estoma it is.
Everything in SMT1 looks the exact fucking same, don’t feel too bad
If you want, Strange Journey is a return to format for that kind of thing.
Is it okay if it is Aspect Raidou? I've been looking for ps2 games to emulate and I can't decide.
It shows its age a lot but doesn't have much of the complete bullshit II had.
Technically you can play in first person. Well on NG+ or with a mod
You'll see it more in that area than anywhere else in the game, the beginning is disproportionately hard compared to the rest of the game, which is pretty easy.
Raidou 1 has a great everything except the gameplay which is really bland. 2 has better gameplay but worse everything else. They're both fun enough.
It's easy as fuck to get lost in SMT I & SMT II. I'm still hoping for remakes since both were never released outside of Japan, and they're quite outdated, but I doubt it'll happen. Maybe after their next major anniversary?
Strange Journey brings back first person dungeons, but the combat is different. Here's some fun trivia by the way..
>If you beat Nocturne and start NG+, you can play the game in first person mode.
I truthfully prefer 3D exploration and third person control though, personally.
Unless you have huge amounts of time and don't have a life you should use a guide for these old smt games.
smt 1 and 2 and other rpg of the time has those, "what/where the fuck I go moments"
So yeah, get a guide
But I’m busy playing dragon quest 2.
DeSu 3 fucking when?
Once you beat the first 2 major bosses the game lightens up big time. Just keep pushing through
How’s Nemissa’s game compared to the other games? Currently thinking of buying a copy after I get my paycheck.
Not him but oh shit I never knew that. Do you walk in a grid or is it still freeform?
Well if you say so
Grid but you can freeform with R1 and L1
If they make a new MegaTen that's not SMT or Persona, I'd rather it be Devil Summoner or something entirely new over anything else. I would live with it if it were DeSu3, but it wouldn't be my first choice.
I wanna lewd that belly button.
2 sucks dicks
Deal with it
It's peak MegaTen.
You can't even play SMT I on iOS anymore.
>DeSu 3 when?
Devil Survivor didn't particularly sell well, so we might not ever see a third installment. If anything has a higher chance of getting revived, it's Raidou, or the Devil Summoner series as a whole since it's popular in Japan.
Play better games.
This series sucks dick. The only reason you edgy manchildren play them is because OMG TEH DEMONS ARE GOOD AND ANGELS ARE EVIL SO DEEP
These fucks innovated like once and then fell behind as a completely derivative series afterwards
I'm too scared of getting lost in dungeons because everything looks the same
Not as much as you, fag.
Are the digital devil story games worth playing as anything more than a historical curiosity? Usually like to start from the beginning of a series but I might just skip those, or watch a playthrough or something.
See you when SMT V turns out to be a massive success and revitalizes the series, shitposter-kun.
It's more of the humans being good than the Demons.
It's the worst at the start of the game I think. I never got lost after the Great Cataclysm.
It's better in Strange Journey & Soul Hackers since there's a map on the bottom screen, but it's really easy to get lost in the older games. There's the Mapper skill, but it's still pretty shit.
I want to see shit like this in SMT V. Some regions retaining a relative sense of modern design, while also contrasting the dystopia of the apocalypse. A huge city, sitting beside a destroyed warehouse or rural town.
Kyuuyaku megami tensei is pretty great.
DDS games are great. Play them
I don't understand who is buying these games. Probably people starved for anything non-mainstream. I can't believe a fucking first person dungeon crawler of all things was a minor hit.
Gaming is in a huge crisis
SMT is leaving behind it's first person dungeon crawling though. As a matter of fact, SMTV is going to be the start of another full 3D era for SMT. From the combat, to the overworld.
My personal biggest wish for SMTV is the slow descent into the apocalypse like 1 and DeSu
SMT1 was the first SMT I played, it kept me playing all the way though. SMT1 and 2 have top tier aesthetics for SNES games.
Another world
It may rain always
I don't wanna cry
You're alive by my side
Even if I see all tragedy or darkness
I promise you my dream
Take you in sunshine
kage wa ochiru boku no ashimoto ni kawaita machi ni
sora ni nomareta kono hoshi no sadame kara
kimi no tame no hikari sagashi(t)e iru
>he thinks SMT only does first-person dungeon crawlers
What happened to the mobile port? I was gonna get it when I’m done with my current jrpg and I don’t have the patience to play this genre on consoles anymore.
user.. you do realize that there's only a handful of first person dungeon crawling SMT games, right? At research a series before talking about it.
I played SMT1&2 and got too tired of those to play If..., once I upgrade my PC I'll continue my SMT journey though.
I did a few years ago and it was meh. Same for II and if.
SMT IV did this to a degree. You start out in the peaceful kingdom of Mikado, before you traverse to the apocalyptic state of Tokyo. It feels like SMTV will be more like Nocturne, in a sense that the world utterly explodes in one fell swoop. That's just me speculating based on the trailer, though. For all we know, you spend a good hour in the normal Tokyo before things go to shit. Who knows.
>here's your world map bro
I actually like how the world map is structured in these games. Even more so since they're making the districts of Tokyo bigger to explore to the point where they're essentially pseudo dungeons, as of IV. I'm hoping V adds even more exploration to the districts.
Yeah, I liked that about the first game. And even though I was annoyed that I saved up a bunch of yen and it became useless, I still think it was a cool touch.
Playing Devil Surivor 2 bros on Thursday
Not as good as the first sadly
I didn't like the second one as much as the first, for the sole reason that there wasn't as much emphasis on mythology and demons. The first game felt very similar to an SMT title, while the second tried more to be it's own thing. I still enjoyed it a lot, though.
That’s cool
Hopefully after we get SMTV there’s a huge resurgence with spin offs we need at least 1 more raidou or devil surivor
Same the minor gameplay improvements are pretty good but the story is no where near as good as the first one but hey at least they have Joe
I can't even bring myself to replay the first. 2 has way better maps, more variety, better bosses, better structure, a more consistent soundtrack, and the plot has much better pacing. The only thing the first game has over it is the story but so much of that is a retread of mainline SMT themes that I find myself preferring 2's main alignment conflicts even though they're just ever so slightly rebranded.
I played it the last year, was pretty good.
PLEASE ATLUS i cant take this anymore give me more demon waifus god fuck
>Hopefully after we get SMTV there’s a huge resurgence with spin offs we need at least 1 more raidou or devil surivor
There's going to be plenty of assets to reuse after they finish SMTV, so I really do hope we end up getting another Devil Summoner or Devil Survivor game. If anything has a high chance of returning though, it's Devil Summoner. Give it a couple years though.
It didn’t sell well?
Then why did it get a anime?
Couldn't ever get into it.
Most of the time, anime are solely made to advertise the main product. In most instances, this would be for Light Novels or Manga.
We don’t talk about that abomination.
>that hoodie
>this is official art
God bless Yasuda, and God bless Japan.
Now kiss
>Yasuda "fashion"
I actually don't have an issue with Yasuda's newer character designs, but he draws the same body proportions for every character honestly.
I'm playing 4 right now. Still very very early on, but it's fun. Kinda stuck on the Orthus. but I made some new demons and I'm gonna go try again. Last time it took out 1 of my demons before I even got a chance to act.
Why are SMT threads so great?
>Law/Chaos/Neutral shitposting
>Smirk edits
>actual discussion
>Pascal the dog is here
They've actually been pretty bad, lately anyway. Some obsessed Personafag from /pg/ keeps calling people Ryan while shitposting about P3 and P5. It's annoying.
They were better than usual right before that started up.
>Liking a game that plays itself largely above a game you have to interact with.
Persona faggots are breed ill never understand. I can understanding not hating them. But when they put them above good its like admitting you are a virgin who had no school life.
Ain't got time for pretty twink girly boys.
I just tend to ignore him. He’s basically just another XV-kun.
Not him, but I like both SMT and Persona. My only issue with Persona, are the actual Personafags themselves. They're just annoying, honestly.
>He’s basically just another XV-kun.
That guy has to be one of the most obsessed individuals I've ever seen on this board. What's his name, Barry? There was a time not too long ago, where he managed to get banned like 15 times in a single thread.
This. Ever since Smash, they’ve become even more annoying than usual.
We maybe had one thread where it was want waifu post
I'd play it if there was an undub version, but there still isn't.
Breast envy is so hot
>being a die hard sub fag
Why not just turn off the voices?
Yep. Dude’s a nutjob.
I'm playing CS:GO now though, and I just started DDS
I'd rather play it like I have played every single SMT game that features voices to date: english text with japanese voices.
imagine playing a game for the japanese voices
nah smt sucks. have never played a single more boring rpg in my life. even 7th saga was more satisfying then this uncultured garbage
what, I literally finished the entire game with an undub on Citra like 2 years ago
Normally I agree you with but Laura Bailey is too good to pass up
Get out of the thread then
I don't know about that, I stopped involving myself in any discussion around Persona a while before that. It was already pretty bad.
Give me the motivation to finish Soul Hackers and apocalypse
I've already played all the PS2 and 3DS games, including the re-releases of both DeSu and Strange Journey and the relevant Persona games, as well as P5. What other MegaTen should I go back and try?
Kill your friends user
SMT 1 and 2 seem like the obvious choices.
link to undubbed version?
wanting to play it with japanese voices doesn't mean I play it for them. you're just one of those retards who can't comprehend others have preferences that is different than yours, and you can't help but simultaniously insult them and validate your choice and preference as the "correct" one
Both are really great games with a good combat system.
Persona discussion is just either
>i love x character
>complaining about the games
>fanboys for certain games
>Soul Hackers
It starts off really slow, but once you get into the midpoint of the game, it's incredible. Also, save in front of the Casino and cheese save scumming to get the most powerful items.
Am I boned if I picked the calm option in soul hackers?
I feel like it's mostly just complaining these days.
Are yukiko fags still making threads about her?
Basically this. I'm a fan of Persona, but those threads and Personafags themselves are cancerous honestly. They say we complain too much, but damn. Just about every thread I see nowadays has been nothing more than people shitflinging about which Persona game is shittier than the other in aspects like gameplay, dungeons, characters, and story. Outside of that, they don't discuss much except for talking about the girls. I actually see more discussion for Persona games in SMT threads, ironically.
this, there's an english patch out there too
You can pick any of the choices, but you might be gay. Sexy defines her.
That dude was fucking up /smtg/ before latching onto these threads now too
Till she becomes Nemissa she’s plain af
I think I saw one a day or two ago but I didn't go into it.
You can skip 1 if you want but Megami Tensei II is a must play
Persona is big enough to attract usual Yea Forums shitposting
SMT is big enough for discussion but not big enough to attract tons of shitposters. It hits that sweet spot where Yea Forums threads are usually pretty good.
Yes, over leveling is easy via sleep rounds
She's cute though
I’ve had more fun with SMT threads than Persona threads, honestly. At least here people actually like the games and the shitposting is actually fun.
>wanting to play it with japanese voices doesn't mean I play it for them
yes it does
no lol.
Not sexy tho
okay retard
That’s cause every v tard has played persona while smt is niche
>SMT is big enough for discussion but not big enough to attract tons of shitposters. It hits that sweet spot where Yea Forums threads are usually pretty good.
Which is why I'm not exactly looking forward to SMTV's release. I'm excited for the game, but the aftermath on Yea Forums won't be too pretty.
>Console warriors bringing SMTV into their mongoloid Playstation debates
>The fanbase will no doubt expand which will invite more cancer
>Shitposters crawling out of the woodworks
I want SMT to be successful, but the threads are going to take a massive hit in quality like anything else popular or new.
I played the first Shin Megami Tensei for a few minutes once. All I remember is that people were getting murdered in a shopping mall and nobody cared.
But that's wrong
You don't even need to overlevel, you just need the Heroine to Zio everything and nothing can ever kill you. The only parts of the game that aren't totally braindead are the Gabriel and Arioch fights, which are still easy but you can't just spam Zio on them, and when you're in Girl's Mind and you keep getting Shibaboo'd, but that parts more annoying than anything else. You could skip everything else except the non-optional fights and never have any trouble.
Don’t worrry user we will all see each other in the next life
Post more hoys.
Yeah, SMT threads are almost certainly going to go to complete shit when SMT5 comes out. I expect it to be pretty popular too, and if I'm right then a lot of contrarians will come along to shit all over it.
Imagine being a lawfag
It's been an honor, captain Hoy.
>We'll never see these aesthetic 90's outfits ever again
Fuck me up. I feel like SMT is one of the only series that manages to do the cyberpunk aesthetic well.
chaosfags are even worse, simply because they don't realise they're the same kind of stooge
At least we can become the cuckers and not the cucked
how do I even know where to go in that gam
Just do it for the reaction she makes
The real redpill, is accepting that Law and Chaos are two sides of the same coin and are meant to coexist in balance. They're essentially the Yin/Yang of SMT respectively. It makes me wonder if we'll ever get an SMT game where the ending has Law and Chaos factions joining forces and realizing how similar they truly are. We need a cosmic threat to bring this about though, and something to keep said alliance together..
>I expect it to be pretty popular too
I don't, Atlus is constantly showing their utter incompetence when it comes to advertising their own games.
Imagine what the game journalists will have to say about it.
Majin Tensei 2 is Kino.
We've already had neutral explicitly prevailing over law/chaos, it'd be interesting to see an instance where neutral is clearly the bad outcome while law and chaos are both acceptable "good" endings.
I liked what apocalypse was setting up but it really disappointed me how they just went back to fighting and there was no way to have the option to make peace with them or something
>started this around the patch release
>haven't even gotten the summoning program yet due to work swamping me
Is there a way to download smt 1 and 2 on mobile? Wasnt it released for mobile some time ago. But i cant search for it
>Tadano Hitonari
I fucking love that his name translates to "Just Some Guy"
This thread has been claimed by God. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
They marketed Persona 5 pretty well. I'm sure they'll do the same for SMT V, seeing as it's the first fully 3D title we've had in some time. Not only that but you underestimate the influence of E-Celebs, and game journalists. I fully expect the game to have quite a lot of exposure. All I know is, it'll be successful.
Only SMT1 was translated.
Now you can't get it as they aren't supported with current iOS versions
h o y
Apple killed most apps because 32 bit isn’t supported anymore
Strange Journey Redux did this, and it was pretty great. I need to see more like that. Not
Though to be fair, Neutral isn't explicitly good. It's just kicking the can down the road.
What's the first Megaten game? I know it's not Shin Megami Tensei but I can't find any info, playthroughs, roms, etc of the first one.
Megami Tensei I, and it has a nice story.
Apocalypse was a disappointment, story wise. Gameplay was absolutely based though.
but what if i love god and still want to stay an individual
Forst megaten game is megami tensei for the nes and or for this obscure system i forgot the name. The later wast made by atlus.
Same thing happend to user shit sucked. And Majin Tensei 1 is fully translated and its about to be patched soon.
I don't think their advertising is that bad, it's annoying if you're trying to keep up with a game because there's a lot of announcements for announcements and long shows with a lot of nothing that end in a 15 second teaser and shit like that, they also don't direct any of their advertising towards a Western audience though, which probably doesn't do them any favors, not that they'd care.
I still think it'll be popular though for similar reasons to how Yakuza got more popular with 0 or Persona got more popular with 5. It's a series that already has a sizeable following, enough that when it comes out enough people will be talking about it for people to notice the game and try it out themselves, and then it just spreads further from there. It being the first SMT game in HD means it'll attract people who would have been put off by the first person battles in the DS games, it'll likely pull in a decent amount of people from being a Switch exclusive whether it's in the form of people just buying it so they have some games for the Switch or in people begging for a port to something else giving it attention and Japanese games in general seem to do well nowadays which will probably act in SMT5's favor. I don't have a hard time imagining videos from streamers who have never touched the series with titles like "I can KILL my friends?!" when the game comes out, that shock value already attracts people to the series, and making it known to a wider audience could pull in even more. The difficulty might also contribute to its popularity in a similar way to how Dark Souls got popular.
>The difficulty might also contribute to its popularity in a similar way to how Dark Souls got popular.
Well you already have retarded Game Journalists referring to SMT as the "Dark Souls of Persona", even though that makes absolutely zero sense, but whatever. I can already see the "Sekiro of Persona 5" comments.
I don't think SJR's Neutral ending was bad, it was just bittersweet. If any of the endings felt bad to me, it was probably the new Law one with how they emphasized that humans would be powerless in the face of a threat because of Zelenin's song, and she would just pray no threat comes.
shut the FUCK up betatron
>And Majin Tensei 1 is fully translated and its about to be patched soon.
Well another one to the backlog
It was a MSX computer that they made MT for. Devs were called telenet
I still hate how Satan is just lucifer and the 4 angels combined. Shit takes alot away from lucifer and the 4 angels and doest make satan any cooler. FuckIVA
I don't know, it was definitely jarring compared to the Law and Chaos endings.
>Doomguy is stuck on the moon with Arthur, waiting for the rest of eternity to combat the Schwarzwald should it ever appear again, as humanity continues to be shit
Didn’t they do that shit to Strange Journey?
Are you dumb. The point is they are all pawns in YHVH's 4d game of chess to keep himself in power.
And 4
What do you think, boys? Is SMTV when we finally encounter the Great Will? Is it the game where we finally summon YHVH to fight alongside Satan and Buddha? As far as why you'd try to fight the Great Will... maybe you're going for the bad end[/spoiler
>I'd play it if there was an undub version
There's been an undub for ages.
Yeah, but he did it of his own volition to maintain the world he knew. There's the fucked up element of it that humanity didn't learn anything and Moonguy essentially has to spend eternity paying for humanity's sins, but it's something he choose to do in that ending, and the only reason you would choose to do that is because you want humanity to be able to keep going the way it's going, even with its issues. I will say though, aside from me thinking it doesn't really suit SJ, I think it's the kind of thing any ending in an SMT game should be. It's well presented enough to be a satisfying ending and it is, in a sense, a good outcome, but there's clear downsides to it that keep it from feeling idealized, which I like more than having an ending that's just shit or an ending that feels too perfect, which is how I felt about the new Chaos ending. The new Law ending is good though, it does have the same problem I have with the new Neutral ending where I don't think it really suits the game it's in, but it's still good.
>Encounter the Great Will
The Great Will is literally just the will of the universe.
>Where we summon YHVH
That sounds really dumb user. I'm sorry.
We're never going to encounter The Great Will because then if you beat it there's no more SMT games. There will always be an avatar, based on the feelings of humans, or you if you seize that power for yourself. Think of The Great Will not as an actual character, but the developers themselves.
Highly doubt it. The Great Will isn't a entity but something existing beyond time andvspace
this. if there isn't a sub option I go for no voices cause I hate Americans
Fair enough. On another note, Commander Gore cold have been established as a Neutral representative better. He doesn't have much presence in the story.
I finished, Megaten 4, Personas 3,4,5, Strange Journey, Soul Hackers and Devil Survivor 1,2(not the 3ds versions though).
What should I play now? Raidou kuzunoha games? Some remake of devil survivor or strange journey? Apocalypse?
>an OST that is easily forgettable as a standalone piece
This is bait, right?
Just play whichever of those interest you most.
Reminder that Chex Quest is not a RPG.
That's absolutely retarded to tell you the truth. The Great Will isn't necessarily an entity, just the will of the universe, or Axiom. Defeating it would be the essence of destroying the universe. Even for a bad ending with some form of major writing justification, it truthfully sounds ridiculous.
I want to punch something now.
did they never get shit for literally reskinning doom with some custom levels
Cute dog.
Dilate, Ryan.
is there a snes emulator that can play SMT correctly ? i've played kyuuyaku megami tensei on zsnes no problem but this thing keep crashing
SNES9x bro
There's your problem. Use Snes9x.
Go blow yourself, you autist.
Hey, that's a pretty cute girl you got there. Mind if I have a kiss?
>that fucking .png
Was not expecting that
We don’t deserve smirking Flynn.
I can fucking sense it, SMT V soon
>people still use zsnes
sounds like the best ending
I heard you play as a girl in SMTV, is that true
That's basically the white ending, but with more self centered or malicious intent.
All the plebs who will never experience the snes games disgust me.
>That time when Asura was the Chaos rep, all those years ago
all the new game bad old game good tryhards disgust me
>being this upset over a shitpost
breathe with your mouth, Ryan
This shit still spooks me
It was actually Asura-O, the king of Asuras in Buddism. He's not just some literally who Asura.
But user, old game good new game good
They were better before some faggots came to obsessively shit on Persona games and play the victim because SMT games aren't as popular as Persona games even though P5 has been the first HD game and the first game on a non-handheld after a long time.
Basically hipsters.
I don't see how you can like one game but hate others in the SMT series. Sure, you might not like them as much but still.
Anyways, good threads can still (and do) happen and I just wanted to tell you that you forgot the most important thing:
At least you mentioned best boy. What's your favourite game?
What happened to the fan translation projects for the first Devil Summoner anyways?
what's wrong with it
I think SNES SMT sucks. Change my mind.
Nice strawman, where did I say the new games are bad?
Harlequin Ichthyosis design is cheating for horror.
When you condescendingly called me a pleb for not playing your garbage?
better than daichi?
Kill yourself
Who is this?
Speaking of Alice, i was playing SJR yesterday and did her quest, the hare eventually mentioned they're both basically "memories" created by two other demons, and then she herself mentioned two red and black dads or something. Is this a backstory from one of the older games or something?
>Some nobody website
Persona 5 did not create turn based games
I always forget the difference, honestly. I thought Asura-O was based on Zoroastrianism though?
I think something happened with the hacker who had the tools for changing the text
I think at this point they're just rolling with the joke.
I mean on one hand I hope they do and on the other it's exactly what I would do.
"Dark Souls of X" is so stupid, I love it desu. Makes me smile everytime
Yes. She was created by Belial and Nebiros in SMT I, so she's an original character to a degree, but she's based off of the book character "Alice in Wonderland."
>not one translation patch for the PSX versions
>just SNES
I bet record scratch did this.
Were they gay?
Sorry, shouldn't have assumed a retard like you would understand basic logic.
No, there's some weird bullshit about Ahura Mazda from Zoroastrianism being an Asura but it's just a weird megaten thing and has no actual mythological or historical basis. The Asura in SMTI is from Buddism and refers to a specific Asura, while the Asura in Strange Journey is the Hindu Asura, and refers to just a regular, no ne Asura.
>Ryan bringing homosexuality into our threads
Cringe. Back to /discord/, please.
if... sucks user. Its my most disliked SMT game tied with a persona game I wont mention for fear of derailing the thread. Fuck gideon for taking years to finish this shit
In general the stakes in combat are higher because enemies hit harder and faster, and the feeling of triumph is great because there are so many routes you can take to get that victory. Working through an opaque game that gives you tools without instructions is a great feeling, and the scope of story in SMT2 is fantastic while the sense of intimacy in the setting of SMT1 is also great. If these sorts of things don't appeal to you that's fine, but you should approach them almost with the mentality of a strategy or puzzle game with multiple solutions.
So you're not gonna explain why they're worth playing? Typical Yea Forumsirgin tryhard.
What happens if you say yes
Extended family, when? I hope she gets a side quest in SMTV. This is one series where I actually care to do side quests in, because most of the time they're based on mythology.
I'm just trying to ask a question man, jesus christ.
Thank you for a well reasoned post, I appreciate that. I think SMT4 series accomplishes this pretty well too though.
>Belial and Debiros always have to be associated with Alice
Shit sucks, they deserve better then to be associated with the series' biggest mistake.
I like how they use the depiction of Asura from different cultures. Very nice. Although his SJ design is far superior.
>will follow you on any route
>contributes a lot to the story
>likeable nerd
>incredibly competent
>can punch demons really hard
I like Daichi but Atsuro will always be the GOAT.
I think it's okay. Besides the PS1 ports of them rebalance the combat so they aren't so broken apparently.
Good atmosphere and settings, memorable scenes and characters, and connections to other megaten games.
Listen, if you just admit that you're a huge faggot we can end it here, okay (:
Shit taste
But I said I didn't like Alice.
>but she's based off of the book character "Alice in Wonderland."
Well, duh
I really should get to play the older games at some point - i actually already tried emulating 2 a couple of years ago but i ended up forgetting about it by the time the game was actually starting. I remember being kinda confused by the UI
I don't think identical square rooms have good atmosphere
To be fair most of the tracks take some time before they properly start and often you don't have a chance to appreciate them within the game unless you take your time
Don't respond to anyone who brings up that boogeyman. As of lately somebody has been going into SMT and Persona threads to shitpost. Seeing as the thread quality dipped as soon as he was mentioned, you get the idea.
what a fag
>I don't think
I can see that.
Shoutout to Ryan
Go back, Ryan.
Why are you being such a faggot to me? Are you having troubles dealing with dissent? You need an echo chamber to not be an asshole?
No, they just made a cute loli together purely by accident and weren't sure what to do with her after that.
However, some say that she is also based on a myth of an Aryan girl who died at a young age. When Alice died and became a spirit, she gained extreme magical power that drove her insane. Alice was used to scare Scandinavian children into behaving, or else Alice would visit them at night and kill them so that she may become "friends" with them. Due to the overwhelming support of both theories, it is easy to assume both are valid and that she is a hybrid of both figures. That both are valid seems to be the case though, since the Strange Journey compendium hints at both
First day on Yea Forums, Ryan?
Alice and Moh Shuvuu attract annoying weebs that don't actually appreciate the gameplay, settings, or mythology of the series. They bring in the most cancerous "fans".
Something about P2's OST makes me want to kill myself.
I really don't get it, I didn't play IS until a few years ago so it's not like it just reminds me of old times back when I was somewhat happy
They're good, that's all there is to it. It's still a JRPG but there is a lot to appreciate not just in the old games but in the series in general.
A slice of life spinoff with Alice and her two dads would be cute to see.
Imagine being this mad about a loli, user.
>You need an echo chamber
Are you implying Yea Forums isn't an echo chamber?
I am playing SJ Redux right now.
Ouroboros was no joke, but thanks to the womb of grief it's super easy to overlevel.
>Sperging this hard
Yikes, go back Ryan.
You too pepeposter, Reddit is that way.
Now say it again, but without crying like a girl.
It isn't. Some people want it to be though and that shit is stupid.
Ah, a newfag. Listen mate unlike what your buddies on reddit told you, discussion is better without this personal bullshit. Look at this massive waste of time. Make a meaningful post about SNES SMT or fuck off.
Maybe it's just that good
You first, Ryan.
>tfw no succ gf
Yesterday I went through a thread where I saw someobe actively defend P4Golden's Shadow Yukiko over the original. So yeah, I believe Yea Forums is a cesspool of different opinions and ideas.
Why don't you go back to discord with your boogeyman
>It isn't
Go make a thread about how you like Bioshock Infinite and or some other normalfag shit and see how well that goes.
Yea Forums is an echo chamber, just because it's not mainstream opinions doesn't make it less of a echo chamber. This place is a hugbox where people jerk off each other's "good" taste.
Who the fuck is Ryan?
I just want to talk about Megaten, guys...
Okay, ignoring the little spammer for a second, how did you guys first get into SMT? I first got into it thanks to playing Devil Survivor, loving it, and wanting to know more about the series.
Some dude who lives rent-free in some shitposter's head.
Probably doesn't even exist.
>tfw I suck at every SMT game I play
When shit like Alice actively ruins the series then yeah, I'll be pissed. It's as bad as the "DUDE PENIS LMAO" retards with Mara.
No i got it. Its just dumb. I liked how they did it in every other game.
The first step in improving that awful behaviour is recognizing it so we can guard ourselves from repeating it. To that extent your post is slightly useful. It's still not a post about SMT though.
Unironically Persona, which got me interested in the other games.
Heard about it through P4, but jumped into the games with Strange Journey
>When shit like Alice actively ruins the series
You came to the wrong place. Thankfully r/megaten is only a few clicks away (:
By playing a megaten game, how else?
Played IV, got crushed by the early game and quit. Picked up IV:A to give it another chance, liked the combat system, went back and finished IV>IV:A
>beat every demon in area
>save before boss
>die the 1st time
>beat the boss
>you beat the game
Well Nocturne was memed hard on here, so eventually I had to see what the fuss was about. Then later I got a 3DS and with it access to most of the franchise. So Yea Forums's not all bad.
I loved the design of Jack Frost so much that I wanted to know where he came from. When I found out it was a series heavily influenced by mythology, I hopped on that shit immediately with SMT1.
I think there has to be something about it specifically but I can't tell. I put EP on hold because I thought the PSP translation would be finished soon and even those tracks make me feel it
Because there have been many threads about it and what makes Infinite not good and completely overrated.
Normalfags started to agree on that some time ago too.
Then start, you dumb ex-mascot.
Ignore the faggots
Just pump into str
Alice in modern games represents the worst of pointless fan service that mainline shouldn't have to deal with. She's put into every game, she's made usually a high level despite it making no sense, and she's almost always vicen some sidequest despite not being a real demon of any importance in a real mythology or religion. Alice represents the shitty fan service side of megaten.
Persona 4, got P3 afterwards.
Didn't play SJ for a while because I mistook it for some shitty DS RPG I once tried but liked Devil Survivor so I just went for other SMT games as time went on
based and heehopilled.
Yeah that's pretty much what I've been doing so far in SMT4. Not far at all, but it's alright so far.
I've been pumping Dex and Agi in 4 since I heard that you get guns sometime in the game and they scale off Dex.
>Alice represents the shitty fan service side of megaten.
As in callbacks? I don't really see the thing that's making you so buttblasted about her.
I would if the game actually allowed me to recruit the monsters. Can't even recruit a pixie after half an hour.
Persona 5. Then found out it was a spin off so wanted to try the main line and played 4 > 3 > Soul hacker > DSS > IF... and now playing SJR
I am ambivalent about this. I both understand your point, but at the same time I also enjoy seeing her return and be a strong demon you can work towards and look forward to as you play. I don't think demons need necessarily to be sourced from mythology.
I think Jack Frost is more guilty of this. Atlus decided they needed a Pikachu and now we have to deal with him in every game.
Alice is like that because she's legitimately one of the most popular demons in the franchise and has been for decades. It's not like she was created or shilled out of the blue to appeal to a bunch of people who previously weren't fans. The existing fanbase liked her, and that's why she's still here.
One summer vacation I was looking for some RPG to play on my DS.
I found DeSu on some random rom site and played it on a whim.
When demon of darkness started playing I was instantly hooked.
The rest is history.
My first ending was Naoya's ending ofcourse.
Based. Naoya’s route is kino.
Why is it taking so long and why wont esper just say he dropped it?
At least Jack has more of a personality than Pikachu and has in-story explanations for why Jack has a lot of variations. Pokemon's in-game universe has an unnatural obsession with Pikachu despite it being nothing special.
Oh, it's good you're going into dex, since phys skills scale off of dex better than phys stat would in that game.
I recommend also getting multi hitting gun moves from demons as well whenever there's a chance of whispering
Technically Persona 1 but didn't finish that, so SMTIV, will try out Apocalypse when I'm done
I don’t mind. Jack’s a cool guy.
Yeah right now I have a single target gun move, multi hit gun move, and med phys attack that can sleep and a med phys attack that can poison on my main character. Oh and Dia in case I need a backup healer. I'm gonna get that off of him eventually since I'm not really putting any points into mag.
Jack Frost is based though
You understand that nearly ever instancr of Alice in the series is a referencr to SMT 1, just like how neatly everything done in the series is also a referencr to SMT 1 in a way.
>she's put into every game
Mythis gag
>highest level making no sense
In SMT 2 she, along with Matador, were extremely high level bosses found randomly. In SMT 1 she literally had an entire building of zombies at her disposal. That's like complaining that Matador is level 99 in IV Apocalypse
>not being a real demon of any importance
What is the Famed/General race. Literally goes as far back as Devil Summoner on Sega Saturn. Hell SMT2 had stephen king monsters like Chris the Car and movies like Beetlejeuce as monsters. SMT IV had chemtrails as a fiend.
>She represents fanservice
She represents the most based kind of fanservice, which is a reference to the gamea in the very own series.
Persona 3 Portable
I liked its gameplay conventions and went on to play SMT IV and III
I'd say get a debuff skill when you expand slots too, and when you eventually find a demon with it/get lucky with mutations, get the charge skill too
I mean yeah, he's ok. He's just yet another capricious asshole demon like the rest, and you can't have a JRPG without a mascot, so it could be much worse.
Oh, for sure. SMTIV/A are some of my favorites. Have fun, user.
>She represents the most based kind of fanservice, which is a reference to the gamea in the very own series.
This Stephen boss fight in SMTIVA is fucking great.
I think it’s the juxtaposition of him being so cute yet such a little shit that makes him so endearing to people.
Jack Frost is the mascot character of the series, it at least makese some sense for him. I dislike how man varients of him exist at this point but at the end of the day demons like Black Frost and Demonee-ho are just there to give players a way to use him at later points in the game. Ultimately he, and the varients, never feel forced upon on the player.
Being a slave to tradition is what holds megaten back. She was fine in SMTI, sure, but being in SMTI doesn't justify being in every otner game.
Famed/General demons are not only based on real important figures from history, but they also exist as a race that is only relevant to those completing the compendium. Alice in almost every game has some sidequest related to her. Even worse is that Belial and Debiros often have to have potentially interesting roles compromised just that they can be grouped with her forbthe hundreth time. The worst case of it is in DeSu2, where she's a post game boss and among the strongest demons of the game. It just feels tasteless when megaten has a abundance of incredibly interesting and more important figures that some little girl gets more attention because some people want to fuck her and such.
ok homo
>Being a slave to tradition is what holds megaten back.
I am still mad we never got our 3 headed cerberus cause the 1 headed one is a reference to megami tensei
>stands up
>Being a slave to tradition is what holds megaten back
The only thing holding MegaTen back right now is Atlus' inability to adequately develop for the Switch, nothing else.
What holds megaten back ist atlus putting alice in every SMT game user. What a dumb thing to say. You and the other user are being autistic over Alice.
A friend gave me her copy of P3P, after that i played the other Persona games then jumped onto Nocturne
I’m honestly glad SMT sticks to tradition. It prevents them from going full retard like FF did.
>Being this much of a sperge over Alice because you hate the demon
Just literally ignore it. Turn your brain on, damn.
It's not specifically just Alice, it's that Alice represents the worse aspects pf tbe series. Unecessary need for tradition, tasteless fan service, and the disregard of real mythology.
Hoy Gang, ooh, yeah, Lil shitter, yeah, Hoy Gang, ooh
Hoy gang, Hoy gang, Hoy gang, Hoy gang
Hoy gang, Hoybgang, Hoy gang (Hoy gang!)
Spend ten racks on a new bead chain
My bitch love do life stones, ooh
I fuck a bitch, I forgot her name
I can't buy a bitch no wedding ring
Rather go and buy Chakra drop
Hoy gang, Hoy gang, Hoybgang (Hoy gang!)
Hoy gang, Hoy gang, Hoybgang, Hoy gang
Hoy gang, Hoy gang, Hoy gang (Hoy gang!)
Spend ten racks on a new bead chain
My bitch love do Life stones, ooh
I fuck a bitch, I forgot her name, yeah
I can't buy no bitch no wedding ring
Rather go and buy Chakra drop, aye
Hou gang, Hoybgang, Hoy gang
My Soma cost more than your rent, ooh
Your mama still live in a tent, yeah
Still slanging dope in the jets, huh
Me and my grandma take meds, ooh
None of this shit be new to me
Fucking my teacher, call it tutory
Bought some red bottoms, cost hella Ms
Fuck your airline, fuck your company
Bitch, your breath smell like some cigarettes
I'd rather fuck a bitch from the projects
They kicked me out the plane off a Percocet
Now Lil Shitter fly a private jet
Everybody screaming "fuck West Jet!"
Lil Shitter still sell that Soma
Gauntlet on my wrist sippin on Tech
Fuck a lil bitch, make her pussy wet
Hoy gang, Hoy gang, Hoy gang, Hoy gang
Hoy gang, Hoy gang, Hoy gang (Hoy gang!)
Spend ten racks on a new bead chain
My bitch love do Life stones, ooh
I fuck a bitch, I forgot her name
I can't buy a bitch no wedding ring
Rather go and buy Chakra drops
Hoy gang, Hoy gang, Hoy gang (Hoy gang!)
Hoy gang, Hoy gang, Hoy gang, Hou gang
Hoy gang, Hoy gang, Hoy gang (Hoy gang!)
Spend ten racks on a new bead chakn
My bitch love do life stones, ooh
I fuck a bitch, I forgot her name
I can't buy no bitch no wedding ring
Rather go and buy chakra drops, aye Hoy gang, Hoy gang, Hoy gang
Lil shitter, yeah, Lil shitter, ooh
I honestly don't understand why Jack Frost seems to get a free pass from you then.
>I am still mad we never got our 3 headed cerberus
But that exists
Really fucking enjoying Strange Journey. Just got to sector D, how far in am I? I think I'm slightly overleveled though because of the Womb of Grief.
Not as a recruitable demon
That literally exists though. I really feel like half of you have no clue what you're talking about, or even trying to say because your interpretations are flawed as hell.
There's a difference between Strange Journey and FE: Awakening user. Strange Journey, and Nocturne to a degree as well, were steps in the right directions. Traditions like Tokyo as the setting, Lucifer's Chaos vs YHVH's Law, and a cast of teenagers feel forced into the games now as Atlus is too scarred to ever try anything new in fear of it being disliked by fans. No one ever said "SMT would surely be ruined if Tokyo wasn't the setting" but Atlus is too stupid to realize what people actually enjoy about tbe games.
It's literally only ONE (1) demon in the entire compendium that is just an SMT original character instead of being based on a mythological figure. It's fine to have just a tiny amount of fan service like that since it's not getting in the way of the other content. It's not like you can't play a single SMT game without tripping over Pascal-Cerberus in random encounters and getting forced into mandatory Demi-Fiend boss battles every game.
See Having the 3 headed one be a boss in DDS and Koromaru persona is fucked, we need a recruitable one
>What is Soul Hackers
>What is IV/Apocalypse
Jesus Christ.
>neutral always best ending
Shekinah keeps wrecking my shit in her second phase, anyone got some advice? I've been stuck on her for like three weeks now.
I didn't say I love him, I just said it's a little more understandable. I feel like Jack Frost, Pyro Jack, King Frost, and MAYBE Jack the Ripper should be the only Jacks really. Black Frost was pushing it, the rest are just annoying.
Plain Jane.
just lower the difficulty :^)
Which games have the best Jacks
>Belial and Nebiros
>tied to Alice
In what universe?
In DeSu Belial one of the biggest bosses, a brutal fight, and in SMT IV/IV:A Belial is one of Lucy's henchmen. Only in DeSu 2 is that Nebiros and Belial are once again tied to Alice.
Oh fuck i never found one
>SMT1's scenario writer is a "Glorious Nippon dindu do nuffin" crackpot
I'm sure there's an audience here that'd appreciate it more.
>not liking Demonee-Ho
fucking this.
Out of all the things to complain about, Alice, being in SMT games is the thing that triggers you the most? Really? Its not tasteless fan service most people either dont care or like seeing the callbacks. Tradition in SMT is good and fanservice when it comes to honoring other games, like how P5 did a call back to SMT 1/2 and Raidou was cool as fuck, and demonicas in SMTIV. Or Stephen fight in IVA you are just a sperg kys and this is my last (you) will get from me
>disregard of real mythology
user please. It does it well enough. Sometimes the art of the demon/god/etc in question ist best but thats not what you are bitching about.
Lucifrost from SH was cool as fuck and I wanna see him in more games.
IV and SJ.
Design exists from devil summoner games, it just has no 3D model (which is its own can of worms considering how many demons have differing designs due to having a model with one and sprite work with the other
Is Demonee-Ho the one from Synchronicity ?
This really wasn't Atlus' finest hour
Raidou 1, DeSu2, Persona 4, and Persona 5 all link him to her.
To be honest, I'm not very fond of either Strange Journey's or Nocturne's story innovations. A big part of SMT to me is the whole contrast of demons with the human world. When you turn the setting into a demon world without humans it loses a lot of the appeal.
He's cute but he shouldn't exist outside Strange Journey.
Alice is based on Alice in Wonderland, the only "SMT original" parts are her association with Belial and Nebiros which in SMT represented other figures from Alice in Wonderland. If you're going to bitch about her then you might as well bitch about shit like Hell Biker.
Don't forget the raidou games.
But if you think about it, what was the the last game which had an alice sidequest, or one with Belial and Nebiros? SJ? DeSu2 if you consider the boss fight with her?
SMT4 is the same way.
>Defeat a story boss.
>No cutscene after.
>Aimlessly explore tokyo for 6 hours until I accidentally stumble upon where I'm supposed to be headed.
>"Ok now go to donkiwookiekabukidookiecho, you already know where it is don't you?"
>Maps are completely useless and any time you attempt to stop and look at it, an enemy spawns directly behind you and rushes you into another fucking battle.
Nocturne is the only SMT that made any sense with it's game design.
What? We haven't used mono head Cerberus in mainline since Noctutne. SJ, IV and IV:A use the 3 head design
Sorry, I only play good RPGs.
Alice is completely unacceptable because she's cute, but Hell Biker isn't cute. Don't you get it?
Literal who
>Alice is based on Alice in Wonderland
She isn't really though. She is based on the SMT I npc Alice, who was a dead girl kept on Earth by Belial and Nebiros ruling a city of the dead and who asked people to "would you die for me?". That's what all her later SMT appearances reference.
>Golden Sun
Well if being cute is the problem then obviously the biggest problem with MegaTen right now is (You)
Such as? You couldn't mean Golden Sun, you said good jrpgs.
I know, that's why you have shit taste faggot.
Do you know about terminals, user...
Even her compedium entries don't acknowledge Alice in Wonderland, since it really has nothing to do with her beyond a visual motif.
>"A ghost who appears as a small blonde girl. She seems young, but her magic powers are formidable.
>She is either the ghost of an English girl who died a sad death, or an evil spirit from a fevered writer's mind."
Hell Biker is a dumb concept and doesn't fit with the other fiends. He's just an outdated reference to Hell's Angels, he doesn't belong with the likes of the riders, Mother Harlot, or Trumpeter.
>Unnecessarily sticking to tradition
Then what should it do? A sci-fi voyage into an unkown world full of demons? A high school slice of life where the protagonists fight demons as well as attend to school like normal kids? A children game where every demon is presented in a kiddy fashion a-la pokemon or digimon? An SRPG where battles against demons are done in a gird map and the game is divided in chapters? An action RPG where the gameplay is closer to a hack and slash with rpg elements and demons are summoned as party members during battle?
Golden Sun was great, but it's most recent entry, Dark Dawn killed the franchise.
>or an evil spirit from a fevered writer's mind.
bro that's it
matador doesn't fit either and he's based
>Has anime bitches but they don't lick pussy
Into the trash it goes with all your parents' hopes, low test yurifags
Yeah I do. They make it easy to teleport, so what? They don't suddenly show you where to go.
It's not dumb. You are and every other game was completely different.
how fucking retarded must you be in order to not understand where you have to go?
i speak english as a second language and not once got myself lost
as for the map, its intentional, you play as an 18 year old who lived his entire life in a medieval style village, you see the city from his perspective, huge, cramped and maze-like.
The fact that the franchise have actually been able to pull these off is actually impressive.
I don't even know why you gave that post so much attention. It's clear that the person involved was sperging out about Alice, and has no real clue what they're talking about in regards to SMT's tradition, or usage of demon mythology. I can't believe we've been discussing this for almost 50 posts now.
In SJ she has a sidequest and boss fight in her own. She's not associated with Belial and Nebiros and she's also drawn apart from her interpretation as the Alice in Wonderland and is closer go her Scandinavian interpretation.
What happens if you pick yes?
>Hell Biker isn't cute
You take that back!
Why have there been so many SMT threads lately? (no persona doesn’t count)
I’m just filling up my jack folder from these
its because of people like you that games are so dumbed down these days, you cant even memorize a name or follow simply instructions without being reminded of it all the time
I'm refering to mainline, not every game needs to be Lucifer vs YHVH set in Tokyo. Have a setting somewhere else, at least some other part of Japan, and have different demons lead the alignments, offering new takes on what they mean.
P5R made people remember persona exists that in return made people remember SMT
>What is SJ
user, I..
Discussion has been fine, only autist I see here is you. People are having actual discussion and it's npt just buzzwords.
>next head to kasumigaseki :D also we won't tell you where that is
What are some demons that you want in SMTV?
There are many things you can complain about SMT, but sticking to tradition is not one of them.
they literally tell you where every location is
>X location is north of Y location
its meant to make you explore the damn map
Have you been reading my posts? As I said in , SJ was a step in the right direction only for IV to go back to apocalyptic Tokyo. As soon as Flynn reaches Tokyo Mikado is almost never mentioned again.
>cross river you just unlocked
>go to NPC a few meters in front of you
>tells you to go south
Only issue I had with navigation was with challenge quest areas and camp Ichigaya
Ok, tell me where to download it
Jack Frost
Jack Frost with a gun
Specifically I would like to see more African, Korean, and Native American mythology.
Black Frost with a gun
Lucifer Jack Frost
Black Frost with two guns
Sent (:
King Frost with a bazooka.
Black Frost holding two Jack Frosts which are both holding two guns
>I: two of your friends side with chaos and law respectively in order to choose how the world will be shaped after the apocalypse
>II: Lucifer and YHVJ duke it out in a post-post apocalyptic world
>III: 4 people fight an idealistic battle about how the world and its laws shall be re-written after the apocalypse
>IV: You fight your friends to choose whether to destroy the lies of Mikado, Preserve them or liberate Tokyi
>IVA: Force the destruction of the universe and rewrite it in order to make humans trully free, or chill out with your friends in the post-post apocalyptic world that may not end up being too bad after all this development.
The issue mostly stems from the higher ups having an internal dispute about where they want the series to go. I'm sure we'd be getting other areas of Tokyo like Osaka, or Kyoto if it weren't for them. Either way though, SMT being in Tokyo isn't really the issue. This isn't Pokemon.
I think it's most accurate to say she's the demonic reincarnation of an NPC from SMT1 whose design and name were based off Alice in Wonderland. So she is based off both, but the reason Atlus devs originally decided to have her return as a rare Fiend encounter was definitely as an eater egg referencing SMT1, and after that it just became series tradition to have her as a demon. There have been demons like Chris the Car that are inspired by fiction novels, and you could include Alice in that list, but there's also a reason why Chris the Car isn't a reoccurring demon in the series and Alice is.
>Jack Frost/Alice/Any cute meme or fanbase content shouldn't exist in my srs bzns SMT gam-
>He says as some autist has sperged about Alice and other things that aren't issues
Okay retard.
Okay, real talk, I would love to see this guy again.
Jack Frost in a military outfit holding an Ak47 named Private hee
Random boss used in a single game, your point?
I find SMT really difficult to take seriously. It's literally a spiritual-level gang war between God and the devil in an apocalyptic Tokyo (ONLY Tokyo, no other place exists) filled with ridiculous looking enemy designs that each have the same personality as a 12 year old who thinks they're better than everybody else..
The point is that you don't need to cream your panties over trivial things.
someone post Chemtrail already
He's a random encounter.
I don't know why people are moaning over Alice to begin with. Outside of SMT I, she literally doesn't have any primary focus in the rest of the mainline games. So what if she's a high leveled demon? Don't fuse her. There's always someone nitpicking on irrelevant shit.
That’s what we love about it.
Strange Journey
Persona 1-4
Soul Hackers and Devil Summoner
the point is there's really no huge emphasis put into alice/jack frost/whatever, they're just cutesy and having few side-quests or additional comic-relief lines doesn't hurt anyone
Maybe about 40% into the game. The womb of Grief does make you over leveled so best played on expert.
Jack Frost with sunglasses, a leather coat, and two shotguns named the Jackinator
If I want to play this series for the first time, where do I start?
I don't, I do it over shit like Alice.
He's both, he's a boss in one of the VR sections.
Smt Nocturne or IV
There's serious topics, religion, and mythology focus in the game, but overall the series has always had its sense of dark humor, and doesn't always take itself seriously. This is nothing new, really.
In the grand scheme of things, Alice is incredibly trivial, user.
Post your Alice pictures.
I want a 3D Dagda
>"I don't whine over trivial things! I just whine over Alice, a trivial demon with a little bit of popularity!"
user, I..
Demeter is the exact kind of garbage the series will get thanks to Alicefags.
>Liking a game that plays itself largely above a game you have to interact with.
That’s SMT tho
Now how is Demeter related
>Law disguises their agents as lolis because its the only way to trick people into being dumb enough for that alignment.
Sounds good.
It’s cool, they’re friends.
Actually, Alicefags have nothing to do with Demeter, whatsoever. Most people dislike Demeter's design, and actually find it a bad depiction of the Greek figure. Doi was forced to make Demeter a loli because the higher ups wanted her design to fit in with the extra content or something along those lines. Please stop speaking about things you aren't aware of.
You are a faggot and your shit is all retarded. Cope.
SMTIV and then its follow-up SMTIV Apocalypse are probably the best introductions to it, but you can really play any game that looks interesting and it'll be fine. People make a big deal over SMT and Persona being different, but there's honestly nothing wrong with starting with Persona 5 or something either.
More pandering to lolifags. Demeter is a mother goddess known for fertility, her beimg a little girl goes against the entire point of her mythology.
>It’s cool, they’re friends.
You sure?
Kino game
You do realize that fertility doesn't solely revolve around child bearing, right mongoloid? She's also the goddess of harvest. It's a bad design, but there's reasoning behind it. Alice being a little girl is completely in character with the lore regarding her, so again, go to sleep.
Meanwhile Oberon is supposed to be cursed with eternal youth but they keep reusing that grandpa design from Soul Hackers for some reason.
fuck that fucking shit design
It's not that offensive since the 3DS era uses sprites instead of models.
Na, trash games.
He looks kinda young
>Hating based Oberon
Trash taste.
I hate the old fart design I mean.
I really like the one posted, no homo
No, it's this.
Oh shit fuck that one
The SH Obereon already has a sprite, why would they put effort into making another one when reusing the existing one is easier?
Nintendo will probably pick up the slack since they had SMTV at the Switch reveal. At least I'd hope.
>Jack gets his own game
>it's one of the best in the series
How the fuck does he do is?
He is THAT good
He’s too based for his own good.
>hey here's a jack bros metroidvania for you fags while you wait for strange journey redux
>lol jk
>lol jk about jk here you go
What a wild ride.
You get a suit like that in Synchronicity, yes. However, Demonee-Ho is his own character--you can see him in SJR and IV.
Dying for Alice!
IV or nocturne are good places to start. Check the starter guide in