Life is strange has child porn
>Life is Strange 2‘s latest episode three release conveniently had its one controversial element neglected by the usual outrage-mongering leftist “review” sites, as underage protagonist Sean took part in a sex scene.
>As pointed out on Twitter, numerous leftist blogs reviewing the latest episode for Life is Strange made no mention of Sean being 16-years-old despite him taking part in a sex scene, which many have naturally labeled as hypocritical considering such outlets jump at the opportunity to bash Japanese games (or say, sexy outfits in Mortal Kombat) which have girls both underage and legal in sexy situations (but never full-blown sex).

You think Sony and steam are going to censor this like?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>which have girls both underage and legal in sexy situations

So not porn, piss off retard

link to the scene?

why does the alt-right always try to portray its political opponents as pedophiles

why are you a pedophile?

ask neogaf

what the fuck gabe newell is a fucking pedophile


>leftist blogs
Sounds like some one angry incel-tier shit

I knew a tranny in high school who modeled his "transition" after Chloe. Was actually surprised at how much he dedicated himself to it

>child porn
16 is the legal age for sex user, in most places. America, britbong, canadia, etc.

>As pointed out on Twitter, numerous leftist blogs reviewing the latest episode for Life is Strange made no mention of Sean being 16-years-old despite him taking part in a sex scene

Because it's one of the easiest things to generate outrage about, and most of their viewers/readers have the critical thinking skills of a walnut, so even just implying that someone might be a pedophile is enough for it to become a verified fact in their minds. Left bad!

Why is this board obsessed with child porn? Never see this shit on reddit

But is it the legal age to be in porn?

Underage leave

that's not how it works bud

The same reason the left always tries to portray their opposition as rapeyy racist mysoginists.

It's easier to try to make someone look like a monster so people won't listen to what they're saying, rather than to actually come up with a cohesive argument as to why their position is wrong.

do your part Yea Forumsros

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>16 year old has a sex scene in an American game
Nah man that's the legal age what's wrong bro
>16 year old is shown in their underwear for a split second in a Japanese game

Yes. However that's irrelevant since they aren't real people.

Remember when Fox News ran a segment claiming Mass Effect portrayed full frontal nudity and graphic sexual intercourse?

It's the simpliest thing to do, call your opponent a pedophile and you win. It's so shocking to people, they usually go with it and never thinks about the truth, the reasons etc.
And it's a very old trick, people were already doing that centuries ago.


>anime girl in bikini
>western made 3D model of a child topless
>perfectly normal

Are outfits porn?

It's the new Nazi. No one likes Nazis/Pedos, good thing to compare anyone you don't like to.

Hilarious that this guy is going on a LEFTISTS rant while whinging about outrage-mongers.

Do you have a video or images of said sex scene?
Showing sex between 2 teens (of age) isn't inherently fetishistic depending on how it's portrayed. If it's being framed like a porno or something there might be some issue.

but it's not porn

that was retarded to begin with because the game was rated M not T.

Weird, it's almost like two entirely groups of people are producing these reactions...

Wait, wasn't Life is Strange 1 about a teenage lesbian couple?

Nop, about to turn 20. Try harder

>in highschool
You need to be at least 18 years or older to use this site.

>double standards for western media

wow that's totally surprising

Because you guys 9 out 10 times are pedophiles.

Have sex (with people above AoC)

2 college kids
so legal.

>look how he suddenly shrinks back: “i’ve been found out.”

There is none.
They just talk about fucking and show a male topless.
That's about it.

I don't give a fuck in Jap games why would I give a fuck in Jewish Propaganda games.

Who cares what people do if they aren't in your direct family. Absolute retards that's who.

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life is strange was 4 years ago dude

skip to 11mins-ish for the "sex scene" - literally a shot of some boobs and kissing

It's art when liberal westerners do it

His Voice actor is of age so there is no problem

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Literally shaking rn, someone needs to do something about those pedo leftists!

It's not legal to look at a naked 16 year old on the internet though.

>l-look im 20
Lmao sure kid, reported

The same reason the left accuses anybody they don't like of rape - it's an extremely negative connotation that is able to single-handedly assassinate the character of someone, no matter how noble. Hence why we're still getting propaganda flicks about MJ 10 years later even when all of his accusers were proven to have made it up for money.

persona doesnt even get so far and its get labled as pedobait by normies so fuck off.

No because it’s western. S**y only censors eastern games.

Attached: anime is for pedos!.png (800x839, 317K)

It's literally drawn pictures. That's not cheese pizza. Unless you live in yuropistan that is.

this is what the outrage is about.

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By who?
Your twitter butt buddies?

Normies call anything with an eastern artstyle pedobait, who fucking cares what normies think

>Announcing a report or 'sage'

That company is run by racists.


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>3D assets are real children
people like this are why SNOY is shitting all over moeshit games


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It's fictional who cares

now substitute the word pedophilia for racism and which subset of people are we talking about

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>politician is an actual irl pedo
>wants to ban fake cartoon drawings
kek every single time

Christ, if you're gonna do a topless scene you may as well put some effort in the model

>being underaged
>actually uppercasing the first letter in greentext
and a newfag to boot, wow

People are calling out the hypocrisy, wedon't care if she has her tits out

Leftists are hypocrites?! I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you!

Sony does


>censor anime tiddies for being "pedophilic"
>leave actual pedophilia because MUH PROGRESSIVE TRANNY ROMANCE
just westerners being westerners

>Nips that puffy
>Areolas that small

But right-wing cucks tend to be racist though, so that one does have a basis in facts.


>DAE kno orangemanbad and mikal jekson pud peni in boy butt!!?!!
t. hollywood child rapi- producer

that sounds like something a pedophile would say. and if you deny being a pedophile, you're definitely a pedophile.

denounce the game to the feds like how people got thots who were avoiding taxing.
fighting only in internet will do nothing.
and by denouncing I mean mass report that trash
spam this shit on social networks too even if you get banned by the (((silicon valley)))

I agree, this guy is definitely dogwhistling to pedophiles. Sickening!

mk devs are willingly cucked. theyve self censored it and are THE sjws

Thats literally it. There isn't anything else.

Holy manface

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>not liking puffy nips
I agree on the areolas though.

Cohesive arguments don't work and are in ample supply.

Literally soulless, what the fuck

Remember this.

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>model a boy
>call it a girl

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If you guys are going to be mad about this, can you guys report Big Mouth, that Netflix show. That has a lot fucking more than nipples.

Are those two the same person? Is this selfcest?

beat me to it. saved tho

Is his partner around the same age at least?

I'm more offended that people actually "play" shit "games" like this. Just go all the fucking way and read some visual novels instead.

Wait is that /our/ guy, the Doritos Pope?

i'd like to report that show for being painfully unfunny if you know what i mean

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No because those aren't japanese and big mouth characters look ugly so it's not porn.
The japanese are the ones we should hate remember?

>show is unfunny
>can't even leave it negative feedback
imagine paying for netflix

>16 years old
>child porn
Ugh, it's like you are forevially stuck in the retro-zone. Ceinge!
Kill yourselfie boomer, winkie face ;)

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>You think Sony and steam are going to censor this like?
Of course not, it's not anime.

When the dews hits just right

So by this logic we should ban loli in Japanese games too, right?

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What is so special about ameritards that makes them lose their shit when they see any sexual implications about 16 or 17 years old character? I have never once seen people of any other country unanimously going apeshit from teenagers having sex, because everyone but ameritards understand that it's perfectly normal.

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Developers are French.
Age of consent in France is 15.

>Yea Forums is pro-censorship now
Anything to own the libs epic style I guess

Unironically projection.

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If it isn't then why did Sony target Japanese games for less?

As if being racist is incorrect. Yes user, every race has the exact same propensity to IQ, physical strength, height, even body odor. All the same. Humans are the only animals to not have races.

Always hold your enemies to their own standards.

>Accusing people with racist tendencies of being racist bad.
>Accusing people with no pedophilic tendencies of being pedophiles good!
See what I mean about the critical thinking skills of a walnut?

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>if I reply to everyone with a whacky meme I win the argument
Dont you have children to diddle somewhere?

That's not the point, it's the hypocrisy these (((video game journalists))) have when dealing with Japanese games and this shit. It gets old dealing with this "it's okay when we do it" nonsense. Both should be perfectly fine but leftists go after Japanese games while ignoring this because they actually like this series.

>you go high we go low

amerimutts are seriously hypocrites. the worst fucking double standards

hope many jp devs stop exporting anime contents to mutt shithole in the very near future

Age of Consent in Burgermuttland is 16, so this is legal there as well.


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