Now that the dust has settled why was it so dissapointing?
Now that the dust has settled why was it so dissapointing?
Other urls found in this thread:
It wasn't disappointing. I think it's the best in the series, personally. 1 and 3 are unique experiences with something to offer outside of 5, but 5 completely nullifies 4 - it's an objective upgrade over it in every way.
It wasn't, you're just a faggot.
The only thing disappointing about it was V hogging like 4 missions.
any info about if or when the Super Special Edition will be released?
because you're a faggot looking for (you)s
Barry, stop seething
this is probably a falseflagger but it still cracks me up
>implying this wasnt a beautiful, polished and well-made addition to the franchise
>implying the graphics, art style, cut scenes and optimization wasnt A-Tier
>implying I didnt play it on every difficulty and beat Bloody Palace Mode
>being a pleb
Just feels like DMC 4.5 to me. Thanks to V I legitimately will never play the story mode ever again.
It's the best game in the series
git gud
enemy and environment variety was better in 4 but otherwise you're correct
because most of the challenge is making a number go up or getting a different letter at the end of a mission and that's not interesting at all
based and redorbed
It's a damn good game. 5th on my GOTY list.
Because you're a shitposter trying to rile people up. Hands down my favorite DMC game now.
t. 29 year old boomer playing since DMC1
I'm 28 and DMC1 was the first game I bought with my own money. It shits all over 5.
That's fine that you're nostalgic for Resident Evil 1.5 and can't handle something a bit more quick due to not taking care of yourself. You don't have to hide behind slow and simple as your taste user, just play on an easier difficulty next time.
This. It's bad design. The game's enemies should be challenging enough so that you're naturally incentivized to mix it up and use different moves for different tactical purposes. Like in Kamiya's games, Ninja Gaiden, KH2, etc. Instead, this series can only incentivize people to do that by adding arbitrary "stilish" rankings that can still be cheesed by alternating 2 moves.
if V was as fun as Dante and Nero, if all the levels were on par with the demo, and if the camera and lock on functioned I'd be playing through the missions right now
if the game didn't need cheat engine to add reversals, inertia and breaker swapping the combo autists would be praising it to high heaven
if the game gave out costumes and didn't have MTX then the reddit crowd would fellate it constantly without ever actually playing the game
I think Kamiya-san makes good games. However, I think they, the systems, gameplay elements in his game tend to be rather shallow and he makes up with that through stylish presentation. I think if you were to compare them directly, the combat and other gameplay elements in Ninja Gaiden II are much deeper than projects that he works on.
In my games it's all based on a back and forth with the enemies, its very interactive. You feel like you're pushed to the brink but you manage to survive, the enemies are as out to get you as you are to get them. Whereas other types of action games, one of which being Devil May Cry, enemies exist there as objects on which you unleash your attacks.
So you think this is more hardcore than DMC1 Nightmare, Mundus and Shadows/Scythes. You're retarded and probably a newfag who started with DMC5.
well for me game gets boring realy quick wish they just made a game like dmc1 kino again
What itagaki is saying about dmc1 was worsened tenfold when itsuno took over
Literally anyone who worships DMC5 is an autistic newfag.
You're the same shitposter that has been trying to use the exact same bait for weeks and gets btfo'd every single time, abandons the thread, then tries it again at a later time. It's a completely disingenuous webm showcasing something that won't net you S rank and requires farming or cheating in orbs to do and hoping that people won't play the game due to it is just laughable. Get a life, even if that means actually playing games.
DMC3 is better. Still a solid entry to the series. Above 4 and 2.
It's not like it's a bad game, but for all the buzz from DMC fans it didn't turn out to be that substantial, kind of sad how a decades old franchise got completely overshadowed by Sekiro, a brand new action game IP that came out a month later.
I kinda miss the braindead puzzles and I wanted to see how the new enemies were going to be, specially the new blitz, so it was a let down to see they undermined the importance of enemy variety, the one thing that DMC4 nailed with 10/10, but from there to actual disappointment it's a big stretch
I really like it
>i-i-i-it doesn't count
Appeal to emotion is not an argument. You don't get to arbitrarily declare that a mechanic in the game isn't allowed because it hurts your feefees. Muh stylish score is not a condition to clear any mission on any difficulty, that's just a DMCuck cope.
It’s good but all it really has is combat and the story is dumb as fuck
The only dissapointing thing about it is no Vergil DLC.
But DMC5 is fun.
>Appeal to emotion is not an argument
The only disappointment was that V never got any new mechanics. How cool would it be if at the end of mission 09 or something, V gained the ability to combine summons into über-powerful beasts?
>Shadow-Griffon fusion becomes a flying cat that has electrically charged melee attacks and can shoot Hedgehog-type bombs for lots of damage
>Shadow-Nightmare fusion is a huge Liger-type beast with fast melee that does Nightmare damage
>Griffon-Nightmare fusion resembles the size of the original Griffon with giant lasers shot out in a blockade
That's a lot of projection there. Seems you're insecure about something.
>Nero's still a huge faggot
>terrible story
>godawful environment design
>mostly lame bosses
>barely any good music
>not enough Dante missions
>you STILL can't play any mission as any character
>Devil Breakers switching sucks
>Nico is ugly and horrible
>Lady and Trish aren't used for anything
>Vergil AGAIN
>gray gray gray
What games above it? DMC5 is 4th for me with Re2, Sekiro, and RoR2 higher
Why do DMC fans shill for DMC5 so hard? When you really look at it, DMC5 didn't add much besides a new mechanic for Nero and like two new weapons for Dante, one of which is a gimmick weapon. Besides that it's pretty much the same experience as 4, just with better level and enemy design. But the story mode is one of the worst for repeat breakthroughs because you are made to use V.
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok
Are you ok, Barry
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok
Are you ok, Barry
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok, are you ok Barry?
It wasn't, fuck off. Why do you people evn play games if you can't enjoy them?
Same reason KH fans shilled 3, and FF7 fans will shill the remake, and Half Life fans will shill HL3: you make someone wait 10+ years for something, and an individual doesn't drop interest during those long years, then in their delusional mind it will have no flaws.
How does one turn out as autistic as these people?
>samefagging sekiro and DmC fag
is it barry?
It added all the different devil breakers for Nero, universal snatch and hold, and bringer knuckles for Nero.
It added stance-switching gauntlets and greaves, a rhythmic armored heavy weapon, tri-form remix on an old weapon, and a sword that conjures spinning blades that affect each individual style and weapon. Let's not even mention Sin Devil Trigger and the insane shenanigans you can perform with Quadruple S.
And then there's V, who's completely new and breaks combat away from mobility, allowing for creative (yet very hard to perform) sequences against enemies.
I haven't been on Yea Forums since right before MGSV released because I knew you fucks would spoil it, but has the hi/v/emind problem gotten this bad that, as soon as a handful of people don't gush and faun over a game, you assume it's a singular boogeyman and not individuals with individual thoughts?
if its gonna happen, it'll be announced at E3.
dont get your hopes up though
Mentioning Sekiro when it has nothing to do with the game is bait moron.
>two action games released literally a week apart will *never* be compared!
Oh, I didn't know. All those idiots comparing Battlefield and Call of Duty! Don't they know they need to wait [number] [units of time] until they can make logical comparisons between games!
itsuno's deleted tweet is getting my hopes up
dunno why, pretty sure when people translated it it said mishima
You fagets only compare how much it sold not anything else. fuck off with your bait
yeah but it mentioned yamato, someone translated it
Just no.
4SE has
>Vergil, Lady, Trish, all characters who are more enjoyable to use than V simply because playing them optimally doesn't involve turning the camera away from all enemies and mashing your attack buttons.
>Dante with yamato
>Slightly more complex mechanics
>Costumes and turbo mode for console players
>More game modes, so more modes to complete and S-Ran.
>The main campaign features two enjoyable characters throughout the whole experience, as opposed to DMC5.
>V, the worst playable character in Devil May Cry who hogs up 4 missions.
>Devil breakers, a great addition but is marred by the fact that you can't switch them.
>better level design.
>more weapons for dante
>QoL changes for dante.
So, if you're a player who cares more about content and gameplay, DMC5 isn't a total upgrade. Not until they add features and characters to reach special edition standards,(which has been confirmed isn't happening) and give players a way to circumvent having to use V.
i dunno man, im trying to keep my hopes as low as possible so im not dissapointed in a few weeks.
>Devil breakers, a great addition but is marred by the fact that you can't switch them.
stopped reading there
do you think devil breakers weren't a great addition?
devil breakers are great, but you're a turbo-faggot if you think they're bad because you cant switch them
It was great though.
How was it disappointing at all?
bad != not as good as they could've been
it would've been even worse if using their basic ability was tied to a resource, but they would still be a welcome addition
>not as good as they could've been
not every character has to play like Dante
The REAL question is:
Why are people so scared to admit that it was a good game?
Why do you assume everyone has to like combowank?
I agree that its the best but I wouldn't call it an upgrade an every way from 4. 4 atleast had some cool looking areas like the snow mountain castle, forest, and order HQ. 5 only has Redgrave City at Night on mission 2 and Dante's mission 11. Everything else was visually boring compared to 4.
then dont play action games that are based around combos?
is your position that breaker swapping makes nero worse to play?
I'm on PC and I've been having good fun with it, and Nero is still very much his own character
Here it is if you want to give it a try
>Oh no why this series that made combos in action games more popular than ever has combos!
I wouldn't say it's disappointing but it's incredibly banal and mediocre.
The lack of content, soundtrack, story and aesthetic design is very disappointing though. I already was not enamored with the DMCs gameplay, having those things miss the mark hurt it even more.
The point isn't that it has combos, it's that it has nothing but combos. The campaign is dull, the story is shit and the enemies are a let down.
probably sometime after the next consoles are announced/released
thats not even remotely what i just said
nero not being able to switch his breakers is a good thing and separates nero from dante even more. hes just as fun without breaker switching. i havent even tried the mod and see pic related
>is it barry?
considering he hates how the DMC fanbase didn't buy his falseflagging, he is shitposting in retaliation.
See he promised revenge
I'd argue Trish is the most fun character in 4:SE to use outside Dante. She was really nice.
>Same reason KH fans shilled 3, and FF7 fans will shill the remake, and Half Life fans will shill HL3
and how FF fans also shilled VsXIII/XV
Only flaw is not making V a separate character. I hope they learned their lesson.
Yeah but come on, 4's campaign was fucking trash.
>I hope they learned a lesson
Nope. DMC6 will have another summoner character somehow.
DMC1 and Bayonetta 1 aren't really like that though.
>V a separate character. I hope they learned their lesson.
Poor vujo, he and his gameplay won't ever come back.
I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, that actually was a question- do you think breaker swapping would make him less fun to play?
Based on that response I guess your position is that it doesn't matter, if so more power to you I'm glad you enjoy the game exactly as it is.
But having tried the mod I think that hes less fun without breaker switching
Not that this is a position I feel strongly about, I'd much rather have better levels than any of the tech that some people care about
Real question bros. Is DMC4 Dante harder to play than DMC5 Dante? not more complete, just Harder.
NGB was his only good game , funny he brings up ng2 when that game is press y to win
How is it a good thing when dante is the most fun character because he has so many styles and weapons to switch between? Making Nero unique is fine but he is still unique with devil breaker switching simply because the mechanics of devil breaker moves are so different from moves in Dante's move set. You don't have to stifle his combo and combat ability to make him unique. His moves alone are already different enough.
Currently getting walled by Vergil on DMD. What's the best way to attack his doppelganger?
Aren't you the guy who only played NG2 up to the third chapter boss on normal mode?
dmc4 has tighter hitboxes and faster acting gravity
dante in particular has a much safer royal guard and trickster in 5
also 4 had lucifer which is arguably the most complex weapon to master in the series
It depends. Dante is more complex in 5, but the game mechanics are easier overall.
Enemies in 4 had a wider variety of fall speeds and jump canceling was harder, as well as there being enemies that could escape jump cancel combos.
Trickester dashing away from his attacks and shooting with charged shotgun blasts when he's open is a pretty safe way to do it.
Crimson Cloud > Subhuman > Devil Trigger
I think v is more fluid or easy to get nice combos than fuckin nero
Feel free to die when you've had enough
dmc3fags fear Nero
Not him but you spend more time watching ryus kill animations then actually playing. It doesn't help that there are much more enemies then in black even tho it's mostly just the same repeated demons or brown ninjas
>braindead gameplay
>worst bosses in the game
>dmc is only about combos
I don't get why you fags praise V because he is different. Being different for the sake of something doesn't automatically make it worthwhile. Not to mention Shadow and Griffon being Stalemated isn't actually a threat because jumping around like a monkey will avoid 100% of all damage thrown at you.
>already practically dead on twitch after a month
>already below DS3 on steam
KEK, gimped souls.
That's what we call soul zoomer, play a resi game kid
>charge shot kill everything
>buster everything for ebin animations and a hefty bit of damage
Fucking Shinobi from almost 2 decades ago is better then Sekiro
This, imagine any fighting game without the ability to grapple, or Gaiden without finishers. Buster > endless hacking and juggling sandbags.
>compared to dante
>dt stinger everything
>just pump red orbs with dr faust
>oh i did bad better activate even more powerful dt
Imagine trolling DmC over "Fuck you", and defending this shit ahahahaha
Visually boring.
Real game starts at DMD so you probably waste 2 playthroughs on baby difficulties unless you know that beating the tutorial boss unlocks higher difficulties.
Story is incredibly bad and not in the same entertaining way the old games were.
Still a good game though. Made me extremely hype for DD2.
You sure sound like him
Dante literally has a pay to win weapon. You can't win this one, sorry.
But no one actually defends that scene? Everyone knows and excepts DMC1's localization was rocky at best.
It really is not. Shinobi is very dated and basic as far as action games go
But you will never become a man
You don't have to use Faust, Charged Shot is a huge part of Nero's arsenal.
Still more complicated than Nero, sorry
>you don't have to use faust
>have to use charged shot
Nigga, you're not forced to use ANYTHING with Dante, you're talking to a nigga who beat DMD urizen by just dodging all his range bullshit and spamming rockets in between the dodging. kek at your dumbass pretending you can't cheese anything with all the characters just as easily.
Tell me, how long did it take for you to do that? Half an hour?
Tell me how long it took you using only charge shot on bosses on DMD? exactly. Thing is? you can't even use it on Vergil. Dante's missles? still fuck up Vergil quite fine with spamming. Now shut your dumbass up. Nigga over here talking about some OP shit when Dante has a literal pay to win weapon. Miss me with your faggotry.
I am a massive DMCfag, but 5 didn't do much for me.
The story/writing is awful, pacing being a large part of the issue.
No Turbo, no coop BP and the BP we have being just a complete waste of time until stage 60 or 80 where things get difficult enough to be fun seriously puts a damper on things.
I actually like 5 less than 4 and 3, 5 had so much hype and build up to work with and they underdelivered.
Gameplay wise it is the best, even if some of the bossfights are meh (Urizen especially)
>You can't use Charged Shot on Vergil
Are you fucking stupid?
Most of the bossfights in 5 are "meh"
>elder geryon knight
>all three urizen
>final urizen
They're all incredibly forgettable bosses
Cutscenes were pretty bad. Most of them are just dudes standing around and talking.
Itsuno DMC is stale af. They need to get a new director
I don't even remember what Gilgamesh or Nidhogg were and I beat the game 3 times.
You should have dropped DMC after the first game, pls go back to NG
5 is basically what 4 should have been. If you really get into the nitty gritty details 4 has slightly better combat "tech" but the shit weapon selection, bad level designs, low amount of bosses and general annoying enemy design means it can't hold a candle to 5 in terms of overall gameplay. Besides, the amount of players who really cared about that stuff have already modded it back in so there really is no reason to go back to 4 unless you absolutely can't stand not having Trish/Lady/Vergil as playable characters.
Probably less, actually Dante can cheese the majority of bosses with Kalina faster considering it does significant damage and doesn't need to be charged to do a huge amount and thus can be spammed immediately back to back at a faster pace. The point is, you CAN solo everything with ann, so your whole point about charged shot is moot, just take the btfo and move on. user, got you.
And yet they're all still better than most bosses in the series and better than every single boss in DMC4 (aside from Credo and Berial, I guess), 2 and DmC. I seriously don't get why people shit on DMC5's boss roster so much when it's the most solid one in the series if you think about it.
4 use to be my favorite in the franchise with 3 as a close second. I liked 3 more for the story and progression and 4 mechanically. Now with 5 in existence 4 is actually my third favorite now. It's no longer the best for story or mechanics.
Not to mention your DT bar is filling with every shot, going into devil trigger boost Kalina damage. So you can just sit there spamming and every 50 secs or so get a boost in damage from DT. Urizen fight makes this even easier since one of his ranged attacks literally boost your DT significantly, and with Kalina's splash damage you can hit ALL those pink "darts" for maximum DT charge.
>barry on damage control after the last thread
That would be less complex than it currently is
It's really fucking obvious Itsuno just wants to direct Dragons Dogma 2. The first game was incredibly flawed but it had heart.
I don't think I get the point of action games. I mean it's fun when you're mowing down mooks but when you're against a tough enemy, strafing around, having to just wait because if you attack too early the enemy dodges and wrecks you. I don't get it.
>so your whole point about charged shot is moot
That would imply I was the one who made that post in the first place. The only reply in this thread is the one you just replied to. Anyways, I hardly use Kalina Ann in DMC5, so I didn't know that it's apparently that powerful in the game as you and mentioned. Thng is, aside from the charge shot that Dante can do, does the Kalina Ann actually do that much damage, even with the DT on to actually be "cheesed"? DMD Urizen 3 is the biggest fucking damage sponge in the series (next to Arkham) and doing this boss fight with KA only would also rape your style ranking, making obsolete if you actually want a good rating, right? I might test this later.
Eat shit my dude.
No, kalina ann's moves don't do that much damage. Faust's standard attack would kill an enemy at like 4x the rate of just spamming kalina ann's standard attack. Jump cancelling kalina ann's gunslinger attack and using the kalina ann laser are the strongest moves.
Yes considering I beat DMD using kalina on both Urizen and Vergil lol. Dodge to the side, shoot, dodge to the side, shoot. If you get bored and want to get a little creative, JUMP sometimes as well as dodge to the side, and shoot as soon as the dodge animation ends. Like an user pointed out yesterday. STOP pretending Dante is this complex character who is hard to play WHILE he has all this shit at his disposal, he is not hard. You can very much button mash with Dante and win. I remember I triggered an user the other day when I said the same shit.
how would you make a summoner character fun in DMC ?
My idea is replacing the auto attack ability to a full control- e.g. you position V somewhere and your movemet, jump and melee are now added onto shadows controls, giving him more combos and a jump cancel all while you can still shoot with griffin.
you can do the same with griffin and give him more melee attacks like flank while controlling him.
This makes V even more unique to play and gives a lot of room to expand his movelist
by removing them entirely
Niggas think having a lot of weapons makes a character harder to play, it's actually the contrary. Dante has more ways to cheese.
It seems like people either love it or hate it. The reason for this is probably because some people have just grown out of Devil May Cry. Everyone looks back on 3 so fondly that people remember it way better than it was, personally I loved it and I still do but I think most people have just grown out of it and just haven't touched 3 in so long that if they replayed it they'd probably not enjoy it as much either. Personally for me I realized that I liked Bayonetta more than DMC gameplay wise, although I never played the sequel. It also felt kind of short.
>Crimson Cloud
Red orbs
Barry and Yea Forums contrarians are the only ones hating though. Everyone else loved it and consider it the best.
I'm not hating it.
It's a good but disappointing game.
Neither of them made it to 25 mil views, got covered as much, nor did they top even Queen themselves on itunes.
What makes them contrarians? Most of the criticisms in this thread aren't overt hatred just anons making their point.
You're blind, fucko.
Devil Trigger topped Queen?
No he's right. How many times have you played the game?
i adore this gme but fucking hell the environments take such a nosedive in the second half. DMC4's backtracking was horrible but running around veiny assholes so often in 5 wasn't that much better imo
The intro alone is superior to almost every scene in 3. Which by the end mostly became Lady and Dante standing around talking, and Vergil and Arkham standing around talking kek. user was right, some of yall just remember other's better than they were.
It wasnt disappointing, but I was asking for more at the end.
Thats the case with all DMC games though. Wish they had more stuff. Maybe cut down on some of the ebin cutscenes to put in another boss or two.
I played Sekiro right after and while I think that DMCV is way better the amount of bosses and unique areas is just way better in the former.
>why was it so dissapointing?
because it actually turned out great and your shitposting amounted to nothing.
It's the case of the last game is always "best" even if it was treated like shit before. Today's DMC4 faggots were the same ones whining about Kyrieeeeeeeeeeeee, backtracking and Dante's missions in 4. Now it is a masterpiece of a game LMAO
No. He's not. And I've around 60 hours at the moment, I'm working on my tech. Fuck's sake, even the conversations where they ARE standing side by side have more expression to them than 90% of the shit by Western AAA games.
Anybody that whined about Kyriiiiiiee is such a fucking asshole, I swear to God. I never understood the hate that scene got. Oh no, HOW DARE Nero be an immature expressive child in a time like this?
>Level design doesn't exist, this game may as well be bloody palace with a few procedurally generated walls
>The color pallet is gray on gray on random neon
>V is fucking terrible to play to the point that just mashing buttons is more effective, in both damage and style ranking, than actually trying to play him "correctly"
>No turbo mode
>Day 1 on disc DLC weapons
>No good costumes, just lazy pallet swaps
>No weapon skins
>Pre-order bonus
>3 characters, 1 of which is complete shit
>No Lady
>No Trish
>No Vergil
>Have to wait hours to play Dante, and once again he shows up with a weapon loadout that doesn't match DMC3's because we really fucking needed Rebellion and two Rebellion variants, but at least the fist weapon isn't shit this time
>Massive amount of stupid bloated cutscenes that they clearly blew a huge chunk of the budget on despite the writing being fucking terrible and the storyline going absolutely nowhere. If these dumbshits are going to blow money on face scans, retarded sentai mocap, voice acting and setpieces, at least make this shit passable
>Vergil's boss fight is basically DmC's fight, but slightly faster, sort of
>The bosses in general have not improved at all from DMC4's awful bosses
>Non-cutscene face models are some of the worst I have seen in years. Bad expressions, terrible hair quality, and dear god Dante randomly looks like he's channeling fuckin Cleric Beast or something
>Sin DTs look fucking terrible and are the most overdesigned trash I have ever seen
>Yet another DMC game where every character undergoes a complete visual redesign because Itsuno can't make up his mind on what the fuck he wants characters to look like, taking it a step farther and also changing how all the weapons look for absolutely no reason
>Nero continues to exist for no apparent reason, he is literally an annoying tween retard AGAIN, and his character development is crying over whatever AGAIN
The only thing DMC5 did right was beefing up a twink like Nero into a fuckable gaybait chad
other than that, it's literally DMC4 but with better graphics
It wasn't. In fact, /ourguy/ proclaimed it his favorite action game.
>still a faggot
Speak for yourself. Vergil used to be my favorite and now I respect Nero more than him. He went through the absolute most and did what was least expected of him.
>get put into a coma and multilated by your daddy
>shrug that shit off to try and save dante life while handicapped
>get called names by your uncle, still try to help him
>find out the guy who mutilated you is your daddy
>forgive him, call him and uncle stupid, save his life
>remind bickering relatives, to once again stop being children, as the destruction of the world is imminent
Vergil seethed over Dante over a mistake of his mother not making it to him. Nero was literally mutilated by his parent and was like idgaf. Nero based and Chad af. As long as you don't say the D word.
Nero was always a chad, he just had a prettyboy face.
Literally the only thing anyone should complain about is that too much of the game takes place in a destroyed city and that V sucks ass to play as.
Everything else is perfect. Literally perfect. Graphics are incredible, gameplay is best in the genre by a landslide, hell even the story was actually good.
This guy is a twat who seems to like anything and everything with almost no critical eye. He did an entire video fellating Ninja Gaiden 2 and not once did he complain about how fucking shit most of it is.
Also anyone who likes 4 Dante the most is 100% gay.
Nero was a TWINK with a prettyboy face
Now Nero is a chad with a pretty fuckboy face
>gameplay is best in the genre by a landslide
>he thinks DMCfags will accept anything as the "best" that's not a jump cancel juggle fest emulating anime fighting game combos
Nero was never a twink. He was rougly the same build as Dante in 4. Now Donte on the other hand THAT was a twink, DmC Donte was just about as scrawny as V. I recently went back to play DmC and was quite surprised to find Donte was skinnier than I remembered.
4Nero is literal fujobait, 5Nero is gaybait
4Nero is literally who. 5Nero is GODDAMN GIMMIE THAT COCK.
and MGR is just lrn2parry
what's your point?
I suppose DMC could use more bullet time to slow down the action for Alzheimer's patients like yourself
>gameplay is best in the genre by a landslide
please tell me something better other than NGB, because Bayonetta, God Hand, NG2, and MGR certainly aren't it.
Variety, sure,
but I'd say V has better enemy encounter design, I.E. the actual gameplay versus the explicit design.
I said the same thing about BotW, which could have been a decent game if the enemies weren't so fucking stupid and were a threat, regardless of the lack of classics like the Dark Nut.
I would have equally been cool with Lost Izalith's copypasta if the enemies had been given a new moveset. Could've been a great bait and switch.
>Oh, it's THAT guy again
>Oh fuck, what the Hell was that move
i couldn't have put it better
i want him inside me 24/7 pumping and sustaining me on his nut alone
GAYmers can't resist
Donte looks really muscular when he's naked but when he puts clothes on it all just fucking vanishes. Even his arms look scrawnier from just the addition of the tanktop.
>post count goes up consistently
based new faggot retard
Donte is muscular in the torso, but he has proportionally longer arms and legs that make him look lanky.
never understood the meme logic you fags have when it comes to games like this, shit fucking sucks gameplay wise. it's so fucking boring even compared to the previous games
>this party is getting crazy!
>I should have been the one to fill your soul with light!
so fucking stupid
He has twig legs, he skips leg day every day
holy shit
thanks for delivering the goods
>skips leg day
All Ninja Gaidens and MGR are better than DMC, maybe even Bayonetta. I'm talking DMC as a series and not just 5, that's doing you a favor.
Bayonetta 2 couldn't even hit a mil kek
I never played 2, i was talking about 1 which i don't even like
>3D Ninja Gaiden > DMC
>"Will exceed your expectations in every way!"
>Expected playable Vergil at the very least, probably Lady and Trish too
>None of them are playable to this day
Variety yes, but the enemies in 5 are much better in than 3 and 4
>no faults
>no chimera
>no Soul Eater
>no Dullahans
and many more. These enemies are some of the worst parts of their respective games and DMC5 has no enemies even half as bad as any of them.
What are you even saying? 3d Ninja Gaiden? What?
We're still getting them playable just a little later than the initial release.
Platinum was also disapointed in the first Bayonetta's sales lol. I'm shocked it's even getting a 3 after Bayo 2's performance. Nintendo pumping in that money?
Best in the series
Not perfect,Still one of the greatest real games of all times,games like this represent what games really are,the essence,the soul of games
>DmC Donte was just about as scrawny as V
Not even close. V is the typical muscleless waif-thin fashion model with a 28" waist and a 34" chest.
It says a lot that Hell Judeca and the Pyro Bats are the worst enemies in the game.
Probably one of the limpest games in fromsoft's catalog. It desperately wants to be an action game but they cannot let souls go so Wolf is still stuck with a clunky shit souls katana moveset and a R-P-S gimmick, it's a shallow and casualized gameplay experience, I could not believe it when I got a second revive.
Ninja Gaiden Black shits all over Sekiro as an action ninja game and that came out in 2005.
the 3d ones brainlet not the nes ones
>Platinum was also disapointed in the first Bayonetta's sales
No they weren't, retard. Both Sega and Platinum said it exceeded sales in spite of the shitty PS3 port the first game had.
Do I need to report you for being underage? Holy shit.
Oh, i just didn't think you would be dumb enough to actually make that claim, like it's something you can hope to contest.
Retarded story, V, gameplay is nothing amazing
This can't be real right?
Literally a skinny skaterboarder twink type build lol
>have a little muscle
>means not a twink
Bot his arms and legs are like twigs compared to either Dante or Nero. Hence he is comparable more to V than any of them. Renderers literally had to buff him up in their renders because in-game he was so skinny lol
Sekiro didn't get its sales organically like DMCV. Sekiro had a MASSIVE marketing push from Activision, anywhere you went it was the background of or banner at the top of a page.
Of course a game will sell if you throw enough money at it. It's like being impressed with God of War's sales, like yeah, no shit, they bought a 30 minute infomercial for it on Spike TV and pushed it to every magazine in existence.
It wasn't though
>mostly lame bosses
Compared to 3 and 4 it's mostly great though.
4 has Berial, Echidna and Credo as the only good bosses
3 has Vergil 1, 2, 3, Beowulf and A&R
5 has Goliath who is Berial but better, Artemis who is Sanctus but better, Urizen sitting, Standing and Urizen M17, Cavalier Angelo, Malphas, King Cerberus who is Cerberus but better, Vergil 1 and 2, and Vergil 1 on DMD is the hardest and most well-designed Vergil fight in the series.
>In retrospective, Platinum's president Tatsuya Minami stated Bayonetta was their best-selling title but commented the sales did not beat their expectations.
>development is finishe---
This is a legit brainlet-tier post, reads like you're barely competent and the game. Probably can't even buffer Calibur into Bringer knuckle cancelling.
i fucking wish i was underage
I ddin't say he wasn't a twink, he's just clearly not at scrawny as V.
>Renderers literally had to buff him up in their renders because in-game he was so skinny lol
But that pic is from in-game?
Owen Hamze, the model for V, is literally 92-110lbs depending on which agency you look him up on. Donte is no where near thin enough to share that weight class, he's in the 170s at the lowest.
Only thing I find a bit disappointing is the story, everything else is great.
Though I am disappointed that they don't seem to be doing any kind of expansion, it would be fucking perfect for this game. The mechanics are solid, you could easily just add a ton of new content on top (enemies, bosses, weapons, levels, characters, etc). Unfortunately when they do make 5:SE it will probably be exactly like 4:SE and just have new characters go through the vanilla campaign.
Darkslayer with Dante was shit-tier implementation
4 is half finished has horrible enemies and only a few good bosses
Vergil is far too overpowered and so is Lady and Trish who all have overpower Musou shit attacks going on.
5 is far better, has far better enemies and overall much higher boss quality (lmao Savior)
DMC4 is only better than DMC5 if you care about combo MAD's, if not then 5 is leagues above.
Absolutely based.
Literally the first release of it, and it sold 1.4 million, which is only a few hundred thousand less DMC5, the king of the genre.
People are still assmad over DMC5 being an actual thing so they have to hate on it only to expose themselves as shitters every time they speak up about the gameplay.
Did it hit that number is 2 weeks?
Neither of them were released almost a year before release, unlike Devil Trigger
No, but we have no other comparisons to make because DMC5's sales apparently fell off the face of the earth after 2 weeks, since Capcom has said nothing about them.
Comparing sales for the two is retarded anyway. Capcom pumps millions into marketing and DMC is the codifier for the genre, it's always going to sell well.
They're in the same ballpark. Donte is V if he ate a cheeseburger or 2. V is definitive twink. Donte is can't decide if want to be twink or not, roughly 70% twink.
It's not about how much it added, it's about how much it refined.
No longer is the game filled with dickhole gimmick enemies who are zero fun to fight, and unlike 4 they actually found a way to have the game be challenging and entertaining without resorting to giving all the enemies super armor at all times.
>it's literally been two months
From also said nothing about Sekiro since the first announcement. Stop coping cuz Bayo a flop.
Do you guys always think about men in terms of gay sex?
At this point i can only play dmc5 with the turbo, reversal, and inertia mods. Recently i found a mod that makes jc animation not as slow and its also a must.
>alternating between multiple E&I moves on a dummy target in Void Mode will eventually get you to SSS after about a minute
Wow what a scandal.
It's real, Dante and Nero have giant demonic dicks
uh, dont you?
you are a DMC fan right?
not like it's hard, but on the scale of DMC bosses that aren't the final bosses they are among the best.
DMC1 had the best consistency regarding it's boss quality. 3 had only 4 good bosses (cerberus, Nevan,Beowulf,Vergil)
In DMC5,only Gilgamesh and Qlipoth roots are truly bad
>RE2 gets weekly updates on sales every time it hits another 250-500k threshold
>DMC5 gets announced that it sells 2 million, then nothing. It's steam stats also fucking dwindle to a few thousand after about 5 weeks.
But keep trash talking a series that got 3 successful re-releases across three generations of consoles along with two sequels in the time it took DMC to make 1 entry that shriveled up and died in about 40 days.
Donte is one of the few vidya characters I'd go gay for desu.
Atrocious taste, Urizen 3 is amazing.
DMC3's bosses are much weaker on average.
too bad Vergil is a dicklet
>DMC3's bosses are much weaker on average.
You're both retarded and should kill yourselves.
Also RE has always been more popular than DMC, consistently. It's apples and oranges.
Stop this gay shit.
Nero is for Kyrie
Vergil is for Fortuna succubus
Dante is for Pizza
Who even mentioned RE2? you act as if it survived long on Steam it did not LOL. Neither did Sekiro actually it's already below DS3 an old game. So what a dumb metric to use.
Stop deflecting because DMC5 sold in 2 weeks what Bayo couldn't make in a lifetime LMAO. 2 couldn't even break a mil, sad!
Do you really want to go down this road? Have you played DMC3 recently?
>Demon "army"
>Timehorse being so abysmally easy to cheese it's not even a boss anymore
That's it
He literally looks like a rodent.
I wouldn't even call Gilgamesh bad, it's easily the least obnoxious gimmick boss in the franchise. Too simple/trivial but it's nowhere near the bottom tier of DMC bosses.
Vergil is for Mundus
Dante is for Pizza
Nero is for sitting on my dick
What's the timehorse cheese?
>posts the only bad boss in the game
Okay retard
There's nothing wrong about this boss, if you couldn't find a way to kill him quickly then it's your own problem
>>Demon "army"
What are you talking about?
>>Timehorse being so abysmally easy to cheese it's not even a boss anymore
You mean shooting your guns for 3 hours until he's done? how does that make any boss bad?
Still way better than Urizen, and you don't have to fight him 3 fucking times
I will no deny that his facial expressions can be dopey and retarded, but when he looks good he looks great.
>3 is considered the best DMC game by everyone except fujo nerofag secondaries
>5 comes out and now everyone "suddenly" hates 3
He needs a paperbag over his head.
okay mo0n, maybe make some more Nero x Vergil instead of wasting your time here
His point isn't that they weren't easy. His point is that they're TRASH and those are also not the only trash bosses in 3.
>nothing wrong with a fucking roller coaster boss you just wait for to come back around to jump on its back and hack away, rinse repeat
The absolute delusions of DMC3fags, that's some good ass koolaid
>don't have to fight Urizen 3 times
BUT you do have to fight repeat bosses towards the end of the game to progress
Gilgamesh is kind of easy to just JC, don't even need to use the leg thingies
Jump on top of the chariot and he can't touch you
Also that's exactly the problem with Centipede, a pointless encounter due to how fast it is, Gligamesh atleast takes longer than 5 seconds
Nigga this is modded.
>a pointless encounter
You mean every "boss" in 5 that's not Vergil?
You're right
nah 3 has been obsoleted 1 has better atmosphere and level design, 4 and 5 have better game feel and combat
The environments weren't that interesting
>Who even mentioned RE2?
I did. Because it came out before DMC5, yet the sales for it kept getting reported AFTER DMC5's did, because it kept doing well, unlike DMC5.
>you act as if it survived long on Steam it did not LOL
Literally has double DMC5's players.
>So what a dumb metric to use.
You're a dumbshit. A top of the line, dropped on his head as a baby, fetal alcohol dumbshit, but that's typical of the zoomer DMC fanbase that latched onto this series during the DmCTortanic days, if you've even been around that long.
If you jump on the chariot, after 5 seconds he runs to the center and throws you off. That's not cheese, it's literally an intended way to fight him.
>King Cerberus
>The DMC1 Superslam
OK retard
>DMC thread
>infested by gays
who would've thought
I guess.
Still feels kind of lame because the bridge fight was actually a little bit tense
We know you want to suck dick badly if you keep repeating this in every thread.
were did the threads go wrong? I remember how good it was for the dmc5 annoucement up to that panel that revealed the new dante weapons. Now its endless gay shit and/or 3shills vs 5shills. Its like no one even cares about the series anymore just their fetishes or their one game.
>Dante is a hot rugged mature daddy
>Vergil is a posh mature daddy
>Nero is a hot/cute chad
>V is a goth twink
>"why are DMC threads full of fags?"
I only hate the game's shitty lock on system.
It's time to address the real elephant in this cuhrayzee room.
Where the FUCK was the Lock n Load remix
Holy shit this
It wouldn't be so bad if I could fucking move and change targets at the same time, needing to be neutral to swap is really fucking annoying.
Godspeed, you maniac. I did not have the patience to get any higher than A ranks playing dmd. I hope you succeed.
>unlike DMC
Except it already did well, and just this month they stated that in reinvigorated the series
>has double DMC5's players
Lmao literally a couple hundred, but BOTH are well below steams played and DMC5 also peaked higher than RE2 as did Sekiro so try again.
>you're a dumbshit
Says the faggot who had to run to big bad more popular sister Resident Evil to when said faggots battles because Bayo could not as it is a flop LMAO
What in the goddamn?
>blunderfag OP gets btfo in his own thread
Yes, Devil Trigger topped UK itunes charts
You shitposts have been obsoleted
>Limp Cerberus
>The DMC1 Super rehash
>not pointless
Ok retard
Unironically cerberus was better than his shit 3 version.
You keep saying Bayo flopped, but it didn't, then you go on to just fumble your way through abbreviations like a teenage girl on her phone like that does anything at all, because you're a thin-skinned post 2016 election refugee that can't function above a double-digit IQ.
Kill yourself zoomer
I don't hate it but shit man, I'm ready to move on and I'm more than happy with DMC5.
Thanks m8, just gonna take about a month per mission.
the only thing dissapointing about this game is that I dont get to suck Dante's dick but everything else is fire 10/10
>move on
You don't seem to like the game so much if you have to "move on" from it
based faggot
I was actually angry that Agni & Rudra didn't return in DMC5.
KEK, the series is literally saved by Nintendo.
Performed shit on the Switch versions as well
A fucking rerelease and still can't succeed
they'll be weapons for vergil
Yeah you're right, I should only stick with old games, god forbid I turn into a zoomer. I still like it nigga, and will probably play it some time again this year, but I won't deny DMC5 is a good game as well.
Well I mean Bayonetta is a literal who. Her first game caught people's eyes because she was a huge thot, then people stopped caring about Dante - The female slutty version.
Then don't deny that DMC3 is a great game either
seething lel
>3 is considered the best by everyone
Except it's not, your opinion =/= objective fact. If we go buy critcal acclaim it goes DMC1/DMC5 > the rest.
>everyone who likes 5 the best and does not drastically overrate 3 with it's shit bosses, braidead puzzles and, item fetching and backtracking is a fujo
>oh wow dude how dare you hate on le based dmc5
>huh? 3? I never played that shit, I hate it!
Based retard zoomer
But I didn't? I said I was ready to move on after playing DMC5, in that, I'm happy with what we've got (aside from some minor complains) and don't feel the need to go back to DMC3.
>DMC1/DMC5 > the rest.
You're such a fucking shit eating retard holy shit
Perfectly adressed the DMC4vs5 debate in a few lines, nobody says nothing kek
He is just projecting lol. Most of the aggressive dmc3fags are just seething new character haters who project their intense hatred onto others.
>doesn't play 3 or 5
What are you playing then?
Why would you? nigga I had to force myself to play through that shit. It quite literally is fetch item, the game. That tower was ATROCIOUS. Straight torture.
>zoomer calling others zoomers
I only see dmc5fags seething that people dare to like any other game better.
Like holy shit, calm your tits already, we know that you wanna suck nero's cock but that doesn't mean the games that doesn't feature him are automatically bad you dumb zoomer.
What did I say that reads like I'm barely competent at the game? I'm pretty good at the game desu, probably better than you.
It does when it has objectively shittier bosses, and a shittier gameplay format. 3 is the one in desperate need of a remake, it's trash ps2 era formula does not hold up to today's standards. It is a complete chore to play through.
Spoken like a true zoomer
>zoomer can't respond properly
No, i'm fine with puzzles, i'm fine with backtracking. I'm fine with fetching items WHEN it's implemented well. It is not in DMC3, period. As much as some of you like to pump up the original games as "souls before souls", THEY ARE NOT, not even in the same ballpark. I had fun playing through souls.
>zoomer get assblasted after getting BTFO
>desperately tries to damage control
>muh souls
Git gud at what? I fucking died on the tutorial enemy in Sekiro. Didn't die once in DMC3 lol. Combat is overall decent, and Lady and Vergil are legit in 3. Too bad it's brought down by it's shitty format.
Calls me assblasted and yet he's the one getting booty blasted about 3 not being everyone's favorite. LOL
I used to think that 3 was the best before 5 was released. Now 3 is 2nd.
>Didn't die once in DMC3 lol
That's because you didn't play it on DMD or any hard difficulty. Anyone knows the game is balls hard at DMD except for newfags like you who got into the series with 5 and never played the older games. Unironically kill yourself.
>Calls me assblasted and yet he's the one getting booty blasted about 5 not being everyone's favorite. LOL
I'm playing 5 right now. Perhaps I didn't make myself clear, but I meant that while I still like 3, I was looking forward to a new fun entry of DMC and luckily for me, I found it with DMC5, hence the "move on" thing, unlike with DmC that after I played it I IMMEDIATELY went back to DMC3&4.
I rate them quite equal. Perhaps I put 3 a little bit above 5 because of the story, boss fights and soundtrack but otherwise I had equal amounts of enjoyment with them both.
>dumb zoomer just copies someone else's greentext
oh sweaty
>dumb zoomer can't stop replying because he's absolutely seething after getting BTFO over and over again
Actually I played DMC1 first, never touched the series again until years later after the news of 2 being an absolute shitfest. Forgot the series existed, came back to the series in later years when DMC4 came out which prompted me to go play 3, and now here we are. This whole "you played this game first so your opinion on the old is void" arguement is nothing but cope. >you need to play the older game first to be able to properly spot it's flaws
Sounds like to me the real arguement is
>you have to play the old first to have the most expensive nostalgia goggles in all the land
kek, but lets move past some of the trash bosses and the backtracking. Another reason DMC3 is just not as good to me is because of the protagonist. Vergil and Lady were based AF. Try as I might, I do not like DMC3 Dante, at all. Vergil was THAT nigga in DMC3, not Dante. I loved DMC3 mostly because of Vergil and then Lady, not Dante.
>you have to play the old first to have the most expensive nostalgia goggles in all the land
No, you just need to have good taste and self awareness, which you obviously lack.
>DMC3 is just not as good to me is because of the protagonist.
Am I supposed to take this shit seriously? are you just baiting? I can't believe you're wasting people's time with this shit. Off yourself
Its really good but I have a few nitpicks with it. I dont like the UI or the voice of the announcer. I really hate you cant swap neros arms at will hey maybe I wanna use the one I want not just the one that was next. V's gameplay doesnt feel ultra refined but it was fun and if they do something similar im sure they will get it perfect.
Nah, NG2 is great. I'm having way more fun replaying it compared to Black. Bayo is great too, dodge offset is amazing, and it emphasizes enemy aggression too.
>off yourself
Why? Vergil and Lady MADE DMC3 lmao. Sorry if I prefer weight instead of WOOOOOHOOOOO in Lady's face when she's trying to have a serious discussion. 3 Dante can fuck right off. Nigga was straight Nico levels of anime.
>3 Dante can fuck right off
>Nigga was straight Nico levels of anime
Thanks for showing everyone here that your shit opinion is not worth listening to.
There's a mod for Breaker switching out already?
Where is it and how does it work?
Seething over the truth lol. 3 was Vergil/Lady's game.
I kinda agree. DMC3 Vergil > DMC5 Vergil. DMC5 Dante > DMC3 Dante
Keep seething nerofaggot
>talks about dante, vergil and lady
>user brings up nero
Thanks for letting everyone know what you're really seething about kek
/ourguy/ is bit of an idiot then it seems.
>Nerofag can't handle 3 Dante because he's a much better character
LMAO keep seething
WOOOHOOOOO! a talking dog you'd win grand prize in a dog show WOOOHOOOO!
Vergil was better, deal with it.
Keep seething, 3 Dante will always be the best
Playing as V straight up sucks.
Can't I like both Dante and Nero?
I'm just happy he got his Bringers powers back in 5 without them being locked to Buster Arm.
I was scared he'd have some of his functionality locked to his DMC4 incarnation but they managed to pack all his 4 abiliteis back in 5.
Except Auto search and tree killing I guess.
>95% of encounters are worthless fodder, incredibly easy even on DMD which is just grindy as hell instead of actually making the game more difficult
>Buffed Royal Guard making it super easy to cheese bosses/enemies as Dante
>All the missions past like mission 7 look exactly the fucking same and are boring as hell, especially compared to the variety 4 had, and that's with 4 having you play the same levels twice
>V is shit, his battle theme is pretty good though. And for everybody who says they like him and he's not that bad, if you're going to say that you ever played as V when you could choose to play as Dante or Nero you are a liar.
>Incredibly easy to get S Rank on missions
>No Vergil/Ladies' Night DLC to add some variety
I still really enjoyed the game but it's not beating 3 or even 4
I respect your opinion but no, Vergil was a better character than Dante in 3. All his scenes kept me invested. As did Lady's
It was an enjoyable game, not sure why you faggots throw the game to the "bad" bin, if it has even a minor flaw.
it's good shit
The concept of his powers are just so based. He's like a Marvel concept character stuck in a Devil May Cry game. Actually, there is a mutant with similar powers to his. The arms are arguably my favorite power in the series. They just look so badass. And I like how they hang off of him, giving off the look of some other wordly force just constantly there chilling on him. IT'S SO SICK.
>that webm but in dmc3 and 4
>pause game
>holy water
its a non issue. i only used that shit on mission 10, 12 and 18 because the ranking in those levels were retarded
It's literally the only good one in the series
Playing as V is boring and frustrating. I don't like relying on autotargeting and companion AI for my attacks. I stopped playing not long after being forced to play him.
God Itagaki is such an insufferable faggot. Why does his Wikipedia page list that he will never forgive a misdeed done to his family, as if he constantly needs to push some tough guy attitude.
You're at a game convention and these two slap you on the ass. What do you do?
There are only 4 mandatory V missions, you baby.
Bend over and ask for more.
Disappointing in some story beats, but it is top 5 action games of all time. The variety makes one's head spin.
>potato face thinking he's hot shit as usual when he only made 1 good game and an above average one