They're going to ruin BRD
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that RPers are detrimental to this game for other players. Stop using this game as your Gaia Online tier dress up game and actually do content instead of afking in Ul’dah shout chat letting "the world" know how depraved and horny you are. Literally no one cares. You're literally wasting real money to let yourself be controlled by a virtual one.
cant be worse than HW bowmage
Why not just go to a non RP server. I've never once come across those people on Excalibur or Gilgamesh
Because I can sell leve items and shitty gear way more than they have any right being because these kind of people are lazy.
>stop having fun
3.0 brd and mch was perfect.
go deal with your adhd, yikes.
Buff astro damage just by a little bit! Give nin a clone jutsu! MAKE DRK GREAT AGAIN AND please make PvP more technical and in depth. I love you, ffxiv, but please try your best in the next expansion.
Then at least line my pockets with your gil. I want to get a large house.
Level crafters you absolute normie
How do I PvP.
Is there any reason to not just having a gather bot farm stuff while you are not playing? Have there ever been ban waves?
you dont
yikes. play blm if you want to cast spells nigger
It's not magic, it's loading up your arrows for more precision and damage.
its magic you fucking retard
No it ain't, next you're gonna say midara is magic.
How do i find a nice FC Yea Forums?
good thing bowmage is never coming back :)
Shout in limnsa or kugane!
I wouldn't mind if they added more offhands to the game.
I kinda wish blms still had shields aesthetically
I mean it probably isn't. That's gonna be the difference between melee and magic ranged
they ban bots every week. but they mainly go after spammers and teleport hackers.
Holy shit the Stormblood trial questline was boring as fuck.
I have 70 in all my crafters, but I need people to stop undercutting me and buy my stock.
I RP and do a wider breadth of content in this game than the average normie, though. I just also happen to be also addicted to big, meaty dicks and thick spunk.
Are you one of those people who have done savage content but are also collared?
i hope all you SCHs have WHM or AST leveled to 70 so you're ready after the nerfs
Yeah it's gonna be ugly.
I'm worried for MNK bros.
Is MNK fun?
Good. Now us DRGs can be the top dog of every raid.
Yes. Slutting it up is hard work in XIV because the quality varies so wildly.
Honestly I raid and I play as a catgirl. I love being dicked and sucking it.
I just leveled SCH from 30 to 70 because I wanted to try a healer...
>have to hug enemies, being in the same danger as tanks but next to no def
>ignored by healers
>despised by ranged players
Monks are the heroes XIV needs but doesn't deserve right now
Tough break nigga, there's always Summoner
What the hell will they turn Spire into now that TP is going away?
I have a MNK buddy and I always let them eat mechanics, and I always feed them my high potency Spears and Arrows!
Tell me about it. I pretty much gave up.
i might just stick with SCH and switch to SMN if its especially bad
WHM will never be a good healer
I wish I was the same way, but the RP circles I've been a part of have been kind of cancerous and advocating pedo shit. I just want to have a faux D&D session with my duder with the occasional e-fuck... Why do people like to be like this?
i've never seen these kinds of people once on my server. i'd say it's just a myth but i've seen what happens on /vg/.
>still can't glamour wands over staves
there's absolutely no reason for this
its magic u cum dumpster
>implying any SCH nerf will last more than a month at the absolute max
Cast bar does not equal Magic you retard.
>WHM gets buffed
>it's still the most boring healer to play
take me back to HW. removing cleric stance was a mistake.
What will SMN's bitch about in 5.0? They are consistently top tier but according to them they are trash. Warriors get all the memes for being whiny but SMN players are right with them.
>telling your customers to go somewhere they can't be your customers
You're a contradictory, weird guy.
As long as egis continue to exist, they will continue to shit themselves in rage
more summons
>tfw Mannequins in XIV will never not consume marketboard sell-slots to encourage you pay more monthly for extra Retainers
Meanwhile XI gives no fucks.
>What will SMN's bitch about in 5.0?
Nothing. You wont be able to hear the SMN's over WAR's crying about being told to do their job
>he enjoyed toggling cleric
Fuck off.
This MT/OT separation is extremely worrying. What are they thinking? There's really no such thing as a dedicated MT/OT... in content where it matters they often swap places for mechanics.
>more egis, less dots!
>more trances, less egis!
>more ruin, less trances!
>more dots, less ruin!
>more trances AND dots!
>I don't even like SMN
cleric was the only thing that required even a minimum of thought to being a healer. removing it was absolutely a mistake
git gud
you're damn fucking right i did. it was fun and engaging and it separated the good healers from the shit healers.
now there's no risk to doing damage. you just sit there tossing out damage spells and then pop a cd when someone needs heals. back then you had to commit to a whole 5 seconds of being unable to heal anyone and if you were shit then people died.
What's the best server?
>try to create dedicated MT/OTs
>ends up being more optimal to run strictly OT pairs because more DPS
>tfw no puppeteer class still
LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAKSSSSSSSS COME OOOOOOOOOON LEAK SOME FUCKING INFO YOU FUCKING NO GOOD BRAINLESS MONKEY NIGGER """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""JOURNALISTS""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Can confirm Excalibur has less degenerates
Here's your WHM leak bro
the only split i could see working is to have an opener tank instead of an MT. we already basically have that as WAR since they generate the most aggro but they'd have to keep all four tanks equally capable of tanking anyway because of DF and all of the single tank content.
The MT/OT distinction could be made by how cooldowns function, not but one doing less DPS than the other.
Nah WAR babbies are still worse, they think because of one 3 month patch 6 years ago they were bad that it justifies their continues shit flinging. And they have small dick syndrome, because despite not being able to out DPS and actual DPS class besides BLU they got the fucking ego like they're pulling 9k.
what the fuck is this shit? this sounds like a knock off of BLM's astral/umbral but you have to spam cure to keep it up. that's fucking retarded.
Man I miss the days of raiding before discord shit took over.
I picked a random server when joining, turns out it was one of the biggest RP ones. I STEER CLEAR of Ul'dah
>what the fuck is this shit?
Gotta get in the teamspeak we doing 2nd coil.
>It's so retarded and just in line with how SE treats WHM since 2.0 it's probably real
Sure am looking forward to two more years of retardation.
Sounds like Balmung. I hope you don't plan on reliably clearing content.
SAM is getting kind of old and honestly pretty unga. Is BLM entertaining enough? I always lean toward those selfish big dick DPS classes.
shut the fuck up peasant! you will respect your superiors and click on our videos when it is deemed acceptable
>Ok let's remove Cross-Class skills.
>Not for crafters though. That would upset the turbo Jews.
BLM is pretty unga too as far as the rotation goes. the positioning is the hard part.
Just fucking give Stone V 500 potency and be done with it. WHM should have far and away the most damage by a wide margin.
You're doing it wrong if you don't have both at cap and switching between them for variation.
>Everything besides CRP without Byregot's
Sounds like shit.
BLM has the most unga rotation across all DPS. The optimization comes from minimizing movement and doing it optimally when you do.
>>Everything besides CRP without Byregot's
They'd obviously do it like Role-Class skills and have the best ones available in a big list.
>just further reinforce healer rotations being one button lol who cares about having fun
Healers will always be brainless unless they change their encounter design. The jobs aren't the problem it's the fights.
>WHMs please use Cure1/2, quit relying on Cure3/Med2/Tetra/Bene/Regen/Assize to do all your healing plz!
Sounds like the perfect DPS for a brainlet like me that loves big numbers and hates everyone.
Also it's Yoshi P's class so it will never be shit.
There's some crafting abilities that would either have to become universal or outright removed. If not and it was just "cross-class removed", there'd be a few crafting classes that just no one would use and the rest would become oversaturated to fuck since now only people with particular skills can even make anything without just going for a hail mary and hoping for high quality with a 20% chance on a full moon..
they weren't in 3.0. SCH was able to out dps half of the actual dps in aoe pulls and it was actually challenging to do so while stance dancing and healing at the same time.
Giving all of them Steady Hand but only Steady Hand 2 to Cul doesn't make it some magically unique crafting job. Most of the skills are already the same just with different names or randomly assigned to only one job.
Role class skills already does the universal thing what with Swift Cast etc.
I miss old bane.
I want to go back
SCH still can out DPS actual DPS on AoE. Miasma II is busted.
Every day I thank Yoshi-P for giving us the mentor crown.
It's the biggest red flag that the shitters willingly put on themselves! what more could I ask for?
It sits there like a shitstain next to their name, and they love it! They never take it off and it pleases me greatly to call them out on it.
They will bitch as long as the playstyle isn't that of constant summonings.
standing in the center of a pack and spamming one button over and over isn't fun or challenging though
>and it was actually challenging to do so while stance dancing and healing at the same time.
Not really, since all the expert dungeons from 3.2 onwards dealt laughably low damage to the tank.
People keep saying Miasma 2 is broken but why? Isn't it just 100 potency and a dot?
>Stop using this game as your Gaia Online tier dress up game
More than half the community is weebs that ERP. They're majority of their subscriber base.
that's only because they started gating pulls to small packs at a time because the shit healers who couldn't handle cleric were getting their tanks killed.
it has no damage falloff unlike pretty much every other aoe so the damage scales linearly with every enemy you hit. 7 enemies is 700 potency with a 700 potency dot for example.
i still never understood the hate WARs got, but im also not very active in the community. was it just the community bitching too much or just peoples general experience with WARs is awful?
i hate how easy it is to get the crown. i've only ever had one leaf come to me for help because of the stigma shitters have given mentors. i just want to actually be a mentor for fucks sake.
Yeah dude, spamming Blizzard II after you spread your aids instead was so much better.
Yes, with no fall-off. It's instant too, so you never have to stop casting it for AoEs and you can weave in all your shit while spamming it too without clipping.
WAR and SCH mains are the whiniest, loudest shitstains that never shut the fuck up whenever they feel SE has slighted them and they wont shut the fuck up until SE either buffs them or literally years pass. Some SCH are STILL upset about Dissipation.
Most WARs just play them as a blue DPS and get mad when they're told they're actually a fucking tank.
>bio>bio2>miasma>bane>miasma2>gcdshadowflare>blizzard2 until dead
is much more fun than
>bio2>miasma>bane>cdshadowflare if it's available>miasma2 until dead
and with none of that second rotation requiring any attention to healthbars because of excog and no cleric
>Do my AoE rotation on SAM like 3 times
>Out of TP
>be a stormblood baby
>go back and do min ilvl HW raids
>its 50x more fun than anything in SB
what the fuck happened
somebody decided raids needed to be trials under a different name
Don't bother with the skill speed buff from Shifu. Just drains you faster.
Man, are you me? I started RPing on FFXIV a couple years ago but I moved to a different platform F-chat a few months back. Not only did my quality of writing and length of my posts vastly improve due to better partners, it also made me unable to RP in-game at all anymore because of how shit it is to write in it and the general low effort/amateurs everywhere. The above is better anyway, since it lets you fuck qt primal girls.
>literal normalfag tier 'Stop doing what I don't like!"
Haha, no, go fuck yourself, I don't even care to RP these days, but you're still a faggot. And you're not getting a (you) either, bitch.
Never fear, the game is shit anyway.
Anyone else actually like it when there's only one relevant comp with every other job being in the shed? Means I never have to feel bad for playing only one job because something else might have been more useful for a certain fight.
I don't recall looking at HP bars during my HW dungeons either, since the pet scaling was significantly stronger.
I see. So it's other people ruining my favorite class. Shame.
>using length of posts as a measure of quality
That's rarely true. A short post that's impactful is more valuable than a flowery post that goes on forever.
Image related is an accurate summary of ERPing in-game.
mfw my 2 mains are war and smn
DRK is such a fucking slog to play with dark arts spam. Any chance GUN is FUN?
It also means that when your job falls out of favor you'll be crying the loudest.
It's usually cuz WARs play the highest damaging tank and from my experience get a nasty fucking ego from doing it. When big surprise old boy parses blue and hits like 5k then throws a shit fit when he's told to be a tank. Ya ain't no DPS your a fucking tank still.
of course take it with a grain of salt by far not every job stereotype will apply to everyone who plays that job far as WARs go I'm pretty sure they all have a group suicide pact if SE ever threatens to nerf them again.
Creating a short post that's impactful when describing close interaction between two people or more is practically impossible.
Dark Arts is probably gone in two months, GUN might be fun depending on what kind of system they have for their gunblade "bullets." It's actually possible that they just give them the old DRK playstyle by replacing Dark Arts with "Load" or something.
How would ShadowBringers ruin Blackrock Depths?
Get the fuck out, wowfugee.
I'll admit that there can be a charm and challenge to keeping posts simple and precise, but I've just become so much wordy these days. In 15-20m I can write up a 2-3 paragraph response that is just as detailed as it is impactful and ball throwing. I've even gotten shit for doing it as I type them externally and paste all at once in game, as people like the "drop feeding" of incomplete posts every few minutes instead so they can prewrite responses or some shit.
Not really. There's a lot more risk of boring people and taking them out of the moment if you describe every little movement, sound and feeling constantly. It becomes tiresome.
What the fuck does collared mean.
You shouldn't get mad at people for it when the encounter mechanics are based around maximizing DPS of everyone.
I just want them to make every job as organic to play as RDM.
I suppose it depends on the type as well. Some people like "real-time" sensation to an RP where it's almost like a constant back and forth, others like more the style you described. Both have pros and cons in my view.
There's a difference between long and needlessly long.
>fc mate just sent me a dick pic
>he knows I'm a guy too
Is the dick good at least?
on a scale of 1-10 how nice is the dick
Oh, for sure. It's fucking weird though going from RP in game where my average post was like 1.5 textboxes, and then when I return to it I'm realizing they are like 4x the length of that. I don't even know what really happened, but now I seem to ramp up to an average of 3-4k characters in a post. What's the FFXIV chat box limit? 500?
is he bigger then Jared?
clearly you act like a faggot
>acting like FFXIV was any better than WoW right now
I'd say about a 4/10.
Tell him to fuck off. Also, fuck off.
Press buttons
Living Liquid Savage.
>tfw XIVtrannies have taken over my usual RP site of choice
>they are literally all, every single one, either a catgirl or a lizardgirl (plus a few preemptive Viera now) and a good 60% of them have dicks
>basically all drama that happens comes from them
Nah, it really isn't. They're both dogshit tier right now.
>SB is r-really as b-bad as BFA g-guys, trust me
Threadly reminder about PS3 limitations
>I hate Dots! Where are my summons?!
>I hate summons! Where are my dots?
Bahamut Egi > Copy pasted models from trials
But DemiBaha IS a copy-pasted model from a trial, retard
>literally nothing fun to do lategame except babbymode raid farming or savages which dont feel rewarding
>worst gear treadmill of all time
>gear has boring stats, no unique items
>more and more glamourshit ruining the aesthetics
>leveling is a mindless, brainless, boring grind after your first job
I hope you had fun farming all the gear and weapons that went obsolete two months later. All the hours you spent in eureka and ultimate raids really bring forth the horizontal gear progression in this game too and really were worth your time, right?
>making a thread when one's already up
>filled with erpshit
retards like you ruin it for the rest of us
>job reworks make all jobs extremely intuitive, functional, valuable and fun to play while retaining their job identity/class-fantasy
>new zones look great and have plenty of NPCs to talk to or take quests from, lots of NMs and fates with unique mechanics on the First
>hrothgar and viera end up being fully geared on release from employee power-developing; poopsocks overflowing and Square employees found sleeping under their desks after 72 consecutive work-hours, then straight back to it
>Heavensward content for Blue Mage is genuinely interesting and gives it valuable overworld skills even without being full, same deal as suicides being useful for free Returns
>Nier Automata raid uses elements from all Nier games and the Drakengard series, plot revolving around White Chlorination Syndrome beginning to spread into Eorzea/the First Sin Eaters are involved, very apparent that it's Yoko Taro who has creative control over the plot and encounters
>8-man raids are nothing but original bosses with difficulty ramping up to about an EX primal's level half-way through the second raid-tier
>OST trumps everything else before it but we already knew that because Soken keeps getting better as time goes on
>Mr Happy, hogtied and on-camera, is executed by Yoshida in 5.0's MCH artifact and a functioning replica of its relic weapon
How would Yea Forums cope?
literally nothing here fixes the games problems
The only one that isn't "that's like, your opinion man" tier is leveling being painful after your first job
>Join RP FC
>Not very many people at first
>Constantly try to write and contribute, even meeting people as they come in.
>Start recording how much I actually writing using a Google doc
>End up at 50 page in a few months
>Eventually, everyone gets tired of me and my characters
>"You post too much. Shorter is better :)"
>Everyone always favors the guy who posts 1-3 sentences talking about how pregnant his mpreged character is because of his "wild" esoteric ideas
I know it's not how much you contribute, but it kind of hurts when I'm trying to put *some* effort out there, you know? I'm not picky on how my partners are, but when people start criticizing eachother when we're all pretty much amateur writers, it's pretty shit. It's honestly made me give up on RP for the most part. I'm honestly glad I'm out of there.
Sounds like it got hollowed out into an ERP FC over time.
You're so fucking mad it makes me angry. The gear comments are facts, not opinions. The only one that is remotely an opinion is the shitty game, though most people share that sentiment.
Is this game basically just a dress up simulator, since the end-game is trash?
I'm not even going to respond to any of that for starting out with fucking "you mad?"
It definitely was. The FC lead was a very close friend of mine, and it was disappointing seeing them go from having awesome ideas of dual worlds and dubious magic to exclusively focus on ERP and fucking around in the QS. Not that sticking around in your FC house and whatnot makes you connections, but literally flaunting at any random person that pays for a boost to hang out and RP all day with 0 care for the game itself they're using at their RP medium and constantly bashing on the game is very questionable, at best... I may be a bit full of myself for dictating on what people should be doing in 14, but it felt questionable, at best, and they wouldn't hear me out over their fetishes being "fulfilled."
Not even a good dress up simulator due to limited inventory, can't collect all the gear
>despised by ranged players
Are you talking about casters? Because I see no reason why a BRD or MCH would despise MNK.
No ranged, unlike DRG, MNK doesn't give a piercing debuff that the BRD and MCH can milk off of.
Will we finally get Egi-glamours?
Melee dps literally only exist in raids because of the buffs they provide to the ranged dps and Brotherhood is shit compared to TA or DRG's pierce debuff + litany.
You fuck off since the PvP mode is a shallow minigame and not an actual PvP mode
All of that would still be fucking shit since none of that even remotely touches on the fundamental problems the game has in the first place
Rush healers, try to tard-wrangle your team
Most people complaining about fundamental problems with the game are complaining about it being a vertical-progression game, or complaining it's not changing the core gameplay-loop every expac
Mari no Naka ended so fucking retardedly. The poster child of rushed endings
Yeah, if you are a retarded sheep that only follows the meta. I get that DRG is absolutely mandatory as soon as you have BRD/MCH (which is retarded enough) but MNK functions well enough as a second melee considering the numbers it can pull. Fuck NIN and it's overrated dependancy on a single fucking skill.
I want DRG to be a selfish DPS like it's usually depicted as, it's really weird seeing it help the party in such a manner (even considering Freya had a tiny bit of party-support in FF9). Even if I'd imagine the design-philosophy behind it is that the insane crit-boost of Battle Litany and Dragon Sight's lion's share of damage going to the DRG make them "selfish party-buffs"
The real problems are the fact that tje classes suffer major homogenization in the name of "balance", the fact that fights are scripted front to back DDR matches with a pretty skin on them, and that the servers have poor infrastructure and an abysmal tickrate. And that's just for starters
The fuck are you so bitter about, you asked why ranged DPS would despise a MNK and we gave an answer that is true for better or worse.
well at least I can play the new WoW patch which is going to have as much content of this expansion
>I want DRG to be a selfish DPS
Oh another big numbers muh parses faggot. Just play samurai if you care about that so much
No, you slack-jawed idiot, I'm thinking of the SNES/classical RPGs where they equip heavy-armor and are excellent physical attackers despite having little to no party utility.
Haven't DRGs always hunted dragons in packs though? Like it's a group of knights not a broody guy standing on a roof like people seem to think it is. It makes sense that they have skills that help their fellow brothers in arms out
>the fact that tje classes suffer major homogenization in the name of "balance",
I'm fine with jobs being more of a playstyle and which buffs you want to lob out, even with my own gripes with the jobs they're pretty spot-on to "how to depict a Final Fantasy job as a WoW-clone class?" The balancing's fine, any job can clear any content, putting "balance" in quotes doesn't suddenly mean you have a point or that it's a bad thing.
>the fact that fights are scripted front to back DDR matches with a pretty skin on them,
Is this your first Final Fantasy game?
>and that the servers have poor infrastructure and an abysmal tickrate.
Infrastructure's fine but I agree about the tick-rate.
>I'm thinking of the SNES/classical RPGs where they equip heavy-armor and are excellent physical attackers despite having little to no party utility.
Oh you mean like every single other class in those same games that isnt explicitly a healer or has haste? Fucking secondaries i swear to god
Your attempt to unironically defend the fucking travesties this game commits with the FF brand are to be expected from a tier 1 bootlicker
Holy shit you gave up the ghost fast.
Not sure what you mean by that but i'll assume it's some kind of attempt to rationalize being a transexual
Yeah yeah "dilate" and so on, I've heard it a million fucking times. This is every thread now where somebody ducks out and cries tranny when they weren't intending to have a conversation or defend their opinions at all
Not a single fucking element of this game is up to par except the music, don't you dare try and rationalize anything square fuckix is doing with this you axewound vagina, it's a big fucking mess
>every single other class
Kain, Cid and Cecil share armor in 4, Dragoon, Berserker, Mystic Knight, Knight and Samurai share armor in 5, Freya and Steiner share armor in 9, Tactics games have Dragoon share the armor-pool with other heavy jobs
>Fucking secondaries
Oh, you were pretending to be stupid
>baaaw it's indefensible
Presence of mind is becoming aoe
the most important thing is to have the {1} marker on your hotbar somewhere so you can mark healers because without that tiny bit of coordination every team is just a bunch of retarded lemmings charging headfirst into the meatgrinder
That it isn't Heavensward Summoner. The job got butchered.
>I am not a secondary
>Look i can name characters from THIS title and i can name classes from this one that SHARE ARMOR even though i was just talking about how dragoon is... A selfish no utility damage dealer... Oh wait..
Fucking. Secondary. And full retard, not sure what your random tangent about armor was about but watch you'll try and desperately connect it somehow so you can save face
>new zones look great and have plenty of NPCs to talk to or take quests from,
>he does side quests
Does BRD currently have a strong opener? I'm usually top DPS for the majority of the first half of fights even with SAMs or BLMs
I'm not even sure how they're going to add new skills to Dragoon in 5.0. At this point, I think the job needs a complete overhaul. It works at the minute, but can you imagine 5 new actions on top?
You literally cannot defend it with words other than "i think its fine". You CANNOT even conceivably approach something resembling a sane rationalization of this shit that isn't fueles by your raw stockholm syndrome and sunken cost
Depends on what they do with the TP revision, I could see them condensing the existing skillchains for Dragoon down to two PvP style combo buttons and use all the resulting open space for more Jumps and shit
>baaaw it's indefensible
Depends on your party comp. Brd gets the most out of chain/trick/tether/litany/etc. Openers are where those all line up, so brd goes hard.
BRD has the best opening burst in the game depending on procs
>And That's a GOOD Thing!
they aren't actually splitting SMN and SCH r-right?
Case in fucking point
Unknown open your asshole, son, the free EXP ride of leveling SCH to level SMN ends here
>there are non blm mains itt
God I hope so
>tfw love the little inferno cudgel
>can't glam it because spaghetti code
>have this shit long version instead
fuck yoshi, he could have just made the inferno cudgel function as two handed and kept it the same, fuck you yoshi you hack
>i think it's bad
>i think it's good
>no it is objectively bad
lmao got 'em
I waited around until someone actually bothered to talk to me instead of just sending me an invite out of the blue and the group turned out to be pretty chill. Your mileage may vary.
Fuck no you retard
>wipe on a low level boss because I didn't bother to attack a secondary target
I'm somehow always the MVP, dealing the majority of damage as dps, is everyone else completely shit at this braindead game or what the actual fuck?
I hope not, I like having a healer and dps attached together, its nice having both a dps and healer leveled at the start of an expansion.
Lock on to the first complaint that someone uses social engineering to force.
I could see it becoming the hot new meme to demand graphics reworks and shit up threads complaining that the game doesn't run at 4K or something like that
I leveled SMN to 70 as my second job within the first month of Stormblood and still have SCH at level 0. Fuck healing I aint no bitch.
>I'm the MVP
>But I don't contribute damage to adds
Okay buddy
You're part of the braindead gang if you're ignoring adds
>join a FC
>turns out there are literally 3 players beside me
>they actually talk to me when online
>due to circumstances, the other players are offline for several days
>I need the exp buffs
>switch FC
>join a FC with 80 other players
>get buffs but nobody ever talks to me
>chat is filled with people discussing their private lives, which I can't give a fuck about
It's all up to blind luck, isn't it?
>t. SAM main
Wtf are you on about you mongo, you have to get ARC to 30 to even get either. Even if you don't touch SCH it will still go up in levels with SMN. At least play the game before you bait retard.
I played another dps job previously in the same dungeon and could/had to take care of all the adds alone, and we didn't wipe. So the only plausible conclusion is that I'm surrounded by shitters
Nigger have you ever actually looked at your levels?
It is literally indefensibly bad though, by the objective standard that it does its features worse than a 14 year old equivalent
You’re MVP because the rest are doing their job and damaging the adds.
Another revelation: LB’s should be used purely for add phases unless you need the Tank LB for a specific mechanic
You still have to unlock SCH.
Remember when it wasn't that? Remember how Guns never actually got a point cast animation? It was stupid. However, despite that, 2.x MCH gunwizard was much better than the abomination 3.x MCH has been.
Yep, and you're also a shitter for not contributing properly.
Fastest way to level a second job?
I want to have Dark Knight at 70 for ShB in case I want to swap from dps
A MVP wouldn't have let the party wipe.
Jump pot
Just got into this game, did a dungeon for the first time today - holy shit that was boring. Compared to WoW the level of design is just nonexistant
i mean sure it's lazy but on the other hand why wouldn't you when it fulfills the requirements
Ok see you next thread
So are we going to talk about how Estinien is always watching over us and can BTFO Ascians that even the WoL struggles with?
>i just did the tutorial dungeon and it was boring wtf
Yeah the very first dungeon you unlock at level 11 is definitely representative of every dungeon through the entire progression of the game.
Jump potion if you're a total loser, spamming dungeon runs with the food EXP buff if you're not (gear from odd-leveled leveling dungeons will also keep you from worrying about needing to gear up)
Estinien Ex Machina is shit.
We only struggled with Zenos that time because of the fucking cat holding our brain hostage until we pick up our Amazon package
Bestinien is best boy, does the jobs you can't do
but yeah the first six or so dungeons suck some fucking balls. maybe more.
What about it?
Jump potion?
You mean the paid level thing? Why would I ask for the fastest way to level if I intended on doing that shit?
You were given the criteria that it was only if you were a total loser user, it still counts
Playable Estinien solo duty where you have infinite Life of the Dragon when?
>interupts our fight and nearly gets us fucking killed
>tells us to go to the tower
>in interrupted our fight for that
>only reason we survived was because Estinien jumped in and helped us
this faggot nearly fucking killed us, if he needs us to save his world and ours, he's doing a piss poor job so far
Yeah I have a nice line - through SCH's level because I never got the job stone.
Haukke's okay, which I think is #6. Brayflox is definitely when shit starts actually being pretty good though.
I know it's seen as a trivialization by many, but I think pvp-style combos would be a good thing, most of them don't even branch that much anymore.
the only skill you will get is impulse drive and second wind
"bawwww reusing skeletons for creatures and objects of similar physiology bad"
>use Refresh on pull to extend my Foes
>we shouldn't need it in the first 3 minutes of a fight anyway
>healers immediately chimp out in chat
who was in the wrong here
So why didn’t we get a trial that used Revolutions? The Dragonsong and Answers trial were both kino. They should have saved Shinryu for 4.5 trial so we could have had all three main themes of the game happen during Dragon boss fights.
Remember that the beginner dungeon in WoW is Deadmines - there is no excuse for it being shit
>he thinks a solo duty will be fun or interesting
user, players struggled with the instance with Y'shtola, anything harder and they may literally have to nerf it so people can clear it
I can't see them as anything but a good thing, it leaves loads of room for more skills, abilities and oGCDs to do it that way. I don't really get how they find "1-2-3" more compelling than "1-1-1", or if they even do, since each press of 1 would be doing a "different" thing each time until the full combo rotation has gone out.
I dont know what that dungeon is because I'm not a wowfugee
3.0 MCH was perfect, yes
3.0 BRD was literal garbage and you have actual genuine autism, not the Yea Forums insult kind of autism, if you think the two are in any way comparable other than "lul deyz both guts da cast timez"
I've never done Deadmines since I was Horde and played before Cataclysm, you talking pre or post Cata?
I'm not a ranged main by any means, but in my head I would say they're wrong. If you pop it early, the DPS get a jump on pushing first phase of whatever fight you're on, the healers can DPS unrestricted and get that MP back, and it's not just wasted downtime on the CD. I can understand if it's NEEDED at a SPECIFIC point in the fight, but otherwise using it twice in a 5 minute fight is way better than using it once.
The healers for being grey parsing retards who don't know what a proper bard opener looks like
I remember the tsunami of tears over Shinryu normal. Guess we'll be getting Thordan Normal tier garbage for SHB story finale.
The beginner dungeon in WoW is RFC, and it is shit.
It doesn't even have to be hard, I just want to smash Nastrond on some dickhead for 3-5 minutes.
The only fight I can remember where delaying Refresh was a better idea was God Kefka
Ironic that you tell people to remember when you forgot RFC even exists because it's so forgettable
I thought you were supposed to use it early because you don't get diversion.
I'm level 70 and I've yet to see a fun or interesting dungeon in this game.
i get a hard on from seeing mentors die first
Is it really necessary to have that many chat windows
Ugh, that's a depressing and most likely accurate prediction. Shinryu was really fun when everyone had garbage story gear.
to be fair to Yoshi, when people complained about Shinryu, he said that it was just the right difficulty for a final MSQ boss and anyone who is struggling should just keep at it
its a shame, Shinryu normal does nothing new, its all shit you have seen before, then again, I still see people fuck up stacks in 70 content.
>It doesn't even have to be hard
it won't be, or else bads won't be able to clear it, so it will just be a boring waste of time instead
i have the real estate for it so why not
Nah, Yoshida told them to get over it because he has fond memories of playing FFV and losing 3 hours of progress because he opened Shinryu's box before getting the save point.
I would use the same setup too if I had a ultra wide monitor.
I really wish Yoshida and his team weren't pandering to the absolute bottom of the barrel trash when it comes to battle content. inb4 "lul XI fag", but Chains of Promathia was what an expansion should be imo. Everyone got access to some areas, the story was great, the fights were brutally hard and the further you got in the story the more areas unlocked. Fights were nerfed very minor over an extended period of time you can filter out who were the absolute shitters based on how long it took to clear.
Refresh/Tactician half your current enmity, they don't reduce it for 30 seconds like Diversion. Some shitter BRDs use it at the start of the fight before using any actions so they can park themselves at the top of the enmity chart while still looking like they're doing their job
He also said that he is taking their feedback into consideration if I remember the forum post.
>Shinryu normal does nothing new, its all shit you have seen before
There were never QTEs in any trial before it
With a good party comp BRD's opener is the strongest in the game because all the crit buffs synergize with it so amazingly. It's absolutely disgusting how much damage you can push out in those first 30s if you get lucky.
It's why the DRG should absolutely always tether the BRD first and if you really have to play a single target Balance/Spear on AST it should definitely go to them.
>keeping an eye on novice chat
It's like you want aids
Cruise chaser in HW and Susano before.
>I really wish all content required military-grade autism, a static, and 100 hours of raid prog in order to pass
neck yourself
Well, had to push 1 button in A11. And Sword Tank in Susano had to mash the button.
>Cruise Chaser
user do you have brain damage
>he didn't do Cruise Chaser
How do I animation cancel with DRG on controller?
Imagine being this much of a shitter
Whenever I see people spouting objectively dumb shit, it's always a mentor who thinks they're really good at the game for grinding all classes to 70.
9/10, they'll always have 0 savage clears, the other 1 is someone who's cleared the first fight of a tier with echo.
It's incredible.
>There were never QTE's in any trial before it
>Friend convinces me to try FFXIV
>Make a character on Zalera to play with her and some friends from their DnD group
>They turn out to be some of the thirstiest ERPers I've ever met
It was a rollercoaster, I have to admit. They all seem nice but holy fuck they need to get laid. Like I knew my friend was into some stuff but this was next level.
I wanna do that but my 380-390 BRD gear has like two times less crit than my WHM because tomestone gear and omega gear keeps shoving DH for some reason
You're more retarded than you think you are
Tell her to have sex with you
Like half of BRD's BiS is crafted pieces, it's not hard to get
You can't fucking get a queue for Alexander these days. And I don't remember any button mashing in Susano
Imagine kidnapping a young nubile girl then ritually sacrificing her letting a lusty voidsent inhabit and transform her body. Haha,
Here we find an user that couldn't clear Twintania upon release in his native habitat.
>Omega’s legs are three times biggers than the frogs
>they don’t share animations
>but they used the same skeleton for some reason, fuck the dev team, am I cool yet guys?
Whoever blocks the sword gets to button mash.
Only the tank in Susano does it. Whoever grabs the sword needs to button mash to prevent the sword from falling on the party early. If she fails, its a wipe.
>You can't fucking get a queue for Alexander these days.
>he's a SBabby
Not anymore, the Eureka Elemental gear is better now.
The only crafted piece you use is a ring
>tanklets actually believe this
Yes you can queue for alexander because it's part of the normal raid roulette. How about playing the game before opening your stupid obesed mouth
>queue into Syrcus Tower
>other guy is AST
>No sect
>get to first boss and get frozen
>notice theres no heals going off and nobody breaks out frozen people like normal
>everyone dies because the other guy was just running around the arena and didnt heal once
>"lol some people just play random jobs for fun why are you mad?"
>You can't get a queue for alex
You're fucking retarded user it takes me like 15 minutes for each fight as a DPS
No, but they have a point on some bosses. The boss from Coil T8 being a metal Treant is a good example. I didn't notice until someone pointed it out but man you can't unsee it.
That's not what happened to that girl from what I remember. She was kidnapped, gangraped and dismembered.
>You can't fucking get a queue for Alexander these days
These days you can probably get faster queue to alexander than some omega raids.
>imagine having wasted more than a couple of months on this mediocre theme park adventure
I did all of Alex Normal 2 weeks ago. In DF. As DPS. Solo.
I never waited longer than 10 minutes for a queue.
give me aoe Thin Air
>final MSQ gear is fucking amazing
>but maximum edgelord mode
>but so fucking amazing still
Help me bros, I'm going to take the plunge. I'm gonna dye it into a darker shade of black even.
And buried in a shallow grave in the desert for the insects and wild animals to feed on.
Yes but
I do the raid roulette every day and have never gotten into Alex. I've queued for it directly too, and withdrew after hours of no one joining. Whatever, dude
Imagine saving a young farmers daughter from being sacrificed and then it turns out she was the mastermind behind the whole thing.
I'll stick to the millers slightly chubby redheaded daughter in the future
Should I even bother to analyze logs if I don't savage raid? Is there any point in being a big guy in these small ponds?
If you don't savage raid nothing really matters, just hit whatever buttons you feel like hitting in content.
It even looks fine in the deepest black. Actually, it looks good in a lot of colors.
Why the fuck are you playing mmos if you hate the model you fucking flaming faggot
>still no giant boss with mantis skeleton
I really want one
99h percentile 24man logs are unironically harder to get than most Savage ones
Based mammet.
Depends on whether you like the idea of being competent. I don't like PFing and don't know enough people to do savage or EX but I parse and try to improve anyway.
Embrace it. As long as you don't start making text macros it's all good.
The headpiece is still the ugliest fucking thing they've added yet. They really need to start upping the quality on the textures.
Try queueing under ilevel 295 you fucking idiot
Nah, and truthfully there isn't a point to analyzing logs at all unless you fall into one of two categories. Either you want to push yourself in-game to be as best a player you can/learn where to improve, or you're such a small person you use logs to belittle other players. You can always tell who a shitter is, you don't need an exact quantification of how shit they were.
There’s nothing wrong with reusing skeletons. I’ve studied animation for a few years and literally nobody enjoyed making rigs. The guys who make setups for a living are usually seen as "that weird guy".
Is it wrong of me to macro "Master, forgive me, I'm going all out!!" to my Midare Setsugekka?
>enough people to do savage or EX but I parse and try to improve anyway.
>tfw cleared every single fight in the expansion pack including all extreme primals in pf with good enough parses to be in both a UCoB and UWU static right now and there are still people who think you need 7 people to carry them through savages
She cute tho
Not really, if you actually try to use your rotation correctly it's easy.
For some reason my 99th Mustadio didn't upload.
What quest was this? Probably an event I either missed or didn't bother doing, I'm guessing.
Based 90iq wowfugee
Macro it to your Hagakure since it’s more bang for your buck.
sometimes it's funny to read. whether it's a wowrefugee sprout getting btfo or an autistic mentor gets kicked for sperging out too hard.
FATE chain in Northern Thanalan. The one with the cultists and succubus; I forget the name.
It's the Lambs of Dalamud 3-part FATE in Northern Thanalan.
You don't, you run in circles until you rack up a minute long timeout every time you die, then you get 1500 free wolf marks
Forgive me, master, but I'll have to go all out. Just this once.
Don't confuse RP and ERP
PS3 limitation prease understand
Dark Devices Fate in northern Thanalan
I don't see it
Is it the dead mentor healer? Your faggy ass UI? The French? Two melee DPS but unused LB3? The PLD with almost no TP somehow? The whole rest of the team being sprouts? Your faggy ass UI? Two BLM and no Thunder?
I miss those fate trains. I feel bad for players that joined after the dungeon exp boost and will never Gorgimera.
>Savage raiding
>cloned boss rotations, cloned mechanics, boring circle arenas
>Ultimate raiding
>you hate yourself and that cunt that doens't understand Trios going through Twintania for 600th time
>Baldesion Arsenal
>actual raid dungeon that requries to organize a small platoon of people, utilize creative and unconventional skills and makes you feel like going through a super dangerous enemy base a a soldier
By the Twelve what has transpired
>log in
>log out
who /burnt out/ here
Ah, thanks. I remember spamming that back in ARR so yeah, been a little while!
>Both tanks in tank stance
It's always really common with level 50 WARs since they don't have another stance to use, so they use the only one available, even though it's wrong.
>giant hallway with harmless enemies and 2 enemies that can possibly fuck your shit up if you don't do the dance
Cool raid lad.
personally what I hate about the newer fights is that the mechanics end up repeating endlessly half way throughout the fight. it's especially noticeable in kefka where he does the same rotation 10 times if your dps is slow.
>circle room with 1 enemy that can possibly fuck your shit up if you don't do the dance
Cool """""""""""""""raid""""""""""""""" buddy
The trick was to farm the first part with infinitely spawning minions. You don't kill the four or so in the back. Unless you want gil.
It bothers me so much that BA was genuinely good content locked behind some of the worst content yet and a logistical nightmare.
Scale it down so you can queue up to something like that as an alliance and it could probably have a lot of potential.
I agree with you, bro. I just don't think BA is a good raid either.
>W-We don't want to show children in pain or suffering. Prease understando.
Fuck you, Yoshi. You just hate lolis. Admit it.
Yep, and without fail, I think some son of a bitch would always kill the four in the back.
To be honest, I don't think Yoshi hates lolis, his main is a lalafell afterall. His statement is just a generic response basically pointing out the retarded SJW climate pressure from the west, and the fact the game is on PS4 restricts them a lot too probably.
This was my issue with it. I finished Pyros but never set foot into Hydatos because Eureka was just not fun content. The fact you had to suffer through the literal worst battle content in the game four times for BA was what was rough. And if anyone is a smartass, Diadem was just Eureka 1.0
>I don't think Yoshi hates lolis, his main is a lalafell afterall
Lalafells aren't lolis you stupid motherfucker. They're chibis.
I still can't tell the difference between larboard and starboard. I just follow someone else and pray that they get it correct.
>tfw the JAPANESE have to keep lolis away from americans
i wouldnt trust you either
Because I want the cheevo for completing all three of the Fates and I want it fast
Larboard is Omega's left, Starboard is Omega's right. "L" for "Left"
>American education
>casting medica 2 when peoples HP are that low
>They're chibis.
Unfortunate developments is what they are.
I didn't say they are actually lolis, but it's the closest thing you'll get. He's shown it off in suggestive clothes in live letters and never dresses it up in heavy robes etc so he clearly likes showing it off as well.
You get dragonfire dive and the backwards jump only but they have 1 second cooldown and the fight has constant AOE attacks going on that you need to dodge using the skills.
I miss caster BRD
Pretty sure he just doesn’t want people ERPing with children. The "no violence" reason was just a way to avoid talking about it.
He gave the same, albeit not as firm answer years ago before this shit started picking up.
Almost every modern asian MMO has a loli race. Its not his responsibility if people pose them to sit in weird places. Just give them modest clothing.
That's because they're not children and the Japanese don't see them as children. They're cute adults and the Japs just love cute things because it takes the edge off of their soulless insectoid salaryman lives.
>Scale it down so you can queue up to something like that as an alliance and it could probably have a lot of potential.
You're not entirely wrong but making it another bullshit location you just queue into would hurt its charm. BA is an actual place in the location you're in and having to access it in such an unorthodox way and receive help from outside to progress is part of what makes it so cool. If you take everything Eurekan out of it it will be just another boring 24-man.
If it's final floor of a tier (while its relevant) or ultimate you are in the wrong and a cringy retard. If it's anything else, they're probably shit.
poor bait
nips are usually levelheaded and don't give a fuck about western hypocrites
but yoshi-p is trying to cater to the health of the game overall
also fuck snoy
Surely he isn't that stupid to think people don't ERP posing to be kids regardless if their character model is tiny or not. Playable "loli" race or not doesn't matter for shit in an ERP context.
I'm well aware how sane people see lalafells, doesn't change the fact that people are retarded and get uncomfortable by them anyway.
>being a minmaxing 1337 turbo virgin tryhard
I'll forgive you this once.
If they make Shadowbringers Eureka similar to Pyros and Hydratos from the start then I think new/returning players would like it a lot more. The main issue with Eureka is how bad Anemos/Pagos is. It's like the ARR MSQ where you have to slog through really shitty parts where they didn't know what they were doing to actually get to the good parts (HW)
Then why can't we have a race of child looking characters that are older than they appear? It already exists in the lore for the game with the Padjal.
>inb4 but there are canonically so few Padjal
Its their own lore and it can be altered to fit where necessary. People are arguing for male Viera despite them also being few in numbers, and you can be damn sure that Square is going to cave on that sooner or later. Just introduce a secret subsection of Padjal who have been working in the shadows to fix the world since the calamity and boom, you can have as many as you want.
I want this. Can I buy this costume somehow?
I die a little inside everytime I see a WHM prepull with Medica 2
I don't understand this argument. Why do nips think jerking off to drawings of kids is any better?
That's your average WHM's response to everything.
literally pick none of the above eureka shitters.
Not having Pagos and Anemos gating your access to it would probably help. BA is cool as fuck in concept but the shit hoops to jump through lessen it. Shoving some of Eureka's concepts into the actual world would probably be fairly welcome
Altering lore to appeal to kidfuckers is a stupid fucking idea in the first place, but Padjal are also physically still children. It's not that they're adults that look like children, it's that their bodies stop maturing.
>Dragon Quest X has multiple loli races
>Dragon's Dogma Online and Phantasy Star Online 2 let you make any body type you want and dress them in lewd as fuck outfits
Giving the west a Japanese MMO was a mistake.
the fuck you people want "child looking characters" so bad? Well, I can guess, but I'd rather you just admit to it
Everything is reskinned in this game. Omega is reskinned Frog. Ultima is reskinned Zurvan. All the Gilgamesh clones. Varis, Jenomis and Aymeric uses modified Au Ra faces.
reason i med 2 constantly as whm
because you fucks keep getting hit by random shit every second while im trying to dps
>Savage Raiding
>actual mechanics
>Ultimate raiding
>actual mechanics
>Baldesion Arsenal
>tard wrangling in an instance that's just the result of a void ark-tier braindead 24man doing the fusion dance with POTD 150+
I fucking wish lalafell looked like chibis, then maybe I could actually take them seriously. As it stands they don't resemble chibis at all with their fucked proportions and weird joint-less noodle limbs.
You people just get more and more retarded. They are never adding playable Padjal.
>wasting more than a single gcd to top people off
based retard
You are acting like Savage isn't on the same level as BA nowadays.
It's pretty much special olympics at this point.
Good because it's ranged caster DPS based on MIND.
It's not. BA has literally no mechanics above the level of a mid tier 24man
Literally every game does this.
In my experience Savage and Ultimate is just as much tard wrangling. A group in which all 8 people pull their weight not only inside, but also outside the raid (in strategizing and optimization) is a fucking miracle that doesn't occur for everyone.
Same, I want to finally upgrade my mainhand and offhand past level 50 already.
Can't wait to watch everything with ad block on.
I don't disagree with you, but I do feel that if this exploration style content would fare better if it was scaled down and more objective based to begin with. Having Eureka sized maps but with things to /do/ besides FATEs and mob grinding could be pretty cool, especially if they integrate gathering, leves and hunts into it.
wtf is the point of having really low drop rate on BLU skills
Wouldn't pvp style combo fuck mnk though since it has to change positional constantly?
tard wrangling and actual mechanics. As opposed to BA which is just tard wrangling.
t. retard
>Why is molesting and abusing real children worse than jerking off to imaginary images
Really makes you think.
So what happened with Laurentius in the end?
Both monk and machinist literally would not function with PvP style combos, people who insist on it are retards who don't play the game beyond their one single job at 70 every 3 months
So you don't just do each fight once and get done with it in 2 hours
Primal spell drop rates should be at least 3x what they are now though
Yeah. I'd kill for an MMO that had all that and not... you know, online single player bullshit.
we can never have simple whm af again
Welcome to MMOs. Where the cost to create them are so high that they have to cut corners some how. Rehashing assets is one way to do this. Even a billion dollar company like Activision does this.
BLU spell drop rates should be 100%
Put to death alongside his potato master.
>Having Eureka sized maps but with things to /do/ besides FATEs and mob grinding could be pretty cool, especially if they integrate gathering, leves and hunts into it.
so, diadem
how about you stop giving a shit at what they are doing and get on with your life? You're being an even worse faggot by being angry at fucking ERPs doing their shit. Just go do dr or content ffs
ifrit runs take literally 30 seconds, how is >queue up, wait a second, burn it down, repeat 50x times gameplay
He and Yuyuhase were captured and Raubahn asks your opinion about if they should be executed. They haven't said yet what was decided.
Ones that you need for quests should be. Everything else should be no higher than 30%
It's worse but that doesn't excuse people jerking off to drawings of little kids. Are all pedophiles this mentally stunted?
Nah, everything should be a 100% drop rate. Farming this shit is cancer.
wew. Glad we don't look this homo in game.
So Yoshi can point to it and say, "We can't make this job unlimited because you'd have to farm for your spells and that wouldn't be fair to BLUs to farm all that time and just get a spell that's only as powerful as any other mage!"
how am I supposed to convince a group of people to run the same thing a million times over, I don't get who this is for
i'm bitching between runs
Diadem had no progression, no extra actions or mechanics, even worse rewards (in 2nd version) then in Eureka, its raid had no progression like BA, and was completely RNG whether it would spawn or not. Diadem was a complete shitshow made by a fucking idiot.
What's the general damage rotation for a DRG at level 50 and level 60? I know I don't have Nastrond so that can't be the goal.
artificial replay value
HT > CT combo > the other combo until you have to reapply HT and CT > repeat
It's when you see he's using tank stance as OT LOL
So what you're saying is the content doesn't acctually matter, you only care about the carrot on the end of the stick
Gathering was the only good part of Diadem, but not quite. The fundamental issue is they keep making content around mob/fate grinding instead of giving players varied objectives and different ways to utilize the content.
Also, you basically have a disjointed instance that doesn't affect the rest of the game (outside of the rewards), so it baffles me why they haven't used them to throw as much shit at the wall to see what sticks. They could be a real playground for the developers to communicate ideas to the players with no real repercussions.
Fuck this retarded, bottom tier, trash healer. Doesn't even have fucking Curse Res, and is somehow even worse than the other 3* Light healer.
That's pretty normal for dumbshit level 50 WARs, they're literally too stupid to comprehend that they should turn tank stance off as OT since they have no DPS stance.
Everything about BLU is nonsensical and conflicts with itself user. There's no use trying to make sense of it.
If you want all your skills for 0 effort then don't play BLU you retarded nigger
>inb4 "i was only pretending to be retarded lol baited"
instead we get this
It's a bit of both. Progression in an RPG is satisfying. Content to progress in should be fun. It needs both and majority of MMOs have neither.
I want all my skills with the same amount of effort required to acquire those skills in previous FF games, which is to say a 100% drop rate if the skill is used
>cleared extreme primals in pf
ooh watch out for #1 badass Sephiroth T'ia over here
Just let them tank.
I got it to level 50 by throwing fish at garlean forces and had a tiny amount of fun, I thought maybe I was onto something
oh well
he'll be redeemed yet again
Progression in Eureka isn't satisfying at all though.
>let them tank as PLD
>steal aggro anyway because PLD has one combo at level 50
You literally lose no matter what you do
>doing nothing over and over and hoping is "effort"
guess we all know now why you're beat at the end of the day
That's Sephiroth Nunh to you.
>watching some level 70s clear the content for you
>The "all BLU in old FF were the same" meme
So it's bait.
He never said that, but meeting the requirements for learning a spell made the learn chance 100% except for XI
Defiance isn't a DPS loss
Literally no BLU has had RNG to learn skills beyond getting the enemies to actually use the skills in the first place.
S'ephiroth Nunh, let's be lore appropriate here.
Sure, it's not a DPS loss when Unchained is up.
>Doesn't use the other fucking MMO as the example to follow
So it's bait.
Defiance literally cuts your damage by 20%. Unchained doesn't last forever.
Yoshida refuses to follow XI in any other fucking quality. There's no reason for BLU's spells to have RNG except to artificially stretch out the content and to justify its limited status.
MNK could probably be finagled by tying position to your current form instead of each move having a different positional, MCH is getting reworked anyways and we have no idea how it will behave in 5.X
Using unchained on CD and dumping gauge when necessary is something like an 8% dps loss and the job feels less braindead
If the other tank is a PLD they can tank in SwO and generate 2x the aggro of the WAR anyway so it doesn't really matter
You would not have survived XI BLU which was SO MUCH WORSE and had pickier spell-learn requisites
>non-2.0/3.0 Bard mains constantly bitching about bowmage
Go fuck yourselves I want my Job back
Well user, you obviously care.
Fuck it, i want to know about new jobs, skills, changes, locations, new raids, new content. Why nobody those fucker say anything. only some "i saw some dunno name skill on some job it does something i dunno what but lol"
just fuck this
Without defiance your average GCD potency is 242ish
With defiance your average GCD potency is 224ish.
Defiance is oGCD so there is literally no reason to not just defiance+unchained when Unchained comes back up.
No one wants Alexander's bullshit again though.
>It's not a DPS loss
>It's still a DPS loss
That would absolutely rape the way monk plays and I doubt they're removing MCH's proc system
So this is the brain of ultrawide users
>no bunny boys
what were they thinking
Oh whoops I fucked up my math, your average potency is actually a bit higher out of defiance because you can do a BB combo instead of a path combo, which is 20 more base potency. That's also not factoring in autos which are all over 20% stronger. So yeah you're full of shit
I found it to be satisfying enough to get 3 relics completed. If I had more jobs at 70 I probably would have completed additional relics as well. I love Eureka, it's the best content to ever be released in FFXIV since the original ARR reboot.
procs is good system
wildfire is shit
just remove wildfire, or don't make MCH go into overheat every minute, or just auto-apply 50heat after overheat, hotpotshot, and re-summon turret