Bros... we're going home

bros... we're going home......

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how is alkaizer, the god of rpgs so based?

He needs more layers.

why the fuck are people excited to play the battle for azeroth client reskinned and timegating 15 year old content

finally some good pvp

l-layering bros........

I donated $20 to my streamer and he said we were going home! 100% faithful to the vanilla client! How is this happening!? Help meeeeeeee.....

vanilla pvp is garbo call me when we get to TBC

>classic pvp
nice maymay

fair enough. but I still question why Blizzard decided to use the Legion/BFA game client instead of the original pre Vanilla client like private servers do.

>zoomed that far out

If you like world pvp it's all you've gotten for the past 10 years since video game developers are terrified by the concept of pvp on a pvp server

t. qqers who die to rogues in an ambush roflcopter

>Quests objectives and points of interests are not tracked on the map or minimap.

When did they add this in vanilla?

There's security problems now, it's been said over and over

Do you think if you booted up windows 98 in 2019 your pc would be safe?

It was, fuck you

not me i always play on pve servers im there to kill dragons and shit. if i want to pvp ill queue for some arathi basin

Daily Reminder to Home-fags:
You are not going “home”.
You are going back to an empty reconstruction of home with none of the same people that made that home what it was.
In Vanilla, you didn’t have Twitch streamers/E-celebs and the awful fanbases that come with them.
You didn’t have Discord.
And most importantly, you didn’t have the landscape of the modern internet.
People won’t magically start talking and interacting with each other again just because group finder is gone. Dungeon groups will be just as quiet as retail, because why should they talk in group chat when they can post epic memes in their tranny discords?
Modern online games are antisocial because the modern playerbase has become antisocial.
You can bring back the game but you can’t bring back 2004 internet.

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Human or Dwarf Paladin?

Because PvP leads to trolling players which leads to hurt feelings of casual players which leads to unsubscribing which leads to lost money since casuals are their primary source of revenue.

Plus it's 10x easier to balance PVE than PVP in a MMO.


damn... like nails on a carpet....

Asmongold's raid group 2...

brb reporting a bug
>It's not actually a bug, but I think it is because I don't like it.

They literally posted how phasing is only in for the first few weeks until the population settles and spreads out. They're not gonna make 100 classic realms when they know not that many people are gonna be playing in months.

So update their security? Or what about the fucking anti cheat they use that acts like spyware constantly monitoring and reporting your RAM contents to Blizzard

I get that, but there's pve servers so that argument always seemed weird to me

Then dont try to balance the pvp

PvP trolling still happens on PVE servers. You don't remember the duel cancel trick between factions in bootybay or gadgetzan which makes the NPCs rape the other player?

>blizzard made a bluepost about "Features not bugs" in the beta
>groupchat is exploding because the one faggot who goes on and on the most about "BACK IN VANILLA" is losing his mind over them making 1.12 and not adding QOL stuff or fixing shit

Now THIS is my childhood.

Then you end up where windfury one shots people regardless of skill level, rogues killing people naked, and some effects not having diminishing returns at all so you can CC someone all day.

based fuck pvp niggers camping nesingwary i'm just gonna go to a new layer

This definitely happened on private servers too on borders between zones like that. I have no idea if actual vanilla did it though since I didn't play it much.

1.12 is not real vanilla anyways. It's when everything was nerfed difficulty wise. Pre raid gear is super OP in 1.12 because they wanted to make it the welfare raiders gear to get casuals into endgame content faster in preparation of TBC releasing soon.

or just use the same client because it's probably 99% the same plus things like better AA are welcome

Layering seems like it could be abused in PVE or PVP. Could be used to farm rare spawns by hopping between instances or if you're about to die in world PvP then just phase out, recover, then phase back in.

Troll shaman

>no blood dk
FUCK that shit

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literally mass delusion, you see it a lot these days

Layer 3........


now imagine people selling layers for spawns. Its not a matter of if but when

It has over 15 years worth of bloat added under the hood which negatively affects game performance when there's more than 50 people on screen. That's probably why they're doing this layering shit in the first place. The client shits itself doing more than 50 players on a single CPU thread (thanks 2003 game engine design)

lmao the amount of projection that went into that picture

kill yourself wowfags

my first 60 man.

I got a troll mage to level 20 and I remember knowing nothing about stats and basically buying robes based on how they looked

rerolled troll shaman and I remember looking at my character sheet at sen'jin Village and reading the tool tips for the stats and learning what would work for me.

great memories on that shaman. levelling buddy was a tauren shaman called kagagugu, he had a dwarf priest that he raided on so he had a bunch of money and gear. I helped him transfer stuff through the gadgetzan AH to horde and as a reward he gave me my first epic: lei of lilies.

>layering isn't sharding bros

so is layering or whatever the fuck staying?

pretty sure that's the server, which has run terribly since xrealm was added, the interns can't even keep the AH up which is a simple mysql database

>all these no personality arena streamers playing classic can't show off any skills
finally their channels die

>bursty shit
peak pvp was in pandaria

Cool story you little bitch boi

The last words from Blizzard are layers will stay until the end of phase 1

You joke but I am making that class/race combo

I think it's a combination of both. Servers shitting themselves from load and client shitting itself. I mean damn just look at this video, you can have a decent modern PC (GTX 1080, latest gen core i5, 16gb of ram, etc) and still expect FPS dips below 60FPS in this 15 year old game

Why would I joke? Berserking fucking rules

that classic wow picture is too real
except i dont play classic because i'm only 23 and have no nostalgia for it

imagine being stupid enough to give nu-blizz money

layer 4...shard 7...instance phase 2...home....

Druchads dabbing on warrniggers...home..

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