ITT: food from video games
ITT: food from video games
>hotdog slices
>cheese puffs
>spicy nacho chips
>white rice
Rate my lunch, Yea Forums
kill your self
based and minimum-wage pilled
why do the nips like undertale so much
The game makes fun of JRPG tropes, is sort of like an Isekai, makes fun of/includes anime tropes, appeals to autists, has a pretty good soundtrack and has shmup gameplay.
FFXV is vidya food porn
this is something a stressed overworked single-mother of an autistic child would make in hope of overcoming his fussiness
you can afford all that junk food but not fucking hotdog buns?
yfw toriel's butt pie
You know you can be poor and not have to eat like a fucking retarded person. Learn to cook bro.
I like salami sandwiches. They never get old for me.
He clearly cooked the hotdog and rice, retard
Maybe I should say learn to cook "good" food. Fucking faggot.
I want it
why not feed it to your dog and eat his shit 24h later?
Peef (from pows)
Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean
for the sake of the fuck, user.
why do white people do this?
Nice ducky
6/10 "It's edible"
Trail stew from TTYD. Has Amazing Effects
That bread looks really good