ITT: food from video games

ITT: food from video games

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>hotdog slices
>cheese puffs
>spicy nacho chips
>white rice

Rate my lunch, Yea Forums

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kill your self

based and minimum-wage pilled

why do the nips like undertale so much

The game makes fun of JRPG tropes, is sort of like an Isekai, makes fun of/includes anime tropes, appeals to autists, has a pretty good soundtrack and has shmup gameplay.

FFXV is vidya food porn

this is something a stressed overworked single-mother of an autistic child would make in hope of overcoming his fussiness

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you can afford all that junk food but not fucking hotdog buns?

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yfw toriel's butt pie

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You know you can be poor and not have to eat like a fucking retarded person. Learn to cook bro.

I like salami sandwiches. They never get old for me.

He clearly cooked the hotdog and rice, retard

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Maybe I should say learn to cook "good" food. Fucking faggot.

I want it

why not feed it to your dog and eat his shit 24h later?

Peef (from pows)
Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean

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for the sake of the fuck, user.

why do white people do this?

Nice ducky

6/10 "It's edible"

Trail stew from TTYD. Has Amazing Effects

Attached: Trial_Stew_TTYD.png (38x39, 845)

That bread looks really good