Does Shadbringers and Final Fantasy XIV as a whole stand a chance against WoW Classic? Is Shadowbringers DOA?

Does Shadbringers and Final Fantasy XIV as a whole stand a chance against WoW Classic? Is Shadowbringers DOA?

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Shadman Bringers

More like Shitbringers.

WoW Classic is irrelevant and Blizz have just hit the thrall emergency button, it's really pathetic.

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Of course not
FFXIV is developed on the cheap so they can lose half their playerbase and everything will be fine. FFXIV's revenue regularly gets looted to fund Square's boondoggles like FFXV, Dissidia NT, etc.

how much of an embarrassing manchild do i need to be to care for WoW classic?

can you faglords explain to me why i should give a fuck about wow or the other way around when i only play one game

the fuck is wrong with you mmo players

>play shadowbringers for 2 months
>classic comes out
>play classic til the next xiv patch
>switch between games when one gets a patch/more content
playing 1 game is retarded not enough content in either to exclusively play either

You can brag about your game being better

Yet the game's population is only rising.

Exactly, I do this with WoW already. People that think they can just no life on one game are retarded.

only classicfags wants classic no one else cares or understand how someone wants to play something so outdated

Warcraft Classic will come out after Shadowbringers releases and is in a drought between patches. Everyone will play Classic to the point where they're sick of it because they had already done it before, and by that point the next FFXIV patch will be out, and everyone will go back to that.

Do we know the 8 and 24 man raids this time?

A new expansion isn't going to have a drought in 2 months, and their patches are in 3 month intervals anyway.

8-man is Eden, 24-man is NieR

Not the XIII location, I hope?

>Wow Classic
>Mid-combat sharding
I'd say its not even a threat.

Wow and its futile attempt at a nostalgic cash grab is on its last legs. The only thing keeping them going are the mindless blizzdrones that are stubbornly loyal to a failing company.

>Beyond the boundaries of Norvrandt lies the Empty─a land drowned in the primordial light of the Flood. To redress the balance of the elements, our hero must wield a power the likes of which the First has never known. The power of Eden.
We don't know.

It's originally a summon from FF8 and the art they gave us reflects that game more but we'll see.

WoW Classic comes out in late August. You have 2 months to play Shadowbringers interrupt free.

WoW and XIV are not comparable. WoW is a 'true' MMO, whereas XIV is more of a JRPG with MMO elements thrown in.

>WoW is a 'true' MMO
Nah. Your shitty casualized babby game killed the genre.

It's always like that with the MMOs, didn't FFXI save them after the failure of Spirits Within or am I remembering that wrong.

WoW is a game about exploding loot pinatas. FFXIV is a masturbatory aid.

If something is so good that everyone flocked to it and forced everyone to copy it, was it bad? You just dislike it.

>FFXIV is developed on the cheap
AAA scale MMOs that receive global releases and dubs in 6 different languages are not cheap at all.

As a ffxiv player and fan who just got into Classic Beta, ffxiv stands absolutely no chance.

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Eden was a Ronkan floating city/ship that harnessed the Suns power. The Ronkan civilization suffered a plague that killed its citizens, leaving only Eden. It has been accumulating aether for millenia and with the help of Gaia, it will be up to the WoD to released the elemental aether stored within by killing the elemental guardians. The real question is, who will be the animal mascot of Eden?

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WoW is still the most populated/most subscribed MMO on the market today.

You have to be actively subbed to WoW to get into the Classic beta.

plus you need to own a copy of BFA.

>it's popular so it's good!

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people on other places keep calling FFXIV a wrath clone like its supposed to be an insult but wasn't wrath the most successful WoW has ever been in terms of subscriptions and revenue?

I am actively subbed to Retail. I only play it for arena with rl friends.

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BFA is shit right now, but it is infinitely more enjoyable than the clusterfuck that is XIV. Go ahead take a look into the /xivg/ thread and tell me that XIV doesn't have a ERP problem. I'd rather have retards arguing about 'muh Horde vs Alliance' in my game than people talking about how much they want to fuck their character with nude mods.

Wow is bad for the same reason that it's popular. It gutted out core elements of the genre to appeal to a wider audience that was never interested in MMOs and forced a focus on an endgame raiding loot treadmill because Tigole is an autistic nigger.

This Eden.

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Mindless blizzdrone

I wasn't even fucking talking about XIV which is nearly a 1:1 copy of WoW

Then you have a conflict of interest. As a XIV fan theres almost no concern over Classic past launch month. The nostalgia will wear off once everyone hits 60. Most of the followers of the e-celebs wont even reach that before they realize its all just a meme.

How does /xivg/ affect the game for you, you can avoid the servers and the players? Jesus do you play with faggots here? Have you not learned your lessons in 2004-2008?

>conflict of interest
It's a video game

imagine basing every region server community based on 1 /vg/ thread on a weaboo website

WoW isn't great right now, but you can't blame a game for killing a genre due to people wanting to play it and emulate it.

>Complaining about FFXIV's erp problem when Goldshire exists and the degeneracy that festers there
Whatever you say retard.

With an actual story, progression of it and lore.

Based retard

WoW don't got Chocobos lmao! Gottem

Yoshi hates Happy yet is forced to include him as he's one of the only in community who does it for free. what happened?

>This again

When will you guys stop trying to pull that card? The term still applies. Someone who still plays modern WoW cant call themselves an XIV fan.

I can when the reason people wanted to play it is because they hated MMOs and got lured into one because it had gutted the genre and made it accessible. People copied it because it made money.

>I am actively subbed to retail

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Yes and it's no surprise that FFXIV is growing because they're copying the formula that had the most subs/players.

You should probably realize that /xivg/ is like .000001% of the game's population. Outside of Balmung and even Uldah in Balmung and Mateus there isn't really any ERP at all. Its like you see Goldshire in WoW on Moonguard and think that represents all of WoW.

Someone who plays LoL can't call themselves a Dota 2 fan.

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>yoshi hates happy

I want to see some proof on this, as much as I'd love to believe it, this just looks like some shit you pulled out of your ass.

If old style MMOs were good they would be thriving today. Unfortunately, those types of MMOs cant exist in the modern world where everyone is busier and has more opportunities. Those old school MMOs thrived because the internet and was and wondrous to them. That magic is long gone even for zoomers.

>MCH finally about to be put out of its misery and changed to a limited Job according to leaks

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>do PvP
>repeat 5 times
>no idea if it's my fault or just bad teammates

Probably both.

PvP is a crapshoot. Just grind away until you get whatever you're after.

you and everyone else in your alliance is thinking the same thing
so both

In my first 40 matches I had around 75% winrate as a melee, so it's probably both.

>If books were good they would be thriving today.

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>add another RDPS to bring it up to 3 and even things out

>put MCH in a limited job to bring it back to 2

The absolute mad lads.

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Based Yoshi P

You'd have to donate money to a Twitch streamer in hopes they send you a beta code to relive your middle school glory days but with sharding.

This it's a attention market now.

Imagine chatting with people to find a party of 4~8 people to go manually ride/run to a dungeon then enter it.

These are huge time commitments.

This is why RTS died to Dota.
This is why FPS died to Battle Royale.

People want these bite sized max 1 hour experiences they can control.

Nobody has the will or time anymore to slog it out for 3 hours in an RTS or get no rewards from simple team deathmatch in UT,Q3 etc...

I remember in Rangarok Online, one death at high levels could negate hours of grind. People simply don't have the time or will for it now. They want instant gratification and the market provides.

fucking retarded jap, that's not how you use a gun


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This is an unbelievably specific theory.

Where do you get all of this from?

I think you mean Scholar. It's over bros.

Well I wouldn't say I want instant gratification. I still want a long journey to the top in MMOs. I just want to be able to do it in manageable portions and not have to set aside entire days to progress.

I wish. At least then the suffering would end.

you have to go back

Is it too late to get into Alphascape with PUGs?

>TFW you main MCH and MNK
feels good to be the laughingstock bros, haha

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>Imagine chatting with people to find a party of 4~8 people to go manually ride/run to a dungeon then enter it.
Oh god imagine playing an MMO and having to talk to people. What is this genre supposed to be about socializing or something? LMFAO and imagine actually playing in a world you actually had to traverse through instead of staying in a city that you treat like a lobby for instanced content! Wow, that would be awful. Nobody plays an MMO for that. It's all about raising your item level in the shortest time possible!

You can try, but people doing it right now will be the bottom of the barrel. I heard horror stories about people reaching enrage on o9s with 15% echo.

How do I find a PvP team?

you dont

You're on Yea Forums this makes you already maybe 10% or even 5% of an MMO population hell maybe just 2%...

We're talking about your regular joe here and from any companies perspective you being fanatically devoted to a game is about as profitable as casual on the PS4 that didn't ever care for it.

Sure you might buy that CE and might buy a plushy or something. But 5 casuals are worth to them more then you are.

And this is why you see the gaming landscape you see today.

FFXIV and WoW are the only MMOs standing. Probably because they're the best but even then they're dying out or and sharing a dwindling fanbase thats getting older and older and has no interest.

They need to attract new young players, but competing with literally free is unbelievably hard.

Not only does literally free give all your friends the free game it also gives you a social network and pressure not to leave it.

The only reason I played dota 2 is because my friends played it. LoL was easier, HoN was well it was alive back then but point is. MMOs are a dying breed of games that have a constant audience that grew up with them and doesn't' attract to many new players.

i have no clue ive never done pvp in this game. Maybe join a free company and go from there

You don't need to type a reddit spaced paragraph to explain why the companies choose to sterilize the genre to appeal to a wider audience. We already know that. I'm just telling you it's shit, just as it is for any fucking vidya that does the same.

you have to go back

I enjoy ffxiv too, however Classic is an actual RPG and will be another phenomenon amongst the gaming culture, especially with streaming.
Expect to see 1000's of guides and "thoughts" videos of it with each phase, it will never lose steam and will likely reshape blizzard for the better when they see how much it resonates with the gaming community.

FFXIV while significantly better than retail WoW, what it offers content-wise compared to Classic is child's play, even if you combine both expansions.

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I've been playing for 3 years and I have yet to encounter ERP shit, and I play on Balmung.

Because you live in a bubble

XIV has been pretty DOA for awhile.

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>FFXIV and WoW are the only MMOs standing.

Why do people ignore F2P games that actually have way higher populations spending money than WoW or XIV, such as Runescape?

Sadly thats what it's come to.
I've been playing FFXIV for a long time now. And when the vast majority of my guild is not subed like right now it feels like I'm playing a SP game where I see other people but never interact with them.

I don't talk to anyone outside dungeons and even then it's about mechanics or just gg.
In alliance raids it's mostly telling new players or retards the mechanics.
I have like 5 linkshells and the only thing I do in them is repost hunts.

The only time I needed to talk to people is when I tried raids or extreme content pug and I do that almost never.

Here and there I write something in guild chat, get no response.

There is no sitting around like in RO and spaming emotes and talking about shit, you know why? Why talk in FFXIV when I have my guild or friends on discord where I can post links, videos, music, whatever. Discord and similar programs sucked out the life of the MMO if you ask me by providing a platform to chat instead of the game.

Shut up.

>It's yet another ancient high technology episode
Coils, Alexander, Omega, can't they step away from it for a single raid series?

make me bitch boy

>"focus the guy with 50 medals!"
I think it's the bad teammates.

Thats the problem with Classic. Its got no longevity. People are already blazing through level 30-40+ on the beta. Once they clear the raids (because they know all the mechanics, gear, strategies, leveling spots) they'll have nothing to do and go back to their 'main games.' Classic suffers from most of its playerbase already knowing and experiencing every bit it had to offer except maybe Naxx.

That user pulled that theory out of his ass.

So nothing different from release then.

How else are we gonna get more cool robot voice songs

You do realize Final Fantasy always falls back on Ancient Mega Civilization shit when they run out of ideas right? I will admit it's worse in FF14 though

Based on what we've seen, Ronkan shit looks to be more magical than high technology. Think ancient Aztec and Egyptian stonework crystal tech.

I have no issue talking to people. But you go into Uldah, Limsa, etc and start recruiting people through shout to do a random dungeon with you and see how long it takes. Automated systems make it so old/leveling content even gets done anymore because most people are just interested in max level content unless rewards are involved.

It going to be funny to see this post in 3~4 months. Your fantasies might come true but I give it a whole 5% chance. It will just die and be forgotten and it's going to split the player base while it does the dying and forgetting.

Meanwhile FFXIV is going to do the same thing it did in HW and SB. And after the 55 times players will say well fuck it's just like last time am I playing this in a loop let's go play other games.

This is what happened to me with SB. I player ARR and HW. I was subed for about half of all of it. Then SB came and I was like wow so it's going to be the same structure all over again. I didn't even wait for 4.1 I just quit a month in.

Then I got back in 4.5 for some reason or another.

>Why do people ignore F2P games that actually have way higher populations
Can you provide some actual numbers?

Are you talking about chink games like Dungeon Fighter Online?

What other game has a population compared to WoW and FFXIV today? Runescape REALLY?

>But you go into Uldah, Limsa, etc and start recruiting people through shout to do a random dungeon with you and see how long it takes
Of course it will never work because of the duty finder and the culture of players it has created.
>Automated systems make it so old/leveling content even gets done anymore because most people are just interested in max level content unless rewards are involved.
That's another problem that WoW gave us. Vertical progression fucks anything that isn't current max level.

You had the alliance raids be old tech and look how it turned out. Fucking dogshit.

The fuck are you talking about? Ivalice was fantastic.

How about something that's just fantasy instead?

Do we live in the same world?

Recycles bosses from another game.
Recycled music from another game.
The most boring raid story in FFXIV history.
The ugliest gear of any raid designed to appeal to previous games fan boys.
Forgettable bosses that used old mechanics of other boses previously...

What manner of faggotry is this

But Orbonne was the best 24man raid yet.

Why do people always think 'WoW is dead/dying!' whenever there's one bad patch? WoD was garbage, then Legion was great, now since BFA is bad for 8.1 people say the game is dead.

Tune in next episode when Blizzard fixes the problems with BFA and its great once again.

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Construct 8 is hands down the best 24-man boss they've ever designed.

You underestimate that user's poopsocking for US/EU world 1st
Some knob is going to get to lvl 80 by the evening of the second day because he has been nonstop dungeon crawling over and over between MSQ quests that allow them to not be in the queue.

>want to do O10S
>have major PUG anxiety

I dunno what to do

Don't worry, tanks do all the mechanics in pugs.

>That's another problem that WoW gave us. Vertical progression fucks anything that isn't current max level.

Indeed all tab-target games suffer from this problem..

I could write a research paper on how well RO did progression.

In novice zones you could see fucking priests going holy lighting fabres to get that card for that +4 rod.

If you got a pupa card as a novice you could sell it for insane money.

That rod you got at the start of the game with tons upgrades and cards could become viable end game gear in pvp.

The rich elite could trickle down money to poor players by buying items they farmed.

Without the market board prices are suddenly more natural and haggling skills also get developed.

Almost all high level content could technially be done solo if geared right.

Money could solve tons of problems and money actually had value.

Farming gear that can be traded to anyone and a way to waste it via upgrades.

New content being released the same level as old one and not making it obsolete but adding to the overall experience.

The countless ways a class could be played by altering stats and skills.

How some builds were based on literally one or two cards and when you got them you totally changed your playstyle.


XIV recycles models all the goddamn time. if i was uncomfortable with that, i wouldn't be playing now

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Just go in and fucking do it faggot.

Most people who played Legion hated it outside of Mythic+. Its been overall bad for 3+ (arguable) expansions.

The raid will only be on its 3rd week by that point, the vast majority of people will likely be still progging something or another at that point. Just because some autists no life something doesn't make that the norm for the majority of players.

I would say PF it, but PF has been a total trap for months now.

Only trannies and weebs play ffxiv

Wow nigga do you expect me to read all that shit by you

But I am a tank

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> Elfin Bow: Discovered by the Sons of Saint Coinach amongst a cache of weapons apparently seized by the Allagan Empire during their conquest of the Three Great Continents, this particular bow is documented as having belonged to a lost race of tall, slender beings known as "Elves." Some speculation has been made as to the Elves' relationship to modern-day Elezen, yet evidence proving a definitive connection has yet to be found.

The Allagan Empire was at war with the First Shard's Ronkan Empire. They used a voidsent similar to the one used by Mhach vs Nym to spread a plague that killed of most of its population. Allag then proceeded to use Ronkan floating city magic and created the Azys Lla. The clues are out there.

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WoW has been utter shit since Wrath

It's for the best, 10s sucks dick. 11s is one of the most enjoyable savage fights in the game though.

I'm sorry, pugs have decided that tanks are supposed to do everything in o10s.

>The Allagan Empire was at war with the First Shard's Ronkan Empire

There's nothing there to suggest any kind of war, only contact.

Imagine Final Fantasy XIV classic

First of all it's Construct 7, Construct 8 is a fucking minion.
>Model recycled is literally from another game
>Mechanics stolen from previous raids and bosses
>Destroy: Tankbuster likes many others
>Accelerate: Random AoE like many bosses
>Compress: Linear AoE like any other
>Lithobrake: Meteor how original
>Dispose: Rotating 45° AoE how original where did I see that before oh... many other bosses
>Computation Mode: wow where did I see this oh was it a dungeon in the Azim Step but didn't have numbers.
>Tartarean Protocol Loaded: Add killing phase
>Incinerate: Raid wide AoE wew
>Ventilate: oh it's gonna rotate now
>Construct 7.1 ads literally plus/minuis mechanic from previous raid and ozma mechanics


first of all you are fucking gay
second of all i aint reading that shit

>t. 35 year old boomer

Wrath is when the game changed, but IMO for the better.

How will I ever survive.

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Once they built Crystal Tower to tear open a hole to the 14th it burnt itself simultaneously into every shard at once, the Ronkans probably came to investigate and got bodied by Xande and Amon

I don't understand why they chose to use traditional fantasy names for some, the old FFXI name for Hyur, and then all new names for the rest.

Oh I see, you're a fag.

so FFXIV in FFXIII engine

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Being 'responsible' for the tether in hot tail is much less work than actually doing the hot tail mechanic. Beyond that pugs don't really lump anything extra on tanks that isn't already dictated by the fight.

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The point is morons will power level and become bored fast after "Catching up"; then spread how to do it so everyone lazy follows suit but at a more leisurely pace. I dont think the majority do it by metrics to be honest, but you'll for sure see some autist here after 1 1/2 months complaining about having nothing to do and how it has less things to do even with the week(s) old hardcore content.
Shit's stupid but it's going to happen just like it always does.

Now this is what SOUL looks like

You're right but your words are wasted on XIV players. Yoshi's two-pronged mutant dick is too far up their ears to listen to any criticism.

Elves and Dwarves were used in FF1 and FF4 which is why they're being used.

If I resub what are my chances to get into the beta is it guaranteed?

The Crystal Tower is a giant aetheryte of sorts. It can already open a portal to each shard, but requires a lot of (sun) energy. CoD is unique in that she's the literal manifestation of the darkness that consumed the 13th, so she requires a lot more power in the form Dalamud. Sending clones and magitek to a shard is easier by comparison.

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very little. they prioritize influencers/streamers and people who stuck with WoW since vanilla.

now user, it's almost like coming up with 12 different unique mechanics an encounter is hard or something. I'm sure WoW doesn't do that though, nonono.

Also if we had 12 new mechanics a fight, most probably wouldn't be making it through the 24 man alive, considering how stupid some players can be.

Did staf get shuffled around after heavensward? Why was the questing so much worse in Stormblood?

>Did staf get shuffled around after heavensward?
Yes, a lot of them got pulled to whatever secret project Yoshi has been working on.

Update, I got 4 wins in a row as AST.

I don't agree with you, you are gay.

Fuck you can't read and I'm gay. Why didn't I think of that.

Here some more shit not to read.

>ARR raid
Lore dump (explains allag, void, 4th umbral), new mechanics (never seen before shit)

>Hw raid
Lore dump (explains the mage war, void, 6th umbral), some new mechanics

>Sb raid

Lore Dump (explains zodiac brave story, explains tiny story about a kingdom in othard that has no effect on overall story, possibly origin of garlemald), very few new mechanics

So my main gripe is, the other two raids had significance on the world of FFXIV, this was a footnote in history nobody knew or cared about except that family.

Going by the fact that the next one is NIER based I expect much of the same but with a different look.

I just hope we don't get Ozma 3.0 this time.

Different writers I believe.

Being reductionist can make literally anything look bad.
>Computation Mode: wow where did I see this oh was it a dungeon in the Azim Step but didn't have numbers.
Numbers is the whole point of the mechanic, are you brain damaged?

>Lore Dump (explains zodiac brave story, explains tiny story about a kingdom in othard that has no effect on overall story
Sounds like you're a brainlet that can't connect dots unless they're connected for you. The Lucavi stones are also related to the downfall of the Thirteenth. And the Necrohol of Mullonde is light-burned like the First.

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I never got to play Rival Wings, why did it die so fast?

>Source: trust me dude

Find out when your DC doing Hidden Gorge and have fun. Actually the only enjoyable pvp mode.

I'm not going to spoonfeed you, nigger. If this shit is important to you then keep up on the latest news yourself.

Same reason nobody likes LoV

Final fantasy is for trannies, weebs, and slant eyed faggots. Fuck off

different writers. Kazutoyo Maehiro did Heavensward MSQ, Natsuko Ishikawa did Stormblood MSQ.

Only 48 players, the robot gimmick was really bad because it made melee DPS completely useless, map was unbalanced in that one side (the ravens?) got to mid faster.
Less overall players and with healers being reworked it made it impossible to actually kill a healer if they had any form of support.

>queue for The Feast
>over 30m
>queue for Hidden Gorge
>over 30m
>queue for frontlines
>less than 5m

I never played LoV, so I don't know why people don't like that either. I just wanna PvP. even though pvp in xiv is pretty shit

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>Model recycled is literally from another game
what game is the construct 7 model recycled from?

Banri Oda was the main writer for Stormblood. Natsuko only did some stuff like the Azim Steppe.

it's another PVP gamemode with a stupid PVE minigame tied to it. seal rock is the only frontlines map that got it right.

Anyone have any other leaks?

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Did you play ARR?

Yes people did wipe how else do they learn?

Jesus today even today do you know all the wipe mechanics in ARR 24 man let me list them for you.

Labyrinth of the Ancients

>Bone Dragon
and skeletons, does alliance wide aoe wipes galore
People didn't stand or know where to stand wipes
Everyone DPSed hi didn't notices he was invunrable didn't kill adds wiped, now this is pretty tame and hardly anyone wiped.
>Allagan Bomb
People didn't dps fast enough or focused them one by one or tanked them together or rotated them wrong. Wipes galore
>King Behemoth
Countless deaths to electricity and meteor.
Ancient Flare Deaths galore

Syrcus Tower
Didn't know mechanics of Element balls and died.
>Glasya Labolas
Didn't stand on the right glowing shit wipe
Countless deaths due to not understanding water ,freezing, curtain call. Also death due to adds
You don't float you wipe, too low DPS in meteor phase you die.

The World of Darkness
>Angra Mainyu
To this day people wipe here not understanding the doom, the clocks or the two colored AoE
>Five-headed Dragon
Don't DPS the heads die, wrong AoE drop die, don't kill adds die
>Howling Atomos
Okay nobody really dies to this right?
Even today people have no idea how to get eaten or how to use chains
>Cloud of Darkness
Due to the huge dps increase this has gotten easy in ARR people wiped like crazy on this boss, getting hit by the lazer, not stopping clouds, not entering the force fields.


HW raid was piss easy in comparsion to ARR.
SB is even more piss easy.

Will 5.0 have a battle royale pvp?

While the actual skill is fake, the moron forgot to replace the "Phoenix Aether" bit as well. That combined with that video those Germans posted all but confirms Summoners will be getting a Demi and/or -Egi Phoenix.

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Ozma and Thunder God say hi

People refuse to learn a simple strategic game mode and call it bad for that reason.
That and relying on the rest of the team to cooperate tends to not work out most of the time.

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>>Allagan Bomb
>tanked them together
I always wondered, what happens when you do that?

Here you go bro.

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The only fun PVP mode desu

You mean Ozma and Ozma 2.0?

I'm sure we're going to see Nier Ozma 3.0 too.

>HW raid was piss easy
dun scaith says hi

dun scaith wasn't hard. Now wiping city, that was a good meme

I hope not. Phoenix seems like a boring upgrade to Bahamut.

Not even Dun Scaith, you also had "Wiping" city of mhach.

Oh wow I sure love my jobs in this game to be building up to a phase, then building up to a new phase then building up to a third phase just to see a full regular rotation.

Everything seems to have been confirmed. But what does the pic of Solus mean?

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I'd rather have Alexander but Phoenix is still cool, and it's already tied to Bahamut.

It accelerates the speed at which the bomb in the center grows, which'll eventually end in a wipe.

Hold on a minute.
NA media tour didn't happen yet. How did Larry get his hands on that info?

It'd be funny if that retard got himself and someone else sacked with this fuck-up.

It means gas all lalas

So you could tank them all together at the edge?

Big yikes.

But at least from what I've come to understand about the battle team's encounter design is they like the basic framework, than build off of it. The core staples of almost any boss encounter (raidwides, tankbuster, group soak) form a nice bedrock, and it helps people who might be new to the game or the encounter quickly get some ground. And then they add some cool new stuff on top of it, like Seiryu's rapid fire of mechanics, or Susano's lighting attacks. Sure, you can always expect a fight to have certain elements, but no two fights in XIV are direct carbon copies and along with the encounter theming (which imo is what the XIV team is best at), is why I like XIV over WoW.

Attached: 1-800-did-i-ask.png (540x206, 44K)

He's probably in a discord with other 'content creators'

I don't know about you, but first week of deathgaze was some goofy shit. Ferdiad's pads too, and people still fuck up scathach.

WoW Classic is going to crash and burn and everyone knows it, it's all ironic shitposting

>How did Larry get his hands on that info?
He didn't. It only says phoenix there because of the leak here and people trying to hear SMN sounds in a DRK part of the video are fucking reaching.

>trust me bro, it's happening

>thinking you can just stop playing classic until new content comes out
nigger you obviously never played classic before that shit becomes a 2nd job if you want to actually get anywhere

>You don't float you wipe, too low DPS in meteor phase you die.
I only ever got to witness a meteor wipe once. Most of the deaths were from people not standing in the circle yellow shit, causing a full raid wipe from 3-4 of them going off at once.

I can't imagine no-lifeing two mmos. XIV takes up so much of my time as is.

I'm completely baffled by players with multiple endgame characters.

Okay I do admit i phrased it wrong. I played since 2.0 so in my opinion people wiped a lot more during ARR days than they did in HW days.

I won't deny that Froggal, Ozma, Calofisteri did soem good wipes.
And so did Scathach and Diabolos Hollow.

Do you think Larry is clever enough to do that fakeout on purpose?


>Phoenix sounds

I didn't hear a sound. If someone still has the clip, you can OBJECTIVELY hear Phoenix's theme at 23 seconds in.

Both games are shit. MMO's in the current year are only for autists

I wish all games had this option so you could play anything on anything even if it looks like shit

He's probably clever enough to realize that in case Phoenix is real then it'd seem like he's leaking NDA info and he could get denied entry to media tour.

Other than Hien, name 1 good character in the stormblood MSQ. Even all the Scions were shit in SB

Attached: Hein.jpg (1024x576, 191K)

Are you implying someone cant travel to EU and just go to their media tour?

Both ameriturds and yuropoors influencers are probably in some discord circlejerking in secret.
His "lmao guys its so easy to make a fake leak :)))" was to try and distract you away from his attention whoring fuck up.

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Gosetsu is one of the best characters in Final Fantasy, let alone Stormblood.

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So what is the 'cheap' server on Primal? There are clearcut cheapest servers on Crystal and Aether

Au ra incel

You get phoenix aether everytime you summon demi-bahamut

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You can just spam the mandragora minion for 99% of LoV levels to beat them all and get the Twintania minion. Also afking until you lose 5 LoV matches a week gives you like 50k mgp thanks to the challenge log

I'm pretty sure his Twitter would mention that he went to it.

You got lolis. You just can't play as them.
Now go do WT you filthy degenerate.

Attached: Khloesticker.png (98x188, 33K)

Sadu and /ourguy/ Magnai.



Zenos was good enough to be in Dissidia over Nael or Gaius. He'll also be the emperor by the end of 5.0

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>all it lets you do is respawn with full Aetherflow just in case you die

>I want to save this war criminal because she gets my dick hard

It's an arrangement of the Shadowbringers theme you deaf retard.

While i disagree with you and think that the 24-men raids have maintained a nice level of difficulty i do miss doing the mechanics for the ARR ones. One of these days i was doing Cloud of Darkness and half of the group must have been AFK because our dps was low enough that we actually got to see the debuffing snake things, it was so nostalgic

Found it uploaded. That is absolutely Phoenix's theme or motif at 23 seconds. Go listen to the song itself.

Sadu is apparently a trans icon in the ffxiv community now

Attached: 5vpVwhy.png (318x372, 263K)

>build up to a phase to build up to a phase to build up to a phase
The madmen at SE might actually do it.

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Stop speed reading you fucking tard

Man, you must REALLY hate the 8-man raid content this expansion too. Atleast the 24-mans actually design a zone to "explore" so to speak.

She was more like a daughter than a waifu to him

Nope. Wrong. The leak has been right on literally everything so far. It would be foolish with all this data to suggest its not phoenix.

>SMN gets to die without any consequence.
BLMs would be triggered as fuck.

The music was the only good part of Stormblood

That would remove SMN's biggest weakness in that it's utterly crippled if you die at the wrong time

Gosetsu was great up to Doma Castle. Post Doma, he became a cuck.

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I hear the screech but I don't recognize the music, and I listen to From the Ashes all the time.

The first 2-3 seconds are clearly a casting sound effect and some creature being summoned. Not sure why people think this is the DRK segment.

What if Phoenix is just SUM's way of having a free revive for them and others?

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>BLU is a support melee ala NIN
>DNC is a healer

>Found it uploaded. That is absolutely Phoenix's theme or motif at 23 seconds. Go listen to the song itself.
No, it's the "we fall" part from the cinematic rearranged. Why the fuck would Phoenix's theme, which is just Answers really, be in a Job video for Shadowbringers, on Dark Knight segment no less?

If you reached any harder you'd be on the Moon by now.

You're letting your opinion of Yotsuyu paint how you viewed his character arc. Gosetsu is a 10/10 character.

I always thought female au ra are what trannies gravitate to the most because they have the most trans like body and stances.

>SMN dying

>trans like body and stances
Literally obsessed.

Don't get me wrong he's still a great character, but the entire amnesia arc was stupid.

Im talking about the image. Regarding your comments, Blufevir NEVER stated the role of DNC, only that it existed. Go look it up. In regards to BLU, its entirely reasonable it changed from a caster melee to ranged casting in the year leading up to its reveal.

Do you even know what that acronym means you mongoloid

You have to remember when Syrcus Tower was 2.3.

What does that mean?

It means average ilvl at the start of it was 80-90 if you're good and farmed

80 if you're going off the previous raid gear.

Tons of people were lazy and going in with half or full Darklight Armor aka ilvl70 that was the minimum.

So imagine how low the DPS was with people going in with like Tomestone of Mythology and DarkLight gear?

At best they had ilvl 100 tidal wave weapons most didn't.

>because they have the most trans like body and stances
It's because they're small and feminine in a traditionally Japanese way, and trannies fucking love the goth aesthetic for some reason so the black scales appeal to them. They've also decided that belief in reincarnation = gender fluidity.

Why do you guys keep claiming this is the DRK segment?

Because you can clearly heard the Bloodspiller sound.

Well it's specifically that Sadu was a man in her previous life.

Previews when?

Jesus Christ have you ever played this game?

I kinda want this, fal'cie having to deal with hydaelyn's shit after everything they went through would be hilarious

>missing the point of Gosestsu's character entirely

Why would they be using Bloodspiller in a new skills demonstration video? Unless it was a combo from it.

Jesus I didn't even list that, that how long it's been since I've actually seen it.

Nah, the amnesia stuff was entirely necessary and if you think he should have died at Doma Castle then you missed the entire point. Gosetsu needed to work through his regrets and his sins instead of finding a false peace in death.

That's reincarnation, not gender fluidity. She doesn't identify as a man, she just believes she was one in her past life.

Is it possible to finish ARR, HW, and SB before ShB? I am level 40 right now, senpai is gone so the house is empty, and it's summer.

You know that almost makes sense.
If it's true that SCH and SMN are being split in to two, SMN might not have Raise anymore. To replace it, Phoenix Aether - can be used to revive self or other party members.

>Why would they be using Bloodspiller in a new skills demonstration video? Unless it was a combo from it.
I. Don't. Know. Maybe it works differently with the gauge now and they wanted to show that.

FFXIV story wise might be the Marvel of all MMOs.

The shit they actually pulled is brilliant and I'm amazed they did it. SB original story was weak but the patches redeemed it for me.

But the transition from 1.0 > 2.0 > 3.0 were literal master pieces. So much that I regret not playing the dogshit that was 1.0 just to see the end of it.

Shouldn't take you more than 1 month if you go slowly and watch CS. 1 month and a half tops

if you have the shadowbringers preorder earrings and play on a preferred world then sure

There is one 8 man raid this expantion that is godlike.

The savage train ride blew me away. Hell the normal raid blew me away by how damn unexpected it was.

The rest was meh compared to Alexander.

I'm just sad we're adding in Nier stuff. Would rather the game makes up its own stuff. It was the same with Ivalice and Omega in Stormblood. I had less of a problem with Crystal Tower because they at least tried making that a part of XIV's lore.

Where are all the red mages?

Stormblood job action video still showed old skills and abilities that didn't build up to another new ability (like Plunge and Carve and Spit)

Nier stuff? We're getting sexy androids in Shadowbringer?

alisae gets amnesia and becomes the primal's vessel due to pixie trickery

Attached: ffxiv-titania-cg.png (1440x1080, 886K)

11s is my favorite Savage encounter in the entire game. My favorite encounters are ones with a million bite-sized phases that each last around ~15 seconds, so progress is visible and immediate. Omega is the best executed version of this fight design so far in my opinion.

How much of a man are you? You can sit on it 12 hours a day and you'll be done by end of the next week.

Problem with going into FFXIV is you're blasted by 5 years of content and you get distracted.

I recommend you finish the MSQ fuck everything else.

If you go down a path you won't come back for a day or two, and theres like a gaziolon of paths and they're long as FUCK.

In the trash where they belong.

this alisae turning into a primal meme is fake and gay

All I want from 5.0 is for the 3.3 Summoner back. I miss having a proper Shadow Flare, Contagion, Raging Strikes, multiple forms of Bio and Miasma.

Agreed. I'm extremely wary about Nier but part of me also trusts Taro.
Where have you been man?

Agreed. Titania is obviously Alphinaud.

Honestly, I feel Alexander only had a few great raids. You had great stuff like cruise chaser and alexander prime. But you also had fights like cuff of the father and the trashman fight.

Omegascape had some pretty great fights too. Honestly I enjoyed all of alpha, and ghost train and kefka were pretty fun. It did have some stinkers like catastrophe and Alte Roite, but overall I felt it was solid.

>Alphinaud becomes the fairy queen
>you can become his king

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How long will it take to get 200,000 GP send help

But the Ivalice stuff was great.

We admittingly have no idea how Nier will fit.

There's admittingly a 95% chance it clashes, but it could work out.

2 weeks

>spear nerfed down to 5%
>balance changed to 5% DH

Oh my fuck just rip AST jesus dick yoship

Attached: kermit aaaaaaaaaa.gif (500x281, 351K)

not that long, 1-8 days depending on how lucky you are, and how much you're willing to farm GATEs

An hour a week for 100k. But you waited too late so you'll have to grind out that 2nd 100k 4000 at a time.

Ivalice is a part of XIV's lore though. It's literally a part of the world map and even the same dude that created Ivalice in FF12/Tactics worked on it.

Bet WoW Classic tapers off hard.
Nobody really cares about FFXIV, so... eh...

The raids themselves were p great.

The story was a bit of a dissapointment. I hope they let Taro go full Taro. I know it can't be as fucked up as his usual fare since it's a T rated game, but I hope it's at least kinda fucked up.

And FF14 has some pretty fucked up moments admittingly, but they are generally kinda muted compared to Taro's out and out fucked up-ness

Fashion report 80 score. Easy 65,000

This week you literally just need to wear the custom cuirass you get from tank class level 5 job quest and wear a soot black dye hat of any kind to meet 80

Dalmasca was also first mentioned at fucking level 15 in ARR so it's always been there.

I liked most of Omega, even Catastrophe and Alte Roite, I fucking loved 03s and think its one of the best fights in the expansion.
the one fight I thought was an absolute stinker was Midgarsormr, no new music, boring visuals, its the same fucking dragon fight we have done a bunch of times already, its also slow as fucking piss.

SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT I thought it was a Saints Row thread from the thumbnail.
Are they ever making another Saints Row game? Gat Out of Hell sucked shit.

People are watching streamers complete the entirety of classic content in the beta months before it comes out. Classic is going to flop hard.

This MSQ literally levels you up all the way. The downtime is minimal.
Assuming the EXP is the same as it was when it was originally.
There a few things to consider. Tanks level disproportionately fast because dungeons at the current level are the fastest XP in the game except duty roullete. Duty queues are horrid for DPSes.
So if you're a DPS you will take far longer to complete the MSQ because of the speed bumps. Speed bumps usually come at levels x5 and then again at x7 and x8-x9 this is when you can just do MSQ+Job quest and get a full level.

I never played FF Tactics or the related lore to Ivalice games.
So from my eyes the Ivalice raids where just random bosses from some sand desert country that garlemand destroyed, and I got to learn a bit about the Zodiac Braves from the Relic quest of ARR.
The story and the lore were just a small garlemard family bitching about their history and acting hysterical and then it's all fixed in the end. Some weird pirate dolphins that are actually maybe good, a preview of a new race. You need way too much FF Tactics back story to get all of this. It's really disconnected from FFXIV lore as a raid compared to HW and ARR. There were major lore points that keep coming up in all of the MSQ regularly.

FFXIV already has allagans, magitek, and magic. whatever nier does won't be that farfetched.

I liked Midgardsomr. It felt slower paced, but it was really deliberate. There was a bunch of shit going on so you were still on your toes most of the fight.

should have made it easier on yourself and got started earlier, but you can make 200k MGP in 10 days easy, just do Fashion Report and your weekly challenge log and keep an eye on those GATE's.
who else is looking forward to the screeching when people realize they were too late and can't get the car?

Assuming you do Cackpot daily. Big Lottery. Fashion Report.

2 weeks is about the time you need.

I’m scared that 150k hp will become a norm for tanks and 100k plus for dps. I just hate past 100k numbers in mmo

It's mainly just a very different aesthetic. The magiteck and allagan stuff is all very fantasy technology.

Neir technology is all very "realistic" for lack of a better word.

>i can only appreciate lore in this game if i get the references

>Auricite directly tied to the fall of the 13th shard
>The final stretch of Monastry was overrun by light akin to the First


People are screeching about Garo ending in 6-7 months when they've had literal years to do it.

Guys, I have a confession to make.

I fucking hate Mr. Happy

And not in the sense that I don't like his work or what he does (I mean, I don't). I mean I legitimate find him to be an utterly loathsome creature with an incredibly punchable face. Every time I hear that fat piece of bloody distended rectum spew fecal matter out of his pie hole I want to slap him across that heap of melting pork fat and pubic hair he calls a face.

Imagine being his mother. Imagine squeezing that little goblin out of your snatch and having to watch it grow into THAT absolute sack of complete and total dogshit. God bless that poor woman and all she's had to endure, but also fuck her for unleashing that abomination on this planet.

Drk summons Fray and he fights with you

Is the story in shadowbringers going to be another war campaign? Because that stuff in stormblood felt incredibly weak, rushed and disconnected. I much preferred the adventures in ARR and heavensward that revolved more around specific characters and villains other than this hordes of faceless npc's you need to liberate.

There's also the fact that Nier takes place on the real world Earth.

And all the shit about Ultima and how the Ultima spell shouldn't be able to be castable in our world. Ivalice is very much connected to the MSQ and important lore but it wasn't directly fed to that user so of course he's too stupid to fucking connect the dots.

Calm down, Yoshi.

2 different markets. At first glance they look to be competitors but this isn't true when you look deeper into what the majority of the player base from the both games spend their time doing in game.

I can totally imagine someone who works at Square thinking like this

So how likely is it that they'll change the RR effects on AST? Do people even use the increased duration over potency or aoe? Might as well do something more interesting with it

the only GARO thing I didn't get was the feast horse, I played a load of frontlines when the expansion came out and got all the sets and 2 of the mounts, I hate the feast but I don't even mind.
Mr Happy acts like a twat and his guides can be fucking shit compared to others, I am still mad on how fucking shit he made Tsukiyomi farms on the first month with his shitty ass strat

>Auricite directly tied to the fall of the 13th shard
We knew this before the raid. It was in the MSQ.

>The final stretch of Monastry was overrun by light akin to the First
This is literally only there to tease the expiation and could be replaced.

Are you level 50? If you get your ass on right now, easy. Login and do the easy 80 point fashion report for 60k, then win 10 TT matches in the battlehall against the easiest NPC for 18k, then finally lose 5 LoV matches for 28k. Now do that again next weekend on Fri/Sat and you're set.

Increased duration is great in 4 mans.

both games have you doing fetch quests, dungeons, and raids. the only real difference is that more europeans play WoW than FFXIV and WoW's modern client runs like shit compared to FFXIV in any 40+ people setting.

I heard that training matches count towards the count. So if you got 7 friends, you might be able to just trade wins

>lol random fake leak posting

Wait till you see the new raising star of the FFXIV and Wow refugee community.

It's like a buget SC2 caster.

Of course
Even though her whole deal is closer to headmates insanity than Trans. I guess they forgot headmates were a thing before their fad exploded like it did.

Obviously Shadowbringers is the better simply because it has fresh content to look forward to.

>A single WoW patch has more content and end game activities/bosses than all the FFXIV expansions combined

Don't you fucking dare compare a social MMO to a real MMO.

Attached: rise_of_azshara.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

If job quests from this point on are just going to give Gil and some exp then they might as well not fucking bother. The every expansion only 2-3 seem to have a story that's worthwhile and it feels so utterly scuffed to not get a single skill or piece of nice looking equipment when this used to be how it was done.

"I don't like it because it's not tied to FFXIV"

"Okay it's tied to FFXIV but not in a way I like"


A lot of people excited for WoW classic are people that played in the past and want to relive nostalgia and people who have absolutely no fucking idea just how tedious vanilla WoW was in places. I don't see player retention being super high outside of people who didn't already do stuff like play on Nost.

The redpill is that it takes too much coordination to get a good game going. It requires currently 48 players to have a match going and really the biggest issue is that a small group of 3 healers can hold off an entire 24man team if they're good on the central points. The fact that it requires a deactivation time instead of something like in shatter where if the other team has more players they will start to cap over you is the stupidest shit. As for the newest map, its even worse with the stuff that happens with the train carts and other stuff. People already fucking tunnel vision in the other brain dead modes. Anyone that complains about the robots being imbalanced immediately outs themselves as shiters. Every single robot is easy to deal with/have clear counters and only are an issue once another team starts to snowball.

oh I didn't know that, might get some FC friends together and farm it out over an evening or something
thanks for the heads up

Isn't Potency+Time Dilation way better?

people cried about not just being able to grind to max level. they hated pausing every couple levels to get a key skill, so now we just have to do them all once we hit max level to get the level 80 skill.

I haven't tried it for myself yet, but yeah that's what I heard.

Its worth a shot at least

Aren’t MMOs supposed to be social by design?

But what is better, new content or good meaningful content?

>We knew this before the raid. It was in the MSQ.
It wasn't, it's said in the lore book. But that's not even the point of his statement. We know auracite caused the downfall of the Thirteenth and then Ivalice is all about investigating where the fuck it's coming from and what it can do, only to discover that Ultima is hiding here on our world creating shit like that.

There's then the connection to the Ultima Weapon and the Ultima spell through Ultima and the auracite. Ultima shouldn't be castable on Hydaelyn, it should be physically fucking impossible because of the type energy the spell uses. But the Heart of Sabik somehow allows it to be cast.

When then have the similar motifs between Hydaelyn and Ultima, the light-burned Mullonde, the Gougan connection to Garlemald, and Tartarus. There is a fuckload of important shit in Ivalice and you're just a god damn idiot.

The DPS would have to be three times as skilled as the rest of the group.

>[Citation Needed]

>I know nothing about XIV and want to pretend that Blizzard can save the flaming shit of a trainwreck that is BfA
That's why you're the best, boss.

This guy fucks

I fucking hate drk
Everything about it feels like an inconvenience. then there's the whm spamming holy when I have blood price up

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Auracite is mentioned by Unukalhai as being involved in the fate of another world. It was used by its realm's champions to contain the power of primals, but due to a fatal flaw, it gradually bled out the energies and changed its wielders into fiends of endless appetite, devouring their world's life force.

A similar object, the White Auracite, was a pale stone that could be used to trap an Ascian, allowing them to be destroyed by striking it with sufficient amounts of aether. The Warrior of Light uses these to destroy both Nabriales and Igeyorhm.

Yes but you can only go so far until you hit that cancel sub button. The easiest way to find friends in MMOs is working together to achieve goals. WoW raiding is the easiest way to make friends.

Why does FFXIV have so much implied or just straight up admitted rape in it

Unukalhai isn't MSQ

It's an anime game and rape is moe.

Define meaningful content.

Warrior has and will always be the only tank that's fun to play.

why post a video you haven't watched?

That's why FFXIV has an average of 800~ Twitch viewers and WoW has an average of ~60k.

ERP fags BTFO.

German and French sure but the english one is a localized hackjob.

>Two month gap
It'll be fine

Because that exactly what happens in war?

It's Final Fantasy. There's always some sort of sexual harassment going on.

*breaks into your house with my furry gunblade*
heh...hate to gun-BREAK it to ya...

Attached: GUN.png (720x405, 224K)

How good/fun/useful are ninja's atm? I don't see that many anymore

d-did they fix me yet guys? do people want to p-play me again?

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Why do people post shit about Twitch viewers as if that means anything? That's 800 and 60k people not playing their respective games, like why the fuck do people care about how many people are watching a video game instead of playing it?

>It's a "Adders are too focused on the Maelstrom they forget the Flames exist and get raped in the ass while Malestrom sweeps back in and secures yet another victory to no one's surprise" episode
Getting real sick of this shit, why the fuck are the Maelstrom winning literally 90% of PvP games? Is this some ancient 2.0 thing that's always been going on?

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This is my first MMO and I'm having a hard time separating my single player RPG logic from this game.

they're in demand. hardly anyone plays them because you need good ping to not clip mudras.

Zoomer culture is one with gaming now

Til sea swallows all faggot
Maelstrong stomps on you pathetic Twin Badder and Immortal Shames, learn your place

>had fun with it in pvp during early 4.0

Attached: 1554041169142.jpg (647x594, 71K)

Pre-mades don't bother with Shatter and Maelstrom has a lot of active 'commanders' that direct the alliance.

People play you because its just expected you're shit so no one goes too hard on you at the end of the day

>people doing things are a problem waaah
>stop doing what I don't like, it's weird, lol
I'd take ERP over blizzdrones and assblasted normalfags any day.

Maelstrom is the PVP GC, if you have interest in winning PVP you join Mael. It's always been that way. People would join Flames or Adders, realize their GC sucks, then switch.

Because it shows the general publics interest in the game. There is nothing worth watching a FFXIV stream for which is a giant red flag. The game is stale by design.

Will I need to be lvl 70 before I can unlock gunbreaker?

why even bother replying to him
he's either baiting or genuinely a mouthbreather

Argent Dawn. Moonguard. That other US rp realm. and the german rp realm which is also erp central vs...Balmung and to a lesser extent Mateus.. both of which are US based with some foreign randoms. Yeah no kys.

Like what?

FFXIV has a billion tutorials so you should be fine if you read them. You DID read them, right?

Is that "5 seconds duration lillies that gives 5-15% damage buff" stuff even real?

I have played 150 matches of frontlines and pvp and only ever won 15 of them as maelstrom. Never even switched GCs

How the fuck can a car fly LOL

What makes WoW more interesting to watch then XIV?

this XD

Pretty sure even just a decent player getting a potency+Balance with TD and CO for their opener would outstrip a duration balance in a 4 man. If you have an ice mage and a rabbit ninja in your group then yeah maybe duration would be better

neither is g'raha

There's nothing worth watching for fortnite or apex but whoah would you look at that, underage love watching those games

>Because it shows the general publics interest in the game.
not really. you must be stupid if you think people watch top streams for the games and not for the streamers themselves. ninja could be playing ffxi and he would get 50k+ viewers, clearly not because people are suddenly interested in ffxi.

Nostalgia and zombification

Dungeons being more about a challenge gauntlet than exploring and navigating.

to be fair it really never matters if someone is MSQ or not
alisaea fucks off to deal with coils and even treats you differently depending when she does finally show up in the MSQ if you did coils or not, they could easily do the same thing with other optional NPCs

Oh, yeah. That's one of the biggest sins of XIV in my opinion.


Watching people do strategies in M+'s. Seeing how much damage they can deal with their character, how much they can tank or clutch heal. Raiding scene is super interesting too with people pushing cutting edge on bosses. You can also instantly tell how pro-active the streamer is by looking at their WoW profile and seeing their past achievements and current gear. It's just super fun to watch WoW streamers and compare yourself to them and learn a thing or two.

So the difference is WoWkiddies watch their game while FFXIVchads play theirs?

everything is fake until may 23rd

They somewhat tried that with the level 24 dungeon and people hate it

Looks like my little brother cosplaying Tanya.. freaky shit.
MCH will be a selfish dps with rdm mechanics. Y-You'll see...

more people watch WoW because it has active pvp (arena) and streamer events (asmongold, sodapoppin, etc). FFXIV has neither so naturally the viewerbase will be low.

Yep, see

But you can do that with XIV too.

Kinda sucks for blizzard that the game is more fun to watch than to play. Making strategies is fun but then you have to use your 3 button rotation to actually put it into practice and that's where people stop playing and fire up twitch instead


Why is Mrhappy forced onto people?

It will start at 60 so I suppose you can unlock it at 60. Same as RDM and SAM at 50.

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Mhach were based. Putting otherdimensional demons in the bodies of little girls to contain the demons powers and not afraid of anything.

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for this to happen you would need to make a unique dungeon type because if people had to play this in roulette they would fucking hate it, especially in an expansion or two after you start being shunted into it with less and less of your kit
i would love more difficult/fun dungeons but due to the roulette system they would have to be their own thing

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You just described what you can do in XIV tho

Yoshi-p browses Yea Forums confirmed.

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Well this was something...

Attached: [PM]Pocket_Monsters_Sun_&_Moon_003_Good_Rotomorning,_I_am_the_Rotom_Zukan![H264_720P][13C05626]. (1280x720, 107K)

He sells himself as a brand and people keep giving him attention

I've been wondering about that. been doing this (seemingly in vain since most feasts are lost causes anyway) but i can't help but worry about points. Do you not lose points even when you go beyond bronze? If so I can at least grind my 1/20 wins without worrying about that.

I like how GUNs have their swords on their shoulders

That's a GBR

they're slowly turning WoW into a MOBA. only 4-5 buttons to maximize, camera zoomed all the way out so your character looks like an ant, people commentating over raiders and arena gameplay because the average player can't tell what the fuck is going on visually from the camera and effects. it's basically fun to watch but terrible to play.

Where's the drip fed screenshot or blog post or twitter video for today to keep us hyped for the live letter?

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What the fuck is wrong with you?

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youre goober

It looks great as a /pose, but it looks silly as their combat idle.

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>unironically talking about twitch views
You need to nuke yourselves asap. Imagine being concerned about how many people are watching a stranger play video games online

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i wanna impregnate a sailor girl

You could argue that the majority of people interested in XIV are playing XIV while the majority interested in WoW aren't playing WoW, instead opting to watch others play it instead.

no, that's not britain

Should have been Seifer's battle stance

lala's will get a unique stance guaranteed

i loved getting to diablos hollow and then running out of time good meme on DFs part

its weekend, i dont think they post stuff on their social media or xiv website on the weekend

Who else maining GUB?

Attached: giga.png (680x760, 191K)

M+ was only fun in Legion because Blizzard made it fun by accident.
Once they shifted focus to it in BFA, it became overly bloated, anti-fun dog shit.

all of the steppes tribes, even the horsefuckers, but NOT the tribe that ugly pink cunt is from

>MCH will be a selfish dps
oh good, it gets to play like absolute shit and be unwanted by all other groups

The weapon looks a lot smaller in this screenshot than in the promo render.

Its GNB faggots.
GUN is inaccurate/has a vowel when none of the first three consonants repeat.
(G)u(N) (B)reaker is the most logically sound acronym.
Now will all you shut up

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WoWfags can't post sub numbers anymore so they rely on silly metrics like twitch viewers

GUB? I'm maining GUN

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>Implying any sailor senshi would ever touch you.

I'm all over GBK when it releases

looks like autistic larping
the catboy doesnt help

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At this point I kind of wish they will rework MCH to be the BLM/SAM of ranged physical dps. Make it a gunslinger class with barely any support but lots of big guns like wiping out a mini-gun then a shotgun and so on.

Shame that it's so dumbed down, I really like the ideas of some classes (mainly Disc Priest and Brew Monk) but just pressing 123123 over and over makes me hate playing them. I would not mind at all if Yoship just turned WHM into a disc priest, not like WoW is doing anything interesting with the idea anyway.

>At this point I kind of wish they will rework MCH to be the BLM/SAM of ranged physical dps.
I think that's what they're going to do. It would fit a niche that FFXIV doesn't have already. Plus it's easier to balance personal dps than it is for party dps

It's obviously GBR you dolt

The problem with that is that if they make it deal too much damage then it also has that mobility on top of it and there's no reason to bring a melee. If it's too weak with no support then there's no reason to bring it. I'm not sure what they could do to make it stand out except for just giving it cool shit like the chainsaw and drill.

Fuck Summoning I wanna be a Scatromancer instead!

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Unfortunate name but

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>summons feces to fling at the enemy

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You didn't think that name through, did you?

One of the SMN concepts in 1.0 was a void mage that would summon B-team summons like Cait Sith, Mindflayer, Bomb, and Shoat. People wanted the classics though.

her name is Skah-THAUCK

Is that Chad

It's all bait you fucking retard, nobody here is actually retarded enough to think it's gonna be anything except GNB r-right

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>tfw could've had more interesting SMN but streamlining ruined it and created the nuggets

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That's the best part.

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Post it all user

fucking brap posters

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Remember when Yoshida said forever ago that FCs could summon primals in zones and it would be a server event type of deal like Odin?

I like fire scat more than shadow scat

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>people aggroing and dying to her just to get stepped on by her

Yoshida says a lot of things.

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I don't like that she looks like a reskinned Au'ra.

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i guess Titania will be a reskinned Scatac and this

Remember when Yoshi said they'd add more Summoner egis every major patch and its been 2 years since carbuncle was added and nothing since?

that fucking bastard

I want to use her hair on Au ra

Nobody cares that Susano was a reskinned iron giant so it'll be fine.

The screenshot of just that is still on their steam page.

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could be worse
omega is just a reskin of the thanalan frogs
he even has the same idle lol

he looks like a chad, ready to grab the pussy cat with one hand and to kill furries with the other

>omega is just a reskin of the thanalan frogs

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I can't believe I never noticed that

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What's wrong with her

So nothing changed really

That's just what Jap girls look like without makeup

you have to be fucking joking right?

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WoW players aren't very welcome in FFXIV because there is a huge culture difference between the two.

Take that as you want but if all the true WoW players left for classic then FFXIV players would feel relieved. It wont happen and WoW players will continue playing and quitting FFXIV while always making a fuss about why it's not more like WoW.

originally houses had no timers. this created a problem where nobody could get a house because nothing gets demolished. even if you kept adding houses, they kept filling up and nothing would demolish. so in patch 2.2 they added housing demolition timers to make housing a valuable commodity while also freeing up housing.

>omega is just a reskin of the thanalan frogs
are you fucking serious!?

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Because the catdaddies are legit Knights apparently and brought the gunblade as we're learning it with them too.

a good MCH is desirable, but good MCH's don't exist in DF and the vast majority are fucking terrible
no one likes playing MCH, not even MCH mains

>usually go to e3
>get xiv shirts and shit
>wont be able to go this year and missing all the shadownigger shit
god damn it

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They use a ton of old skills in the new actions videos.

As for the Bloodspiller, it's likely the Phoenix was at the end of the SMN part of the video, and then led into the DRK part of the video.

Can they fix tanks so they have to be in tank stances.

Im tired of the shitty fucking tank mentality of fucking DPS when they keep losing fucking aggro and killing people with the tank busters.

That could have filled a fun niche which is a "bad guy" job.
Collecting dead bodies. Putting void sents into them and making pacts. Ingesting Void blood to turn into a Calofisteri like creature and so on.

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i play actual games instead of mmos in between patches

what a shame. they're going to have playable demo stations of shadowbringers at e3 and also yoshida will be there for a live letter.

Imagine if miqo'te were real, just imagine it.

>tfw want Eureka BA loot but too much work and time to run it even with the discord system

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>imagine if catgirl cosplayers were real

t. doesn't use diversion, lucid or tactician

>farming for Onion Knight minion
>get into my next run
>notice my RDM isn't moving at all in these encounters
>not attacking, not dodging
>but he follows us to every arena
>reach the end of the raid
>he won't roll on the loot
Fuck this faggot, game wouldn't even let me vote kick him since we were going so fast

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I am immensely bothered by this revelation. Not only due to the revelation itself but because Yoshida was able to hide it from me without ever realizing it.

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I mean real miqo'te with barbed vaginas and dicl

the worst part is, the shadowniggas battle challenge shirt will be purple, which is fucking great

i got my susano shirt signed by yoshi when stormblood wasn't release yet at e3
and a couple others from before that in heavensward

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Well at least they hid it better then the last few times

they aren't cats user. read the lorebooks. they're literally just humans with cat ears/tails

I didn't realize this until you mentioned it.

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First time? The advanced leechers are always quick to loot just so you can't kick them. They also ninja pull bosses if the roll for loot timer is about to run out

Vote kicking is impossible in 24 mans. Encounters are so long, loot is always up because of him not rolling, and the time between fights is like 15 seconds

>implying that have those
they are a race of literal cat cosplayers, not to mention, all the girls would be fucking their Nuhn, they wouldn't be fucking (You)

We know that Miqo'te don't have barbed dicks because fucking Balmung asked Koji about Miqo'te mating habits at the first fanfest.

MMO's does this all the time. It costs money and time to make new skeletons and animation sets.
I'm more surprised with myself for not noticing what certain dungeon themes are based on. It took me years and whistling the theme on the toilet to realize Sirensong Sea is spooky La Noscea.

They'll always have barbed dicks in my headcanon. Fuck Koji.

Welcome to XIV where everything is reused assets from other games or 1.0

Sure it does. They aren't targeting the same audience. The people clamoring for classic WoW are not playing XIV right now anyway.

Not with Hrothgar around they won't.

a lot of the NMs in diadem were also reskins or resized versions of dungeon monsters. like the NM dinosaur that summons meteors uses the exact same animations as the giraffes from neverreap.

Mithra from XI would have barbed dicks and pussy, Miqo'te are Mithra for normalfags, so you get regular vagine

This is true, but I stick around because it's the only DPS job I fell in love with in HW and I can't let it go.
We're all beaten housewives to MCH.

Pretty much this. Doesn't have to be classic WoW but Yoshi literally designs the game to be played when there's a new patch (or even expansion) and then to unsub until the next one.

Please don't use the N word I still have flashbacks to that place

I fell in love with it in HW too, it was so much fun, the opening burst was cathartic as all hell and its only problem was hypercharge being underpowered, which was fixed in 3.2.
but I gave up on MCH for SB, because its simply not the job I fell in love with anymore

Mithra and miqo’te are the exact same thing dumbass

How fucking lazy are they, jesus christ

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Does this mean we'll be forced to go through coil to get phoneix?

it's pretty common for japanese rpgs to reuse assets. I mean Tales literally reused the same monster model from Tales of the Abyss on PS2 up to Tales of Zestiria on PS4.

No, just like you didn't have to do it for Bahamut. Phoenix's aether should be all around Eorzea for the same reason Bahamut's was.

I don't think so Tim

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they aren't though, look it up, Mithra are much more bestial looking than Miqo'te.

Attached: Mithra_Face.jpg (233x237, 24K)

Here's to hoping that ShB will change it for the better.

Why would you dirty sanches a cat?

God I hope so, being able to filter out SMNs that couldn't do coil would be a godsend

Wrong. Mithra are much more catlike.

Phoenix was nowhere near as massive as Bahamut.

Have you not noticed it in the gear designs?

Monster Hunter is also infamous for this. They've used the same Rathalos skeleton and animations from 6th gen all the way to current gen. Also their idea of "super versions" of monsters are just recolors.

That's not the reason Bahamut's aether is all over the place. It's because Phoenix flushed all of that aether straight into the planet to heal the damage.

Apparently it's not a huge deal since it took you over 7 months to notice, and even then only because someone outright told you.


delete this

>Why would you dirty sanches a cat?
I don't comprehend, but I was just pointing out they aren't the same

Real talk, some of my favorite doujins are the ones where the Sailor Scouts have become 30-40 year old submissive house wives that end up getting railed by some obsessive fan or fat doujin fuck while they wear their now-too-small sailor outfits.
I don't know why there are so many doujins with this theme, but it's enough that it should be classified as it's own genre. Sanchez