That legacy character that the developers wouldn't stop shoving into his game

>that legacy character that the developers wouldn't stop shoving into his game

Attached: Crow: man of yugioh.jpg (1080x716, 269K)

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Fuck you Sakurai

Attached: Sheik-Super-Smash-Bros-Ultimate.png (512x512, 85K)

Who's the guy with the black hair and trenchcoat in GX, I don't remember him from the show

>Not remembering THE CHAZZ
Looks like you need to CHAZZ IT UP

>not remembering the chazz

This. Sheik has literally never been fun to play as.

Why are Yugioh dubs forever cursed to be insufferable?

And Sheik has prevented the Zelda cast from experimenting with genuinely new stuff in Smash.

Because 4kids still dub for Konami under a different name.

fuck crow and fuck blackwings

Attached: yugioharcv mess.gif (640x480, 1.75M)

GX dub was based though

No user, you were supposed to buy them!

>Because 4kids still dub for Konami under a different name.
Wait, what? Source?
Between that clip and what I remember, no it fucking wasn't.

Huh, black-winged dragon sure was looking awfully yellow during this part. Oh well, that definitely must be him since Crow was the 5th signer.

Attached: signer dragons.png (1435x808, 2.34M)

Chazz should get his own series. Outside of Links is Ojama viable? Was it ever?

So that's why Arc V looked like it was dubbed in Canada.

Men of taste.

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Ojama are basically an engine now more than ever for shit like ABC or Rank 2 spam or links

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>that moment when Crow defeated all three God cards, sending Atem back to his time
>that moment when Crow honorably conceded against Yugi by attacking into Slifer
>that moment when Crow used all of the signer dragons to synchro summon Quasar
>that moment when Crow defeated Nasch, ending the Astral Barian War for good
>that moment when Crow merges with Z-ARC and makes him smile
Truly the best anime character of all time.

Sounds fun. If Links didnt suck ass. I dont even like XYZ that much either.

Early blackwings were pretty aesthetic though.

Attached: blackwings.jpg (399x232, 59K)

Does GX hold up well?
I remember really loving it as a kid. Some parts even more than the original.

>have to censor guns by painting them fucking bright blue and orange
I hate it

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What was that?

Attached: SuperdreadnoughtRailCannonGustavMax-LED4-EN-R-1E.png (475x694, 635K)

The first season is very duelist of the week and directionless

I haven't played since Zoodiacs so I have no idea what the Links meta is like, but that looks awful. Even if this card were released in 2009 as a level 7 synchro or something it'd still be pretty meh.

Why did they have to give Arc-V such a shitty conclusion
All you had to do was show the 4 pairs separate
Have Genocide Dad turn himself in
Have Yuya's mom adopt Sora or something instead of Sora continuing as a genocide academy dicksucker

>Have Yuya's mom adopt Sora or something instead of Sora continuing as a genocide academy dicksucker
Fuck that, the last thing I need is that little shit popping into my head when I'm trying to fap to Yuya's sexy mom.

It's not great, but it's the only "pure" Ojama support they've gotten in a long ass time. Everything else is unholy chimeric abominations cursed by whatever spiteful god makes these dumb pieces of cardboard

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Vullets/Rokkets got untouched somehoe though they're more lax on censorship nowadays
Only thing that isnt allowed really is cleavage

Why did they do this to my boy Gustav?


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only chazz worth to get a side story is the manga universe one.
that one is a way better character than sanda and chazz it up memelords


Attached: YUZU IS YUYA'S MOTHER.png (476x693, 228K)

Which is what makes it peak Yugioh.

>the moment that Crow got in Arc-V went off the cliff


I mean, if you like Jaden having to fight some guy with a tennis-themed deck with tennis rules, sure.

the only series that doesn't hold up well is Duel Monster. rewatching it is painful even worse when the budget got shrunk halfway through

For me it's tribute summon

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GXfags are seriously a plague.

uhhh wat

GX was based

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OwO what's dis?

The art for this card is the same in the OCG where guns are fine
Just a design choice

>never won the girl in the end
>said girl basically just gets erased & becomes part of worst girl
>”but baby egao doe”
Fuck you too, Ono.

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Oh. You mean the bird titties.
Yeah I can't explain that

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An archetype set advertised and promoted because of Duel Link.

Attached: FolgoJusticeFurHire-SOFU-EN-SR-1E.png (475x695, 723K)

>monster "Fur Hire"
>messing with problem solving card text for a dumb joke

I actually watched it for the first time in full a few months ago.
>Season 1 is comfy, retarded fun and then gets real plot towards the end.
>Season 2 goes full fucking pants on head retarded but it's entertaining.
>Season 3 is where shit actually gets good and there is some character development, stakes and drama.
>Season 4 is also good, but a bit of a weak ending season in my opinion.

Overall, GX for me is a 7/10. It's fun and can be really stupid, and then unironically great. You just have to be in the mood for it.

Attached: FtEharR.jpg (800x800, 74K)

Welcome to the westerner translation team

Implying the YGO TCG can be taken seriously by anyone but uber neckbeard whales that will buy the cards anyway

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