Will this character save undertale 2?

will this character save undertale 2?

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Every character in this game is good. Except Susie. She can go die.

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no, there is nothing interesting whatsoever about this character and it only appeals to soilets who want to be small weak and cute and fantasize about being bullied (which also conveniently has a representative character)

Fuck you, Susie is my wife

>only appeals to soilets who want to be small weak and cute
This. REAL men fantasize about being small, powerful, and cute.

>calling an imaginary character your wife

I fantasize about doming small, weak and cute boys. And protecting them.

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the game better have barefoot gotes

please protect me user


Toriel and Asgore are there, with Asriel pending. And msot non-retard art of Ralsei has him barefoot.

Ralsei > hat Asriel

You're not cute enough

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from what

I'm very cute user
horny mommies and onee-sans

mommy would be better for you than some Yea Forumsirgin

gote with boots is better

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this but unironically

>shoes at all
Shit taste.

he villain

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I wasn't being ironic to begin with

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he makes me want to have dad-son kind of a relationship, but i know i would be a terrible dad

This but ironically

obviously he is, he's this game's meta character, acting all bubbly and nice while the player is watching
he probably told Kris during the Susie segment how to gain control
Also I want to lock him in chastity and watch him beg for cummies
that is all

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Ralsei is just a fuzzy UwU personified but all the furries still immediately flocked to wanting to fuck him despite how drab he looks.

he's cute as fuck, i wanna give him all the pleasure he deserves

Highest quality furry shota tween boypussy on par with klonoa, tails, and others of kemono tier descent.

ralsei is a faggot

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Hug Ralsei

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>that pic
Go on.

Only if he legit turns out to be a madman villain genocidal maniac and if the assumption that the rest of the chapters will be with you and different classmates going around trying to fix the shit he's done is correct.

if he's just "owo uwu Kris I luv u pls lick my paws" then Toby can shove a huge dick his fucking ass

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Well, he dd manage to kill most of beings in dark kingdom so he's on good track at the very least
His kingdom is also pretty nice with all the lack of life, dust and walls crying tears of darkness
It's going to be a shame when we get to turn it into nothing but it could be worse I guess

I fantasize about being dommed by small, weak, and cute boys. And protecting them.

how the hell are they supposed to dom you if they're small and weak

A gun.

love that idea user

Depends. Are you cute?