THQ teases E3 games, ResetERA STILL seething

The irony here is baffling considering their old stomping grounds was a pedo hive before it got found out

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Other urls found in this thread:

i bet resetera is even more concentrated pedo evil

I still don't get why devs even listen to resetera. If they want asskissers, go to reddit

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darksiders 4 where we finally get to play strife pls

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don't know what thq did because I was playing video games but when is resetera not upset, it's like Yea Forums but everybody's a lugubut tripfag

Fight for Bikini Bottom rerelease soon

Reminder that ResetERA is also boycotting Nintendo because they are opening a store in Israel

What's wrong with Israel?

only because they support palestine (muslims)

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SR2 remake?

They're boycotting THQ Nordic for having an AMA on 8ch.

As much as I would enjoy seeing people seethe, I refuse to click resetera links

Resetera is like 60% Nintendo shills 40% Sony shills these days, and they'll defend either no matter how much they fuck up

Don't expect any anti-nintendie shit to last

What happened to those nick games they were gonna Remake?

Hey couldn't you link the actual games they're announcing and not a fucking resetera thread? thanks

>Galactically beloved game/franchise


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>Only allowed to kill trannies

Destroy all Trannies

Kek, like they would make a difference. NeoGaf all said they would support Bravely Second because of it's "brave censorship" but the game bombed in sales. Turns out they weren't interested in supporting the developers, the only thing they supported was the censorship.


This is what they were talking about

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What might the second game be?

Titan quest mobile idle game

Those people are insufferable. Seeing all those avatars and usernames they choose really grosses me out. I see more intelligent conversations in shitposts than these boring echo chambers.

>THQ bought the rights to Timesplitters franchise
>no word about a sequel/remaster yet

It's coming boys

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Is a dictatorship run by the Jews

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tbf theyve bought a lot of rights to games.

this shouldn't be surprising. people post on anonymous boards for the sake of the content. people post on autistic forums to virtue signal and get pats on the back

>people post on anonymous boards for the sake of the content
Hi, could you tell this to the 95% of Yea Forums users who only post to stir up shit or further their own political agenda? Thanks.


It used to be a running joke between me and my friends that I'd hope for a new timesplitters game come every E3.

Considering that THQ now own the rights, I'd take as much as a simple remaster of any of the first three games if it was enough to get them on modern consoles or better, PC.

That thread is a mess between gamers vs trannies.

Now they just ignore the tranies cries and post about the game


You can tell the fags there were just waiting for some THQ news to pop up.

Best scenario would be Destroy all Humans and Timesplitters desu

Dilate All Trannies. Your mission is to forcefully dilate even those who haven't undergone surgery with a big fuck-off metal probe

First game is almost certainly Destroy All Humans

>I can make a tragic story to hate THQ Nordics too
The mental state of Trannies

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I like this game already

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isnt thq also sjw

Look that thread as and example and you can see who really like games and the others didn't play since they born

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I think more what I am curious about with THQ Nordic if they are financially successful in 5-10 years.
They are such an anomaly within the industry.
So far their plan has been...
>get a bunch of really rich Scandinavians together
>buy the rights to all dormant franchises from 2000s and prior for pennies on the dollar
>port all those franchises to current-ish OS
>use the funds to produce a few b tier sequels
>rinse and repeat indefinitely
My guess is that they plan to do so many budget sequels that they turn a profit. Not really caring who is successful and who is not, just betting that nostalgiafags will buy sequels. I can't tell if they are going to overtake everyone and becomes the Disney equivalent for games or go bankrupt because they flood the market more than it already is. Maybe if they succeed then they will throw some money into AAA titles of the b tier games that were well received. And you know what? If they do it without turning to microtransactions I will be rooting for them the whole way.


>Unironically linking to resetera
fucking off yourself, go back to that shithole and stay there

Fuck THQ Nordic though, all they do is extremely mediocre and soulless sequels to dead IPs. That based and redpilled PR stunt was absolutely pathetic. It's like me suddenly going to MCDonalds because their twitter account "roasted" someone.

Shut the fuck up tranny. OP has kindly linked your detainment forum for you to go back to. Now fuck off.

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>What's wrong with Israel?
Look up the Samson Option. Israel has nukes aimed at every major western city and they will fire in the even that someone (anyone) nukes Israel, or if Israel comes close to being dismantled by losing a conventional war. Israel is essentially threatening the west to protect Israel.

>all these seething trannies itt

trannies get the rope
bloody freaks

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>people post on anonymous boards for the sake of the content
nice joke, bro

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I thought that company died? wtf

Sure thing shill. Gobble that corporate cock.

Nordic games bought their name and IPs and renamed themselves THQ. All of the games suck, it's not the same.

Didn't resetera implode?Or was it a meme posted here?


Wait what is this faggot saying? and how is it THQ linked with him being raped?

Begone shill

Shut the fuck up tranny


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>Still seething about 8ch
Resetera is pathetic.

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Can I get a quick rundown on why they're mad at THQ?


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Some guy that works for them did an AMA with 8ch.

Real shit?

I dint give a rats ass about THQ faggot
anything that makes you HRT induced paranoid niggers seethe is good enough for me


imagine still holding a grudge over this non-sense jesus christ

Definitely. I mean their only argument argument against "sexualized" games with minors in them is that they're attractive meaning they have a degree of attraction to minors.


Somebody post the fucking 8 chan AMA

Somewhat irrelevant to the thread but since hardly anyone ever talks about the potential BfBB remake: How would you guys want to see the graphics updated? I personally want them to use toon shaders to make it look like the actual show. Similar to what The Simpsons Game and all those Dragon Ball games did.

That's usually how it works
Also you're an absolute faggot for direct linking them.

Does 2x2x2chan even have CP or is the typical "oh those evil anonymous nazis from Yea Forums love their CP" baseless accusations.

Probably the next Saints Row. It's going to be dogshit.

thaats right
go full caps and seethe harder tranny
tell me to have sex

If they got CP over there then later fags

nigga we get daily cp threads in certain boards in this reddit tier shithole
infinity and cripple has a very active population of cp enthusiasts

Free Palestine


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They all came form fucking Neogaf a place where one of their own fucking mods got caught for CP and they also also had people being all "Oh but the pedos feelings!" or some shit.
I bet it is rampant with pedos and the loudest ones against it always tend to be fucking pedophiles themselves.

Holy shit my big brain can't hold all of this in...

No but it’s slowly happening.
They recently perma banned a few indie devs who complained about the site and the userbase is getting more insane.

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They more than likely get the cp posts that Yea Forums is also known for. Followed by the post being taken down by mods. You can make whatever board you want on 8ch though so I bet there is some sort of pedofag support group board.


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CP threads have moved to Yea Forums Kik threads where they are disguised as “no rules”


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specifically Battle for Bikini Bottom

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yeah a graphical overhaul to make it lose that janky 3D feel would be awesome
and fucking voice mr. krabs properly too

>tfw Israeli indie dev
I'm just fucked, aren't I? The SJWs will boycott me because muh Balestin, the racists will boycott me because muh juice..

They're still seething about that shit? How pathetic. I assumed it was because some exec got busted with a shitload of CP or fucking his twelve year old stepdaughter or something.

I really do hope it's DaH!. Cause the Wii game and the one on 360 (and maybe PS3, I don't remember) were pretty boring. 1 and 2 are still great fun.

For a second I was like 'Who gives a shit? They don't have enough launch sites to achieve saturation, our missile defense systems would just swat their pitiful shit out of the sky'. Then I remembered not every country is America.

I hope one of those is Titan Quest 2.

Ironic, as the Palestinians would butcher the kind of people who post on ResetERA before anyone else.

Please be destroy all humans

It has a problem with cp the same way literally every other website does. Sometimes it gets posted and then it gets taken down.
That recent MK11 thread was glorious. They banned everyone for saying that transwomen probably shouldn't be able to compete with natural women in weight lifting. You could go over there agree with trans rights but say you wouldn't suck a women's dick and get banned for transphobia

8 guy here, there isn't. I've literally seen less CP there than here in the last year (twice here, zero there). I assume it's just the double digit IQ type that think loli is cp that repeat this shit.

Saints Row is Deep Silver. THQ doesn't own the series anymore.

Nigga, just make a fun game that isn't a boring derivative. I fall into the muh juice camp, but if you made something that wasn't lcd like Shovel Knight, I'd probably still play it.

It's pretty much the same as here. Ocassionally some madman posts some CP. From time to time, you might even get some idiot who spams CP in threads he doesn't like, you know, like the guy we had earlier this year. But there is no actual CP problem or anything. Gets deleted immediately.

You still got the whitepilled normalfags who don't care about either.

Red Faction gets a modern remake.

Darksiders 4 is announced and its an action rpg with shooting and gun based combat.

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Honestly probably is this. Pretty sure it was on their list of E3 stuff from the 8ch thing

Hopefully they get the original voice back for death.

There definitely were boards created by people that were on the borderline, but that was years ago and I think all of those have since been deleted. It's pretty much exactly what happened with Reddit a few years before that and I believe in both cases the site admins allowed the problem to continue until they were forced to do something.

It was a fucking spongebob game calm down

Ah, I forgot. Thanks

They didn't get the same actor for 4? That sucks.

Didn't they acquire Deep Silver last year?

Nobody normal gives a shit. Yea Forums is basically the resetera of alt-right types so all the noise gets amplified but really and truly, no one gives a fuck. About anything. If the game is good people will buy it, no one gives a rat's ass about muh principles when the world already kind of feels like it's ending anyway. We just want a distraction.

>can jew mozart still be alive?

They did but they're still run as separate businesses, meaning that Deep Silver/Koch Media will likely handle their own announcements while THQ Nordic focuses on their own IPs.

Everyone is going to give the right wing/nationalist reason to dislike Israel like the Sampson Option or how their spy network/duel citizens gear nations into supporting Israel but that's not the reason ResetERA hates them.
Their reason is the left leaning reason, which is essentially hating them for their ethno-nationlist tendencies and suppression of Palestinians, you know, basic white-guilt shit.

resetera is just pathetic.

They should just stay away from video games

Forum has gone off the rails.

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it will be renamed to "Fight for Burka Bottom" on the ps4

ask Ilhan Omar she'll tell you

>the userbase is getting more insane
Fucking how? NeoGaf was already bottom of the barrel.

While that ban is ridiculous and pretty typical for Era, who the fuck cares about getting a title stuck on your profile? On literally every forum that does that it's a mark of fame because it means you managed to piss someone off enough that they decided to passive aggressively tag you. Especially true for GAF where title changes had to be approved by admins instead of just being a moderator action.

There is still some room for those crazy cunts to limbo under.

Theyre digging. .

I kinda wanna see them seethe about the alabama abortion ban. They must know by now that its a trojan horse for the SCOTUS and theyre gonna get buttfucked up there by kavanagh and others



I wish, just so they could stop acting like the Internet police.

>NeoGaf was already bottom of the barrel.
Hoo boy, you have clearly never been to era.

Neogaf started off as a chill videogame forum but later turned into a sjw shithole.
Resetera started off as a sjw tranny shithole and it's turning into something even more extreme.


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its bcs the industry is defacto centralised in california and the devs themselves are degenerate trannie freaks and so(y)boys.
open your fkn eyes

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wtf i love reset era now !

100% certainty.


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how delusional can these people be?

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>Le california boogieman maymay

>tfw when nuGAF is actually one of the best forums on the internet currently since all the turbosois left, but they still ban /pol/tards
It's great and people are slowly realising

>Stop guys or we will become like Neogaf from the past
>got banned
State of retardera trannies

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>ban /pol/tards

You know they split again too right? A lot of mods quit because they felt the userbase was too extreme. Even that SweetieNicole lady left.

>that time when a skyrim dev told resetera their forum was bad and they locked the thread
Devs don’t give a shit about resetera

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>Wants to discuss politics, uses the THQN as an excuse to shovel in drama.
>Gets FUCKED UP by mods.
Absolutely based.


I love m*mb*t!

There's paranoia and then there's get the fuck out, christ.

Lmao to Metacouncil right? That site is gonna fail if some bored anons, redditors, or literally anyone goes on it. Basically everyone is a mod and mod actions are done based off votes of everyone being a collective mod.

There was some cp uploaded once but it turned out to be a false flag operation from some Gaf retard or some such

>There are conspiracy wack jobs on the left too.
Americans in general are fucking stupid, bored and have found a way to have fun with their own misery.

western devs are part of resetera. what are you talking about

They moved onto some site called Metacouncil.
I don't have the specific details on why a bunch of mods there left but SweetieNicole left because she posted a meme and the userbase turned on her. The others I believe left due to that and a few other reasons.

Nothing, I wish I was born in an ethno-religious state like Israel.

Is this true? I've been looking for an old Yea Forums, libertarian style place. What's the normalfag density like?

>THQ teases a possible sequel to Destroy All Humans announced at E3
>Yea Forums only wants to talk about resetera and trannies

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desu I think it was dumb to post that thing on fvllchan for a really bunch of reasons other than the nazi thing but whatever dudes they said they were sorry just let it go please

"guys I think we should be talking about games instead of politics"
>'get that ass banned'

That's just awful

Some people there even asked for them to just ban any THQ game for being mentioned and got backlash because people want to talk about the games. Yet any thq thread turns into that.

the pedo rep came from hotwheels going "muh free speech" and allowing pro-pedo boards. When nobody wanted to advertise on a shithole that had boards that contain borderline CP they had to ban every single one. Right now, it's just like this place where someone comes posts it and gets deleted as quickly as possible. Still a shithole tho.

Sooner or later that forum will get bombed

Didn't he lose the site to some webhoster dude? The same dude who owns 2ch.

pretty much. Forgot to add that. He's also the one that warned us about Hiroshimoot.

What meme?

it might have something to do with resetera slowly bleeding users and some realized it will never reach the popularity of old gaf

He entered into a parternship with him and I think eventually gave him the whole site because he was tired of dealing with autists. I think he works for him now but not on 8.

im not gonna lie
if both Timesplitters 3 and Destroy all Humans 3 get anounced THQ will have won e3 in my book

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There already was a DaH! 3, user.

What world are we in?
>2ch a Japanese imageboard is owned by an American
>Yea Forums an English imageboard is owned by a Japanese

Path of the furon sucked and is not the real DaH3

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I remember the opposite. Something like the webhoster did some weird legal loophole and was able to just full on take it from him.

second sight - third eye?

It was something stupid and innocent. Trying to find it.

What's their problem with THQ?

>criticizing is trolling and backseat moderation
fucking lmao

fake news, it does not target western countries and you don't give a shit about arabs

If you're talking about Jim Watkins, I was there when HW handed it over to him, so unless someone took it from Watkins after that that's not what happened.

Seriously though what were they thinking when they made that AMA?

He wanted too much money so they told him to fuck

Well color me excited.

What color is excited supposed to look like?

Israel is literally one of the worst countries on Earth. It's funny that a country created in reaction to the acts of the world's biggest bad guys eventually becomes a bad place itself.

Absolutely is

The right wing president officially recognized Jerusalem user

Nothing against the place but why the fuck did Nintendo choose that place out of literal everywhere else?

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I like purple so I'm going with that, I guess.



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They locked the thread because of the hostility and people like this thread keep hackling and shit

Also we don't know if that user was a official Skyrim dev

Not criticism


PLEASE tell me they're remastering Supreme Commander!

It's funny how Yea Forums is right wing pedos and resetera/neogaf is left wing pedos.

Where are the centrist pedos?

>Where are the centrist pedos?

I wish

I concur on the cel-shaded artstyle, in the vein of that Ed Edd n' Eddy game, or that one level in Creature from the Krusty Krab. Saturated colors, too. BfBB looked okay but was really prone to bad shading issues. Give it a facelift with higher poly models too and textures as well, of course.
Voice Krabs properly and find a VA for Mermaid Man that doesn't sound as bad.
It's very unfortunate that Tim Conway passed just recently, but his voice could be reused.
In addition to other new stuff, I'd like to see some new worlds. Maybe a post-game hub part with levels like Glove World, Alaskan Bullworm, and the outskirts of Bikini Bottom and a Robo-Squidward boss. Squidward would be a post-game character.

It's literally Jews: the country.

>getting angry at people doing an AMA on a chan not publishers using devs as near slave labor

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you heard him boys
>Tranny dellusion: "Yea Forums are the the ones who made him like this

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>directly linking to resetera
Are you fucking serious?

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is very fun see trannies cries posting in that shithole. To bad that the real gamers always get banned by them

>there are people ITT right now that post regularly on reshitera

It's usually the later but in this case it was a little different as someone tried to turn baseless rumors into reality in an attempt to defame THQ.
The guy who posted actual CP was caught: it was a leftist journalist.

I mean I do feel bad. Getting molested is never good and to be taunted by it later is sickening. With that said, she's not the only person in the world that's been molested and most don't have this level of trauma.

I'm ready

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If it really is a DaH 1 remaster, you think they'll include Teenagers from Outer Space again?

what happened between thq and the retards there? did I miss something?

Didn't that guy go free with no punishment too?

yea...BUT that doesn't change any fact that blame THQ and others for her or his(trannie) problems won't resolve anything but it will make it even worse

That's why I said "right wing nationalist", as in those types that would abhor Israels geo-political engineering.

THQ had a AMA at 8ch and resetera is making a fuss because they believe the false narrative of 8ch harboring CP

nordic did an AMA on 4+Yea Forums and tards flipped their shit

I doubt there'd be any licencing issue since the movie's public domain.


I'm praying for time plotters but I think it's going to be saints row 5 and something else I won't like

>literal boogeyman
Pic related.

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Some mod on 8 knew a guy at THQ and invited him to have an AMA. He went and there were some questions and memes posted. Resetera went absolutely ballistic because they think all -chan websites are dens of pedophiles and a dev going there hurt the pride of era mods who think they're gatekeepers of public opinion.

fuck dude, i dont want to be a Yea Forums, how do i stop it from happening?

Why would ResetERA be seething over THQ?

>It's the long-awaited return of a galactically beloved game/franchise
Yep, looks like kino is back in the menu boys

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>they have a Yea Forums
the absolute state of zoomers

Nothing at all

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Nobody plays RTS games anymore, user.

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>he doesn't own a hackerman "Yea Forums" model of his own
yikes much cringe wow bacon

>FAF is still alive

But even with the 1940's partition plans Tel Aviv was considered "Jewish territory" and never Palestine.

why does no one call him out on this bullshit?

>Have a Yea Forums.
This girl hates Hiro?

the close the thread a make another one

>A company posting in an imageboard is just as bad as me being buttfucked when I was 8.
>Our mods being pedos is just fine though, banned for racism.

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>Yea Forums
>deep web

So Yea Forums lurks all the places they hate. That's rich.
Inb4 reddit. No faggot, I've never been to reddit, resetera, kotaku etc

Resetera is 100% a pedo haven. Why do you think they ban people for speaking the truth?

well the very first reply to the announcement thread was an uncencored cunnypost that no one deleted, so they had the excuse they needed to bitch


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(((Nazis))) but becausme "MUH 6 GORILLION" no one can say a thing.

It was probably some drawing


Remember to buy THQ Nordic games

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wrong, it was just this

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To normalfags "deep web" means anything not filled with social network share buttons and flashy banner ads.

>Titan Quest got a new DLC this month

Man what the fuck how did I miss that? Thanks for this post, user. Bought it now.

or full thread for anyone that cares

Worst girl

Friends with the founder/current site runner I think?

>THQ apologizes for having the shitty idea of posting on a chan site of all places
>resetera doesn't forgive them even after the apology
Can you ever please these people? Why are they like this?

Daniel Vavra and American Mcgee both have held amas in cripplechan with no trouble at all.

They should make good game for it

And why should anyone care about anything posted on Resetera? Do they have a claim of legitimacy?
They are a shithole worse than reddit, moderated by a bunch censorhappy fools that would make even religious fanatics ashamed.

>Can you ever please these people?

No you can't.

>Why are they like this?

They want to beat reality into compliance with their rules for creating a utopian society of friendship and pansexuality that they themselves don't understand.

>Why are they like this?
It's a containment zone.

Can't understand something that doesn't exist after all.

Go back, tranny.

De Blob 3 when? Does nu-THQ still own the IP?

>released another expansion for Titan Quest

Yeah, they based

because they can easily jump on twitter and get the outrage mob agaisnt you, and you can't have investors asking
>why is muh social media angry with you?

more proof that social media was a mistake

Probably saw the costs associated with licensing and said fuck that.

I think what was hilarious was them trying to get so many people to care but instead all news of thq "controversy" disappeared quite fast and everyone moved on which made resetera pissed. The fact they continue trying to make people care is just sad and petty at this point.

This fucking place

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why the fuck doesn't archive load for me anymore?

I only hate diaspora Jews.

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I still think that avatar played a major role in the ban decision.


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Israel is unironically the best county in ME if you avoid Haredi Jews ghettoes.

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That's like saying Uruguay is the best country in South America.
I mean, it is, but it's effectively a tiny gated community surrounded by human garbage.

Why is a fucking "kidnapped child prostitute" getting triggered on a video game forum by a video game company

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Is this the pinnacle of power-mad mods?

Ok, anyone can explain to me why trannies are upset over these news?

Also PLS DoW Remake

>Israel is unironically the best county in ME
Well it's not hard when it's existannce sponsored by all banks in the world
it's still negative force in the world which bring nothing good
Also, pretty sure UAE would like to have a word

Ever been on IRC in the early 2000s? That site is an exact replica of it.

Who was it that had potential CP on a usb with some legal docs concerning sony (I think) recently?

THQ are bigots, racists and transphones. Also pedophile supporters who are responsible for the NZ shootings.

These games are being published by THQ Nordic. For those who may not be aware or who may have forgotten, THQ Nordic had a marketing effort where it intended to gain attention using a website that is known primarily for its support of child pornography, as well as for support of Neo-Nazism, doxxing, and other extremely damaging behaviours.

THQ Nordic's provided no response to this fiasco except for an apology claiming they did not do enough research. As the website is unlisted by Google, they had spoken to the board owner about removing "nasty stuff", and content was viewable both before and during the campaign, this claim is beyond belief. The individuals responsible are known not to be rogue PR interns, but go up to THQ Nordic's board. THQ Nordic has not been dealt with the individuals responsible.

Consider that by supporting these games, you are supporting a publisher that is complicit with child pornography.

They've gotten so insane they make Tumblr look like normal functioning people. At least Tumblrfags were capable of taking banter and accepting facts and logic. ResetERA is full of buttfuck insane and aggressive fragile pieces of shit and if you say something that's even 00000000.1 right wing you will get banned on the spot.

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I love the internet.

Nah, too busy playing WC3 at that time.

UAE is shit if you're traveling alone since they're always non-Emirati arabs and pakis following your ass to buttfuck you.

Saints Row 4 on Switch.


That's only because Tumblr users didn't own their fucking website.

Israel is still far more advanced than Uruguay and other spic shithole.

Also Dubai is very different than the rest of UAE.

>sponsored by banks
The main sponsoring comes from the USA who uses them as mercenary and pay them in "aid".

Good goy. Remember to vote for pro Israel candidate Donald Trump this election

They did it so they could have collab with the tech Industry here in the future, that's what the article said on hebrew

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While that is true. The fact still stands that even they can't stand them. Yea Forums and Tumblr both wholehearttedly agree that ResetERA is a garbage forum and if it was erased off the face of the Internet there'd be a celebration like it's the second coming of christ.

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Not too mention that UAE is also full of smelly poos as well.

What is drive by posting?

Israel has a good tech industry.

popping into a 200+ post thread and making a shitpost based on the last 5 replies

>enter a thread
>post a bait

I think that what it is.

That bloat doesn't need more bloat

Israel's tech industry is one of the best in the world.

is that why the latest intel processors have more holes than swiss cheese?

I've never seen a forum to divide. Resetera is going to implode soon.


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>Also we don't know if that user was a official Skyrim dev
>verified by dev
>we dont know if it's dev
who are you trying to convince? because for sure you ain't convincing anyone else, you can't get verified dev tag just because you say you work for nintendo

Posting something in a thread the mods don't like



>I hate company for advertising on a website that may or may not have a video of me

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Look at all the projection they do calling everything but themselves pedos

>Implying they buy games at all

The US "aid" is only like 2% of Israel's GDP.

Yes, resetera are hypocritical faggos. But more importantly: what are the two games they are showing off at E3? One is a remake, and another is a sequel in an existing series.

According to the same resetera soibois the two games are a Darksiders 1 remake and Destroy All Humans sequel. I really just want a proper Timesplitters sequel

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Damn, describes half my time here on this board

THQ nordic decided for whatever reason to have a QnA on 8ch of all places. If I remember, it happened as you would expect, some faggots asking legit questions while others were just frantically shitposting.

Either way, the end result was THQ nordic's twitter feed getting blasted by bugmen assragged that THQ was "legitimizing" 8ch, mainly under the proclamation that 8ch is a pedo den or something.
That's probably why people in this thread have pointed out that Resetaroni is probably in all actuality a pedo den themselves.

>Darksiders 1 remake

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nice bait

I just want the Nickelodeon remakes that they announced back in MARCH OF 2018, for fuck sake.

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> im not wrong here, they are the problem...

Sure pedo, sure...

I don't think they would be ready to announce anything Time Splitters related when less than a year has elapsed since they got it.

It could be the other way around, a Darksiders spinoff and a Destroy All Humans remake (makes more sense).

Wonder what kind of game they would make with a Darksiders spinoff though.

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With nukes! Make them sandniggers glow!

As i know of they have an active Loli board and child oriented captions but nothing beyond that

Even better

Well yeah, they formed from Neofags due to one getting caught with CP and had to reform.


Fuck off nigger

Why are you replying to yourself tranny?

Baseless accusations
They literally handed over the ip of the CP poster directly to the police where it was a blogger complaining about 2x4chan’s CP

From the 8ch AMA they did. Time to get hyped for more Crypto!

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>plant drugs
>leave your fingerprints all over the bag
>might as well leave a contact card nearby
based retard

iirc it was some sjw that posted it as a false flag and got exposed. one of the legit trannies that posts on twitter all day

all the absolute worst people moved to resetera. neogaf from what other people have said is smaller but more open and less faggy.

He's talking about European publishers you obsessed fignut

>sjws turning on sjws
every single time

Yes but the years of shit moderation won't ever bring the place back to its former self. Everyone who got fed up left and it's like coming back to a house after the fire's been put out.

>it's like coming back to a house after the fire's been put out

And one of your neighbours also took out the rubbish that you left piling up for years for you.

>Some guy on ResetERA called me racist cause I always liked the english version of Barret in FF7, as if SOMEHOW that's an unpopular opinion, because I don't think Mr. T is "a racist caricature"
I tried, I really tried with this fucking forum, but they're crazy

Consider it a lesson learned.

It's the only FPS I would buy day one to be honest.

The worst part is, and I know, Yea Forums, I'm being "that guy" but complaining about Barett cause he talks in jive has resonated incredibly well with my black friends. They LOVE his gospel priest voice direction and its so fucking bizarre to see people trying to get it changed.

idk i just wanna fit in and be called based

As if you expected anything else out of sheltered white kids looking down from ivory towers.

>posting on ResetERA
>coming here after realising they are crazy (despite coming from fucking NEOGAF)
Fuck off, no sympathy.

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they are unaware they find black people offensive

I thought THQ died years ago

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>crossies get out reeeeeeee

THQ Nordic

They did. Then Nordic bought up practially all of their old shit, then decided fuck it, let's just call ourselves THQ, who can stop us?

As a close friend once said:
"These people are worse than jihadists. at least jihadists will relent if you convert. These people will just dig up irrelevant info from 10 years ago and hit you harder."

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resetera is worse than Reddit

What's wrong with Hitler?


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Do you know the nationality of indie devs? Most of the time you don't so just don't go around saying you're a proud jew or anything and people won't even care.

I'd fucking love a new Titan Quest with better pacing/animations/innate controller support.

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The Samson Option is to nuke countries they are at war with if they lose in conventional warfare, which lets face it is physically impossible considering both their past history in military conflicts, and their current arms, the only war they would lose is a nuclear one, in which case some country full of sand nigers would just get glassed, in which case who fucking cares.

>Darksiders: Genesis
Are we getting a prequel? More backstory? I need to know more.

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Yes prequel. You are playing as the 5th horseman of the apocalypse Apathy. He hasn't shown up every because he doesn't care. In this game he finally does. He cares about YOU.

This isn't wrong, though. Even in this very thread there's right-wing retards praising THQ and claiming they're gonna go buy all their games to support them. It's hilariously easy to fool conservatives and gooblergate retards into giving you their money.

Do these people know that they're made fun of pretty much everywhere?

Who? THQ, or Resetera?

On the other side, if you fool the SJWs you're shit out of luck since they don't buy games anyway.

Aquanox 3 and desperados 3. They are already on steam TBA.

Ain't that some shit

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In the end erafags ain't shit. It doesn't matter what they say, if a game comes out that they want then they'll buy it no matter the publisher or dev, only the complete mental psychos wont.

my guess is it's dlc for 3

He got exposed and I believe the cops even investigated him. Got off free though.

They removed his verification too. RetardEra absolutely assblasted.

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>so I bet there is some sort of pedofag support group board
There was one a few months ago, but it was pretty mundane compared to the wild shit people think is going on there, but that's most of the otherchan at this point. Pictures, and I think links, were disabled and were ban worthy. From what I seen they ran a pretty tight ship.

It was fun if you wanted to watch a few freaks cry about not having "freedom" and treat it as a zoo though, but honestly, I've read worse shit posted here. What's even funnier was that a decent amount of them were transfags.

I wonder if Todd learned his lesson to not go back to that shithole ever again...

That wasn't Todd. It was D. Tod you think Todd is crazy enough to go there?

Nothing. Israeli jews who want to sit at home and kill muslims and eat matzo or whatever it is they do are fine. Diaspora globalist jews are the problem.

Literally nothing.
Trump and Bolsonaro, aka the saviors of Western civilisation, supports them, so Israel is based in my books.
Everyone who hates Israel is a seething Muslim loving lefty.

>watch Eurovision which takes place in Israel
>this happens
>all the jews in the crowd start screaming

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United Kingdom with the lowest votes for the 9000th year running.

Truly they either can't sing or are just hated by Europe.

But was that actually a troll?

If Jews stayed in their homeland, and stopped fucking around with other countries, then I wouldn't give a fuck what they do to the muzzies in their country. But the Jews cannot help but destroy countries from within.

>A remake
>a reboot
What IPs does THQ Nordic own? I only know of TimeSplitters and THQ literally owns Dambuster Studios.

Stop shilling this child abusing company

>They announce a new Destroy All Humans
>Crypto has a new voice actor

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Fucker, I got curious. They have some really good groups there for shit like DMC and fighting games and the communities are legit with one or two bad thorns. I'm sorry I found it enticing.

Well, judging by the pic, I don't blame the rest of Europe.

You're on a child abuse website.

That's Iceland's entry in the pic.

>Human rights is literally as political as it gets
>Unless you're trans, then its not for some reason, it has to be a forced discussion with a FORCED checkbox for acknowledgement and if you choose to remain silent because you just are not in the mood to talk about it, you're transphobic
I feel like ever since Hbomber did his stream its been impossible to ignore this stupid format of conversation

>Can you ever please these people?
Take a wild guess.

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I have a troll account on resetera and constantly post Yea Forums bait and pretend to be a retarded SJW ask me anything

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>"SJW's don't play games"

You have a single fact to back that up?

Yell and gnash all you want, you'll not convince me that just because i'm enjoying deBlob 1 and 2 i'm magically compelled to vote a political party tied to the publishers of it.

Why haven't you been banned yet?

>it's only ok when we harass people

They're too busy being miserable and trying to make people around them miserable.

Here you go.

The place is filled with definite unironic pedos but there isn't any actual cp there. They used to have boards up as "support groups" that posted regular pics of child models but thankfully the owners have had those taken down are rules more regularly enforced on the place for a long time now. The only genuinely questionable content you can go after there now would be the real doxxing board that actually posts peoples adresses and shit and the beastiality shit

THQ is probably posting record profits. "Resetera" is nobody and has no voice or influence in the actual market.


>actual pedos calling everyone else pedos to deflect from their shit

Can't remember the name but there was one game made by SJW devs who advertised their game exclusively to SJWs and then threw a tantrum on twitter when their game sold like dogshit. Brianna Wu's game was bought by what, 10 people? Most of which probably bought it just to make fun on it on youtube?

retardera has only like 40k members
there's more posters on Yea Forums than trannyera

I think it was Sunset.

>le 2deep5u game
>managed to run even worse then Witcher 3 despite looking nothing special
>sold like shit it sank the developers

>"Resetera" is nobody and has no voice or influence in the actual market

I wish it was like that. Them acting like the internet police and having the back of gaming journos and lardtubs like Jim Fucking Sterling Son doesn't help, creating a bad publicity effect.
>inb4 any publicity is good publicity
Maybe, but this bunch have made actual damage in cancelling and reshaping games that have existed for decades with no problems at all like Mortal Kombat or Dead or Alive. It's almost malicious.
>inb4 they were bad games anyway
They'll come for the ones you like eventually if you let them loose. I know that the gamer Joker meme telling gamers to rise up is a farce at this point, but the current situation can't continue like this.

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Resetera is probably the most ban happy forum on the internet.

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>witch hunting(unless we do it)
Did someone really get banned over that?

> the THQ replied to the big tiddie loli post

based. My opinion of THQ has gone up 10 points already.

Wait what's wrong with Baretts voice?

Which Baretts voice? Kinda late on the Advent Children train...?


>It's the long-awaited return of a galactically beloved game/franchise. It is a remake.
>It's a new vision of a beloved game/franchise. there a chance?

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heh, wait till she finds out I have two 4chans

Resetera is legitimately the most insane fucking forum on the internet, it tops 2013 Tumblr somehow.

The fact certain Western game devs actually listen to these faggots is sad.

Anything Relic made in the old THQ era belongs to SEGA now, sorry.

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With the way they talk about that ama site THQ went on. If it's THAT bad why didn't the site get shut down yet?

the point of a honeypot is to stay up for as long as possible

Because they're fucking lunatics.

You barely hear his voice though?

Why are they like this?

They unironically think them doing that is as bad as raping 8 year olds.

Their """""""listen and believe"""""""" bullshit culture doesn't help either. I could claim to be raped girl and they'll probably believe it.

Bunch of people that didn't play ff7 and read barret's lines

ESL here. The fuck is a honeypot?

What the fuck is wrong with that site?
>Is it finally time to talk about Dragon Ball FighterZ atrocious female representation?

In computer terminology, a honeypot is a computer security mechanism set to detect, deflect, or, in some manner, counteract attempts at unauthorized use of information systems. This is similar to police sting operations, colloquially known as "baiting" a suspect.

I love that the internet as a whole is now on the "let's all just laugh at Kotaku instead" train.

>Still believing in White-guilt being a thing

t.Murdoch/Koch shill

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You know what I find weird? Back during the AMA a lot of them were on that site reading that shit. If the site is such a horrid place what the fuck were they doing there? Them coming here is one thing but that site is like pure unironic hell to them. Why do they make themselves suffer?

I think it's because they see themselves as super heroes immune to all evil. Like their super hero movies.


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it's outrage culture. they go out of their way to find things to get mad at because it gives them that dopamine rush they so desperately crave.

Pic somewhat related.
Just swap "rich" for "internet social attention"

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Can you name any actual game devs that listen to retardera?

The only person who can always voice death is Scott Mcneil, he pretty much voiced Death Before

Perhaps in Gaza where Hamas has pretty much brainwashed the populace, not sure about the West Bank territories shared between the Palestinians and Israelis along with the Palestinians living within Israel.


All muslims would. It's part of their religion

It took awhile for casual gamers to realize that Kucktaku was just a clickbait blogging platform for a handful of fringers who don't actually play or care about video games, but it was inevitable.

>the loudest ones against it always tend to be fucking pedophiles themselves.
Hilariously true. The UN and many artists are like this. One SJW tried to take down shadman and got exposed for fucking a minor.


Not developers specifically, but their outrage definitely has influence.

They had some but then they were taken down. That's where liberty Chan came from. It also didn't help that while the mods allowed them to stay on the borderline they went and cross it. The mods deleted everything and the boards along with it. After that there hasn't been CP on there for like forever.

The scenario of Palestine is that it is a country that now exists as literally rats against a wall. They will do anything to survive. Israel literally served as the foundation for terrorism to grow outward with a destabilized Middle East.

I just want these fuckers remastering and Fixing Novalogic Games

Mostly Tachyon and Delta Force, Brainlets cant handle their flight sims

Battlefield devs do. They even go on Resetera. Obsidian does though they aligned more with Tumblr. Celeste devs do. Bioware devs do and have accounts there.

Wish they re buy the rights to Drawn to life and locks quest

why do you think they're so obsessed

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that's some massive projection

...all of them would? Just like how every Christian would tie up every gay and unmarried non-virgin for stoning? Or how every Jew would be out to mutilate everyone's genitals?

Samefag or is /pol/ doing a raid?

>just think of the Palestinians!
>....the exact same ones that would happily murder all the faggots and trannies we love so much
I mean Israel isn't much better but the double-think is ridiculous.

shit nigga just invited /pol/ here

Or, maybe a lot of people just hate kikes.

This is an echo chamber, of course they do

I don't, and nothing is going to make my opinion less impactful than those that disagree.

isnt yahoo going to jail?

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>that stomach on the one on the left

IIRC resetera is pretending he doesn't exist

If he wasn't arrested for CP he'd move there when the owner got #metoo'd for sure

Fuck off

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Why is it a certain group of people are quick to point out the double-think of a certain political group without looking at themselves and the policies they advocate for?

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>disliking resetera makes you /pol/

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Lock's Quest got ported to PS4

>darksiders 4
Eh, i'm torn about this one, one side of me wants to finish the story, but the other doesn't want because it knows it will be bad

All it took for people to change opinions on Bill Nye was a single video too.

All this seething holy shit.

how bad is Darksiders 3?

I know neogaf had one mod that turned out to be a pedo, but that and resetera are also forums with like 10k+ users so I'm not sure how statistically meaningful a handful of anecdotal cases are.

Particularly in comparison to Yea Forums with its hourly "cute and funny" threads.

Initially they turned it into something like Dark Souls and people don't really liked it. They added a classic mode for their 2nd patch I think.

>IIRC resetera is pretending he doesn't exist
They also pretend Neogaf doesn't exist. It's "taboo" to name it there. Not a bannable offense but they will dogpile you if you mention it.

ofc but you know these """""people""""" love to project

the yes voters got banned I assume

Aren't some of the old guard from NeoGAF still there? As in the ones that will ban you for the usual dissenting opinion of Sony doing no wrong?

No but the comments on that post were them flipping out at the "silent majority sexist alt right cowards".

>anyone who disagrees with my boycott is alt right