Masturbate faggots

Who needs chapter 3-4 and 5 ?
Just masturbate fag.

Attached: 1441413075-11011829-10200720496210081-2108779638898386169-o.jpg (1920x1080, 117K)

koji pls

I want sex

Attached: ashamed.png (728x1116, 420K)

Have sex.

Have sex with Big Boss.

Attached: Big Boss.png (650x806, 1.03M)

Have a graphics card that can anti alias

Shes basically a plant you're trying to fuck a plant.

Not my screenshot, dumbass.

Find a better one faggot

I like those videos where a horse is fucking a plant

Brainlets still don't understand mgsv lol kino

>muh screenshot isn't good enough
Lmfao guarantee you will reply to this post to save face

>I'll subvert all your expectations and make a game that does the opposite of everything you want

It's not deep, and subversion doesn't mean it's instantly good.

Imagine being so closeted that a digital ass makes you uncomfortable...

>Imagine being so closeted that a digital ass makes you uncomfortable...
muh dick muh pussy

Attached: 234e32r.jpg (367x613, 41K)

Did he intentionally not give a shit about Kaz?
Did he think that Kaz was going to be fine?

Attached: MGSV_-_BB_USE-2362.jpg (320x320, 41K)

>i am a dignified gaymer who cannot stand such filth in my video games! i am an adult who has no such need for filthy things, as i get laid constantly. i am an upstanding citizen! filth of this kind must be rid of from this glorious and kid-friendly medium. i do not, in any way, have such low testosterone that i wouldn't just grab dat ass (curls teeth over lip) and fuck it, and no mere cock-tease could pull me down so far as to cause me to wallow in this digital filth.

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Attached: 1557451178781.jpg (281x283, 13K)

She's fucking ugly, I'd unironically fuck literally any male in MGS than that horse faced bitch

>JAV thread got taken down but this one gets to stay up

Attached: Batemans Card.png (640x356, 241K)

Kaz was with him for what, only three years? He was only a second in command, not much of a friend. Plus, Kaz was too giddy and emotional for a base that, what, only stood two years? The revenge wasn't that big of a deal either.

Big Boss might have felt something at some point during the crash but he fucked off like a true man and realized shit that happened nine years ago wasn't worth a single dollar. Why even bother at all when Ocelot wants Big Boss to fuck off to Africa while Big Boss does everything for Big Boss himself. Nothing else can be done to change anything, plus Big Boss realized that taking a break from Piano McFiddles Miller gives him some easy time to plan ahead on satisfying his war boner.
Anyways, where was I? Oh, yeah, Big Boss doesn't give a shit about some random man with glasses operating a business as much he loves to bother about wanting to suck Adam's dick.

Attached: mgsv.webm (574x708, 1.99M)

What's the secret reason?

shes flat as a fucking board