WoW Classic Beta

Just watched Preach tanking Ragefire Chasm.

Why did people like this?

>uses 1 skill on 5 mobs
>not enough rage
>have to rest ever 5 mobs
>team uses only 1 skill
>items are pretty trash
>it takes forever
>thanks to sharding the people you teamup with might not even be on your server

Attached: Ragefire_Chasm_loading_screen.jpg (800x600, 147K)

Other urls found in this thread:[Embed]

>expecting a full range of abilities at lvl 13
you are the cancer that killed mmorpg's

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I pray this is bait, but my instincts tell me you really are a massive faggot

Why the fuck is almost every streamer playing horde?

Horde has always been the special snowflake attention loving faction.

horde was chill before the faggotry of blood elves

he said its the same at level 60. You just spam sunder armor.

assmongtard is playing alliance

>he said
oh thanks that great guru for enlightening us, truly someone who played vanilla back in the day

I mean, he’s not wrong, that’s literally how you hold aggro as a warrior

>played vanilla since the start
>in top guilds
>has several videos and screen to prove it


>some random jelly incel on 4channel who never played classic and just spams half-truth he read on mmo champion


Horde was for the snowflakes, goths, emos, edgelord teens.

Because games were fun when its wasnt all about MUH EFFICIENCY MUH TIME

>warriors in charge of leveling

I think based on this I might want to play hunter. Seems super chill, laid back, peaceful, and easymode.

I know the dude in the vid is going to go rogue and is just doing this to shoot alliance until Classic releases, which is based. Right now he's playing Hunter though.

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RFC is one of the worst dungeons in the game. Congrats on pointing that out.

true, we used to have a lot of troll and tauren on my realm but now it's belf for looks or zandalari for racials
i used to be a troll rogue was goofy but i loved him

false. i picked horde cause shamans are BADASS and gay alliance cant have them

hunters get dabbed on epic style in pvp

yeah watching the game killed all hype for me

>pull mobs
>everyone stands there for 2 minutes
>mobs die
>pull more mobs

i forgot how little movement this game had. it looks like a fucking chore to play.

hunters are one of the strongest classes in pvp because casters can't cast on you at your max range, retard.
it's pve where they tend to drop off. but raiding is just a means to BiS gear, not the actual end-game like retail

Because Alliance is ALWAYS full of children. Literally the fortnite of WoW. You zoomerfags/alliance babies don't remember

>that shitty layout

You just don't know how how to play. Go watch Kargoz speedlevel his Hunter. That's how the game is meant to be played

Pre-TBC horde is kino. It used to be chill as fuck, a lot less try hards, and all of the kids played UD rogue and were too busy ganking to annoy anybody else.

Now it's just a bunch of "HORDE DINDU NOFFIN" faggots

your mom was a chore to plow

>Get Broken Tooth
>1.0 attack speed
>Casters get rekt hard


>top guilds
He raided with Method for like a month in Dragon Soul. His biggest "claim to fame" is a "DPS world first" (???? term he came up with) as a masterfrost DK on Beth'tilac. To clarify like he would want, it was an "honorable world first DPS." You know, his entire raid group played around his management of the adds BEFORE everyone had farmed Firelands for 3 months and had their BiS.

His opinions on raiding are mostly sound, he's smarter and better informed than 90% of the playerbase, but he also has some really stupid ideas and has created a platform for himself by reading out literally fan-made content on YouTube. Not much of a step up from Pewdiepie, Asmongold, Greek, etc. ReactionTube content subsisting off 14-year olds that sit in his chat all day to simulate having friends.

I enjoyed playing edgy evil paladin who got his powers from enslaving an alien and shitting on The Light, but then sunwell plateau happened...

>not playing pre-TBC Horde before the alliancebabbies came over

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>played priest for 15 years
>tried playing other classes on krono3 over the last couple weeks
I will be play priest again, will I

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All of this is true. I still like preach

I'm surprised real World of Warcraft Vanilla Veterans like me didn't get the beta invite despite still being subbed. Not that I care because I'm not interested in Classic, but I thought they would want the opinion of people who actually played vanilla, not some fake ecelebs who only ever played private servers.

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you didnt play vanilla stop lying

>remember your server will be flooded with kids eating dick of their streamers overlords
>remember gms would ban you if you want to gank or even look bad at those streamers
>remember you would be forced to play in RP servers
>remember they will go to RP servers to fuck in your ass too
>remember your chat will be flooded with zoomers telling stories about their favorite streamer ninja looting MC and how cool they are
>remember you would not have a community without the lepra of streamers and you are condemned

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Everyone who played wc3 would play Horde. The iconic races are Horde.

I'm only level fucking 9. How are people already at the level 30 cap?

Why would I lie about that? I'm 35 years old, every nerd played it back then. It's not like it's some kind of elite prestigious thing.

>remembering the blood elf explosion

It was like 1 day nothing and then there was a fucking legion of children...

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I like hunter but the pet finickiness and constantly needing to swap aspects to get the most out of your character just seem annoying. Plus small bagspace.

I reckon I'm gonna go Druid. Not sure on faction. What do you guys think? Pls dont meme on me.


I'm glad all streamers and their zoomer followers are on the US servers.

Because you don't know how to play and that's fine. Vanilla is a ride to be enjoyed don't rush.

>i sucks dicks
we know shill

Like any RPG.

>yeah just he same as classic!!
>dude where are my quest arrows lmao!

I expected something like this to happen. So many of the "We want Classic" crowd have forgotten about basic quality of life changes made in the last 12 years since it was around. I also expect that the Classic servers will see an early influx of people, before ending up absolutely dead when the rose-tinted glasses get torn off and crushed underfoot. "What do you mean, I need to level my pet up from its starting level while also keeping its happiness and loyalty up? It dies in a single hit from the level 60 mobs!"

The majority of Classic posters didn't play Vanilla or just have really selective memory of their best times, ignoring the bits they hated.

if only alliance had keepers of the grove

Druid is going to be fine but personally I'm to nervous to roll one because it might be a bad investment. I know some people will roll to prove people wrong about them in vanilla. But I'm not so sure it's a good idea

It's like delusional people who think that living 200 years ago was better because they watched a movie or something. And if they were actually moved to that time period they'd die from lack of modern conveniences.

Hunter is actually on of the more hectic classes to maximize your DPS on. You lose a solid amount of you play sloppy. And even at your most optimal, you're gonna be subpar.

Ban this self-advertiser pls

>Why did people like this?
The better question, who is it for? Zoomers can't handle grind, boomers don't have enough time. Id say 75-90% won't resub 2nd month.

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It's pretty much exactly how I remember it, and it's given me a kind of new appreciation for retail. I absolutely love the RPG aspect of classic, but stuff like the questing structure and combat leaves a lot to be desired. It's good that it exists, I can switch between the two for a completely different experience when I feel like it.

So do I, I think he's a personally solid guy and has done a lot for the entire community, not just the ~2% that is comprised of the raiders [that matter.]

But I quit WoW for the final time last year, leaving the best guild I'd ever been in. Fucking normal lads that were competent, funny, and decent human beings. It took 12 years to get the point of clearing content on pace with world 50 guilds from being a complete shitter that didn't even gem, enchant, and get attuned. Preach was an invaluable guide in learning the skills and mindset to succeed in a game I wasted a third of my life spending too much time on.

I'm not so self-unaware to think my experience is reflective of what anyone else would do picking up this game. But there's something to be said when an "influencer" (because that's a term shamelessly used without irony now by these companies) makes their living off of providing as much news coverage and structured content guidance to these adolescent teens. Over a decade of watching his channel and channels like his grow, and I can't help but feel these people are earning a living getting kids and obsessive faggots like me addicted to the biggest timesink genre there is.

or whatever the fuck was called the first one
or i started using that in tbc?

It's true. Hunter is going to be overall the lowest dps in the raid meta but good hunters are still a thing to be feared and are welcome in raids.

If you are reading this and you want to roll Hunter please look.up some guides.

There is also positioning and a few other abilities that you use after getting full sunder stacks.


boomers are like in their 60s you warm soda

I'm fine with that honestly. I like stealth. I like having heals. I like tanking.

I can only do that in 1 class. Unless you're a warrior in anycase, you're not gonna top any damage meters. So are Rogues/Mages/Warlocks/Hunters cucked?

I tried hunter in a private server and their depth is real but its too annoying for me. Low bagsize, pet management, aspect swapping, macros for this and that and this and that... its a lot of headaches for not very good results.

Nigger that's called actual character progression. You start as a fucking pleb and get stronk over time. Crazy right?

you need to go back

Damn that's almost as cheesy as spamming thunder clap on retail

>spamming thunder clap on retail and getting kicked because they thought you were dps
ftfy because prot warrior's been dead since the first major patch of legion

Because slow paced can be fun. You feel like a real party of adventurers. It has the perfect balance of action and downtime to facilitate social interaction. If you don’t like that then don’t play. I enjoy slow paced games just as much as fast paced ones

Too real. Making me reconsider coming back to play Classic WoW unless i get something back from the investment. Butt the thought of becoming a shill influencer and editing, promoting, etc. Makes me wanna vomit. I'll have to take next few weeks to consider.

not having an out of combat res as resto is just hell when pugging the later 5 mans

Didnt even think about that, thanks you saved my day user.

>using sunder armor when battle shout is cheaper + better for multiple mobs
>can even be better for single mobs if group has a lot of pets for extra targets

wow is a game for neets. like, the only people who'll be enjoying and making use of its full content are neets or streamers. classic will end up having the same small loyal community that pservers had for all these years (and that's not a problem)

just befriend a priest or shaman

Horde was the more tryhard faction.
Human is the default.
Sex sells by default and Alliance had human females(tfw no human female gf) and night elf females.
Tryhards aren't influenced by that as much, so they get drawn to edgyer races.

Asmond, Esfand and some other guy that had 8k viewers today were all alliance though.

>its a lot of headaches for not very good results.

That's fair. I wish I had gotten the warning when i first started playing. Hunters are fun to level but endgame is a nightmare.

Don't worry man. Once you have Naxx on farm you'll start being almost half as good a healer as a Priest.

Once you have Naxx on farm you'll start being almost half as good a DPS as a Rogue.

Once you have Naxx on farm you'll start being almost half as good a tank as Warrior.

And the minute you enter WSG you'll be the best flag carrier.

Get those jumper cables!

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I want to be a warlock but I don't want to be a fucking human or small ass gnome
I'll be rolling horde this time.


>Horde was the more tryhard faction.
The best PvE racials were all Alliance though.

>aspect swapping
Literally just Hawk

>Asmond, Esfand and some other guy that had 8k viewers today were all alliance though.

They have always been alliance scum.

fucking addicts

Horde players tend to politely step aside if you're a human warrior, since they reason that you're probably on your way to your dungeon or raid, so human warriors aren't really a viable pvp alternative.

How to spot people who never played classic WoW and just pretend.

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Yeah back when people needed the paladin crutch. Now people understand TPS, and the power of Druchads and melee stacking /w windfury

Nothing beats holy priests in vanilla. When I was clearing naxx it was always priests as top 3 healers, then shamans and druids. Hots just sucked in vanilla and if you had more than one druid you were fucked because hots didn't stack, only the druid with highest healing power got to roll his hots, if you tried to put your hot on same target you couldn't.

>gnome one

They are okay at best. Warlock/priest fear and they're dead

Sure, and they had paladins too which were more valueable than shamans in raids.
That meta that was discovered throughout play didn't matter when they first started back in vanilla though.

prots good in the current meta

>thanks to sharding the people you teamup with might not even be on your server
Layering doesn't pull players from other servers. There's no sharding in classic. Everyone he plays with is from his server.

>watching asmongloid play since he's doing blackfathom deeps
>tanking the dungeon
>wasting rage on abilities instead of spamming sunder armour
>can't hold aggro on more than three mobs as a result
>actually gets lost on corpse runs
>someone donates with the message: you died next to the boss in the water
>"Theres a boss in the water?!"
>someone donates with the message: reported any bugs?
>"I've not been reporting bugs. I've just been focusing on getting to 30"
I fucking hate "veteran wow" streamers

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>can't decide faction
>can't decide race
>can't decide class
>can't decide if I want to rush to 60 or level multiple characters at once

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He summed it up quite well during the video.

>The gameplay is the worst. The game is so much better.

Playing the characters wasn't what was fun about vanilla. It was playing the rest of the game.

Classic will be flooded with rogues. Im going hunter to smoke you faggots.

Asmongold has always been fucking godawful at the game since he was making godawful gold guides so I'm not surprised.

convince me to roll on a pvp server

undead rogue, my dude :^)



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So I remember playing WoW Vanilla, and the only good thing was the friends and the newness of it glossing over the endless server issues, buggy fights, and 20 people who might as well be AFK in raids -- not to mention DKP and all the other shit they'd invented.

The fights were never truly dynamic, they were mostly the same thing except AQ where random mind controls happened and even then you just don't hit the sheep.

I don't get what makes it so great again except the delusions of nostalgia.

STV is basically Vietnam during the Tet Offensive.
>when you're farming tigers and the trees start speaking Gutterspeak

if you dont play on a pvp server youre a punk ass bitch

Warrior is female human or male troll
Mage is female gnome or male undead
Druid is female night elf
Paladin is male dwarf
Warlock is male undead
Shaman is orc, not sur if male or female
Rogue is female human, or any horde
Fuck hunters and priests

pve server it is

>Seething over EMFH for 10+ years

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Only a casual WOW player, but isn't Ragefire Chasm that one in the orc city that is basically the intro dungeon that's meant to be really boring?

>use sunder armor on mobs that die instantly

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>thanks to sharding the people you teamup with might not even be on your server
Classics sharding isn't cross server. It also requires you to already know the person on another "layer" to join their group. If you pug people in chat to do a dungeon, not only will they all be on your server but they'll all be on your layer too.

EMFH isnt vanilla u faggot

>zoomers cant handle grind

what? every zoomer game is just endless grinding I think you meant they can't handle challenging gameplay.

>March across the carpet of bones at Nesingwary's Camp
>Pop out from behind a tree and frag some Charlie at Bangalash
>Spend the next 40 minutes in a guerilla war over the Venture Co oil rig

God I love STV

Half of the new players will be people who were born after Cataclysm and the other half will be aspergers sufferers who want to do Deadmines

There are no dungeon elites in classic, let alone in blackfathom, that die instantly

how are blizz drones so delusional to actually think sharting should be in

>t. wrathbaby

It's the lowest level fucking dungeon in the game you retard, your character is far more interesting at lvl 60 and the dungeons are S tier at lvl 60.

If they remove sharding, they should buff spawn rates for NPC's. It's miserable enough already.

>watching the guy who got carried to literally everything
and off yourself.

they die in 5 seconds, its still MUCH more effective to use cleave for dmg

>mage at level 5
>spam frostbolt
>mage at level 60
>spam frostbolt
really interesting

>I didn't enjoy vanilla, so I don't get how other people could have enjoyed vanilla

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When not farming for raid, I'm probably going to spend 95% of my time in STV. I can't fucking wait for this shit.

Horde was actually good until Cata, when they castrated it alongside thrall, Alliance was the cuck faction at the start.

he's just rending them

>thanks to sharding the people you teamup with might not even be on your server
Thought they said layering only happened on the same server

How can people unironically watch assmongoloid the ugliest and most disgusting twitch streamer and how can they donate to him? Who are the people that do it? He didn't even play vanilla, he suck at the game and his personality is obnoxious. If you have to watch some streamer then fine, but why this one? Are people doing that to feel better about themselves? I guess even the most hopeless NEET incel can look at assmongol and see that he's not as pathetic, ugly and uncharismatic as him, so that might be the reason. But why waste money on that shit?

Warrior = unless they have a shield they are WARRNIGGERS
Rogue = autistic naruto boy
Mage = literal insectoid subhuman only capable of basic thought
Paladin = warrnigger in a dress
Priest = bipolar people play this
Shamchads = true bros
Druchads = also bros


i want to play shaman, gonna level as enhance will i be able to heal dungeons for easy groups?

Personally because he was doing a dungeon and I haven't watch someone do a vanilla dungeon since I was doing them myself.
Also a lot of people are watching them atm because they are the only ones who get beta invites and twitch is a mixed bag atm of literally-whos and faggots like sodapoppin, so semi-watchable people like asmongold are the most polished turd

I really enjoyed Vanilla, but 15 man UBRS for one item was bullshit, and Rexxar was bullshit for the Onyxia quest, and a whole lot of it was badly designed EQ-tier bullshit my dude.

The great stuff was my friends and when there was no WoWHead to instantly look anything up, so you had to ASK and shit what to do. There's none of that anymore. That part is gone, my friends grew up, and you can never go home again.

reminder of the official tier ranking

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athene, and plenty of other autists are in yorop

TBC was peak wow. I really miss heroics
>decently challenging, with difficulty varying depending on instance
>slow comfy burn
>needed a coordinated team to CC, avoid patrols and discuss boss tactics
>beautiful ambient music plays in the background as you clear each room
why cant wow ever be this good again


he isn't trying to be funny or shouting at the camera every 2 minutes in between speaking out twitch emotes in response to some kid donating to him.

Why do you talk like a 15 year old sophomore

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Mob tuning can't be right, elites are supposed to hit way the fuck harder than Esfand is getting hit.

I know pservers isn't a perfect comparison, but they can't be so off that it's like turning the difficulty from tell me a story to give me world of warcraft.

>play warlock
>your class fantasy pre-AQ was to give everything ebola and aids
>your class fantasy post-AQ was to kill a hooker and be a shadowbolt gatling gun
the true pimps of vanilla

>fury war based

based and TBCpilled

Hmmm all according to Ion’s plan he even made people resub so they could try to get into the beta. Absolute madlad

It wouldn't surprise me if crits and crushing blows aren't happening.

>PvP is literally who can poopsock the most rigged victories
>PvE is literally who has the most free time because raiding every night and farming reagents to raid / rep

Yeah... home...

might as well eat shit

You think you want it.

>Join the same server as my friend
>We can't see each other despite being at the same spot
>We have different "layered servers"
>No way to actually see or play with my friend unless we are in the same party
>I'm forced to party with my friend 100% of the time to even do fun nonsensical stuff with him
I'm literally shaking right now!

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Unfortunately it doesn't make BfA a good expansion.

why wouldn't you want to party with your friend on classic retard
he won't get exp if you tag

why wouldnt you party with your bro in the first place?

>not playing RP

>shouting at the camera every 2 minutes in between speaking out twitch emotes in response to some kid donating to him
Is twitch really like this? What a cancer...

>PvP is all about getting HWL/GM
Hello, retail arenacuck. Rating isn't everything


>I can't enjoy something unless i can be sure of the outcome being me winning

>NA gets a balding autist living in a mold shack and his twink friend
>EU gets based bipolar chad Kungen

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>being in party with an another male
thats pretty gay

If you've been watching his leveling with Esfand, you can already see he's impatient as fuck, rushing like he's playing Bfa, being annoyed. He'll fucking quit before October.

This is the stupidest thing i've ever fucking read in these threads and thats saying something.

>flying mounts
>welfare epics

>entire playerbase is made out of minmaxing faggots
>streamers do the same exact shit
>monkey see monkey do zoomies will be the same
>hehe just have fun my man :^)

Jesus you people will be probably the ones who will bite the grass the hardest out of the delusion brigade.

Druchads > stupid fucking WARRNIGGERS

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I think it's over zoomers are going to take over classic with their streamers overlords home it's over boys

>Most of the reported "bugs" were by dumb idiots used to their wrong classic servers


Zoomers will quit within a month. Look at the bluepost blizzard had to make about shit not being bugs. They're gonna freak

>the time it takes for a classicfag to run 1 low level dungeon is the amount of time it takes retailchads to do 3 different raid runs AND erp with their guild girlfriends

>remember your chat will be flooded with zoomers telling stories about their favorite streamer ninja looting MC and how cool they are

This is the point where streamers must be put down for the good of all society.

have sex

zoomers won't make it past 30. the second some new hot shit AAA yearly showelware comes around, every streamers except autismbald will jump the boat

I don't play mage bitch, warrior is exciting as fuck in PvP at lvl 60.

>Quests objectives and points of interests are not tracked on the map or minimap.
>Available quests do not display a “!” on the minimap.
holy fucking shit, theres no way

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Don’t worry. They’ll add in lvl60 boosts so you can skip all the stuff you don’t like.

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>and thats a good thing!

RPchads unite

Yeah that’ll get patched out in a week

>and the trees start speaking Gutterspeak
I feel like night elf rogues and undead rogues should have their own language they can communicate in

>Priest = bipolar people play this
I think people just become bipolar after playing priest

>pick pvp server
>no streamers because the fags that think it's "epic" to give them all the loot and gold are the same fags that think it's "epic" to constantly try and PK them
>pvp servers are better than pve servers regardless of streamers
problem solved


Healing is a thankless job

disc priest, is that like a battleground focused priest?
Staying out of shadow so you can still heal, but still somewhat focused on damaging

Daily reminder that vanilla as shit, and the only reason you had fun was because it was all new and nobody knew what the fuck they were doing. Watch these threads vanish a month after classic launches.
You think you want it but you don't want it.

ok thy

almost all streamers are playing on pvp servers

Is this going to be an accurate picture of every server on Classic WoW?

go vote EU fags

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Only reply to this if you actually have first hand experience

If a warrior during MC being current content gets Sulfuras, is 2h pve dps viable? For how long?

look mom I posted it again


"As we’ve discussed before, the nature of WoW Classic sometimes invokes different memories for different players, and this leads to certain misconceptions for some about what is or isn’t working as intended.

The following is a list of commonly-reported gameplay in WoW Classic that is not actually a bug, and is working as we expect it to:

Tauren’s hitboxes and their melee reach is slightly larger than other races.
Being critically struck while using /sit to sit does not cause abilities like Enrage, Blood Craze, and Reckoning to activate.
Using the “Automatic Quest Tracking” option does not auto-track newly accepted quests. (It instead will start to track an existing quest once progress towards an objective is started.)
Warrior health Regeneration is working at the expected rate.
Quests objectives and points of interests are not tracked on the map or minimap.
Completed quests are marked on the minimap with a dot. (and not a “?”)
Feared players and NPCs run fast.
Standing on top of other players while facing away allows spells and attacks to be used.
Creature respawn rates are much slower than in Battle for Azeroth.
NPCs which offer multiple quests may inconsistently display them as a dot or a “!” on the available quests list. They were inconsistent in 1.12, and we’ve reproduced the exact inconsistency they had back then.
Quests that are too low level for do not show up as a “!” in the game world.
Available quests do not display a “!” on the minimap.
On level up, the message: “Your skill in Protection increased to 15” was added in 1.12.1, and we’re intending to keep that."

>galaxy brain classes like druid and shaman filtering the casual brainlets

Here you go, fucking mongoloids.

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looks reasonable

For the beta of course not for live servers

I like encounters in TBC dungeons but hate that every dungeon besides the Zangarmarsh ones were just dude hallways

Reported for self-advertising in the myriad of threads.

Get help.

i'm interested in playing a disc priest, holy seems to limited and boring and for some reason i've never liked shadow thematically

only issue is, it's all shield based and most tanks will be warriors right? and the bubble fucks their rage building i believe its been too long to remember

So on retail I am able to make an EU wow account so I can play with my friends living over there. Will classic support this as well?

>some mobs are tuned right
>that means there can't possibly be any mobs tuned wrong



well if we combine shaman+paladin into one class to make it representative of alliance/horde like mages on alliance and mages on horde then we see that shaman is indeed not a galaxy brain class

except shaman and pally play completely different

not the point

>fighting boss
>healer not spamming heals

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it was well-established that private servers had mob values blatantly wrong, especially in the early zones.
if you had been with the scene long enough then you might know about gummy's server, which had the actual correct values for early game.
instead you're just a mongoloid who believes nostralius is the original experience despite the literal tens of thousands of bugs and mistakes in their attempt to emulate classic

>judging a class and their skills/abilities at lvl 14 in a lvl 10 dungeon

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Wait isn't he the guy that just stops playing to go on some retarded tirade for 20 minutes?

never go full retard

Verdan clearly could see the absolute state of his bars and punished him for it

classic is retail with "vanilla" patch on it, don't see why not

>2h pve dps viable
sulfuras is a pretty shitty weapon, all i remember that usually roleplayers and women went crazy for it

Some INFOs from Interview Blizzard did

>It's been fascinating for the team to recreate classic WoW and there have been questions of if there are ways that this could inform the way that they think about WoW today keeping in mind the philosophies of the modern game.
>There are aspects of how to approach the outdoor world that could continue to inform designs in Battle for Azeroth.
>Communication for retail WoW is a bit more complicated than it is for Classic as most of it is based on listening and feedback without clear answers where Classic has a lot of clear answers. It's the difference between figuring out the answers and already knowing them.
>The team wants to sustain healthy communities and not have too many servers at launch that run into low pop issues once the initial launch dies down.
>The Layer system is only planned for the first few weeks. As players spread out over time eventually there will be no layer system, especially by when the world bosses are introduced.
>Each layer can hold the same population as a server from the original WoW.
>There will be no pet/mount shop in Classic.
It's nice to return to a nameless adventurer, but in modern WoW there comes a point after defeating major lore villains where you can't be nameless anymore.
>The beta is small because they are using it to make sure that they have gotten everything right, not to address if the content is fun or to nerf things.
>Classic is about the journey and not the destination, and so players who don't have the time that they once did will still enjoy the ride.
>The server architecture (population, etc) from retail WoW is used for Classic WoW.
>Quirky bugs that are not game-breaking/exploits were actually left in the game.
>Community feedback will be an important consideration for releasing classic expansions post launch.
The back end developer interfaces for the game is the modern infrastructure. The customer, however, sees the original game.

your point made no sense

There's no way private servers are so insanely out of whack that some elites do literally twice as much damage

Cast chain heal
Cast frost shock

>vanilla fags so desperate they have already gave up on their NO CHANGES stance
enjoy sharding dumb fucks

The only thing galaxy brain about a druid is thinking up all the ways you can click on innervate after targeting the priest

Ackshually, healing in vanilla was very rewarding because healing was challenging and healers were not very common (lack of dual spec). So if you were a good healer people added you to friend list, invited you to go to dungeons, tried to befriend you and ultimately you ended up in some guild and easily got a spot in raid group. It could be annoying tho, because you could get a random whispers of some desperate groups looking for healer for 2 hours to no anvil.

>using broken chest

>The beta is small because they are using it to make sure that they have gotten everything right
And also because they only want major streamers and their friends to hype up the game before it comes out

look at faction balance:

paladin 891
mage 798
warrior 752
warlock 707
rogue 677
priest 581
hunter 503
druid 418

shaman 844
mage 798
warrior 752
warlock 707
rogue 677
priest 581
hunter 503
druid 418

paladin and shaman dominate the polls, with druids being the least popular

you understand that more than half of the original mangos database is entirely made up, right?

why and why not
even if I get pushed to healing or boosting priests

Verdan is notorious for hitting like a fucking truck, and the second hit was a crit on top of that.

Have you opted-in for beta?

Whats the alternative? Shitty chink-gold-farming Pservers that are getting shut down anyway?
Retail? HA.

This streamer and twitch bullshit is why I hate Classic and will not play it.

Understandable, not many can handle being a Druchad. It's too complex for most and only the most gigantic of brains can handle it.

>there comes a point after defeating major lore villains where you can't be nameless
State that those battles aren't canon. Blizzard does it whenever it suits them, why not for the players sake?

2h dps in raids is subpar compared to dual wielding, and Sulfuras is useless in both MC and BWL

druids are shit it basically everything
>raids dont want more than 2-3 max since hots dont stack
>feral lol
>boomkin lol
only viable spec is bear and even then warriors are better than you

the classic looks very undertuned compared to private servers. if it stays babyshit like this I dont think I will play it.

what will be your first mount when classic launches?

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People have huge nostalgia glasses for WoW. Classic raids were never hard; you could literally heal them with ret gear. Mythic raids in retail are 10x harder and have many more mechanics then vanilla did. The game is super bland by today's standards.

When it launches, it will be like new years. Everyone will play it for one month then stop paying their gym subscription and do other things.

also it forces one side to roll tauren, so understandably most druids will be alliance, so i'd be it's a 200-600 ratio

For pvp it should be pretty amazing, no? It's super slow with top end damage only rivaled by naxx loot.

broken gear
absolute retarded shitskin

playing a good game. wow was never good

It was like 10 alliance guilds and nihilum

according to Blizzard its literally the OG classic. Just what people wanted. Private server babies should not cry about it.

See also pic related for their overall stance on other "bugs".

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He pretends he's oldschool vanilla but he's let slip a couple of times that he got in on the final two or three months of vanilla when it was basically done already.

He's a TBC babby.

holy fuck i haven't seen that image in probably 10+ years

Here's the true drupill


>can tank the moment they can turn into a bear

>higher health and armor values

>amazing utility, a bro to all healers

>literally cannot be killed/kited in pvp

>most obnoxious opponent to try to kill, most just give up(you know they mad)

>god tier at wpvp

>doesn't even need gear to be good while leveling

>BIS weapon for entire game is a lvl 29 weapon (holy fuck that efficiency)

>tanks NAXX in fucking BWL like a true chad

>can heal and tank by just swapping gear (name one other class capable of that)

>one of the most comfy leveling experiences in the game

>Entire zone dedicated to the class, gets to chill with literal druid gods

>More entertaining in PvP, premium flag carrier and 1v1 god

>Can't be disarmed

>always a good attitude towards others

>uses gear no one else needs (like a true bro)

>will always pass on weapon epics (unlike a warfag who will take them and add them to his bank of forgotten weaps

>best at gathering profs

>doesn’t need to do bitch work in raids (rezzing all, sums, cookies, etc. literally just show up and get gear)

>doesn't even need 60% speed, travel form + pvp set + defiler boots = more speed

>can aoe farm in open world and dungeons while being in heal spec.

>can do emp runs easily

>much more efficient trib runs with a rogue.

>can solo practically every single elite enemy in the entire game

But taking the naturepill means you must put in a fuckload of effort. If you don't wanna try then roll priest

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>tanking with red chest
Isn't this guy who is shilling for classic without ever playing vanilla before?
What a fucking embarrassment.

>red chest
>literally 5 seconds of being damaged with no healing
>gets crit'd
No fucking wonder. Druid casting moonfire instead of a heal made my chuckle though.

Oh and in Vanilla groups often thanked me for good healing, something that I've never encountered in future expansions.


Fuck nu Blizzard and all the retards paying for this

>flying mounts
was a neat failed experiment, with some areas designed specifically for flying which was really cool. Required huge gold investment and gave you a new milestone to look to.
>welfare epics
they were always subpar and its not like you could deck yourself in full badge epics. I like when things other than raids matter
had an amazing starting zone. One of the best soundtracks are belf related. Nobody couldve predicted their population would explode this much
basically it was amazing during its time but in retrospective it set things in motion that would eventually ruin wow

healing touch scales the best with healing+ out of all healing class abilities. they aren't that useless. regrowth spamming is irrelevant until aq40/naxx anyway

they are literally the worst healing class in the game

Levelling to ten feels bad, basically all you have is moonfire and wrath
After you get bear form the world is your fucking oyster and you have great levelling with basically zero downtime, and easy dungeon groups if you tank
PvP they kinda suck as anything but flag carriers
You can solo kill any melee mob in the game as long as it's outside
You almost certainly will heal in raids, but can do basically anything in the other 60 content

>amazing utility, a bro to all healers
This I can confirm, I always befriended druids in my raids so I could get all the niniverates and top healing meter.

>I like when things other than raids matter
it's tough itemizing in a linear vertical progression game
all mmos should be built like eve online

Wont be as good as it was in the day

sulfuras should convert all your damage to fire

Even worse than a crit, it was a crushing blow. Which do more damage than a normal critical.

Private server has accurate data for a TINY amount of npc, the rest is literally just guessing and extrapolation, that includes raid bosses too btw.

>Nobody couldve predicted their population would explode this much

You're just trolling at this point. Everyone fucking knew it would happen they are literally anime characters.

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>Everyone will play it for one month then stop paying

We're talking about classic, not retail you deluded lil'zoom.

>useless in the first 2 raids of the game
truly legendary

by what metric exactly?

But surely you don't just 360 noscope random numbers based on feels for every mob? Surely you like, look up old footage from vanilla and use that as a baseline?

I envy you user. Not many people thank me for healing anymore

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hots are terrible, no aoe healing, no rez

*also penetrate all fire resistance and %reductions

It's already starting. This WILL be you, the people who keep spamming Vanilla is just nostalgia. People are releasing just how god tier it is. It's already fucking happening lads. WE'RE ALL GOING HOME.

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You'll be stuck healing forever.
You'll never beat priests at healing.
Spells like innervate and battle rez make having a few of you in raids invaluable.
only healer that wear leather at 60 so less competition (especially if you are alliance, since there'll be no min-maxing shamans)
There will be so few of you that it offsets the limit space in raids

Pick druid if you just want to casually play the game. If you want to be topping the healing meters, pick priest. Druid tanking is too ass-pain to bother with untill naxx.
Don't even consider doing damage.

Not to mention fucking normie-bait elves and the 'hot' race for the Horde.

belves were designed to boost horde numbers way bones about it

I mean yeah we all knew it was going to be a huge boom but not fucking 40% of horde population like it is now on retail. Im sure even blizzard regretted it at one point

that is correct, warriors asked my sis (priest) to not shield them
as a paladin i had no problem with that

"I used to think it was just nostaliga, I was a nay sayer of classic wow, its just nostaliga. Everyone is longing for what they had in the past, and it's not as good as it was..

..and I was wrong. It really is good."

fucking came. remember this cunt whenever you see these little shits crying kek

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>only healer that wear leather at 60 so less competition
this isnt retail shamans will use leather healing gear as well

The talent tree is a nightmare for leveling.
Feral/boom is shit, resto is decent but still the worst healing class. You might be taken for innervate but that's about it.

who gets atiesh first? forget clique shit, which class has the best atiesh

of all pieces of armor...

no excuse for not knowing about BFD ever really.
even these days people still run that dungeon while leveing and things like the water boss are still there afaik even in BFA.

So you quote me but just cut off the part of that sentence where I address the point your making?

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b-but muh druchad memes that were literally invented l-last week...?!

>this will be you
Lol fuck no.
Based balkan trash debunked this years ago and he was right.

god i fucking hated that fucker for being a naysayer... now i don't even know what to think


No regrets from Blizzard. They needed people to join the horde.

I barely ever played WoW and these homeposters are getting to me. I think I'm gonna try the game. How long will I last?

Hey user. Most Yea Forums users never played vanilla. They don't know dick about shit when it comes to actual balance or viability.

i've not played wow for ages but can't you open the map to see where all the bosses are nowadays? no reason to learn a dungeon.

mage or lock because more dps for party

It's a big crab now. It's even eating Serra'kis when you find it.

>Disc Priest
>battleground focused?
>shield based?
lol, no.

Look here's the real deal:
Holy increases your healing
Disc gives you utility
Shadow gave you higher damage and defense against melee.

For all three trees, you're going to wind up healing, and you're going to use downranked Heal, Flash Heal, and Renew to play whack-a-mole with health bars.

You'll have to learn how to abuse the 5 second rule, and learn how and when to use your max rank spells.

It doesn't matter if you're Disc, Holy, or Shadow. When you end up healing (and you will) you'll have the same playstyle no matter what talents you picked.

PS: No one ever takes Lightwell because its trash and will always be trash.

Hearing preach jack vanilla off during allcraft yesterday made me so fucking smug. He's been shitting on the idea since its inception.

DOA(dead on arrival)

3 days

battle res is more important in raiding
already explained to you that druids would be using healing touch instead of spamming hots
aoe healing isnt even a common thing in vanilla. only chain heal is the only aoe heal worth using.


Crushing blows were 1.5x and crits were 2x.

Did they seriously fucking leave this in the classic servers?

druid >> mage >> warlock >> priest

manareg good for every class who has mana >> 2spellcrit is good for all casters >> damage >>heal

If you meet some friends on there and don’t mix with the min/max players you are looking at a solid good time

stop coping, you're coming home with us

obivously the gameplay is bad, rpg were never focused on gameplay.
whats good at vanilla was all the choices you had to customize your character, and actual mmoRPG aspects

Don't bother, zoomer. Go play your trash games and don't even try to understand good games

and they are still the worst healing class, im not saying they are worthless raids will still want 2-3 druids even if they do the worst healing due to their utility

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Yes but didn't crushing blows ignore armor? I could've sworn getting crushed was way worse than getting crit.

Lol, vanilla alliance quests were mostly grey to dark shit.
There were no goody good shoes quest for the alliance in Vanilla

They literally fucking don't, I remember during the early days of nostalrius people sent them videos of old vanilla dungeon runs so they could at least fix those but they just deleted the bug reports and refused to do any work.

For the first month, yes.

it only shows the main bosses.

oh. rip. but there's still something there.

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Friendly reminder to bait everyone you know who is trying to decide what class to pick into picking rogues.
Show them roguecraft and feed them the stun-lock meme, and don't let them figure out that classic being 1.12 means that rogues are a crippled version of their early vanilla selves where all the memes originate from.
More easy targets for honour farming.

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anyone know any video of streamers getting to razor hill (durotar)? need it for specific purposes
also, westfall. completing farmer furlbrow quests

the hunter obviously

How important is booty bay and how fucked would i be if i farmed bloodsail rep?

Whichever class the GM's girlfriend is.

The crippled version of their original state was still really fucking powerful especially in small scale PVP. And they were the best in raids, too.

Because it's subpar at endgame
>No OOC ress
>Bearform is ok to tank 5 mans, but is a joke in raids
>Same with Cat form
I'd love to play a druid, but the lack of OOC ress kills the class for me

>Hundreds of people already complaining about respawn rates, quests tracking not on minimap, and other QoL shit
hahahaha, your precious Classic is going to be ruined and you know it.

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>extremely fun in pvp
>one of the best world pvpers in the game
>most skillbased class in the game
>insane depth
>extremely versatile
>SSS rank flag carriers
>lots of druid-specific flag carrier tricks
>SSS rank levelers
>sets look amazing
>debatably better 5man tanks than warriors

>only resto is viable in raiding
>don't fall for the feral memelords
>even if you powershift hard and minmax to fuck you'll still fall behind like fuck and be a liability
>resto is really boring
>resto is really bad
>resto has no regular ress
>if you didn't have motw and CR you wouldn't get into a minmaxed raid even as resto
>everyone sees you as a joke
>pve as a druid is suffering

If you love pvp and only raid so that you can get stronger for pvp, roll druid. If you're a pve player who doesn't care about pvp, don't fucking touch druid ever.

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>downranked Heal
You mean Greater Heal.
Also prayer of healing was sometimes useful.

the meme is dead???

If that's true then I'm on the buff vanilla train.

Sunder armor, shield bash, heroic strike on occasion, shield block.

>>Available quests do not display a “!” on the minimap.
they should add that though

>PS: No one ever takes Lightwell because its trash and will always be trash.
During WotLK there was a girl priest in my guild that posted her lewd photos on guild forum if people clicked her lightwell in raids. It motivated us pretty well.

>A crushing blow is an attack made by an mob or NPC that is 150% of the damage caused by a normal successful attack.
>When the attacking mob is more than 4 levels above the target, there is a chance of being struck by a crushing blow. If the level difference is only 3, which is common for players being attacked by "boss" mobs (who are always treated as 3 levels higher than their attackers), then the player cannot be hit by a crushing blow.

Are there going to be any GM girlfriends in 2019 though?

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I'm actually looking forward to it being group based again.

well its one of the harbors connecting the eastern and western continent, its close to ZG, has trainers for professions like engineering, a neutral AH(was that in vanilla?) and a bank.

Druid was literally the worst class in Vanilla.

i remember desperatly trying to teach people on how to use it, at burning crusade.
lightwell is such a good spell. manaefficient, good heal, reduces the struggle of healing a bit. its a shame the spell failed to due bad players not understanding how to click on it

didnt they remove lightwell at wotlk?

>lesser healing wave
>chain heal
>mana tide

>people dont want to run support bitch hybrids now that they arent getting tricked into playing them

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Whoever sucks GM cock the most.

And a bunch of nothing was said

How big was her cock?

Alright that makes more sense. For some reason I remember always being afraid of a string of crushing blows.

I guess it's because if you're in the "crushing range" its going to happen a lot but crits were always 5%

dungeons are tuned properly

>"nice we finally killed him!"
>"woah the rare item I wanted!"
>"DON'T ROLL NEED, I NEED THAT." - Trannysauraus
>*You have been removed from the guild*

respawn rates for regular quest mooks were fucking shit.
I understand it for rare hunter mobs like humar the pridelord but holy shit I remember clearing out whole areas and not getting all the quest items required.

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Because literally no one plays druid so most have no fucking clue how they work

why would you do this lol

Lightwell was removed in Legion.

Yeah, i did it in OG vanilla but only towards the end and I was never that involved in raiding so I wasn't sure how key the area was. Basically if i don't permanently fuck myself over because of it i'd do it.

I guess i could always just buy obscene amounts of linen cloth and gain back my booty bay rep...

What, so you don't have to actually walk around a new camp/town/settlement you come accross or are sent to in order to find people who need help? Whats the point in them making these places if you don't explore them?
Might as well just have every quest giver in the zone standing in the exact same spot right at the entrance

Yeah i mean there is no way to tell who gives you a quest in the game otherwise...

>The rage threads
>The guild drama threads
>The pvp salt threads

It's going to be fucking glorious.

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you could also jump off the boat and swim to a safe spot.

lol im just gonna use a quest helper addon day one

wasn't there a quest board that lists shit in the cities?

>How big was her cock?
Those were different times user... She had a vagina (real one, not front hole).

Just watch the video.


go back to retail faggot

>vegan opinion
>played 2 days

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yeah after cataclysm... are you serious?

I miss doing those quests like the one for the blood tempered ranseur and the redemption spell.

which horde race has the most interesting starting zone? undead?

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>The guild drama threads
Oh god yes.

>TankYourPantsOff has left the guild.
>GM: He will be replaced.
>PriestSlut has left the guild.
>GankAndSpankRogue has left the guild.
>DruidDude has left the guild.
>GM: Raid is cancelled.
>Gm has left the guild.

Lightwell was very good concept and in WotLK it was THE most efficient heal in the game. Too bad most players just didn't care and waited to be healed. If only they made Lightwell shot those charges at players below certain health threshold instead of requiring it to be clicked then it would be much more useful.

ahh k, guess i just stopped skilling it then

>on a woman
Wow we really are going back ((HOME))

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Druchad naturepill incoming

Based druid reference dump
Tanking endgame content
Farming in heal spec
Farming lashers in dm
PVE spec = PVP spec
KILLING named quest ELITES SOLO /w appropriate gear @ level.

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Was a kid playing UD rogue, can confirm.

Vanity gear including a cool hat that summons a bloodsail parrot

Get my style on in Org

Mulgore is peak comfy and the ultimate pleb filter.

ye i remember SSC - tidehunter boss
people get locked into waterprison, you have to heal them.
>ideal situation
you place a lightwell on the entrace and after getting out everyone can just click it while moving to the boss again, saves mana, priest can focuse on more important things etc
>what it was like
heal, out of sight, out of sight, heal (raidleader yells heal faster)

Hunters are very useful for the utility they bring.

>ragefire chasm

>not mentioning based Bbaron


Yeah. Tauren was comfiest though.

UD starting zone is so fucking atmospheric

>undead females are going to be cute again
Can't wait.

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Thats because quests in Vanilla were just mob grinding disguised

Nostalgia, vanilla is complete garbage in modern day. It was amazing upon release, and the freshness of WoW and the group of players who would all work together in raids was amazing, now the only people who play are old neckbeards who haven't moved on in their life and think they can recreate the experience just because a old version was re released.

jesus christ what is this absolute cancer?

Tirisfal by far, it's so gloomy and dank, and Brill is the ultimate comfy. FUCK modern Brill they made it into dogshit

i also want to stress do not be a faggot and Zeppelin to Durotar the moment you leave Brill. Real Forsaken niggas brave the horrors of Silverpine and even dare to quest in Hillsbrad for the kino story lines

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they did that. I dont know if it was cata or MoP but there was a talent option that made lightwell automatic but at a worse healing rate to balance it out.

hilarious bandaid fix to your average player being retarded. good players could still click on the real one to get bigger heals.

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>Pilav says Vanilla sucks cock and people are deluded
>Sucks Classic cock

I'm not surprised

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Undead. Not only the best starting zone but the best 1-60 experience.
>wake up
>oh fuck arthas killed me
>get your bearings in tirisfal
>learn what happened to you and everyone else
>learn some of the people who made you what you are are still in the zones right next to you
>can't go in there yet because you aren't strong enough (the game literally lets you just wander in and see for yourself)
>go on a little adventure through silverpine, hillsbrad, arathi, alterac, and the hinterlands - all areas your people used to call home that have now been changed forever just like you have - learning about the new world and your new place in it.
>finally strong enough to enter the plaguelands
>two zones of getting revenge
>level 60
>having completed your personal goal, you go off into the wider world looking for more adventure.

Oh nice, but I don't remember that. Must've been MoP as I skipped that expansion.

I wouldnt mind mob grinds if there were enough mobs. Often you just killed everything and then had to wait doing fuckall.
Like fucking hell either increase the droprates or the monster spawns FUCK THAT STRANGLETHORN GORILLA SINEW QUESTS FIFTEEN YEARS LATER AND IM STILL MAD

>No max weapon skill
>No capped hit
>Hits the mob to the face instead the back
You don't deserve the loot.

>good players could still click on the real
ye, but theres the issue i guess.
try to tell the raidleader that its nto your fault because people are to dumb to click your lightwell when they die



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>questing in Unga-bunga: the zone
You only have yourself to blame

warlock undead male or female
I can't pick

That's inaccurate for Vanilla, it was changed in Wrath to what you posted
A level 63 mob has a 15% chance to crush a level 60 player if they do not have the necessary miss/dodge/parry/block to push it off the table

>you can get a single piece of gear with 6 int 3 stam and you can feel your spells hitting harder
>6 int 3 stam
>spells hitting harder
this fucking leaf

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you still havent explained why druid sucks other than parroting the old tired dude hots sucks garbage

>tfw no zombie gf

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It just depends on how good your guild is.
a really good guild with a smart leader will tell everybody to use their well just like they tell everybody to use flasks, bufffood and potions.
With shitter guilds and with pugs something as cool as a lightwell is obviously completely fucking useless to the point where it might as well not exist.

Now if only they would let us enable Chinese model...

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Doesn't matter if they aren't actually hitting harder. If the player getting better gear actually makes them FEEL stronger, the game has done a good job.

true, with guilds it was ok most of the times. people would also get used to lightwell, mainly talking about randomgroups

>sets look amazing
I agree with all your points but this.
>T1 fucking shrubbery
>T2 fucking moose
Only T3 looked good.

This triggers the retailfag

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>int will affect mana pools again

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>sucks classic cock
why do you flat out lie

Horde stopped being good in TBC.

Each to his own I guess, both those sets are some of my all time favs.

>Be a raid leader
>Idiot DPS dies
>Check the logs
>0 heals from the well
>Yell at the DPS to click the fucking well next time
It's not that hard.

I think food for pets would trigger them more.

Jack of all trades while being the master of none. It's literally how the class was designed: can do everything, just not as well as the classes that specialize in those areas.
Healing touch rank 3 and 4 were the most mana efficient healing spells in the game, but priests still did more over-all healing so people took more priests over druids

I have a soft spot for female forsaken. They always pulled my heart strings in a strange way.

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The perfect balance would be WotLK gameplay and Classic game.

Despite being correct for the wrong reasons he is technically still correct
More int increases your chance to crit with spells

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>I want to be an undead but I want to have nothing about being undead aside from paler skin and green eyes
Fuck off, if I could be a full skeleton or barely held together meatsack I would

Undead fucking shits

I'm going to make it a point to gank all of you as much as I can

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I bet you've jacked off to the Corpse Bride movie

>Buying so many low tier arrows that you will only use half of them before you can use next tier arrows

>hating on based bones

Every piece of fresh armor you equip randomly having the spine and elbows punched out will always be kino and is classic WoW aesthetic at its finest


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Most atmospheric and thematically interesting of the three.
Introduces you to the story and threat of the scourge early, good build up to Scholomance, Stratholme, Scarlet Monastery, and of course Naxxramas.
Most disconnected of the three, the only "serious" threat you're introduced to right of the gate are quillboars I guess. The story here isn't very interesting and most of the zone is just wide open plains, but its still pretty to look at and does fit the Tauren thematically.
Shitty dirty desert with eye raping neon red sand you get to stare at for the next few hours. Outside of the echo isles most of the zone is a total eyesore. It sucks.

Classic is not for zoomers with the attention span of an Alzheimer’s patient.

If you want to play a game that was made for everyone, and everything you need is given to you with a click of a button, stay in your BFA containment servers

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you know what bothers me about this?
not the fact that its a resource that takes up a bag (even though a seperate bag would be nicer), but the fact that its so BORING.
literally all the shots in the game are the same thing just with different numbers.
there was no fire ammo or poison ammo or ice ammo or something like that. what a shitty missed opportunity.

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It was challenging back then, because people were much worse as players. Clicking, not moving fast enough, using wrong gear, not using certain skills. Everyone was learning how it works.

Also it was community building. You needed to get a group of five people and beat the dungeon with them. Often swapping players was impossible so you stick to your team and learn by mistakes. You beat the odds together and build friendships.

of course priests do more healing when they get free extra mana bar per boss encounter from druid innervate.

>Why read the book when you can just read the summary.
Maybe you're the problem.

RFC was never really challenging. it was the easiest, most entry level dungeon in the game.

>broken eq
>on that fucking boss from WC
is this DSP?

Yeah, okay tough guy.
See you in STV.

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It was too stick-like and cartonishly ugly.

>fem undead are suddenly popular now
what happened?

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Hey user, here's an interesting thought:
If priests weren't way better healers than druids, why would the druids innervate the priests and not themselves?

Death to the living!

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the nelf trannies got exposed so they're swapping now

>retailfaggots can't play female belf
>play undead instead

>Kungen will give us sweet guild drama and telling kids to fuck off once again
'Tis a blessing to be born in the land of Kingdoms.

I was high warlord on my hunter. Since everything dies so fast you can snipe out casters (and your pet wrecks them) while kiting warriors and rogues. In one of the later vanilla patches BM gets a buff too where bestial wrath just wrecks everyone even more.

Don't listen to that shit head. Druchads are more entertaining to play, the most fun you can EVER have on a holy priest in mind controlling humanoids to see what spells they have. You are also basically a sitting duck in WPVP and can't do solo anything except dire maul plants, which pretty much every class can do already. Priest is MEGA boring as shit. Dedicated heal priests need to always play with someone else to get shit done which sucks if your pal isn't online

Imagine the smell

that is a mystery indeed

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Oh I will bitch, I'll see yo-

Fuck no, even I'm not going into that hellhole. I'm going straight to Hillsbrad and then fighting my way to Silverpine to make your lowbie life hell.

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Level 30 mounts ruined STV.

>Silverpine to
you know horde arent flagged in silverpine right?

Really? I swear it was contested. Am I retarded or did I switch timelines again?

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out of pity

Never thought about that, but I'd actually love it.

that reminds me... why the fuck are alliance flagged in: redridge, wetlands, duskwood? Does horde have such zones where they shouldn't be flagged?

WotLK had classic homogenization didnt it?

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>Draw an elf
>Call it undead

Old models where they were actually cute. After model update they are literall trannies.

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first zones horde get flagged in are arathi, stonetalon, and ashenvale, both the barrens and silverpine are safe

>all these casters
might have to roll a hunter boys

Wrath was objectively the most complex and fun class-wise.

How do I get a beta invite? Surely there's more to it than just opting in.

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its not fair
now I'm not a special snowflake anymore

Private servers were overtuned due to
>not knowing the exact stats
>making up for the shit coding

Be a streamer/youtuber

become a streamer and average at least 500 views

out fucking skilled

get rekt retard

anyone duo leveling ?
what classes are you picking?
no minmax bs

Because only Trannys play at Alliance

I’m a friendly undead :(

I wouldn't call running the Legion game client "OG classic". It's just a heavily modded version of modern WoW.

piss off manlet

he might be too much for modern twitch

Is this an Undead girl thread?

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>fuck modern brill
You truly are a man of taste user. Never change

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Seeing shit like this is the best part of Classic

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if you haven't played through all expansion on account that was created pre-tbc, your only option is F&F

Wotlk struck a fairly decent balance between classes
every class could fulfill all their roles even if some werent as good as others at it(except sub rogues being only good in pvp)
Cleanses were on all healers but they couldnt do everything
Lots of specs brought raid buffs like demo locks/boomkins/fury warriors

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So I looked at Shaman talents and apparently they can get extra 14% crit chance for their main dmg spells and 8% for all the other.

That's fucking insane.


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Honestly, can't tell if he's being ironic.

yeah imagine

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and they got to try if first
blizzard will definitely fuck up classic with this kind of morons

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This does not account for faction preference for certain classes.

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We are the Forsaken. We will slaughter anyone who stands in our way.

*winky face*

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Alright bros, all of you are my last hope. I wanna play wow and understand the story. Like knowing what the fuck actually happens in this game, like if I watch a blizz cinematic understanding what actually happened. How do I do this now?
Does this game even have a story that leads to a final boss and then with the new expansion a new storyline comes out? Or do you just raid the dungeon, kill the boss and that´s it?

thanks einstein

*Shards on you*

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Asmongold replaying a game that sucked his faggot ass dry for 12 years...He does it for his mommy.

Rigor mortis is a myth. This is the real reason a forsaken man's dick is hard 24/7

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Dead is better, babyyyyyy

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i used to be gnome
but this time around i want a guaranteed raid spot, so going to roll priest
>tfw no gnome priests

>goes oom in 15 seconds

That's 3% chance to hit, not 3% chance to crit

>playing any race but dwarf as an alliance priest

>still relevant

Play WC3 and it's expansion, and you're all set.

>Nobody couldve predicted their population would explode this much

*takes a long drag off cigarette* was only a matter of time, I suppose.

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>Play WC3 and it's expansion, and you're all set.
what about the nu-blizz shit? I knew that cataclysm did some time travel bullshit. But is the newest add-on literally not further with the story than wc3?

this is a classic thread bud, we don't care about post vanilla lore

is he based?

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No, I'm talking about Classic. You shouldn't care about modern WoW. One of the problems with it is that you can't just jump in and get the last 15 years of story, it's all jumbled together in game. There is no way to play the game and experience all the content in it's history, so much of it has been removed or changed.

If you're new to WoW and want to get into it, you should start with Classic. Perfect place for a new person to start and you'll fall in love with the game. If you want to know a bit of story/lore before you start it, play WC3.

no, he just lives in a bubble

kill yourself

but does classic even have that? Like an actual goal or some endboss? I am not talking about a whole singleplayer campaign, but overall. Like if I just do quests, aren´t these quests slowly guiding me to more areas and then to the endgame area with the last dungeon?

Like I understand there will be dungeons that are just for side lore etc. E.g. Burning Crusade, isn´t there something like a red thread guiding you to this huge demon like boss?

Is there some kind of anti-streamer movement?

venruki, snutz, cdew, etc. are all personalityless hacks

Best place for chill leveling?
FRESHEST privateserver?

There is a general narrative that persists throughout the game, and most zones have their own little mini stories going on.

>isn´t there something like a red thread guiding you to this huge demon like boss?

Yes. Don't want to spoil it but yeah, there are a few things like that.

was about to ask this same question. tried northdale its impossible to level too many fucking people playing it any server that isnt overpopulated as fuck but still has a decent amount?

>play five minutes of modern wow
>an orc in a tophat and motorbike materialises with full gear at the starting level with a gargling murloc pet and drives off in a random direction

apparently pserver leveling is like 20-30% faster than classic

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They fixed that in early 2018

kronos is the closest to the current exp values, but it's still wrong

This guy is making a spreadsheet for leveling with grinding on which mobs profit the most from grey drops.

I'd say that's pretty based and redpilled.

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just release the beta for the masses and then delete everything at launch
fucking blizzard

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I leveled a bit on K3, it was decent.

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Questmarking was one of the things that destroyed Wow along with quest addons.

Granted, it's mostly kill / gather / deliver and some escort quests but still there's story in this world and by deciding to ignore it you deny yourself the game. Later on you won't remember where you did what for who why if you just skip through it all. You won't get any memorizeable moments from that and when always going straight where you're supposed to be you might miss rare mobs, treasure, vendors sellings unique stuff or people along the way.

An MMO doesn't work with only tunnel vision and goal achieving but only if you keep that adventurous spirit.

-no quest markers
-no sparkling quest objects

Read the quests, make landscape notes, follow the more or less obvious clues, find where you're supposed to do what. It's your journey, not a task to get through asap.

alright thanks

We on the bottom

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this is the exact shit that kills mmos, faggot

nty gonna be using a quest addon day 1 and a leveling guide

last one!

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no, but there should be

literal autismo who leveled like 10 characters on pservers in last couple months says classic is way slower



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