Granblue Fantasy Versus

What went wrong?

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Let's play kick the loli!

So far? Block button possibly dealing with crossups by default

Otherwise it seems like it can be rather interesting game

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My theory is that the block button will act as a meterless FD, same way Reflect is a meterless Blitz.

looks good to me chief

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Lancelot without his boyfriend around feels a little odd.

No female Draphs. Not even for DLC.

Nothing, hoping I get into the closed beta and get some real experience with the game

Jap stream said the block button doesn't adjust your character for crossups like a traditional directional hold in block stun


that's what's wrong

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>motions for special are here and better than used with the special button
>normal guard is stronger than button block
>no selectable skills
Where were you when Yea Forums was proved wrong once again about another fighting game?

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Congratulation, you are the Cellfag of our GBVS threads, can't wait to see you getting BTFO and to never see you posting that shit again

We warned you. At best Naru will be DLC, unless there is another surprise character like Ladiva. There's Sheepwife and Axewife who are relatively popular, and maybe Izmir and Danua, and of course Naru.

Did we really need boring Fighter Gran? It's a Fighting game, he really should have been turned into a Fist class like Monk or Lucha.

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It's a license fighting game, you need to have the boring main character in its most boring appearance, that's not a choice.

Damnit. At least Robin from Fire Emblem was spared this by being in a magic class in the first place.

He will probably be able to summon a playable bahamut like Yuggu for Lowain.


Because boring default is will always be used.

I just hope The Pain Train makes it into the game.

What are the chances Djeeta is an alt for Gran?

The roster so far fucking sucks.
Default Gran is so underwhelming that neither Fuudo nor Daigo bothered picking him for the game's showcase.

the crown have hitbox?


that has nothing to do with Gran's design. He's a fucking shoto, the most basic bitch archetype in fighting games. Why would someone like Daigo pick a shoto when he's been playing them for fucking years in SF
it does

None. If they add Djeeta, she will be her own character, probably with another class or maybe a different class for each of her special moves.

Is Magisa even playable? This sounds like a massive ball drop in every way.

Magisa will never get in

>fighting game

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why not

it prints money

When is the release date?


Hope you like dealing with the most unbearable fighting game playerbase

its cool they're also making an arpg

>Default Gran is so underwhelming that neither Fuudo nor Daigo bothered picking him for the game's showcase.
Because they weren't allowed to pick him, Daigo would 100% pick the shoto otherwise.
They simply didn't want to reveal something about him. My bet is a playable Bahamut as his low life Charge Attack because he has two animations for a Bahamut summon, watch the ending of the first trailer and the one of his character trailer, it's not the same.

I'll be playing Gran because I like his idle stance and overall look. Also his animations have a certain swagger to them over the others
Obviously the pro players are going to pick the more archetype specific characters with more to offer in terms of mechanics

I’m not seeing it on PSN

its only up on origin currently

(Dawnfly Stance) j.H -> c.M -> c.M H -> Butterfly Effect (Freeflutter Stance) -> M c.H -> qcf.H(Transient) -> Butterfly Effect (Dawnfly Stance) -> j.m -> j.H -> Glasswing Waltz -> H -> Kyogasuigetsu -> Butterfly Effect (Freeflutter Stance) -> Freeflutter Dance
You aren't a pleb are you?

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epic store exclusive bruh


It's aniime Gran, so he's actually voiced and stuck as fighter, a shame because Gran is so fucking based with other jobs


It is going to be pretty but with some retarded ass gameplay mechanic. It will die in a month I show up in two evos like every other arcsys game. Having easier inputs and autoblock won't even do shit because shotters will be stomped regardless and GBF fans will rather play the original game. This shit is just a cash grab.

Cygames have quietly been trying to abandon the female draph design, possibly out of shame of the obvious fapbait pandering.

>he doesn't know

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The best has yet to come.

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pic unrelated

Nothing, gonna main that cute little Harvin

Get out homo.

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>posts a homo
take your own advice


I posted an attractive girl, you homo.

Not enough sexy potatoes.

Mimlemel when?

my man

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>my wife will never get in
It's saddening

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Is that a granblue character? Is there a chance that she's in?

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Yes she's from Grandblue. She has a decent chances for DLC.

its not just female draphs
they have not released any new sexy art in any form in over a year

For me, it's Arulumaya.

>Actually hating the flamboyant super buff wrestler
God y'all are boring.


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Damn, guess I'll have to wait and see.

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She originated from RoB, so her chances are slim as fuck, also too recent

She's not a Granblue original so her chances are probably low.

Butt no one hates based Ladiva

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God you are literally gay

Then why is the OP a "what went wrong?"
featuring his super?

Ladiva is based. But there were better options.

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>No weapon morph cancel
Well, I guess you're the pleb.

>RoB characters won't be in GBVS
Just stop with this meme, you sound like the retard with his selectable skills, Cygames never said anything about this shit.

Have I been sent back in time to Elementary School?

Jam function when?

Yes, but she's originally from RoB

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I think you're being paranoid.

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soriz isnt a grappler

No pure fist fighter yet

Albert is not in the game.

Fucking cygames and their recycle shit. I only play shadowverse so I don't know from where they stole everything, hell I don't even know if it has any original characters or if it's all just recycled from their other stuff.

she's not homo anymore, now she's for (you)

just wait for summer, the fujos will rage if they dont get a summer homo

Mechanics seem too much like throwing random shit at th wall and seeing if anything sticks.


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they will get summer homos every year sadly

that still counts as sexy though, just not for us


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>No Zooey
>No Walder
>No Rosamia
>No Djeeta
>No Soriz
>No Goblin Mage

shit roster tbqhwy famalam

>no Walder
now that's the real crime here

that was the ONLY piece of art they put out just to cover up what they are doing


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>I like nice spritework like Frenchbread's fighters
>but I like this kind of flavor they can put in with these models
Hopefully one doesn't replace the other outright


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Has anyone noticed a lot of pro players suddenly talking about this game and saying they have beta codes to give out?

Cygames shilling is going to be so big, I hope the game turns out good cause it will be unbearable otherwise.

At least it looks more fun than DBZ.

just another cover up and zodiac so she was going to be released anyways
you should look at the rest of the swimsuit arts like danua because they chose all the worst ones instead of naru

uh huh...

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>We'll probably get two Draphs in this game
>No female body Draph
based as fuck

I don't know the Granblue roster, who could fill the puppet character function other than Danua?

>tfw just started with Granblue a week ago so most of these new characters are literal who's for me
>still weirded out by Gran and Djeeta having personalities and a set class considering they are class-customizable

The ARPG is going to have them stuck as something shit like Knight and Priest isn't it.

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that is the anti fapbait content

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Cygames is a pretty decent seal of quality. It might not be the best fighter of its era but at the very least, everything the company releases at least has a competent foundation. I'm sure it'll be good enough to play that it won't be a waste of the entry fee at any rate, the real issue is that it's going to be the most pushed fighting game since Street Fighter V and might only be side-game material.

This is fucking cool. Does it have any chance of being in? Seeing as they're making some effort to cover the common playstyles with adding Ladiva

What was the point then? Why make this if they weren't going to show off the franchises best assets?

the franchise is now for homos only as you can see from the current roster and recent updates to the game

Still kind of early to make a call.

I like the idea of how they have stripped this down compared to DBFZ. There isn't a fuck neutral button or weird mechanics in general. The additional mechanics all seem a bit more sensible like the spot dodge and just defend. And for once a game where you just have a normal super bar, it does more damage at the end of a round but that is pretty minor. But for this approach to work the base needs to be super solid, and that is hard to judge off the Daigo vs Fuudo footage.

This game isn't for /us/ any more. It's for women and LBGT. Expect Sandalphon and other such nonsense later. GG no re.

What caused this change? Is it not Draphs that made it popular.

But they put out 3 other absolute maximum fap bait arts at literally the same time

no they didnt

Despite being originaly from RoB, Orchid was made into extremaly important main story character in GBF, so her chances are decent, the other puppet character could be Sara, with her sand Stand, Graphos


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Vampy should be in the game, where is she?

Orchid/s, Danua, Sara, Magisa

fujos and homos probably just outbid the core fanbase with their endless money and the devs are chasing the money

>Is it not Draphs that made it popular.
No. Draphs aren't that popular outside of porn.

>the Cellfag of our GBVS threads,
who's that

I don't know shit about Granblue but I really like this potato.

porn is the only thing that matters and none of the other shit that is being pushed gets porn

>the real issue is that it's going to be the most pushed fighting game since Street Fighter V and might only be side-game material.
It'd kind of be funny to see this happen. With SFV they could at least justify it with but it is SF we have to be big shills. With GBV though most players are struggling to say character names, I want to see James Chen talking about how GBV carries the FGC so that is why you need to keep funding his commentary gigs.

>porn is the only thing that matters
This is why Draphfags got left in the dust. Too busy fapping to give their money to Cygames.

gran and dj have personalities in the anime, versus and relink though
hell if you count the voiced skins then there's that too

she is going to be the Carl function for sure and I will hate every second of it

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>No Walder
Cygames refusing to put him in content is weird as fuck.
>Is it not Draphs that made it popular.
Why is this meme still a thing? Granblue launched using RoB popularity and omnipandering. there weren't many female draphs at launch, and draphs aren't even special compared to the race of sluts(ernue) that the artist seems to love.

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>>no selectable skills
Oh. For real? I was looking forward to this aspect. Oh well.

Nothing is popular aside from homo characers, because popularity is judged by who spends most, and only few whale outliers spend a lot for straight characters, whereas homos and fujos are consistent spenders. Also, homo fanservice doesn't get Cygames in trouble with censors and western politics, so they can do it their heart content. Cygames cares a LOT about esports, and esports means no female fanservice. Full blown gay porn would get in before a cleavage at this point.


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>Getting outspent by homos and fujos
get your shit together, guys

Cellfag was a notorious star of the DBFz threads, he was in every thread saying that the game won't have any DBSuper character.

It's not even out yet and you're already saying this crap?

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>Full blown gay porn would get in before a cleavage at this point.
there will be cleavage but it will be lesbian characters only so they are rendered completely unattractive

Cygames doesn't like Walder, because he wastes a valiable male slot without being fujo fanservice. Fujos won't get a "ladiva" for a male slot, every single male that gets in is either part of the main cast, or an extremely popular fanservice character.

Is she in?

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That's just what I was noticing, Cygames has already reached out to whatever figureheads it can grab to spread awareness of the game

I don't know who told them having people stream 10 second character trailers for ones we already knew about was a good idea

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Doesn't matter how unpopular, I still wanted Bard Gran. Hell even Harpist would have been fine.
It would be hilarious and therefore I need it.

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>I don't know who told them having people stream 10 second character trailers for ones we already knew about was a good idea
I can see the logic. Say you didn't care about Granblue or ArcSys games. Would you really have looked this up? I saw a lot of people assuming it was an air dasher cause they hadn't even paid proper attention to it. So put it somewhere they are already looking and they go oh this is more of a traditional fighter and my favourite FGC eceleb likes it?

What is more surprising is they didn't give one to Max, though I will bet anything that he will get some form of trailer at some point.

>Draphs aren't even that special
>Short girls with horns and big fucky titties
>Somehow a worse idea then generic cat girls.

I'm on Ch. 29, and only have about 1000 gems. How long would it take for me to collect enough to spark?

erune are garbage tier sorry bro, literally humans with animal ears
and metera is especially shit, fucking yikes the post

GBF originals only. So no Jeanne, Cerb, Albert, Luci, Vampy, Medusa, Brodia etc...

do side stories and events whenever you can. As a newbie you should have enough for a spark in 2 months

When you get strong enough you will be able to farm side stories at the speed of light.
Plus the events are also usually a good source of crystals and tickets.

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She's right here, user.

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>I'm on Ch. 29, and only have about 1000 gems
That is impossible.
But if you're new 2-4 months.

6 months in best case scenario(that being christmas and/or anniversary periods), check sidestories though, theres about 100 rolls woth of crystals and tickets there if you havent cleared them out yet

You can get your first spark as a new player in like 3 months if you're really dedicated to play it. Afterwards you should average one about every 6 months as long as freebies aren't too bad. I went from nothing to a spark in 4 months this year during a particularly good freebie period and I've already been playing for years.

It's rough but if you have the patience I strongly recommend only ever rolling with a spark.

I just rolled this memelord out of a free prem. draw and the game's telling me to go to twitter about it and shit. Should I be happy, or is this melodrama over SSR just an old thing?

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>not superstar

>one about every 6 months
no user, that's ridiculous, 3-4 months is the average

porn is literally the driving force of popularity with gacha shit though

>because he wastes a valiable male slot without being fujo fanservice
Lowain got in and, unless Cygames goes full madman with Jamil or Six, Walder is the best fit for a Chipp style character. Also if he gets in Fenrir's odds rocket astronomically.

Congrats on your chuuni user.

Thanks, I hate it. But then again, every attack command being an AOE is not something I am gonna shrug off.


GRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMNIR is good, buffs himself to shit, buffs everyone else too, has the unique buff that stops dispels used against you

the game is just memeing you about the twitter thing. But you should be happy nonetheless, he's easily Wind's best attack character and the top 5 rankers in the last GW were using him

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he's core for the hardest raid in the game and probably really good for newbies because of his all-foe attacks

The more I see this game the more I realize it has everything that casuals will hate.
Universal overheads that are also throw invulnerable.
Invincible back dash.
Lancelot already showing dash cancels and Charlotta already looks like she might have a 1F link.
You know for a fact that the one button specials are going to end up being built into option selects.

CyGames are a bunch of cowards.

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The more you know. I should pop a cork or something, might be the first time I ever roll something remotely useful in a gacha. Considering my SSR rolls so far have been De La Fille, Alethiel and Vira.

Aletheia is a top tier newbie character because he shits out damage.
Earth De La Fille is also strong and used in raids where you need sustain.
Vira depends which one you got, but they are all usable except Earth Vira, who is gonna get buffed soon.

Draphfags are secondaries that only read porn. There's literally only a single draph that's popular.

NotGandalf definately does shit damage. And I did get Earth Dela, she certainly has kept me alive in raids since I am playing solo.
Correcting myself however, it was not SSRVira that I rolled but Vania. I hate the overlapping names.

>Draph Fags are secondaries
Yeah but why, where are all the hetrosexual Gachafags whaling then?

Let's be a bit more charitable, there's 2 that are fairly popular.

Hetero whales like the mommies. That's why they keep fucking making cute ass mommies and everyone has a cute mom in the game.

Rich chads win again

>Invincible back dash.
>Charlotta already looks like she might have a 1F link.
Was that confirmed?

>Lancelot already showing dash cancels
Seeing as it is a full run rather than just a normal dash forward, that is pretty normal in a fighter. You'll just hold back

Anyway the thing you have to remember about casuals is they are all surface level. Like Smash games get jerked off as the perfect way fighters should be everything is so simple, meanwhile high level tech literally destroys your hands. If the basics seem easy to them then they'll just think it is a simple game. They'll whine about something sure, but that is inevitable for any game. To use smash as an example again, I have never seen a community whine about mid tier characters being unbeatable as much as smashbabies.

Is there word on how many characters it will launch with or are people just guessing

Vania is super strong after her recent 5*(Needs level 100 though, probably a big oof for a new player) and she's cute and funny core
Strongest SR always wins. almost always

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There's absolutely nothing but guesses so far.

>Hallessena and Forte rebalances next month


Guessing. Signs point to somewhere around 20, probably a bit less.

>Vampy(Vania's actual name)
Yeah thats a very good roll, her recent 5* upgrade made her CORE again, especially if you run a ultima dagger team or the akasha sword team(characters have their weapon specialities and specific mid/endgame weapons have skills that only apply to specific specialities)

Magisa deserves to be in GBFV. She's the most popular mommy.

>Yeah but why, where are all the hetrosexual Gachafags whaling then?
Jeanne, Yuel, and Esports. Also for the zodiacs, Monkey was the one that baited whales hard enough to create the spark system.

god i fucking hate old grabble art
it just clashes so much with the actual good art

>She's the most popular mommy.

if that were true, Draphs would get more shit desu

Good to know uncapping her until 70 wasn't an entire waste then. Thank you for the insight, user.

Apperently I don't. What is the big secret?

Smash destroys your hands because all the high level tech is glitches and bugs. It's the same reason why playing optimum ST and Alpha 2/3 will fuck up your hands.

why do they keep adding more charlottas and viras?

It only drives FGO because it's how they get their artists.

Ah, so basically what you're saying is all the heterosexuals are playing Fate Gachashit. This makes sense considering the women.
Even still, the Draph race is a blessed creation and its painful to have it be underutilized.

No. He's saying that the hetero whales like cute girls and sexy mommies. Draphs are neither so nobody likes them.

Monkeyman will pump more money into this game than the FGC has ever seen.
It will utterly dwarf crapcoms pathetic capcom league and "amazing" $500.000 prize pool.

>heterosexuals are playing Fate Gachashit
This makes complete sense. Damn it, I wish this was a FGO fighting game. We already have Niggercats and a tranny and it's only going to get worse for straight males.

Stop adding pedoshit and homos.

Daigo already picked Katalina who was pure shoto.
Gran obviously is more of a Sol. Hell, have we even seen his fireball?

Daigo probably picked Charlotta because she looked funny/variety/fan pleasing

>because all the high level tech is glitches and bug
Sure but that is mostly true of high level fighters, the meta is rarely all intended stuff. Casuals still miss that bait and switch though, if you can sell them on a game being easy to play on a surface level they will keep repeating it. Just look at how many people in these threads insist the game is easy because of cooldowns, we don't even really understand how they work but to a casual mind that must make the game easy.

if you like jeanne or dyke fox you are not hetero

>3 goofy, fit cat boys
>no fujo fanservice
Nigger, are you serious? They're no homo knights, but Lowain and his bros are beloved by fujos. Giving straight fans Ladiva for a female slot would be like giving the fujo fans Cog for a male slot. It's an obvious "fuck you, you don't matter".

Imagine all the big tiddy mommies FGO fighting game would have. Instabuy and instafap.

Isn't fate actually full of actual trannies (Astolfo, Da Vinci, Saber) and full of homolust and barafaging just as well(Alexandar)?

Charlotta is pretty much the unholy union of Akuma and Blanka with a bit of E.Ryu thrown in.

Name ONE thing wrong with standing Pazuri you fucking homo?
>muh mommies
Ok, why isn't Magisa in?

All the popular ones are mommies like Scathatch, Raikou, Xuanzang, BB and etc.

Because Meterafag from Cygames struck again.

user, The Lowain bros are Yumebait if your forcing them into a woman targeting bracket.
That's just how things are when the Meterafag is one of the main artists.

>. My bet is a playable Bahamut
It'd be kind of weird if only two characters get a tool like that though. 1 having a crazy gimmick I could get, but if multiple in the cast have access while others don't that seems weird. They'll likely give him a gimmick but it will be something different

Just give me Nicholas or Robomi as DLC with the super triggering the theme song and I'll forgive the blatant Metera shilling. At least Zeta will still be cute.

I don’t know why when it comes to Granblue versus especially in particular that people like to post their assumptions like they’re fact and already confirmed despite never being mentioned once by the dev team yet.

I guarentee most misinformation on this game on this board right now is mainly from posts like this

That was the first time I've seen Daigo play a female character in a while

>he thinks they'll put in crossover characters when ever relink isn't getting them

But when daigo played gg he played Sol too so I don’t know

>not drummer

I've never played Granblue, but she is perfect.

I want her in the game so bad but it feels like they're only picking characters that came out before the end of 2015

Attached: orchid6.jpg (1497x2048, 518K)

as everyone has already said, play the main chapters and sidestories
events also give a small amount of crystals
a really good source is the daily 200x crystals you get during shit like anniversary and golden week which just passed

The only ones with a chance to get in off raw popularity are Sheep and Naru. Forte could get in off her RoB provenance and Aliza could get in as the Jam function.

Orchid is main story relevant though and has existed since the beginning, same as Apollo, even if they only got added to the gacha later. She's also a perfect fit as the puppet character.

Attached: orchid4.png (984x1486, 2.24M)

For one thing I never said we are getting crossover characters, I think there’s a chance especially for characters like Albert, but I never said we aren’t flat out like you did. Second I don’t follow relink a whole bunch, but I’m not aware of them flat out saying no to crossover characters. Thirdly the genre and presentation of Relink naturally leads those characters to be less likely anyway, but for a fighting game? You bet your ass those characters have a solid chance. Especially fucking Albert and even more so Jeanne.

>Forte could get in off her RoB provenance
I actually think that's a negative right now, they haven't announced any RoB characters. If they were gonna break that rule it'd probably be for bampy anyways

Attached: 5 star vampy.png (960x800, 199K)

Strum has a good chance too as a kind of two in one character with Drang

I've done nothing but fap to art of this game, should I bother getting it? I like arcsys games

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I can understand a game like relink, but why wouldn't a fighting game like versus that was mainly made to sponsor the franchise want to also include characters from shadowverse or rob?

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because there's more than enough characters to choose from already

Forte has been completely ignored since her release
They fucked up a popular RoB character and it seems they noticed

>he thinks they wont use their own most popular characters which are also canon to the GBF world and different than their RoB version
Keep being retarded, you will disappear from those threads like those nofemaledraph retards.

She's just not relevant in GBF. She was a token crossover instead of given proper love and attention like they did with Lily. Hell, even Vampy has had better treatment, and she's had to wait forever for her 5*.

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Because a lot of those characters are also part of said franchise and the other 2 games are from the same company anyways?

Of course I meant characters that also appear in gbf

Feels kinda dumb to think that characters like Jeanne, Vampy, Albert etc won't be included just because they're RoB original
They're characters completely established in gbf

Lily is my loli wife. She's also Cygames's lightning.

>have at least a dozen characters I would buy the game for if even one of them made it in
>none of them will make it in
>not even Rackam or Eugen
It amazes me they managed to make a roster worse than just using story characters.

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because it's called Granblue, so you pick characters relevant to Granblue, Cerberus and Forte for example are irrelevant. But someone like Orchid who is integral to the story will very likely get in.

I love my wife Beatrix!

Lily is a RoB character but she's B-list at best. Dragalia Losers just cling to whatever they're given.

Attached: bampy.jpg (600x600, 52K)

And owned by fucking Cygames.
They will put everything that will sell and bring people to the game. Those guys are stupid, they also never said anything about it.

There's nothing worse than story characters in gbf though
Rackam's pretty cool I guess but everybody else is so bland and uninteresting
I really wished they'd spare us katalina at the very least...

Lol no. You're retarded if you think draph made gbf popular.

Some of Granblue's most popular and relevant characters are carryovers from RoB. Buy hey, let's add random trash no one actually cares for like Ladiva instead.

Rosetta could be pretty cool

There's a huge difference between the irrelevant quick imports and the properly established characters like the few you just listed.

So, what, did they actually show the full roster with more than just teases?

Attached: Granblue Versus Wishlist.jpg (1673x1702, 1.67M)

what? you don't have a cute gf to play fighting games every night?

I think Aliza, Amira and Lucius would fit very well

Lily's popularity came from Peace of the Pie, one of the best events in all of GBF. I'd personally put it right below WMtSB and right alongside Platinum Sky.

The main cast will be the focus of Relink, it's smart to let other characters be in Versus.

Ladiva is much more relevant than cerberus.
And also a much better character, might I add.

They're relying on relink for the main cast, but honestly they would make for a really bland base roster. Have them get sprinkled in here and there like Eugen and Rosetta, but wasting the base roster when you have SO many interesting and unique characters to pick from with design or even gameplay potential it would be a waste. Even the safe picks are more interesting to have than the entire main cast. Cause really who the fuck wants to play as someone like Io over a shitload of others.

Shut up secondary. Dorafs are shit.

Carmelina is so fucking hot. Why is there so little porn of her?

No reason to think Rackam is not going to be in the main roster. I'm sure there will be a gunslinger in the game so it could be him

It's their games, m8. They can do whatever they want with them.

Attached: Dh-uyr0UYAAjArx.jpg orig.jpg (640x908, 122K)

I disagree. That image is missing best cow though

Attached: yaia.jpg (1800x2400, 401K)

Ladiva is just a fill spot for a grappler

Because GBF has hundreds of characters but only a dozen or so hog all the porn. You have much better odds of getting love if you're a loli though. Or a lesbian like Vira or fat dragon tail.

Sickening. This race needs to be deleted.

>You have much better odds of getting love if you're a loli though
I wonder why that is

Attached: gbf loli poker.jpg (1280x720, 332K)

tags: granblue english, 363 results
granblue english lolicon, 80 results
Not really


Because she's Asanagi's pick, which scared away all the other artists.


I fucking hate Vira so much! is this cunt still the most popular Female character of the game?

Also consider that lolis are less than 5% of the cast but still make up over a quarter of the porn.

Bahamut Super attacks

Attached: 1546426866198.jpg (5577x1568, 1.27M)

it's just to compare lower numbers, and if you don't put one language you get all the different translations of the same douiins, but I mean whatever you more or less get the same % of the total anyway
Also count that there's a whole race of toddlers that's tagged as lolicon

>Any act 2 character ever sorry Cain
Lucius would be a nice surprise and I wouldn't mind him one bit. Amira would be great fun too especially with her transformation install, but unlikely sadly. Aliza should just be in because you aren't finding a character more like Jam in GBF if you tried. Zooey seems really likely to be in the base roster, cause I'm sure at least one primal is getting in and Zooey seems like the most reasonable choice. And of course Black Knight who's one of if not my most wanted right now, but she seems like a total coin flip at the moment whether she'll be in or not.

I can go all day, but that's the problem. GBF has way too many good characters to pick from so I hope if the game ends up being actually good it gets supported for a good amount of time and not just one season pass and dumped.

The most consistently popular, yes.
Now go cry in a corner.

Attached: DgI3_CwW0AIxOEj.jpg:orig.jpg (1386x2048, 253K)

She literally always paces on character polls despite it being FotM shit.
She's also straight now and for (you)

no most people hate her now

grea when

Also consider that characters like ferry are tagged as lolicon for no reason

Attached: 1550995767901.jpg (3000x2477, 485K)

Bullshit, I can only find one example of that and it's because the artist intentionally drew her younger looking.

She's pretty much always in top 5 at worst.

I just rolled Baal from the gala. Does he seem any good?

>She's also straight now

Harvins are still lolis.

I've just been rolling whenever I've been able since waiting 6 months to roll, playing the game so fervently, seems really outlandish to me. But I figured I might as well since I lost my old account and I haven't gotten Yuisis back since.

The second is most likely the low HP super.

>When they talked about Ferry's announcement as a playable character in Granblue Fantasy Versus, Yonezawa Madoka stated that she became a voice actress because she wanted to be in a fighting game. Touyama Nao: "Congratulations, your dream came true!"
>When Touyama Nao noted that fighting games were not a common reason for people to go into voice acting, Yonezawa added that Takamori Natsumi (Aliza, Maekawa Miku) went into acting for the same reason. After that, they shouted at the staff to add Aliza to GBFVS.

Attached: 1552883039747.png (1920x1600, 1.83M)

Vira porn is the greatest and I need more.

Attached: vira_used_fascinate.jpg (816x948, 588K)

Damn, I really want to continue the main story, but I burned myself out so much, just seeing the main page makes me nauseous.

>that last pic
God I hope the super lives up to the hype

Attached: 1552183425561.png (640x688, 151K)

Do you play dirt? He's filler if you want to cobble together a serviceable dirt team, but the "best" team is set in stone.
If you want to make a serious dirt team and have Alex or Sieg consider building Threo.

Why are you discussing a fighting game and not prepping for GW?

>nu Sony
>Allowing titty witch to be in
lol :(

Because it's worst element
I'll just play off element and run zooeybot to do my bare minimum

Cygames was retarded to make the game ps4 only.

Sony is entirely the reason I expect Ladiva to be the only """female""" draph. The lewdest thing we have is Ferry's armpit and it's amazing that didn't get censored.

Based Ferry VA.

>Implying KMR doesn't plan on replacing GW with monthly GBVS tournament that gives you in-game rewards in GBF depending on how far you went
We are only planning ahead.

Attached: baalfest.jpg (1200x1200, 357K)

Sony doesnt force that shit on big companies. If theres no tiddy itll be because they want to be esports.

If a AAA Jap dev isn't making said game you can expect Sony's new censorship shit to fuck it up. Half of the most popular characters are hot women ffs.

God I wish that were me.

She lost a lot of her most autistic/diehard fans when CheVira came out. Which is ironic, since that was by far the best character development she could have gotten. She's actually an interesting character after merging with Chev.
Except we went right back to shit Vira with her Wind version.

They aren't big companies though. They are no Capcom. Also GG/BB exist and they all have tiddie witches so I really don't get this shit.

Cygames is pretty fuckin big, youre delusional if you think theyre not.


Attached: 1557549434339.png (1011x1500, 1.59M)

Wind Vira's fine, it follows up CheVira, involves her metaphorical murder of her yandere side in a dream, and then she turns down a chance to spend time alone with Katalina to invite crew mates out to a picnic with them. It's baby steps.

>Magisa won't get in
>won't get her doing I-no win pose
It's like they don't even want my money.

Attached: 1557620214602.jpg (603x1000, 358K)

There hasn't been a new GG/BB since So(n)y moved their headquarters to Commiefornia and implemented their new policy.


Attached: Dr3zmr8U0AEclIg.jpg (1025x1450, 224K)

>Also GG/BB exist and they all have tiddie witches so I really don't get this shit.
As a player of the gatcha shit game, you shouldn't try to put any motive behind the action of cygames. They do whatever the fuck they want to.

Attached: 1553740551975.jpg (1088x1200, 186K)

Really? I don't have her so I was relying on /gbfg/'s description and one screen shot that seemed like it was the opposite.

Imagine the sag.

Attached: 1556721508953.jpg (1000x1270, 341K)

Only raging autists on either side of hating and liking her care about the light version that much she was always moving in that direction.

haunted yaia doll that makes you fried rice and sucks your dick

We got armpits and side boob. That would already be enough

Attached: 1527347639241.jpg (1920x1080, 229K)

>LMH normals
>5LLL auto combos and what may be command normals
>universal overheads (that combo on CH)
>no unblockable projection
Game is gonna be fun

Attached: Untitled8.png (1776x1494, 3.04M)

>They aren't big companies though.
They really are

Attached: 1547329247909.jpg (1200x675, 129K)

Listen to her voice lines. It's Imai doing the calm voice instead of "AHAHAHA ONEE SAMA".

better version

>largest majority in your crew is some runaway princess/prince/leader/royalty/high-ranking officer of the military

Not surprised most of the countries in this world are such shitholes desu

Just watch the fate on Youtube or something. /gbfg/ can't be trusted on the safest of matters, it certainly can't be trusted on Vira of all things. Wind Vira's a direct follow up to CheVira's arc.

>ever trusting /gbfg/ on anything Vira related
Do you want to hate her that badly? You're not going to get anything else from there.

But Cygames isn't making this. Right? Also they are completely different players outside their browser game or have they done games for mainstream consoles before?

You must be new to the money flow of character designs. Gays/fujos are fucking nuts, they'll die off starvation to buy more art of their lust. You can't out buy that kind of insanity.

>relying on /gbfg/'s description
IF there's one thing I've learnded from visiting a couple of generals from things I actually like, is not to trust anyone in /vg/, specially when it comes to hating characters.

I liked raging yandere lesbo Vira...

Predator and Tanya when?

Attached: __predator_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_minaba_hideo__5179265df31e0dc5be34426d2a40e2be.png (960x800, 182K)

bullshit, I've seen how desparate waifufags are
they just need to step it up

Theyre producing it, the director and producer are both cygames. Arcsys devving the game doesnt mean they get to call any shots.

I hope that Arcsys and Cygames are based enough to put this guy in.

Attached: 1533415759508.jpg (480x640, 162K)

Yeah well I still don't get how we got a character that isn't popular as a grappler when we have plenty fighter types. Or even Luchador Djeeta.

I thought Arcsys usually had a lot of leeway when it came to making fighting games of other people's shit.

user, they don't just stop owning the IP cause ArcSys is working on the game. It isn't like everything is suddenly handed off

>Also they are completely different players outside their browser game
Money is money. We're talking about a company that makes random ass investments like Juventus

Nick and Robomi are too based for Fujo Versus. Can't waste male slots on actually fun characters, gotta get in those highly popular homo ships.

They can make suggestions and stuff, and obviously theyll be taken seriously, but that still doesnt mean they get the final say on anything.

I'm not spending any more money on this shitgame thank you
All of my character and weapon setups can easily clear all content there is ever going to be since gbf doesn't have mmo-tier stupid fast powercreep

Then again, no Vane also kinda ruins that train of thought, so at this point not even that is delivered.

There's no way in fuck they don't shove in Vayne and Sieg in a DLC later down the line.

Do we have any idea how many characters the base game is going to have? I know they'll be able to DLC for years but I'm curious to see how many they have at the start

Some of their guys are based and will push this kind of character, I hope that Cygames is not like Bamco for DBFz, they can't choose anything for this fucking game.
This is just too good to not be used for a fighting game:

Attached: 1532684734113.png (1920x1600, 3.08M)

I should check again but money-wise I'm pretty sure they're the wealthiest game dev in Japan only behind Nintendo and Square.

I am upset I missed the Nichoals event and have to wait for it to come around again to experience the hype

Exactly. Which is why
>Arcsys devving the game doesnt mean they get to call any shots.
is wrong. Since Arcsys, more than likely, does have some influence. Even if Cygames has the power to cockblock whatever they want. Kinda like how Atlus blocked Arcsys wanting to have Dojima and Nanako.

I hope even a few of them make it in. Nicholas can be either version the edgy one is just the one I actually use in the game.

Attached: wl.jpg (1673x1702, 2.23M)

We know that there is at least the logo characters + Ladiva.

11 would be an odd number to start with, so I'd say 14-20

Attached: 1555718395465.jpg (1200x1022, 408K)

She looks more like she'd work like Relius or something, where her doll spirit thing pops out

This actually proves the statement entirely true you idiot.

Did she died

If we're getting Percy I hope we get aniue down the line as DLC.

Attached: Npc_zoom_3040192000_01.png (960x800, 204K)

>is wrong. Since Arcsys, more than likely, does have some influence.
But it isn't, they don't necessarily get to call any shots but might have some influence. Influence is not decisions

And I have no idea how the relates back to snoy censoring cause everyone involved just forgets Cygames actually owns the product.

I wish. GW is a pile of shit that somehow keeps getting worse.

Let the fapping commence.

Probably more than 11 but less than 20.

he's too redpilled for versus

Attached: algovale fate.jpg (3720x812, 1.28M)

Zooey better fucking get in

Attached: Keeper_on_a_Mission-1.png (960x800, 227K)

14 is a reasonable assumption

jin already has blazblue he can't be allowed a spot in this game too

yeah, 14~16

GGXrd was released on consoles with like 16 or 17 characters and they said back in december that the release roster for GBVS would be bigger than usual Arcsys games so it's not too far fetched to expect 20~24 characters tops.

really? that would be amazing, Cygames really has too much money huh?

Zooey getting in would be amazing
Yep, and they're run by old Square Soft guys, so they actually love video games and want to make them as good as possible

Except the gacha, KMR demands that its as tedious as possible

I remember Platinum Games mentioning how Cygames requests were unreasonable in regards to the amount of characters there were supposed to be in relink

Attached: char_1.png (1280x1280, 1.2M)

I hope it's a different Zooey than the ones in granblue. There are enough sword chars and we're missing like 6 weapon types of Zooey.
A fist Zooey or katana Zooey would be nice.

why is Lyria so perfect bros

Attached: proposal.jpg (630x762, 143K)

>look up Magisa
>sudden, very strong memories of Nine from BB
I don't think Arcsys could resist doing it, but that'll be some late DLC

Yeah but it depends on what they count as regular Arcsys starting rosters, if it's first arcade release, GGXrd started with 14 characters (or 15, I forgot if Ram was already playable back then or was only a boss).

Which is why when they keep saying they keep adding content I get excited. I want there to be as many characters as possible.
Yeah, but that's okay since it's a gacha

Gun Zooey is actually the canon Zooey

Attached: Npc_zoom_3040150000_01.png (960x800, 207K)

They did? When did that say that? Cause for months since the release of the game nobody really said the game would have a larger roster than the standard arcsystems game.

Why the fuck do you think there was morons thinking the roster was going to be 10 characters for so long


Never been a fan of Lyria but if I had to be perfectly honest she's at her best when she's smiling like this

Attached: Lyria9.png (1800x2200, 1.75M)

It's her default version, at least in Granblue

Bare feet

Interesting, did they use that art in the newest event?

What's in her left hand?

They can because I don't think even Cygames care about her

I can't remember. One of the event rewards was a sword Zooey skin so it might have been that

It's a shield + gun holster thing

Why do people get so butthurt when someone even suggests that they would like draph girls in the game

I don't think there's a default version, the raid came out first and she hold a sword and shield in there, then the promo and summer version which both use a sword
Then the zodiac version here is holding a lance for the sake of the whole miko business and gun zooey that came out last is holding a gun because of what happens in her fate episodes
I think she can canonically wield every weapon? She's supposed to be the cosmic balance after all

Attached: Npc_zoom_3030233000_02.png (960x800, 170K)

"Draphfags btfo" posters and "draphs made gbf popular posters" are both cancer.

""Draphfags btfo" posters and "draphs made gbf popular posters" are both cancer." posters are cancer

>Why the fuck do you think there was morons thinking the roster was going to be 10 characters for so long
Because Yea Forums is filled to the brim with blunder posters who will try to find any excuse to destroy your hype.

From my experience I've seen most people start playing the game because of either Yuel or Narmaya

Attached: yuel10.png (699x959, 857K)

>granbo still not out
>no gun character in versus
why does kykegames hate freedom so much?

I started playing the game because of the Dragon Knights and I'm not even gay.

You are the worst cancer though.

Really? Care to explain?

How did Charlotte become the posterpotato for Versus?

Attached: 1466028082095.png (925x594, 341K)

The primary fanbase of GBF is women and homosexuals. Both of them hate attractive women with large breasts.

He is a gay.
She's always been the most popular potato?

Charlotta's the posterpotato period.

Being a gay in denial still counts as being gay.

>There are enough sword chars
Fuck off. Also, Zooey is a multiple weapons user.

The Granblue expansion came out in Shadowverse and Dragon Knights was my favorite card, and the descriptions of the individual knights seemed interesting.
Granblue also currently had the Bistro Feendrache even going on so I figured why not give it a try.

Now I have a second job, and still no Siegfried.

Attached: 71808610.jpg (703x999, 375K)

She's the most appropriate choice for bullying

Attached: 7ff8488f0bd3a2802cdb357a89bf8857.jpg (650x850, 208K)


No Cag, no buy.

Ok that makes some sense, Sieg is the coolest.

delete this image right now

I started because I was just trying out gacha games, but kept playing because Yuel was my first SSR.

Attached: Yuel chan.png (719x1033, 1.28M)


So what happened in this picture?

>There are enough sword chars
You know that doesn't really mean much in a traditional right? The weapons could be anything, the hitbox won't conform around it. The swords aren't even the same size so far anyway.

Get her in

Attached: zooey.jpg (700x800, 115K)

I'd feel bad for Alizafags if Feather stole her spot again.

I wanna fuck that little cocksleeve dragon

The sad thing is, if he gets in Max will probably play him more than he has ever played Rock

He's in.

Attached: 8.jpg (179x215, 16K)

Get real men like Soriz and Cog in

Attached: cog.jpg (1280x842, 104K)

Stop making me think of doing things to this potato.

>open beta soon
>when game has barely half the cast, especially if it'll be anywhere around 20
Explain this Cygames

Attached: 2db2d38397f8e39fe58751412ae40a44.jpg (513x719, 85K)

She hates the special sauce

>open beta soon
I doubt it'll happen within the next 4 months considering pic related is end of this month.

Attached: 11234856.png (491x131, 84K)

100% of the retards crying over sword characters are coming from Smash.

Soriz is in the background

Or people that just want more variety?

I don't understand why people even complain about it in Smash. Figure all the properties and hitboxes are different anyways.

It's a bit early for that, the game's not even out yet.

Of course it doesn't matter from a pure game mechanic point, but you're not looking at hit and hurtboxes. People like visual variety, be it races, weapons or other stuff.

I don't know shit about Granblue, but I want Narmaya because she would be the ideal Johnny/Yuzuriha iai function.

Cog announcement any day now....

Attached: 1545980807476.jpg (337x283, 94K)

I can understand it for the clones, and just over FE representation. But they now just get upset if anyone has a sword. Mix of memes and them not understanding how anything works

>People like visual variety,
None of the swords look alike so far, Lancelot's are barely even swords.

Kon Kon motherfockers.

Maybe that's why the contract was a thing and the original Relink concept was scrapped, they may have figured if Platinum makes the systems with them that they can handle the rest from there.

Attached: cog with cig.jpg (1654x1393, 399K)

Sword is the most used weapon in a Fantasy or Medieval setting, deal with it.
It's like crying ove swords in Samurai Shodown.
Also, they all use different elemental powers so it doesn't matter which weapon is used.

>Use their literal ocean of whale money to fund an anime production company, do a VR remake of Zone of the Enders 2nd Runner and get both Platinum and ArcSys to help them with an ARPG and fighting game respectively
Imagine if more gachas were used to make the world a better place, imagine if Type-Moon wasn't a content husk and used all this FGO money to make the Tsukihime remake finally.

Attached: 1557597914705.png (594x5000, 221K)

or people who play the phone game and are sick of ultima sword and want other options

They sponsor a fucking Japanese wrestling company of all things (NJPW I think). Cygames legitimately just funds stuff because they think it's cool.

Pretty sure the only one we saw was Jin, not Soriz.

They even want to make a third Zone of the Enders if Konami let's them

It is amazing, though I do wonder how it will effect the FGC. A lot of players have their head in the clouds just from the lower end of SFV money. Suddenly jumping up to Cygames money will probably fuck with a lot of people. Doubt Cygames will want any thuggery either.

Why is he so perfect bros

Attached: Npc_zoom_3030178000_02[1].png (960x800, 168K)

I started for Yuel and stayed for Magisa.
I do hope I get fire or water Yuel one day. I really don't like her wind version's art even though she's been one of my most helpful characters.

Attached: 1554178524848.jpg (579x819, 110K)

Don't they already sponsor EVO?


Imagine the 1 million dollar prize pools of Shadowverse in the FGC

Reminder that I'm not gay.

If he's so perfect why doesn't he have an SSR?

Because he is perfect, therefore, an upgrade to his self is impossible.

I will be mildy upset if there is no SOIYA.

It was 2 people on a rock he was one of them

I'm finally finished my xeno earth sword. Time to sleep until GW then wake up and kill myself.

At least if that happens they'll be playing what looks to be a pretty solid game instead of SFV.

its ok sf people dont play anime games

Yeah, but it isn't like they have any control over it. They'd have some level of control over any tournament (DBFZ proved games can get pulled by a company if they don't want it there) and presumably there would be a tour where they can set rules about conduct. I mean really they could easily sponsor any event enough to get a controlling role.

I think we'd legit see some mental breakdowns, from either the winners or loses. Could totally see someone winning big and then going off the deep end.

Attached: 1550054451532.jpg (1918x1080, 179K)

I seriously doubt that but I am happy for whoever takes those prizes if true.

It'll only be a "problem" if they decide they want to run events for other games besides their own. Cygames already sponsor some players. They will probably run their own tournaments for the game like with shadow verse regardless if it becomes a standard grassroots FGC game in the west

Is the GB animation worth watching? Or is it budget, corner-cutting shovelware like most anime these past seasons?

Because having two 200% charge bar SSR in one element is fucking broken

>Dokkan probably dead in favour of Cag
>Bea probably dead in favour of Zeta
oh no

They will this time. I am so looking forward to all the SFags going
>No this one totally has an street fighter feel so I picked it up
>ha ha cat girls wow such a weeb game but I'm sticking with it
>No I totally played XX Slash back in the day

There will totally be some minor twitter call out where a load of people start going how dare the anime community try to gate keep again!

It was the first attempt at anime Cygames did, it was mediocre and even then the story of Granblue is so fucking long at this point that the anime is practically just a commercial for it. The other animes they had a hand in are better, like Zombieland Saga barring the awful CG during the idol performances.

>Or is it budget, corner-cutting shovelware like most anime these past seasons?
It has a decent budget, just spent on nothing interesting.

It's okay, nothing super interesting since the early main story of the game itself isn't particularly interesting. Best part is probably the Djeeta episode since that's it's own thing.

I watched it right before starting the game 2 years ago
It's bad. But it's got a few good scenes.
I think all of granblue's story is bad until chapter 63, and the anime only covers up to chapter 12 iirc, characters like orchid make an appearance but don't do anything

It's not good. It's forced to meander around the worst part of the Granblue story, the beginning, and never really gets anywhere before it goes into a messy climax because there wouldn't be a climax at all normally.
That being said it looks fantastic and they put a lot of love into a product that was never realistically going to be any decent in the first place, and now it's getting a second season. I can't honestly recommend it though just because it really isn't a good anime despite them trying hard to make it one.

It has some genuinely cool moments

Attached: sakuga.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

It handles what it covers well. The problem is what it covers is boring as fuck.

I wish this game had more content

Sure it wasn't Jin and the fisherman?

The start of GB's storyline is definitely something I don't want to undergo again. So thanks for the heads up. Avoiding that like the plague it is, maybe in the future, if it ever catches up. Unlike as it may be.

It's okay for the most part. I can only hope that cygames themselves are the ones animating the second season since they opened their own animation studio right after the first season aired.

You think we'll get a GG collab closer to Versus's release?

Highly doubtful

they would fit in like a glove

Attached: RockYou.jpg (850x638, 227K)

I hope it's Blazblue this time personally. They've done so many GG collabs lately that I want BB to get some love too.

There's only three things I remember from the anime.
>Katalina petting a cat with gauntlets on
>Gran slamdunking a golem
>Yuel with human ears

It's very mediocre, mainly because it covers what is essentially the prologue story where they get the main characters together and have some very cliche battles with bosses and the villains

>Drangalia lost gets a GG collab
>Not the game that's getting the guys who makes GG to make a tie in fighting game for it
>Despite both of these are from Cygames


October anime just be Paradise Lost Saga with Narmaya
now that would be hype

What are the odds Siegfried shows up in this?


I want to see Ghandagoza vs Ramlethal

Attached: 9b7c08f9f4fad26258e1c03be30e13a5.jpg (1000x2000, 301K)

Blazblue is only good for Nine

Decent since he's one of the homoknights but less likely than Percival

>Granblue Versus being made by Team Red within ArcSys
>A theoretical collab shouldn't be the game Team Red makes because you personally are tired of it

Attached: IMG_20190512_235525.jpg (1256x1346, 98K)

DLC bait at best since we're getting Lancelot and Percival already.

Hopefully as soon as possible. There's no way they'd leave out the actual second most popular dragon knight for long. Lancelot and Percival are already in the game so it depends on the actual roster size, but if he's not in I'm fairly certain he'll be in the first wave dlc.

Wow it's almost like people have different opinions about a theoretical collab with Arcsys.

I want Ramen Wakamoto.

BB isn't boomer enough for Granblue, and Johnny would fit better then any Blazblue character.

What are the chances that an Eternal gets added to the roster?

>From the maker of Blazblue
Versus is Team Blue

>Ghandogaoza on Ramlethal


Attached: notgonnalickitself.png (1280x720, 387K)


If anyone is on the main roster it'll be Siete as a boss character or something. Otherwise they'll probably be DLC.

Guilty Gear is ass.

The fact that everything about granblue is funded by slimy gatcha money just makes it all seem so soulless.


Wait is that confirmed? All signs have pointed towards Team Red so I'm curious.

Would you rather the reverse?

the granblue gacha has more Soul than 99% of AAA games

>include easy one buttons specials and a manual option
>manual specials have shorter cooldowns
>there is now no point for the special button
>include both direction and button blocking
>button blocking destroys left/right mix-ups and makes walking forward and blocking easier
>there is now no point in using directional blocking

They're trying to cater to too many audiences at once and fucking it up big time. Just fucking choose one option ffs

Granblue unironically has soul

This is a lie because I love eating ass and I dislike GG.

Honestly it's less jewish than most AAA games now too. Has more gameplay than a couple big titles as well.
Gaming has really gone to shit.

So you can finally git gud scrub

You should play AL if you want a truly soulless gatcha game. I can't stand the music because it sounds so much like MIDI in its simplicity

One-button specials and a block button are both useful for certain scenarios even if you're a god at manual inputs. One-button anti-air DP speeds up your reaction a lot and block button for cross-ups. Good players will probably use a mix of manual & easy inputs. It's a good system, on paper at least.

>taking money off idiots who pay money for their virtual waifu/husbandos

it's a cleansing machine is what it is

Helps beginners with combos too, and it'll still be tough for advanced players because of timings and links