Enemies can attack during cutscenes

>enemies can attack during cutscenes

Attached: 1558193969001.webm (1080x1920, 986K)

Why are niggers like this?

The fuck is wrong with niggers?

You just know

why? roid dude is a genuine nice guy

Lots of people are crazy dumbasses that want top make a name for themselves by attacking celebrities. A dude attacked Bret Hart in a stadium full of juiced up pro wrestlers who consider him a legend a couple months ago as if that would be a good idea.

I fucking hate niggers so much. If only Lincoln could have shipped them back to Africa.

>people joking that he wanted to see if Arny was an actual terminator
>tfw he probably is that stupid

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so this is what happens when you speak against trump?

>around blacks, NEVER relax

This will teach him to turn into a never Trump RINO dickhead promoting democrat kikery.

They literally shouldn't be there, It was wrong to take them from africa, But if you say that retards will call you racist.

>Be 71 years old
>gets dropkicked in the back
>shrugs it off

What an absolute unit

Fuck niggers.

South African shit.
Not American Blacks.

I at least have to hand it to him, most s oyboys getting drop kicked would crumple. and he just thought he got bumped

If it was an American black, Arnold would have been shot in the back.

Based CON build man

I had a laugh at (((AP))) reporting it as "a crazed fan." Yeah, definitely not "typical senseless nigger violence."

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nigger is nigger, retard.

a crazed asian fan accidentally slipped, as reported by the british press

No he's not, he stole ("""borrowed""") a fuckton of money from the school system to fund his bid for governor again, then refused to pay it back later. He's a gigantic asshole.

Hey, I was going to make this too. Maybe call it like "game lets you attack anyone despite their level".

I've been a fan of Schwarzenegger since I was a little kid, I've never wanted to run up behind him and drop kick him. I wonder if the guy had a reason or if it was just impulsive negro violence.

>be around blacks

rookie mistake, terminator

>Is against Trump
>gets kicked by a person who he thought is his slave and is just a democrat voting bitch

Why do democrats think they own blacks? It's like they are so sure that blacks are their slaves that they don't realize that real blacks want to be treated as everyone else and real diversity and not this racist democrats bullshit where every black who isn't a failure is considered a race traitor, because for democrats a black has to be poor.

If anything you would walk up to him and ask "sir, may I dropkick you?" then he would chest-tank that kick and destroy your fucking leg in the process

so says the 56%er


/int/ has clearly rotted your brain, if there was ever really one to begin with

>"It's so sad the Africans were taken to America as slaves."
>"Yeah, They should be brought back to their homeland"
>"That's kind of racist."
I had that conversation with a friend a few months back