>Villain's motives are hard to find fault in and arguably better than the hero's
Villain's motives are hard to find fault in and arguably better than the hero's
You know, I was on board until the whole baby strangling and mind breaking stuff.
Joseph Sneed?
literally anybody would do the same thing in his place
this. If his plans were...
>make cult
>don't hurt anyone
>just build a bunch of bunkers
I'd be A-OK... but then we wouldn't have a videogame.
what a shame.
One of the most fair villains I've seen in a while.
Far Cry always has great villains
pic unrelated?
The extra backstory he got in blood and wine fucked up his characterization. The onus should always be on the human to seek out his evil, in that one the human did the exact opposite and told him to fuck off.
tru dat
Pagan Min did literally nothing wrong and is unironically the best option for the country out of all the crazy psychos you can pick
Poorly thought out just to give a nod to the character people liked. Shame really. Thankfully it can go unnoticed by most
Dafuq? Sauce. I didn't finish the side missions in blood and wine.
>I sent the help home. You likely shot them on the way in.
Anita was looking to make a drug state backed by child soldiers, and Sabal was moving toward a theocracy with extreme social gaps and persecution. Siding with Pagan is the only realistic choice.
It's in the main quest. The spoon lady was cursed by him because she told him to fuck off.
Rook is the villain of FC5, retard.
No, he could still hurt people and abduct them but the torture for fun part is what makes it a deal breaker.
>the villain is the hero
>gets beaned in Half Life 3
The friccin moron deserved it.
how does hurting people help them survive the nuclear attack?
I mean like hurting them out of necessity while he kidnapped them.
Imposing will on others is a no no. Especially when its spiritually motivated. Cant risk one of the God talkers just being a regular crazy!
Well no shit user havent you ever heard of a doomsday cult?