Why do girls love this game so much?

Why do girls love this game so much?

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Because people who love MM have had sex unlike yourself OP.

My twelve year old sister loves this game.

Are you saying she's had sex?

Can confirm

Wizard here and I think MM is pretentious overrated crap

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You just know she has

Is it worth buying a cheap used 3DS to hack it and play the remake of this game?

They have q crush on link and might be emo
In middle school i remeber sitting next to a girl who drew the majoras mask.
Also few years ago when buying the remake stopped to look at the merch and some twelve yr old came up and said
>" majoras mask is such a sad game isnt it"
i just nodded and left
I think more girls are liking it because that gametheory guy and his video about it.

Girls like it because:
>young link is cute and more relatable than adult link
>it doesn’t follow the traditional medieval story formula of a hero saving the princess from an evil bad guy
>girls love Zelda games in general but this one doesn’t alienate the female audience as much as OoT did (see this commercial)

The same reason boys do, it's a top quality game.

Dont bother the remake is the definition of trash

There has to be more to it than that.

MM is way more popular than OOT.

It's cheaper to play a rom of the original. The 3ds version isn't bad like some people are saying, but the original n64 version is definitely better.

Hack your 3ds but ignore the remake.

>It's normie trash
Should've known

Get better taste

It's more popular because ZU made appeal to hipsters a decade ago and it stuck.

I feel a hatred towards all of Zelda because it's inspired this trend of people wanting to fuck Link because he's a "cute shota" according to most fangirls. And until they stop pandering to this audience, I can't consider the games that good.

You may call it shallow, but I call it "being sick of people posting trap link porn in every zelda thread". Don't get on my case if I'm simply sick of the spam and shitposting.

I'm with you brother

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Link hasn't been a shota in 15 years and the series is worse for it

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It's just legitimately fun and really memorable game.

I keep P64 around just so I can 100% it every so often.

Just stop reading what retards like post

Pretentious how, exactly? Sounds like something someone who has never actually played the game would say.

That ain't the game's fault, though

The games where Link is solely an adult are TP, SS, and BotW. You call that an improvement?

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>MM is way more popular than OOT.
In what universe?

Throws in a lot of vague, nonsensical bullshit and people think it's being deep.

>literally put in scenes with Link crossdressing in it
>claim it as a joke
>fans masturbate to it regardless

That kind of humor sickens me because of what it does to the fandom.

I've never touched a Zelda game and this is the only one I've ever been interested in. Is it a good representation of the franchise in general? Or is it an oddbal

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>not liking a game because of its fanbase

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It's one of the few you absolutely should not play first. Total outlier and counts on you playing OoT

Why shouldn't you hate a game for harming a series/company/industry?

I'm curious about what you think was nonsensical about it. I found the story to be pretty straightforward.

just because I like this game, have big bouncing breasts and a vagina doesn't mean I'm a girl :/

I think that's more the people than the game's fault. I don't even know what you could be referring to.

I mean stuff like Majora, the tree and kids inside the moon, and Termina itself are never definitively explained. You're just supposed to accept what's happening

>fanbase spams every single forum on the internet for years about how their games is the best thing ever made
>refuse to use any kind of self-reflection to reconsider this course of action
>open hostility to any criticism
>"nah man, you have to ignore all of that."

How about no? I demand a good fanbase when I play a game. I should be able to go online and discuss this game with like minded people. Maybe talk about secrets, cool hidden areas, sequel prospects, etc. A game is not worth it if the entirety of the fandom is a giant shitposting blob.


I always saw it as the game being weird for the sake of being weird and interesting, but I guess that's just me.

Maybe I forgive that stuff because I enjoyed the game, but I sort of enjoyed the fact that not every little detail was explained. I liked the mystical feeling the game gave off. But different strokes I guess.

I don't get why every bit of the world should be explained to player. Most often it would end up being infodumped and that's bad.

But when the game is held up as the best story in the series for these elements it comes off as pretentious

I've never seen anyone claim it has best story. It's best Zelda game for me but it's not because of story.

But even basic stuff like whether the game is even real is left up to interpretation. A Zelda book that just came out last year said the game was all a dream

>I've never seen anyone claim it has best story.
I'm not calling you a liar but you need to lurk more Zelda threads. Putting up a poll for best Zelda story would have MM winning in a landslide

It might have the best story because it's the best written one that doesn't retread the "Save Zelda" schtick.

I think WW has the best story for challenging a lot of the series core elements and suggesting that saving Hyrule isn't worth it in the long run.

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>Putting up a poll for best Zelda story would have MM winning in a landslide
I think it's just confusion of termin(a)ology most of the times.

>A Zelda book that just came out last year said the game was all a dream
You can't blame the game for misleading second hand sources being vague. In game there's never once given a reason to think it didn't really happen.

I can blame the game for being vague enough that anyone would interpret it that way

What part makes it vague on if it even happened though? People saying otherwise are reading too hard into it.

Mainly because it's never explicitly referenced again. Also remember that for years people thought it ended with Link becoming a Stalfos

MM and LA get heralded for having "the best stories" by a bunch of pretentious hipsters. If you haven't seen it, you've been ignoring it. The stories aren't even that interesting, they're just different for the sake of being different

It's pretty clear that the moon kids are supposed to represent Skull Kid's dilemma

I don't see how that's remotely clear

>people thought it ended with Link becoming a Stalfos
Again, people reading too much into it. There's literally no reason to assume that.

I mean... I understood that when I was like 12. I don't see how it could be any clearer than if they flat out told you.

Actually it's based on what's said in OoT about going into the forest without a fairy

Majora's Mask expects you've already played and beaten Ocarina of Time from the story to the mechanics.

WW also had the most grounded and human writing in the series. The finale in particular stands out.

The whole thing about Skull Kid was that he felt abandoned and lonely. Even the questions the kids ask when you beat the challenges reflect that

I just think it comes together better as a whole while MM is more of a bunch of well done individual pieces

Because these games can't hurt anything but the audience and it doesn't reflect their quality in the slightest.
You don't have to ignore it, just don't blame the game itself for something that isn't its content.

WW was sorely disappointing in every aspect looking back on it.

Fight me faggot

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What makes you think this?

>I think more girls are liking it because that gametheory guy and his video about it.

Which video?

How ironic considering even the manga cuts the story.

ANd I think that's a shame but there's still another good fanmanga that covers it

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My sister only plays sims and animal crossing

It was good but ignored Link for Ganondorf, which is good, but conflicts with the rest.
I stand by my statement, WW was a disappointment.

Well it's a story about Ganondorf. You get more than enough Link in the 4-komas


Why do people keep making these threads, is there some stupid shit on twitter that went viral or something?

It's mechanically and narratively pretentious, being more preoccupied with conveying its existential/metaphysical themes than actually being a good video game. Compared to other 3D Zeldas, there's a palpable dearth of tactile environmental interaction. The game itself is inherently repetitive, the dungeons are strikingly mediocre, and the bulk of overworld gameplay consists of being at a certain place at a certain time of day so you can talk to a key NPC. Fuck that.

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>an NPC doesn't stand in the exact same place all day every day and instead has a life
>this was praised as being realistic and neat then
>now people are angry about it

God it feels bad being old and actually remembering when these games came out.

I think you mean gays. Every gay guy I know, including myself loves MM. Not sure why.

>>there's a palpable dearth of tactile environmental interaction
>Milk Road
>every temple entrance
>the dungeons are strikingly mediocre
That can be said about all 3D Zeldas to a similar extent, at least MM had a good aesthetic with them.
>the bulk of overworld gameplay consists of being at a certain place at a certain time of day so you can talk to a key NPC
That's only true for certain sidequests and isn't even that big of a deal, it's a nitpick at best.

Then explain why other 3D Zeldas are fun and Majora's Mask is not

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Just play Oot first. Just don't go into with with high expectations. It's definitely a great arpg, but it isn't the godsend everyone hypes it up to be.

You have bad taste, it's that simple.

You might have a point if MM were not demonstrably flawed and highly divisive

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Becuase it’s great user.

So just like every 3D Zelda?