What are some of the most retarded cross overs you've seen in video games?
What are some of the most retarded cross overs you've seen in video games?
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>playing shadowverse in 2019
why is her head so long
That's what I was thinking. What the fuck is that head shape?
Negan in Tekken. Though it was funny as fuck to see him wail on all the weeb characters.
at least it got one
means its more likely to get future crossovers
OPM x SF soon
Cloud in Smash Bros.
It just doesn't make sense.
Feddy Kreuger in mk
Speaking of SF, why the fuck does this exist?
valkyria chronicles in company of heroes
>hearthstone; but, even more basic and boring
Why? And to answer your question; Star Wars Rick and Morty meme man in Soulcalibur IV.
Cygames is big into fighting games, they sponsor japanese fighting game players and had asw make one.
OPM and SF are both in Monster Strike, along with a bunch of random fucking crossovers
This was still the best one.
>no pubes in either
Still a pretty fucking good pic.
based and FATECHADpilled
>tiny-craniumed brainlet user can't move objects with his mind
color me surprised
Dude why is her head so fucking long
can you build a fate themed deck?
No, every class got a promo card, but that's about it.
that's disapointing
What did you expect? A card game suddenly introducing an entire expansion based on another game?
Isn't she like in her 20's as well? It's probably to do with extreme psychic abilities. Stunted growth and BIG BRAIN
My wife is finally getting recognition.
I'm so proud of her, guys!
your ex wife*
Will her sister make it as well?
Is the game good? I love tatsumaki
I doubt it. There's only 3 leader skins, one is saitama and the third one is yet to be revealed. It will probably be garou or genos.
It's free, just try it out. The meta is fucking stale right now though, new cards come out in 2 days, but I'm not sure they'll do much.
I like the deck themes personally more than WoW's class system.
Is he wrong or based?
Snake made just as little sense. But nobody seems to have a problem with that one.
Sf5 bombed hard so they tried to shill it everywhere. Crossovers, anime, TV game shows, clothes, you name it.
Is shadowverse closer to hearthstone gameplay wise or is it an actually good unique cardgame?
Still the bast card games of its kind.
Hearthstone with a couple diff mechanics.
I'd say it's like HS but with more unique classes / mechanics. That's not always a positive though, since most archetypes are god fucking awful compared to others.
fucking based
ur ex butt
Damn, what a shame. I would have loved a more unique anime based card game.
Star Wars/Soul Calibur will always be the most retarded crossover.
Pranked Skullomania.
Is saitama going to get a card?
funny- and cutepilled
Alright newfags, whenever you see a long post like that 2 minutes after the OP it's just OO being an attention whoring faggot
Stop giving them (You)'s
Big brain, duh
Yes. It fucking sucks.
Isn't Shadowverse dead
Cygames carries the FGC
There used to be many interesting decks, but the HP pool in this game is low so most decks are OTK or combo decks. There were archetypes like dshift which allowed you to take multiple turns in a row, spartacus which wins the game if you mill all cards in your deck, seraph which has a countdown card that wins the game when it runs out and roach forest which gets attack value depending on how many cards you played that turn. Some of those are still viable, but due to the low HP pool aggro decks can be pretty overwhelming.
Why do they keep using Rider if she's always getting her ass kicked? Whoever is her master should just seek asylum and date her instead. She's no good in combat. And she ain't great at stealth either since everyone detects her and flushes her out. Someone shold just marry her so she no longer participates in the holy grail wars.
Evo points are a thing in shadowverse though
Didn't Granblue have crossover event with Guilty Gear? Is it still available under Side Stories?
Is it a 4 mana destroy a minion?
I dont think anything tops this
you ain't seen shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
Actually still very very strong in japan.
And japan only
Yeah, it's pretty much hardremoval that's not getting played.
That was for charity.
I don't know why they did this, though.
lads how do I get a legal Tatsumaki shaped wife
I like that kick!
Fuck I must be tired, because that shit got me good. Reminds me of that retarded wig from Mob Psycho.
her voice actor Aoi Yuuki is as close as you can get.
>Google her
>Supposedly 4'9
Wait Aoi Yuuki voices her?
Damn that girl has some range. Im used to her "cutie cutie anime girl" voice, not Tatsumakis permanent passive aggressive monotone
Yeah, Noctis felt like a cheap marketing ploy for Tekken.
The dude form TWD felt more in place for Tekken than some emo prince
Let's be honest user. Wouldn't you find a way to make some easy money by selling DLC made specifically for their large fans?
Yeah, Aoi has range
Holy fuck. Didn't even know she voiced some of these characters. She really does have a somewhat impressive range compare to alot of other Japanese VA I've seen.
Where's my Tanya?
never bothered to update it to include her
Girl's Frontline X Va11ha11a is thing apparently, so that one
>shuten douji is basically just lewd naked demon Aoi
God bless Raita
Find cosplayers
Played shadowverse for over 400 hours. Quit though, it got so boring playing against the same deck over again so many times. As soon as I see the first 2-3 cards the enemy plays I already know how their deck goes because its the meta. Then if they get certain cards that is their win condition they just beat you unless you get your win condition first.
Oh frick. Oh heck.
this looks like garbage
when does the next OPM chapter come out? Its been 30 days since the release of chapter 107
Hearthstone seems like an utter abomination, at least from what I've seen of shadowverse is seems mildly less cancerous, though hearthstone's stink is still very obvious in it.
Good thing I have no reason to play either since arena is semi-functioning.
Next week. Golden week and Murata's father passing away made the wait a little longer.
nvm found out the artist father passed away recently
she's an esper
big brain
Shame the final manga for pic related got censored.
>Murata's father passing away made the wait a little longer.
honestly he deserves a fucking vacation, he's been drawing top tier shit at a super fast rate before this
Just like his character in the show then.
We live in a day and age where Geralt of Rivia has shown up in Soul Calibur and Monster Hunter simultaneously.
I don't think anything matters anymore in that regard desu
>and Murata's father passing away made the wait a little longer
that sucks, i hope he's doing ok
Yeah but he doesn't seem like the type of person to take vacations. I wouldn't mind waiting a little longer for new chapters.
It brought a ton of people to the series. What did you dislike about it?
mad lanklet tranny
Has this game killed Hearthstone yet?
Sure it does, consider him a representative of square enix and final fantasy
ONE is a fucking treasure.
Check this one out
The crazy bitch, its also Yuki
>She will never bully you into joining her faction
Why even live
I quit this kusoge when it became FirstVerse.
Is it still shit?
>Not wearing any panties
Probably not wearing a bra either. Nice dedication at least
Playing tatsumaki in a real game would actually be fucking cool but instead they put her into a card game goddamnit
mario maker
tatsumaki does wear panties
king saw them
Now it's "play sword or die"
Kingdom Hearts.
Fubuki > Tatsumaki
>tatsumaki does not wear panties
Fixed that for you
She's wear them high cut panties
She’s weak BECAUSE of her shitty Master. Rider is OP as fuck when her Master has actual Magic Circuits.
the same can be said of all servants retardo
She sounds like Tanya, or maybe Tanya sounds like her, I don't know but my dick likes it
Jesus just how big is her head
Except Emiya though, his trash base stats are death for anyone not as gifted as Rin.
>tfw her movie isn't playing near me
More like she's weak because she chooses to keep her eyes blocked. There's so few Servants that can actually resist her petrification, even accounting for new FGO Servants.
>Why do they keep using Rider if she's always getting her ass kicked?
She's one of the Original Seven
Should have been BNHA instead of this overrated shit, looks like i'm dropping shadowverse for a couple months again
Adam Jensen in that final fantasy mobile game
>Oh is this a girl from that danganwhatever game with the black and white bear? The design seems familiar from threads I've seen abo-
>Adam Jensen in that final fantasy mobile game
Seriously? You call out Adam Jensen being in Brave Exvius when it had fukcing Aria Grande in it?
nice bait
>Take my overrated shit over this other overrated shit
Literally kill yourself
2B in Soul Calibur, even Geralt feels less out of place in there.
What the hell is Aria Grande doing on a Final Fantasy game?
No one knows
>Cunnyverse gets best loli
I don't see the problem
OP said most retarded, not most based
I want to ride Rider.
>Rider is weak
>thats because her master is weak
>Any servant with a bad master is weak retard
Do you have brain damage?
"Heaven's feel" still uses fucking tohsaka instead of Sakura, damn I hate rinfags
Is SV any good anymore? I stopped playing after the 3rd pack was released
They made a second tie in event, is this more to your liking?
Joker’s inclusion in Smash without a doubt
It's alright, really fucking midrange though
It depends on what you find fun. Some decks are out of control and they refuse to fix them for whatever reason.
Too bad it's shit.
I still find it baffling that Nintendo decided to call that mess a Crossover
>could have had something cool like FE characters summoning or fighting demons or something
>instead it's bootleg idol persona
I'll never not be upset.
I miss the days of Fire Emblem on GBA. At least it didn't focus on the whole waifu bullshit.
>hunting a non-endangered species
>ever bad
Haven't played them since Path of Radiance
What happened?
Fire Emblem Awakening happened.
Whaling means to pay2win gacha games.
>one punch man is vidya related now
fucking wew lad
ONE's Tatsumaki has panties. Murata's doesn't.
>Darth Maul in THPS3
>Jango Fett and Eddie in THPS4
>Iron Man and Gene Simmons in THUG
>Shrek in THUG2
>Lil Jon in THAW
Tony Hawk had some weird secret skaters.
now I am reminded of all the cheat characters in that one Tony Hawk game.
Doom Marine, Darth Maul, Bobba Fett, etc...
Whale is a term for people who spent a lot in mobiles, she is actually defending this practice because its like eating. Aoi Yuuki voice a lot of character in almost every mobage.
>another Rin instead of caster
You may need to get your eyes checked
At least she's female. Everyone was upset that it's such a sausage fest.
Not whale hunting you giga dummy
This crossover is amazing, and Tornado is single handedly saving Rune.
i felt like such a cuck when i bought illya and then that stupid bitch don't even speak english
She's the only one to actually win a grail war though.
Here, for cucks like you.
It's not like dshift was any good for the game
Dshift was amazing and one of the most fun decks in the game. It did what it was supposed to do, beat control. The problem was that it also had a fighting chance against things that were faster.
Should've been Cecil or Terra tbdesu
>Mickey Mouse and Cloud were in the same game
We passed that threshold a long time ago.
damn I fucking love Overlord.
It is unironically against the spirit of the names to not translate them.
A person's name should literally never EVER be translated into other languages.
>we'll never have a high res version of the left
Chitoge in Mario Maker.
Joker in smash is one example of absolutely retarded decision,they basically are confirming more "muh animey" trash for smash,so expect treehouses characters in this game
Seriously if this was choose by sakurai instead of Nintendo I would loose all the respect for him
These are not normal names. They're hero names. They're closer to titles. They're named the way they are for the names' meanings.
That is to say, the meaning is the name more than the name being the name.
Joker is based, keep seething banjofag.
Kingdom Hearts.
>Joker is based
Seriously stop with this anime shit
Except both sisters address each other by those names, we do not know if those are their names or their titles, we can assume "Tornado of Terror" is her title but her name could be Tornado/Tatsumaki for all we know, OPM doesn't want to make any sense and if you're too brainlet to learn 3 japanese words you should maybe stop being an ironic weeb.
Where's my fucking Garou game? Preferably a sex game
>hehe see this? its you bffff BRAAAPP
Keep seething, Joker is in and Banjo is never ever
>smashfag trying to insult anyone
Take a shower.
Her name is Tornado, her sister's name is Blizzard. There hero names are just their names with of Hell/Terror added to them
I like Tatsumaki and I find this dumb as hell.
I like how Tasumaki actually looks like a small 28 year-old petite woman and isn't just "loli but actually a thousand years old lmao" bullshit.
No, their names are Tatsumaki and Fubuki. Their titles are "Tornado of Hell" and "Blizzard of Hell"
>tfw Garou is actually over-compensating guy.
What is this stance trying to convey?
Tatsumaki and Fubuki roughly translate to Tornado and Blizzard
Pure sex
And? You do not translate people's names, if some guy is named Jose you don't translate that to Joseph, that's not his fucking name.
"i'd fuck me"
Is it a good or bad sign that I'm hard after watching this?
That's not the same situation. Calling her Tastumaki is literally the same as calling her Tornado
It literally is the same situation, I had transfer students from other countries that fucking hated when people translated their names, like "Juan" to "John" even though its "the same". It's not. Learn to spell people's names correctly.
her name is wife but only i can call her that
You generally don't translate peoples names.
>Chinpo Cheney
Garou was such a disappointing villain. Especially when they started talking about how he and saitama might be the same, but then he still got his shit pushed in so fucking hard that he felt like a regular trash mob.
no it ain't, tatsumaki ain't a cognate of tornado, N Y U K K A.
Tell that to Viz then
Shit taste
If you think there's ever going to be someone else on Saitama's level you're just setting yourself up for disappointment.
I don't actually care if they are as strong as saitama, but when the build up is like 50 fucking chapters long and they have to go through 30 different jobber characters first then count me out. I waited like a year or longer for saitama to finally stomp garou and in the end I was disappointed.
is this show any good? watching the quartet series makes me want to give it a try. especially since im already watching kunosuba and overlord
They haven't even fought yet in the manga.
>I like how Tasumaki actually looks like a small 28 year-old petite woman and isn't just "loli but actually a thousand years old lmao" bullshit.
Shes a basically midget. shes beyond small.
To be fair that never made any sense.
I wanna sniff tatsu's tatsus
Youjo Senki and Re:Zero are the best of the Yozakura Quartet, you're watching the shittier ones
Yes, not much comedy though
Re:Zero is utter, utter garbage.
>Garou was such a disappointing villain. Especially when they started talking about how he and saitama might be the same, but then he still got his shit pushed in so fucking hard that he felt like a regular trash mob.
You really dont get the show.
Saitama is the strongest, hes the hero who finished his training, became the strongest and saved the world, and then it starts.
That was the point of Boros, to show even the strongest warrior in universe is no match for him.
There wont be anybody who is a match for him ever.
Its not the only book or manga to do this, but here its done purely for comedy.
My point is she doesn't look like a kid despite being smol.
You can start tying up that noose to kys because Re:Zero is the best anime of the decade
>There wont be anybody who is a match for him ever.
Maybe the god who gave homeless emperor powers "might" be a challenge.
They fought in the web comic almost two years ago.
Re: Zero is unsufferable SAO tier wish fullfillment garbage but with an even dumber MC that keeps fucking everything up and causing everyone trouble, you'll just want to punch him in the face over a thousand times after 2 episodes.
Youjo Senki is funny at least, Tanya going mental and massacring people is always amusing to see. The secondary cast is pretty forgettable though, Overlord and Konosuba are the best shows out of the 4.
Doubt it.
Requesting that webm with the cosplayer with the fat ass walking through the door while the skirt reveals
>>Chinpo Cheney
Dick Cheney is a normal name though. It's not as if Dick Cheney took on a costume and the moniker of Lord Oil as he fought on the front lines or something. Then that name would deserve to be translated, but not his actual name.
Wakey wakey Tatsumakifags
This takes the cake out of all SRW games. I mean it basically has Hatsune Miku and Three Kingdom leaders fighting against Aleister Crowley while Stan Lee is sipping coffee in the background
>Overlord and Konosuba are the best shows out of the 4.
this nigga knows whats up
Hes clearly not god, will probably be built up in a chapter only to die in one blow
Tatsumaki and Blast will be 2 central figures around the ending is my guess
Webcomic is abandoned currently, but once Murata starts catching up One will move his ass and wrap it up since they work together on multiple projects.
I can't believe Tatsumaki got fucking SPERM'd
Retarded but cool.
>Webcomic is abandoned currently,
>My point is she doesn't look like a kid despite being smol.
She literally looks like a kid, its a running gag in the show and manga.
>wish fullfillment
In what sense? He's weak, dumb and cowardly as fuck, also he rejected the only woman who ever showed any romantic or sexual interest for him, everyone threats him like shit for most of the series. This is the opposite of wish fulfillment
Also this is not Subaru: The Anime, there's all kinds of great characters in Re:Zero like Rem and Petelgeuse
>Webcomic is abandoned currently, but once Murata starts catching up One will move his ass and wrap it up since they work together on multiple projects.
One already broke his hiatus about a month ago.
we got 2 chapters in 2 years, you can fuck right off if you think that makes it alive
New chapter next week same with manga version.
If fubuki was the rune leader I would've already bought the crystals by now
>Subaru-kun, Subaru-kun, Subaru-kun, Subaru-kun, Subaru-kun, Subaru-kun
She'll be the haven leader, just you watch.
>One already broke his hiatus about a month ago.
He "promised" to break it, so far it resulted in a single finished chapter outside 110 that he wrapped up.
He did the same thing 2 years ago, and 3 years ago where he came, said hes super serious and now will update regularly, does 2 chapters and says its dead again.
Once we get 3 chapters in less than 6 months only then i will believe hes serious this time.
I mean to be fair they did do a granblue expansion
The whole game was based on RoB/Granblue. It's basically recycling all of cygames shit.
Someone PLEASE tell me saitama marries tatsumaki and impregnates her to make somehow even more powerful kids in the future
Actually don’t because the manga is behind the webcomic
They make fun of her because she's small.
Just look at Tatsumaki's hips, waist, and her proportions overall, no kid has developed curves like that.
No character ever written in any work of fiction can't be deconstructed in the braindead way you did right now.
>food analogy
Bro, this is how she looks like in the webcomic. What do you think?
Yeah because only Re:Zero has such stupid one dimensional characters. Fuck that series and fuck you for liking that filth, stop replying to me.
As stated above. If your name is your name, you don't translate it. If your name is the meaning of your name, you do translate it.
Tatsumaki isn't called Tatsumaki because "Tatsumaki" is a neat name. Tatsumaki is called Tatsumaki because Tatsumaki is Tornado. Same with Fubuki and Blizzard.
this one was pretty based being honest.
Rem's childhood and her relationship with her sister is very good writing as well as Petelguese's long life that led him to insanity
What would that have to do with saitama marrying and impregnating her, the artist for the manga (marou or what’s his name) can just draw her prettier
Pretty sure there is a frame during her introduction with a full view on her ass. She was going commando.
Does ONE make his comics in paint or something?
I do not care, shut the fuck up.
are you guys still watching season 2?
it's a joke, there was a thread last week that basically rationalized how Gex exists in the world of Persona 4 and the events of Gex actually take place inside the Midnight channel where the game was actually just Gex's dungeon with the main villain being his shadow self.
Yeah. It's underwhelming to say the least but it's only 20 minutes per week anyway, so it's not like I'm wasting too much time.
I don't think any crossover will ever top the Ariana Grande / Katy Perry x Final Fantasy Brave Exvius shit
holy shit I know this character
>2B as your retarded SC crossover of choice.
That was cool though
MGS is such a trash series.
Shit taste.
Hey, at least Shadowbab X OPM is a real crossover
Better than Has-Been mobas straight up copying the characters as "homage" and getting sued for it.
What the fuck?
Once famous moba Heroes of Newerth ended up in the gutter, and were bought out by GARENA because the Southeast Asia market somehow still played it.
Because of this "shift" in the target audience, they released hundreds of animu girl avatars, usually ripoffs from famous stuff.
zero iq
>Re:Zero is the best anime of the decade
step aside, nigger
Overlord is the weakest of the four
>retards still conflicted about anime proportions in the current year
I have no idea what that means but as a mono green player I can respect any game where you can shit the board with elves.
Even fucking Konosuba has a better story and it's not trying to have a story
Objectively wrong, not even worth pointing out why, you're just fucking stupid.
Super cute. Saved.
Konosuba is ok but it's devolved into romcom will they/won't they shit
there was a small dip in quality for overlord when they had the otaku dragon but other than that it's been more or less the same throughout
>gameplay is literally SJ 2.0
>story is wacky whatif sequel to Archanea game
>no dating, so social/school trash, no day limit or calendar garbage
>utter retards call it persona
Why are rosterfags so stupid?
>le op skeleton man with no personality does things that gets worse over time
>hijinks ensue
it's not bad but the world is painfully mediocre and the characters are pretty fucking boring
Is Cygames content to let SV be complete dogshit forever at this point?
This game has been intolerable since Tempest of the Gods. I thought rotation might help but they just kept printing nonsense cards and it just became a race to see who can drop their overpowered instant win card first.
>only log daily and barely plays
>get albert, daria, oz and that fairy slut leaders from free packs
>can't bother to even do one match
And yet thousands of loli characters have wider hips and thicker thighs, and you claim they are "le shitty 1000 year old loli meme". Face it, you are just biased. Typical of OPMfags.
La Hermana...
Because H3H3 is popular?
>calls it wishful fullfillment garbage
>his favorites are the ones where the MC is op and steamrolls the enemies
DBZspics I swear
Konosuba isn't like that at all
Zerofags are absolutely braindead, what a surprise.
Stopped reading there.
>played first level tutorial of shadowverse 2-3 years ago
>thought it was crap
>see thread
>not playing anything atm
>beat tutorial
>go to draft deck
>game freezes
>close game
>game now stuck at title screen
>uninstall a second time
Nice game shadowbabs
stopped reading right there
stay mad.
Pretty much anything related to Phantasy Star Online 2 many, MANY crossover events. Not the SEGA crossover promos though, THAT makes sense, SEGA property crossing over with SEGA property that has a clear and obvious connection.
He is though
His comedic talent is too good
>curriculum vitae
Wild is the format where every card made is in the game. Where the rotated format (where old sets get removed) is considered the norm. I know wild is the term for hearthstone, I forgot what it's called in SV
That's just legacy.
Character Voice
>american education
left looks better
Burgers call those resumes though, not CVs
They have to be a bong or a euro
>american education system explaining what curriculum vitae means
Nice try, was probably an autistic european
Not even the most retarded crossover in Shadowverse youtube.com
Please let us die in peace.
He’s iconic, if you don’t think so you’re retarded.
rip cuties
That's not a Tatsumaki cosplay, that's a Californian on vacation in Hawaii
Shadowverse is actually introducing a new "sealed draft" game mode on Monday. Now's a good time to install and start playing!
is it sealed or is it draft?
did sv really not have slimited before now?
If this was Dobson it would get (You)s
You mean Joker. Why add a character liek that and not even port the game over to the Switch? Why help your competition with advertising? Such a ridiculous literal cuck addition.
Wait a minute, this almost sounds like you have GOOD TASTE!
Oh, my mistake with the terms. It's just sealed.
nice, i've always liked sealed better than draft
He draws them by hand. Not that he isn't skilled, he just has a weird style of drawing. Pic related is better than what you'd find in most manga
He originally made it in some shitty web "make your own manga" thing.
I don't know if that's what he still uses, but he's obviously gotten better at art as time has gone on, look at anything in later mob psycho
Daily reminder that ONE confirmed Tatsumaki would beat Golden Sperm if she was at full power.
I probably will finish it. The animation might not be the best, but it's serviceable, and the sound direction is still top tier. Garou's VA is god like, and I want to hear Suiryu get brutally bludgeoned by big bad Goketsu.
Utawarerumono x Azure Lane.
Don't ask me why.
Arnold in South Africa.
he literally did no damage to him, he's a fucking machine at 72
Top 10 anime crossovers
What is this rising A-class star doing with Forelocks in the Face? Find out next time, on
>updated 22 days ago
Opening this picture my clover crash
Fuck you
I fucking love how he makes explosions in his fight scenes
Nevermind, I completely forgot about pic related.
Where do you think he was taken to?
Not I'm complaining but I can't shake the feeling that the bodies are traced. Or at least Fubuki definitely is.
based Arnold tanking that shit from behind without even being ready for it
KMR bought Juventus, so it makes sense.
nepshit and that youtube idol trash in that boat mobage.
What the actual fuck?
Now as an exploitable.
What did Flash say, Yea Forums?
>not fubuki
For a game that looks like it's just about staring at sexy jpegs, they fucked up.
I don't get what's so retarded about some random guest characters.
I'm still surprised Shadowverse died so fast. It had so much potential to overtake Hearthstone, but then pissed it all away with a year of back to back shit expansions. I quit around TotG, but I can't imagine it got any better especially now that rotation is a thing forcing you to roll and becoming more p2W.
Tatsumaki is sexier than Fubuki.
>underestimating jappo lolilust
rookie mistake
What's so weird about an anime video game collaborating with another chinese animesque video game.
It never had any chance of beating Hearthstone in the west. Those were just delusions from people who quit HS for SV.
In Japan it's still the biggest digital card game outside of maybe Duel Links.
The Fubuki one was using real life reference for the pose and matching the translucency of the sheet, but Murata livestreams a lot of his drawings and it's all legit, no tracing.
That was the most based crossover.
>O-one said T-t-tatsumiki could beat him,
>No Proof
Tatsumaki fags on suicide watch
Because one game is about modern boats while the other one is about a post apocalyptic world where humans went extinct and genetically engineered furries are in the early stages of civiliziation.
Oh OP, are you new to mobages?
SV didn't die because of rotation, but rather the continued balancing cycle of
>Now it's YOUR turn to become completely broken until the next midseason patch :^))
Nah SV was decently big. Got regular 5k+ viewers did tourneys and had a growing streaming viewerbase. However back to back shit expansions like WoD just completely killed the game.
Who through that piece of paper at me
Truly a god among men. But yeah when I wrote traced I meant he used some reference not a literal tracing. Do we know who was the model?
Nakoruru is now part of Might and Magic.
How bad is Shadowverse now? Haven't played since they added the portal deck
It still amazes me how a game can have even worse balance than Hearthstone.
It's okay. Could be better.
Everyone is pedo for tats
It was way bigger in the west than it is now, I'm not denying that. My point is that it was never the "HS killer" people were claiming it would be.
>Got regular 5k+ viewers did tourneys and had a growing streaming viewerbase
Cygames paid for Twitch front page to pull those numbers. When they didn't tournaments would pull 1k viewers at absolute best.
It got worse. There's no real reason to come back yet.
But she's like 20-something.
It's getting a new sealed game mode if you are into sealed.
Man that art looks like shit.
>Just thought I got jostled by the crowd...
Teenager Tries to Dropkick Sentient Oak Tree: Fails
Word of God
And? Nobody would call you a babyfucker for thinking this is sexy.
Two decks made up 27/32 decks at the last tournament in rotation.
Cygames said that the meta was fine and didn't issue any nerfs.
>no dating
>when every main cast including NPCs have social links with 5 dates each to get skills from them just like social links
>gameplay is literally the same "buff/debuff first and hit weaknesses for extra turns", special attacks that trigger because of social links, benched party teammate attacks just like 4
>exact same dungeon crawling of 3/4/5
>dungeon designs are based on a characters mentality just like 4/5
>retards still pretend to have played the game
That's because tournaments don't reflect ladder.
Considering the left literally has her nipple poking out ill take the left. Right is a retarded plastic goblin. Tits dont look like that
>Cygames paid for Twitch front page to pull those numbers
Literally the fact that they were up in the front page when the streams had good numbers?
drooling idiot
She's also a shotacon
I'm surprised SV is still alive
You do realize being chosen for the front page means more exposure which means more viewers, right?
Pretty sure Duel Links is a lot bigger at least when I checked. SV generally does top 100 whereas DL is top 20.
Does this mean that you get to keep all the 5*8 = 40 cards (not counting the phantom pack cards) even if you only make a 30 card deck?
I unironically think you are trolling, like serious dude everything about Re:Zero screams generic waifu bait with some isekai to pander the autistic SAO fans, almost convinced me tho user.
SV went to shit literal years ago.
That's my point, nigger. They couldn't pull any significant numbers by themselves. They could only pull numbers while in the front page.
Yes. They also said you can only get neutral cards + cards from the class you picked.
Says a lot about the others when even shit is better than them.
I fucking love shameless cosplay sluts.
Cygames is a Juventus sponsor. It's like that time when Nintendo was sponsoring the Fiorentina in 1997.
Hearthstone is printing blizzard billions of dollars and its all fucken jpgs. How out of touch do you have to be to design that bad of a game when you had millions of fan boy ready to lap up literally any form of dogshit you put out.
One million dollar tournament soon. Just gotta wring the prize money outta the Dota 2 suckers a little harder than usual.
Kingdom hearts is one big retarded cross over. Still have no idea why is it even exist.
Shadowverse has some cool art, too. It's not all anime girls.
Too bad most cards fucking suck.
Tastu is cute. CUTE!
aww Hope she is able to appear in a real videogame someday... and be playable too
have sex, preferably with a grown woman
The OPM crossover just wasn't done that great and fucking weird to do in the first place, nobody seemed to be too fond of the idea even before the leaders were revealed. The Priconne one was much better.