He did nothing wrong
He did nothing wrong
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Stop posting threads user, or else...
didn't he sext kids?
Except he did everything wrong.
He showed nudes to underage fans, cheated on his wife, and then blamed his wife on everything
Its all his wife's fault!
Don't blame him! His wife made him cheat on her! He fucked that gremlin girl over his elf wife because his wife is mean and green of envy!
Please, 200k lost subs...
Honestly it was the wife's fault for attempting polygamy. Opened Pandora's box there honestly
PBG -> Caddicarus -> The Completionist -> Scott the Woz in that order for who goes next.
his wife wanted to do polygamy? source?
but CP rules! am I right fellow 4channer? hahaha
Jared's claim.
He made another "statement" yesterday.
Check his Twitter. Retweet to reply ratio be damned.
Suprised Caddicarus hasn't been found out as a pedophile yet desu
>male feminist
he got destroyed by his own sword
His wife's attitude did a complete 180 so it does feel he wasn't entirely in the wrong
>Doesn't mention their open relationship
>Ruins his reputation
>Defends herself saying she wasn't comfortable with him being with Holly
Ao her fucking tons of dudes was fine, it's only bad when he did it.
She admitted to that too. She said she didn't enjoy it and tried to shut it down ASAP though. Dumb bitch.
Why would you drop a person off a plane, then shoot him while he's plummeting to his death.
This some CIA shit.
theres no proof of any of the claims against him
>minors send the female cuck the dick pics
>not evidence
>posts statement about divorce
>minutes later, soon-to-be ex wife starts dragging him on social media
yeeeah i'm calling bull
He didn't fly so good
>went from alpha bull to absolute cuck in one twit
I wonder how many of the youtubers who were ready to fuck the guy over assert this new information we got. Probably none.
>want to fuck other guys
>hey lets have an open relationship
>sure lol
fuck women, this bitch did literally everything wrong and ruined a guys life in the process.
She said it was her original idea, or did she just say she entertained the thought from Jared?
Besides, whomever of the two had the original idea this would work, both are at fault equally for going through with it.
why would you shoot a man after throwing him out the plane?
cp is gay but you're gayer
She wanted to fuck other men. Jared fucked other women and then she got jealous and tried to shut it down. Pretty funny stuff.
why is he not in jail right now then?
this shit is super public, surely if he commited such an offense he wouldn't just be chilling
why do people want to talk about him so badly, literally who even is he
I enjoyed shitting on him but the recent update really reveals that he was innocent all along
he got caught
how do you know it's his dick?
She wanted and she did, according to Jared.
She didn't deny it because it can be used in court on the divorce lawsuit.
Basically, she was fucking random dudes but didn't like it when Jared did it.
Because people indulge in drama.
A lot of loyalty for a hired gun.
He's no innocent. He's just an absolute passive cuck:
He got fucked over
Never trust women, Yea Forums.
Your naive nature is what's going to ruin your life in the same way this women ruined his.
The more rules we break, the more inclined mods will be to enact change. A new board will be born.
Dont be a cuck.
This only shows that both of them are retards.
I believe it honestly. Jared fucked up on his own tho, so he deserves it, but his wife should go down with him too for starting the whole thing, instead she is seen as a victim. Never marry.
>hooked up with Holly while she was still married
>soliciting underage fans for nudes
It seems really strange that he would cheat on his hot wife with some girl who isn't that great looking. Doesn't really seem like this had to do anything with looks. I really doubt this was just a case of "I'm already getting sex but I want even more sex now". I'm pretty sure there was something behind the scenes here with all of this.
I think in this case people were quick to jump on the drama without getting the whole picture first
I believe him that his wife wanted an open relationship, then she got mad jared was getting some on the side, a lot of women do stupid shit like this sadly & they especially can get spiteful, like posting his nudes (which isn't revenge porn when women do it because of course)
However, hes a still a typical jewish liberal hypocrite who preaches feminism, but tries to bang 15 year olds, fuck him
Holly's husband was in an open relationship too
Witch hunts are fun.
are you actually asking that? The retards who got the pictures need to alert the fbi or police. But seeing as none of them did they mostly did for the shit show.
>marrying a chick who wants open relationships
See, he fucked himself over, the underaged girls posting his nudes was the icing on the cake
So Heidi wanted polyamory, Jared agreed, Heidi got dick but Jared got pussy and Heidi shut it down because that wasn't how it was supposed to go
I wonder if Heidi agreed with Jared about his public tweet then fucked him over by feigning ignorance?
But I suppose the real question is if Holly and Ross were polyamorous
>but his wife should go down with him too for starting the whole thing
Yeah, she made it out like she was the victim. The real truth is that they're both retarded. Maybe they deserved each other and this fate.
So he's like reverse Anthony Bitch?
wow, really dug her own grave with that one
except not really cause people are delusional and can't hold women accountable for their own doings.
Zoomers just can't stop discussing e-celebs
His wife wanted to fuck other men. To make him feel better she told him to fuck other women. When he did she went nuts.
>soliciting underage fans for nudes
Seriously, I don't doubt it, but every "evidence" so far doesn't show the part where they say they're underage.
They have entire conversations, but apparently they lost the most important part.
I don't know who's cucking who anymore.
Ha ha ha holy shit, these are the kinds of idiots getting into long term marriage in today's day and age?!
Jared should have just divorced her the moment she pretended polygamy was an option. Idiot would still have a face worth shit in public and could get to fuck his harry potter waifu too.
This is pretty much like a Brazilian telenovela.
He was sleeping with a married woman whose husband was unaware and she told him to stop cucking their friend, which he either refused to do or pretended to do while continuing to sleep with her anyway.
It’s not complicated, incels. It’s what she said outright, and it matches the timeline of events.
>jared pretends to stop banging holly but continues in secret
>eventually everyone finds out because of course they would
>holly and ross get divorced when he finally finds out
>the affair continues until eventually normalboots starts looking into the nudes allegations and jared tries to damage control it with his retarded twitter divorce
jesus christ nolan is such a hack he even stole from gundam
>hurb durp zoomers
Clown World is better than Eastenders.
>falling for the open relationship meme
He deserves everything he's getting.
Why indeed...
this is why you say no to poly anons and femanons. They could pull this shit on you and still be technically in the right because "they called it off"
He didn't cheat. It was polyamory but the wife got mad because the husband got pussy
I guess it's time for a part 3 where Jared retrieves the number of times a dick bigger than his went into her.
>clown world
Get a tan and have sex
Sounds like you're the real incel here since you're still defending someone who was clearly in the wrong.
Keep seething my friend.
“Worked something out” does not mean open relationship. They’d call it that if that’s what it was. Rather, it’s more likely that Ross found out, but he’s naive and “forgave” her on the condition she stopped fucking Jared. Which she agreed to but was of course lying, so when it came to light they were still banging, the divorce happened.
At last, the roasty's plot is revealed. How typical.
What are you trying to say?
>have sex
Have children. Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have. Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation. Have a life free of hedonism.
>open marriage
Why am I not surprised? Why americans likes cuckoldry so much?
Honest question.
this, all the newest drama proves is that his wife is also a piece of shit.
Reminds me of the whole "WE WERE ON A BREAK!" thing from Friends with Ross and Rachel. Women just don't know what they want.
Yea Forums and the entirety of twitter gets absolutely bamboozled by a woman. more at 11.
That people of all ages love gossip retard.
haha Yea Forums incels btfo! BASED
At least you admit it. Most other people who shat on him now double down on the wife's side instead of admiting they jumped to conclusions after only hearing one side of the story.
Have you seen that dick chart here? Who wouldn't want a 9 shoved into them?
Sorry dicklet
I've done all of the above! I'm mestizo too.
The worst part is everyone is defending her over this horseshit. She told the dude to go for the other woman, but when he went and was happy, she got mad and upset. I swear, if I could cut off the biological part of me that makes me seek companionship, I totally would.
>these are the kinds of idiots getting into long term marriage in today's day and age?!
Every age has them, it's just that these lot were stupid to think they could have their cake and eat it. Both are to blame yet put the blame on each other.
that's only a problem for wh*tes
Fuck knows.
This pic aged badly.
Someone contact Shadman asap
because that's what happens when you're raised as a slave, you can only get pleasure from giving it to others.
no, he's still a slimy cunt, now he's a cucked slimy cunt as well.
>blaming the man for sleeping with a married woman
fucking kek
That's based and redpilled though. Literally /ourguy/
The best part is that he's still to blame because he was an idiot who wanted an open relationship. What did he expect to happen?
Literally all she did wrong was not give all the details immediately, probably because that shit is embarrassing. It’s hard to tell the world that you tried an open relationship, it’s pretty fucking weird to most people. Kinda makes the both of you look like whores.
It’s even harder to say “my retarded husband was so fucking dumb that somehow he took an open relationship as a go-ahead to sleep with a married woman who WASN’T in an open relationship.”
She wanted it and then called it off when he did it too.
it didnt make sense to me either. but if parts of what jared said are true, it starts to make sense. holly may not be the most attractive woman, but if she was actually kind and showed him genuine affection, and according to the stories, only wanted to sleep with him, its no wonder jared would have fallen for her, compared to a wife that, while attractive, is fucking other guys on the side.
And another one bites the dust. And another one does. And another one does. And another one bites the dust.
this but unironically
video games
He did plenty wrong. We're simply learning she did plenty wrong too.
The truth is that both were sociopath assholes from the start. Don't trust people who go for underage kids when they're over 30 and don't trust a cosplayer that wants to try an open relationship. There were enough red flags for either to see.
And he agreed to it. The fact that he didn't immediately leave her when she first suggested that is his fault.
She suggested the open relationship though.
His only mistakes were accepting it and showing his face on his nudes. He's a dumbass
No, she wanted to fuck Tyrone & expected Jared the little jewish nerd to sit at home & keep making $$$ via silly video game reviews so she could fund her cosplay shit, instead he stopped with the video games & what do ya know, the little yid can actually pull, then she got mad
SHE wanted an open relationship. And she was getting multiple dicks. It's ALWAYS the woman that wants open relationship so she can monkey branch. It's in their nature. It's why Muslims don't tolerate this shit.
It's called not being a white American.
Turns out the degenerate who cosplayed as Sailor Mercury is a degenerate all along!
Is this why this shit is brought up daily?
hey that's about the same as in how white they are.
she suggested it because he was a sex addicted cunt
That's good haha.
and he's still a retard for believing that a woman who cheats on her husband would be loyal and genuine towards him.
at this point I'm openly rooting for feminism because men are so fucking pathetic and keep falling for the most obvious traps, I don't care what happens to them.
Read his fucking post. She suggested it as a way to boost his self esteem.
Yeah I never actually watched his videos or anything. I just watched Metokur stream and DamePesos video and had a laugh. Maybe they do an update. DamePesos probably will because he lives off of twitter and thots.
>we can talk about this now
Fuck these mods, make a fucking rule and stick with it.
Yeah, she’s the real degen here, as opposed to the dude sending his cock to minors. Yea Forums totally isn’t just jumping at the chance to play virtue police on a woman like always.
hell yasss :) time for this place to get culturally enriched
>Muslims don't tolerate this shit
Fuck bros, is it time to take the jihadpill?
>I never wanted any of these to come out
>Publicly divorces his wife on Twitter
>B-But I did all I could for her boohoo
They're both retarded but he's clearly trying to use this to help cover his ass. Anyone that tries to defends him after this is a moron, plain and simple.
honestly these kids really have no idea what they are doing
>hey that's about the same as in how white they are.
kek I never thought of that
She suggested it because instead of leaving a sinking marriage she wanted to hook up with other dudes while being provided by a well paid e-celeb.
What is this SWJ shit in here? He cucked his wife and Ross, he showed his dick to teenage girls.
Based Projared
>fuck guys on the side
>give husband a free pass for sex with other women
>own cheating is now justified
>now possess ammo to threaten husband's career with
Machiavellian as fuck
They're both vile creatures.
maybe they were actually good together.
>my asian wife's black son man
What is it with these alt right talking heads and living in glass houses?
Ok This is EPIC.
Old enough to bleed old enough to breed and save her race
Why can't you READ you white knight cuckold
>Do i fit in yet?
do your job you retarded janitor
Does his gf have a kid with another man? lmaaaaaoooo
Been here for 13 years cuck
Him being a dumbass sending his dick to random women has nothing do to with the cheating scandal.
The fact people are only using that to shut him down is proof people have no arguments.
He's in the wrong for the nudes thing and she is in the wrong for creating this fake scandal.
but yes
>hey, wanna see my dick?
>gets dick
So now this board does an entire 180 and supports Jared?
What the fuck
Why is everyone replying to this like they only read on of these tweets?
why did all of his friend disown him if supposedly they already knew that jared was "in the right"
As opposed to playing virtue police on a guy over literal rumors and tearing his life to shreds?
She deserves it, take your pussy goggles off for a moment and you'll realise they're both fucking retarded and what she did was push all the blame on the guy, ruining his career in the process, just to avoid it herself, if people don't understand how badly they fucked up by blindly hopping on this hate train, they're just as bad as the thing they're rampaging about.
Bitter red pill right here lads
>my wife made me do it!
Imagine taking a week to come up with this obvious bullshit excuse.
Only under the modern legal definition of minors, where if you bang a girl who is 17 years and 364 days old you are a pedo, but if you wait an extra day and then bang her you are perfectly fine and normal.
>Literally all she did wrong was not give all the details immediately, probably because that shit is embarrassing.
She did not hesitate to grab Jared's phone and upload his private conversations and photographies online, which they are way more embarrassing than simply admiting you have an open relationship. It's also ilegal to do so, on top of that.
She was the one to initiate the open relationship, was even in one before dating Jared but got mad the moment he managed to score, even when Heidi herself encouraged him to go for Holly. Now, truth to be told, it does seem the moment Holly and Jared got too close she stopped all the open relationship thing and stayed loyal to it. This was more than one year ago so Jared was indeed cheating.
The story hasn't changed, just more info got added, now it's "both Jared and Heidi are sociopath assholes".
Someone being wrong doesn't mean the other is right.
>Heidi is caught omitting facts and backpedals
>the fuck why aren't everyone her side anymore?
Even if she's still in the right it doesn't look good for her.
But she said it
>he says SHE started the open marriage
>she says THEY started the open marriage (which is impossible, one person has to approach the subject first)
oh no no no, she can't even be open about the open marriage they had!
>my wife made me do it!
Maybe he's just that spineless of a person
That ain't it chief.
>people change their opinions when new information comes to light
>getting mad that people don't blindly pick a side and keep the same opinion even when proven wrong
I kinda liked his reviews, well I guess that's over with.