From El Segundo SE branch in California

From El Segundo SE branch in California

This will not have ALL the information as this is a publishing /localization branch and as the source in Shibuya who works at Shinjuku Division 1 will have the most info, but will share what there is. This is for PART 1 in no particular order.

-Game is in fact 2 parts. Part 1 ends exactly as Aerith is let down into the water after her death and a fade to black.

-Materia is shown in ALMOST all weapons. They do not appear in accessories nor do accessories appear on your character model. Different weapons will however appear on your model for example Rune Blade will be on Cloud's back if equipped and exploring.

-Different weapons have different triangle heavy hits (does not cost an ATB charge) Buster Sword has Punisher Rune Blade for for example has Cleave. You use these heavy hits after a string of regular hits. Regular hits are chip damage and the main damage will be from heavy combo finishers and the of course the massive LIMIT BREAKs.

-Using Magic will consume ATB along with MP. You get more bars as the game progresses.

-Summons will work for the most part as cut scenes like the original, they do not fight with you on the field. There is 1 new Summon Amarok and appears to be a wolf and causes darkness in addition to damage.

-Over-world map is almost seamless. There are some "zones." There will be roads and methods of transportation. It is open world. Vehicles like the Tiny Bronco work almost exactly the same only being able to go in lighter water. There will be items available occasionally on the field. Chocobos will of course be obtainable after the farm.

-They have really made an effort to make each town feel lived in, and feel like there is a reason why each place is like the way it is. Each town is very unique from the last. Cosmo Canyon and its occasional dust storms are a stark contrast to the streets of Midgar. Upper Junon feels very much more like a military installation than Midgar as well.

Attached: final-fantasy-vii-remake-teaser-trailer-ps4-0-32-screenshot_nuht.png (1920x1080, 1.54M)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_species

-There will be demos on the game floor with PSN demo following shortly after for people at home directly after E3.(Playstation Plus required)

-Monster redesigns for a lot of the enemies but most will remain recognizable. Some do not make an appearance. For example there was no ghost enemies in the train yard.

-Shin-ra HQ wont have quite as many floors to explore but MORE to do on the floors you do go to so it still feels like your fighting through a lot to get to the top.

-The design for Tifa is also true to the original outfit, her face appears to be mostly similar to her Advent Children design but slightly more western. Materia also shows up on her gloves.

-Cait Sith seems to be pronounced "Ket" Sith but has undergone no major design overhaul. His fighting style is more close up, and does have his BARS for a LIMIT BREAK.

-Golden Saucer will have some games that are not playable(yet) because they are essentially replaying a part of a later story mission. Some will be playable right when you arrive. They want it to feel more grand and provide a break from the main story beats while still eventually having to incorporate the story into it later.

-Red XIII has clones Cobalt XIV and Indigo XV you must fight before he joins your party in Shin-ra HQ

-Cid does not appear to be smoking but you see evidence that he does. He is clearly upset with Shera but toned down the aggressiveness as they felt it was unnecessary.

-Yuffie and Vincent are no longer optional. You can miss them up until a certain point where they then become mandatory to get. You automatically get Yuffie if you have not gotten her before Rocket Town for example.

-Cloud will have a dress and wig in one particular scene. But its fade to black getting in/out of it.

-Honey Bee in requires GIL to get into instead of a membership card.

-Squatting mini-game returns.

-As these are FULL games each will be in fact priced at 59.99 USD

-Signals have gone out to retailers to prepare for pre-orders.


thoughts? of course it is a leak, and probably fake, but its fun to discuss shit

personally excited on "-Red XIII has clones Cobalt XIV and Indigo XV you must fight before he joins your party in Shin-ra HQ"

>leddit leaks

Attached: 1558194510135.png (640x480, 322K)

Sounds too good to be true, Episode 1 will be much smaller than this

Wasn't it split into 3 parts? How about PS5 ports?

>Wasn't it split into 3 parts?
Nobody said that, they just said multi-part series
>How about PS5 ports?
Dunno, nobody said they were ps5 too, but i doubt they wont actually do it

Little bits of this slightly corroborate that there is a demo out there in the waiting line according to at least one journalist, and honestly the most ambitious ideas here for this maybe-maybe-not leak are just how much each part has and the idea of how large a zoned overworld may have to be for the design. Honestly that part sounds kinda FF12.

>home demo ready for e3

Yeah I’m calling bullshit.

To be fair, it's been 4 years and a restart later since the last time we saw this. At this point it has to be at a playable state.

>El Segundo
oh man I left my wallet there

Compared to the 2015 footage with absolute chugga chugga on the framerate, it also is mostly stable in the newest trailer.

I’d love to be wrong. But Nomura takes his time.

>Part 1 ends exactly as Aerith is let down into the water after her death
No way. It's pretty fucking late into the story, and there won't be enough stuff for part 2(unless they somehow put Zack in, which I hope they do)

SE has gone retarded in the timing. This would have been a nice launch game for ps5. End of life ps4 is just retarded

That's basically the 40-45% of the game since Disc 3 is essentially all endgame exploration and sidequests combined with the conclusion.

PS5 enhanced port seems likely, but PS5 is also completely PS4 compatible so devs can release whatever the fuck they want and it will still play on PS5 perfectly fine. Probably even add PS5 options post-launch for that kind of shit.

>Cobalt XIV and Indigo XV
Now I know you're talking shit

The opening bombing up until the sector 7 plate collapse has to be fully playable at least.

Zack in the original game was just a name being mutted by some granpas on Gongaga. There was no clear explanation about Zack, nor about Sephirot which was supposedly missing or dead. That part of the story was all made up later for Crisis Core.

Well the ps5 will be back compatible. So maybe they do intend for it to be played on there. Maybe they will finish it on ps5.

Wouldn’t surprise me if the demo was only up until the first boss.

The scorpion thing.'s_species
they were actually cut concepts never implemented in the original

What are you talking about, did you not do the Shinra Mansion?

>They have really made an effort
This is how I know it's fake.

I know it will be compatible. I mean, the original game was also a technological breakthrough. The first FF in 3D. Why not do the same for the remake. Why not do it in VR.

>drove past square enix every time when picking up weed
Comfy memories. California aint so bad.

So was Tifa not even being a party member. I have extreme doubts any completely cut content is going to make it in when they're struggling to remake what was there already.

Who cares? If you ignore all the Genesis shit, Crisis Core is pretty solid and gives a lot of context to why Cloud acts the way he does. Also Zack best boy and will make anything better.

Because vr is a shit gimmick.

Maybe you’ll get lucky and some of the mini games will have vr support.

I take it you didn't pay attention to Mideel or ever returned to Shinra's Mansion during the end of the game?

Attached: wud.png (650x371, 217K)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember much about the Zack story being explained there.

>As these are FULL games each will be in fact priced at 59.99 USD

lol cucks will pay this price.

I don't think you get "being forced to make three, then two games at the same time" inclines. 4 years didn't happen because Nomura was some lazy shit facing absolute hell and a half struggling to make a game, the plot was finalized a couple years ago already and had its own dev team and everything taking what CC2 helped build for them. 4 years is more than enough time for something like this.

I did everything doable except the armas, and yet I don't remember the whole Zack story being explained in detail.

Zack is more than "a name being mutted by some granpas on Gongaga". Cloud sees Zack when visiting his subconscious in Mideel, and you get to see his death if you visit Shinra Mansion in the third CD

It was never explained in detail but it was explained enough within the game for the purposes of FF7s main story. Like, they made it clear who he was, his connection to Cloud, what his role in Nibelheim was, how he saved Cloud from the mansion, how they ended up outside Midgar and how he died. CC/Last Orders just went wild with filling in the blanks/embellishing the details.

it's a lot more.
After Aerith kicks the bucket there's just
>Back to Midgar
>Cloud potatoed
>Northern Cratter
>Thanks for playing
It only takes a lot of time because of side stuff and dungeons suddenly becoming more then 3 screens long.

I like crisis core but some of the missions were a fucking chore.

That stealth section comes to mind.

There's an entire cutcene where you see cloud/zack at the shrina mansion when they are being experimented on and get out of their tubes.

Then theres the cutcene at the mako reactor in Nibel where you see "cloud" go after sephiroth which later on during cloud's flashback section is revealed to be zack and not him.

I wonder if they will change the ending or create a sequel scenario that will retcon advent children.

Ending on Aeriths death is the perfect way to end part one but it just doesnt feel realistic for the scale theyre aiming for.
I always thought p1 would end on the boat after the first fight with Jenova. Thatd be lame but it is the first time the party sees Sephiroth and theres a pretty forboding, suspenseful atmosphere left after the encounter.

I can accept two parts, reluctantly

Disc 2 has the Huge Materia and submarine filler, remember? You try to tackle Gaea's Cliff to get to Northern Crater, shit goes bad, everyone ends up in Junon, find Cloud at Mideel, then Huge Materia hunt, rescue Cloud's brain, more Huge Materia hunt, then attacking Midgar again to stop Hojo and the Sister Ray. If you fit Disc 3 in there, and then theoretically expand content with more story, more sidequests and other shit to do, you could squeeze all of that into a Part 2 for a second game half. Probably by expanding on a lot of shit along the way so it's not just "fuck you shinra give us the materia"

weve seen the floorplan for SEs panel at e3 and its the same size as last years, which had the kh3 demo, so I totally expect a demo.
I just wish these demos would be available via psn like Niers was

They will definitely pad out the huge materia and WEAPONS part of the game if they intend to make ep2 after Aeirth's death.

So you reckon the demo will be for e3 visitors only?

That’s a bit lame for people who can’t get there.

>demo will be the exact same gameplay parts as the ff7 ps1 demo disc demo


Advent Children is a retcon in itself. Game's ending clearly shows that what remains of Midgar turned into forrest with no people in sight.

Elaborate please.

I never played the demo.

Friendly reminder that there is a 0% (zero percent) chance of seeing Red XIII stumbling around in his hind legs in a Shinra goon's outfit.

E3's allowed direct recordings at least, and if rumors are taken at face value, it'd be up eventually for everyone else. I imagine a playable demo would mostly be the Bombing Run anyway.

well kh3s demo was only for select kh youtubers so I would be shocked and amazed if ff7re got on the psn even for just a Bombing Mission with Cloud and Barret.

>-Game is in fact 2 parts. Part 1 ends exactly as Aerith is let down into the water after her death and a fade to black.
If it was realised in two parts they would have made it clear, and not called it 'episodic' or compared it to the FF XIII series.

So its fake

Well I was expecting the rumored home demo to be the bombing run and nothing else.

Yeah that was what pissed me off about AC. FF7s ending left it to the player to decide whether Holy wiped out humankind or not, all we knew for sure is Red XIII's species survived.

I don't about the PS1 demo, but the PC demo went from the first screen leading to the Corel reactor, where the old hiking man is resting, to entering Corel where it would freeze and fade to black. You only have a few materia notably the Choco/Mog summon iirc.

They've never once elaborated on how many parts there will be, just that the model didn't go away.

The ff7 demo back then went till the first boss/the explosion

question is which demo we'll get
for the PS1 demo you played through the tutorial bombing run but there were two versions of the demo. Normally it's only Cloud/Barret, but the demos had a third party member added. One had Tifa added to the party, while the other had Aeris/th instead

I mean Barret was fun in the last trailer Jessie was fun and Aerith was spunky.
My only regret is the trailer immediately cut to Aerith giving Cloud the flower, implying reduced/no choices possibly meaning we wont get to be a knob to Aerith and Tifa the whole game just to date Barret
and then is referring to this

>Cloud will have a dress and wig in one particular scene. But its fade to black getting in/out of it.
>They're going to model drag Cloud and use it for literally less than a minute
Otherwise I'm cool with it going that far

So Tifa's tits are still big milkers then?
Literally all I care about.

>-Game is in fact 2 parts. Part 1 ends exactly as Aerith is let down

stopped reading there


they even fucking said that the intent was to show the planet survived, and holy didn't wipe everyone out
why would holy wipe anyone out when it passed them over and focused solely on meteor?
you SEE this before the lifestream, directed by aerith, has to help because holy isn't strong enough

>As these are FULL games each will be in fact priced at 59.99 USD

>literally just parts of an already released and known full game
>ThIs Is A FuLl GaMe!!!

Attached: 1551940750325.png (1440x1557, 738K)

Cloud is already drag Cloud. Actually SE uses the same face model for every MC, be it male or female.

Attached: claude.png (416x283, 270K)

>Game is in fact 2 parts.
Don't think anyone was predicting that. Everyone was saying at least 3.
>They do not appear in accessories nor do accessories appear on your character model.
We are still in the dark ages, huh, Yea Forums? One day, accessories will appear on your model in RPGs. One fucking day.
>There is 1 new Summon Amarok and appears to be a wolf and causes darkness in addition to damage.
Sounds gay.
>-Over-world map is almost seamless. There are some "zones." There will be roads and methods of transportation. It is open world.
It's not going to be as open as you're describing it, because no game ever is. Also, FFVII has a linear progression, so how open the world is actually doesn't matter. It just means more opportunities to get lost.
>They have really made an effort to make each town feel lived in
Yes, they "made an effort." Towns in video games never feel lived in.
>Some do not make an appearance. For example there was no ghost enemies in the train yard.
That's weird.
>Shin-ra HQ wont have quite as many floors to explore but MORE to do on the floors you do go to so it still feels like your fighting through a lot to get to the top.
This is going to end up being one of many, many compromises. This is how it always is. "We cut stuff, but we made the stuff we kept even better!" And then how good it actually is ends up not making up for the cut content, but you can't call the developers out on it because "quality is subjective."
>The design for Tifa is also true to the original outfit
This is a weird thing to say. Why wouldn't it be? Or are they just trying to say her tits are huge?
>Cait Sith seems to be pronounced "Ket" Sith
Cait Sith is actually pronounced "ket shih." As a kid, I thought it sounded like "cat shit."
>Yuffie and Vincent are no longer optional.
>Cloud will have a dress and wig in one particular scene. But its fade to black getting in/out of it.

in hindsight i'm realizing that since Tobal No. 1 predated FF7, and Tobal used fully rendered environments and surprisingly well-animated character models, FF7's chibi popeyes weren't simply adjusting to tech at the time but also either unable to be significantly altered without a hell of a lot of time so far into development or just straight up a design decision specific to the game that they dropped for 8

I suppose you think the MCU is one long movie too.

You fucking idiot.

>game of that sale with modern graphics, conventions, and proportions is probably at LEAST 60gb er 'part' and each requires the effort to create that a full game does

FF15 is what you get when you try to cram all that into one game on current consoles

What, do you want a 3-disc $120 game?


>We are still in the dark ages, huh, Yea Forums? One day, accessories will appear on your model in RPGs. One fucking day.

yes I really want the character design totally fucked with by having a bright gold bangle displayed on every single one of them, fucking genius.

Was the MCU all released together back in the 1990s and now sold separately?
You fucking dipshit

calling something split into two parts 'episodic' is retarded, so is comparing it to a series of 3 games

This isn’t the 90’s version. That’s already out.

nigger vincent ended up being incredibly important to the overall story, wutai being mandatory will be good, we don't want faggot 'journalists' making articles about 'OMG SECRET CHARACTERS', and they're not going to render 4 different versions of fucking cutscenes and voice 4 different versions of dialogue

this optional character shit just can't work with this kind of design

Switch version confirmed?

>Advent Children is a retcon in itself. Game's ending clearly shows that what remains of Midgar turned into forrest with no people in sight.
That scene is 500 years later. AC takes place two years after FF7.

you're an actual fucking retard, holy shit

> ffexvee at base with no dlc is 50gb
> switch has 32gb of space
sure user

>what is physical-only

Then don't have a "bright gold bangle" be an accessory, faggot.

It's FF7, which the 90s version also is.

>no counter-argument
gg no re

actually fucking kill yourself, idiot

I would argue that making Yuffie and Vincent optional characters hurt the game in the long run, since they basically had zero presence beyond some canned dialogue and their individual sidequests (of which Vincents was laughably lacking).

I did think it was pretty neat when I was a kid because I completely missed them both until I found Yuffie randomly near the end of the game. I was too dumb dumb babby for the Vincent puzzle the first time I played. Now though since everybody fucking knows about them, making them optional would only cause headaches and actively detract from the game.

Well no. This is a remake.

The 90’s version came out in the 90’s.

>-Game is in fact 2 parts. Part 1 ends exactly as Aerith is let down into the water after her death and a fade to black.
didn't S-E say the game is gonna be episodic? i expect like 3-4 parts


>still no argument
Fucking pathetic bro, lmao

>gonna be episodic?
They said multiple parts but they exact term episodic. They still haven't confirmed how many parts either

>but not the exact term

>ignoring the actual arguments while saying people don't have arguments

now THIS is baitposting

I basically agree with all of this.

I'm pretty sure Yuffie and Vincent were only optional because they were unfinished. I.e., they weren't integrated into the story BECAUSE they were optional. They were optional BECAUSE they weren't integrated into the story.

Telling people to kill themselves is no argument, you fucking imbecile.


I love Aerith's design in this game. It's a legitimate home run. I hope the rest of the designs are as good as hers.

Attached: 1557442634676.png (1474x823, 1.13M)

cait sith is pronounced keto shi

I never even responded to because of his sheer stupidity. I'm saying the game should not be sold into parts and should be a single $60 instead and he thinks I want a $120 game? The absolute fucking dipshit

don't you mean cat shit?

>only Yea Forums can have real leaks

Attached: Noatesty Tester Leak.png (753x748, 243K)

it's getting the amount of effort and work as two-to-three FF15s and you think it should be $60

you really do have shit for brains

kill yourself, you delusional poorfag


Get a load of this fucking shit eater. I bet you defend Starcraft 2 being sold into 3 parts as well you fucking corporate cocksucker

If you change the "a" to an "e" and remove the "t" in "shit," then yes.

>what is dlc

You've absolutely confirmed yourself as a poorfag brainlet.

>square tries really hard to explain the parts will be full-length games each
>"wow so they're going to sell incomplete parts??"

I always thought p1 would end on the boat after the first fight with Jenova.
Me too, i would have digged on that
jenova as "last boss", game becomes "vs shinra" to sephiroth hunt, you learn about sephiroth for the first time, you go to another continent
it would have been decent

Then the second part ends after the crater (yeah, fuck the cliffhanger but it would have been decent) then the rest of the game

technically wings of liberty was a full game on his own

Leaks seem believable, but I also know how HQ treats NA office so I don't know how you'd guys have that much information lol

To be fair this is square, the same company that decided "lets make our own engine that will delay every game in our company for over a decade and make another movie even though the first one bombed"

That doesn't justify shit. There are plenty of games out there that are long enough that, if you started selling them in parts would still be big enough to be "a game on its own". Doesn't mean you aren't being a greedy fuck for it.
Imagine if everybody started doing this scummy shit
>>technically FFXII part 1 was a full game on its own
>technically The Witcher 3 part 1 was a full game on its own
>technically Oblivion part 1 was a full game on its own

They never call it episodic. The actual wording was always been “split into parts”. It's thanks to retarded journos that the word “episodic” sticks.

It'd be cool if they reimagined the Jenova fights to make it mobile. You could have some RE body horror abomination mutating around the room instead of a stationary Y that shoots lasers.

that isn't comparable at all
this is more like releasing multiple FF15s

They actually said it each part would be a volume, a full fledged game

But idiots here, and journalists thought it was gonna be released in parts like Resident Evil Revelations 2

How does keeping character level, materia and gear work across the episodes? Is there just going to be a level cap for each one? Will each game let you level from 1-99 or will ep2 start at say lvl30 base if you don't have a save from ep1? Whole thing seems fucked up.

>this is more like releasing multiple FF15s
Salesman selling you product claims his product is HUUUUGE and totally worth paying multiple $60s for!
Wow, and Fallout 76 had 4 times more content than FO4!

FFXIII wasn't even intended to have parts. The sequels were all made from scrapped stuff that couldn't make it into the final game. Toriyama just opted to peddle the rest of that shit out with reused assets galore and coin it as a trilogy because XIII made enough money to do it.


I said 12, not 13

Nigger none of us have a problem with multiple fully fledged games, kys

shit i'm tired

t. zoomer

Your entire argument boils down to "game I've played is supposedly huge, as promised by repeat offender liar" which is arguably way more retarded


well just keep fucking seething because nothing is going to change you angry brainlet

Why does SE need a ""branch"" in the US. I'm TIRED of westernshit in my japanese games GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

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How many people agree with you vs how many people disagree with you

How will it work then retard? A zoomer would be happy with no levelling at all.

I doubt you can even read basic kana.

>switches to nihilism as soon as he loses the argument

Is this, dare I say it, SE's redemption?

nigger I believe what's being said about the game and think you're seething and delusional and asspained

Not when PS1 music and character models will be preorder bonuses only. They're going to pull a Capcom.

>I believe what's being said
>Square Enix
enjoy the gut punch. You fully deserve this one lmao

Attached: 1547481460040.png (800x810, 85K)

have it carry over and have each part only playable with completed data from the last part
why would you start playing a game at part 2?

The PSX FFs came on multiple discs. I think it'll be fine.

>as this is a publishing /localization branch

I'd actually be a lot more interested in localization info.

They didn't release those games years apart to an audience that may only buy one game.

jesus christ

From how people act these days, it seems people don't even believe Yea Forums has real leaks, or believe that any industry people come here.

It is, but don't let Yea Forums know I said so

you're the only one upset here

>Cloud will have a dress and wig in one particular scene. But its fade to black getting in/out of it.
What do you mean by that, the way you get those items? What?

can you read?
it doesn't show him getting dressed, it just fades out and then fades in with him wearing it
why would you want to see him undressing and then dressing up in detail?

>Summons will work for the most part as cut scenes like the original, they do not fight with you on the field.

So, this is gonna be like XV summons?

Would have been cool if you were able to summon them

Because they have said each part/episode will be a "full game" in size, there is no way in hell a company like SE is going to release a full game size part 2 and 3 that absolutely requires purchase of previous parts, especially if part 1 doesn't sell as well as they hope or gets critically panned by everyone.

Im not the one getting cucked out of a hundred bucks, my dude

That wasn't the concern.

I really want someone to photoshop this pic of her but with a pacifier in her mouth. Please don't ask why. Just do it please.

How did Squenix manage to become such an unbelievable shitshow? It seems the Square+Enix merger ended up with the wrong people in charge.
Did they have trouble adapting into becoming a large scale developer and publisher?

>critically panned
>doesn't sell as well
This is FF7, it could be dogshit and the masses will lap it up
This is going to be their biggest seller ever on name alone

Neither does it show in the original game, he just went to the changer and got out dressed.
Did someone expect a show or something?

It won't beat KH3.

I have a question. Are they actually going to play this every time you meet an enemy in the remake?

I have a feeling they will only play it for specific fights.

>This is going to be their biggest seller ever on name alone
There was a time I would have believed this but even former Square fanboys are reluctant to put faith in anything this company does anymore. If Ep1 is a huge fucking disappointment sales for 2 and 3 WILL be massively reduced

You keep telling yourself that

Neo Bahamut summon.

>Cid does not appear to be smoking

Is CERO hard on cigarettes now?

It might beat it because of the name. Tons of NPCs with no interest in playing it will buy it just because the act of doing so makes them feel good.

Did you fucking forget they jumped from developing on the N64 to the PS1 partway through development?

This looks more and more horrible every time it's shown off.


Not really. Did you expect them to be optional after they've been in everything else? The only reason they were even optional in the original is because of deadlines, they were supposed to be mandatory.

Dude I love FF7, but Final Fantasy name became worthless. It will sell alright, but nowhere near as good as you think. 5 mil at best. And part 2 will do even worse.

Freakinh pedo.

PC version info? Cant imagine playing this on a 2008 cpu with checkerboarding like ffxv was

What age is Aerith?



I just think it would look funny

>Using Magic will consume ATB along with MP
wat de fuck does this mean

I think the games will be made up of 3 parts
Pat 1:Midgar
Part 2:The rest of disk one (This will be the best game/part)
Part 3:The rest of the game

This feels a lot like turning a book into three movies. You know there is going to be horrible filler content.

he didn't accept it yet though, you could very well be able to choose before or after, like with her mentioning "that's 1 gil" after he grabs it. would do a good job establishing her spunky personality

I liked the advent children remix desu

yep, she has a subtle but otherworldly look to her too. like there's something slightly different or off about her. her design is perfect and I hope se doesn't bend to jap criticism

You're fucking crazy. FF7R is literally bringing dads back into gaming again just on name and legacy alone

Oh that takes me back.

Why is FF7 so much more popular than other FF games. I have normie and chad friends who like FF7 but wouldnt be caught dead playing other FF games.

Special moves outside of regular attacks will take meter, magic will take both meter and mana

If you watch the teaser, there are two different meters outside of mp and hp

I think they just dont want anyone spamming enemy nukes like Beta, Trine, Aquabreath, or Summons. Ethers were affordable and there were enemies you could steal/morph ether and turbos from and the mp recovery materia made spamming kotr easy.
Problem is Cloud/Barrets mp is like half what it was at the start of psx ff7 from what we saw in the bombing mission so Im a bit perplexed but considering atb recovers over time its not a big deal for me.

I hope so or if anything this is one of few Date Choices they changed and just made a cutscene cause its early and she isnt a real party member yet
I hope the arrangements in the remake are as good as crisis core's. Say what you want about the game, but the soundtrack was almost absolute perfection

I mean, why compare it to Ffxv when summons being cutscene damages have been a classic FF thing for many games?

FF before 7 were niche titles even if 6 was legendary, not to mention the mysterious "where did the other four games go" bit a number of dedicated fans likely thought about in the day. 7 was the game that basically popularized the JRPG genre over night, made it super mainstream, and basically codified itself into gaming history in a way no other game that followed was able to achieve either. Plus, for a game with early Tetsuya Nomura designs, 7 wasn't that anime and weird like today's niche JRPGs out the ass that are weebed the fuck up, so normal audiences aren't feeling super pandered to or left out on niche inclusion shit.

>7 was the game that basically popularized the JRPG genre over night
Super Mario RPG would like to have a word.

It sold damn well for a late SNES title, but I wouldn't say SMRPG had the same effect on JRPGs that FF7 did.

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FF7 was the first FF game to release in Europe

It also had a huge marketing campaign. I remember 4+ pages of various gaming mags pouring over all the details of it, previews were rating the game highly etc.

FF8 had much better soundtrack

I love the original FF7 and while the remake looks beautiful from a graphics standpoint, it just will not have the soul and heart the original has. Today's gaming industry will not have the genuine passion that the remake will require to be good.

It will be mediocre and that's about it.

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Cry more you fucking boomer
Oh also a trip homosexual!

Not sure I believe this but overall it looks really good. The only bits I'm kinda iffy about are the added and removed content but even those seem pretty minor.

We all know you have a small dick


Nips thinks she looks too old and her jaw is too huge. Which means they will change her 100% Thank god.

How's it feel to live in 2020 faggot

Have sex

I don't like her dress, but her face is perfect.

Fuck you. She's a 22 year old Western woman and she looks like it. Retarded nips want her to look like a kawaii uguu teenage asian.

It happened once, why shouldn't it happen again

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Tranny fucker detected

Because the West LOVE her design and it's only incel Nips who are complaining about it. EVERYONE was complaining about AGUA

At most, they'll get a regional shitty kawaii uguu version and the West can keep the superior current version.

I'm just happy she sounds peppy and happy instead of the shy mysterious waif she seemed to be in fucking Crisis Core.

There are enough people alone on Yea Forums who shit on her looks, user. Also it's not a little matter if japs don't like her look

my only concerns are cloud being a bit too asian and Vincent
Cloud looks great and is completely fine in motion, it's just specific frames like OP's image make him look like shit

How are they struggling? I don't want to defend SE but the remake seems a lot better than the original already

Original Aerith was pretty down to earth, while always up for some banter and shitposting. After AC/KH tho she turned into a generic waifu, a shame really

his face looks fat af

Women up for banter are best women

Of course, hence why Yuffie is best girl

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yuffie is for mating press to show her not to steal your materia

Too young

smelly ninja pits

she's legal in most places, just don't take pictures

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ripe enough

>-The design for Tifa is also true to the original outfit, her face appears to be mostly similar to her Advent Children design but slightly more western. Materia also shows up on her gloves.
>her face appears to be mostly similar to her Advent Children design but slightly more western
We get another tranny

-Over-world map is almost seamless. There are some "zones." There will be roads and methods of transportation. It is open world. Vehicles like the Tiny Bronco work almost exactly the same only being able to go in lighter water. There will be items available occasionally on the field. Chocobos will of course be obtainable after the farm.
Care to explain this part in more detail?
Please its important

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>jap criticism
this is a meme, the Japanese are fine with how she looks

Just look at twitter, bro. Most people think she looks too old and her face is fucked

This sounds awesome if true. I'm most excited for the cities. Costol del sol, shinra hq, Junon, city of ancients..Holy shit I'm hype now.

I've looked at twitter, nobody but a few people think that. The reaction is same as the west, most people love how she looks.

Why are you lying, user?

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Loved FF7 when I was younger but tried to replay today and got bored after an hour. Why? Born in 1990 btw.

You have the modern attention span of a goldfish.

I have to press x on that one. Since even in europe we get mainstream article about nips complaining about her looks

Nah. It's gonna be at least 10+ "episodes" and they will release on both ps4 and ps5 at the same time, and about six years from now we will be able to buy the "complete" edition with all the episodes included. Seriously, buying the FF7 remake on day 1 is just fucking retarded. Unless you're a youtuber or streamer, there is no reason to get it instead of waiting for the inevitable complete version. What a botched game, god damn. "Hurr durr buy the episodes to fund the rest of the episodes", nah, they can go bankrupt for all I care.

How come it was better when I was a kid? I thought attention span gets better with age not worse

>Cid doesnt curse or smoke

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meant for

As a child you may of not had as many games to play, so you had to take what you got and stick with it. You also probably had a wealth of imagination or at least expectations of what to see next that you wanted to fulfill, so you stuck through to the end.

How do I get that back?

If I knew, I wouldn't be here.

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Yep, we're back in the Kino town!

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Seething poorfag.

>Part 1 is 90% of the map
>they can't show past Midgar yet
Doubtful. Disc 1 is so much of FF7 its insane.

Based Limmyposter

>absolute perfection
Not when you'd hear shit like this half the time.

honestly Disc 2 was so much fucking filler that they might as well reinvent the entire Huge Materia part of the plot from the ground up into something almost entirely new. the Northern Crater, the escape from Junon, the Mideel shit, and the attack on Midgar are all central plot points, but in between these four major events is padding the game time out.

Its not that much padding. You go into the sub marine to get the huge materia, you go to Fort Condor and repeat that shitty minigame or fail on purpose and kill the boss for that materia. Then Mt Corel materia with the train sequence. All very short sequences since by that time you can get around the map quickly.

It feels uneventful in the story though, especially the Fort Condor one.

Reminder that Cloud is the manlet of the party, sitting at 5'7"
>Barret is 6'4"
>Cid is 5'10"
>Vincent is 6'0"

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Cloud's 20 years old. Everyone but Tifa is older than him. Even the dog is over twice his age physically.

Wonder how many people will think Yuffie and Vincent are literal whos since they were optional before.
I just hope that they make my boy's transformations fun to play as

>-Over-world map is almost seamless. There are some "zones." There will be roads and methods of transportation. It is open world.
Wait, how does that work exactly?
Is it like Xenoblade 1 - 2?

Personally I sure as fuck don't want Vincent to play like how Barret is so far. Just standing there and shooting at shit with an auto-target is the last thing I want to do with a ranged character.

>It feels uneventful
yes. filler

I think the mountain paths probably won't be seamless, and lower gold saucer is probably up there too since it exists in a vacuum.

>over-world with zone
Thank fucking god i hope this is true

This is gonna be the first game in a long time that'll be day one for me.

Cloud is 21, Tifa is 20

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Nobody fucking asked for AAA-tier graphics in exchange for less content. JRPG fans praised Persona 5 for its stellar presentation. The bar isn't that high.

okay i messed that up by one year, but still, dude's still growing. I know i'm like 6'3" at almost 26 years old when I was only 6 foot flat a couple years ago

Jesus it almost sounds too good to be true
I can believe it but i wouldn't make myself hyped over this

>El Segundo
shit man my wallet

Well, he definitely looks bigger in ac

It's not that there are no real leaks or that industry people don't visit this place but that's no reason to buy every stupid shit someone posts.
It might be an insider but it also could be dumb faggot pretending to be one.

I don't see why not. KH games switch between World and Battle themes as you encounter enemies. It's not like it's hard to do.

Japanese twitter constantly shows up on my TL
Can confirm nobody is shitting on Aerith
Dunno what all these fuss about jap hating her, maybe it's 2ch thing? if that's the case then who gives a shit

Them persona 5 switch leaks were pretty hilarious in that people wanted it to be true so they got hyped over bullshit.

If the game's going to have random battles be in open areas and shit, i'd rather the theme play for more linear scripted area encounters. I doubt they'll recompose every dungeon to also have battle themes, but this is the kind of thing where a bombastic remix of Fighting playing in every single individual encounter would wear on the nerves.

Hell, I may like Crisis Core's battle theme for some reason I can't explain, but the same problem there. Every single non-boss battle, MODULATING PHASE, and the same music all game long. Drives you up a wall no matter how good the music is, and FF7's standard battle theme was just too good and heavy for what could amount to murdering frogs in the forest.

Will there be playable Zack flashbacks?

>the virgin playable zack flashbacks
>the chad playable sephiroth flashback

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It's not like it was much different in the original with random encounters up the ass every 10 steps.

Zax > Zack

You both are wrong, seems like she was resigned to look more like her VA

>-Cid does not appear to be smoking but you see evidence that he does. He is clearly upset with Shera but toned down the aggressiveness as they felt it was unnecessary.

That is the best way to make writing bland and spiceless, taking "unnecessary" things out. Why greet someone in a funny way when you can just say "hi."


Dilly Dally Shilly Shally

Stay mad

Shit, I would have been fine if the remake had KH2 graphics and gameplay. As a matter of fact, KH2 is the best ARPG that SE has made.

> playable seph
> his limit gauge is full and his limit is Hells Gate (ie the plunge he stabbed Aerith with)
How kino would it be?

Zack is a gary stu

How can Tifa ever recover from that?

Will they ever make a Final Fantasy 7-2? I only care about Final Fantasy 7 characters. All the other Final Fantasy games are too weeb and anime.

Crisis core has a better soundtrack than 7

why not both?
>playable zack last stand with price of freedom arrangement playing
>playable seph in flashback
that was one of the few things that crisis core did well

Then I got some news for you user....

I've always wondered what's the original jap for that line was

I can't believe that there are Yea Forumsirgins defending the episodic release of this game. It seems that SE has sent out its shills at full force because a week ago everybody was shitting on the FFXV-esque gameplay and episodic nature.
>but paying $60 for each part of FFVII is worth it because each game is like FFXV
Seriously, that sounds like something a paid shill would say. That's a terrible fucking comparison because XV was a mediocre game. Aside from one shitposter, FFXV gets a lot of hate around Yea Forums.

I hate how anime the remake looks compared to the ps1 version. Maybe its the voice acting. I find all anime very cringe.

Being in a Mako tube probably affected his growth spurt. He looks to be around Vincent's height in AC, so eating a balance diet for a few years must have contributed to his growth.

I want to lick Tifas Shilly Shally

>Tifa is best gf AND best mom at the same time
How can others even compete

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Holy fuck this can't be real, lol

totally bro.


PS5 is going to be all about the censorship and is capitalizing on streaming crap., so no.

>less aggressive non smoking Cid
I thought Tifa having little titties would have upset me but this stung worse.

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Charging 60 bucks for just Midgar would be retarded, even in the original you can leave Midgar in like 10 hours of gameplay

Underrated, I get you user

Because we all played FFXV and MGSV and we don't want that empty feeling again.

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More like 4-5, maybe 6 if you dicked around a long time.

Just onomatopoeia for dragging something. It sounded retarded in Japanese too.


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>He doesn't know about the 90s and early 00's video game ads
They were a fucking treat and the absolute epitome of Soul

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ahahah, that crop
good shit
too bad that mobage is forever dead to trace back from

Stop buying games on steam just because they're on sale or because you might play them "one day". Only buy and play one game at a time and play it blind - don't try to go online and find FAQs or youtube walkthroughts when you get stuck.

And for fucks sake play every day even if its just a little bit before/after work.

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Technically retconned to 5'8 by the compilation, but yeah, Cloud's a one manlet army

I havent bought a game on steam in like a year or more though....

how tall is Red 13 when standing up?

It's just general advice user, not like I know your specific situation

Damn what sick designs and art

Damn, this shit is great

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succulent tifa lips

I wonder how Vincent’s limit break will work seeing as you can actually control the party members

he's a little under 4 foot length-wise if I remember right
Cloud is technically bigger than him but he's a wolf/lion experimental hybrid animal thing.

It wasn't retconned; Cloud was always 173 cm in Japan. He's one of the shortest FF protags, along with Terra, Vaan, Zidane, and Lightning.

To be fair, most of Shinra HQ was pointless & boring.

And what is it with this one cock smoking fag who keeps telling people to off themselves if they don't froth at the mouth for the latest Square-Enix disappointment? How about you neuter yourself for constantly falling for the SE "hype" train? You've already humiliated yourself badly by defending FFVII's remake, so all that's left is for you to chop your own balls off.

>Playstation Plus required

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I wouldnt be upset by Berserk Vincent because party member AI was generally great in kh3 but please god keep the Jason ripoff limit

why would you think that

My main concern is the window between episodes and the PC version. Are we going to wait a year between episodes? 2? 5? Regardless of how good the game is I really don't want to sit there after episode 1 and wait 4 years to continue the story. PC version is worrying me too, we know it'll exist but are they going to do a delayed release? That would be even more frustrating combining a delayed release with episodes.

> square says for years its an arpg
> complain when new footage is arpg combat
Really wutais my materia

Besides how big her tits will be, I wonder how Tifa will feel to play.

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Or perhaps a FFVII remake doesn't need to be a massive AAA game? Perhaps not everything SE puts out needs to have a massive budget? Perhaps SE shouldn't have fucking Nomura direct multiple big budget titles?

no, im just saying Yea Forums isn't the only place to have legitimate leaks among A SEA of fake ones

Reddit has it better, because its niche and stupid mods would just delete a real one as they clean up fake leaks.

No shit. Cloud's always been a loser. That's what makes him relatable.

>Or perhaps a FFVII remake doesn't need to be a massive AAA game?

Yes it does. Look at the fucking shitstorm when people found out the outsourced the gameplay to CyberConnect 2.

i hope it z-cup

Yeah to you're right. The biggest remake in vidya history should be a low budget game.

Will there be any nudity?

Almost literally nobody. In spite of being optional, they're popular enough that they're all over FFVII media, and one of them has their own game.

God hand mechanics

How am I supposed to decide which 3 party members to pick? Why can't I just use all of them at once?

Just use the ones you like, faggot.

I like all of them except Cait Sith though

Because great hits like FFXIII-LR and FFXV really instilled confidence in SE's ability to put out quality products. By the way, that's sarcasm. I've never seen anyone make a big fuss about CC2's involvement.

How the fuck did you conclude that "FFVII shouldn't be AAA" meant the same as "every game should be low budget?" DQXI was made with a smaller budget, had a healthy development cycle, looks good, and is a complete $60 game upon the first purchase unlike FFVII. If SE wanted to speed up development time, why don't they take a page from Capcom's book and announce games when they're close to completion?

>Finally get lance/spear combat
I hope to fucking god it's not terrible. There's not many action games that do spears in the first place.

>and announce games when they're close to completion

SE will never do this. They live to build up hype for their shit.

>every game should be low budget

I didnt say that. Also, DQXI was trash.

Hopefully they add a sex minigame after the Gold Saucer date and then under the Highwind before the Northern Crater.

>I've never seen anyone make a big fuss about CC2's involvemen

Ignorance is bliss.


Should be "Ket Shee", not "Ket Sith". Not like I was going to play it in burger anyways if there's an option.

Do you not understand sarcasm?

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>looks good

No it doesn't.
It's cartoony garbage.

Lightning Returns is an excellent game.

>Or perhaps a FFVII remake doesn't need to be a massive AAA game?

Do you know how apeshit normalfags would go if it wasn't?

Nomura has only directed KH from start to 3, VersusXIII which turned into a mainline number after XIV and XIII turned into a shitshow and pulled team members to fix and buy time, and now FFVIIR.

I think the point that user was makingnwas that Nomura should really be directing one project at a time.


Same as it did in .hack.

>comparing DQXI to7R

my fucking sides
They're not even on the same scale.

> sex with Barrett
Nomura really breaking some new ground for jrpg history

IMOQ cheated by having a cap on the highest level each area gets to, but you could actually level past that to max, but holy shit that grind would be hell if you only got through to Mutation. Unless you're referring to GU which did cap the level for each game.

I want to see Cid

Any hints of a FFVIII remake?

I want to see Marlene

stop believing everything Yea Forums tells you


Why would a game company have a branch in Shibuya is this actually a thing or the obvious tell we're supposed to pick up on?


It's where their HQ was 6-7 years ago.

filtered ;)

Where's her nose?

>Or perhaps a FFVII remake doesn't need to be a massive AAA game?

you're retarded


>No more Cid being a domestic abuser

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Seething tranny

is she okay

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nevar forget

I'm so glad we're past that 2000's era of being an FF fan where people like this unironically occupied the most vocal and visible chunk of the series fanbase. Nowadays FF barely registers as a blip among bizarre toxic fanbases.


>no ghosts in a train graveyard
This is the kind of nonsense that bugs me when studios remake games.

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