>game is Steam exclusive
>game is Epic exclusive
What the fuck?
>game is Steam exclusive
>game is Epic exclusive
What the fuck?
Other urls found in this thread:
Steam stans aren't known for being logically consistent
what's wrong with people having opinions? are you some kind of retard that takes it as a personally attack or something?
half life was made by Valve which also made Steam, almost nobody says shit about Ubisoft selling game on their store. EGS did not make BL3
Steam is the only online store
>Steam shares with other online stores that popped up after its success
>Epic steals games from ALL stores, not only steam, just so they can le pwn Steam
Literally no problem though, you can just download EGS and buy it there
Wtf is the problem
Stonetoss... you are NO LONGER BASED AND REDPILLED!!!
Call me when Valve is paying developers not to release on EGS
What, are you some kind of retard that takes OP's opinion as a personal attack?
>steam exclusive
Someone's going to cry about buying exclusivity, just wait for it, ignoring the problem you presented and moving to something entirely unrelated.
The reason I think it sucks is because we've advanced technology in 15 years that you should be able to create a more worthwhile platform. Steam is doing everything it can to bloat itself with useless features that a large number of people either don't care about or actively dislike like streaming, movies, music, facebook style profiles/feeds and more, as well as the focus on hardware and less deep cuts on games that go on sale.
EGS has launched in a very barebones state and as is even though it's not as bloated as steam, it also doesn't have very basic features like quality of life SHOPPING CARTS that make buying games a much more pleasant experience. The only game i've actually bought (IE not given away) on EGS was hades and it was a hassle to buy, believe me. They rejected my card the first time even despite me buying paragon, years ago. so I was dealing with customer support f or a week, then they manually processed it, it went through, and when I tried to buy a couple things in this sale (bl3/metro) it was rejected again then they locked my account for suspected fraud.
the epic launcher sucks
epic shills didn't age so well, these threads are really funny after what just happened
>Steam was just an updater for source games
>EGS still doesn't have a fucking store basket
Why should I download EGS? I might as well pirate it at that point.
>pc gaymers
steam, egs, it doesn't matter. at the end of the day you'll be watching your so be turned inside out by bbc either way.
Based retard.
Oh the shills are back, is your way of getting past the sale fiasco acting like it didn’t happen?
uh gonna need you to dial back your iq so the thread can continue
EGS is paying for exclusivity rights for games that are made by other companies, it's scummy as fuck. What's so hard to understand?
It's a shitty store that actively hates the people trying to buy things from them and makes it more difficult to buy multiple games by not having a shopping cart and also flagging your account for fraud.
At least Steam isn't selling my data to the Chinese.
EGS consumes twice the memory Steam does. It's actually more bloated with none of the features.
I will install EGS when they add a game score.
Making your own games and making it exclusive to your own store is TOTALLY THE EXACT same as paying someone to not release it on any store except your own.
Whoa, those goalposts are moving faster than a Tiananmen Square protestor's life
>wtf is the problem
well its been proven that it steals your data and accesses your steam folders for one, but keep on shoving shady chink shit onto your machine without a second thought you absolute fucking brainlet consumer
Shit example cuckboi. Half-Life is a Valve game on a Valve store.
> Game is Steam exclusive
> I can buy it from 50+ different retailers who are all competing for my dollar and having crazy sales
> Game is EGS exclusive
> I can't even buy it because the publisher removed it from the store during the surprise sale that Epic decided to run without telling any of the developers who have products on their storefront
Fuck off shmorky
Zoomer detected
>paypiggies arguing in favor of any DRM
Stop trying to get people to use your platform. Wtf is the problem?
I hate to be that guy, but not on my PC. steam uses twice as much memory on launch of a game as epic. Maybe at a baseline it uses less but I don't just keep the clients open, I use them to play a game then close them after.
Steam was shit in 2004 and people were right to be pissed about it I think many people have forgotten just how awful Steam was for several years
The main problem is that EGS approach is to please publishers without regard for consumers, which means if they succeed all other stores will add more pro-publisher anti-consumer policies. This is why they won't add scores, forums and use an easily to ignore private ticket system.
Why can't the stores just copy Steam's layout? I swear, by trying to make everything so "simplified" and "easier to use" they end up making it shit. I love GOG Galaxy, but my God the layout is fucking shit.
>want to buy a new Ford truck
>have to buy it from a Ford dealership
>want to buy a new game
>have to buy it from Epic store
i don't get it either
The bigger problem was needing Steam for 'physical copies' since those were just download codes.
Don't blame them for others taking the money.
EGS isn't competing with what Steam was in 2004, it's competing with what Steam is today.
As well as competing with gog, uplay, EA's bullshit, and the million other stores that currently exist.
I can't tell if that retard just draws the stupidest shit and hides it under a "merely pretending" front or if he's legitimately this fucking retarded. Probably the latter.
definitely 100% the latter
that valve and steam faced far larger odds when they first started. They had to fucking convince both gamers and publishers that a digital storefront wasn't a massive meme. I mean it still is a meme but compared to today, even the fucking publishers themselves have digital stores.
It's like releasing a smartphone with only as many features as the first iphone did and then using the first iphone being shit as an excuse.
>for half life
What's wrong with disagreeing with those opinions? You realize discussing and debating opinions like this is basically the entire point of a forum right?
Friendly reminder if you don't want to play BL3 on EGS you don't have to. You can:
>Pirate it
>just wait until the timed store exclusive shit to end and pick it up later as whatever game of the year edition comes out
yet no one bitches that you have to buy a new Chevy from the Chevy dealership despite them not manufacturing the car. Gamers are just entitled crybabies
That's a slippery slope fallacy you're using there. If they use anti-consumer strategies wouldn't it make sense someone would want to appeal to the consumer and do more pro-consumer things? That's literally how the free market works.
Yeah. We know. Did everyone just black out for 15 years? They improved massively over time and turned into a platform you want to use. When epic reaches the same standards everyone will stop shitting on it then, but they don't look like they're in any great hurry to even reach the bare minimum standards.
Can someone explain this meme to me?
To access Yea Forums in China you need to get past the Great Firewall so it doesn't matter what you're seeing online after you've breached past the firewall
Steam is GOD! that's why fuck off gooks LMAO!
Where I can buy a "Steam Exclusive" game
>Humble Bundle
Where I can buy an Epic Game Store exclusive game
>Epic Game Store
I sure do love competition! Steam is the monopoly here, right guys?
>Game by Valve
>Game not by Epic
Do you have a brain ?
I'd like the egs store in any other circumstances but the fact alone that it's owned and ran by the chinks and it's common knowledge that it records everything makes me fear it like nothing fucking else.
kek op ledditor fucking EXPOSED
>blame /pol/ for bringing redditors
>antipol drones are okay with shilling their antipol subreddit
>how did u know that i like Alf-Life too ?
Why should I care that Steam was shit in 2004 if Epic Games Store is shit right now?
Because you don't get your account flagged for fraud after buying 5 games
when did steam paid for a game to be exclusive?
Actually Humble Bundle have started selling Epic Game Store games.
They're retarded and think that some meme some retard posted about it "immediately locking someone out of their internet" was true. Little do they know chinese are segregated to chinese servers and you'll literally NEVER play with a chinese person in any game unless they're bypassing governmental blocks on that shit anyway.
Is anyone actually straight up throwing a fit about Epic Games Store existing? It's changing people's purchasing decisions and that warrants some discussion, but mostly I see apathy or quiet acceptance. If someone was dying for Borderlands 3, they may use the interface. I think there are very few consumers who are die-hard fans of a product and also so anti-Epic Games Store that it will prevent the purchase. If anything, it's a small subset of power users along with many, many apathetic users who can't be assed to install another program.
This is all ignoring that people tolerate Stea. The days of Gaben doing no wrong are far, far gone, and Steam has ingrained itself that the utility of it mostly outweighs any DRM for the end-user. I do not see consumer value in the latter. If it happens, so be it.
>Waited years for steam to get features like steam reviews
>Guys Epic store just is a thing now! lets start over with no features!
Fuck the fuck off you chink maggots
/pol/tards are EXTREMELY superstitious and believe pretty much everything they read on the internet. They read once that if you post those words, someone from China gets automatically disconnected from the internet, and now they believe it.
He walled off the red hats?
Eminem called, he wants his 90's lingo back from his shitty music you retarded faggot
Not really, it already happened with Steam lowering the value of reviews. In a war for publishers there's no reason to please the consumer if they prove that the consumer are gullible lemmings. The free market, which isn't free not even today, doesn't work if people with brains don't make their voices heard and convince the less learned ones to don't give money to scummy companies.
>it's good to repeat the same mistake
really dude?
>Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya
>No repeal and replace Obamacare
>Trump couldn't stop the caravan
>Trump couldn't end DACA
>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act
>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law
>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood
>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban
>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs
>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria
>Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO
>Anti bds law
>Gave israel 38 billion
>Increased the National debt by $2trillion
>Gave the 1% a tax cut
>Farmers bill
>Omnibus bill
>Amnesty bill
>Crime 'reform' bill
>No unclassified FISA
>No Awan indictment
>No Uranium One investigation
>No voter fraud investigation
>No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation
>Sessions did nothing
>Pedogate has vanished
>Assange has vanished
>55k sealed indictments went nowhere
>Hired a bunch of neocons
>Continued middle eastern wars
>Ramping up for even more wars
>Global LGBT crusade
He didn't do anything
Stonetoss thread?
I bought a while back deus ex (the first new one) and the seller at the store didn't tell me I have to have online to play it.
I hated steam for a long time until one day I decided everyone around me like it so much I might just try it again.
Years passed and now its second nature.
I Don't like everything steam does and I am no expert on epic (I hear really bad stuff) but they are doing some stuff correctly to gain costumers.
I think competition is good, but not like this (perhaps there is no other way that would have made a dent?)
Very mixed about this.
Anyway, lets hope everyone can enjoy their games without too many issues and that prior exclusives will come to all.
>Complaining about Steam in (current year)
>When EGS is a fledgling store so far underdeveloped in comparison to Origin (of all things)
>When EG is buying exclusivity deals
>When EG is doing China's work
>When EG is literally spying on Steam users
>When EG is demanding Valve to increase developer cuts from sales, so they don't resort to bully tactics
egs just wants you perma-Yea Forumsirgins to save money. you can only buy five games until they take away your buying privilege. based chink spyware botnet!
first /pol/ turns on trump, now stonetoss turns on him too?
what words?
Wow I'm sure these are getting deleted because hiro is a pro china commie and not because they're spam garbage
It's an edit, dumbass.
>same as paying someone to not release it on any store except your own.
Yet most of the games that aren't on steam aren't only on the epic store?I don't even use these damn things but you're fucking stupid. A game not being released on steam doesn't mean it's an epic exclusive.
dumb fallacy
comparing digital and physical
doesn't even correctly compare the situations
shitty bait
>Voting doesnt make a difference
Wow, its almost like we are governed by liars that consider us a separate species.
Not all proposed slippery slope scenarios are slippery slope fallacies, you know. The prerequisite for avoiding the fallacy is that there is reasonable evidence to suggest that the extreme scenario is likely.
For example, when DLC first became a thing, people who knew the greedy natures of the big publishers said that if you buy this shit, pretty soon, they're going to start stripping games of content and selling said content back to you. Guess what's completely normal now? The slippery slope was real.
Now if Epic's buisness model proves to be successful why would Valve or other companies with storefronts like EA, Ubisoft etc have any incentive to improve their service? They will have confirmed that exclusivity matters more than feature set or convince.
Imagine being Randy sucking Chinese cock and letting Tim videotape it
holy shit thats true. i love epic games now! Thanks!
>but mostly I see apathy or quiet acceptance
Where have you been going user? Even the more optimistic players are looking bad at Epic now. But then Epic keep doing fiasco after fiasco, even when they try to please gamers they fuck it up.
False equivalence. Only valve games are exclusive to Steam, 3rd party publishers are free to install on other platforms as they please, they are even free to sell Steam keys on other stores. If Epic want to make Fortnite exclusive to EGS, then that's fine, but Epic buys exclusivity from 3rd-party publishers which is a scummy tactic that is never in the customer's best interest.
Is it?
imagine being such a loser caring about video game stores becomes part of your life
I really, really do not want to have over 10 launchers with 10 different passwords thank you very much.
now this is epic
I'm not going to lie, I'm sick of seeing this guy's unfunny comics with their abysmal art.
>car analogy that misses the point
>offering to shake hands with your left hand
what the fuck was his problem
Oh hey, it's that retarded chinkoid again making shitty edits of existing comics.
And just like always he starts his apeman nonsense just when weekend is about to kick in! Wowie zowie!
he said kills PEOPLE
tranny monsters aren't people
More than that, producers are allowed to sell Steam keys on their own website and give Valve a 0% cut while the customer who purchased the product can install their new game on Steam.
oh wow the original managed to be even more retarded
>that time Re-logic said that they would never be exclusive to EGS , and every single fanboy exploded in hatred at them
Based and redpilled.
>Game developed by Valve
>Game not developed by Epic
But I'm not forced to go to a specific Ford dealership.
I don't know if you zoomers remember anything about steam in 2004 but it was a piece of shit.
Valve was dumb at first,nobody argues that, which is why they needed a program people needed to have for updates. They don't really make games anymore so this point is a dead end in 2019, it's a store now. You still need Uplay for physical Ubisoft games, don't really hear you complaining about that. Face it, you people want to shit on steam because you heard someone call it a monopoly and you want to feel like you are taking down some corporate monster without taking 5 seconds out of your day to research what a monopoly is.
No but the fact that there the ones who put the offer on the table in the first place makes them just as guilty of being greedy
>game is a first party title by the company who owns that distribution platform
>game is a third party title whose publishers were bribed for exclusivity
>not okay
Get it now, Chang?
You've spent too much time in places like this which are echochambers. Do you think the average person playing videogames knows or understands any of that? There are plenty of people in this very thread talking about purchasing products on the store (in not a shill way. Complaining about it, actually). Most consumers are willing to take mild discomfort if it means they get whatever product they were trying to purchase. That's why DRM even still persists. It's why bad DLC practices are a thing.
>want to buy a new Ford Truck
>Head to the local Chevy dealership because they carry Fords
>dipshit meme webcomic 'artist' siding with epic bullshit
I knew that faggot wasn't trustworthy.
based retard
I'd say it makes the ones who take the money more 'guilty'
I can blame them for offering the money in the first place. Both are to blame, stop trying to deflect.
and you're not forced to buy from epic. you can get borderlands 3 from the xbox and playstation stores
>entire arguement of webcomic is comparing statements that sound similar, without their context or reasoning
Reminder that "arguement" comics suck ass because these retards never actually argued with anyone in their fucking lives.
fucking based
first panel never really happened back in the day
second panel is ignoring why people think epic is shit
op is fag
you're not even forced to go to Ford since physical objects can be sold by anyone
>millions of retarded left leaning comics get posted here and people laugh at them
>suddenly stonetoss becomes a meme and people ree because they realize they agree with his retarded points
>doesnt know steam was cracked at launch
>and still is
you don't need steam to play any game on steam
Deflect what exactly? And good on you, you're rational.
this is what bugs me about all these store fronts.
If I buy a game on a disk it should just be the game, no ifs ands or buts.
I really don't get why "physical" is even a thing these days if it's always just a download code in the box.
>want to buy a new Ford
>can't buy it at the local dealership
>have to go down to PF Changs to buy it because they paid off Ford Motor Company
>the 'jews are/aren't white' argument is used whenever it fits the narrative of nazi faggots
>posts Half-Life
>a game made by Valve and published by Valve
>and then Borderlands 3
>a game made by Gearbox, published by 2K games
thanks doc
funny think they didn't say they will not sell terraria on egs, just that it will never be egs exclusive
But they're the ones who do/don't call themselves white?
Jesus christ, kill yourself you worthless sack of shit.
Then nazis are essentially anti-white?
Or i can pirate the game.
The odds of getting infected by a chinese malware are significantly lower.
You know 100% vs 10-20%
it's a bubble
Well, you are free to source your argument. The fact of the matter is that it's not just Yea Forums, pretty much every social media see Epic with distrust. The only places with a moderate positive attitude where Polygon and other antigamer culture places.
>The reason I think it sucks is because we've advanced technology in 15 years that you should be able to create a more worthwhile platform. Steam is doing everything it can to bloat itself with useless features that a large number of people either don't care about or actively dislike like streaming, movies, music, facebook style profiles/feeds and more, as well as the focus on hardware and less deep cuts on games that go on sale.
Hooray, let's get rid of all the good shit like security, cloud saves and more just because it has some features you don't use.
The problem is that when I did download the epic launcher and buy a game on it, I never got the game and was ignored by support for a week until I had my bank do a chargeback. Only took them 10 minutes to ban my account after that, with support telling me that not getting what I paid for was no excuse for getting my money back.
I've been on steam since just a few months after it launched, half life 2 physical had actual CDs in it. At that time I think steam was still optional if you wanted online play which you obviously did want since wan was dead.
i love how you can't counter my point thus you just resort to ad homenims
>consolewars for PCfags
this isn't really the place for this sort of shitpost but it honestly sums up the fact that /pol/ has basically been doing the kikes jobs for them. They aren't interested in refuting this sorta stuff only pushing propaganda and subversion about the orange one, it honestly explains why /pol/ spills out onto every board on the site
Should have taken them to small claims court.
Fuck you, I am left handed.
>xbox and playstation stores
wtf you hate jews now?
>antifacists are okay with israel killing palestinians and steal their lands because it triggers right wingers
this is too true
>I can buy Borderlands 3 from Playstation store to play it on my PC without Epic
they don't consider themselves white
also why are rich people disproportionately jewish?
also keep in mind a lot of people in 2004 didn't have access to decent internet. steam was fucking HORRIBLE early on if you had 56k dial up, you could be waiting fucking 2 weeks just to play half life 2, after buying the game at full retail price in stores. in b4 "durr poorfag get better net", yes ok when in 2004 internet was not at all like it was today (ie fucking everywhere) and the only 100% available option nationwide was to connect through phone line. steam was also a big buggy pile of shit, and almost murdered the counter strike comp community with its awfulness. imagine waiting 8 years for your favorite game of all time to be released, dumping 1000's of hours into its multiplayer community and experiencing loads of fan made mods to have your shit locked the fuck behind a bizzare game hosting program that you couldn't even connect to download the rest of the files to play your fucking game offline. id be fucking ripshit, and i was fucking ripshit and i still am fucking ripshit, but this has nothing to do with why epic sucks massive fat fucking donkey dick.
also hl2 was released on multiple consoles get fucked.
Car dealerships comprise one of the most jew-ridden anti-consumer industries on the planet.
Calling you a retard for making retarded posts isn't ad homenim. You have no point.
>ad homenims
First, you don't know what that means, you can't even spell it.
Second of all, if you think buying a game on console instead of the platform I use is considered an 'option' you truly are retarded.
It's functionally identical though so it's a pretty arbitrary distinction to make lol
who the fuck doesn't hate jews, are you retarded?
He's definitely a retard. Acts like a typical /pol/ack who thinks he's brave and bold for being conservative.
>also why are rich people disproportionately jewish?
Not really, no. It's not the same to say that a mayority of jews are wealthy than saying that most rich people in the world are jews.
so when you meet someone for the first time you automatically assume that they are left handed too?
youre the minority, bastard
>more jobs / less unemployment
>less illegal immigrants
>canceled bad trading deals that gave advantage to China
>advanced peace between the Koreas although still WIP.
>HIV/AIDS Relief program
>released multiple people (like 20?) from foreign captives
>pushed to use less Arabic/ Russian oil and more American oil
>fought ISIS (probably made Obama said to see his baby dying)
>pulled out from Iran deal
>assigned kabanou
>drops the unemployment rate to the lowest it's been in over 50 years
>industry growth is still skyrocketing
>enforces strong border protection policy
>made the supreme court red again for the first time in a very long time
>"b-b-but he said bad things about muh woming"
List goes on and on...
>crack Steam exclusive
>crack Epic exclusive
Really dislike stonetoss' flaps for a mouth, looks like the humans have a small duck bill
And I thought food analogies were fucking retarded.
It's funny how at least half of those are utter lies.
What a low quality post. Its filled with no actual information.
>the list goes on
so it doesn't, okay. but deregulating shit will obviously act as a booster shot to the economy, you could vote me into office and i could do that, don't be a smooth brain thanks
Which ones are lies tranny?
>White guy
>Tells others to stop invading culture
Ironically funny on several levels, impressive.
I never figured out why people said Steam was bad at launch. Is it because its the first program they used on PC and expected more from it, because they had to make an account for their game, or is it because my own expectations were so devalued from using shitty software prior?
I was used to making accounts to play games from MMOs, and the only thing I remember disliking about Steam was that older versions of Gamespy were still easier to search for servers with.
economy growth is absolutely because of him and his policies.
>tax cuts
>millions of new jobs, unemployment at lowest it's been in 40 years, black and hispanic unemployment at all time low
>poverty rates at record low, wage increases for across the board, median household income gone up a few thousand $
>fixing obamacare
>renegotiating trade agreements to be more beneficial to us, including nafta recently
>letting the generals have more freedom to do what they want
>nk and isis are now our bitches
just a few things. now you faggots are going to try to tell me how that's all a result of obama, huh?
Literally all cultures on the planet have invaded other cultures so pinning on blame on white people is a weak and tired strawman
>Faggot still buying into the 'meme magic' bullshit after more than two years
Publishers putting their games on their own platforms isn't the same as publishers without a platform making things exclusive because they got Bugmen money
>/pol/ is invading u-
based stonetoss
Whites are the ones who invaded the most though. So it's historically true.
post the one with the gay couple and the turd baby
>post rockthrow man
>every loses their shit
every time
>tranny still seething after more than two years
>let me just ignore all nuance of the situations and shitpost
Very nice.
More like Steam Sans. He is our mascot after all
No, that's not historically true.
>first party vs third party
People have already said it, now please stop.
thanks for removing all doubt
>This entire thread
what the fuck is a steam stan?
Not him, but I gotchu famalam
>Forced DRM
>Always Online bullshit
>Automatically downloaded patches
>An actual botnet
>Was the start of the death of physical copies
>You don't actually own the games you rent there
>Really buggy and there was
>Zero support or any customer communication at all
>over and over again was in problem for breaking standard consumer right laws
I mean most people back then hated Steam and everything it stood for.
It is. Don't be a history denier just cause you're weirdly upset about it.
>So steam will finally improve
I'm not installing a zillion launchers and if you game isn't on steam, I will pirate it. Kill yourself and leave this blatantly anti consumer garbage on consoles where it belongs because the consumers there are too stupid to get around it.
ayyy lmao
Nice wojak user.
>history denier
>Cultures around the world have literally written instruction manuals on how to invade other people because they've done it so much
i kek
I don't get it
why does the gay family walk a shit?
>tencent cant just take user data they would need 51% to do that
Considered that sweeny would just give the data to them?
Oh the irony.
the onus is on you to prove they actually happened, you didn't even disprove any of the shit in the post you replied to. no one cares about your meme shitposting you stupid faggot, we are 3 years in and the country has become worse than its ever been, so much for trump being the answer
>wall of text
so left is pro epic store
imagine my shock
And? How does thst change thats whites did it the most around the world?
>discord trannies cooperating
Have the (You)
The comic OP posted is awful, but the rest of these are fucking based.
Post the comic. Nuke the thread
Anyone remember when Steam was just shitty X-Fire?
I think these people just do not want to buy a game from chinese owned company
if valve was bought by tencent then these idiots do say the same thing to valve
Deploy it.
My man
Its okay.
It was bad for the first 2ish months because they didnt have the network architecture fully ready for the mass number of users that showed up. Originally, steam was valves answer to mirror sites. What was happening was because valve's games (and mods) where so popular (most notably counter-strike), that when a new patch hit the net (being hosted by mirror sites), the huge number of downloads that hit the sites would crash not only the mirror servers, but the entire mirror site in its entirety. It got to the point that there were only 2-3 mirror sites that would host the patches while the rest told valve they would never again host anything for them. So they made Steam to make sure everyone had a good stable system to get their content and sort of skip the mirror hopping that was the norm at the time.
It was like that for a good year or so, and it worked pretty well, then they introduced the store. And until HL2's launch, it worked. All you could buy was valve games and some stand alone non valve games using the source engine (honestly, the only one I can 100% remember was The Ship). Half life 2 was a mega hit and while valve thought steams infrastructure was ready to handle it, it wasnt. It was a rocky 1-2 months, and after that its been mostly smooth sailing.
Its had no where near the shitstorms that Uplay or Origin have had. Im not even going to go into things like Gametap, GFWL, Impulse, Gamestop Online PC Download Manager, or any of the hundreds of shitty online steam rip offs that have come and gone.
But Steams the top dog, and while its fun to bag on the shitty ones, People get more kicks for taking potshots at the big dog.
As a redneck southern muslim, that's the hand he uses to wipe his ass, so it's the hand he offers to the infidel.
he doesnt know about genkhis and china.
>car analogy
Is stonetoss gay? He makes a lot of comics about gays and trans people a lot. I wonder what goes through his head as he draws, is it a passive anger that drives him to do this or is it more aggressive? Does he wake up angry?
Because that's wrong?
China says hi.
Man, i miss Xfire.
Used it all the time back when i played Soldat
>He doesn't know about whites and the british.
>accuse someone of lying
>can't even point out the lies
You're a meme shitposting stupid faggot and nothing you say matters. Thanks for conceding.
>whites did it the most around the world
Only if you count slavs and spaniards as white
Sounds like I'll blame my brain being infected by MMOs then, all of those traits apply to MMOs as well and thats almost all I played back then.
Expect an overhaul in American law in regards to exclusivity rights and streaming.
>Why would...
Movie and television streaming has become oversaturated with competing companies all holding various anti-consumer intellectual monopolies, if the government doesn't step in expect a crash on par with the game crash of the 80's.
Okay mr.tencent.
It's not. You're just bringing up instructions shit for reasons only you know.
not even him but do you legitimately have autism
>thst change thats whites
or are you just ESL
I think anyone that keeps bringing up the LGBT collective even when it's totally offtopic has something to hide.
Why do you think Yea Forums brings up discord trannies in every single thread and yet it's the gayest board of 4channel?
i dont refute you because british are fucking shits and i swear the muslims end their lifes like the fuckings cockroach they are
Better Steam than a future where physical + SecuROM was the norm I say
GOG is still the best
seething tranny
>it's a guest artist episode
Yeah I'm thinking it's autism.
>Not Hehesilly or Foxford
Come on
considering that trans/queer indivduals are behind every FUCK GAMERS type of posts, the it's safe to blame the LGBT
stonetoss is pretty based desu senpai
>Buy physical game
>Pirate it so I can play without steam
I knew what I was doing, I wanted to support the developers, but it's still retarded
I'd be happier with more gog releases, honestly.
Good for you.
>steam stans
>that melvin that invents new terms up on the spot to attack his enemies only for his insults to fall flat as only he understands the meaning
This guy has 1 shitty opinion on the Epic Store (because it's not Borderlands exclusivity that people are complaining about), but everything else is absolutely spot on.
>he's still replying
Back in the day it was easier because there weren't constant updates.
>our supporters are literal children
owned those libs
Because you keep replying to me user. Are you stupid? Why reply to me in first place?
I don't get it.
I'll reply to both you losers.
>he's STILL replying
Literally no problem though, you can just download BL3 and bypass the datamining
All problems solved
No one complained about Steam because Half-Life 2 was a physical disc that installed it for you. The biggest problem was if you were on dial-up internet and needed to download updates.
Not him but the thread is shit so might as well reply.
Thanks for the (You)s :)
meant to reply here
Ok I dont get it
MMOs at least have the excuse of being an actual service, they couldn't be played offline by design. And there was some semblance of customer service, and you could cancel your sub. Steam had virtually no real customer service after the store launched, and was fairly buggy, just a shitshow all around compared to today. People trying to justify EGS by Steam 2004 standards are extremely retarded though.
>it's not
feel free to prove it then. the burden of proof lies with the one making the claim, if you're not aware
Hey, I actually like both Hehesilly (MIA) and Martian Magazine better, but for some reason Stonetoss causes trannies to dilate more.
Sockpuppeting is uncouth, very disappointed in you.
Anyway thanks for the (You)
It's up for interpretation
>dude why don't you want to start 10 different laggy malware clients to play your video games lmao
china has not colonized other countries territory unlike white shits tho
didnt you know why there are so many many people who speak english and spanish on the earth, huh?
meant to reply here
White ranger has a tiki torch.
Chinks aren't allowed here.
the onus is on you to prove it, you didn't even disprove any of the shit in the post you replied to. no one cares about your meme shitposting you stupid faggot, we are 3 years in and the country has become worse than its ever been, so much for trump being the answer
He said invaded not colonized.
their isolation is one of their fucking biggest mistakes and regrets for the last 1000 years, retardo
Why do people using this retarded word?
Autism thread?
This has got to be an edit, this punchline is too good for Stonetoss to have come at it
>t. seething, butthurt, and lonely
In your original reply you implied that whites have invaded more than any other culture. well, prove it
Back to Pull, you absolute faggot.
because it makes stans like you seethe
meant to reply here
>steam stans
Hey I like that.
I'm gonna start using that now.
Thanks user.
Remove faggot curators or have option to disable them, remove censorship or have option to disable it, especially on profiles, improve and update UI, improve ability to sort library. Probably more I can come up with later.
Remember when you can insert a disc and easily install the game? Physical media is inferior though, right?
colonization and slaving is worse than invasion. and historically both had been done by white shits
why does he keep making the same comic over and over again?
Not everything that's true needs proof. You think this is ridiculous, but there is nothing inflamatory about "Not everything"
to say "everything" means 100% all statements need proof. to say "not everything" means anything from 1% to 99%, it is you that are imposing your own ideas of what that % is but it is a true statement, not 100% everything needs proof, menial stuff like common knowledge like the sun being outside during the day, or that piracy is theft do not need to be proved 100% of the time. to qualify it with "everything" means every statement, every single instant of the statement, that is extreme. White people are extremists.
Who gives a fuck about curators?
>remove censorship
I agree with you there entirely, but we're talking within the context of Epic providing """competition""" to Steam.
>Improve and update UI
What is wrong with the UI?
>ability to sort library
In what ways? just saying improve it means nothing lad.
>Valve makes Hal-Life
>Valve makes Steam
Fair enough.
>Gearbox makes BL
>EGS makes shitty platform
THAT's the distinction. What a shit comic.
Camiland is hilarious
Jesus is my favourite character
this kills the Epic Game Store
Alright, that's pretty funny.
I want to seethe, but I don't even know what it's supposed to mean.
>white people invented slavery
HL1 is better and Boringlands sucks dick
okay, mister ministry of truth employee. I'll just take your word for it instead of doing any research, which is clearly what you did because you're not posting any proof
Oy vey not rock throw
Did you hear that pebble chuck is an evil nahtzee
That's right a National socialist from WWII
Remember guys whitey evil
But he didn't say that at all. Don't be purposely stupid with your quoting.
always-online DRM is the reasons why i haven't paid for a legitimate copy of a game in 10 years
>b-but muh offline mode
You can't install the game in offline mode cuntfuckers.
cause you're too busy seething
>You can't install the game in offline mode
No shit retard, where the fuck are you supposed to get the files from? Your ass?
I’ve never once seen a nazi claim that jews are white, it’s always that they aren’t white but call themselves white when its beneficial to them.
>Product of it's time is the same as modern racism
Except that's exactly what you said. Don't be purposely stupid with your samefagging.
Car dealerships are fucking retarded too.
>funny comic
Biggest joke
files used to be on the disk
Should have been stopped at forcing the guy to make the cake, but no homosexuals are not automatically child molesters.
Always online DRM has a specific well understood meaning and a one time online check to validate your install isn't it.
>Who gives a fuck about curators?
Nobody, which is why I don't want to see it when browsing the store. No reason not to have the option.
>we're talking within the context of Epic providing """competition""" to Steam.
You're already retarded if you think anything is competition to steam so I'm talking purely about steam itself.
>What is wrong with the UI?
It could be better.
>In what ways?
Well for starters, being able to drag games around to different categories instead of setting each one manually would be nice. No reason not to have this feature other than laziness, which we already know valve has in spades, so.
When still stonetoss take the honk pill lads
wtf I hate stonetoss now
>PC loser race constantly cry while console master race is unaffected
No I didn't this only my third post itt.
Dude what are you talking about this is hilarious
is that cyclist race Johnny?
>I'm retarded because you're incapable of following a comment chain
Nigger don't be a smooth brain.
>It could be better
I just said don't be a fucking retard. And here I thought to actually get some fucking discussion in this place.
If this is the average /pol user I'm glad I don't go in there y'all are a bunch of manchildren
>console retard race thinking their opinion matters after they hypocritically accepted paid online while PC master race told MS to fuck off
You're right. Second biggest joke.
Like any post on Yea Forums is. It's literally thrice regurgitated information where things get misinterpreted on accident and on purpose to fit their biases.
you're a fuckin idiot
stonetoss is hit or miss but this one is LITERALLY Yea Forums
find a new meme buzzword to spam, thanks. based is getting boring
well nobody can steal your games when YOU DONT HAVE ANY
I don't recall steam ever spying on me. Plust there's a huge diff between self-IP exclusivity (something 100% of the stores that are also publishers do, no exception) and buying third party exclusivity while said game is ALREADY on other stores, and even worse - removing linux support completely because you're store is a hack.
Fuck epic.
Didn't realize Epic created Borderlands
. y'all
Time to lock this thread because y'all can't behave baka why do y'all need to bring your political opinions into this totally not political thread time to lock this thread and ban you from.the Subreddit
>it's scummy
>slimiest Jew tactics
>it's a botnet
Stan means stalker and fan. It works for a person who is obsessive over someone else, not over a game or service you drooling stupid little faggot.
>>game is Steam exclusive
Steam never made an exclusivity deal.
Yes, you're retarded for thinking steam has competition. I don't give a fuck about epic gaymes or anything. I, ME, NOT YOU, am talking about what steam could improve. I DO NOT care about the """"competition"""". Please understand.
>if I post greentext quotes next to an image of wojack NPC I won't have to form an actual argument to counter them
I guess they never miss huh
Shut the fuck up goldberginstien
your social score has up 1 point
Daily reminder this is not "epic vs steam" war, it's "epic vs all stores, customers and devs" war.
Don't fall into the chink shills false narrative. Steam has nothing to do with epic being cunts.
t. never had to deal with terrible internet. A program that keeps having to call home to constantly re verify that you bought your fucking game is anti-consumer.
>2019 and we still don't have a plural shorthand for "you all"
i love how you can't counter my point thus you just resort to ad homenims
>commit 40% incel tranny pedo
telephones used to be connected to your wall too. so what?
Tell that to the stack of games I have
god someone should post that comic about australian shitpoater wishing for the shopping cart to stuck very high on some kind of pole
and we still don't have a plural shorthand for "you all"
Just use "niggas".