You know, looking back ME3 was pretty damn good.

Yeah the ending was shitty but the journey was fucking NICE.

3(with DLC) > 2 > 1

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Other urls found in this thread:

also ashley > tali and liara


The ending was the least of its problems. Everything from the story, to the dialogue, to the copypasted backgrounds and dead NPCs was terrible. It was the worst disappointment in video game history.
There was nothing nice about this, you stupid, attention-deprived piece of shit.

It was shit
>the animations were shit
>the character models were shit
>the story was shit
>Shepard's dialogue is almost entirely automatic, hardly any dialogue options
>the fan service was cringeworthy at best and a fucking stock photo at worst
>the party member selection was shit
>the dialogue and characters were laughable

I didn't even reach the ending, so I can't even comment on that.

take your meds Casey

mass effect 2 was my favorite
sure it was less rpg, but i really liked that each crew member got a nice little side quest
also the levels where great

My man

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1 was a terrible game, worst shooter gameplay in the series and the story was utterly forgettable.

>those mako missions in ME1

can you believe there are people who love me1 for those alone? LMFAO. i remember thinking "what the fuck is this garbage? how do i skip this?" while playing

Mass effect waifu thred

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See most of that shit were flaws with 1 and 2 though. Replay 1 and it's shocking how most of your dialogue 'options' are the same line. The animation was always shit too, and they would cut corners on so many aspects.

The basic problem with 3 (and Mass Effect as a whole) is that they're AA games that were marketed as AAA games.

scientifically, factually and objectively wrong, sorry

>no actual counter argument
so much for the scientific, factually and objectively being wrong huh?

back to fortnite with you

>that change from 2 to 3
back when western gamedev purposely tried to make their characters hot, good times.

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ironically, fortnite while being very basic, still has better gameplay than me1. ...but why?

I have a radical idea for a journey.

>Liara's heavy makeup in ME3 always bothered me, so I fixed it.
did you actually read your own link?
1 is unbearably boring though. i played it like a year after it came out and quit after realizing what the combat would be like, took about 15 minutes. i can't imagine many people making this "journey" today.

>only combat is gameplay
why is Yea Forums so retarded?

I can see the appeal. Makes her look more like a plain nerd chick, which is what she's supposed to be after all.

it honestly doesn't, I tried playing fortnite a while ago and I just couldn't stand how the guns felt to shoot. too floaty. ME1 is basic but it still feels good to shoot things.

But she's TOO plain now. Asari are supposed to be attractive, damn it.

3 had the best gameplay and companion interactions. Shame about the plot and "sidequests".

>1 is unbearably boring though.
Biotics are fun

>1 is unbearably boring though
why can't you simply admit "I am too stupid for that game, it's not for me" instead of blaming the game?

combat is the most of mass effect gameplay and it was severely lackluster in 1. fact.
me1's gunplay is worse than fortnite, though. it's literally flashgame tier lmao

i'm hardly too stupid for it considering i completed it (while being dreadfully bored, mind you) as well as 2 and 3. 2 and 3 introduced some much needed, significant gameplay upgrades.

>there are people who romanced some basic human bitch instead of Liara or Tali

The only injustice in the Mass Effect series is that 3 was almost exclusively criticised for its ending when it was an absolute clusterfuck all the way through. Ashley in ME3 is a great visualisation of where the series went.

>there are race traitors ITT right now who had sex with aliens instead of furthering the human race
>not editing your save by ticking "ashley is dead" box

>shoot gun in ME1
>bright light, loud noise, enemy fucking ragdolls across the map

>shoot gun in fortnite
>small tapping noise, enemy doesn't react, enemy health bar decreases

all of those are correct, so yes you remain incorrect

ragdolls are the lowest of low effort shit btw
more like
>shoot gun, zero recoil (only retarded bloom) and zero feedback, enemy just drops dead like a limp dick
so correct you can't actually make the arguments. hmmm..

No. No it wasn't.

science is never wrong so arguments arent needed

lmao. you do realize that most of "science" is just theories and best guesses, right? thats a nice cult you follow, there.

but its never wrong, unlike you, who are very wrong

thats a weird way to spell dead

Yes I'm still mad

except there are plenty of instances where science has been proven wrong. every single time "science" comes to a "better understanding" of something, old knowledge is proven wrong and discarded. to think someone knows more just because they're a "scientist" is laughable.
50% of peer-reviewed studies are literally fake.

No, it's not.

based cult follower

just like in mass effect you are incorrect in life as well

how was the wii u version compared with the other systems?

prove it lol

Zoom-zoom spotted, opinion discarded. Go choke on a tide pod, champ.

zoomers like you don't understand that "lmfao" has been around for over a decade lmfao way to out yourself kiddo.

No, it didn't. It just had you sprinting like a spaz, while completely erasing any pretense of being an RPG. Gameplay isn't just gunplay, this isn't a TPS series.
Or at least it wasn't initially.
It's evident that all the mouthbreathers defending Mass Effect 3 ITT, aside from being retarded and desperate for replies, don't even care about the narrative in the series, which is really the only good reason to play it. There are many better third person shooters out there, that was never the point of Mass Effect.

Order is based but waifu tastes marks you as an objective homosexual.


>combat is the most of mass effect gameplay
Incorrect, Mass Effect (1-2) is about interactions, exploration, decisions with consequences and character development. The shooting is merely the combat system you'd find in any other RPG, just streamlined.

>this isn't a TPS series
all the games are TPS, dummy. if the gameplay is subpar, which 1's is, the story doesnt even matter. you might as well have read a fucking book.
Incorrect, mass effect series is about shooters with tacked on roleplay elements for when you get tired of shooting.

how do laser weapons recoil?


>except there are plenty of instances where science has been proven wrong
No, you fucking idiot, because "science" isn't set in stone. It's constantly evolving and adapting to accommodate for new findings. That's an essential part of the scientific process. Stop getting skullfucked by those fundie retards over at 8gag, they're damaging that turd between your ears.

>all the games are TPS, dummy.
No, silly, it isn't. It's an action RPG. If you're too stupid to notice trends, go take a look at every other bioware game made before it. The dialogue is more integral to these games than any shot ever fired.

if science is in a constant state of flux and most of "accepted science" about how we understand in the world are actually just best guess theories, then science isn't "right", merely a best guess, dummy.
the guy who kept brainfarting about how "science is never wrong" is the perfect example of how science has become scientism and is about cult like behavior. any dissent is shot down with religious fervor.
you just made me cringe, Yea Forumstard.

>sympathising with aliens
lol fag

i dont have to, science has already proved it

the key word being action. the story and "roleplay" elements are after thoughts, mere marketing ploys to suck plebs like you in.
if you really thought fucking romances were high-tier writing and gameplay i have some embarrasing news for you lmao

>This chemically-imbalanced turd for brains is trying to debate the concept of science because his parents don't pay attention to him.
That's lovely, I'm not responsible for your education, maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of high school.

science is fake.

>public """education"""
lmao, another follower of the cult of scientism showing the superiority of his ideology by relying on insults, huh? extreme cringe.
TFW you're surrounded by NPC's

damn how was Yea Forums so based today

>the key word being action. the story and "roleplay" elements are after thoughts
It's the opposite, you know it and you're just fishing for angry replies. Good luck with that. Mass Effect 3 remains a poorly written corridor shooter with no redeeming qualities, while Mass Effect 1 is one of the finest examples of writing in a game. The reason why people have fondness for it is because of the universe it set up, the care put into the characters and the endless possibilities it presented.
None of what's good about this series has anything to do with the quality of the shooting mechanics, that's incidental.

Now you're rebelling against the concept of education. What a rebellious little faggot, you should go take your ritalin now.
Hone schooling was a mistake.

>Mass Effect 3 remains a poorly written corridor shooter with no redeeming qualities
except thats all of the mass effect games, the only real difference being amount of content bloat. mass effect 1 was a prototype, nothing more, nothing less. it's amazing that people worship it like anything other than that lmao

>Now you're rebelling against the concept of education
except i'm not. the fact is that public education is more akin to misinformation than education, which evidences itself in the fact that people like you can't even make coherent arguments for your positions without devolving into bitter name calling. Yikes..
>home schooling
if you were homeschooled you'd be less of a useful idiot, incidentally.

>except thats all of the mass effect games
Except you've already been told why that's not the case. Find a better way to get attention.

>I can't stop changing the subject after every post because of evident ADD.
You, ritalin, now.

except i am right. each mass effect game improved upon itself but lets not be silly, they were never that great. the fact that you people take it so seriously is alarming because bioware was never actually that great.

it's ironic you're calling me attention deficit when you can't even make a coherent response. learn how to argue, better yet, learn how to think lmao

Looking back, none of the games are particularly good.

bingo lmfao

They stripped away all the meat and RPG elementsof the game for "WOW COOL ACTION SCENES, JUST LIKE MY CALL OF DUTY" It activily encourages you to turn your brain off in order to enjoy it.

i had to turn my brain off for all of mass effect 1 to get through it. it's literally an inferior version of 2

The animations weren't really a problem in the first two though, characters feel like expressionless robots in the third there isn't even a fucking animation to holster your fucking gun because "it had to be shipped to consoles without memory issues".
I don't share all of the complaints that the post you replied to has but out of all the three in almost all aspects except maybe combat ME3 was the weakest. By itself it probably isn't even that bad of a game but it was just incredibly fucking disappointing that this is what they could come up with for what was supposed to be the culmination of the series.

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how can you manage to be wrong in everything you post, its astonishing

There's no counter argument because there's no argument to reply to, all you said was that X and Y aspects were bad without really saying why what's even there to reply to such garbage ? Go look up what an argument actually is you mouth breathing retard.

whats wrong about it? people act like science is a religion that cant be wrong. that alone proves something is amiss.

>whats wrong about it

you're doing nothing to make a case for how i am wrong. you're not making an argument. i've made several for my case ITT already.
how about you make an argument, boy?

The multiplayer is fantastic.

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>he thinks hes winning

ok, whats your evidence?

Ashley best girl!

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pure projection. it's a simple fact that if you can't make a counter argument you're just screeching like the incel you are.

your objectively bad taste

One thing that comes back to me as i think more about this especially regarding the animations : in the first 2 they reused a lot of animations for the dialogue but they didn't just throw them at every single conversation you have and they were a lot more varied. In ME3 it's the same 2 or 3 animations in every conversation, it was excruciating to watch. Same thing with running, in the first there's a slight delay after you press A or D making it feel like there's more weight to your character instead of it just immediately switching directions like a turret.

Why would i put the effort into mounting a case against you when you've provided literally nothing of substance for me to reply to, all you've said is that you didn't like something without actually saying why.

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>now come the buzzwords because he still thinks hes winning

that's not evidence, user
>still no counter-argument, just passive aggressive hand wringing

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>doesn't provide any evidence whatsoever
>expects everyone else to do what he himself cannot
really activates the almonds

i've posted plenty ITT. it's okay if you don't want to do the same bub

My problem is that they absolutely lobotomized the dialogue. Why the fuck did they limit almost all conversations to paragon and renegade?

yeah, it's been a problem since me1 with bad dialog

>3(with DLC) > 2 > 1

This is something that was present in the 2nd though it wasn't nearly as awful as in the 3rd, renegade in the first was more of a calculating and ruthless type of person while in the 2nd renegade became more like a 12 year old's idea of what a badass is.

But ME1 had way more choices and the choices you could choose from were pretty different. Even ME2 had more choice.

you don't understand. dialog was never good in mass effect
being able to say yes or no in 3 different ways doesn't make it good, quantity is not quality.

>Military sluts.


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the multiplayer still active? ps3/pc

No, the journey in ME3 was shit. The only memorable part was Liara sharing her memories with Shepard.

while the mako shit sucks, the gameplay for 1 is passable and it's honestly not the focus for the game in the first place

if i wanted to play a "passable" game i wouldn't play one thats like a dozen hours long. i'd fire up candy crush.

3 was okay, the story had a lot of little bullshit that irked the hell out of me (looking at you Kai Leng and Cerberus suddenly becoming massively powerful supervillains, well they were already evil but still you know what I mean) but I ironically found Destroy perfectly acceptable as an ending.
Then again I played years later so I didn't have the atomic rage people felt for being duped about player agency over the ending.
I just replayed and unless you're one of those autists who have to search the entire map just for the resources it's really not that bad

jesus just explain why you think 1 sucks, it's that easy. You don't have to beat around the bush, say why it sucks and then someone will say why they disagree it's that's easy

Yeah, when people tell me that the gameplay isn't great but it's carried by the story i usually tell them to fuck off but it actually holds up with ME, the Mako stuff was fucking dreadful though.

Also this, not scanning every part of those shitty planets helped a ton, same with not trying to get all those collectibles like the Turian Insignia, Matriarch's writings etc...


I'm saying the gameplay ( the gun fights and combat) are passable, you play mass effect 1 for the story, dialogue, world building, and exploration.
agreed, I'm fairly sure there are only like 5 mandatory mako sections

>yfw you can spot the zoomers by their hatred of the Mako

i already have. you wanna screech about how you don't have to justify your statements but apparently i'm supposed to do mine. missed me with that gay shit, 1cuck
the story was drab, dialog was meh, world building was average at best and exploration was a snooze.

Stop replying to him retard

>the story was drab, dialog was meh, world building was average at best and exploration was a snooze.
yet its still better than the other two

no, that's where you're mistaken. all of me1 was lazy foreshadowing. it was a tech demo. the gameplay was literally flash game tier

yet it still somehow manages to be better than the other two, very interesting

that's just your subjective opinion. unfortunately for you me1 fans, it's highly overrated compared to the other 2.


whatever makes you feel best, user. no wonder ME went sideways fast after 3 with fans like you.

I liked ME3, like I said earlier in the thread, ME1>ME3>ME2
still in my bookmarks after all these years.
each planet entry has a map showing where all the mines / collectibles are - drop in, grab em all, get out.

>the story was drab, dialog was meh, world building was average at best and exploration was a snooze.
you are making unqualified subjective statements. Mass Effect's goal of being a political space opera was achieved easily, the conversation with the Volus and Elcor in the embassy by the Human embassy remains an example of the inconsequential but interesting detail bioware put into the game's world building and setting the mood.

having your own space crew, going to planets and solving problems and mysteries, making difficult choices, all accompanied by that great soundtrack by Jack Wall makes it the closest game we have to something like Star Trek. something me2 and me3 lost substantially by becoming Gears of War in space with almost all the rpgs elements streamlined to hell and back.

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