What's your favorite VN, Yea Forums?

What's your favorite VN, Yea Forums?

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Pic related

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>can only get the boss pregnant
still bretty gud

Ace Attorney

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Shiruba Jiken

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>it's futile to resist
At least bite her tongue or something

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The delinquent version of this game.

That'd be pretty gay.

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It's a VN sex scene, not rape

Majikoi a best

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VNs aren't video games

They are, just shitty ones.

Katawa Shoujo because my wife is in it.

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I don’t know the exact Japanese name but in English it’s something like “eroge sex and games makes sexy games” is fully uncensored

This actually isnt the sex scene version. It's almost rape.

This is a vn? Name?

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Nothing i have read come clsoe to this .

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Yeah its really annoying when you say no and she keeps teasing

>an eroge about making eroges

Is it Majifriday already ?

>story nice and fun
>midway MC goes full retard
why the fuck do VNs do this?

Best girl of the 5 original girls

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>a3 never ever

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I keep hearing about this VN but it just doesn't sound interesting from the summary I read.

They made a hentai animation based on the game. But the hentai doesn’t even scratch the surface of what happens in the game

Is the anime good? I just finished the original and going straight to Majikoi S and the A spinoffs, might check out the anime once I'm done

Fuck off with your white supremacy bullshit

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Isn't jast planning on releasing this soon?


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Just Monika.

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Baby's first VN mk2.

Majikoi is fun.

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I like Muv-Luv

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i like the autistic sword girl on my first time through that
i really need to go play the other routes and the spin offs

First half is enjoyable and feels actually like continuation of the first game. Second half goes completely different direction and it's downright awful. It's forced drama and characters so much out of character it's not funny in the least.

I luv Muv-Luv
Sumika didn't deserve all this suffering

you read subahibi right user?

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my cock is hard

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Da Capo II

umineko chapters 1-5

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the Ace attorney part in this destroyed me, never thought I would laugh so much in a fucking loli VN

Not necessarily my favorite, but did have my favorite main villain/final boss rival.

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Green Green is crap

Sobo to Boku Obaa-Chan

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Why is machine translation so utter dogshit? That stuff is barely readable.

be grateful you even get translations honestly

there's maybe a dozen translated gay VNs, and most are either terrible storywise or in translation quality, only good one is Dramatical Murder imo

Because languages work in many different ways, there's some stuff that's literally untranslatable and machines right now don't have the capacity to translate that, especially with japanese being such a context heavy language.

A lot of it is based on context which computers still stuck at getting. Be thankful it still sucks. If it gets a little better some of the cheaper companies might start machine translating then editing that instead of actually paying to translate things.

She didn't deserve to win either.

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Swan Song
Kana ~Imouto~
Wanko to Kurasou
Saya no Uta
Katawa Shoujo

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Yeah but it keeps messing up even basic things. The male protag for instance is constantly refered to as a she whenever a female is thinking/saying something about him. It's super distracting.


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Of course

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Rance and Oyako Rankan

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>EOPs with shit taste
every fucking time

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that one game from ensemble that the mc dress up as his twin imouto and attends her all girls school instead of her
dont remember the name

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Only VN I have ever read was Song of Saya, it was pretty neat.

Evenicle was fun

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Honest thoughts on the Nasuverse and Type Moon?

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Are you fucking autistic

But I'm biased towards art by kantoku.

Also pic related is my answer.

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Koihime Musou. The story is stupid but it's a very high quality harem romance eroge with many incredibly cute girls.

Baby's first and last VN you mean.

Is that the senran kagura artist?


Generally the writing is very amateurish and sluggish, but it manages to capture a very particular kind of atmosphere and aesthetics that I can't seem to find anywhere else. The whole "night urban fantasy setting with a chuuni vibe" is very appealing to me and the characters are really fun too.

may be a pleb choice but its still tsukihime

Can't go wrong with YMK.

Alisa best girl.

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Yep, closest to official lewds you'll ever get

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How's the gameplay in that one?

Gimme a download link nigs


Tsukihime is fucking amazing, it's one of Nasu's earliest works and it shows but still manages to have a very unique atmosphere and characters. Also,
>dat OST

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Very nice

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This better not be that corpse party cancer

how new are you?

koinaka is my favorite

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You posted it.

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Who Demonbane here?


The gameplay in koihime is literally rock paper scissors. The VN essentially has no gameplay, the little bit there is just for show. Koihime is an incredible dating simulator but it's not a game at all.

What makes koihime special is that dating simulators are generally super low quality. Koihime has good voice actors, good character development and great pacing in the routes. On top of that it has like 15 different routes several of which involve more than one girl. You won't find a better dating simulator anywhere but if you are looking for gameplay or plot don't bother because they're not really there.

>nii chan this nee chan that
>its inseki

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I love Monika!


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whats wrong with it? i though the ending of the anime was pretty good.

You posted it.

Watch it through episode 7 and then drop it.

Miyako's route is up there with Natsu Koi Ota Girl in the best vanilla hentai stories of all time.

Tatsuko too. Sleepydere is best dere

I found it. "Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai!"
Thanks for posting the image user made finding it real ezpz

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Urge to breed intensifies.

Saya no Uta is great

It's been mentioned in this thread multiple times, you didn't even need to look it up

>people don't know Majikoi



Though Momoyo's route was easily the best, just because of the Kawakami War.

>it's still tagged as incest


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Yukie's route was kind of disappointing to me because she becomes a lot less interesting without Matsukaze to bounce off of.

>Tatsuko too. Sleepydere is best dere

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Not by title, no it hasn't. Unless you want to count that one image but I don't since it doesn't have the same girl in it.

>Miyako's route is up there with Natsu Koi Ota Girl in the best vanilla hentai stories of all time.
I hated miyakos route. It felt really nonsensical and overdramatic. Miyakos herself also felt really out of character in her own route. Normally she is the happy go lucky goofball but in her route she's a clinically depressed nutcase. Personally the agave route felt more like a miyako route should to me with her getting a lot of good jokes in, the fight scene she had and her scene with momoyo doing you know what.

I would rate the routes like Momoyo>agave>>>Mayucchi>Chris>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wanko>>>Miyako

Majikoi is one of these experiences that I wish i could experience fresh all over. What a roller coaster of emotion Wankos Route was

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Chris route was fucking great, but to be honest the best route would probably be the agave route

The only route I just "fast forwarded "

Anything in dot matrix

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Wanko is far from being my favorite but her route was really good. Why would you do that?

I know it's not the best but it's my favorite

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Momoyo is so perfect.


you do you. on another note, i want a makikoi fighting game made by arcsys

I felt that Momoyo's was the best written when taken in isolation but Agave was perfectly designed as an end to the game. Agave was basically full to the brim with stuff the player wanted to see. It has a bunch of stuff where while you're going through the game you would think like "wouldn't it be great if Momoyo and miyako had a scene together" or "wouldn't it be crazy if someone could actually challenge momoyo." It was pure fanservice and that's how you want to end a story.


Is Majikoi worth playing for Mayucchi? I loved her in the anime.

seacats obviously. best aunts, best murders, best small bombs

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she is fun and the most beautiful girl imo. but personally i thought her route was one of the worst (as in not bad but compared to the others).

sniper president can only carry the route so far

Her route is decent and she has a lot of good scenes.

>tfw you'll never have a chubby older sister

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I won't deny that it was more dramatic than the other routes, because it needed to be. It's pretty standard in eroge for a girl's route to involve the solving of personal problems that don't come up outside of the route, and part of Miyako's character is that she's introverted because of parental abuse and severe bullying from her peers. That's a lot heavier an issue than Wanko's unrealistic dreams or Chris's daddy issues or Yukie's social awkwardness. They even make a point of comparing Miyako to Koyuki in the agave route, since she's how Miyako would have ended up without Yamato and the Kazama family to save her. If she seems out of character, it's only because you don't see much of her interactions with people outside the family in other routes, but it's established as early as the prologue that she's withdrawn and always has been. If you only want something lighthearted and goofy, I can see why you might be turned off by the route, but I like it because it had a full, 3-act story with buildup, a conflict, and a satisfying resolution, and the natural chemistry between the two leads made it that much better.

Her route is great but it dragged on a little too much for me, still one of the best routes in the game. I haven't watched the anime but if you do read it I doubt you'll stay only for Yukie though.

Totally. And then you do the other routes because you fell in love with the rest of the cast.

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based and sudapilled



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>130 lbs
Someday, we'll have a proper chubby waifu.

It's called "EROGE! Sex and Games Make Sexy Games"

Reminder that we will have a new VN with Marie this year.

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hopefully best girl will be in it aswell

why the fuck is nobody translating more empress games? are they that niche

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cute sword autist

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I understand that miyako had problems in the past but that's the key phrase in the past. It was a major point in the story that yamato fixed her issues which is why she wants his dick so bad. In order to make it a problem again so her route could have a conflict the writer made a ton of random shit happen at once that forced her into a corner. All of that random stuff happening to force an obvious conflict just has me rolling my eyes. If the writer wanted miyakos route to be like that then they should have written her as clinically depressed from the beginning, not just have a bunch of random stuff happen so that she becomes like that foir a single route. Honestly, miyakos route felt like an after thought to me. Like they wrote the rest of the game and then wrote her route. They couldn't come up with any good ideas so they found a way to force something to happen.

I also think it's a bad idea because while majikoi is in large part a comedic action VN it is still fundamentally an eroge with a romance route based format. A big part of the appeal is in the women being attractive and likeable and miyako is not a likeable or attractive person in her route.

Well for now she isn't announced among the characters.

tsukihime was my first VN and i will still be glad and salty that it didnt got as big as Fate

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Taimanin Yukikaze.

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Marie's daughters are not in

I've just started on Kara no Shoujo, and I'm enjoying it so far.

It'll get big with the remake and the FGO crossover

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leave this thread

>ever coming out
It's been ten years since it was announced, let it go

Is this true? Hope my big sis never finds out.

Marie is so hot holy shit. I didn't realize how much I missed her until I saw the CG preview.

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I just can contain my boner with Yukikaze and Rinko.

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>stain him in my colors
>my colors
Ew, gross.

She is just marking her property user.

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She is, but anal where you have to poke her fucking shit all the time isn't that cool.

>Uretha insertion
Just fuck off with this crap, why cant we just have her fucking

Hopefully her property isn't colored red then.

Because you are playing an Empress game user.

saya no uta

2D girls don't have periods.

>It was a major point in the story that yamato fixed her issues
He didn't though. He got her to open up to the family but she still doesn't socialize with many people outside of it. Re-read some of the other routes and you'll catch multiple mentions of the fact that she's very withdrawn with other people. Again, she's not acting out of character in her route, it's just that it's not constantly brought up in other routes and it slipped your notice, but I assure you the hints are there.

>they should have written her as clinically depressed from the beginning
They did. Reread the prologue, specifically the scene where Chris gets blasted for insulting the secret base. Miyako's reaction is not one that a completely stable person has, and the family's reaction to it shows that they're very aware of how emotionally fragile she still is.

>the writer made a ton of random shit happen at once that forced her into a corner
They clearly explain the reasons for her emotional issues and why her emotional dependence is getting worse in a relationship. You don't like the route, and that's fine, you're entitled to your opinion, but saying that any of it is random or that she's written out of character is just incorrect.

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>are scat snuff porn VNs niche

Bullshit-based and but-I'll-believe-it-pilled because it's technically true.

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nothing to be ashamed of user
katawa shoujo is top tier visual novel

It speaks to me on a spiritual level.

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I only played it because of her.

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Recommend me some comfy VNs to forget about real life

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She reminds me of some girl from one of the Meet and Fuck games, is it really her? I think it's the Detective RPG one

Yeah me too

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the other mom was better

fate/HA for the cool SoL parts

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Guys, is Rose Guns Days any good?

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Yes, that's exactly why I played the game because of MnF and I want more of her since her hentai anime adaptation sucks.

Ass monster best girl


She just wanted a break from her routine. That's why her lesbian ending is the best.

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Nah, Nami and her route is much better.

Gachinko Bitch Club

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>people die when they are killed

why does right chick have downs lmao. How do artists draw this and not say "oh let me simply move her line mouth down a bit to make it 100% better"

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>radical nationalist extremist obsessed with honor and bushido yet everything she says actually makes sense
Uncontested best girl

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Sniff her butt.

qt bird

Is the Vita version of Muv-Luv censored? I don't really care about the lack of H-scenes, but I heard that they censored some gore in the console ports. Is it fine, or bad enough that I should go out of my way to read the PC version?

Thanks user. I have it downloaded but haven't started it yet because I thought it'd be gameplay heavy like Eiyuu Senki so gameplay being a tiny part is a plus to me.

Honorable mentions, Zenaku, Euphoria, Fraternite, the entire Asagi series, Maggot Baits, anything by ClockUp, Waffle, or Black Lilith.

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The two H-scenes in Alternative are censored and the really gory CG only is displayed for a second as opposed to lingering in the uncensored version. For Extra and Unlimited, the only thing dropped is the H-scenes, and all are lacking nipples on the fortified suits which some people won't stop bitching about.
There's also music that's replaced in Extra/Unlimited and the CGs are cropped vertically for widescreen, but overall the translation is higher quality than the older fan translation. If you really want to you can just grab the Steam version rip off of Sukebei, the uncensored version of Extra/Unlimited is on there but I'm not sure if the recent version of Alternative is or if it's just the 2006 version.

You're way more based than I

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>and all are lacking nipples on the fortified suits
why would they even waste time removing them?

is any of the side/spinoff stuff worth it? I think the main 8 arcs were great.

Best loli VNs?

CERO ratings


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To be fair, that's because in the context of the setting, she and Tsukuyomi are right. The CIA is constantly trying to manipulate events so that America has an excuse to just G-Bomb the entire fucking world.

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They based their releases on the all ages version then hacked back in the h scenes.

i've never given the taimanin series a shot
do you just play them in chronological order? I'm assuming they're on nyaa


this might not be the place to ask it, but is there any way to play evenicle on the move? PSP, Vita, phone whatever.

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tablet or laptop

They are and you should. Most in English too.

you're right actually, i did get a shitty apple tablet for christmas some years back. I dunno how locked the Apple systems are but surely it'll play an eroge with little fuss. Thanks for reminding me

>yukikaze 2 will never be translated in my lifeitme
>can't stand MTL
that's it Yea Forums. i'm going to learn moonrunes. wish me luck

what english translated vns have foot fetish stuff with well drawn feet

A summary won't tell you shit about a VN, it's the actual content that matters. Katawa Shoujo was written by oldschool Yea Forums users, but it's not loved just for that, it's loved because it is hands down the best English-First VN ever made, and it was free. The comedy is great, the romance is great, the plotlines of each route are great, the feels are great. It does everything well, and doesn't waste your time with 50+ hours of content, the game is a good length without feeling like anything is filler or stretched too thin.

Again, summaries aren't shit, most of the best things have summaries that can't do the story justice in any medium. Mario is a plumber jumping on mushrooms to save a princess from a turtle, Romeo and Juliet are two rich kids that rebel against their parents and eventually kill themselves, Katawa Shoujo is a guy dating damaged girls and trying to see past the damage. It's not the summary that matters, it's the execution, and KS executes it's premise expertly.

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>not ever17
why? Have you not read ever17?

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A damaged guy, you neglected to mention. And it's important to mention. It's not a normalfag fucking cripples, he's more fucked than the cripples he's dating except for one.

Guess I'll look up the release order and go from there, thanks

people who recommend that game are assholes. worst pacing i've seen so far

Why the fuck is "good enough to get people to play it even when they don't typically like that style of game" used as an insult exactly?

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Rattanman said he will translate it. He is working on Taimanin Asagi Zero right now and should be done with it this summer, then he will start TY2.

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absolutely based

Never gonna make it.

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only the best and most autistic vn in existance

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>the plotlines of each route are great

6 is great
Why stop at 5?

People that can read Japanese can tell you it's masterful, people that can only read shitty translations will tell you it has shitty writing.

It's a good series, even after translation the plot itself and characters can hold up.

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i had someone ask me that when we were getting intimate.
so ripped her bra right off, broke the little hooks. fucking showed that thot

>that scene where youre fucking "her" in the ass in a men's bathroom
It was my first time ever experiencing a successful "trapping" situation and I've never been more hard from a VN.

little busters, but majikoi is second

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It's good, getting through the "bully scenario" route was extremely hard for me due to similar life experiences in my youth, but I think that just makes it even more relatable. Fuck the fairy though, Aya should have had a route instead.

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fuck you
fairy is best girl

Wait, what is Majikoi S? Side story? Sequel?
Spoiler free answer pls

This is my wife. Did her fake route in the first one first playthrough and did her route in the second one. Have considered watching the anime for her but hate harem animu.

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Good taste.

EOPs literally have like True Love and You Know
What else?

It continues the routes from the previous games and adds a bunch more

what is this called

It's such a fucking shame that everlasting summer flies under so many people's radars
one of the top literary works to come from russia

Yuuji is the most redpilled mc in Japanese media

It's the best, don't deny it.

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Kind of a sequel. You get after routes for the 5 main girls and one for the Agave route. And multiple new routes for new girls like Monshiro, Margit, Kokoro or Tubame. If you liked Majikoi you'll enjoy S too.

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She's "looking up", it looks better in motion.

I fucking LOVE Sei Shoujo's character design

the clones were such a good addition.

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Heres' your (you). Now go to a mental hospital because I think you're schizo.

Funbag Fantasy

Muv-Luv Alternative

I've got Ever 17 on my computer but I've never played it. I heard it was a great VN, is it worth playing the entire game?

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>Majikoi A-5 never ever
>You'll never play Yoshitsune's route
>You'll never get the threesome with her and Benkei

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I forget the name but I found it using yandex earlier.

Which version is the best?

no only the last third is worth playing, sorry dude.

Funny thing, I was just looking through the artbook I got with the game and for the first time noticed she does in fact not wear pantsu. Whoever designed her deserves a medal.

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its one of those it gets good after 20 hours type VN

I got the joke, funny

I hope this is good enough for you.

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You got my attention. What's the name of this vn? Also can't google-fu this because im on phone. Also don't want this thread to die before I get back home.

so you mean like every VN?

The pacing is fine, it's very slow but it needed to be because in the last 15 hours it blows your mind over and over and over again with every twist they can throw at you, and the crazy part is literally ALL of them have proper and fair foreshadowing, logic, and reason to exist within the story. They manage to give every character proper twists, the setting gets twists, the endings get reinterpreted through future twists in other routes, the relationships between characters get twists, the fucking pets get twists, the UI gets twists, the MCs get twists, the VN format itself is twisted, and then most of those twists compound and become foreshadowing for a fucking MASSIVE final twist. And again, they do it WELL.

It's a slow burn, but it had to be that way because they wanted to be 100% fair and give you every opportunity to spot the foreshadowing and see the twists coming before the reveals, so when the reveals DO come you don't say "well that's an asspull" or "no shit, that was obvious the whole route", it's always satisfying to see a twist revealed and even MORE satisfying to read Ever17 a 2nd time and go "holy shit, this scene foreshadows X, Y, and Z twist so fucking well, how did I miss that?".

If you don't like Ever17 you have no appreciation for slow storytelling or proper twists, there has literally never been a work of fiction with a quantity and quality of twists surpassing Ever17.

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I've read it, it's good but I still prefer R11. The pacing and story is much more interesting to me, and the entire VN had me hooked, as opposed to E17 where only Tsugumi and Coco's routes were good.

Good taste

I don't really play VN's but I really really loved Saya no Uta
I'm tempted to play Muv Luv but the 50+ hour length is a little off-putting

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Play R11 instead then. Same shit, better pacing, and 2deep4u

Imagine being sad or afraid of a book being too long lmao

Muv Luv Extra is shit but you gotta wade through it to get to the good stuff

Because R11 is better?

but you can still IQDB, faggot. Also it's not in English.

Attached: daaaaame.png (485x448, 355K)

Don't, it's generic mecha shit when you get to the """good""" part, people only like it because of stockholm syndrome

I liked Muv-Luv extra but Unlimited and Alternative are a whole different league of amazing.

I'm more or less afraid I'd take a break for the day and forget to pick it back up

Of course that's important to mention, but in general summaries tend to gloss over it, which was my point. You don't see the intricacies of the story or how they work together from a summary, even a plot summary.

One of my favorite parts of Katawa Shoujo is the way it plays with the different routes, for example in every route the MC gets a letter in the mail from a past acquaintance, but the way he reacts to the letter is completely different in every route, in subtle but revealing ways. In routes where the MC is stuck in the past, he dwells on the letter, and maybe replies to it. In routes where the MC is moving forward a bit, he'll read it and move on. In the route where he's most independent and moved on with his life, he'll chuck the letter without even reading it. The letter doesn't have anything to do with the plot of any of the routes, but the subtle ways it reflects on how the MC is actually changed based on which route he's in, and how being with the girl he's with changes his outlook on life, is something most VN fail to properly do, instead focusing 100% on the girls.

oh yeah?

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Read these if you're new to VNs Some of them are very short and you can check out which ones sound interesting on VNDB.org

Unlimited was good though. Alternative is where it turns into a jumbling mess of horrible pacing and wasted character development.

YES, assuming you like logical plot twists. You literally can't find better twists than the ones in Ever17. M N Shamalamadingdong got famous for taking 1 great twist and making a story leading into it, Ever17 legit feels like someone took a full dozen of the highest quality MNS style twists, and somehow found a way to fit literally all of them into 1 game. Note it IS a slow game, and most of the mysteries are revealed only in the final route, but along the way you get plenty of hints and foreshadowing on top of each early route still being a full little story.

Fuck you, Shizune has a SOL route but it's still great. It has some of the best (nonverbal) banter in the whole VN due to Shizune herself, and some of the best comedy because not only Misha's presence, but Kenji shows up a decent amount.

Shizune not getting some generic Casa Blanca ending doesn't make her route any worse off.

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i wanna spank this girl on live tv

Tried Wagamama on a whim
It started a bit slow but was comfy, then it was suddenly h scene after h scene and my dick couldnt get enough
I'm afraid I've found a new addiction. I came for the interesting stories coming from Steins;Gate but I think my dick might do the deciding from here on out

Where should I go from here? For more of the same comfy romcom shenanigans followed by gratuitous sex

Majikoi is garbage


I might have been able to agree with you if they replaced the constant story-interrupting no-logic loli sex with cute head pats or stuff that mattered for the story. The bullying route had the sex scenes make sense because it was 2 desperate people clinging to each other when everyone else seemed to be against them, the student council president route was literally about control and sex as an outlet so the sex WAS plot in that route, but the fairy route had sex just to sell discs, not because it made sense or was good for the route.

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Shizune's route suffered severely from lack of development and the main writer bailing somewhere halfway through which resulted in Misha not really doing anything or going anywhere and Jigoro being reduced to nothing more than comic relief.

Umineko is a bit more digestible. It's also really long, but it's broken into chapters.

Grisaia no Kajitsu

the best vn

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Why don't any of you fuckers post on VNDB?
My post still hasn't been replied to on 428 Shibuya Scramble

Redpilled Makina

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I don't know what that means user. Don't bully. Also I don't mind if it's in japanese

Don't forget her family's personal plane is a fucking privately owned XB-70 Valkyrie with a YF-23 escort

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tfw no big sister to bully me and my dick

How's the Vita translation patch?
Anyone use it?
>pic unrelated

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MC sounds extremely redpilled, which may be reason enough for me trying the game. MC's make or break games with either their existence or non-existence.

Never read a VN before, recommend me something Yea Forums.

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Isn't the boss a legal loli

Pretty Princess Dress Up's pretty kino

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it should just be the Sekai Project translation which is the one everyone uses, if you can patch the 18+ content on it should be fine.


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Hermit crab route best route

Steins;Gate, Danganronpa, or Ace Attorney are the best starting places
Also in decreasing order of "VNness" for lack of a better term. Ace Attorney and Dangan are adventure games / point and clicks too. Steins;Gate is a pure VN experience.

It's more like "I work 60 hours a week and get maybe 20 hours to relax and do what I want each week after taking care of responsibilities". Why would I waste 2 weeks of my free time going through shit just to get to some good stuff when there is already existing good stuff to do instead? It can't be THAT good, can it?


See >Danganronpa
How the fuck is that even a VN? Fate/Extella has more VN elements than Danganronpa.

it's a sequel
it's also nukige with minimal plot
and while that might sound good, it's not, majikoi is good because it struck a good balance and s tips the balance too far in one direction
some of the routes in s are still really good though, margit's scenes are pure dick kino
there is also a series of further mini-sequels titled majikoi a (a-1 through 1-5), the first two are translated. they get the balance back the way it was in the original majikoi and as a result are much better than s overall, although a lot shorter.


just look up popular translated ones with the tags you like using vndb
my personal favorite is little busters but it really depends on what you're into

Read the fucking thread you autistic discordmonkey.

Pokemon yellow

>people suggesting Umineko as if you shouldn't read Higurashi first

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Angelic Howl is just too good, the rest of the vn was worth reading for that alone.

How hard is it to read this thread? Idiot.

PG-13: Planetarian ~Chiisana Hoshi no Yume~
R-Rated: Saya no Uta
Porn: Bible Black -La Noche de Walpurgis-

Kamidori Alchemy Meister

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it barely matters

the vn industry isn't like the anime or manga industry, it's a very real possibility that you'll read through everything good the entire medium has to offer and be done with it. Unless you're so far down the rom-com hentai rabbit hole that you're satisfied with the bare minimum of the romance formula, you should just start with the highest rated vns and work your way down.

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>How the fuck is that even a VN? Fate/Extella has more VN elements than Danganronpa.
It's about easing you into the format. It's got the format of a VN for sure, but with gameplay as well.

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Try Fureraba next

post characters who did nothing wrong

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sure it barely matters to the plot of either game, but if you want to maximize your enjoyment of two already good experiences, why not do it in the proper order?

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How is Root Double? Any good?

idk man that's a pretty bad word

higurashi is barely linked to seacats, it's just some meta shit. no harm in reading higurashi though, great stuff

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>exploding knees

>it's a very real possibility that you'll read through everything good the entire medium has to offer and be done with it.

Unless you learn moonrunes then theres new releases and 1000 old untranslated vns

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if you mean vndb.org/v5000
it was evenly split (route-wise) between actually interesting scenes and completely boring bullshit

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It's very good but similar VN have done the same concept better. Worth the read though, because there aren't many good VN to begin with.

Fuminori and Saya literally did nothing wrong

Best writing I've seen so far and the fucking common route doesn't last 6 kazillion years, which every other VN seems to like to do

Too bad >she only has a bad end. I wish they made a fandisc or something to expand the cheater routes into real routes

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saito-tier taste
really the only EX route i liked, sasasasa's was too short and saya's was too gimmicky and hit you with a sad end

A short kinetic (without any real choices) VN like Planetarian or Saya no Uta would do the job better. Danganronpa is still a decently fun game series though.

the way Umineko subverts expectations built up by Higurashi in the first couple epsiodes is really cool though

Kamige of the highest caliber

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hard disagree
the true hero of saya no uta was pic related

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actually I haven't read ex, I just like her in the main game and like that picture. Used to post it a lot on /jp/.

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In this order
>Ace Attorney
>Nonary Games
>Steins;Gate, also 0

From there on out just pick whatever accomodates your tastes.

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I keep meaning to play this but never got around around to it. Think I even had it installed for a few years before then the only non-OS HDD I had fucking died.

Fuck you Seagate, never again.

It's shit. Root A and the ending of Root B are very good, but everything else is just a disappointment. Root D is a slog filled with boring and long-winded flashbacks, and one of the big reveals is executed in the shittiest way possible, with an obvious hint given before the twist even happens.

>tfw no Maho gf to carry and manhandle.

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>Fuck you Seagate, never again.
was opposite for me had two WD HDDs die on me so I just buy seagate now.

They want to feel better about themselves about playing a genre that's mostly looked down upon but others by considering their, amongst other who like the genre, tastes superior. I have no qualms with saying that DDLC is my favorite VN despite its length and status. Hell I even enjoyed some very basic unfinished VNs from Deviantart like Growth Academy. There's nothing wrong with liking VNs no matter how "babby's first x" or popular they are. Or games or most media/entertainment in general.

VNDB has forums?

Measurements Height: 193cm, Weight: 82kg
Birthday 28 December
Hair Brown, Curtained, Mullet, Short, Straight

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The art isn't that bad

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i really enjoyed it because i thought she was an unlikable bitch in the main story and actual spoiler she remains an unlikable bitch for a lot of her route, which wasn't what i was expecting. they did a good job of not immediately turning her character into yet another harem slave obsessed with riki.

This was so fucking good, no jokes here

>You will never fuck a girl who posesses Absolute Strength



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the true hero of fate/stay night

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can a big sister really do anything she wants to her little brother?

Saikoroshi. It's pretty much an epilogue to the series.

tfw no Momoyo to tie me to a chair and forcibly draw out all my semen

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Go back to Twitter south american faggot

genuinely the best scene in FSN, on par with the Shiki coffee scene in Tsukihime

I had the misfortune to fell in love with an emotionally unavailable artist girl irl, Katawa Shojo is way too fucking realistic

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no autismo

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he really is the most based character in all of VNs

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Literally cannot go wrong with demonbane, the entire franchise is great.

>Came there for Momoyo
>Stayed for the fun times with friends simulator

I don't remember a trap in this game

I finished kara no shoujo yesterday and I'm a little tired of sad stuff, any recommendation of something with a light hearted story?

>patch the 18+ content
You can't :<
Is it... really necessary?

my shub niggurath

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Kyonyuu Fantasy. It's both erotic and very light-hearted despite its contents, the storyline is moderately engaging, but it's the humor that carries it. And if Shamsiel can't make you smile, then I don't know what will.

Next year is the 20th anniversary. If it's ever going to come out or get any news whatsoever, it'll be then.

>Is it... really necessary?
there isn't a single vn that isn't improved by being all ages, people on Yea Forums are just super autistic about muh poorly written porn scenes

The steam version. Just download the voices + PS3 sprites patch (07th-mod.com/wiki/Higurashi/Higurashi-Getting-started/)

The last two chapters are still to be released on steam, but you can still download them

wanko to kurasou wouldn't be nearly as good without the h-scenes

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Can't remember if it's anime only, but I'm pretty sure the Blonde gets pregnant too

ayakashibito is bretty gud

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for this vn specifically it gets really graphic. If it's just the removal of h-scenes then it's ok, but there's casual nudity and many scenes that I can only imagine were censored in ways that took away from the impact/drama

there are plenty of torrents, just pick one up

/m/en of culture

you my nigga

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>scat and piss
no thanks

>We're all going to chug this milk and then fuck this cactus

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What is the name of this one? Looks cute. Funny, even.

As an actual answer, Ace Attorney

As a masturbation answer, Little Snatcher

I have always been interested on this, it's actually good or just a meme?

you mean the old, shitty translation of the last two chapters?

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Great game that brainlets will never understand.

>moshi moshi DC desu.

I don't think there's any other way to play them nowadays. It doesn't seem like they will be released soon on steam

why is it that the less gameplay a game has the more I enjoy it, Yea Forums

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>COMIC LO 2019-06 [Digital]
screw VN's I have more important reading to do RIGHT NOW

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What is going on here?

>ended up playing this because title was ebin jojo reference
>actually end up liking the first part and the whole 999/zero escape esque scenario
for the 2 anons that tried this is the 2nd part really as bad as people say?

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okay, how shitty is it exactly? The writing in the Mangagamer version was strong, so it would be a shame to see the quality dip drastically when experiencing the final chapters.


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Danganronpa doesn't really have the novel part of "visual novel" expect in very few scenes.

How can one man be so based?

it's really not that bad

Those VN’s with the giant women

can't find this uncensored with her eyes still closed, shoot me please

That's a lot of mayonnaise

It's unironically good, it's a series that's both a massive love letter too lovecraft and it manages too get mech goodness all the way through without being ham fisted about it.

How fucking new mate?

>tfw the sequel to this and 12Riven will never see the light of day in English because Lemnisca went official

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>is the 2nd part really as bad as people say?
I know nothing of what people say about this game because I've never seen anyone mention it until this post. I thought the 2nd route was hot garbage while the first was fairly entertaining.

My time to shine! I actually liked it, I'm biased in that death game scenarios have always been a massive preference of mine.

If you ended up liking the 1st part the 2nd part is worth it just for the "full picture". You meet the rest of the characters that died before you met them/knew them from the 1st route, which is a major part of the game to begin with since getting to see how these people act with their specific rules and functions is sort of the reason this style of death game exists. The "main characters" are different outside of the MC, and you can tell when you get to the ending of the 2nd route that it was totally planned out from the start and not just an afterthought. Killer Queen as a whole isn't that high on quality or originality, but again specifically if you ended up liking the 1st part at all the 2nd part isn't going to ruin it most likely.

Play the game? Or go look at the gallery on sad panda.

reverie is an absolute treasure

Attached: reverie.jpg (1024x768, 456K)

I wouldn't recommend Danganronpa to my worst enemy

I just finished Higurashi about two months ago this way because I was tired of waiting for the steam releases. There is somewhat of a dip in quality, especially since you can't patch the last two yet as far as I remember. However, beyond some typos which were easy enough to figure out the real meaning of it really isn't that bad at all. The worst one I can remember is misplacing some names, but in context it's extremely obvious who they meant. It beat waiting for god knows how long to see the last two arcs get put on steam.



Is it because apparently the defining trait of 2nd route mc was being a lolicon or was it bad because it clashes with stuff from first route?

>"play" a VN
>or wade through at least 50 pages of thumbnails
nice choices

I like her gaimu

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>b ending
what a massive fuck you to the player

>Height: 140cm

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I liked the idea of "true" bad end, if you're going to have a redpilling route might as well not hold any blows back

i would have been ok with it if it wasn't locked behind a bunch of stuff you had to go through
you spend a bunch of time trying to find it and then it's a dick in the ass

the patches you're referring to are just for the art, right? So the overall writing quality is only slightly worse, along with some typos?


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I can't really explain it without spoiling it. The protag makes some insufferable decisions at the end that make a route that already wasn't great into just garbage. You could explain it that he's just a lolicon but that doesn't stop it from being retarded.
It's been about four years since I've read it but I don't really remember anything being retroactively ruined or clashing with the first route so it's fine to read it anyway.

I really need something that comes close in terms of likeable MC, a fine story and good waifus.

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yea, I can agree with that. It took me almost an hour just to get to that ending since you have to start a new game and not accidentally skip over important delusions

Who is this guy and why is he always my avatar in Slave Maker 3?

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the whole time i read majikoi i was thinking "this feels a lot like little busters"
they're both about groups of friends getting into shenanigans
little busters is key though so it eventually turns into drama i liked it though

He's the bringer of >FAITH for Fate Grand Order players.

I couldn't get into Little Busters, MC seemed too 'normal'. At least Yamato had the intellect thing going and he didn't afraid of anything.

Speaking of key, what happened with the Angel Beats remake? is Jun Maeda ok after his heart operation?

For me, it's Cactus Man Adventures

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the protagonist in little busters has an arc
even the minigame mechanics alude to this if you're paying attention, as he gets stronger each time you complete a route

Captive Market
Years ago on valentines day a fine user dumped a bunch of porn VNs on here. I played through it, jerked my fucking dick and felt not so bad. Thanks user

Attached: captive-market-6125.jpg (560x420, 230K)

Yeah, art and voices. The writing quality is definitely worse, but it's far from unreadable. A little clunkier for sure though. If writing quality is extremely important to you, and you can stand to wait possibly another year or two to finish Higurashi, then you might want to just wait. But I was impatient and I didn't find it to be a terrible drop in quality to finish it with the old translation. I still really enjoyed it overall.

VNOTY 2018
making rubbers soon

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i feel like i recognize this ui but i haven't played it yet

There was going to be a Angel Beats remake? I know there was that VN that released some years ago but I'm pretty sure it is mostly original content

Redpill me on the cactuses in this game. Is it like the tragic snail or the chicken sandwiches?

Best girl. loved making her grow into a big tiddy girl

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Alright user, I'll try it again.

But if I don't like it, it's your ass.

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What vn is the best gf simulator?

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Don’t. The soldier that ended up in jail for CP browsed these threads and had this game on his computer.

can't make any guarantees but it's my personal favorite vn
just put off doing book girl's route and you should be fine, hers is the only main route i wasn't huge on

>ML is already 25% TL and edited

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>Fate Grand Order
Kill yourself retard

we're all gonna make it, moebros

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You monster

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Zenaku was so fucking good

You mean he gets a drink with SHIKI? Or was it Nanaya? It’s been a while.

Cross Channel.


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tfw nobody ever recommends eien no aselia

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with SHIKI

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none of them, you want a dating sim.

Ah yeah. And they actually get along.

fgo is the best fate work and the best vn tho

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Bon Appetit

How do I play this game? Is there a translated version?

>is there a translated version
>how do i play it
you download it, either pre-translated or you download the original game and patch it once installed
alternatively if you're really incompetent you can wait until 2097 when the official localization comes out. i think jast picked up the license.

more like he becomes God

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>Infodumping as the top tag on VNDB

not him but is there keyaids?

I've never read higurashi can someone elaborate?

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nobody gets sick, no
at least not physically

would we call it keyaids if key didn't put it in their games, user?

>just put off doing book girl's route and you should be fine, hers is the only main route i wasn't huge on
but kud's is the shitty route

kud's felt weird to me the first time
i liked it better on replay
also, after you finish refrain, if you go back to it, there's an extra choice that opens up a new ending


Where my "flexing on EOP's with NEVER EVER VN" bros at? Fantastic prologue, everything after sucks. Absolute crime that Yugao's seiyuu hasn't done any work besides this.

sorry, wrong board, is that way

I'm still fucking pissed the anime didn't have her.


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>No Mom/Son Impregnation VN
It isn't fair bros

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Saya no Uta had such a fucking great soundtrack

I actually dreamt about this video game once. Is it really as mindblowing and crazy as you say? Is your post spoiler free? I don't want to read the whole thing and end up getting spoiled.

>also, after you finish refrain, if you go back to it, there's an extra choice that opens up a new ending
they honestly should've just scapped everything else and made that the route and maybe fleshed it out more, making her route basically be about some random civil war in a random country that has next to nothing to do with her directly for the vast majority of the actual drama was retarded

I don't mind fucking a vegetable

Wish me luck then because I'm going to play it tonight and see what it's about. I hope it's worth it by the time I reach the end.

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>It isn't fair bros
try doing a tag search on vndb sometime

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you baka gaijin? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in anime studies, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on /jp/, and I have over 300 confirmed waifus. I am trained in harem warfare and I'm the top protagonist in the entire Japanese bishonen forces. You are nothing to me but just another target to NTR. I will romance your waifu with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this imageboard, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of comedic relief characters across the school campus and your VNDB profile is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call /jp/. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can cuck you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my dick. Not only am I extensively trained in sexual combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of sukebei and I will use it to its full extent to NTR your miserable ass off the face of /jp/, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Fire Emblem :^)

I love Mikan!

OK, I'm about to start playing, I hope it's good!

This one

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are Grisaia Phantom Trigger vol 1-6 worth reading or are they just as bad as they look?

>flexing on EOP's with NEVER EVER VN"
>Fantastic prologue, everything after sucks
i'm sure eops are really crying over this one


Absolutely patrician fetish.
Plenty of them though.

i don't disagree

there aren't any of those

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I didn’t think her ending was really that bad. She is legit crazy about you and you get all the benefits of marrying into the family, save one catch. It’s a big catch, but the money and power are worth it.

There are tons of them. You're just SOL if you're an EOP.

I just finished volume 4 and I'd say they're okay. They do get a bit better as they go on but they're nothing special. The action scenes for a VN are fairly good but the Grisaia trilogy does everything else better. Rena a cute

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