Theres no direction possible for halo anymore but enhanced mobility...

Theres no direction possible for halo anymore but enhanced mobility, even bungie realized that when they ran out of things to add in 3, so they made reach.
You cant just make a new halo game that is a clone of halo 3 but with better graphics, lets just face it that 5 wasnt that bad in the innovation department and that Infinite will be just fine.

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Agreed, I enjoyed Halo CE-5's campaigns and can't wait for Infinite, I also enjoyed the multiplayers and can't wait for Infinite, wasn't a fan of ODST and Reach though.

OP here, this thread is bait.
Cant believe you actually are this stupid.

Mother fucker, face facts, that's not returning to the slow ass gameplay of Halo 3 and that's my favorite Halo game, you fucking 3 babies need to get over it, you're never getting another Halo game like Halo 3, move on, go wait on the busted ass Halo MCC taking forever to come to PC.

>enjoying halo 5 campaign
"people" like you need to be shot


>enjoying Bungie shit past Halo 3
"People" like you need to be crucified.

>You cant just make a new halo game that is a clone of halo 3 but with better graphics,

What about H2A's multiplayer?

Holy moly look at these projections.
I started playing halo in 2002 and halo was not slow then.
You seem to have extremely narrow opinion about the OT by the way, did you seriously start on 4?

No one said they enjoyed that, but here you are defending 343 shit.

Take Halo 3's gameplay, up the movement speed and make the jumping tighter and you have the perfect modern Halo game. 5 was a big step in the right direction, giving everyone the same base armor abilities. Though, I feel like the gameplay in 5 (even if it was fun) is just a little too different than the other games to really bring the series back in a big way.

>enhanced mobility
I still don't understand how the game industry tricked casuals into thinking slowing the game down enhances mobility. Sprint? Requires you to be walking most of the time so you can aim and shoot. Aiming down sights? Requires your walk to become a crawl. New Halo games are inarguably slower than old ones, yet most opinions outside of here seem to be that the old games are outdated because you can't sprint.

I started with CE but Halo 5 has the fastest player movement in the series so the point about base movement is moot when Halo 5 is the fastest Halo with and without sprint.

Hey now, I consider it the worst of the main series in terms of campaigns but I still enjoyed the gameplay and had fun with it, ODST and Reach were the only games that gimped that feeling in campaign so I don't like them.

> ODST and Reach
4 and 5 are the most unhalo campaign experiences yet, the spartan (armor) abilities fuck up the encounters so much you have to play it as a FPS Gears of war without the cover mechanics, also literally no one fucking asked for a shitty version of the squad system from l4d in 5.
Theyre also the shortest campaigns yet, halo 4 with only 8 missions and a third of the 5 missions doing nothing.

It wasn't actually that hard, just don't fix what ain't broken, instead improve upon it.
Get a real writter for the story, not some Hollywood reject
Manage to make some memorable and greatly designed maps that can rival the originals
Communicate with your community, test the waters for any change 1st.
Shit they messed up the moment they wanted to shit all over the bungie era halos by changing shit, instead they should have used everything bungie learned from halo and apply it to theirs halo, but they didn't.
So obsessed with being the new halo 2/3 when no fucking game will rival those two cuz the fucking conditions just aren't the same

Halo 4 and 5 isn't slow as shit and feel like a slog to play in campaign mode. I almost had to quit Halo ODST and Reach and that's a first for me when it comes to Halo, I even thought Halo 5's squad system was shit. Also, ODST is the shortest campaign, 3 hours is an embarrassment.

Wow youre so retarded and are absolutely clueless why halo was good and is shit now.

>Short = bad
How new are you?
This meme has been debunked when fucking portal came out

>no sprint = bad
This is the 343tard entire view on halo

How about not making enemies that rez, teleport, and bite at your ankles. It's possible to have a challenge that's not frustrating as shit.

Turns out sprint is a placebo, they nerfed movement speed.

Yes, that's bad, that's very bad.

It was good for the gameplay, AI, and simple story even though Halo 2 went a bit overboard and Halo 5 was shit.