>Randy shills EGS as usual
>Epic fucks up the sale so hard that 2K pulls Borderlands 3 from sale
>Forces Randy to delete his shilling post
So when will Randy realize he is the clown of the video game industry?
>Randy shills EGS as usual
>Epic fucks up the sale so hard that 2K pulls Borderlands 3 from sale
>Forces Randy to delete his shilling post
So when will Randy realize he is the clown of the video game industry?
what happened
i'm glad i was able to buy borderlands 3 before they pulled it. i saved a cool $10
His tweet sounds incredibly sarcastic
epic launched a discount on most of their games, going against the wishes of the publishers and messing up with sales or something.
>Randy shills EGS as usual
What do you mean?
Am I fucking missing something here??? Doesnt randy love the EGS?
>buy games on sale
>get banned
Is Operencia: The Stolen Sun worth it?
no server ip
>supporting Epic AND Randy
how DARE i like a video game
A shit game.
Why should the publisher care? Didn't they receive a truck ton of money for the store exclusivity? The store should be able to do as it pleases.
Randy just got tienammed'
Why is it so much to ask for Randy to be ousted from the company and thrown in prison for his embezzling and alleged jailbait porn collection? The man keeps getting caught openly breaking laws year after year and no one is doing anything about it.
Yea Forums and opining on the quality of a game that isn't even released yet. name a more iconic duo
doing gods work, user.
It's explained here: Discounting the game now means they can't discount it further later on to extend the period where a significant number of people will buy the game.
i got you senpai
Have some standards
>supporting an anti-consumer store
>supporting a man who literally lied and stole money multiple times
You need to fuck off, and you need to do it now.
So you think the game that isn't out yet is good? You must, you spent money on it.
keep doing gods work, the link is still broken.
>>supporting an anti-consumer store
that store just gave me a $10 discount. seems pretty pro-consumer to me
>>supporting a man who literally lied and stole money multiple times
so? i voted for trump even though he lied and stole money before.
So yeah steam can actually have a sale without fucking everything up and publishers can easily exempt their games from sales with no issues.
He's baiting
Cringe and chinkpilled
why can't he just shut the fuck up
You get what you pay for.
>i voted for trump
Retards stupid enough to use the Epic store are Trumptards. That explains everything
Based on BL1 and BL2, there is a high chance BL3 will be shit.
Nigga you just said you liked the game despite it not being out, don't talk shit about other people having an opinion prior to release too.
So you think the game is trash before it being released ? Just wait for reviews. Not from journalists obviously.
>BL1 gets moderate critical acclaim and sells over 4 million copies
>BL2 gets massive critical acclaim and sells over 20 million copies
>hurr durr BL3 is destined to suck
>the link is still broken.
it's not though, I just used it.
>voted for Trump
>buys from the Epic Store
As un-American as can be. Freedom hating slave to both Chinks and Kikes. Absolutely wretched.
Works just fine, you're an idiot.
Post yfw you're not Randy Pitchford.
Well, if they were looking for a way to annoy PC gamers more than having it Epic Store exclusive, not having it at all is probably the way to go.
lmao PUBG got better acclaim and more sales than that, and still couldn't render the map without consistent bugs. Imagine how bad Borderlands must suck to be considered a lesser game by the masses.
>links not broken
>literally posts a picture of the link being broken
Hello. Hello???
>Eat shit, a million of flies can't be wrong
Look at the error message, and deduce that maybe the problem is on your end? Do you need me to record me going to the link or something?
Get better internet that isn't full of aids.
Support EGS support Randy. Don't listen to the poorfags who want you to pirate a good game just to make them feel better about their poverty and their theft.
why though, it will be shit
it's on your end you fucking retard.
Which reddit board did you make this copypasta from?
its not my internet.
Literally getting an error message in all browsers. and on my 4g. tried an vpn and it worked.
So its just telstra blocking it then.
>i'm not wrong, everyone else is wrong!
not only are you retarded but you suffer from unwarranted self importance
Go to internetbadguys.com
Your using a shitty DNS that "saves" you from bad sites like archives.
>The absolute state of Australia
>It's not my internet, it's just my ISP
So like I said, get better internet that's not full of aids.
>buy BL2 because BL1 was a guilty pleasure
>it's way worse
>grinding is way worse
>there's an in game bug which lets me farm keys so I do it
>get banned and have to run the game in offline to even play it anymore
they're retarded and jews, but that doesn't even matter because before they patched it and handed out bans I couldn't even force myself to finish the game.
BL3 isn't worth a pirate though.
the dungeon crawling is not quite as good as Grimrock, but it's still a good game. especially if you don't like the combat in Grimrock
>its not my internet.
>Literally getting an error message in all browsers.
>tried an vpn and it worked.
holy fuck you're actually retarded.
>Epic sure wants to earn your trust
what the fuck did he mean by this
>Me and countless others like to eat shit, if you don't eat shit you are wrong
I don't like shit games.
I don't go to reddit, user. I just think if you're going to pirate just admit it's because you're too poor to afford a game rather than making excuses. I have nothing against pirates because I have nothing against the poor.
So like I said its not my internet. Its just the goverment blocking it. My ISP is not at fault.
Your internet is full of aids, get better internet.
are you retarded?
>there's an in game bug which lets me farm keys so I do it
Keys didn't drop, you got them from twitter posts then copied the file that stored your number of keys, used the keys then replaced the file with the old one to get your keys back.
That's just Randy, he doesn't understand what words mean, and don't you dare fuck him on this like you all did when he used microtransactions and clearly within context didn't make a mistake when he said BL3 wouldn't have them.
>are you retarded
>full of aids
>your inernet is full of aids
>are you retarded
>Your internet is full of aids, get better internet.
Keep chanting guys.
the epic shills got eternally blown the fuck out as epic proves its corruption
like I said, you're a fucking idiot.
thanks for proving me right bud. cope harder.
you could edit the amount you wanted. it was a release bug. no copying required.
It was patched quickly, nobody got banned. The copying method was never fixed.
i wasn't ever replying to you.
you most definitely are retarded
the triads are coming for you now landy
based insect supporting its hive
These were the idiots that destroyed the AI for Colonial Marines with a single spelling error, this is not surprising in the least.
>you most definitely are retarded
yes, yes you are.
You outed yourself as being the poster of not one but two unrelated but utterly retarded statements? lmao you double nigger.
This is the only EGS I care about.
ahahha. yikes. figured you'd say some shit like that.
isn't this that weirdo who thought he was a tranny ghost from another dimension?
Have you tried yet? Because I don't think it would be the government, just the DNS, which you can set regardless of ISP.
yes, and apparently a cult rose up from his fan fic after his death
yeah ill give it a shot.
how the fuck did the world end up this way
wtf is your problem
Bugmen reminded everyone why 95%of their population is uneducated drones
The Call of Duty games must be absolutely masterful works of artistic entertainment, in that case.
As long as your aim is good, it's all about your aim.
what about the pre-sequel?
>wasted 50 rounds when commiting his killings on 3 people
Well he's a real ghost now.
The only part that would have made it funnier is if he fucked up his an hero.
>nobody got banned.
I did
They can't even hide it anymore
>make a steam competitor that tries to monopolize the industry and is clearly designed solely for the publisher (not the developer)'s benefit, screwing over consumers in the process
>finally throw consumers a bone
>it's so poorly planned that it pisses off the publishers (not the developers) and they pull out of your ecosystem best as they can
>chinese bootlickers on social media and forums are still calling people pointing out this nonsense "entitled crybabies"
was this article taken down or something?
>direct linking to vidya journalists
Why are you posting this in every Epic thread? You some kinda shill or are you actually legally retarded enough to actually use that garbage?
He isn't a clown, millions will buy borderlands 3 and he will make millions.
Hes just another member of the hive, doing as hes instructed because hes never experienced independent thought
Shame that they'll all be back up after the sale ends, would have been glorious to see them all pull out for good, but I bet their contracts are near airtight.
A rich clown is still a clown.
Ubi was the smartest of the bunch, took the bribe money but still sells their games on Uplay, while shit is still better than EGS.
Pick one you drooling retard. Steam isn't your friend faggot.
Frig off Randy
Fuck off Randy
Do you know what shilling means?
I hope Gaben gives a 15 dollar discount voucher applied in the shopping cart during Summer Sale just to laugh at Tim.
>not wanting to use a substandard shit heap of a service means you're a shill for [other service]
>refusing to use a substandard service means you're anti-capitalism
>I am literally, physically incapable of interpreting any solitary criticism of EGS as anything other than explicit endorsement of Steam, even if no one mentioned Steam in any way, shape or form
The absolute fucking state of retarded consumer brand-loyalist defense force drones
>EGS is shit because-
Is this the HILARY'S EMAILS of vidya?
>Gamingcirclejerk tranny with off-site filename conflates not liking Epic with the "gamer" strawman perpetuated in his hugbox
Color me surprised
More like "but popular vote" but both are interexchangable since it's copeposting on either side
Will Borderlands 3 really be not on the Epic store for pre-order until the sale ends? That seems absolutely fucking daft. This sale lasts for one month. This sale overlaps with E3.
What the fuck will people think of Epic's store and Gearbox if they finish getting hyped by gameplay footage of BL3 during E3 but visit the Epic store only to find out they can't even order the game? This is just utterly baffling.
>like they're all big businesses man, what's the difference except all the differences people keep mentioning
Based retarded centrist
>What the fuck will people think of Epic's store and Gearbox if they finish getting hyped by gameplay footage of BL3 during E3 but visit the Epic store only to find out they can't even order the game?
oh god this sounds amazing
epic really is the steam killer
It's been like a day, I expect Epic to find some way to offer Borderlands 3 at the original price without a discount.
>Steam is never mentioned in the post
fuck off cunt
They can't even figure out a shopping cart. Epic is proving beyond a doubt that 12% isn't enough to maintain a functional store.
The fact that they even need more than day to figure this out astounds me.
The Curse of Randy may work in our favor. By being so vocally for the Ebin Store the universe has started to twist and bend just to prove him wrong. If the store collapses BL3 going back to Steam would be merely a pleasant side effect.
Why does he care? Epic pays the $10 from their own pocket. Is he retar- oh wait, I forgot who we're talking about.
I just noticed that they stopped showing game prices on the main page with the $10 off included.
Too bad for them that it's a bit too late for that.
he took the honk pill too far
Capitalism is by nature more consumer friendly than communism
Autism and the internet
holy shit you aren't kidding
how much are they paying these people
Only shills make posts about partaking in that sale. I'm convinced real people didn't even bother with Epic Store to begin with.
You're retarded
tienanmen square massacre
>i saved a cool $10
No you didn't, you spent a cool $50.
All the games you like are shit
>buy game on EGS
They did not pull borderland 3 out of sale tho. But good job user, here is one random 0,01$ steam card for you
Epicshill btfo
That would have been a far more effective approach with less drawbacks. But this is another instance of Epic rushing to get another body blow on steam without putting critical thought behind it.
Yo ho ho it's a pirates life for me.
fuck you
>Epic sure wants to buy* your trust.
Can't speak to the embezzleing but the girl was 18 so the guy who who called him on it was the only one who caught he'll for keeping what he thought was CP hidden as a blackmail chip
free tibet tiananmen square massacre
They have a search?
>not Equestria Girls Songs
user... wtf?
June 4th 1989
How the fuck was the guy who said nothing about some guy's shit internet blocking have anything to do with some other guy who reply chained to for something completely different?
social credit
Except you're the one buying.
fuck off steamshill
Noty me, friendo. Not ever. Only chucklefucks could be so spineless.
why did he kill 3 people.
Ok now that's pathetic. You won't get a (You) from me tho.
You like a bad video game. Kill yourself.
>gets destroyed
At least be shitpost with things that aren't easily refuted.
>his last words were "I'M GOING GHOST!"
Good times, bad kill count tho. Only around 200 people. Unfortunately burgers are way better at killing their own civilians, 3000 in september 11 attacks
Wow it's almost as if epic crap store is a pile of shit and can only become relevant by paying publishers to blacklist other, better storefronts!
tiananmen square massacre 1989
>mfw I'm randy pitchford
Epic only care about attacking steam (or maybe GOG too), they won't mind you selling on other platforms like the windows store
No one care about gog
he has made more money than all of your family lines combined
>Literally two of the six games in that picture are available
Truly Epic!
Communism can't be pro-consumer. You aren't a consumer, you're consumed.
autism hugbox?
he stole more money than all of your family lines combined*
nah mate, i wuz kings n shit
And yet, I'm infinitely happier.
Funny how that works.
You can like drugs but you can't defend the cartels who bring it into the country
cartels are the real ancaps
I'll take not being a turbo sperg with multiple law suits over money any day.
I will take not being Randy Pitchford over money, thank you very much
>the dog in the wok with a tuxedo
every fucking time
I'd much rather have moderate, comfortable money and be me than have big money and be Randy
we need a Bitchford version of this for this year's musical
At least I'm not Anthony Burch or the person who hires Anthony Burch
what was epic master plan here?
drain people's wallets right before steam summer sale?
nvm found it
that and they need to prop up sales numbers because E3 is coming and they need actual numbers or people will start waking up to their shit
Boost their numbers. And apparently they did... But those who were stupid enough to fell into this meme will have their games like VTMB2 yoinked from them AND there are at least three games which won't be available for purchase until the sale ends.
It's like Tim used a monkey's paw to wish for boost.
They tried to acquire customers (by discounting everything) and positive publicity (by giving the discount money back to the publisher).
They didn't consider that an inrush of customers would make their store freak out, and that even if the publishers got their money the perceived value of the games would still decrease in the customers' eyes, meaning fewer people would preorder at full price.
restraint device for chest x-ray
Randy fucked over Sega, he can go die.
I'm glad I'm not Randy Pitchford, reaction pictures are gay.
goooooddamn i hope BL3 flops hard. It would be hilarious to see randy sperg out on twitter and blame everyone from gamergate to trump about how his game got sabotaged. I doubt so though, even my normie as fuck co-workers are excited as hell for this boring shitshow, regardless of how much i tell them what a thief and con artist the CEO of Gearbox is.
I wanted a BL3, but not what we're getting I'm still salty over how they made Moxxi a tranny.
what the actual fuck did they do to her
is that even the same character
omega lul right there. Not to mention the siren character looks like a post-op as well, which is particularly egregious when the previous 3(4?) sirens were pretty damn hot in their own rights
>what the actual fuck did they do to her
She got the SJW treatment.
>is that even the same character
Unfortunately, yes it is.
>I'm still salty over how they made Moxxi a tranny.
excuse me?
they just meant her looks
>garbage tv has a massive audience
>hurr durr you don't like what people like
Look at , user. Tell me that doesn't look like a tranny!Moxxi.
>objectively good looking
>has a family
>very successful
honestly looks more like an edgy goth version of moxxi with the eye paint and collar she's got on
Nigger are you serious
>objectively good looking
>only way to success is to lie, cheat, and steal
>pedophilia and piss fetishism is healthy
ok randy
Hello Randy.
>numale weeb poster
>crying like a little bitch
China had better get their shit together or World War 3 is going to be lame as fuck.
and I'll get the game for free without the chink spyware ;^)
>liking video games on Yea Forums
you better hope the janny doesn't see this
Hate to break it to you but that only works if the user is searching for it on their version of google/etc. Just seeing it doesn't do anything.
Randy: *anything*
Same, I bought everything. Here's my invisible screenshot to prove that. So good and pro-customer, Valve drones finished and completely BTFO. Also, I'm a paid poster from Russia, hired by Epic, I eat cheap ramen and cry myself to sleep every day in my runned down commieblock.
hi randy
>i voted for trump
based and chadpilled
He was going to shoot up his school, but got too impatient and shot up his coworkers at a convenient store during a graveyard shift.
>doesn't notice the horse face
Don't forget to vote for Russia. It is now or never. Will we reclaim eurovision or will they have it forever
The publishers didn't even agree on anything haha lol
Randy literally said that he hates you, he hates you and couldn't give 2 shits about fans/customers
The issue is bad enough with BL3 already devaluated before launch, but Randy shilling for the Epic store during this mess? Oh boy 2K ain't gonna like that.
>T-the devs will decide who wins the store war!
>We decide the prices!
Epic is
BL3 is gonna sell millions, who gives a shit
>who gives a shit
I'm sorry you're american.
Businesspeople will give a shit.
what a gay
Where the fuck is Randy's damage control? That's where the real fun starts.
Imagine having such a shitpile storefront that the only way for publishers to opt out of a sale is to temporarily make the game completely unpurchasable. How do you fuck up that bad?
I just want Randy Pitchford to die in a controlled fire. Maybe the rest of Gearbox too but I think he's really the one who's forcing them to do gay stuff all the time.
Let me start by saying fuck Epic and Tim. But I do hate all the faggot developers and publishers that pulled their games from the store because of this discount, even though they still get 100% of the price. Not because I want to use that spyware launcher, but because this is the exact same reason Amazon stopped giving 20% off for physical preorders if you have Prime. Literally paying for a subscription for benefits, but they were still too pissy about their game being "devalued" even if it didn't actually hurt their profits.
Randy is a nice guy, why you hate him people?
I love reading all these hate threads about BL3 and the EGS. Like we all know you're all eventually gonna buy the game and play it wether it goes on sale for 50% on the EGS or when it releases on Steam. Stop thinking you're morally superior, we're just a bunch of lonely gamers and we will eventually give in to Epic.
>succesful guy with millions in the bank
>happily married and with a son as autistic as him
>Bosses people around and treats them like shit
>Made one of the best videogame series ever made (Borderlands)
People are just jelly
>Randy is a nice guy
David Eddings would disagree.
Bitter and disgruntled because he got terminated. Doesn't count.
Imagine being such a spineless slime
Aside from that your post is correct, Yea Forums is just retarded
I will maybe pirate it if it's good.
>made Borderlands
You really think people that act like that on twitter are happy? How gullible and blind are you? Dude is unirocanilly in eternal cope and seeth mode
I have a long backlog of games in Steam to attend before I even consider letting Epic strong-arming me into installing their shit launcher. I can wait a year and even better I am going to get them on discount and with most of the bugs fixed anyway.
That would be delaying the inevitable. You will eventually want to play online with pugs and join in on events & updates. Nice try.
You can play online the pirate version.
At this rate it seems like everything that comes into contact with Epic and Epic itself just becomes another lolcow to harvest.
oooooh god how i want to make the joke
I'm actually livid Pat spent money on the Epic store during this sale. You don't have any fucking moral grounds, even if you're absolutely correct, to bitch at this awful fucking store and company if you financially support their fucking operations. Yeah, if you can't get shit any other way okay, but you can get your fucking games elsewhere.
Isn't that the whole fucking point of the Epic shills hating on Steam having a "monopoly"? And even then you have other options to send money to other companies (that you can redeem on Steam but doesn't give them a cut). If Epic is a pile of shit why the fuck would you give the money to them when there are obviously better options?
It's fucking baffling. I understand he's always been a piece of shit but he's something of an advocate for best business practices and he's flagrantly exemplifying the worst consumer practices.
Yeah for Borderlands 1 & 2. If you haven't been keeping track, It's been 7 years. Good luck playing online with the latest Denuvo and anti-cheat, idiot.
>b-but you cannot do it
>be randy bobandy
>leave usb drive with questionable porn and sensitive work ducuments in a public place
>get found out
>claim porn was on there because some e-thot did a magic trick and i love magic
how does this man still have a job?
based and chinkpilled
tim sweeney, master manipulator does it again
generated revenue and exposed the hypocrites in one swell move
>moral grounds
How could you even BEGIN to have thought he had any? He would trade the lives of all his friends and family to a Behelit for the chance to be an immortal toilet, he is "fuck you, got mine" incarnate rolled up in a compact ginger package.
fuck off Randy
>thinking a female orgasm is a magic trick
Randy really needs to just stop talking, but I'm glad he doesn't
So, he is /our guy/?
Sup, Liam?
You start your transition yet?
What about El Goonish Shive?
His stupid hypotheticals don't means fucking shit. All that matters is that he is aware that one company is behaving like shit in vast excess of other companies and he continues to pay the shit company. It's like he fucking knows Red Bull is unhealthy, but chooses to drink it anyways - which is fine. But instead of buying Red Bull from an average retailer he decides to buy Red Bull from a store run by repulsive people. To save a couple bucks?
It's a fucking small gesture and additional cost to buy the product from Steam, Green Man, or GOG. If he has no fucking restraint and has to have exclusives now from Epic then fine. But the piece of shit still decided to buy Bloodlines from the Epic store, which is fucking the worst when he could have had it anywhere else.
God, fuck you Pat.
I mean, if you WERE Randy Pitchford, you'd be so fucking low IQ retarded that you wouldn't acknowledge it
He's a laughing stock of the industry and he still thinks himself as a respectable upstanding face of the company
Pat's always been a massive hypocrite I dont know why people are surprised. Hell even woolie calls it the worst store hes ever used but he still uses it.
Gaming audiences dont actually give a fuck they just want to consume product and then wait for next product.
user, but i can't choose to not use steam. More than 90% of games are exclusives to steam launcher.
>So when will Randy realize he is the clown of the video game industry?
True idiots high on their own ego and stuck up their asses never do. It's kinda like a self-defense mechanism.
Can I get a quick rundown
Epic puts all they have on sale (not asking in advance because dumbfucks) while paying the remainder of the full price to the devs
Large devs pull their games (because it devalues their image)
Is that correct/all?
Problem is they're not meant to mess with game prices and they should be up to the publisher. Otherwise you set a dangerous precedent because Epic is willing to eat that $10 cost while other stores, naturally, aren't. So this makes Epic look like good guys except publishers can never reach price parity on other stores now.
I'm not
If he got a discount, then who cares?
The publishers getting fucked is a good thing because soon they'll leave the Epic store after a couple more fuckups like this.
Profit from their misery.
He can't get fired, it's a private company and he's the boss.
He could get litigated out of his position, but not fired.
>decided to buy Bloodlines
>from the Epic store
Holy shit, I don't think I've ever had the urge to laugh and scream in equal measure at the same time before.
>seething steam trannies
Im still never gonna get over that.
>clown of the video game industry?
user, you're confusing Yea Forums with "the video game industry".
have sex
reassignment surgery, you imbecyle.
didn't know Randy was Yea Forums
We've always known he's a massive hypocrite. I'm not saying I'm some grand paragon of morality and haven't given him a pass on being a massive pile of shit in the interests that he's funny (which he kinda isn't anymore but that's not what we're talking about). But because you're absolutely shit in some category doesn't mean you have to be universally shit all around. And this one fucking thing that's he's clearly not ignorant of; he and Woolie are completely fucking cognizant that this steaming pile of horseshit doesn't deserve their money and yet they still couldn't resist a sale.
There has to be an ethical bedrock somewhere. The easiest fucking thing is to not patronize the Epic store if given the option for a specific game. I'll fucking say if if it makes it more clear: this is literally the most disappointing thing I've seen them do ever. It's as easy as not pissing yourself in public and yet they failed that test.
Seriously fuck you Pat. You had one fucking job. One fucking job to stick to your guns and condemn a universally shitty practice. You have no excuse for being ignorant; you're clearly not ignorant if you're bitching AT those issues. God, he's going to fucking play Borderlands too after all those fucking hours of shitting on Randy. I understand it's his fucking job to play video games so he has to buy shit but he has some fucking freedom; does he really need to support the worst fucking actor in the industry?
It doesnt work for me either.
Haha. No.
I got bored of BL2 quickly and hated DNF so no I'm not.
It's a good game, you should buy it yourself and try it out. Buying on egs is actually good because steam need competition, have a nice day pal.
>asking in advance
IIRC they weren't even asking.
Just informing those devs under short notice, like 12 hours prior to the sale.
And you're right, it does devalues their games if it went on sale even before release.
People would just wait for those prices again and would never pay full price.
The fact that they think this is okay so long as they pay for the devs for it is baffling.
>Epic: We're pro developer unlike those faggots at Valve!
>Epic proceeds to fuck over developers
So now that epic did something bad against publisher they are apparently devs again? I thought you retards claimed that what epic is doing does not matter for devs at all. Also this sale was 100% good for consumers, something you wanted frome epic. People just want to be mad at something
>assuming gearbox is competent
you need to readjust your thinking based on the knowledge that the ceo of the company's excuse for having cp on a thumb drive was that he thought squirting is sleight of hand
>you'll buy the latest iteration of visually cluttered garbage where you have a billion quests consisting of going to a place and shooting people!
Nah, thanks.
moral of the story is that no one is a winner except for Epic
tianamen square massacre
free tibet
republic of china exile in taiwan
winnie the pooh
he's not the sole founder, if the other four voted they could probably remove him
I have dignity enough not to make an alt account to try to shill my garbage class shooter I decide to release at the same time as another much more anticipated one.