How can such a sweet and talented man have such an abysmal following of fans?

How can such a sweet and talented man have such an abysmal following of fans?

>they don't play other action titles at all but will fight you tooth and nail if you think any of them do anything better than DMC3/4/5
>they aren't even good at DMC3/4/5 but will holler at the top of their lungs how the games are the pinnacle of action because they saw some juggling videos on Youtube once
>they firmly act like he can do no wrong, any short coming is defending vigorously in his games but if the same concept appears elsewhere it's torn down for being bad
>he routinely puts loads of homages and throwbacks to the original Devil May Cry game released 18 years ago but his modern fan base catches none of them because they don't play it and act like it's not a "real" Devil May Cry game.
>they act like DMC3/4/5 are the only action titles people are "allowed" to consider great
>if DMC3/4/5 aren't at the top of any list of action titles you personally rank you're clearly a troll or Tameem from Ninja Theory
>threads on Yea Forums in particular are 60% homo lust, 10% waifufagging, 30% meme posting, and 0% actual game discussion
>they basically have a cult revolving around Reuben Langdon

I'm honestly glad he's done with DMC for the next few years so he can concentrate on his own baby, Dragon's Dogma.

Attached: Hideaki_Itsuno.jpg (1226x736, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I love DMC, but I love Dragons Dogma more. I'm happy he's (presumably) working on it now.

I hope he can truly make it his "dream game", and not get dicked over by Capcom.

I actually don't really know. DMCfags are absolutely insufferable

DMC fanbase is easily one of the worst out there and they hide being their wholesome persona of circleherking. At least pokemon or dark souls fans known admit they're shitty human beings

I feel somewhat bad for him. He propably has a lot of game ideas but had to work almost exclusively on Devil May Cry for the last 15 years.
Compare that to Kamiya who was able to realise so many great standalone games in the same time frame.
Love Devil May Cry but I feel like he can't truly flourish creatively if all he does is one series-

Because Yea Forums is a fag magnet and most threads are fulled with shitty side of the fanbase.

This is true for most games to be honest. Sekiro, KH you name it.

pedos unless the art ages up Kuro
Almost 20 years of fujos on top of the fujos already being attached to FF since VII and FVIII

i cant say DMC1 is my favorite in the series ever without being said i'm a contrarian or meme nigger,it sucks man,i really love dmc1,everything from visual to sound design is marvelous to me,i also prefer it's gameplay over the punch bag gameplay of the other games but guess what,normalfags cant stand my honest opinion

Attached: dmc1 shotgun.gif (600x434, 56K)

I just want to see the series fall into Kamiya's hands once more, remaking the original is something he's said he'd like to do. Everyone acts like that'll be such a bad fucking thing though, meme with QTEs and Bayo endlessly despite the library of other titles behind his belt.

I thought that was Nomura until you started talking about DMC, why do all these Japs look the same?

You're part of the problem.


Fucking sucks considering Sekiro has a god tier waifu in Emma

Better. DMC1 is already very different so to give it back to the original creator and let him loose, potentially introducing his ideas into remakes of other games, would be great.

I understand completely. DMCfags love to appear as leveled headed and nice but in reality they are insufferable retards and your post sums it up fairly well.

Um how about you back the fuck off!?

Attached: 1492272484735.png (465x478, 342K)

Even with the QTE's Bayonetta is better than any of Itsuno's DMC games

Get lost.

>He's part of the problem because he's tired of being called names and insults hurled at him because his favorite DMC game isn't on the "approved" list

Sure thing

Attached: 1255212454065.jpg (800x630, 118K)

Based. Also DMC1's soundtrack is banging

Attached: 1538173342768.jpg (742x670, 127K)

Itsuno tweeted "Mishima" the other day, but he seems to have deleted the tweet. Thoughts? Could it have any meaning?

Attached: 1531890794082.png (289x501, 118K)

you have terrible taste

How about fuck you, I asked a simple question.

What does Mishima even mean in Japanese

Attached: DMCpals.jpg (1024x839, 198K)

DMC threads leading up to the release were some of the best threads on Yea Forums but after, its just a complete shitshow with DLC beggers and fujos and fags. No one even discusses the game in the threads anymore not even showin off cool combos

>IIsuno is my favorite developer ever and DMC3 is my absolute favorite game of all time
>Love Kamiya, Platinum Games, Itakagi Ninja Gaiden, Mikami, other Capcom action games like God Hand. Fuck, the entire action genre.

All that projection of a few retards somehow making up for his entire fanbasejust feels desperate. Also, you felt you didn't have enough garbage greentexts so you just added a bizarre idea that Reuben has a cult in Yea Forums which is just about as stupid as his unverse energy to cure depressions shticks. He's a goofy VA and people like his chill.

$/10 Apply yourself.

Here's one I'll add because it seems to be so rampant

>Liking anything created by this man is, for some reason, seen as a personal insult to Itsuno

I don't understand this shit.

Attached: kamiya_crop.jpg (300x309, 52K)

You're alright in my book.

You're allowed to have an opinion, user. When game elitists or Directorfags start shitting on each other like their game of choice is objectively better, it's when everyone should shut the fuck up.-. This applies to both DMC1 and DMC3fags.

>Bayonetta is bad because fast reaction needed to get pure platinum on first plathrough on normal mode
>DMC4 good because fast reactions are required in the combo meta

Attached: 1526269136506.gif (337x339, 67K)

Fake and gay.

Also, Kamiya's been away for too long. He needs to release a new game already. And not Bayo 3, he needs to make something new.

Gamers of any fandom are autists. There's not a single fandom that's exempt from this. except for Gravity Rush

He's not directing it. Also it's only been 6 years since W101, Scalebound fell through entirely. Though probably for the best.

"combos" aren't about reactions, they are literally 100% muscle memory

"Favorite" and "best" are two entirely different things.

Attached: 1555947742912.jpg (1592x1122, 134K)

And who the hell are you, or anyone for that matter, to tell him his opinion on what DMC game he thinks is the best is wrong? DMC3, 4, and 5 are different enough in game design from DMC1 that it is unique among the series.

Attached: 2v93o1k.png (741x842, 49K)

GRfags are the worst

If DMC1 is his favourite then to him it's the best in the series. It does some things better than the later games. Not all of us care about combo videos.

This is the single best track in the entire franchise

Dunno but I just want a new Dragon's Dogma and the director seems interested in it so I hope he delivers.